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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: I hope you learned something from this character.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=19159&mesg_id=19181
19181, RE: I hope you learned something from this character.
Posted by Anlon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Some mistakes I saw Anlon make regularly :
>Arrogance, he would die, then talk massive garbage to the
>person who slew him. That whole, "You're pathetic, I almost
>slew you naked" 'conversation' following your two deaths to me
>were irritating from two standpoints. One, you showed nothing
>but hatred and loathing for not just evil, but just about
>everyone. Two, you were arrogant, snotty and just plain
>incorrect in many of your statements. I've had quite a number
>of Maran, over the years, and I'll tell you that you were
>definately not a Yaofhil, Balrahd, etc. You didn't show any
>humility or even care before your fellow man.

Never claimed to be humble with this role. Anlon was most assuredly NOT a humble man. As for the "person" who slew him, make that people. Since you want correctness in your statements, lets make the point that you never fought alone, and did in fact nearly die to me when all I had on were a pair of weapons anyway. Those are simple facts.

Did I claim to be a Yaofhil or a Balrahd? No. Stop putting words in my mouth.

>Even on your death note, you simply talk a lot of ####. No
>offense, but you were neither fearsome nor elite enough to
>make such bold statements. Anlon is one character I certainly
>won't miss, and I hope you at least learned something about
>what it is to be a Maran mascquerading as one the last week or
>two. The trend in this whole goodbye note is : If you managed
>to die to me, I respected you. If not you're a ####. Doesn't
>that sound odd to you?

Actually, if you reread my note, 90% of it is telling people how much I appreciated them. You seem to focus on the negative however, and thats your perrogotive.

I make the bold statements I make, because apparently I was fearsome and elite enough that most people, yourself included, refused to fight me alone, no matter how poorly dressed I may have been. Now, having said that, I never claimed eliteness, I simply claimed that the mud had degenerated in how people fight, and that very few people gave me the pleasure of a one on one combat. You can take that for what it's worth.