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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRole
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12989, Role
Posted by Uelveyye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your role is:
Added Fri May 10 11:25:05 2002 at level 10:
"Uelveyyeloneslerralathenthalas, I have told you too many times to be counted
by the wisest scholars of the court: Stop this infantile obsession
with that half-breed!" Her mother's voice almost took on a timber
of passion.....almost.
Once again she was being scolded, well scolded would not be the best word
that might imply or even hint that her mother cared about her in the slightest
this was more of a formal reprimand, a dressing down similar to that which
her mother might give a servant for having the silverware incorrectly
spaced on a place setting for dinner.
Uelveyye sets her jaw and juts her chin out defiantly, hoping to provoke
further confict with her mother, after all some attention is better than none.
But despite the fact that sneaking off to listen and learn from Seralela
was the one thing that exasperated her otherwise unattentive mother
it was not the real reason she did so. Uelveyye was truly fascinated by the
the woman, a halfbreed elf and a guildmaster of her craft no less.
Since the day they met she had been awed by her poise, her humor, her grace
(uncharacteristic of a halfbreed) and the respect and deferance shown to her
by the populace of Darslyon.
"You are a lady of the court, remember that..." her mother's voice drones on.
In her mind's eye Uelveyye is once again the day before her 100th birthday.
Sitting with her feet in the fountain in the middle of the square

daring the guards to tell her father or challenge her. Meeting every disapproving
stare with a look of defiance. Watching the ripples expand in ever growing
rings around her slender ankles. Some joining with others and
growing others cancelling each other out. Suddenly two more epicenters
appear creating ripples of their own...but with no obvious source.
Uelveyye gasped and stared in disbelief, and with a silvery laugh, cascading
like the falling drops of water from the fountain head, Seralela popped into view.
"Don't gawk child, people will think you a simpleton staring with your mouth
hanging open like that."

Added Fri May 10 14:39:17 2002 at level 10:
"You... you...your a half-elf!" Uelveyye stammered. "I am also half-human
little one" smiled Seralela. Uelveyye glanced around nervously fearing the
gaze of the guards. Paddling in the fountain was one thing, she knew
most of the guards by name and it was really unfair of her to tease them so.
She loved nothing better than to argue her case, hands on hips, on the differnce
of the cities laws and elven etiquette. That might get her one of her fathers
chidings, or her mothers infamous "importance of status" lectures, but this!?
This would would have her sent to her chambers for a month! She knew how her mother
distainfully disapproved of other races within the city, but the half-elven wanderer
who had taken up the position of guildmistress, she knew made her mother seethe

like cold fire. Her heart pounded in her throat as the womans gaze held her, guards
approached, but instead of asking the two to remove themselves from the fountain, they
bowed respectfully to Seralela and kept marching.
"Have I made myself clear?" "Yes mother" Uelveyye murmers her litany"
"Uelveyyeloneslerralathenthalas Aye'lya Darsylonathas I swear you will bring
shame to this house yet if you do not mend your errant ways"
"Yes mother"

Added Tue Jun 11 19:12:22 2002 at level 14:
"What am I doing wrong?" Uelveyye's voice scaled octaves in frustration.
"You are trying to hard, you must let it flow from within" her mentor
replied in a soothing voice. "Remember our magic flows through us
taking form and strength from the will and purity of your being."
"I will never master these spells" sulked the perturbed elven maid.
"No you shall, but first you must master yourself. That is the
key so many overlook." Seralela's vibrant voice admonished.
"You cannot stay here young one, this city and it's politics
are not good for you. While you stay amonst your kind your
predjudices will be reinforced, you need to see the world and
realize who you are. Your trials will be hard, but through hardship
we grow. You must seek out the purity in yourself and
from it the purity of your craft shall flow."

Uelveyye gnawed on the corner of her lower lip. The world was
so wide, and she had not yet mastered her spells.
Noticing her pupil's apprehension the half-elf laughed
and ran her delicate fingers through her hair.
"You will be fine Uelveyye, return to me when you are ready
to learn new spells, or tire of the road, besides your father
would uproot the kingdom were you to be gone for too long"
Taking a small worn leather journal from her robe, Seralela
pauses almost caressing it. "Here, take this with you. These
are the journals of my travels when I was young. The may bring you
comfort and strength on yours."

Added Wed Sep 18 21:59:18 2002 at level 51:
Running a delicate hand across the smooth and worn leather journal
Uelveyye thinks back to her youth, her travels and her trials, her long path
to now. Walking silently through the market place she smiles at
the old familiar stone beneath her feet, the fountain where it all began.
Gliding into the guild she smiles as Seralela scolds a young magus on his
pronounciation. The guildmistress stops in mid lecture "that will be all for today"
her crisp voice brooks no argument and her pupils up and leave.
"Do you plan on staying flat? Trying to prove your skill to me young Uelveyye?"

Stepping out Uelveyye smiles fondly at her old mentor, and silently hands the
journal to her. "I see" Seralela noticed the worn cover and the care with
which her journal has been kept. "Thank you, I hope it was of use to you."
With tears shimmering in their eyes the two embrace and Uelveyye whispers
"No, thank you"