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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectOMG you are driving me insane
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=146190&mesg_id=146281
146281, OMG you are driving me insane
Posted by FullmoonCat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. I have never once said I was chased off. I left. It was my decision to do so, based on my own reaction to the constant negativity. I have explained that to anyone who has asked. Likewise with deleting my character.

2. Your idea that I think I was a victim because of this skill is only that: your idea. You seem to be fixated on people thinking they are victims. So let me be perfectly clear here. I do not think I am a victim, either in the Discord situation, my character, or this blindness skill. Nothing I am doing here is driven by victim mentality. My personal dislike of things and my own need to distance myself from those things led to my choices. As for the blindness skill, I don't know how to better explain my issue with it. Maybe try reading instead of just assuming I think I am a victim. It's a mechanical issue that feels like a bug or gross oversight to me. It is not related in any way to my DEAD character, or this DEAD character. I capitalized "dead" because you keep saying I want to get a character nerfed to benefit my character. Both of them are dead, so... not a motivating factor.

3. You love hyperbole more than anyone in the world (see what I did there?). Piti did not run a slander campaign about that gnome. People saw me as a ghost and then looked at me and saw I was missing 6 item slots. One of those people was Vartin. It snowballed from there. I literally never one time said the words "full loot." Since Atrael is one of the people Vartin talked to about it, he may have, I dunno. And it's weird that you're even bringing it up. In-character consequences for in-character things, that is the best part of the game. The player of that character and I laughed about it later, it's fine. She did run a slander campaign about Ios, however.

4. Yes, I am getting upset. With you, personally. For the things that you have personally said about me, personally. That's why I am taking it... personally. Shocking, isn't it?