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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectMy own friggin' death, and the end of the fun that was Karhon.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=10531&mesg_id=10537
10537, My own friggin' death, and the end of the fun that was Karhon.
Posted by Karhon/Lanaulyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Everyone seems to enjoy writing and reading these farewell posts... So, I'll start by giving my farewells... Then in another post, I'll speak on my thoughts about maran and CF and all that other stuff.

Ilraeth = Why oh why did you EMPOWER me? I am so friggin' stupid, that I rolled up Karhon and picked sphere purity then decided to follow Ilraeth. It was then that I realized I was an odd sphere! But I said, 'what the hell, might as well try.' And so I tried to incorporate purity into your religion. Which, after following Savraeth before was really easy. (I did an extensive study on your religion by the way.) I almost have your help file memorized, plus I had my own notes for Karhon's take on the religion in microsoft word. And damn, I was gonna send you that stuff we were talking about. I would have so loved to try to get you and Shokai to play it out, but I guess I was too slow and stupid to get it done soon enough.

Shokai = Why oh why did you INDUCT me? My dedication? I think I got inducted at 200 hours, but still... Others have hard worse times, I've heard. Well, I tried being the priest of the brigade you wanted me to, speaking always of prayer and faith and uplifting others. And I tried to take time for the young marans, teaching the ways of zeal and stuff. Just a quick question... Do you want me to never roll up a maran ever again cause I ruined things and you were only putting up with me? Or is it ok for me to roll marans in the future? *GRIN* I promise I won't roll one up if you don't want me ever again.

Vynmylak = You rock, man! So does all the other imms, but you are now my favorite. It's kinda funny... I play Lanaulyn and follow Savraeth, which in turn makes me fall in love with Ilraeth. So then I roll an Ilraeth follower and fall in love with Vynmylak. Don't be surprised if you see another of my chars on the graveyard that was your follower. Take it easy, either way, and try to remember Karhon as long as you can.

Mayesha (Former) = It was fun interacting with you and Aliera at the Shrine now and then... Hard being so cold when Mayesha made me cry...

MORTALS! Damn, this list is gonna be long... Too long.. And yet, I'm gonna forget around 9Billion people.

Maran -
Ulthur= My main man! Seriously, you and me, we were always about when things got friggin' tough and I kinda feel bad that now you don't have me around, but it's not like I did much help. Just remember that the young ones seeking the brigade are the future of the maran cabal, so try to take time to speak with them like I did. Check the notes and search for the apps now and then. It's boring as hell, but I felt obligated to. And now you're the elder. Anyways, you rocked. I remember us striking the chasm, me having to flee and return, flee and return, while you just stayed there pissin' on everyone's heads... I always laughed at my own lack of skill, pk wise. And everyone on the dioxide pages is right, I suck with shamans. I rotted my own self! That's frickin' stupid!

Aliera = My main sister! Kinda... It was hard getting close to you when I played a character that was in love with you before (Lanaulyn) Especially when you'd mention his name and get teary eyed... I'd have to quit shortly after, just so I didn't lose my rp, and forget who I was playing. But you rock, way more than either of my chars did. And you outlast both, eh? Take care of yourself, there.

Hazkal = Rock on, we con died almost together!

Tynnyn = Where DID you go? I missed havin' yah around, cause you had no fear... With your disappearance, I tried to step up and be a little more fearless too. Someone in maran has to be the guy that jumps the nightwalker every moment he unghosts... Or maybe not, maybe I am just stupid.

Lydian = Never forget you, Karhon loved you inwardly, but whenever he was outside of the Ogier Steading, he was cold as Ice so he couldn't show it. It was hard, believe me. But hey, rock on!

Maemar = You rocked, but then you disappeared too... Damnit, our youth just aint cookin' like they should be.

Malur = You make me wanna play a warrior... You rock, in my eyes, just cause you rp better than most warriors. At least, when I was watching you. Do well, you are the future of the Brigade.

All other Marans = Karhon will pray for you, cause you are gonna need it. Evil's coming to power again, but not nearly like the old days when I was a new maran, I don't think. Still, I hope you all do well.

There were three scions I respected. Urden and Roktalken and Zarukian. You were the only three dedicated to your cabal who would stay in thera when things looked bad. Of course, I can't see all so maybe there's other dedicated scions too... I don't mind a scion who hides or avoids death... But to NOT PLAY simply because the other side is in power is sad. The rest of you are ok by me, since I don't have anything against anyone who plays cf.

Roktalken, I hope things go well for you, but don't expect my next char to be friendly to you since I'm a perma-goodie. And maybe this char will actually be able to kill you... Hah, yeah right.

Zarukian, I kicked your ass in our guild those three times but I had humansunder and I was cabaled so it wasn't fair. Then you got cabaled, I lost humansunder, and we never had a fair one on one fight after that. I'm sure you'd probably have won, though.

Sylvan = Umm, I haven't seen you in a while, but that one sylvan that called my Father Ironwood, I liked you. The rest, I liked. Was fun fighting beside you.

Tribunal = Uelveyye, you're cool. Noldruk, you're.. cool too... Though you were too friendly with the lich for Karhon's liking. But oh well, I'm sure you had good rp reasons. Evil tribunals, I was eager to break the law to fight you in my early years, but when I got old I just didn't have the vigor I used to as a fighter. So instead, I chose to preach at you. Hell, I was playing a priest!

Village -
Tobeldest = My Brother! You friggin' represent all I want to be, man. A great and stout warrior and you know no fear. (That was the one thing you and Karhon had mostly in common.) Keep chuggin, and 'Haha, I died first!'

Storm giant warriors = I liked you all.

Duergar warriors = I didn't like you at all, especially the ones that whined about a maran jumping a duergar warrior... that's just stupid, in my eyes, but good RP? Maybe.

Scarab -
Amora = You rocked. You beat on me and beat on me, and I loved every minute of it.

Nexus -
Nydeikon = I knew you as Lanaulyn and Karhon, enjoyed both relationships immensely.

All you young storm giants and dwarves and elves, be good. Sorry I aint around to get you snow worm, too...

That Drake Shifter, whatever your name is = I am SO sorry for rotting you, I seriously was having lag on my end and hit the wrong friggin form at the worst time possible...

Anyone I forgot? Tell me and I'll try to reply. Heck, to talk about things that happened or to give me advice on being a maran, ICQ me at 99345709. Or Aim me at callsign OkijuBen. Please, no perma group wannabes like last time when I deleted Lanaulyn!