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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectEh
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=146190&mesg_id=146236
146236, Eh
Posted by Skaya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Paper. Rocks. Scissors.

Without going too far into the details of how to cure, there are methods to cures. I'm sorry that you were a shifter who didn't abuse those methodologies. Also that you're a shifter who can flyto with insects. Shamans didn't have this issue neither did Villagers for what it's worth. BTW trappers have been nerfed in the last years based on frequency of setting traps, which is something that you could have clearly taken advantage of but didn't. I don't know about you, but if I'm fighting a blindness class I keep at least 3-4 cure blindness potions or use the healer using coins. Oh wait, you can't use healers using coins. I guess my paper beat your scissors.

It's also not the longest blindness. Is it effective against one defender? Absolutely. Against two defenders? Not at all - in fact, when I first came to hero range, it was two or three shifters that effectively destroyed that tactic and I couldn't defend or raid against them.

So what happened? Similar to other characs in the past, people stopped trying to fight me because of an "overpowered" skill. It got boring. I stopped using it, knowing that I can use it if I can and used other traps. Aside from some villagers (sorry guys!), people stopped trying to fight me. Out of the last 150 hours, there was maybe ... one time ... that the outlanders tried to raid when I was about. *yawn*. Stronger paper than scissors indeed!

It's also very bizarre that you speak about this when the outlander air raid squad caused multiple characs to delete. When outlanders' air raid squad was so powerful, did you ever think that game mechanics there may be broken? Unlikely.

So that begs the question, are you speaking about this from a personal issue (likely so) or due to fairness of game mechanics? Is it that my paper was better than your scissors perhaps?