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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: (DELETED) [None] Aedario the Xenomorph
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=19217&mesg_id=19218
19218, RE: (DELETED) [None] Aedario the Xenomorph
Posted by Circuits Edge on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks to Jurrintalia or something for getting me from a slow slow slow time at 30 to 45. Also thanks to his side-kick Shardeus. I can't think of anyone else who made an impact on this char. It didn't look like I was going to hero this char anytime soon, as the goodies were too busy fighting the Empire and the rest well, hell if I know what they were doing. Being uncaballed ain't that much fun but hey, it beats Warlock.

#### you's to every air shifter that kept me inn sitting. I can't believe a wildcat gets whooped by an unprepped osprey. Oh well.

Oh to quote Jurrin when I got my wildcat 'you lucky ####!' Lucky my ass and balls. I wanted the fox.

33% PK RATIO! WTF? That's insane. Suck on that Jhyrb baby! This char was made for exploring, hence utility major and water minor. I got coyote, mustang, spider monkey and wildcat in utility, and a barracuda in water. Coyote and mustang were new forms and.. I was kinda disappointed with the coyote even tho it's a 1st tier. What the hell am I supposed to do with resist disease/poison with a 1st tier form? Gimme forage! Mustang had its uses. Especially when you had the spider monkey and you fought mobs that were immune blunt. Oh what fun.

Exploring, well, I got plenty of that done. ID'd a few nice pieces, but of course, the water portion just got ####ed. But what the hey. Underdark sea, I'll get you someday!

Oh, special mention goes to Mossi. You seriously annoyed the #### out of me at first. But, as time went on, I did like your presence, which was probably all too evident as I'd give you gear from time to time. And everyone else that I handed #### over to, hope you enjoyed the junk!

Circ, 6 years or something and still no hero!