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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectA lot of your trouble is your insistence that you're right.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=127959&mesg_id=128036
128036, A lot of your trouble is your insistence that you're right.
Posted by Jormyr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From the texts on Off-Duty Magistrates.

You are free to have your own opinions and relationships, in
particular with other cabals. Should you find it necessary to participate
upon a raid into another cabal, keep in mind that you may be called upon
to justify your actions. No matter how you may view such an action, the
members of the cabal being struck will surely take note of your position as
a Magistrate - even one off-duty - and only a fool will think that this will
not have some negative impact. Furthermore, once you have participated in
a raid against a cabal that is not an enemy of the Spire, you will not be
allowed to use any of the Spires powers for several days. We will have no
Magistrate hiding from his off-duty conflicts under the banner of the Spire.
Anyone caught attempting to do so will be dealt with harshly. In short, do
as you wish on your off-duty time as long as it does not negatively reflect
upon or impact the Spire.

*** As others have mentioned, pretty certain you lose powers when raiding any cabal but Outlander. Therefore, *ONLY* Outlander is enemy of the Tribunal.

From the texts on Vindicators -

Only a Vindicator has the authority to take another cabal's sacred
item, from anyone that is not already an enemy of the Spire. This is
only to be done after the most careful consideration, and after every
other possible avenue has been explored. While taking an item may
finally bring the criminals hiding within to justice, it will greatly
inflame the other members of the cabal. This is left to the judgment
of the Vindicator.

*** (Weird, how taking a cabal item is likely to inflame another
cabal) Reading this with above only a Vindicator can take the
cabal item of anyone not Outlander. Nothing in this talks about
declaring war. Maybe the executioner mis-stated it, maybe you
mis-understood the statement. Maybe I'm wrong, but the best I can
tell (and note everyone except you seems to take it the same way),
but no matter what you, or a Vindicator, or anyone else wants to
"say", you still lose powers when raiding, so non-Outlander cabals
are still NOT ENEMIES of Tribunal. Does it suck? Sometimes. Is
that the way Tribunal is? Yep. Hell, I was even arguing FOR
Tribunal being allowed to fight back in the right circumstances,
but that's not the way it is.