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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectEmpowerment
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=19053&mesg_id=19062
19062, Empowerment
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I missed the first bit. The jaette soldier grabbed me by the throat and threw me up against the wall.

You whisper 'Complacency, peace, enjoyment crushed.'

A jaette soldier says in a hollow voice 'What do you know of pain, you filthy duergar?!'

Yllorok weezes, struggling to inhale just enough to continue speaking.

A jaette soldier jabs a finger into your side, pushing against your ribs.

You whisper 'Pain is all I have ever known. No parents, my mother destroyed from within by me, my father destroyed in the Underdark by filthy drow swine...'

A jaette soldier's eyes narrow dangerously as he looks in your direction.

You whisper 'The duergar military took me, ran me till the soles of my feet bled...'

You whisper 'But they saw in me a passion for what I did, made me an interrogater...'

A jaette soldier lets you loose, letting you fall to the ground.

Yllorok weezes once more, his ability to breathe all but totally stripped.

You whisper 'I hope my grip on the world will be as strong as yours.'

Yllorok raises a canteen to his lips, but finds it difficult to swallow.

You flash a wide, toothy grin.

A jaette soldier says in a hollow voice 'Tell me, priest, what is the point of pain? Why must people suffer?'

Yllorok attempts to laugh, but manages only a wince.

You whisper 'A person broken is obedient'

A jaette soldier says in a hollow voice 'Drink. I have no desire to see you suffer..now.'

You whisper 'A person obedient invites more suffering unto themself and those around them...'

Yllorok rubs his throat.

A jaette soldier says in a hollow voice 'So man must suffer so he will be obedient, so in turn others will suffer?'

You whisper 'Once completely destroyed, inside and out, they are ready for my Lord.'

You whisper 'A mean....'

A jaette soldier clenches his fist as those testing the strength of this body.

You say 'A means to an end.'

You say 'The more I make suffer the higher status in the Abyss with He who is called Beroxxus.'

A jaette soldier says in a hollow voice 'And you think yourself able to do such a thing?'

You say 'Yes, I will rise. Where is yet to be decided. I ponder on whether the spirit is crushed quicker by one who deems himself ruler or by one who rules under the Law.'

Yllorok tears the spareribs into pieces so as to ease swallowing.

A jaette soldier says in a hollow voice 'So, why do you seek me? Are you not able to perform these task already?'

You say 'I can bring pain to others, yes, but only when the fool in the guild...'

You point in a westerly direction.

You say 'Only when he senses in me divine blessings will he teach me more.'

You say 'I had with me a mercenary.'

You say 'A mercenary who I broke and who I used to bring further torment to the young woman dangling in the church east of here.'

You say 'When I have learned more that pain will spread to the masses.'

You say 'Diseases will spread. Fools will rot from within.'

You say 'Years will be stripped from some lives while others are ended abruptly.'

Yllorok rubs his throat, massaging the strength back into it, and then cackles loudly.

Yllorok mindlessly tears at a scar on his forearm while peering at the soldier.

A jaette soldier says in a hollow voice 'I see. I shall grant you power, but should you fail to serve me, your body will be wrecked and then in death..shall you know true suffering.'

You flash a wide, toothy grin.

You nod grimly.

The flames in the jaette's eyes begin to grow more intense.

Slowly the flames grow outward and away from the creature.

The flames rip into you, burning your flesh, both inside and outside.

You whisper 'You have unleashed despair unto the world with I as your rusty shard.'

As the flames die down and your body ceases to burn, you feel yet more pain.

Yllorok staggers under the weight of the pain seeping through his body.

Your own soul begins to burn and scream, as though fighting for survival.

Yllorok gasps for life giving air.

An unspeakable pain flows throughout your entire being, before disappearing as though a mighty wind had stopped blowing.

Inside yourself, you can feel the power the flames have bestowed upon you.

You have been empowered by the gods.

Yllorok weezes for a moment then stands upright.

You throw back your head and laugh into the night.

A jaette soldier says in a hollow voice 'It is done. Go, and see that they learn of the Ill Omen!'

You nod grimly.