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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectGood bye
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=19025&mesg_id=19025
19025, Good bye
Posted by Kisrithian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really didn't want to delete, it had nothing to do with that last fight at the grove, just logging on seemed to become a bit of a chore. I was so happy too when I saw empire getting into power, meant something to do asides from trying to start the war with Tribuanls and preaching about how we don't need most of the fortress(though some members did kick some ass). Kisrithian was my first hero ever as well, so that was fun, I was happy to hero in sylvan by far it's the funnest cabal in cf. Another reason to was lack of time, I was a bit of a nightowl, but I'm starting to work full time, have some other things going on that will be occupying some time. Now for the good byes
Tich-Probably my closest friend in the grove if not all of cf and hey I killed tiamat for the first time with you, even if it did take half an hour heh
Choranek-You rivaled tich as well, and I loved the way you talked and thought you where one of the coolest druids I ever met, I still remember that night where we sat on the eastern during a full moon that was priceless
Dacheal-You inducted me, other than that I got a little peeved with you at times. If about two or three tribs are on, and most don't fight unless they have a group of four or more, it's the perfect time to start a war, and hey log on a bit more, a cabal needs it's captain
Blachmianan-Congratulations, you where fun to be around mostly cause you played yourself down, even though you fought like a warrior
Grumby-Hardly spoke with you, hardly fought with you, hardly traveled with you, loved how you roleplayed a druid to a T when I did though
Aldarri-Sorry I deleted before telling you where to go to gain that last lvl, I was gonna say the dream, but I hardly knew the place, and no offense I'm assuming you don't know of it, still I liked you
Ozlif-Didn't get much better than you, I loved traveling with you, and dreaded the day we'd have to fight cause of sylvan mages, I'm glad that day never came, You also rival'd tich and choranek for just plain neat people to be around.
Gevanter-You SCARED me. untill I got into pk situations, we still kicked a whole lotta ass, but if you get someone in your snares, you should really let the bard sing some songs instead of just ambushing, but still you where skilled, and seemed like one of the few that wouldn't take it up the poop chute from Fortress.
Gherian-Ok first of congrats, second you where the first person to ever kill me, and the only person to kill me one on one. I loved fighting you, interacting with you, and dualing you. Plus I laughed hard when vaes shattered most of your suit, sorry but all those nice things just bam gone, made me giggle like a little school girl.
Pelthass-I liked you as well, enjoyed showing you where some things where, plus you taught me a couple of things as well, well played.
Corthy-You where one of the examples of the sylvans that would help Fortress no matter what, no matter you where fun to talk to.
Nydosin-I liked you, laid back you where a pretty neat guy to talk to and had some good times.
Kastellyn-Was hoping to speak with you but oh well.
Alysrith-You inspired Kisrithian to be a wolf, and I thought that you where a neat avatar, though I hated how people would try and kiss up, I thought of you as just a more powerfull, wiser, almost-as-good-looking-as-me elf.
I also did this before Death Angel could bring up my thing, just cause I knew my pk ratio was going to be depressing, mostly cause I had a tough time fighting one on one, just cause gangs are popular, but hey I ganged, enemies ganged, seemed to be the only way to do it, Only person that seemed to fight alone was gherian, but I hated asking him to dual just cause I knew other Sylvans wouldn't be able to resist striking him. If I forgot anyone, just tell me, and thanks for the good times.

Level 1: dagger 92% mace 100%
sword 100% staff 77%
haggle 79% scrolls 78%
staves 90% recall 100%
sing 100%
Level 2: dirt kicking 97%
Level 3: dodge 100%
Level 4: trip 91%
Level 6: hand to hand 92%
Level 7: kick 79%
Level 9: pick lock 1%
Level 10: fast healing 100% lore 100%
Level 11: roundhouse 100%
Level 12: meditation 100%
Level 13: parry 100%
Level 14: strengthen 73%
Level 15: second attack 100%
Level 16: shield block 100%
Level 18: disarm 100%
Level 19: pugil 79%
Level 20: pen 75%

Level 25: enhanced damage 100%
Level 30: sneak 87% a capella 100%

Level 6: beautify 1% 10 mana
Level 7: heal my heart 100% 10 mana
Level 9: travel tune 100% 10 mana
piercing sweet music 1% 20 mana
Level 10: shield of words 92% 10 mana
Level 11: we come we come 100% 30 mana
Level 14: galadriel 95% 15 mana
Level 15: life to the dying 100% 15 mana
Level 16: cold be sleep 100% 30 mana
Level 17: weak time of year 76% 20 mana
Level 18: resisting 100% 30 mana
Level 19: reveal all 76% 20 mana
greensleeves 76% 30 mana
Level 20: marriage song 1% 150 mana
wake now my merry lads 82% 30 mana
Level 21: better days 91% 40 mana
Level 22: come hither child 99% 25 mana
Level 26: life is a dream 75% 40 mana
Level 27: tears 77% 25 mana
Level 28: dance with jak o the shadows 100% 120 mana
Level 29: heavy heart 81% 20 mana
Level 32: wild west wind 86% 40 mana
Level 33: nightmare 75% 40 mana
Level 34: fire and ice 100% 30 mana
Level 38: dome of illusion 75% 60 mana
Level 40: when you dont see me 100% 20 mana
Level 42: lifes tomb 75% 40 mana
Level 45: frightful fiend 76% 150 mana
Just so everyone knows too, I HATE WRITING NOTES heh