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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectOn Evil Roleplaying, IC and OOC
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=18417&mesg_id=18490
18490, On Evil Roleplaying, IC and OOC
Posted by Erenthell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I read your interaction above with Aemelius with interest. My take of the situation, which may be similar to Aemelius's point, is that whether or not you were upset OOC or OOC extracting pleasure from provoking, you used your IC roleplay device to try and annoy the OOC Player of Aemelius.

Theoretically, IC and OOC feelings and responses should be kept separate. In the ideal world, we would all be perfectly stoic and/or open minded and easy going about what happens to our characters, roleplay evil characters while being decent folk in real life, and despite having nasty IC things said to our characters, but be totally unaffected by them OOC.

Unfortunately, most of the time this isn't the case. When someone in the game betrayed me, I, the player, was OOC upset by it. I felt that the person was manipulating roleplay loopholes to do something selfish and greedy, and getting away with it. However, IC, I had to control my reactions. It was important that I separated my OOC and IC feelings in that case. I pondered how Erenthell would act, and acted accordingly.

When you set about being evil, trying to hurt, confuse, and provoke people through your IC reason, I don't think you can honestly say, that you weren't trying to provoke people's OOC emotions. From my reading of the Aemelius thread, you jumped on the fact that his response to the looting issue appeared to be something he was touchy about. Now. Either this means that A) Player Aemelius is RPing that he is touchy about looting or B) Player Aemelius himself is touchy about the looting issue. It seems to me that it was irrelevant to you whether the touchiness was OOC or IC, you just went ahead with your continued provocation when you sensed some touchiness.

You start off this whole thread stating that you are not a "donkeyhole" and that you felt bad when someone complained it was people like you who made him rage-delete. But I can't help but feel that despite these assertions, you went ahead and provoked people, reckless as to whether they were IC offended or OOC offended. Since you must know that some people are going to be OOC frustrated and hurt, and you went ahead and did it anyway, you should at least take responsibility for that, and admit that you do not care if they were OOC upset by your actions.