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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subject[FORTRESS] Kaide Zur'a Eskaal the Champion of the Virtues
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=73334
73334, [FORTRESS] Kaide Zur'a Eskaal the Champion of the Virtues
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Kaide Zur'a Eskaal the Champion of the Virtues


A very strange young man stands here. While he is rather tall and stout for
a human, it isn't his physical statue that draws attention. There is
something about him that seems to glow with an internal light. His eyes are
a luminous sky-blue, intensely examining his surroundings as they seem to
give off light rather than taking it in. His charcoal-black hair is cropped
short above his ears and well-kempt, yet it too seems almost backlit with
that strange golden glow. His most dramatic feature, though, is a jagged
scar that runs from from one ear across his throat to the other. The scar
might otherwise be gruesome to look at, if not for that same glow,
reminescent of a crack in a fireplace allowing light to spill forth.

Despite, or perhaps because of his unusual luminescence, Kaide presents an
imposing figure. The gaps in his mis-matched but well-cared-for armor reveal
a strong physique, and his caloused and scarred hands bear the marks of
battle as they clench reflexively at an unknown sound in the distance.


Practices0Trains0HometownVoralian City
Exp527700To Level24900SphereJustice
Age middle-aged, 60 years old (230 hours)
Hit Points998Mana764Movement1162
Carry #0/35Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
73360, Kaide's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

A Step off the Path
Added Sun Mar 20 20:10:27 2022 at level 51:

Kaide often talked about how the road to redemption was a never-ending one.
That each choice mattered and that each choice was a difficult one.

Most didn't realize that when Kaide said these things, he was speaking of
himself. Every day was a struggle to stay on the righteous path. No decision
ever simple. But he walked that path for years, without ever faltering. For
years, serving as a Squire and as a priest of the Light without reservation.
He was good. Kaide Zur'a Eskaal was a good man.

Until one day he did falter.

It was the cowardly actions of an Imperial blade that did it. Kaide fought
well, and the blade resorted to shoving an unaware cityguard in front of him.
In a state of intense focus on combat, Kaide killed the cityguard. The guard's
blood was on his hands, figuratively and literally. But Kaide's focus was on

He was angry. Furious. He hunted the duergar across Thera to see justice
delivered. But justice was never delivered, because the duergar didn't hold
all the blame.

Kaide was at a loss. Angry at the duergar but more angry at himself for
allowing it to happen. He didn't know what to do. He should have turned to the
Acolytes, or to the Lady Azorinne. But in his wrath, Kaide wanted to act not
to talk.

Was this the beginning of Kaide Zur'a Eskaal's fall back into darkness? Or
just one misstep on his unending path towards righteousness?

73359, Kaide's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

A Brief Summary
Added Sun Feb 20 23:33:10 2022 at level 9:

I know that was a long backstory. Here's a brief synopsis of the key points.

Kaide Zur'a Eskaal was an evil bandit in his younger days, leading a group of
infamous bandits called the "Band of Eskaal". He was injured and cared for by
the same merchants he was attacking. One girl in particular, Kensley, saved
his life and cared for him daily. Eventually, he began to change. He stayed
with the people that saved him, and tried to become one of them, giving up his
violent ways.

After some time, the Band of Eskaal attacked the merchants again and started
killing everyone. Kaide tried not to fight, fearing being tempted into his old
ways. The Band offered him his rightful place back as their leader. He only
needed to kill the girl that he was sheltering. He refused, and they attacked.

He fought, but was eventually killed, having his throat slit by his former
second-in-command, Jaafyr.

Something strange happened, almost as if he was possessed. He was enveloped in
a holy glow, then came back to life. He killed most of the bandits, but Jaafyr
escaped after mortally wounding both Kensley and Kaide. He tried to heal her,
but passed out before he learned if she was alive or dead. He awoke in Voralian
City, and has no idea whether she lived or died.

Now, Kaide has accepted that he can't avoid violence. But he can be sure that
the violence is only done for the cause of divine justice. He becomes a
Paladin because he wants to fight for a righteous cause, and needs that divine
guidance and inspiration to stay on the good path. He will seek Azorinne
because she understands the redemption that he's trying to earn every day.
Also, on some level that he doesn't really acknowledge, she reminds him of the
young girl Kensley that saved him.

Fearing a return to his evil ways, Kaide will be very particular about who he
kills and why. That said, he's seen what happens when he refuses to take
action. He'll be decisive and very aggressive when necessary. He was an evil
bastard and some of those habits are hard to break. Expect him to be
short-tempered with allies when they test his patience. Due to the influence
of Kensley and guilt over what happened, he'll have a soft spot for women and
children and an inherent need to protect them.

73358, Kaide's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

A Home and a Purpose
Added Sun Feb 20 23:29:18 2022 at level 9:

Kaide awoke in a strange, but somehow familiar place. He recognized it as the
Cathedral of the Holy Light in Voralian City. He'd seen it once with the
merchants, but couldn't piece together how he'd gotten here.

The priests there told him he was home, whatever that meant. And that he was
alive. But they did not know Kensley or what happened to her. He wandered
aimlessly, hoping for answers but finding none.

Stooping to take a drink in one of the city's many fountains, and Kaide saw
for the first time the scar on his neck. And that strange glow coming from
within. The priests said he was touched by the divine of the Azure fields, set
on a path of righteousness. Whatever that meant.

Kaide did not feel like some sort of divine hero. He regretted letting Kensley
fall, if that is what happened. He regretted letting Jaafyr live to prey on
others. He knew that would happen. But there was nothing that could be done of

His dreams were filled with violence. Both the violence he'd done on others,
and the violence he'd seen done to his friends. There was no escaping it.
Violence was as a part of him as his own fists.

Waking from his nightmares, Kaide knew he needed help. He needed guidance, he
needed direction. But what he did have already was purpose.

He found his way to the Voralian Templars and was admitted with an
understanding nod.

A violent man, Kaide knew his purpose was a violent one. He'd hunt down those
like Jaafyr. Those like himself from his youth. Those that had earned a swift
death under the Light. Maybe they too could be reborn as he was.
But for that to happen, their wicked life must first end.

Maybe there was still hope that Thera could be safe for truly good people
like Kensley.

73357, Kaide's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Touched by the Azure Fields
Added Sun Feb 20 23:26:14 2022 at level 9:

With Kaide's simple refusal to kill, the bandits didn't even wait for Jaafyr's
order. They lunged for him. Kaide, unarmed an unarmored, was no match for
their numbers. He was subdued in moments, held by arms and legs as Jaafyr
approached, twirling his daggers in each hand.

He didn't say a word as he stared into Kaide's eyes. He didn't say a word as
he flipped the dagger dramatically and sliced Kaide ear-to-ear.

Kaide slumped over, life gone from his eyes. Then Jaafyr's eyes turned to the
girl, still whimpering and trying to crawl away.

Jaafyr and the rest didn't even look back to Kaide as he fell to the ground.
They didn't see the divine mote of light drift down from the heavens. They
didn't see as that glow enveloped him, then was absorbed into him. They
certainly didn't see as the holy light stitched together Kaide's wounds, as he
arose alive once more.

Clenching his fists, Kaide fought with a strange sense of calmness. He
finished the bandits swiftly, barely giving them time to react to his revival.
Within seconds, only Jaafyr remained alive. But the devious Drow had already
grabbed Kensley, one of those blood-dripping daggers held to her neck.

They stared at each other unmoving for what felt like hours, the only sound
Kensley's gentle whimpering.

Finally, that evil smirk on Jaafyr's face grew wider as he threw one of his
daggers towards Kaide, the other digging into Kensley's throat.

Kaide was frozen as that dagger drained the life force from Kensley. He didn't
even notice the other one in his chest. He didn't notice Jaafyr slink off into
the darkness. Kaide ran to the girl, praying every prayer that he'd ever heard
for her survival. There was a glow as he held her, just before he passed out.

73356, Kaide's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

A Refused Offer
Added Sun Feb 20 23:25:15 2022 at level 9:

Returning to Arkham, Kaide should have been more wary than he was. While he'd
begun to forget his old life, his old life hadn't quite forgotten him.

The Band of Eskaal, as it turns out, had not disbanded after their defeat and
their leader's disappearance. They'd reformed and rumors of their bloody
crimes reached his ears before the first night off the sea. Wicked men,
murdering the innocent merchants they came across, killing all in their path
and taking whatever they could carry. It was a familiar tale, but one Kaide
had never heard from his new perspective.

The tales were justified. On the evening of their first day out of Arkham, the
clear and peaceful night was interrupted with bloodshed. The merchants did not
stand a chance.

Kaide stood helplessly, afraid to pick up a weapon and tempt his old life. He
found Kensley and sheltered her under a wagon, begging her to stay quiet. But
he knew it was fruitless.

As the dying screams of the other merchants faded, Kaide knew it was a matter
of time. His only hope was that Kensley would somehow escape notice. He
climbed out from under the wagon and came face to face with his old second in
command, Jaafyr. Straightening himself, he commanded them all to stand down, a
vain hope that his orders might still be obeyed.

Instead, the Drow Jaafyr merely sneered when Kaide revealed himself, a
combination of hatred and still-present jealousy in his eyes. But those eyes
were sharp, and they saw something moving under the wagon. The devious bastard
put it together more quickly than the rest.

"Welcome back, Kaide. The Band is yours to command, of course. Just deal with
that little girl behind you and let's be done with it."

Kaide knew what he was doing, knew he was trying to destroy the last bit of
loyalty the other men may feel for him. He could save himself, retake his old
life so easily. He could hear Kensley whimpering behind him. It would be so

He looked to her and back and answered simply "No."

73355, Kaide's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

A New Life
Added Sun Feb 20 23:24:40 2022 at level 9:

Looked on as an innocent stranger rather than an enemy, the Knights patched up
Kaide as best as they could before sending him away with the other surviving

No one knew Kaide, but they treated him as one of their own. Tending his
wounds, feeding his belly and caring for him however they could. They were
kind people, not knowing they safeguarded a murderer.

Unfortunately, Kaide's wounds festered during the long trek across the sea and
across Thera. He would have died were it not for the care provided by one of
the merchants children, Kensley. She cleaned and bandaged his wounds nightly.
She poured water in his mouth when he was too weak to sit up. When the fever
was too much, she found a healer to come pray over him.

He was a stranger, but the young girl spent day and night saving his life. It
was an odd thing, to Kaide. But the merchants seemed unsurprised by the

Eventually, the wounds began to heal and Kaide began to think about making his
escape. But strangely, he did not want to disappoint the girl. He did not want
her to think her efforts were in vain. And so he found reasons to delay.

Some of the merchants trafficked weapons. Swords, daggers and maces. Kaide
eyed them from time to time, once he could walk. He thought about how easy it
would be to leave no witnesses, no evidence of his survival. But he never
touched a blade, never hurt one of the ones that saved him.

Eventually, those thoughts stopped coming at all. Kaide found himself helping
along the simple tasks of Kensley's family. Tending horses, carrying parcels,
setting up stalls. It was a peaceful routine, but Kaide found himself smiling
as he worked.


And that is the way things went for a year or more. Kaide, the infamous
murderer and brigand, now by all accounts harmless merchant.

It was a simple life. Until the time came for the merchants to travel back
across the sea towards the scene of Kaide's earlier crimes.

73354, Kaide's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

The Band of Eskaal
Added Sun Feb 20 23:24:00 2022 at level 9:

The Band of Eskaal were among the most feared raiders and pillagers of the
Arkham continent. They were just bandits, truthfully, but by reputation bought
with blood they were the nightmare of any who travelled without a heavily
armed escort.

And what made this band such a threat? Well they were well-armed and skilled.
They were willing and eager to shed blood to get what they wanted. But most
would point to their infamous leader, the bloodthirsty villain Kaide Zur'a
Eskaal as the source of the fear. He was a man with no remorse, no sympathy
and no hesitation to cut down those in his way.

In short, he was a truly evil man. Or at least he was then.

It was the knights of the Basilica that finally brought down the Band of
Eskaal. Perhaps the Band was overconfident, feeling invincible when they chose
to attack a supply train a bit too close to the gates of their keep. The Band
was no army, and had no interest in a prolonged battle. They retreated when
reinforcements spilled out of the gate, but many on both sides were killed.
Kaide Zur'a Eskaal was one of them. Or so it was thought by the Eskaal bandits
that managed to escape.

The battlefield was gruesome with bodies stacked upon bodies. And Kaide indeed
was badly injured, two arrows piercing his back. Despite his injuries, the
villain was still deviously clever. Removing his tell-tale black-iron armor
and tossing his weapons, he disguised himself as an innocent merchant wounded
in the battle. And so he was saved by the very men that he'd been attempting
to kill.

73353, Kaide's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Mon Feb 21 19:16:19 2022 by 'An Immortal' at level 13 (9 hrs):
An Immortal added 2000 exp for: When he was injured attacking merchants with his gang, he disguised himself and lived among the merchants. When he faced his gang again, he repudiated them and became azure touched. After that, he became a paladin.

Mon Feb 28 14:12:39 2022 by 'An Immortal' at level 18 (22 hrs):
An Immortal added 100 exp for: First meeting with Azorinne, you want to make up for your troubled past. I told you to seek out some others trying to do the same. Empowered!

Thu Mar 10 19:36:26 2022 by 'An Immortal' at level 32 (46 hrs):
An Immortal added 15 exp for: For a nice redemption/faith talk with Quivdereayeh.

Mon Mar 14 20:52:42 2022 by 'An Immortal' at level 35 (61 hrs):
An Immortal added 25 exp for: Second faith chat. We talked EXTENSIVELY about folk seeking redemption, justice and mercy. I suggested you talk to Dichael about his path and report back.

Tue Mar 22 12:33:29 2022 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (104 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: A cityguard was shoved into him and fell to Kaide's hand, but instead of seeking counsel from Acolytes or Azorinne, Kaide focused on vengeance. He wonders if it means he will fall to darkness once more.

Wed Mar 23 23:21:31 2022 by 'Azorinne' at level 51 (111 hrs):
Good Fortress presence lately, deadly and rp's like crazy. Have you a last name, sir.

Wed Mar 30 19:50:09 2022 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (142 hrs):
An Immortal added 25 exp for: For attending (ex)Herald weekly trivia.

Sun Apr 3 11:32:10 2022 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (163 hrs):
An Immortal added 50 exp for: You came to the shrine to talk about the image of the Maran and the various concerns in the Fortress. I advised you to explore Kytria's mindset and find a path through it within the Light. Granted hope.

Sun Apr 17 20:45:23 2022 by 'Rarywey' at level 51 (223 hrs):
For winning the April 2022 role contest, you've been awarded Sense Malice and Banisher of the Taint.

Sun Apr 17 21:07:47 2022 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (223 hrs):
An Immortal added 200 exp for: For April 2022 RC win.

Mon Apr 18 21:02:07 2022 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (225 hrs):
An Immortal added 250 exp for: For participating in a Fortress quest.

73352, Kaide's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  30
Total PK Assists  6
Solo PKs  21
PKs with a group of 2 11
PKs with a group of 3 3
PKs with a group of 4+ 1
Average Group Size Per Kill  1.56

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Somewhat Ganky

Total PK Losses  9
Solo PK Losses  7
PK Losses to a group of 2 1
PK Losses to a group of 3 0
PK Losses to a group of 4+ 1
Average Group Size Per Death  1.44

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Murdered By The Self-Reliant

73351, Kaide's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  30 (19 at level 51)
Total PK Losses  9
Total Mob Deaths  6

PK Wins by Class
VS. transmuter  1
VS. thief  4
VS. warrior  7
VS. invoker  1
VS. necromancer  3
VS. shaman  2
VS. berserker  9
VS. shapeshifter  1
VS. raider  2

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  15

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  0
VS. Neutral  2
VS. Evil  28

PK Deaths by Class
VS. warrior  3
VS. invoker  1
VS. necromancer  2
VS. berserker  3

PK Deaths by Cabal
VS. None  7

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  0
VS. Neutral  0
VS. Evil  9
73348, Kaide's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1mace100%
Level 1polearm89%
Level 1sword100%
Level 1staff83%
Level 1hand to hand100%
Level 1parry93%
Level 1rescue80%
Level 1recall100%
Level 1shield block98%
Level 2improved compare100%
Level 2improved consider100%
Level 2anoint weapon78%
Level 2beseech80%
Level 3first aid88%
Level 3metal armor use100%
Level 4enhanced damage100%
Level 6second attack100%
Level 7fast healing100%
Level 9aim100%
Level 9light armor use99%
Level 10charge1%
Level 10disarm90%
Level 10shield bash1%
Level 10lay hands89%
Level 10pen1%
Level 10avoid100%
Level 10conviction88%
Level 12haggle80%
Level 12sharpen sight1%
Level 13third attack100%
Level 14meditation100%
Level 14lore100%
Level 16heavens warmth83%
Level 20attune1%
Level 20eyes of flame100%
Level 20transcend100%
Level 22pugil1%
Level 22zeal100%
Level 23slice1%
Level 23defy100%
Level 25respond100%
Level 28track the wicked88%
Level 30careful vision100%
Level 30counter strike100%
Level 30intensify100%
Level 31ascend78%
Level 35legendary awareness100%
Level 35evade100%
Level 35anticipate100%
73350, Kaide's Cabal Powers List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Powers List

Level 15mantle of the phoenix89%
Level 25lightforge70%
Level 30phoenix brand88%
Level 35cry of deliverance100%
73349, Kaide's Supplication List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Supplication List

Supplication List

Level 1detect evil100%
Level 1mend wounds100%
Level 3create food100%
Level 4create water87%
Level 4know alignment1%
Level 5detect consecration95%
Level 6bless93%
Level 6detect invis100%
Level 7cure blindness97%
Level 10flamestrike100%
Level 11call lightning100%
Level 11protection96%
Level 13remove curse81%
Level 15haven100%
Level 17cure deafness77%
Level 19blessed divination100%
Level 20summon100%
Level 20blessed remission75%
Level 21wrath99%
Level 22crusade96%
Level 24remove taint88%
Level 25turn undead100%
Level 25essence of temperance75%
Level 26templars prayer1%
Level 27sanctuary100%
Level 27templars vigilance100%
Level 28call to arms51%
Level 28revelation94%
Level 28holy strength96%
Level 29heal100%
Level 31steadfast heart51%
Level 32word of recall100%
Level 32fervor75%
Level 32divine insight100%
Level 32escape of the innocent76%
Level 33righteousness93%
Level 34sacred guardian1%
Level 37redemption83%
Level 38holy word89%
Level 38champions stand77%
Level 40sanctify room83%
Level 40sacred rites78%
73335, Kaide's Best Set of Equipment
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Best Set of Equipment

Best set of gear:

<worn on finger> (Glowing) a fiery ring
<worn on finger> (Glowing) a fiery ring
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a necklace of prayer beads
<worn around neck> a wooden hummingbird pendant
<worn on body> the inked mark of a phoenix in flight
<worn on head> (Glowing) the helm of brilliance
<worn on legs> (Glowing) a pair of gleaming diamond leg guards
<worn on feet> firewalker boots
<worn on hands> (Glowing) a squire's whitesteel-studded gloves
<worn on arms> (Glowing) a pair of gleaming diamond arm bands
<worn about body> (Glowing) the robes of the Arch-Prelate
<worn about waist> a girth of lobster plates
<worn around wrist> a thin silver bracelet
<worn around wrist> a thin silver bracelet
73347, Kaide's Title History
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Title History

Wed Mar 23 22:55:16 2022, level 51 (111 hrs):
Kaide Zur'a Eskaal the Champion of the Virtues

73346, Kaide's Arena Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Arena Statistics

Wins  1
Losses  2
73345, Kaide's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Apr 14, 2022|Lv 51|The Aryth Ocean|Shoicsay vs 1: <51> Kaide (100%, lightning strike)
Apr 15, 2022|Lv 51|East Sumner's Road|Conra vs 2: <51> Eilela (34%, claw), <51> Kaide (65%)
Apr 15, 2022|Lv 51|Blackclaw Village|Conra vs 3: <51> Traebaurius (34%, piercing venoms), <51> Kaide (45%), <51> Yioquis (19%)
Apr 15, 2022|Lv 51|Blackclaw Village|Drireax vs 1: <51> Kaide (100%, redeeming fist)
73344, Kaide's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Feb 24, 2022|Lv 15|Voralian City|Tresed vs 1: <15> Kaide (100%, flamestrike)
Feb 26, 2022|Lv 16|The Outpost of Tir-Talath|Matknit vs 1: <16> Kaide (100%, flamestrike)
Mar 1, 2022 |Lv 20|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Shargu vs 2: <20> Krilgard (10%, flamestrike), <20> Kaide (89%)
Mar 1, 2022 |Lv 20|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Matknit vs 2: <20> Kaide (19%, flamestrike), <20> Krilgard (80%)
Mar 8, 2022 |Lv 25|The Eastern Road|Kaesting vs 1: <25> Kaide (100%, brilliant radiance)
Mar 9, 2022 |Lv 27|Bramblefield Road|Yei vs 1: <27> Kaide (100%, heavenly wrath)
Mar 9, 2022 |Lv 27|The Redhorn Mountains|Onaxx vs 1: <27> Kaide (100%, brilliant radiance)
Mar 9, 2022 |Lv 32|Mausoleum|Vyke vs 1: <32> Kaide (100%, heavenly wrath)
Mar 9, 2022 |Lv 32|The Eastern Road|Yei vs 1: <32> Kaide (100%, lightning strike)
Mar 10, 2022|Lv 32|The Imperial Palace|Yei vs 1: <32> Kaide (100%, redeeming fist)
Mar 15, 2022|Lv 35|Bramblefield Road|Guttaka vs 1: <35> Kaide (100%, cleansing fist)
Mar 17, 2022|Lv 40|Galadon|Shuzlarg vs 2: <50> Baemhoog (0%), <40> Kaide (100%, lightning bolt)
Mar 19, 2022|Lv 44|Fortress of Light|Vyke vs 2: <44> Kaide (2%), <40> Haldoran (97%, lightning bolt)
Mar 20, 2022|Lv 51|Bramblefield Road|Baemhoog vs 1: <51> Kaide (100%, cleansing fist)
Mar 21, 2022|Lv 51|Underdark|Infeinryn vs 2: <51> Kaide (83%, lightning strike), <51> Rolen (16%)
Mar 24, 2022|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Yarrif vs 1: <51> Kaide (100%, lightning strike)
Mar 24, 2022|Lv 51|Grinning Skull Village|Baemhoog vs 1: <51> Kaide (100%, lightning strike)
Mar 24, 2022|Lv 51|Eaststride Road|Baemhoog vs 1: <51> Kaide (100%, lightning strike)
Mar 27, 2022|Lv 51|Balator|Vimalg vs 1: <51> Kaide (100%, redeeming fist)
Mar 28, 2022|Lv 51|Voralian City|Sazven vs 3: <51> Rolen (38%), <51> Kaide (46%, bite), <51> Thormmstein (15%)
Mar 28, 2022|Lv 51|Feanwyyn Weald|Dotarog vs 2: <51> Kaide (9%), <51> Eilela (90%, KB) *Disemboweled*
Mar 29, 2022|Lv 51|Grinning Skull Village|Baemhoog vs 4: <51> Kaide (27%, cleansing fist), <51> Ieseq (0%), <51> Kastravan (39%), <51> Lyrien (33%)
Mar 29, 2022|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Regurgota vs 2: <51> Lyrien (30%), <51> Kaide (69%, lightning strike)
Mar 30, 2022|Lv 51|East Sumner's Road|Wesaerk vs 1: <51> Kaide (100%, divine wrath)
Mar 30, 2022|Lv 51|Shepherd's Row|Wesaerk vs 2: <51> Kaide (40%), <51> Kastravan (59%, mental assault)
Apr 2, 2022 |Lv 51|Arkham|Vyke vs 1: <51> Kaide (100%, lightning bolt)
Apr 2, 2022 |Lv 51|Voralian City|Yarrif vs 2: <51> Kaide (55%, pierce), <51> Eilela (44%)
Apr 3, 2022 |Lv 51|The Redhorn Mountains|Baelock vs 2: <51> Kaide (46%, redeeming fist), <51> Kastravan (53%)
Apr 5, 2022 |Lv 51|The Inn of the Eternal Star|Shuzlarg vs 1: <51> Kaide (100%, lightning strike)
Apr 5, 2022 |Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Conra vs 3: <51> Haldoran (6%), <51> Kaide (72%, redeeming fist), <51> Yioquis (20%)
Apr 6, 2022 |Lv 51|Northern Foothills|Bartimus vs 1: <51> Kaide (100%, lightning bolt)
Apr 10, 2022|Lv 51|Voralian City|Baemhoog vs 1: <51> Kaide (100%, heavenly wrath)
73343, Kaide's PK Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Deaths

Feb 26, 2022|Lv 16|Eaststride Road|vs 1: <18> Guttaka (100%, surge of water)
Feb 28, 2022|Lv 18|Bramblefield Road|vs 1: <21> Nymral (100%, molten smash)
Mar 2, 2022 |Lv 20|Azreth Wood|vs 1: <25> Guttaka (100%, infernal power)
Mar 7, 2022 |Lv 25|The Rocky Paths|vs 1: <29> Vyke (100%, parting blow)
Mar 19, 2022|Lv 51|The Aryth Ocean|vs 1: <51> Odaza (100%, punch)
Mar 20, 2022|Lv 51|Kuo-Toa Lair|vs 1: <51> Sazven (100%, tsunami)
Mar 20, 2022|Lv 51|Voralian City|vs 1: <51> Infeinryn (100%, claw)
Mar 22, 2022|Lv 51|Grinning Skull Village|vs 4: <51> Regurgota (43%, stab), <51> Eilela (1%), <50> Baemhoog (3%), <51> Odaza (51%)
Mar 23, 2022|Lv 51|Grinning Skull Village|vs 2: <51> Odaza (75%, claw), <45> Krig (24%)
73342, Kaide's Leveling
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Leveling History

Feb 15, 2022 |Lv 2 |Hr 0 |
Feb 15, 2022 |Lv 3 |Hr 0 |
Feb 19, 2022 |Lv 4 |Hr 1 |
Feb 19, 2022 |Lv 5 |Hr 1 |
Feb 19, 2022 |Lv 6 |Hr 1 |
Feb 19, 2022 |Lv 7 |Hr 2 |
Feb 20, 2022 |Lv 8 |Hr 4 |
Feb 20, 2022 |Lv 9 |Hr 4 |
Feb 20, 2022 |Lv 10|Hr 6 |
Feb 21, 2022 |Lv 11|Hr 6 |
Feb 21, 2022 |Lv 12|Hr 8 |
Feb 21, 2022 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 13|Hr 9 |
Feb 21, 2022 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 14|Hr 11 |
Feb 23, 2022 |Lv 15|Hr 16 |
Feb 25, 2022 |Lv 16|Hr 18 |
Feb 26, 2022 |Lv 17|Hr 20 |
Feb 27, 2022 |Lv 18|Hr 22 |
Feb 28, 2022 |Lv 19|Hr 24 |
Feb 28, 2022 |Lv 20|Hr 25 |
Mar 2, 2022 |Lv 21|Hr 29 |
Mar 3, 2022 |Lv 22|Hr 31 |
Mar 6, 2022 |Lv 23|Hr 33 |
Mar 6, 2022 |Lv 24|Hr 34 |
Mar 6, 2022 |Lv 25|Hr 35 |
Mar 8, 2022 |Lv 26|Hr 38 |
Mar 8, 2022 |Lv 27|Hr 40 |
Mar 9, 2022 |Lv 28|Hr 42 |27 Kastravan,
Mar 9, 2022 |Lv 29|Hr 43 |29 Kastravan, 32 Kredge,
Mar 9, 2022 |Lv 30|Hr 43 |30 Kastravan, 33 Kredge,
Mar 9, 2022 |Lv 31|Hr 43 |31 Kastravan, 33 Kredge,
Mar 9, 2022 |Lv 32|Hr 43 |32 Kastravan, 34 Kredge,
Mar 11, 2022 |Lv 33|Hr 50 |
Mar 13, 2022 |Lv 34|Hr 56 |
Mar 14, 2022 |Lv 35|Hr 60 |
Mar 16, 2022 |Lv 36|Hr 70 |
Mar 17, 2022 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 37|Hr 75 |
Mar 17, 2022 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 38|Hr 77 |35 Kastravan,
Mar 17, 2022 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 39|Hr 78 |37 Kastravan,
Mar 17, 2022 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 40|Hr 79 |
Mar 18, 2022 |Lv 41|Hr 83 |
Mar 18, 2022 |Lv 42|Hr 86 |
Mar 19, 2022 |Lv 43|Hr 88 |39 Kastravan,
Mar 19, 2022 |Lv 44|Hr 88 |40 Kastravan,
Mar 19, 2022 |Lv 45|Hr 90 |41 Haldoran, 41 Kastravan,
Mar 19, 2022 |Lv 46|Hr 90 |42 Haldoran, 42 Kastravan,
Mar 19, 2022 |Lv 47|Hr 90 |43 Haldoran, 43 Kastravan,
Mar 19, 2022 |Lv 48|Hr 90 |45 Haldoran, 44 Kastravan,
Mar 19, 2022 |Lv 49|Hr 90 |45 Kastravan, 51 Amayra,
Mar 19, 2022 |Lv 50|Hr 90 |46 Kastravan, 51 Amayra,
Mar 19, 2022 |Lv 51|Hr 92 |50 Kredge, 48 Kastravan,
73341, Kaide's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Mon Feb 21 00:00:21 2022 at level 10 (5 hrs):
Kaide has dedicated to unarmed combat <PK: 0-0>

Mon Feb 28 14:10:21 2022 at level 18 (22 hrs):
Empowered by Azorinne to level 35 <PK: 2-2>

Mon Feb 28 20:18:05 2022 at level 20 (23 hrs):
Kaide advanced to level 20 <PK: 2-2>

Tue Mar 1 18:42:56 2022 at level 20 (26 hrs):
Kaide has pledged to the Fortress of Light <PK: 3-2>

Mon Mar 7 19:59:12 2022 at level 25 (35 hrs):
Inducted into FORTRESS by Rolen <PK: 3-3>

Wed Mar 9 21:37:27 2022 at level 30 (43 hrs):
Kaide advanced to level 30 <PK: 6-4>

Mon Mar 14 20:48:23 2022 at level 35 (61 hrs):
Setfaith TEMPERANCE by Azorinne. <PK: 9-4>

Mon Mar 14 20:48:28 2022 at level 35 (61 hrs):
Empowerment changed by Azorinne to level 51. <PK: 9-4>

Thu Mar 17 14:07:47 2022 at level 40 (74 hrs):
Kaide advanced to level 40 <PK: 10-4>

Sat Mar 19 17:10:54 2022 at level 51 (89 hrs):
Kaide advanced to level 51 <PK: 11-4>

Tue Mar 29 19:45:27 2022 at level 51 (138 hrs):
Baerinika made Kaide a Maran <PK: 18-9>

Sun Apr 3 11:28:30 2022 at level 51 (163 hrs):
Setfaith HOPE by Azorinne. <PK: 23-9>

Sun Apr 17 20:39:58 2022 at level 51 (223 hrs):
Ishuli has set edge sense malice for Kaide. <PK: 30-9>

Sun Apr 17 20:40:03 2022 at level 51 (223 hrs):
Ishuli has set edge banisher of the taint for Kaide. <PK: 30-9>

Thu Apr 21 18:52:46 2022 at level 51 (229 hrs):
Hero Delete <PK: 30-9>

73340, Kaide's Mob Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Mob Deaths

Mar 29, 2022|Lv 51|Nizarrsh Datul|an elder aboleth by whip
Apr 4, 2022 |Lv 51|The Citadel of Ostalagiah|Grishnaug the Cannibal by caustic slime
Apr 6, 2022 |Lv 51|The Black Lair|a tangling net of swamp moss by smash
Apr 9, 2022 |Lv 51|The White Lair|a freezing mist elemental by blast of frost
Apr 10, 2022|Lv 51|Underdark|a deranged byakhee by punch
Apr 15, 2022|Lv 51|The Blue Lair|a burrowing sand worm by poisonous bite
73339, Kaide's Edges
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM



Late Bloomer

Racial Edges

Class Edges

Banisher of the Taint
Bolt of Glory
Sense Malice


Remain Conscious
Thick Veined
Bolt From the Blue
73338, Kaide's Cabal Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Specifics

Cabal Statistics

# of logins with their cabal item  123
# of logins without their cabal item  6
# of logouts with their cabal item  122
# of logouts without their cabal item  2
# of times they lost their cabal item  2
# of times they retrieved their cabal item  0
# of times they took another cabal item  21

73337, Kaide's Class Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Class Specifics


73336, Kaide's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding18700
Experience from Skill improvements11113
Experience from Exploration21800
Experience from Quests40724
Experience from Commerce2848
Experience from Immortals665
Experience from Observation28504

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Mon Feb 14 01:02:09 2022
Quests Completed  22
Exploration Points Found  76
(WANTED) Criminal  5 times
     Murder3 times
     Theft0 times
     Looting0 times
     Offensive of Harmful Powers0 times
     Aiding a Known Criminal1 times
     Assaulting the Spire1 times
     Attacking Guildguards0 times
     Other0 times
Thickening the Veil0 items for 0
Thinning the Veil0 items for 0
Hours spent at Hero  138 hours
% of lifetime in the wilderness  32 %
% of lifetime in the cities  24 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  3 %
% of lifetime caballed  84 %