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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: Aether syndrome
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=19198&mesg_id=19268
19268, RE: Aether syndrome
Posted by Ancruhljin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The funny thing is that with any other character type, I don't
>need the interaction but with a Scarab it's almost required in
>a sense. I don't enjoy the loneliness of everyone hating you
>and hunting you. Eilathen made my life tolerable and fast
>paced since he's a healer and even made a bunch of comments on
>how the Father was "missing". Maybe the Cult was never for me
>as I don't like the way how you get silence 90% of the time -
>maybe I just picked a bad class type for being a loner - who
>knows. I had fun but it was just dry for my tastes since there
>was no one to interact with besides fighting - probably should
>have stuck it out as a Villager.

Don't worry, I won't rant on you like you did me.

I had my suspicions of you and now that I know who played Garguza, they make perfect sense.

Being a Scarab is a lonely, difficult life, bottom line. Do not join the religion if you are a social character, you will be disappointed guaranteed, like you were. Even though Scarabaeus is often difficult to reach, I found that he was about more recently than I have ever seen him. It took Drugadath three months to speak to him a second time, it took Ancrulhjin only a week I think.

I can understand where you are coming from about the loner aspect, and while it is not for everyone, it is perfectly suited for me. I like nothing more than to do what I wish and be left alone to carry out my endeavors. I think the life of a Scarab is like a rollercoaster, at times being alone is great, other times, you need interaction to spice things up but this is not always available. You just have to wade through the valleys and enjoy the crests.

As well, being tied to the hip of a healer certainly has some benefits, if not just the social aspect of it. You both came up quickly and I was a little at odds of how to interact with other Scarabs. I pretty well let you do what you wished as I did. When the healer deleted, I was curious how long you would hold out. I knew it would not be for long but I must admit that even I did not expect it to happen this quickly. I guess you got a taste of what I experienced from day one and it was not to your liking. Like I said, it is not for everyone.

I make a character thinking I will get no immortal attention. Then if it happens, it is just a pleasant surprise. You seem to expect or demand it and I think you picked the wrong religion for that (Scar can be frugal with his interactions at times, but we all have OOC crap to deal with so you have to be understanding)and I can see why you burned out. And like you said, you began to see what I saw about the ganging and lack of willing opponents and I don't blame you for deleting. I couldn't take it anymore myself, though I put up with it for significantly longer than you.

About the cabal aspect, everything having to do with cabals was still there with the religion. If the goodies wanted you bad enough, a whole whack of them would come into the Temple and try for you and it turns into a big raid once again. I was involved in a few of these and they were quite enjoyable. While it's true having a cabal channel would be nice, I can't say I used it more than a handful of times with Drucyrus in a year except when the IMMs used it so it is really not necessary. After all, who are you going to talk to 90% of the time?

No offense, but Garguza did not impress me much so I guess the feeling is mutual and we will leave it at that. Good luck on your next go round when it happens.

The Flame