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Topic subject[SCION] Yagig Arkavaul the Advisor to the Chancellor, the Magus of the Night
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6863, [SCION] Yagig Arkavaul the Advisor to the Chancellor, the Magus of the Night
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Yagig Arkavaul the Advisor to the Chancellor, the Magus of the Night


As you look upon this wretched creature you can see he
bears a great resemblance to a rather large vulture. Feathers
of dull brown banded with streaks of bone white cover the
visible areas of his torso and wings. Back-jointed legs sprout
taloned feet of ruddy orange complexion. His lurching gait
and hunched posture thrusts his sinuous neck and skull-like
head before his body. His neck and head are devoid of any
meaningful plumage making both look disproportionately
thin compared to his body. Large yellow eyes peer out over a
slightly hooked beak the reddish yellow color of ill cleaned bone.
You can see that his arms, even while they remain nearly tucked
under his body, end in long claw tipped fingers that seem to hold
more joints than that of a man. While a weapon is visible upon
his person it can do little to offset the obvious trappings of one
of the arcane arts.


Practices12Trains0HometownArial City
Exp512900To Level24350SphereCovetousness
Age middle-aged, 45 years old (368 hours)
Hit Points1260Mana1154Movement687
Carry #18/37Carry Weight94 lb 2 oz  
6873, Yagig's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  54 (34 at level 51)
Total PK Losses  13
Total Mob Deaths  8

PK Wins by Class
VS. thief  1
VS. warrior  37
VS. paladin  1
VS. assassin  6
VS. invoker  1
VS. necromancer  2
VS. bard  1
VS. shaman  1
VS. druid  2
VS. shapeshifter  2

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  15

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  6
VS. Neutral  26
VS. Evil  22

PK Deaths by Class
VS. transmuter  1
VS. warrior  8
VS. paladin  3
VS. bard  1

PK Deaths by Cabal

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  4
VS. Neutral  4
VS. Evil  5
6882, Yagig's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

Yagig's Background
Added Tue May 10 23:40:44 2005 at level 19:

Yagig hails from a tribe of scavangers barely surving on the fringes
of the Wastes of Nonviel. He traveled to Arkham in his youth with
two elders to barter for goods since the guards of Seantryn and the
jade elves were known to kill his people on sight. All three were
duped into going to Dra' Melkhur upon the inticing offer to find out
about eternal life. His two elder were slain but Yagig stayed alive by
month after month by one means or another. He convienced them he knew
things he did not and even agreed to write his clan and have them send
send others with the promise of a vast unclaimed land where food could
be found easily and no skyflashes would eat them in return. He did any
thing to stay alive. He survided mostly by learning to take abuse and
appearing totaly worthless and unthreatening. He learned much of their
lore and a smattering of their goals.

He lied saying he knew where an artifact was buried within the desert
of araile that he saw when flying nearby. This he thought his chance to
escape. He would have to go show them where he saw it, giving him the
chance in his terrain to flee. The caravan was attacked by the Talshidar
and all slaughtered but five others and himself. He found himself caged
again awaiting sacrifice to some demon or another. They all sounded much
the same to him and had the same result, that being him dead. He managed
to stay alive this time by trading information about the keep he had
just been a prisoner at. Yet again he was made to suffer as a slave and
worse as they doled out any abuse they wished upon him that did not end
in death. A dwarf also survided who could work steel and was kept a
prisoner near him. The dwarf was treated better as he had more value
and Yagig found himself even lower than another slave. All were better
than Yagig. All had more freedom, more food, more clothing, more water,
and less pain. His plight was ended when a trio of heros raided the
Talshidar caves. A warrior, bard and invoker fought their way to the
captives cages seeking some female as they kept yelling her name. They
broke his lock and asked if any others were held as well, to which he
replied that they had all been sacrificed the passing eve. The dwarf
that had for mocked him so long could stay and rot. They insisted that
he stay behind them as they fought their way to freedom and he obliged.
Offering to carry anything that would burden them in combat he managed
to gather several spare weapons and various sacks of provisions and
supplies. These he fled with out of the first tunnel out he could find.
In Hamsah he found the goods worth a heavy sack of coin. He retained
the minor spellbook of the invoker and understood enough of what he read
to think to seek refuge within the guildhall of invocation. Maybe if
he used the coin to buy an apprenticeship within the hall he could
learn enough to be strong himself, stronger than others and no slave
ever again.

6881, Yagig's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

Yagig's Traits
Added Wed May 11 00:04:37 2005 at level 19:

Yagig has an inferiority complex. Everyone is better than him in
all ways as he sees it. Others have more wealth, they are stronger
and hold more influence, they have nicer things, more friends, are
smarter, stronger, know more, etc, etc. The line between envy and
covetousness is thin but Yagig activly plots to gain what will make
him the equal of others in all regards.

If Yagig didn't have feathers he just may have been an orc. He
knows that appearing weak or worthless can gain him time to grow
strong himself. He takes what he can by any means able if it will
advance himself without bringing unwanted consequences. He is willing
to do whatever he can to stay alive long enough to get even with
the whole damned world.

His long captivity has resulted in a speach pattern often below
what his natural intelligence would have dictated. His speach is
brief and broken enough to not let others see he is smart. It
comes natural now.

6880, Yagig's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

Yagig's last name.
Added Tue May 24 10:27:27 2005 at level 32:

Yagig has chosen the last name Arkavaul for himself. His tribe used
no last names but since breaking away he has decided to adopt one.
Arkavaul means "Survivor" or The Survivor" amongst his clan and
was often used to identify others who had entered the wastes and
lived or one who had broken clan and managed to stay alive.

6879, Yagig's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

On covetousness and Gods.
Added Wed Jul 6 14:48:12 2005 at level 46:

When young Yagig coveted things, possessions, what was to be had and what
others had. Yagig equated those things with power and in so doing would
strive to gather all he could. This has changed as he has aged. He has
come to place a much higher value on position and associations than things.
He reasons that things will come when he has developed/bought the right
position and friends. Using things he pulls others to him and may aquire
in time the power he now covets.

Yagig fears the gods of light and dark more than anything else. They are
a force wholey beyond his control and in their fickleness may destroy him
at a whim. Dreaa appeared to him while speaking with the Chancellor and
mearly being in her presence nearly killed him. She confirmed his worry
by threatening to turn him into a frog so beasts could eat him. He has
known others to speak to such beings as nearly equals but that his beyond
his scope of thinking. He feels the Gods are angered at his worthlessness
and will surely one day be his end.

6878, Yagig's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

On Leadership and The Deception.
Added Wed Jul 13 01:21:45 2005 at level 51:

Yagig desires the power that would come from the Chancellor's seat more
than near anything else. He covets the very idea of being Chancellor and
the impression that to hold the seat would make him important. The only
problem is he is too scared out of his wits of Dreaa and Eshval to even
think of expressing his desires to them. He thinks he cannot hold the seat
because he would have to interact with them. His thinking then is to try
to hold the power without the seat. He feels if he can have a hand in
who holds power then he brings himself some prestige. He will have to
overcome his fears to ever hold the power directly.

Yagig is going to try to pull a grand deception to help direct the course
of power in the Chasm. He feels Raheena will surely be given the Chancellor's
seat if she becomes a Lich. Too oft he has seen her try to exert her will
and knows if she gains the seat her control over him will be lenghty. His
only hope is to see her destroyed. He has gained her confidence and knows
what Lich items she seeks. He plans to try to gain the attention of Qaledus
and bribe him into making a forgery of one of her items. He has considered
this at length and has only decided to approach the god of theives after
speaking to one of his priests. The priest has convienced Yagig that Qaledus
is unlike other Gods and will not seek his harm if teh bribe is worthy. It
is a risk but one he feels he must take less he finds himself collered at
the heel of a Lich.

6877, Yagig's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Leadership, Inner Power, and the Lost Crown
Added Sun Jul 31 13:38:08 2005 at level 51:

Yagig now has much of the power he once sought but it has taken it with
great trepidation. After his plots involving Raheena came to fruition he
was called before the the gathered Gods and Goddess' of the Chasm. They
informed him that his talents would now be put to use in the role of
Advisor to the Chancellor's seat. He was torn for this was the means to
the kind of power he had always coveted but with it came the constant
attention of the powers he was so fearful of. When the gathered powers
sensed his fear they seemed to revel in it. They informed Yagig that he
could not avoid their eyes or attention however he tried. He was theirs to
do with as they pleased and he may as well accept it. Refusal to obey just
would just result in more pain drawn out over a longer period of time. With
these threats constantly upon him he has endevored to see the Chasm rise
in power under his leadership. He feels the only way to escape destruction
is to see great strides made in their intrests even moreso than his own.

A success in the long standing goal to free the great summoner from his
stasis has left Yagig infused with a new found power. After striking down
the summoner when he tried to gain the power of the sundered portal Maztriel
and Yagig stepped within the flow and let it fill them. Since such time the
power has rolled within him often making him sick or unable to function as
well as normal. Unsure how the power will manifest it'self he but hopes to
contain it till such time. He feels with both of the Chasm's leaders gaining
greater power the Fold may be in for a time of legend.

Yagig has recently been scouring Akan and surrounding lands for the Lost
crown of Akan he detected via his magics. He knows that both the dwarven
and duergar nations would covet it. To the dwarves it's return would rally
them to the memory of a time of greatness. To the duergar king it would be
a symbolic victory of his battle against the dwarves and would rally his
men to press the assult against Ludan. In either case Yagig feels he may
be able to barter the crown for information. The dwarves hold ancient secrets
of invocation magics from the tiem before the guilds were destroyed. The
duergar have long experimented in the cruel labs with transmutation magics.
The crown should bring him a boon in knowledge from one or the other.

6876, Yagig's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Yagig must flee.
Added Fri Aug 12 00:50:53 2005 at level 51:

Yagig has learned that the former High Priest of the Talshidar that
kept him prisoner has shed his flesh and been accepted in the Hells. Not
only did Yagig escape his sacrifice in his early life but later returned
to the caves oft to punish him for his attempt to harm Yagig. It seems
that as a result of his dedication in life he has been awarded some
status in the Hells and holds a measure of power. Visions plague Yagig
now of the priest's return where he will capture Yagig and take him to
the Hells to torment him forever. Yagig feels that no God may help him
since the Hells are beyond their diminion. He has come up with a desperate
plan to offer himself premptivly to the Father of Devils as a servant to
be taken to the Hells. In doing so he thinks he may gain enough power
and staus himself to avoid the horrid fate that awaits him. This will
be the end of Yagig's mortal form.

6875, Yagig's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Wed Jun 1 00:17:39 2005 by 'An Immortal' at level 35 (117 hrs):
An Immortal added 700 exp for: has a role

Thu Jun 30 21:50:49 2005 by 'Eshval' at level 44 (169 hrs):
Looks to be good and solid Fold member.

Sat Jul 9 20:19:17 2005 by 'Eshval' at level 48 (218 hrs):
Watched for a bit...looks like he knows the way of the invoker.

Mon Jul 11 08:54:55 2005 by 'Drokalanatym' at level 51 (231 hrs):
Much belated side note... I watched this guy a bit even going back to circa 20th level and his RP the whole way was good and consistent.

Sun Jul 17 23:04:15 2005 by 'Qaledus' at level 51 (267 hrs):
Part of the best evil backstabbery ever.

Sun Jul 17 23:30:14 2005 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (267 hrs):
An Immortal added 300 exp for: Khar-Zhur quest participation.

Sun Jul 17 23:59:25 2005 by 'Innis' at level 51 (267 hrs):
Wills nots has nother stronger than si Yagig. Thems all thinks is stupids, is easy controls. Ems will see.' - Very nice self-talk. :P

Mon Jul 18 01:26:15 2005 by 'Muuloc' at level 51 (267 hrs):
Good job killing an angry angel with Maztriel, Raheena, Hyolinar, and Gondrak

Wed Jul 20 21:52:55 2005 by 'Eshval' at level 51 (281 hrs):
Gave the title Magus of the Night for the consistant work and being a cunning, evil sob.

Thu Jul 21 01:07:51 2005 by 'Arvam' at level 51 (283 hrs):
What this guy did, is far and beyond, the coolest and most evil thing I've seen an evil do to another evil. If only all evil people did stuff like this guy.

Thu Jul 21 01:15:04 2005 by 'Eshval' at level 51 (283 hrs):
Granted as Advisor for dirty deeds done dirt cheap. (Sorry)

Thu Jul 21 08:34:10 2005 by 'Aarn' at level 51 (286 hrs):
All I have to say is SMOOOVE. And awesome too. Evil bastard.

Sat Jul 30 00:38:20 2005 by 'Muuloc' at level 51 (323 hrs):
Helped successfully complete a scion type quest.

Wed Aug 3 00:26:07 2005 by 'Eshval' at level 51 (342 hrs):
Sought to rp a bit, since he is getting buddies with Chancellor...that would be bad. :P

Wed Aug 10 01:24:22 2005 by 'Dreaa' at level 51 (360 hrs):
Yagig says 'Yagig is not trying talk you out, is try talk self out. But is knows cannot withstand will of Goddess. Her is find Yagig regardless, even if has come hells and get.'

Wed Aug 10 01:26:32 2005 by 'Dreaa' at level 51 (360 hrs):
I love Yagig, his fear of immortals is pretty funny every time I'm around him, keep it up I love the laughs!

Wed Aug 10 14:55:43 2005 by 'Dreaa' at level 51 (363 hrs):
Well seems he's planning on going bye-bye before long, you'll be missed, and I finally had someone to laugh at! Well done either way!

6874, Yagig's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  54
Total PK Assists  43
Average Group Size Per Kill  2.04

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Hides Behind Allies

Average Group Size Per Death  1.38

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Murdered By The Self-Reliant

6872, Yagig's Spell List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Supplication List

Level 38airshield100%
Level 38earthshield100%
Level 38fireshield100%
Level 38frostshield100%
Level 38shield of flames100%
Level 38shield of winds100%
Level 38shield of waves78%
Level 38shield of ice90%
Level 38shield of earth90%
Level 38watershield100%
Level 38oozeshield100%
Level 38shield of slime75%
Level 39iceslick71%
Level 40sight of the damned70%
Level 41vortex100%
Level 41dig82%
Level 43conglaciation71%
Level 43engulf100%
Level 43forsaken portal74%
Level 44improved invis100%
Level 45geyser100%
Level 45immolation77%
Level 46quicksand81%
Level 47incendiary cloud72%
Level 48rain of stone71%
6871, Yagig's Spell List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Spell List

Level 1channel heat100%
Level 1create water100%
Level 1cyclone100%
Level 1earthquake100%
Level 1frost fingers100%
Level 1shocking touch1%
Level 1acidic secretion100%
Level 2detect magic85%
Level 3detect invis100%
Level 4invis100%
Level 5armor1%
Level 6faerie fire81%
Level 9infravision1%
Level 11create spring100%
Level 11whispering wind1%
Level 12wall of fire100%
Level 12grease100%
Level 13teleport100%
Level 13icicle100%
Level 14faerie fog80%
Level 14stoneshatter100%
Level 15identify99%
Level 15elemental attunement94%
Level 16wind wall100%
Level 18cancellation100%
Level 19dispel magic100%
Level 19siltscreen1%
Level 20despoil75%
Level 21fireball100%
Level 22avalanche100%
Level 22iceshards100%
Level 23adhesive web100%
Level 24pass door100%
Level 25word of recall96%
Level 25night terror75%
Level 26drown100%
Level 27buffet100%
Level 27earth ripple1%
Level 28nightwalker93%
Level 28tsunami100%
Level 29gel100%
Level 30controlled fireball100%
Level 32cone of cold100%
Level 32pebble to boulder100%
Level 32beckon druktrar72%
Level 34noxious cloud1%
Level 35nova100%
Level 36vitriolic stream100%
Level 37iceneedles100%
6870, Yagig's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1dagger100%
Level 1mace100%
Level 1whip1%
Level 1scrolls71%
Level 1staves87%
Level 1wands96%
Level 1recall100%
Level 1spellcraft100%
Level 5meditation100%
Level 8haggle84%
Level 11inspect goods1%
Level 11potion attunement71%
Level 11pill attunement71%
Level 13trance100%
Level 15parry89%
Level 15fast healing100%
Level 20lash1%
Level 20divination72%
Level 20pen71%
Level 23hand to hand1%
Level 28second attack1%
Level 35volley74%
6869, Yagig's Title History
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Title History

Thu Jun 30 21:50:24 2005, level 44 (169 hrs):
Yagig Arkavaul the Master of Water

Wed Jul 20 21:51:40 2005, level 51 (281 hrs):
Yagig Arkavaul the Weaver of the Elements, the Magus of the Night

Thu Jul 21 01:13:22 2005, level 51 (283 hrs):
Yagig Arkavaul Advisor to the Chancellor, the Magus of the Night

Thu Jul 21 01:13:51 2005, level 51 (283 hrs):
Yagig Arkavaul the Advisor to the Chancellor, the Magus of the Night

6868, Yagig's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Wed May 11 21:16:06 2005 at level 20 (43 hrs):
Yagig advanced to level 20

Fri May 20 21:46:30 2005 at level 30 (79 hrs):
Yagig advanced to level 30

Mon Jun 27 01:34:23 2005 at level 39 (151 hrs):
Inducted into SCION by Runaktla.

Mon Jun 27 23:06:45 2005 at level 40 (155 hrs):
Yagig advanced to level 40

Sun Jul 10 01:15:01 2005 at level 51 (220 hrs):
Yagig advanced to level 51

Fri Jul 29 00:38:39 2005 at level 51 (319 hrs):
Yagig moved to Arial City

Fri Aug 12 23:48:58 2005 at level 51 (366 hrs):
Hero Delete

6867, Yagig's Cabal Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Specifics

Cabal Statistics

# of logins with their cabal item  54
# of logins without their cabal item  49
# of logouts with their cabal item  62
# of logouts without their cabal item  28
# of times they lost their cabal item  48
# of times they retrieved their cabal item  37
# of times they took another cabal item  21

6864, Yagig's Best Set of Equipment
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Best Set of Equipment

(Glowing) (Humming) a war banner of the Lord of Mortorn
worn on fingera ring of stamina
worn on fingera ring of stamina
worn around neck(Glowing) a mantle of earth
worn around neck(Glowing) (Humming) the amulet of dragonkind
worn on bodyFive-Color Dragonscale Mail
worn on head(Glowing) a black mitre
worn on legsa pair of spiked leggings
worn on handsthe hands of a flame
worn on armsa phylactery of fortitude
worn on wings(Glowing) the blood-red ribbons of Talshidirus
worn around waistthe belt of life
worn on wristthe Bracelet of Charms
worn on wristan oddly shaped glass bracelet
held in the hand(Glowing) a swirling black orb
6866, Yagig's Class Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Class Specifics

6865, Yagig's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding3500
Experience from Skill improvements26954
Experience from Exploration4100
Experience from Quests5000
Experience from Commerce5465

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Sun May 1 13:48:11 2005
Quests Completed  4
Exploration Points Found  25
Bonus Experience from Immortals  1000
(WANTED) Criminal  2 times
Hours spent at Hero  146 hours
% of lifetime in the wilderness  31 %
% of lifetime in the cities  15 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  0 %
% of lifetime caballed  58 %