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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectwell, all good things come to an end
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13424&mesg_id=13431
13431, well, all good things come to an end
Posted by Lokrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lokrin is probably my favorite character to date. I hit on the idea of trying to control the bounty trade, because it was something that I didn't -need- immteraction to do, yet could have a real impact on Thera. I viewed Lokrin a little like Jarlaxle or whatever the leader of Bregan D'arthe is called in the Drizzt series. He walked a fine line with enemies on both sides, yet managed to prosper nonetheless.

Scions thought that I only hunted scions. Marans thought I hunted Marans all the time. I used a combination of genuine threats, bluster, bribery, butchery and befriendment to control my situation. Anyone who thought I was a scion might want to pay more attention to bounties. I stuck 100 gold on Anith's head. Scions who wanted scions dead put their bounties through me directly, not at a bounty office where you can see who placed them.

However, I still got bored with Lokrin and I have a non assassin character well underway. (Perhaps I am not as biased as you think between binders and assassins, Gaenlin.) To be honest, I would have deleted Lokrin some time ago if it wasn't for Intronan. I was also intending to train up Delata to run my Company after my death, but it seems he found life a little hard. Had he stuck around, I would have made the effort to age die, but as an old man it kind of took the wind from my sails. Perhaps one of the other worthies (and the person I was writing to recently could be a good candidate) would do it?

Intronan, I can't thank you enough for the immteraction. I wasn't one of your followers, I wasn't battle, I was just an assassin who happened to know you had a black feathered bird in your shrine. I enjoyed every moment I had with you. Would it be ok if I released the logs of it? I stopped pk'ing much at the end because I wanted to leave bounties for my employees and business was keeping me in the guild much of the time. I was hoping to become what I suppose would be "your Hand" where Farnsworth was your voice. Unfortunately, it was not in my character to suck up to Farnsworth so we clashed over his view of the law. On the subject of immteraction, did you even consider speaking to me Zulg? I think you do a great job so this isn't a complaint if the answer is "no", because I don't think you are obliged to. I would just like to know if you actually noticed my efforts.

Regarding the law, Tribs, you get my wholehearted congratulations yet again. I broke the law a lot, and never got flagged. I know that most of you would have seen logs of me breaking the law, and still you were always fair. I very nearly slipped up once and broke it in front of Farnsworth though. That was when I went to assassinate a paladin beneath the large junction and he stepped into town as the command went through. Luckily Farnsworth had just stepped into the Copeham inn, so I got away with it.

I'll address a few things while I'm at it:

PK ratio. It was better than 0%. Could imms please let me know what it is? If it wasn't over 90% I'd be very surprised. Even if it was under, I took on some quite nasty odds, so I'm not disappointed.

Generally, as with all my characters, I avoided killing people more than once. Almost invariably I returned most gear, often even when it was better than mine. Harokatsu was probably the only person I perceived as enough of a threat to kill more than once. Falathar nearly got the same treatment because I failed to grab the five-color dragonmail from his corpse when I killed him; luckily he traded it so I didn't have to. I was also in the process of besting him with an iron dagger from the ruined keep during a crash, about one hour before I assassinated him. Weapons were never something I worried much about. Weapon damage is secondary to tactics in my book.

People need to stop bitching every time an assassin kills them. Especially going ooc. Every time I assassinated people at lvl 35 (and I only carried out 5 at this level) I got called a level sitting powercharacter player who was afraid to rank to hero. Well, as I said to them at the time, I was not like other assassins who did this, and I would happily fight them at hero.

One of the claims I can make is that no one killed Lokrin with fewer than three people fighting him at the time, with the exception of Airael who I let kill me for RP reasons. Pairs that attacked me usually died, because if I let them attack me I was usually very prepared. If I didn't want to fight them, I was very quickly far far away.

If you are wondering Airael, Lokrin was sphere Reason and he had to understand everything he based his actions on. Killing you as instructed might well have achieved your death, but Lokrin had a better chance of understanding the situation by taking the approach that he did. Therefore I took the approach that resulted in my only solo death. Lokrin never broke his word to anyone ever. (Because he had to be trusted by everyone to conduct his business.) I gave my word to fight to the death so I did, where normally I'd have been out of that fight faster than you could say sunray. In fact, I was surprised to come even close to killing you. Had your armor of thorns not stopped that last doublespin kick, you'd have died and Lokrin wouldn't have gained the understanding he sought. Strange to think that winning a pk nearly caused me a problem. It was actually pretty important that I lost that one, without it being obvious that I needed to lose.

My other deaths were to:

a conjie, a shifter, and an invoker. I had agreed peace with the conjie, who was a servant of dawn. I had even warned said conjie when scions and ragers were in the underdark, as I didn't want conjie to die again so soon after dying to me. I decided to illustrate to conjie how dangerous the situation was by sneaking up and whispering something (as many characters can vouch I did without hurting them). Conjie's group gangs me because I am not hidden. Next time conjie, I'll claw your invoker. Had I done that I believe I could have killed your whole group. As it was, I was so astonished by a servant of dawn breaking his word that I just went brain dead. Anyway, thanks for leaving me some gear. And remember, assassins you can see can't stalk you. They have to hide to do it.

My second death was against a shifter and a sword spec, with Airael (I think) healing them from out of my pk. I screwed up trying to go for the quick kill instead of the maladictive one. Again, I got most of my gear back. But you bastards destroyed my hat from the academy. Shame on you. That's another way to spot my characters. I actually consider that hat a decent piece of gear, and I'll wear it all the way to hero in many cases.

Third death, I decided to even out the odds at the village when nexus raided them. So I attacked a group of four nexans at the giant. (I don't know what I was thinking. It was a moment of extreme madness and I paid the price.) Unfortunately, the villager I warned I was coming missed my tell and thirsted into me. That was a good reminder to prep before doing dumb things like that. Luckily, I managed to convince both sides to return bits of my gear. The nexans because I died to a villager, the villagers because I was fighting nexans at the time. Either way, Jelomar was always safe from me after that, because I didn't forget a debt either (at least, I tried to remember them all).

Fourth death, to Airael. That was for umm, religious reasons, I would say. I did start to form an inner cadre of Black Feathers to carry out my religious work.

Anyway, that was all my deaths.

Of my assassinations, I failed to log some. My favorite two cases were:
- assassinating a group killing drow warrior students.
- assassinating a shaman when he had an invoker and a mace spec in my pk with him. I had no potions at all, and it was at Aridhol's north gate, so being summoned back was almost a certainty if I failed. It was one of those moments when you realise after the event that:

a) Fortune favors the brave, and
b) that you are a very lucky idiot.

I'll also say that no feeling beats a successful assassination in cf. At least, not for me. I'd feel differently if I sat at lvl 35 because assassinating at level 35 is a lot easier than at hero for an uncaballed character.

Tarnyxil. Umm. Well, I was Persumal. I'm pretty sure you will get my point from that. Had fun anyway, again. Unfortunately assassins aren't cut out to be chatty and friendly in the manner than paladins can be. You were the only person to kill my AP Fazril by the way, besides Malur who got me when a bug caused me to drop my weapons and I had to rewield them instead of prep. You got me on the north road after I beat you to a pulp all over the surrounding areas. I was kind of glad it was you. All other bards just fiended and I teleported to kill the fiend. Bloody one trick ponies. You suckered me into making a mistake. Damn, I wish you had fiend at that stage.

Well, everyone else who made Lokrin a fun character, friends and enemies, thanks. There wasn't anyone who didn't add to his experience in some way. That includes all those who bitched at me. Most who got to know me apologised in time. Those that didn't -- well, I had fun killing you. ;)


Seriously, more people need to view every death as their own fault. Not to pick you out Sarunim, but you are the one that I recall most recently. You called me a fool for approaching you and the warrior when in fact I knew I was in no danger from you, as evidenced from our previous encounter. You died because you were too eager to get the kill and took camel form to blind me, allowing me to lag you and keep you in that form. Then you just called me an idiot a few more times. On reflection, you knew that I was able to vanish and handle you alone without difficulty, so the fact I was standing and fighting instead should have made you a little more wary. In fact, when I turned and ran in the first place, I was already prepped up the wazzoo in case you attacked.

As far as boneshatter etc went, I had enough +str and +dex gear that it really didn't bother me, particularly as I tended to haste before fighting mace specs. This wasn't true in my old age though, because my stats dropped without trains to restore them, and I choose to wear blademaster gloves instead of ogre gauntlets, simply because they are fun.

I think Lokrin's set on deletion was even better than Daurwyn's. Gear hunters out there, rejoice.