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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectgood work man
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=104787&mesg_id=104800
104800, good work man
Posted by Tontik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tontik, you could have taken my weapon twice I think, but you never ever touched my corpse, and I saw you leave other corpses untouched too. Anyways, you're a beast! Awesome fights, so happy I finally got you once though. But man wth were you doing? You could've gotten me that time too!

Man i remember hearing all the villagers talk about you decimating the range pre hero, then you ranked up and i just roflstommped you twice...And yes if you knew my char like others do i NEVER loot anything from anyone who did not loot it from me first, but oh well sometimes it works out really good for you.

and yeah that last death of me was me playing at work and hit what seemed to be a huge lag spike (in which i had entered 3 commands, the best part was 2 of those was missspelled) and I had you at writhing and I was at like 30% so I spammed some pincer (then inset lag spike) and come to find out i was not even wielding two axes....... Oh well sometimes everything works out great for you and you win a pk fight no matter you do and sometimes you just make 6 bonehead mistakes in a row and loose a fight you shoudl ahve won.....and WTF i was only worth one charge *sadface*


come back to the village :)