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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectWhere the hell is all this cheating crap coming from?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=18834&mesg_id=18977
18977, Where the hell is all this cheating crap coming from?
Posted by Ancruhljin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Haven't you quit twice now because of all the cheating? I
>would think someone in the military would understand sometimes
>you just have to suck it up and move on.

I don't understand where all this cheating crap came form? I never mentioned anything in my farewell post about cheating. I simply burned out and got bored and said it was time to go. We all know the cheating occurs, we aren't fools. I simply accepted it and played despite it. I saw tons of it, turned my head and kept playing. I would just note it and avoid those people until I could get them alone, and I got the ones I wanted. I simply said I played clean, when not many do, and I was satisfied, finally, with my performance.

I would be a hell of
>a lot more impressed with you anti-paladins if you took them
>all the way. Yes, I remember Drucyrus sticking it out, but I
>also remember him deleting shortly after bloodthirst was

Heh, okay, if you want to call it a recommended deletion. I actually asked to be denied because I thought the new bloodthirst was overpowered ;P.

Are you good? Yes. Are you as good as you think
>you are? I personally don't think so, but hey if we don't
>think we're great who will.

Good point

Now though the character is gone
>move on with life and role that next character we all know you
>will. Everyone of us here has played long enough to know the
>addicts when they see them post and you sir need a fix.

Heh, no thanks. As with Druc, I've gotten my fix enough to last a long while. You never know though, I just might get curious one day and take a trip down memory lane again in a few years (if everyone is still here.)

Luck to ya.