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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectMharldarn
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=100197&mesg_id=100237
100237, Mharldarn
Posted by Rhone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>1) You went OOC on me.

I did not realize you played that prior character until you went ballistic on me. It was one of those funny situations like what happened between Prothero's outlander app and a Harbinger. Your RP, whether intentional or not, seems geared towards getting players upset, and the trash talking reminded me of another character with a similar background to yours. I didn't put two and two together until I saw your reaction and it was like "Holy ####, he IS that guy." Sorry, Man, but in CF, I talk about past characters all the time - I think it adds a depth and history to what is happening in the game and makes it a fuller experience. I have no way of telling whether or not you played that guy, and it honestly didn't cross my mind until after it was all said and done.

Anyway, we never spoke after that event, and I have to say I appreciated the quiet. Because other than your verbal interactions, I enjoyed having a challenging character around to raid against even though you were loathe to take risks.

>2) You broke every cabal rule. Killed neitral/good npcs/pcs
>just because you wanted to use area spell in pk.

I had an edge that prevented my area spells from harming good aligns. I would call this edge a MUST HAVE, by the way, for people looking into goodie invokers.

Re: neutral mobs, I was playing a Shokai follower with a much more aggressive approach than someone like Daurwyn. The way I saw it, IC, my wrath could not harm the innocent. So if a mob or whatever was struck down by Rhone's sorcery, then it had been judged less than righteous. It's not as though I intentionally hunted neutral mobs or PCs - in fact, I avoided killing them if possible and informed them if I was going to hunt them and why I was going to hunt them so they'd know. But Shokai Maran have one rule that they never break and that is killing a Lightwalker - IMHO neutrals don't apply and I'm not going to lose sleep over their loss during the course of killing the leader of the chasm.

Anyway, neutral killing is a complex issue, and I don't get the sense from you that you want to discuss complex issues with me.

>3) Killed neitral cabal outers billion times to stop me from

This made me laugh. It reminds me of Austin Powers, when Dr. Evil puts his pinky to his chin and says, "A HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS." :)

>4) Full loots/full sacs/ whine about eq.

There were a few things that really annoyed me while playing Rhone. In order, they were:

1. Dying while link dead and getting looted (I got over this for the last 50-100 hours when it seemed like I'd lose link 4-5 times a session).

2. Dying to an enemy I'd killed before, and left his crap, and now he's killed me and takes a bunch of my crap. (I know this is a pretty lame thing to get upset over, but man, it's hard and I really don't get the whole unwritten looting code in CF).

3. Trash-talking. Here's where you and a couple other characters fit in. I hate trash talking in CF. I'm playing to enjoy the whole immersion/addiction thing, not to feel as though I'm stepping on to a basketball court looking for a pickup game. You edited out a TON of stuff from that conversation, but basically you and a couple others just really rubbed me the wrong way with the trash talking, and I decided (again, pre-Marshall days) to respond in an over-the-top manner until you gave up on it. And ... it worked! :)

Anyway, I only killed you once, with - haha this is funny - Karkarrak (that I recall) and I left all your crap so I'm not sure where this full looting thing is coming from. I also never died to Mharldarn so I don't see how whining over gear applies to you, either.

But overall, and I mean this sincerely:
Other than our in game communications, I thought Mharlndarn was a solid enemy. I tried to make it clear to you and others that you were nothing to be afraid of, which is why I'd raid you with only one or two other people (and believe me, that is extremely dangerous to raid a scion chancellor under those conditions), but I did treat you as a deadly threat and someone I absolutely did not want to fall to (because I didn't want to have to deal with the inevitable OOC forum mockery :P). For that reason, I carried the heartseeker for several hundred hours - just for your character. And I was grateful to be playing a class combo Mharl couldn't handle.

I think if you have a weakness, it is that you don't seem to like other characters unless you semi-regularly "frag" them. And if you aren't able to frag them, you trash talk them trying to rile them up into doing something stupid so you can frag them. My humble suggestion would be to ask yourself, "Why?" Why not appreciate that you have enemies that present a challenge to you, and you have to do something clever to outsmart them? I know I appreciated the times I raided the chasm while you defended, and the time we fought back and forth in Voralia. I love shining up my PK counts as much as the next person, but at the end of the day, I appreciate accomplishing something challenging.

Anyway, just something to think about.