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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectTorture log - RP
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=19053&mesg_id=19058
19058, Torture log - RP
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I tortured a few mercenaries at the beginning, here are some of the logs. It's all me.
The mercenary reactions of emotes and says I've ordered them to do.

You glare icily at her.

Yllorok circles the elven mercenary, sizing up her every physical aspect.

You say 'You have no idea the horror you have been sold into elf.'

You say 'You are not my protector, my assistant. You are my slave, my toy.'

An elven mercenary whimpers pitifully.

You say 'Yes, you have heard of this church on the winds.'

An elven mercenary looks around warily while backing herself into a corner.

You say 'Now now, come closer my dear.'

An elven mercenary shakes her head.

You say 'CLOSER!'

An elven mercenary says 'P...please s..sir. I have children. Do not kill me.'

You say 'Kill you? Why, that would be a waste of perfectly good silver. Now...closer!'

An elven mercenary moves slowly from the corner. She's visibily tense, as if at any moment she will bolt for the door.

Yllorok grabs the mercenary by her hair and thrusts her face into that of the manacled girl.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 4748tnl> l
A dark room

This room is rather dark, with only a speckle of sickening green light

filling the room from a small globe at the top. Several manacles and other

holding devices line this room. This room is rather clean, perhaps used as

a holding room or some cleaner form of torture. A wooden door lies to the

north and another to the west.

An elven mercenary stands ready here.

Hanging from the ceiling by chains is a young woman.

You whisper 'Kiss her.'

An elven mercenary winces in agony.

An elven mercenary shakes her head.

You say 'Kiss her.'

You glare icily at her.

An elven mercenary leans in towards the dangling girl with her lips puckered. Beads of sweat have begun to form on her forehead and her body is trembling with despair.

You say 'That's good. Now, touch her.'

An elven mercenary sighs.

You say 'Feel her body. Feel her pain.'

You say 'Touch her wounds.'

An elven mercenary trails a finger down the dangling girl's arms, wincing each time the girl flinches in agony.

You say 'That's good.'

You say 'You're a natural.'

You say 'Now kneel!'

An elven mercenary humbly kneels.

Yllorok places one boot before the elf.

You say 'Lick it.'

An elven mercenary whimpers pitifully.

An elven mercenary says 'Please. No more.'

You say 'Lick it!'

An elven mercenary bends over and licks Yllorok's boot.

You say 'You have only just begun to understand agony elf.'

You say 'You will come to know it well in the future.'

An elven mercenary shudders at the thought.

You say 'Stand up.'

An elven mercenary stands up, but keeps her gaze averted.

You say 'Stick your tongue out.'

An elven mercenary reluctantly sticks her tongue out of her mouth.

You say 'Farther.'

An elven mercenary strains, forcing her tongue further out of her mouth.

Yllorok clenches a fist behind his back.

You whisper 'Farther.'

An elven mercenary winces in agony.

An elven mercenary strains some more, but ultimately cannot get her tongue any farther out of her mouth.

You say 'I have grown weary of your whining. We shall see how you whine in the future.'

Yllorok knocks the elf to the ground with a vicious uppercut that lands squarely on her chin! The elf's mouth slams shut causing her to bit off half of her own tongue.

Yllorok bends to the ground and collects the elf's severed tongue.

An elven mercenary spits blood from her mouth before wailing in despair.

Yllorok runs a finger through the puddle of blood that the elf spat onto the floor.

Yllorok draws a tear of blood on the elf's face and then does the same on the dangling girl.

Yllorok picks up the elf and slings her over his shoulder.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 4748tnl> n
Before the Inner Sanctum

<100%hp 100%m 99%mv 4748tnl> l
Before the Inner Sanctum

Several symbols of interlocking rings praise the walls of this room. The

room is lit by a couple of bronze braziers. Inscribed upon the stone floor

is a simple inscription. An opening to the north is clouded by darkness,

while a door to the south leads out.

An elven mercenary stands ready here.

You say 'I wish to speak with Lord Beroxxus.'

Screams echo in your mind as your words ring out.

Yllorok dumps the elf onto the ground and gives her a piece of cloth to bite on.

You say 'Use that to stop the bleeding elf. I will not have you die on me.'

You glare icily at her.

Yllorok tears at the scars on his arms. After peeling a segment of his skin back he grins widely at the blood that begins to flow from his forearm.

You say 'Gather yourself elf. We journey soon from the mountains.'

An elven mercenary whimpers pitfully as she staggers to her feet. The blood continues to spew from her mouth.