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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: (DEL) <MARAN> Bessian the Paladin Hero
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=1586&mesg_id=1593
1593, RE: (DEL) Bessian the Paladin Hero
Posted by Bessian (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Bessian has to date been the character I had the most fun with. He started at a time when the balance in the game was very much in the Scion favor, and it was a challenge for a while to play him. Whether or not this came across in his character, Bessian was a meld between the path of Bria and the path of the Maran, which I believe was not terribly contradictory although I did get the few 'How can love and destruction go together' tells. Bessian died with 4 con and two deaths away from the actual death. I contemplated dying in battle as according to how a Maran would, but I decided that he was still a paladin of Bria, and preferred for her to welcome him into the long sleep.


Thank you for empowering me. You and Shokai are my two favourite immortals. It was a challenge to play a knight of love and war, there was a fair amount of self reflection during my playing of the knight. There were a few times when you seemed displeased, though they were never done out of flippancy. I hope your next paladin will throw him/herself into the role too and give you some fun.


Thank you for taking me into the Maran. It is a splendid cabal, and I have enjoyed every minute of being a part of it. It always felt like a tremendous privilege, and a noble cause. I am heartened that you foresaw the need to balance war and destruction with reflection, and reminding the Maran of their path. I liked the way you dealt with the odd flaring of tempers due to the Nexus, and the humble, comradish way you treat the members of the Brigade. I shudder at how long I will need to wait for my next Maran to get in. *mutter*


Appreciate the minor little interaction we had. Would have liked for there to be more, although its doubtful I would have turned 'Dark'.


Waskes and Cuvatar - Enjoyed our odd talks, brief as they were. Everyone else, the fighting was good, the victories sweet, the defeats inspiring. I wished I had more interaction with most of you, although it wasn't meant to be. I've always preferred civil interaction to mindless swearing and name calling, so it was difficult to engage in any of you in even the simplest of conversations.


Nobody really to mention except Drucyrus. What can I say? A tough shaman, but your notes on Dioxide take away most of the admiration that I would have had for you, but for the way you post your logs. It's still a game, no need to rub the faces of your foes into the dirt even if you're better.


It's a tough cabal to play. I was surprised when I would receive more than a few tells and accusations from a number of you, demanding to know why I was attacking you, while letting the Scion scepter go untouched. For one, the battle against evil isn't so simple as that, and for two, assaulting the fortress is an act of violence as is murdering or attempting to murder fellow fortress members, which bessian wouldn't allow to go unpunished. Nobody really noteworthy to mention.


The only one I remember was Raukyr, he was at the Maran herbing away while a bunch of young Scions threw themselves at the guard,w hile I was granting sanctuary and healing away. The rest, zero interaction.


Dariana - You don't need any compliments, got enough as it is.
Nazgauga - Wish we could have fought often. I saw you about once, and after that, no more.


Intronan and Tarosh were the only people I ever fought, with the exception of Kraern once. Armand, I have never understood how a berserker giant could become the high priest of Ilraeth, who's supposed to be the patron goddess of warlocks. Not to mention that magic bolt coming out of the third eye, it's all too contradictory. If that's possible, I don't see why a Scarab paladin or a Shokai evil anti-paladin in Scion wouldn't work either. Bessian was very displeased with you because you betrayed your comrades, and felt your explanations were generally fairly shallow. No hard feelings of course, we had a few good raids.


Zieth - We never travelled together, but you always gave me the odd heals and support in town when I needed it. It was always good to have you around, and Galadon seemed a lot safer when you were about. Good Tribunal.


No interaction.


Braiden - You're a nice guy and you were a good leader. I will try to spot you in future characters.
Satinka - You I will always be able to spot a mile away. Before I guessed who you were, you annoyed me a little for not returning to defend on raids, but as time wore on, I warmed to you. Strangely though, it seemed as time wore on, you cooled towards me. :)
Ambrose - I never saw any of the bad things you were accused of saying or doing while I was about.
Serniae - Sweet, Silly, Serniae. :)


Andulvar - You're good. Hope you do the Warlocks proud.
Annalena - I was impressed with you, but you always seemed cold and uninterested in talking. Only time you ever responded was when you wanted me to help you with something. Probably busy?
Thevequn - A good person to fight alongside.
Allashanstra - Thanks for helping me hero. You were always bubbly and nice to have around.
Mithuna - Another tough conjurer.
Lewellyn - How could I forget you?
Karithia - What happened to you after that fun day?


Pohanad, Johan, Yetharien, Kalin, Varick, Arriell, Gynax, was fun to be with you. Johan and Yetharien, we had some good fights together. We should have spent more time together and honed our group fighting, I think we were all too used to leading and fighting individually that things got a bit aschewed. Holy Brigade's the best in the land!

-Others Mentioned-

Those who helped me with defiance - A BIG THANK YOU. Since I died so many times, and so many died with me helping me get it, I can't list you all. I always feel bad when people die there.

Dwimmerling - A good friend. We had some good conversations. Hope you find your way.

Rigble - 'Okay, you stay on the road and hide. I shalt come to thee when thou hath.... *snip snip* ... Tis best if we did not travel, small friend..'