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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectBrightest Stars
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=144695&mesg_id=144696
144696, Brightest Stars
Posted by Jalim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

This character stemmed from me talking to someone about old Heralds I played and for some reason I gave in to nostalgia. The PK scene when I was playing Aerithas was fairly sparce so I opted to move into more of a RP direction. Going from playing one elf to another was annoying so I really had to do a 180 on character personality.

My goal was to be a performer Herald who just used animal forms to perform, specifically I made my role around the pseudodragon form and I wasn't all that worried about any other forms I got. I was still fortunate enough to get the cheetah and make good use of it, and the vampire bat was really great for the utility of being able to see everything at night.

This character was just supposed to be me having fun and interacting with people while I decided what I'd rather be playing.

Rarywey did an amazing job of making this character feel like more than just a temporary RP side stop. Once I started exploring the religion more and actually having discussions the depth just kept building and building until I had really solidified the character in my head. I tried to treat all interactions from the perspective of a prideful, semi-self-centered, ignorant in many different ways, center stage star. He didn't grow up with other elves, he was an enslaved child forced to entertain the masses. Once he was freed he missed the feeling of being the center of attention and ooh-ing and aah-ing people.

So his personality transitioned as he grew in experience and years. Eventually he shed off the self-centeredness and naivety, to a large degree. He never lost the desire to be the center of attention and he felt the world was his. Lyeeth tried to see the best in everyone and he tried to bring out the innate goodness that he believed to be in every living creature. He did this in many ways. Mostly by drawing people in to the Inn for revelry and merriment. The inn was a sacred place to him where everyone leaves their biases and hatred for one another outside. Evil murderers sit down to be entertained and happy. He liked engaging evil folks the most. If he was keeping them at the inn they weren't outside doing horrible things to everyone else.

Anyone that broke that sanctity earned his ire. Anyone that attacked him or the ones he loved earned his anger too. Lyeeth could be petty and very vindictive. He enjoyed making sure those that hurt others he loved were in turn, hurt. This was an unusual stance for a Herald, but Lyeeth had been dominated as a slave his whole childhood and had a need to prove himself unshakeable and indominable. He tried to make the Inn his own Fortress of Merriment and he defended it aggressively and consistently. A lot of people were very vocal about how Heralds should not defend themselves or attack others, I think there were seven notes total sent to the inn about this to have Lyeeth removed. I probably had a lot of PK's, maybe more than all other Heralds, but I never attacked anyone that didn't first mess with me or someone I felt obligated to defend.

As a non-Herald player, typically, I always try to participate in Inn events when possible. I set a goal for Herald to have a big event that lasted under an hour every two weeks. I felt like this was a good amount of space between events that they wouldn't get too watered down and common. I'm happy to read PBF's lately and see a lot of experience awarded for longer lived characters because they chose to come hang out and participate in events. Eventually after three or four months worth of this I just ran out of ideas for fun things and passed the torch to Eralastorn since he was motivated and ready.

Age dying an elf is very out of my comfort area as a player. Over the course of Lyeeth I typically would have played at least six prominent characters. There were lots of ups and downs and times where I was just over it, but typically I was able to change my perspective and some things in character to make it interesting again.

So whether it was events, pk's, exploration, or just hanging out in general, I hope everyone enjoyed and found SOMETHING redeeming about this character.

I'm not even going to mess with goodbyes. Rarywey was amazing, I greatly enjoyed hanging out with Bazz/Ilise/Viera/Geegaw/Ilves and countless Fort/Trib/Outlander/Empire folks. Thanks to everyone who kept this character interesting.