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127976, this one
Posted by qinsa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
i will respond to before I take a break. I have no idea who you are, but losing the gear didnt bother me. When I died again with a few pieces, didnt bother me. Izqi's corpse regeared me, and the wood elf villager regeared me a bit better.
I was never surprised to be full looted. That decked I DID expect it. I have no idea who you are or why you would even think this.
I mentioned in the first post dealing with outlanders, I played during a time full looting was for the most part rampant. Depending on who was near, or lowbies, not even bothering to return to corpses, just red dragon and spitfire and calling THAT geared. Eq has never bothered me.

Did not think I handled it very well.. I do not believe you had any clue in the matter. At all. With the words between myself and annkhu after made vindicator and we were speaking about the declaration of war, he had brought up the mask, and I had stated armorment should not be a factor in that decision.
Reason being, armor didnt matter to me.
If you could possibly, at all, say where you even got that from? Heh.

On the other thing, from as far back as istendil (imm char), a person I loved to hate, he once made a comment that people will accuse you of anything, make drama over, and whine just because you are powerful. I agree with him. It goes for any situation though not just powerful chars. If you are online more than a few hours you 'never sleep'. If your char has been around a while, it is 'when will you finally age die'. If it is that you have nice gear, as lhotki/thelathelao would call you 'gear locker', or other names like hoarder. If you do not die much, it must be because you never take chances!
These people do not see me charging four people in a dragon lair. Solo raiding for the fetish through two people, nothing. It gives them something to whine about for their ego. There are people that will not try to fight, will not prep, will not do anything, and justify it as 'this guy cant be taken down' when in fact, in many cases my number was had except for luck how things turned out, or the right tactic was just not used as in myriani's case during retrievals.

Alot of the great players are gone, but unfortunately, the amount of whiny characters to great characters is looking to show a high amount of whiney, with little great anymore.

All of this is matter of course for a game. And I am not playing anymore, but likely alot of outlanders suddenly have time again to play :P