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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectAnother close call.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=18866&mesg_id=18956
18956, Another close call.
Posted by zdenhoi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
==100%hp 100%m 96%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== where
People near you:
(PK) Grabenor On the Aryth Ocean
(PK) Hausool On the Aryth Ocean
Wingaelf On the Aryth Ocean
(PK) Zdenhoi In the Aryth Ocean

==100%hp 100%m 100%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== u
On the Aryth Ocean

A smiling female cloud giant is here.

==100%hp 100%m 97%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== sacn all

==100%hp 100%m 97%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== scan all
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
(Red Aura) A large dragon lurks in the water waiting to tear you apart.

You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A young cloud floats here playing.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

==100%hp 100%m 97%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== e
On the Aryth Ocean

A young cloud floats here playing.

==100%hp 100%m 96%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== On the Aryth Ocean

A young cloud floats lazily here.

==100%hp 100%m 94%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== e
On the Aryth Ocean

(Red Aura) A pale young storm swims around avoiding the light.

==100%hp 100%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== com summon hausool
You lost your concentration.

==100%hp 93%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== com summon hausool
Hausool arrives suddenly.

==100%hp 79%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== com wrath hausool
Hausool yells 'Die, Zdenhoi, you sorcerous dog!'
You narrow your eyes and glare in Hausool's direction.
Hausool looks very uncomfortable.
Your heavenly wrath MANGLES Hausool!
Hausool has some small but disgusting cuts.

==100%hp 74%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM==
Hausool fades into existence.
Your shield blocks Hausool's cleave.
Your shield blocks Hausool's caustic slime.
You parry Hausool's caustic slime.
Your divine power maims Hausool!
Hausool has some small but disgusting cuts.

==100%hp 74%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM==
Hausool utters the words, 'noselacri'.
You are blinded!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==100%hp 74%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM==
You parry someone's cleave.
Someone's caustic slime EVISCERATES you!
Your shield blocks someone's cleave.
Someone parries your divine power.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==89%hp 74%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM==
Someone utters the words, 'judifgz'.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==89%hp 74%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== com 'cure blind'
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You lost your concentration.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

==89%hp 74%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== com 'cure blind'

Someone's cleave maims you!
Your shield blocks someone's caustic slime.
Your divine power EVISCERATES someone!
Someone parries your divine power.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==80%hp 74%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM==
Someone utters the words, 'judifgz'.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

==80%hp 74%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You can see again.
Your vision returns!
Hausool is covered with bleeding wounds.

==80%hp 72%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM==
Hausool's cleave maims you!
Your shield blocks Hausool's caustic slime.
You parry Hausool's cleave.
You parry Hausool's caustic slime.
Your divine power maims Hausool!
Hausool is covered with bleeding wounds.

==72%hp 72%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== shield

Hausool utters the words, 'diesilla barh'.
Hausool thrusts his hand forward as a brilliant shaft of lightning lurches toward you.
Hausool's lightning bolt MUTILATES you!
Hausool is covered with bleeding wounds.

==62%hp 72%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM== You slam your shield into Hausool, and send him to the ground!
Your shield bash hits Hausool.
You parry Hausool's cleave.
Hausool's caustic slime EVISCERATES you!
Your divine power maims Hausool!
You quickly strike Hausool with the edge of a huge shield marked with a templar's cross.
Your shield jab wounds Hausool.
Hausool is gushing blood.

==50%hp 72%m 93%mv=13072tnl=3 AM==
Lightning flashes in the sky.
Hausool is gushing blood.

==50%hp 72%m 93%mv=13072tnl=4 AM==
Hausool's cleave decimates you!
Your shield blocks Hausool's caustic slime.
Your shield blocks Hausool's cleave.
Your divine power maims Hausool!
Hausool is gushing blood.

==43%hp 72%m 93%mv=13072tnl=4 AM==
Hausool utters the words, 'diesilla barh'.
Hausool thrusts his hand forward as a brilliant shaft of lightning lurches toward you.
Hausool's lightning bolt injures you.
Hausool is gushing blood.

==40%hp 72%m 93%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== shield

You parry Hausool's cleave.
Hausool's caustic slime MUTILATES you!
On the Aryth Ocean

You flee from combat!

==30%hp 72%m 91%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== But you aren't fighting anyone!

==30%hp 72%m 91%mv=13072tnl=4 AM==
You feel less righteous.
You feel ready to crusade against the darkness again.

==32%hp 75%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com crusade
You prepare your group for a crusade against the darkness.

==32%hp 64%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com 'cure critical'

Hausool has arrived.

==32%hp 64%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM==
Hausool looks at you.

==32%hp 64%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You feel better!

==40%hp 59%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool

You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Hausool!'
You parry Hausool's cleave.
Hausool is gushing blood.

==40%hp 59%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM==
Hausool's cleave maims you!
Hausool parries your divine power.
Hausool parries your divine power.
Hausool is gushing blood.

==31%hp 59%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== You narrow your eyes and glare in Hausool's direction.
Your heavenly wrath MASSACRES Hausool!
Hausool is writhing in agony.

==31%hp 54%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM==
Hausool utters the words, 'diesilla barh'.
Hausool thrusts his hand forward as a brilliant shaft of lightning lurches toward you.
Hausool's lightning bolt injures you.
Hausool is writhing in agony.

==27%hp 54%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool

You parry Hausool's cleave.
Your shield blocks Hausool's caustic slime.
Hausool's caustic slime DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You parry Hausool's caustic slime.
Your divine power MUTILATES Hausool!
Hausool parries your divine power.
Hausool is writhing in agony.

==12%hp 54%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== You narrow your eyes and glare in Hausool's direction.
Your heavenly wrath MASSACRES Hausool!
Hausool lands a lucky blow!
You parry Hausool's cleave.
Hausool leaves north.
Hausool has fled!

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool
com wrath hausool
com wrath hausool
com wrath hausool
com wrath hausool
They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool
They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool
They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool
They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool
They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool
They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool
They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool
They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== com wrath hausool
com wrath hausool
com wrath hausool
They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== They aren't here.

==12%hp 48%m 97%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== s
On the Aryth Ocean

(Red Aura) A pale young storm swims around avoiding the light.

==12%hp 48%m 96%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== s
On the Aryth Ocean

A piece of drift wood floats here harmlessly.
A large female cloud giant carefully watches your actions.
A larger male cloud giant floats observing his child play.
A small arial child flies around playing with a cloud giant.
A young cloud floats here playing with a young arial.

==12%hp 48%m 94%mv=13072tnl=4 AM== On the Aryth Ocean

A piece of drift wood floats here harmlessly.

==12%hp 48%m 93%mv=13072tnl=5 AM== com 'cure critical'
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You feel better!

==20%hp 43%m 93%mv=13072tnl=5 AM== com 'cure critical'
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You feel better!

==25%hp 38%m 93%mv=13072tnl=5 AM== d


==29%hp 40%m 99%mv=13072tnl=5 AM== In the Aryth Ocean

==29%hp 40%m 96%mv=13072tnl=5 AM== People near you:
(PK) Grabenor On the Aryth Ocean
(PK) Zdenhoi In the Aryth Ocean

==29%hp 40%m 96%mv=13072tnl=5 AM== com 'cure critical'
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You feel better!

==36%hp 35%m 96%mv=13072tnl=5 AM== com 'cure critical'
You close your eyes and concentrate for a moment.
You feel better!

==44%hp 29%m 96%mv=13072tnl=5 AM== gt we drove each other apart

Grabenor yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the sea dragon!'

==44%hp 29%m 96%mv=13072tnl=5 AM== where
You tell your group 'we drove each other apart'

==44%hp 29%m 96%mv=13072tnl=5 AM== People near you:
(PK) Grabenor On the Aryth Ocean
(PK) Zdenhoi In the Aryth Ocean

==44%hp 29%m 96%mv=13072tnl=5 AM==
Grabenor yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the sea dragon!'