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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectI'll just refute the lies since you have no concept of RP and IC/OOC divide
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=127959&mesg_id=127983
127983, I'll just refute the lies since you have no concept of RP and IC/OOC divide
Posted by Gwildaththea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*A neutral someone* showed up one day out of the blue and dropped a hummingbird pendant on me without any comment. I had no idea who it belonged to and didn't think to ask. Gave my thanks and wore it.

Then the next day or a day or two after some herald bard (definitely not High Elf) rather rudely demanded to have it because "it was Renize's." Now, if you did understand RP and what a High Elf would do in that situation, the answer is rather clear. Neither the bard in question nor the Heralds as a whole "deserve" to have anything, much less a rare piece just for demanding, especially if you're a "lesser" race.

Now, if Renize herself or an actual High Elf of the herald asked me about it with appropriate RP attached, of course I'd give it back, but that never happened.

That's beyond the view that my character holds that the Heralds are a rather misguided bunch and are a general waste of space in Thar-Eris. They could have applied their skills and knowledge to promoting Life and fighting the evils of the world, but instead they drink themselves to death in the inn, which doesn't even have a single wild room inside. Thus my *character's* view that they shouldn't hold valuable things.