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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Graevnik Uor'luja the Mageslayer, Commander of Battle
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=140165&mesg_id=140171
140171, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Graevnik Uor'luja the Mageslayer, Commander of Battle
Posted by Igsoeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well that was fun. The idea was basically to just be as relentless as possible, full on blaze of glory the entire time. Had a few frustrating moments, but whatever, 99% great experience, 10/10 would recommend. But man the imms messed up giving me so much con. Haha. I think I had like, 19 or 20 con when I got DM, of course that made me even more reckless, and when Uli was around for herbs it was really, really fun. We even had a few fights that were... group fights? Which is the number one thing I miss from the old days.

Jalim was right. My legacy choices were dumb from a mechanics standpoint. I could have been way more deathful with like... soul and cry, or soul and calming, or pretty much anything other than incarnadine + whirlwind. It did seem to shine in some mob fights, and I could tell when it would trigger in regular fights, but honestly it was wasted. At least incarnadine is an active, fun legacy. I also should have gone daggers as one of my specs, probably would have been much more deadly. But hey, maces are great for playing super aggressive and catching people with their pants down and well, duergar sword is still duergar sword (I did not perfect flurry or riposte by the way).

All in all definitely a success, my second DM, first Commander and first Mageslayer, and maybe most importantly, my second character with death gechoes, so, I win CF today. The only thing I failed was the Ergush tattoo, but hey, can't win em all. On to goodbyes, sorry in advance if I miss you.

IMMS - You guys are all awesome, thanks again for all the time and effort you put into this game.

Ergush - Lots of fun, wish I would have been able to finish it out. I hope I provided enjoyment by playing the "I have no idea what you're talking about but teach me" type of follower. I will DEFINITELY be back for more Ergush. I really wanted you to tell me mages burned my village, like a lot. Haha.

Panmorne - Thanks again, our interactions were few and brief/to the point, but very meaningful and well done. I hope I at least provided some entertainment. I definitely have a Panmorne role in the works.

Nalasul - Good times, it's always great when you just pop in, Oh look, a Drillmaster, etc. Cool induct, thanks for dropping in on the noob induct the other day too. Sorry I couldn't get all those ponchos, I'm pretty sure I crossed two more off the list but you weren't around to pass them on. I tried to force fights on two of the remaining three today, but couldn't pin them down. I still haven't come up with the right Nalasul role, but I'll get there. Maybe I'll finally do Igsoeh 2.0.

BATTLE - Fun as always, just need a little push and a little more playtime and Battle could be the strong cabal finally. I really hope you all had fun with the inducts, I tried to make them easy, but also make you think/keep you on your toes.

Ulitius - So mad when you deleted. Had tons of fun running around with you and racing to mageslayer. You probably would have beat me if you'd stuck around. You also probably would have ended up commander... Thanks for showing/dragging me around. We were a pretty formidable team.

Halimar - Really glad your times picked up, and good luck with all the kids. Thanks for helping me get re-geared for the final push.

Saf - Awesome when you're around, wish our times would have meshed/we could have run around some more together.

Vilka/Ariella - I hate you both. Haha. Just kidding. Sorry we couldn't get you guys ranked up. Enjoyed our interactions.

Everyone else - I hope you all keep with it and swing some power back towards the village. I hope Graevnik came across as a gruff asshole that would kick your ass if you let him down. Most of all I hope our interactions were fun.


Birbmwn - Mad respect, tons of great fights, great interactions. Good luck with whatever you've got going.

Itz - So many great fights, that last one I just miscounted, I definitely could have made the village if I hadn't. I was upset. Haha. Good talks, keeping being creepy.

Modasien - Ugggh. Really wish I could have gotten you. Great job.

Zraldar - That last fight could not possibly have been worse timing. I was way too distracted, I couldn't even figure out which weapons I was wielding, and I STILL got you to gushing. Haha. But hey, that's two in a row whose last death was to the Emperor. Fun stuff.

Kithervroy - I looked back on that last fight and I wasn't even wielding a second sword. So mad at myself. Good fights, just wish we had more.

Gnimos - Blink dog is ####. Comically unbeatable. Bloodthirst with a great set at the Destructor and no chance of winning. Frustrating to say the least.

Alisani - Lots of really fun RP, good fights. TOTALLY had you on the last one on the outskirts, ####ing missed flurry - that's what I get for not perfecting skills.

Gubir - Love that you like to get out and fight, nicely laid trap on the last one.

Graldon - Fun fights, really tough for Graevnik, respect for not taking stuff when you won, even weapons. (That's a real ####-punch policy if there ever was one for a warrior.)

Slarin - The one character I had everything go wrong for more than against Modasien. Uggh. Get out and mix it up more, fun fights.

Tribs - Wish you guys would get out and fight more is all.

Kachaqa - So tough, wish I would have gotten you, great work.

Outties - Glad to have the fights when we got em, also glad that I followed Ergush and you guys weren't all trying to kill me ALL the time.

Khilan - Awesome fights, mad respect for going out and looking for them.

Goodies - Great fights when we had em, wish there would have been more. Plenty of fun RP.

Limdabod - Lots of fun fights, I think most if not all of the times I actually got you was with your pants firmly around your ankles.

OTHERS - cause he didn't really have friends or allies

Alendross - Really great RP, one fun fight (for me at least-Haha). I wish I could have gotten further down Ergush's path, because I think the two of us could have had some fun times in the future. Great job, happy to wind up "friends" again.

Cedany - You're still awesome, keep it up. Thanks for the painting. Hopefully it got saved from my corpse and someone went through my trunk. Yeah I was wondering when I was finally gonna get banned from the Inn too. Hopefully Daph makes you High Herald soon....

I know I'm forgetting people, so just holler and I'll respond. Thanks again for all the fun.

See you in the fields.

Igsoeh Darkstorm
Aelisoc Venator
Jeir Govanion
Istilion Ar-Ostoeldarin
Kale Jast
Kyrilos Divumarchos
Zaahir al-Salil
Hraustr Halvard
Isidoros Ironwing
Odrallag Ashhorn
Uhgtohg Raazmik
Amahrohtar Hleowloran
Olethros Oleuni and now
Graevnik Uor'Luja