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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectWell ####.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=19159&mesg_id=19162
19162, Well ####.
Posted by Anlon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I figured this was going to happen. I started seriously playing Anlon again about a month ago. At the time I had 20 con and 2 or 3 trains. The Imperials were on the rise, and the Fortress wasn't so much in power, so I figured it would be a good time to start playing again. Then the gangbangs started. Now, for a sphere Honor guy who never intentionally hit anyone with more than fair odds, who generally travelled even ranking, alone, this sucked the big one. But whats a guy to do, you know? Honor dictates I suck it up and keep on plowing ahead, chin up, and don't bend my knee to anyone or lower myself to their tactics. And so I died. A LOT. There's a tiny number of people who can say they ever beat me alone, and for that I'm pleased. There's something warm and fuzzy about having people come at you in larger numbers than you have items of clothing on. I think the one that amused me the most was a 5 on 1 by Imperials, who aren't supposed to break the laws, in Tar Valon, when I had on a poisoned dagger, a snow worm shield, and a pair of leather leggings. Ahh well, whatever.

On to the thank you's.

First and foremost to Vyn. Vyn you were my first contact in the fortress. I was in my teens, and you basically told me to get to 20 and then see you. So I did, and then you told me to talk to a Leader. So off I went to Yaofhil, and I was his last Squire. You always gave good immteraction, and I liked you all around. I hope things are going really well for you, you're a good guy IC and OOC and you deserve all the goodness life can give you.

Shokai. Damn good interactions with you, as per usual. I've had my problems with you in the past, but they were always greatly outnumbered by the good times that I've had because of you, so it all works out. You're good people in my eyes. I DO wish I had noticed you made me a full maran sooner than I did. I felt like a dink when Lariya noticed before I did. Heh. I always tried real hard not to let you down, and fought and RP'd as if you were always looking over my shoulder, because I didn't want to disappoint. If it helps any, I died my last death trying to save a paladin being ganged out in the streambed.

Jahaar. I've still got no clue what you wanted me to look for when you gave me my con quest. Short of doing some VERY un-Maranly things, I doubt I would have been able to accomplish the goals you set for me. I do wish I had been able to finish the quest, because the character was really just starting to hit a good solid groove for me. Also I had planned all along to become a full Maran, and THEN approach you for your tat, after having accomplished something of that magnitude alone.


First the fortress.

Aemelius. You never knew it, but I would hide and sneak out of those meetings on tactics, sit in the inn, have a few drinks, and sneak back in just in time to be dismissed. Sorry but it bored the hell out of me since I always fought alone. Also I spent a good quarter of my characters life towards the end, cleaning up for your giant blunders. You kept pissing off the people/mobs who were there to further things with the Talia story line, and they would leave without giving us the information we needed. I always went to them behind your back, and played diplomat. I did a lot of things in service to the light that I found distasteful, but I saw that as my role, to keep others from having to do those things. You made my job a LOT harder.

Jhanderin. You helped me and for that I was grateful. But I always thought you had the wrong mentality for your position, when it came to how you treated the other lightwalkers.

Sarkarian. You were an inspiration. You fought alone, you kept your chin...err beak up, and you helped me relax those times when I would get ganged all to #### and seriously contemplate deletion. I swear you got ganged almost as much as me.

Sheilica. You deserve a lot better than you get from your brothers and sisters in the light. You ARE a good woman, you do your very best, and to me thats what an Acolyte is all about. To your detractors, I give a hearty #### you.

Elrys. I saw you I think twice in my characters whole life. *shrug*

Yaofhil. Damn you for deleting. You were THE man. You made Anlon swell with pride everytime you would call me "your squire" in front of people. I was like "Yeah thats right bitches, I'm his squire. Step off yo" or something like that. You were the BEST.

Furian. You were a great bard, and a good friend. I wish you had held on just a LITTLE longer, but I can understand why you left when you did.

Zacharyn. You're a good strong presence in the Fortress, and I hope you continue to be.

Coronado. I have some very mixed feelings about you. You did some things that made me seriously question your fitness to even be a squire, let alone a full Maran, but at other times you did things that were 100% Maran, through and through. You were like Dr. Jackass and Mr. Maran, and I never knew what to expect from you. Overall I had good interactions with you and think you're good for the Fortress.

Vorondel. Congratz on the cardinalship. I think you'll do an excellent job, and I wish I had had time to get to know you better. Another good, strong player.

Cersai. You don't back down, and you always push yourself to do well, no matter the odds. I respected you. Keep up the good work.

Jirash. Damn you died just before I did. I log in just before dying for the last time and see your fuzzy little corpse at the altar. You were fun to hang with though.

Gwyntwhateverthehellyournameis. You really pissed me off, just about everytime I ever saw you on. When the Fortress is under attack, and a fellow Squire calls, you COME. Even if all you can do is grab the things from the corpse, you get off your ass and put in an appearance, ESPECIALLY when asked for. I'm really pleased that you weren't around much after that incident, because I doubt I would have been able to hold my tongue for very long in your presence.

Finally, Sylvrin. I wish we had had more time pretty lady. Things were just starting to get really interesting there, and I feel bad because I know Anlon dying like this will do icky things to your character. I really did try to hang around, but you know, I couldn't just let that 3 on 1 happen without stepping in.

Warlocks. Who? Earlier today we retrieved the orb. One of my last 2 deaths went there to the retrieval. Then right afterwards, one of the others says over the cabal channel "The warlocks request our aid in retrieving the grimoire once we are rested". Where the hell were you guys when WE were raiding for our item? You sure asked for help an awful lot, but I never saw any of you rushing to help US out.


Docrrann. I respected you as an enemy. You would fight me alone, and I ended things being one up on you. ;) Always a good fight either way, and we had a good understanding between us. Players like you are a good addition to the mud.

Fraznel. You too I respected. We had some great fights. You had the edge in ranks and backup, but I still generally managed to hold my own with you. Good fights.

Gurgudu. Sorry about looting you that one time, but necessity is what it is, and I was naked. Also after all the smack you talked, I was obligated to teach you a bit of a lesson. For the record, everytime you cried to me about "having your things" it was stuff someone else had given me. The only thing I ever took of yours directly was a hammer pendant. I was always more than glad to tell you who had your things, but you kept insisting it was me. Heh.

To the rest of you. I really don't think too many of the rest of you deserve an individual space here. CF has taken a huge downturn in how fights are handled in the last year or so, and it's pretty badly degenerated into a "who has the biggest gang on their side" mud. First it was the goods running around, ganging everyone to #### and full looting, and now its the Empire. For christs sake people, grow some ####ing balls and learn to do some fighting without 500 people backing you up. Would it kill you just once to say "Don't help me with this, I've got him" when you see a lone opponent? Are you such chicken####s that you refuse to even a slight risk to your shiny suit of eq? I spent a good 75% or more of my time wearing a poisoned dagger, and a shield, and I still killed a lot of people, and accomplished a lot of my goals as a Maran. And I did it ALONE. #### this is such a pet peeve of mine I can't even begin to tell you. The day I got my full maran status, I had been ganged no less than 4 on 1 at least 6 times that day. I actually had just been in the process of deleting, when we were raided, and I figured "#### it, I can't delete when they have the orb". After that I calmed down, and figured I'd see the character through to the bitter end.

And for ####s sake, I wish the Imperials would remember the Imperial laws about not breaking the laws of the towns. Aside from all the huge ass gangbangs on me in town, I once watched a highly placed imperial loot a fallen tribunal in town. Thats the kind of #### that makes me mad, and shows me how so many of you are only RPing enough to get into the cabal, and nothing beyond that. Jesus, if I stick to my role enough that it con kills me, I think you all could stick to your supposed roles enough to not go against the things you're supposed to hold most dear.

Overall, I had a lot of fun with this character. I had a lot of frustration as well, but mostly fun. I'll be seeing you all again REAL soon.