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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectWell, it was quite a ride
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=15034&mesg_id=15036
15036, Well, it was quite a ride
Posted by Darmok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As is almost always true Darmok was the "other character" I rolled while waiting for another character to develop and so of course Darmok became instead a real character. Funny how that always works out.

I tried to think of the most difficult combination and situation that might still not suck and then thought of a way to try it. I came up with honorbound elf rager warrior. And it was right about the time Vynymlak started up a religion, so it seemed perfect. Having known other honor gods I figured it would be one of those "have to do everything one on one" kinds of things, so I started out doing everything alone, never fighting one person (mob or pc, Darmok didn't distinguish) with help. Of course, at level 16 or something when I first spoke to Vynmylak he told me that such is not required. But at that point it was part of his role and how could an "honorable" character just up and do an about face? So I'd needlessly doomed myself to the solo levelling to hero. But it was fun.

Most people were very, very, very nice about it. Commenting nicely about how hard it must be, their respect for it, all that. Thank you, all of you, for that. There were a few though who scoffed, so for those, just a few points. Elf Rager Warrior. Think about that. When I die, not only can I not use magical things like charred bracers to reclothe, but because I'm elf much of the usual rager starter set (like spiked bracers from udgaard or the hematite clothing on the bound one or any number of iron things) are unuseable. Rustanviel (wood elf) and I talked once about how difficult it is to get some good basic clothing as an elf rager. Then of course there was the exp penalty always making me 6-9 levels below most of my foes. And, of course, doing everything solo meant I died a sick amount to mobs while levelling. That was never fun. Once in aridhol I was 231 exp to level 46. Died. Time for another 20000 exp or something.

Anyway, it was a pain doing it and it's never taken me that long to hero a character, but it was very satisfying the day it happened, and now you know why. I'll post the role in another post later. One side note: Darmok never did anything deliberately dishonorable. Every now and then he would be forced into a dishonorable fight (if I'm stuck in quicksand and thirsting, there's not much I can do if you choose to come walking into me and another thirsting rager sitting there) but as a player I was scrupulous as much as I could be about maintaining my role in that regard. I never wanted anyone, mortal or immortal, to ever be able to say I'd thrown it over for some quick gain.



Vynmylak - one of the primary purposes of Darmok was to meet you and I'm glad I did it. You were a lot of fun to talk to, you seemed genuinely interested and willing to discuss things and you were not afraid to call me on anything questionable. I loved the autoyell during combat and I very much like the idea of the clarion. Only negative was the tattoo. Once you give it something to do, I always think it should actually do it. Never worked, all the way up to the fight I used it in a day or so before you took it away. But that's just a side thing. It was a fun religion and you were a fun person to deal with. I wish we had more compatible playing times, I got the feeling we weren't around much together and that made me a bit sad. Thanks again.

Thror - solid, as usual. Like you or dislike you, nobody can say you don't have a total and complete character. Darmok wasn't my first or even second rager and I knew what to expect and still you made it fun and sometimes surprising. Thank you again for the blade, it was a highlight of his life.

Kastellyn and Intronan - didn't speak too much to either of you but Intronan at least provided an example in the last years of Darmok's life. Ironic that you felt insulted by my calling you a betrayer for leaving, and then of course I left. Hope you understood at the time. Your work is appreciated, both of you.

Bria - What nobody knows here is that if not for you there would not be a Darmok, at least not post level 21 or something. Do you remember all those months ago that night when you and I interacted and you helped me immensely? I still can't thank you enough for that, and like I said then, you always get a bad rap, even from me, but whether all that is true or not you proved to me that you are equally ready to be a terrific counterpart to mortals in the game and that you care about a player having fun. I don't know if you ever watched me after that, but particularly in the hero years I always had a tinge of the things we discussed in him and I tried to let it come out every now and then. Thanks again.

To the Immortal I can't name because of in game things going on - I am not happy with you. I think you dicked me around and I don't understand why. There is a lot I want to say to and ask of you but I don't think it's appropriate here, so I will email you. Does your name have an @cf.com address? I love and always hope for immteraction, but yours was the first in a long long time of cf that was for the most part negative.



Bryvac - I think it took about a hundred hours before I got inducted. I remember having Thror actually write a note saying that it would be ok, and then still you wouldn't induct me. I was always kind of pissed about that. But aside from that I thought you were a very good commander and Darmok had great respect for you. Sorry you deleted as a heroimm, but I'm sure you'll be back at least as a player, and the game is more fun when you play.

Grogim - When you were around you were effective. I know what it's like to play at times when few others are around (I was alone or with just one or two other ragers for a good chunk of darmok's life). I of course had the feeling you were around less than prior commanders but I did not and do not now judge. I thought you did fine and was pleased you made me drillmaster. Of course, you led me on much earlier then made others officers and it was only after they died that you turned to me, but I can understand. Nobody really liked Darmok. He wasn't a very jovial or fun person to hang with.

Guenrayn - thanks for the support. You and Nourn were exactly what I think ragers should be. Didn't much fear to die and didn't lose heart. For what it's worth, I think Drahk was wrong that day and you were right. (I didn't witness the stuff he complained about, so my opinion is second hand, but it is what it is.)

Drahk - don't worry about getting me killed that time, it was one among literally scores of deaths. Good job on the evil "i don't take #####" guy. Obvious skills. Respected.

Fire giant betrayer guy whose name I can't remember - name starts with a T - I never liked you and while I had respect for your ability to do big giant sized flurry damage I didn't have much more for you. I always knew you were a traitor and I would have booted you from the village in a heartbeat. Why Bryvac didn't when I brought it to his attention still baffles me. I guess that means I must give you props for pulling it off, so for that at least, good job.

Sabiene - my favorite defender. Just truly fun to have around. And good with your work. I tried to always say please and thank you when asking for and receiving poultices and the like. Darmok was a very unhappy person but always tried to be polite at least, and respectful, for those that deserved it. You were certainly one of those. I'm glad I had a small part in getting you in. Keep it up.

Iomyndor - the other defender. I thought you were good too, but probably because you were hidden a lot more than Sabiene seemed to be I didn't get the same good vibe from you. Not a criticism, just a lack of interaction more than basics. Of course we then had our conversation at the Inn and you seemed genuinely interested. Don't think I was fooled. I knew exactly what you were doing and how crazy you thought I was and the mockery you gave me on the rager cabal channel. I have my sources too, you know....

Sayangu - rager berserker assassins can be just beasts and I thought you were very strong. Not so sure about the pirate thing, but I never got a chance to really ask you about it. Again, one of the drawbacks of the whole honorbound and rarely group thing was that I didn't have all of that "let's go sleep up" time that people normally use to delve into eachother's roles. You stuck to it though, at least in language and accent, and temperment always seemed right, so you get points from me. Good job.

Tobeldest - you rock. End of story. Glad I was there when you finally kicked it.

Tessaron - Solid work, good attitude, and glad you got that tattoo back. Hope things continue well for you, I had fun the times we were together.

Some others I responded to on their own battlefield death pages, and others I'm sure I'm forgetting, if you post I'll surely respond with memories.


Darmok wasn't much for chit chat with enemies so I didn't have much by way of long conversations with you. That wasn't because I was uninterested, but more because it just didn't fit with him. I hope you understand. And, for the most part, Darmok didn't get honor in return for honor in the sense of getting one on one fights. I'd wanted force duel at some point but that never worked out, so the usual for me was "oh, two or three or four of them over there, hope I take out one or two before I bite it."


Anith - nothing annoyed me more than having your damn bird find me JUST as I requested something and proceeding to flyto me, attack me, shift to mongoose, I eventually wimpy, lather rinse repeat. There were very few people I was genuinely nervous about when I'd see them logged on, and you were one. Even thirsting I couldn't do more than jack squat to your mongoose, and you would hit me pretty much every round through haste and flourentine. I think the form is a bit overmuch in that regard. I think it makes sense you can dodge most of my attacks, but you shouldn't be hitting your foe (particularly a hasted, sword spec elf warrior) that much. Just my .02.

Aginal - it's all been said before, in your farewells and other places. But again, a fearsome invoker. A scion invoker with ready access to the various dam reduction wands is a real killer. And, since there was the quicksand bug for most of darmok's life you (and other invokers) could just get me into quicksand and I couldn't get out no matter what. Making me easy bait. Was very frustrating. The thing I'm most proud about though is that I think I never died to one of your famous immolations. How pathetic am I that I derive some satisfaction from not dying in a particular way to you? :)

Vortigern/Panir - the scion shamen. Worth fighting.

I can't think of others off the top of my head at the moment, sorry.


Lurdonis - hated you. Said it on your farewell board, no need to rehash here.

Zherukin - hated that bash legacy. You had complete command denial on me for 16 rounds in one fight. Literally just sat and watched 16 rounds go by where I was totally lagged. Not much fun there for me, but an excellent choice for you as a giant nexus warrior. You also always had a knack for fighting me exactly when resist would fall. One fight on eastern it literally looked like "murder zherukin""you feel less resistant" or whatever the echo is for resist falling, at the exact same time. I winced and watched as your iron swords did regular ****devs**** to me. That's gonna leave a mark. Unlike the rest of nexus you at least would sometimes fight me one on one, but that's of course due to that bashing thing I think. Still, you were good to talk to the few times we did and you seemed to have a measure of non-gang spirit, so I applaud that. Try to infect other nexuns with it.

Punblinpo - luckiest guy in thera. 'nuff said.


Darmok was always very respectful of paladins, calling them "holy warrior" or "holy knight" or something like that. He was still very much a lightwalker in his eyes and had great esteem for such people. I hope that came through.

Ulthur - had one or two good talks regarding honor and things. Impressive character.

Tynnyn - didn't see you much but I recall one conversation which impressed me.


Sassmi - mostly we talked to confirm who had which items. And the short war was tough. But as people have said on your farewell you were great. Cf's better because you play it.


Jhard - hate that shark. Nice taunting, though.

Anyway, I can't think of anyone else at the moment.

Mostly Darmok was a very difficult but satisfying character. Unbelievably hard to play him and self-imposed restrictions often had me banging my head against the wall, but in the end a mostly enjoyable experience.

Oh, to the imms generally - fist is great, but flow of shadows I think should be tweaked up a bit. It's primary and supposedly best possible user is an elf, as I was, and even so it didn't really work so much. Just my opinion.

Thanks to all who contributed to Darmok.