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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectI don't know where to start in the post but I guess I'll start here...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=127959&mesg_id=128044
128044, I don't know where to start in the post but I guess I'll start here...
Posted by Thelathelao on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A couple of things I like to say:

1) I didn't create Thelathelao character base on a previous character that has anything to do with Qinsa or the Spire. Thelathelao was just the answer to an itch in playing CF, not a character built to take you down due to some personal agenda. If anything, I picked Duergar because I expected fights with Cae the Emperor. Though it is funny that you mentioned it, because in my written role, I was an abandoned toddler who was found and raised by a RETIRED VILLAGER. But this is merely a story line for the character to tell in the applicant interview.

2) Thelathelao is Chaotic with sphere Chaos. It does make me annoyed when you tell me to not to become a criminal as if that is a negative. Sure at times I become Wanted in the more untraditional way like being at the Captain too long, striking guards, and striking you, Annkhu, or the few magi in the city. Why do I strike you? Simply because you and Annkhu both striked at the massive giant. Why is it so hard for you to see that if you strike the massive giant, you will catch my attention, and the attention of anyone who the massive giant protects? The whole cabal hears the scream of the giant when you strike, hell even the battle applicants will hear it. What makes this deal a little different is that you choose to strike when only I hear it. Of course a few more got dragged in as you can see toward the end.

3) The notes, ah the notes, I do apologize that the notes were beginning to get out of hand at the end. But the first few notes were not what you call whining and complaining. It was an attempt to RP and if war is the end results, awesome. What made it start to fall apart is how you receive it. I just don't understand why do you think it is bad to start a war? I didn't pick the war on a newbie, I pick the war on the Spire because I figure you can handle it. I saw you have like 7 or 8 mean pets with you when you were at your best.

4) What causes war were your actions. You repeatedly strike at the Destructor. On the contrary from what you were thinking, I do not hide in the village... I baited you there. Do you see it? You obviously show no respect for the village and the presence of the Destructor, which is fine by me from an enemy standpoint. But what you can NOT seem to see is that if you strike at the Destructor or giant, you are like an enemy. The rest of the cabal will hear the screams and response accordingly. It is terrible RP to say, oh because he hunts criminals he can come in the village, kill the massive giant, and kill the criminal making a stand at the Destructor without any repercussions, because he was just doing his Provost duties; it was not raiding. Tell me the difference between 3 of you fighting me at the Destructor and 3 of the Empire fighting me at the Destructor? From what I have seen, their screams over the cabal channel are the same. So from my point of view, you don't get to walk away free while the Empire gets hunted down for doing exactly the same thing. No hard feelings but don't take it personally. It could have been alot more fun if you were also pressing for war on the Spire side because of Thelathelao's actions than trying to defending something you thought you needed to defend.

That's a wrap, see you in the fields.