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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectBuh-bye
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=19053&mesg_id=19055
19055, Buh-bye
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, what can I say except that one critical decision in this character’s life ruined it all. That decision was taking the bloodoath. Yllorok was a shaman of Beroxxus who wanted to spread pain and suffering by achieving a position of great standing (leader of a cabal – specifically Tribunal or Empire) and then taking the world in a choke hold. I think the role and my enjoyment would have been greater as a Tribunal, but Vidros offered me an easy bloodoath so I took it.

I died in pk situations three times, but Hukalon was the only one to kill me solo (see log on Dioxide’s). I got cocky and figured him for a fool that wouldn’t find me where I ran to. Had I worded I’d not have died. Then a gang of 50, including Azharadon, Jirash, Ahtanri, Urtzaol, and Vansia killed me in a raid and then again in what was one of the dumbest plans in history. That plan was “let’s sit on the Western Aryth and wait for somebody to peak out of the Tower and then summon them and kill them.” Yeah, I ended up getting summoned and boulder/cheapshotted to death.

With the rise of Astilamos every ounce of enjoyment I derived from being an Imperial was shot. I had absolutely zero respect for him as Wilhath because he rank sat at 40th while the rest of us were multi-killed. The anger carried over to Yllorok and all but sealed the deletion.

Sure, I could’ve become anathema and pursued other avenues but in the past anathema haven’t had a lot of success getting into other cabals so I decided to just throw in the towel.



Smonund – You seem to have your good days and your bad days, but then I guess we all do. At times you seemed to have it straight and at other times twisted. We worked fairly well as a team, but you’ve really gotta think about your plans. Sitting on the Western Aryth was dumb.

Haaslett – Yllorok viewed your not being raised to Emperor as a failure on your part. The Divine Sect leads in donations so you should have been the obvious choice. That the sect leader of the sect with the lowest donations was raised to Emperor says a lot about the quality of the current sect leaders. You need to grow a backbone as far as leadership is concerned. I’d have warred on the Shadow Sect at GO!, but you decided to be diplomatic and “discuss it with the Shadow Lord. Of course, you’re a Khasotholas follower so I guess I should expect a greater level of diplomacy than from a Beroxxus follower.

Astilamos – You make an ok Emperor, but a piss poor leader. Declarations of war should be done at the doorstep of the opposing cabal right before you take their item, not while you sit on your ass expecting other people to go endanger themselves for you. Of course, that’s just a continuation of your MO from my time as Wilhath. As an Emperor you’re either respected or not and I can’t see you being respected if you continue as you have been.

Sevarecan – You made a fine ranking partner. I respect somebody who joins a cabal knowing they’re not going to get much in the way of powers. Good work.

Demandroiv – See Sevarecan.

Few of the rest of you had much of an impact on me honestly. You do what you do, some well some not. Enjoy.


Jirash – You talked a lot of smack about me when you thought I was a gangbanger because I was an Imperial. Your bias is showing. When I killed you alone in Velkyn Oloth it shut your pie hole. A shining achievement for me.

Anlon – Your allies say you’re a beast. All I ever saw you as was a corpse.

Rehmorez – hahahahahahah…Air/Offense? How unique.

I can’t think of anybody else who really showed me anything. Most of you just throw yourselves at the Vanquisher and end up dying for it.


Invoker Squad - Predictable. When a shaman successfully retrieves by himself against two invokers higher rank than he…well yeah. All I had to do is summon in some mobs to the Angel and I knew you’d use an area spell. Game over.


Beroxxus – The empowerment was great. I never got a clear indication what you were wanting from me for the tattoo. I had some plans that I never got a chance to see to fruition. I wanted to fill every room of the Fortress with plagued mobs but never had a chance while there was a necromancer or anti-paladin (for sleep) around.

Khasotholas – I assume I pleased you. It’s unfortunate that my enjoyment of Empire and the character was sapped by the circumstances. I’m sure I could have done more for you.

Nobody else really played a role.

It’s time for me to play something other than Empire. The Fortress needs a clue tactics wise, maybe I’ll go that route. Or perhaps I’ll end up in the law cabal which has been a favorite haunt since 1996.

My goal with Yllorok was to prove to myself that I didn’t suck in pk as much as Wilhath made it seem. I think I did that.