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Topic subject[HERALD] Jaegran the High Herald of the Eternal Star, Minstrel of Arvam
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=7975
7975, [HERALD] Jaegran the High Herald of the Eternal Star, Minstrel of Arvam
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Jaegran the High Herald of the Eternal Star, Minstrel of Arvam


You set your eyes take in the sight
of the elven gentleman before you. There is an air about
him that seems capable of getting the attention of those
in the vicinity. When he speaks in public, you notice
several by-standers hanging on his every word. He seems
quite comfortable with the attention, it hangs off his
shoulders like a mantle. It seems that he would feel
naked if it the attention was to cease.
His voice is a bold, dynamic tenor that is utterly
magnetic. This elf holds himself in the grace one would
expect to find in one of his kind. Slightly wider in the
shoulders than at the hip, lean and willowy, his gestures
are natural, precise and effortless. He smiles frequently,
deep lines on his cheeks accent the expression. His sharp
jaw line travels to his pointed elven ears, which are
decorated in elaborate hoops of silver.
His spikey hair is as black as pitch with silver-blue
highlights when the light strikes it right. His eyes are
expressionate, nearly creating half the conversation for him.
His body language is loud as well, large gestures cleverly
used to gain more attention and draw more people in to focus
upon him. His fingertips are stained blue-black, like ink,
though more than a few are covered in thin bandages, after
countless hours paying one of the many instruments he
carries with him no doubt. His hodge-podge attire seems a
blend of a well traveled adventurer and Darsylonic aristocracy.
Taking a second glance, you note this fellows attire
more closely...


Exp495681To Level20899SpherePassion
Age mature, 354 years old (148 hours)
Hit Points460Mana673Movement676
Carry #0/31Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
7982, Jaegran's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  0 (0 at level 43)
Total PK Losses  15
Total Mob Deaths  21

PK Wins by Class

PK Wins by Cabal

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  0
VS. Neutral  0
VS. Evil  0

PK Deaths by Class
VS. warrior  4
VS. anti-paladin  1
VS. assassin  2
VS. ranger  1
VS. invoker  1
VS. necromancer  4
VS. berserker  2

PK Deaths by Cabal
VS. None  10

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  0
VS. Neutral  3
VS. Evil  12
7983, Jaegran's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  0
Total PK Assists  0
Average Group Size Per Kill  0.00

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Can't even get a kill

Average Group Size Per Death  0.87

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Suicide Tastes Better Than Murder

7984, Jaegran's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Sat May 7 11:01:19 2005 by 'An Immortal' at level 9 (6 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: Nice RP at a young age while ranking.

Sat May 7 11:14:59 2005 by 'An Immortal' at level 10 (6 hrs):
An Immortal added 600 exp for: Has role and desc.

Mon May 16 21:47:57 2005 by 'An Immortal' at level 15 (21 hrs):
An Immortal added 1000 exp for: Well done song at my shrine.

Thu May 19 00:41:42 2005 by 'Arvam' at level 17 (26 hrs):
Probably going to be my first real follower. Already doing a good job announcing my return with a note and an event. Solid all around so far.

Sun May 22 07:45:07 2005 by 'Kastellyn' at level 17 (27 hrs):
Wrote "The Eastern Road", an ode to our most deathful of thoroughfares. I gave it an 8 on the Kasty scale. Good use of rhyme and meter!

Wed Jun 1 20:43:26 2005 by 'Arvam' at level 22 (43 hrs):
Guy does some pretty good and consistant work with writing stuff. Also doing a lot of stuff to kinda celebrate my return. Tattooed and titled for continued effort.

Mon Jun 20 11:25:45 2005 by 'Kastellyn' at level 28 (62 hrs):
Wrote "A Prisoner Passes By", an ode to lost love. Started off slow, picked up well, the end tied it all together. Very moving, 9 on the Kasty scale.

Wed Jul 13 23:04:38 2005 by 'Arvam' at level 31 (89 hrs):
Sessha said her times were waning a bit. This guy was a clear choice to share the High Herald spot with her.

7985, Jaegran's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Notes on the Run
Added Sat Aug 27 08:51:04 2005 at level 36:

I have been experiencing difficulties gaining repute in my guild.
The world of Thera is a dangerous one, and unfortunately, I rely
on atleast two other people to travel with me when we try to
impress out guildmasters to the point that they can find us
worthy enough to learn new skills. There just doesn't seem to be
suitable traveling partners around these days. I've time on my
side however, though I'm starting to grow impatient. There's big
things I long to do, but hope to get to the status of Hero in my
guild so that I may accomplish them.

In heavier news, the Heralds are starting to fall apart. I fear
it is because I haven't been around as much as I would like to be.
Life with my father will soon ease and once again I will be a
fixture at the inn, and hopefully will inspire a few young
performers to join our ranks. Lady Sessha has stepped down in
her old age. Damn the frailty of the human lifespan. I still
feel like there is so much I can learn from her, so much left to
say. I don't know if she would remember anything I said to her
anyways at this point. She reminds me of my human step-mother,
and reminds me to keep my heart to those who can share my near-
immortality. With that in mind I am saddened to hear of the
retirement of Dyenanie. She was a wild one, one I could have
loved, and though human, could have easily taken me from my fear
of losing a lover to old age. She had the ability to transform
into a lion! I was there when it happened. Such a fitting form
for her proud and noble spirit. My heart goes with her as she
departs the realms, never to return. I have heard also that
sweet Lucios, my brother and friend has retired as well. Not
even a word to the rest of us, being the man of many words, I
think he could have atleast afforded us that much. On the
Brightside, Zoel took his miserable life, perhaps now he lives
with the birds he was so passionate for. Eeroylin passed away
too, her body crushed by some vile perpetrator. Perhaps in death
she'll find the peace and the herem of eager gentlemen she so
desperately sought after. Thank Arvam that I did not fall in
love with that one. In love I am a vagabond, roaming from what
ever lady happens to afford me enough attention at the moment.
I refuse to gush over just anyone. Amaylee loves me I believe,
and truly I do her as well, though I'm not sure that I do in a
romantic sense. Dyenanie had the fire, Amaylee is beautiful
and was the right race, Sessha was everything I could dream for,
if only there could be one that mixed the graces of all three to
one perfect woman, she would know my love. I've time to find
her, for now, I'm quite happy playing the fop to the aristocracy
of Darsylon who invite me to sing at their weddings and dinner

7986, Jaegran's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Added Sat Aug 27 08:47:04 2005 at level 36:

Well I must be doing something right. For this day I was bade
into the garden just south of the inn and informed that I would
now take a leadership role in Heralds. This incredible honour
surprised me to say the least, but I am eternally grateful for
it. I am told this came upon Lady Sessha's recommendation. Yet
again this woman has brought to me good things. I shall
remember to repay her someday. Sessha intrigues me so. She
mentors me, yet unaware of the fact. I wonder if she'll ever
fully accept her role in our relationship. I seem to learn
something new everytime I speak to her, and if I ended up half
the bard, half the herald or half the person that she is one day,
I'll consider myself a well lived elf. I shall capture lady
Sessha in song so that she may know immortality one day. This
song will be amongst my masterworks, and so it shall take some
time, as all true art should.
The title of High Herald is one that I graciously accept, and
shall strive to at least do something memorable with. After a
brief conversation with my Diamond Lord, I discovered that Lady
Yanoreth had once made deals with inns throughout Thera to allow
her Heralds to entertain in other venues than the Eternal Star.
Though I love our inn, the prospect of new audiences, travel and
day trips to exciting new stages thrilled me. This information
has never been documented for the Heralds, and thus I've embarked
upon a quest to do so. I'll travel to every inn in Thera if I
must. I shall also compile a list of inns that perhaps should
allow us to use their facilities and try to negotiate such a deal.

***Progress Reoprt***

I have discovered that the Mushroom Tree Tavern, the Laughing Bear,
The Copenham Inn, Morse, the Blue Sky Tavern and the Green Dragon
Inn all allow Heralds to mix drinks at their facilities. We can
even cook in the Copenham inn kitchen. That is a good start! I
have a few more inns to visit yet, and then from that list I shall
figure out who would be a suitable match for an association with
the Heralds. I know that the inn in Akan will not be amongst the
list, as the fools close their inn at 9pm! This furthers my belief
that the drinking legends of Akan must be utter hogwash. To prove
it, I a humble elf, will challenge Akan to a drinking contest in
the near future. I'm tempted to place a bet and see if I can win
the Akan Inn to keep it open all night, if nothing else.

7987, Jaegran's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

A title gained
Added Sun Jun 19 10:09:57 2005 at level 27:

Journal, in all my many days this has been the grandest! For
this day I completed my carol to Arvam entitled "My Heart's
Appeal". When I arrived at the inn, I did not stay long, merely
offering a few quick greetings as I darted off to Lord Arvam's
Mansion. I got there and with luck on my side, Lord Arvam
appeared to me! He granted me an audience to hear my carol in
his honour and when completed decided that he liked it. He
blessed me with his mark and granted me the title of "Herald
of Arvam"! The first goals I set myself in life have been
realized. I feel a tremendous sense of responsibility
associated with my title. It is up to me to help generate some
publicity for Lord Arvam and bring his religion to the
forefront of the Theran Pantheon. I just hope I can do him well.

I have decided that as an artist, herald and servant of Lord
Arvam, my fame must grow some. Thus I will be turning my
attention to my guild studies for a while, with hopes of
reaching my pinnacle soon. Traveling companions have been
difficult to come by, so I'll be patient. I shall also begin
systematically surveying the land, with hopes to learn every
nook and cranny of Thera. As the Herald of Arvam, I must be
knowledgeable in the lands, and I cannot be that without
wandering to the mysterious places myself.

7988, Jaegran's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

The Seventeenth Title brought many changes
Added Sat May 28 13:01:08 2005 at level 17:

My first days as an adventurer have been quite remarkable!
Though it is difficult to find suitable traveling companions, I
have managed to charm my way into a small gang of would-be
heroes and gain enough experience to be granted my guild's 17th
title. That of "Poet". I see it as a compliment from my

My plans for joining the Heralds are progressing quite nicely.
I have met most of them I think, as their numbers are quite
small. Two high Heralds now staff the inn, so I must ensure
that I get some audition time with them. I've yet to meet
Sessha, but her songs can be found nailed to lamp posts across
the land. I am a bit curious to this "Dust Bunny" High Herald,
and sincerely hope there is more to her performances than
pretending to be a dust bunny. I also met another bard named
Lophiel. He seemed quite narcissistic and full of himself,
though I'm unsure if I have hit that conclusion because of
perceived threats to my own ego. He seemed to be quite high on
himself considering he considered himself a bartender. I really
do think from my talking with him, that he has missed the point
of the Heralds, and is unaware of the ultimate power of the
knowledge and excellent networking one is privy to as a Herald.

In faith, my search for the Lord of Passion has finally paid
off! For this day I have been in the presence of my lord Arvam
Renau. He humored me and allowed me to sing the song "promises"
for him. Truly his audience was an honor and not one that I
will ever forget. I thought it best to announce my intentions
and did swear fealty and service to Lord Arvam. I find that my
faith in him fills me with an inner fire that will take many
years of meditation to express properly in song. I shall
attempt the feat however, in two drafts. For it was that Lord
Arvam has granted me the grand task of heralding his return! I
thought such an event deserved a night of spectacle and
celebration and so, I have devised a night of improvisation at
the Inn of the Eternal Star. With luck, we'll get a good turn
out and I can show the Heralds how well I would fit into their
ranks, I would impress my winged lord and more importantly,
inform all of Thera that the Lord of Passion has taken once
again to the skies and his voice is theirs to hear!


A few months have passed with no sign of a High Herald. That
trend was broken this day as I met Lady Sessha. She was a most
remarkable woman. There were parts of her that reminded me of
my step mother, and thus, to the inevitable truth that I shall
live long past the beautiful bardess. I am certain that she
lives each day as if it were her last, and for that I respect
her. After a very brief interview, she inducted me! So it has
come to pass, I am now a Herald. I've gained a keener insight
into telling tales, and with the help of Olar, I am able to add
a new colourful flair to my presentations. This eve is the
Improvisation contest, I could not be more excited. To mark the
occasion I have wandered to the four corners of the map, and
collected food to assemble a gran buffet. Perhaps this will
intrigue a few folk to do

7989, Jaegran's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

Chapter 1: The Begining
Added Mon May 9 19:47:02 2005 at level 12:

The Beginning

My mother, Jasayn, passed away when I was an infant. She had
warded off an attack of the Vale of Arandyl. Two orcs and a
deurgar had raided and where attacking everyone in sight. My
mother was with a few of the village's mages and warriors when
they launched the counter-attack. The fighting was brief and
brutal resulting in the deurgar dwarf taking flight, leaving
his two brutes to die. In the struggle mother caught an
infection, most likely from one of the disease ridden orcs.
Fever hit before she complained, and by the time the healer I
did not know her very well, but do own a charcoal drawing my
father did of her, he's a very talented artist and I am told
that the rendition is very life-like. You can tell by the work
that he loved her, and that she was a beautiful woman.

Father remarried a few years later. This time to a human he met
while painting a mural in Tir Talath. Erressa was her name.
She too was very beautiful, for a human. Her long black hair
framed her face in doll-like fashion. I was but thirteen when
she and my father were wed.

She taught me many things. It was she that gave me my first
piano lesson and introduced me to the one of the forces that
would consume my life. I was no stranger to music. I had sung
with my Father's friends while they were visiting and drinking
wine, I had hit pots with wooden spoons, I had learned a few
childish chants used when learning to count and read. But the
first time I placed my hand upon an instrument and played my
first note, the first time I realized that I had power to
create music, I knew my life had changed. Erressa had a general
knowledge in music and knew how to play several instruments
well enough to lead a song around a campfire, or entertain at
the harvest festival. She loved to read, and owned a few
astounding compilations of tales of adventure and strife in Thera.

By the time I was twenty-five I had memorized those tales and
could dramatically re-count each one. I had exceeded Erressa's
musical ability and started to create songs of my own. I was
expected to play at every gathering whether it be for
celebration or grief. I loved performing and knew that I would
become a bard like the ones that were mentioned in Eressa's books.

Plans were made for me to venture out into the world and train
at the academy. My father and Erressa were very proud of me.
But they forbade me to go until I was a little older. I did not
like that decision as you can imagine, and to this day would
refute its wisdom. All in all however, I am glad that I stayed
back for a time.

It was a mere seventy two years later that Erressa succumbed to
the choking grasp of age. I was still a child, and there, the
only mother I had ever known, my mentor, my teacher, had gone
and passed as her kind tend to do. It was a cruel introduction
to the "curse of the elves" as they call it. My stepmother
Erressa lived a full and wonderful life in its natural entirety
before I had finished puberty. I still cringe at its
unfairness. I have spent much time pondering it and have come
to the same revelation as been made by many a wise sage,
philosopher or local drunkard at the corner tavern.

"Life is short, live it to the fullest

7990, Jaegran's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

Added Mon May 9 19:43:48 2005 at level 12:

I am told that I am much like my father. The way I look, my
body language, the inflections on my regular tone of speech.
I wonder sometimes if he was like his father, and his father
before him, and if so, is that a subtle form of immortality
for the first of my line, thousands of years ago? Being
like my father is not a bad arrangement. My father is wise
in ways I have yet to discover. He gains energy from those
around him and disperses it outward magnetically. And while,
I like to believe I am quite the same, I still lack my father's
ability of making everyone around me feel included and special.
Some people misinterpret me as being snobbish or "flighty"
even "glib", but this is not the case. What is true is that
I am fueled by my passion for life and adventure and whatever
else may interest me at the time, and that passion sweeps me
up like a wind and holds me fast in its vortex. Yes, I plan
on making my mark in the world. And it is my ultimate goal
to leave such a lasting impression, that my name is spoken
for many years to follow after my death. This goal will be
realized, I am certain. I am also certain that in this time,
my actions will speak louder than my words, and thus, part of
my story may not be told as accurately as I would like it to
be. Thus, I have begun this journal, and shall will it upon
my ultimate demise to the Celestial Lyceum for the
Loremasters to mill over and hopefully publish. This is my
story, as told by me at the time. I will attempt to write
everything of importance, and I shall attempt to write
currently, so that as I grow, so will the narrator of this
tale. For this tale ultimately, is what I left behind,
though I've still yet to walk the path.

--Jaegran Jamindyr, Theran Bard.

7991, Jaegran's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

Added Fri May 6 22:27:30 2005 at level 9:

Jaegran Jamindyr's Role
* Jaegran's mission in life is to earn the reputation of being
the greatest adventurer of all time. Yes, this is probably
unobtainable, but Jaegran thinks big and is egotistical enough
to firmly believe that he'll one day accomplish this.
* Jaegran knew he'd be a bard one day. He got the idea
listening to his father's tales. While his father was not a
bard, he was quite good at telling stories, and had a keen
memory for gossip. Everyone in Darsylon knew they could get
the scoop from him. Jaegran was musically gifted and began
playing the mandolin as a novelty at parties. He loved the
attention he would get from playing his music, and it quickly
turned into one of his life's obsessions.
* Jaegran is enthusiastic, to the point that he sometimes
forgets others around him. This may make him look a bit glib
or conceded from time to time. He has a warm heart, but can
very easily get caught up in his own mind.
* Jaegran writes fervently, favoring epic tales of ancient
adventurers he so admires. He also likes to use humor to
make a point. He loves to perform, and always has something
on the ready to entertain with at the drop of a hat. He
wishes to perform with the best entertainers in Thera, the
Heralds of the Eternal Star.
* Jaegran has an insatiable thirst for knowledge. It only
makes sense that to be the greatest adventurer of all time,
you'd have to study the successes and losses of past heroes
and emulate their lives for a time. He sometimes gets so
into his work, he forgets to eat and has more than once been
found asleep on his notebook. One of his hopes in life is to
write a work that will be kept in the Lyceum.
* Jaegran's heart is governed by passion. He sees his
passion as the language of joy, and the drive that fuels his
spirit. He believes that his passion has been granted to him
by the gods, and seeks to give thanks in worship to the
immortal Arvam Raenau. He wishes greatly for the mentorship
of Lord Arvam, and hopes to one day bear the mark of a diamond
ringed by multi-hued stars.
* Jaegran's mother died when he was young. His father, being
quite the ladies man himself, courted a female human who became
a new mother to Jaegran. Being human, she passed away a short
40 years later. Jaegran since has been a bit shy about forming
relationships with humans, as their lives are brief, and his
pain at his adopted mother stinging. The experience taught him
one positive thing however. Life is short in retrospect, and
there is much he needs to do before his day finally wanes.
And with that, he signed on to the Academy, to become a Bard.
The rest of Jaegran's tale will be written in first person
perspective as a journal entry.

7976, Jaegran's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding0
Experience from Skill improvements10361
Experience from Exploration5500
Experience from Quests15850
Experience from Commerce998

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Wed May 4 20:19:40 2005
Quests Completed  9
Exploration Points Found  20
Bonus Experience from Immortals  2100
(WANTED) Criminal  0 times
% of lifetime in the wilderness  24 %
% of lifetime in the cities  9 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  29 %
% of lifetime caballed  79 %
7977, Jaegran's Cabal Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Specifics

Cabal Statistics

# of logins with their cabal item  0
# of logins without their cabal item  0
# of logouts with their cabal item  0
# of logouts without their cabal item  0
# of times they lost their cabal item  0
# of times they retrieved their cabal item  0
# of times they took another cabal item  0

7978, Jaegran's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Thu May 26 10:26:50 2005 at level 17 (29 hrs):
Inducted into HERALD by Sessha.

Mon May 30 20:35:45 2005 at level 20 (39 hrs):
Jaegran advanced to level 20

Wed Jun 1 20:41:29 2005 at level 22 (43 hrs):
Tattooed by Arvam.

Thu Jun 23 21:54:27 2005 at level 30 (63 hrs):
Jaegran advanced to level 30

Tue Oct 4 20:52:20 2005 at level 40 (143 hrs):
Jaegran advanced to level 40

Fri Oct 21 16:09:42 2005 at level 43 (148 hrs):
Rage Delete

7979, Jaegran's Title History
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Title History

Wed Jun 1 20:42:07 2005, level 22 (43 hrs):
Jaegran the Master Instrumentalist, Herald of Arvam

Wed Jul 13 23:03:11 2005, level 31 (89 hrs):
Jaegran the High Herald of the Eternal Star, Herald of Arvam

Wed Jul 13 23:03:32 2005, level 31 (89 hrs):
Jaegran the High Herald of the Eternal Star, Minstrel of Arvam

7980, Jaegran's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1dagger94%
Level 1mace90%
Level 1sword100%
Level 1staff83%
Level 1haggle76%
Level 1scrolls75%
Level 1staves85%
Level 1recall100%
Level 1sing100%
Level 2dirt kicking86%
Level 3dodge98%
Level 4trip83%
Level 6hand to hand84%
Level 7kick75%
Level 9pick lock75%
Level 10fast healing97%
Level 10lore100%
Level 10taletell78%
Level 11roundhouse100%
Level 12meditation100%
Level 13parry95%
Level 13scribe70%
Level 14cease fighting70%
Level 15second attack100%
Level 15mix83%
Level 16shield block75%
Level 17artistry70%
Level 18disarm100%
Level 19pugil93%
Level 20pen78%
Level 21toss73%
Level 25enhanced damage100%
Level 30sneak100%
Level 30a capella83%
7981, Jaegran's Song List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Song List

Level 2travelers march100%
Level 4charismatic prelude90%
Level 7adagio100%
Level 9piercing dissonance98%
Level 10chant of resilience100%
Level 11battaglia91%
Level 14canticle of the gods100%
Level 15elven adagio100%
Level 16lullaby89%
Level 17languid carol93%
Level 18anthem of resistance100%
Level 19riddle of revelation86%
Level 19cacophonous clamor78%
Level 20reveille75%
Level 21pastoral of the mind88%
Level 22tranquil serenade78%
Level 26requiem77%
Level 27elegy of tears79%
Level 28bagatelle of bravado100%
Level 29laborious lament83%
Level 32vibrato75%
Level 33nocturne of fright75%
Level 34apocalyptic overture86%
Level 38fantasia of illusion75%
Level 40symphonic echoes76%
Level 42dirge of solitude75%
Level 45grand nocturne1%