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Topic subject[ENTROPY] Illyria Valarian the Grand Mistress of Changelings, Lost Soul
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=64976
64976, [ENTROPY] Illyria Valarian the Grand Mistress of Changelings, Lost Soul
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Illyria Valarian the Grand Mistress of Changelings, Lost Soul


A slender young elf is before you, her delicate form strangely devoid of colo
She stands an unusually modest height for an elf, barely topping five feet. S
has the fine-boned and delicate features common to her race, ears tapering to
subtle points, and thin lips frequently pursed in a bow of contemplation. Her
hair is an almost translucent white, flowing about at shoulder length in fine
wisps. Her eyes are similarly colorless, their grey irises doing nothing to
hide the spark of wonder in her pupils... or the echoes of a timeless weight.


Exp562759To Level20541SphereTime/Fate
Age mature, 409 years old (214 hours)
Hit Points1005Mana1218Movement1035
Carry #0/38Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
64990, Illyria's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  13 (12 at level 51)
Total PK Losses  13
Total Mob Deaths  22

PK Wins by Class
VS. warrior  7
VS. necromancer  1
VS. shaman  2
VS. berserker  2
VS. shapeshifter  1

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  4

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  0
VS. Neutral  0
VS. Evil  13

PK Deaths by Class
VS. warrior  5
VS. assassin  3
VS. invoker  1
VS. necromancer  1
VS. bard  1
VS. berserker  2

PK Deaths by Cabal
VS. None  4

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  0
VS. Neutral  1
VS. Evil  12
65003, Illyria's Role Chapter 10
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 10

Illyria Valerian, Lost Soul
Added Tue Jan 14 00:54:17 2020 at level 51:

Well, Illyria pulled the trigger. When she next saw one of the Leaders of the
Fortress - Grunter, at Antaluvion's lecture - she told him that it was Time
that she go her own way: that the Loss would be for the best, both for her and
for the Fortress. She was thoughtful in her approach and conversation, drawing
forward questions without engaging in debate. She was careful to ensure a
positive, and wistful departure that her Loss have an impact on some of those
stuffy Maran.

In the first few days she found some habits hard to break. Still patrolling the
skies, still swooping down on an Orc. But slowly she started to spend less time
looking for muggers and thugs, and more just enjoying the wonder of the wind
beneath her wings. She CAN FLY! Never in fifteen thousand years did she imagine
that possibility.

In a few moments of introspection she was alarmed to see just how much of this
miracle second chance she has wasted. More than half the vitality in her shell
was gone, mostly - thankfully - spent exploring the wonders of the land. But
years and years she Lost to random scraps on the eastern road.

When her mind returned to a bit of balance, and she had a better appreciation
for some of her Lost innocence, she returned to the Cathedral of Loss, and
sought out the Child.

He astutely pointed out that while she was wandering aimlessly, and while she
had Lost her way.... that really is the only way to find stuff that nobody else

He laughed at her, when she mourned the loss of companions, and brought into
sharp focus that at the moment she is free, with endless possibilities. He did
proceed to not-so-subtly push her towards the mages of chaos. His words were a
different slant echoing the earlier words of Elra the Mourner that resonated
profoundly with Illyria: about a group that delight in discovery, in novelty,
in the ever changing maelstrom of life. To let go of responsibility, and
delight in the flesh you wear.

The conversation took a few turns, but ended when the Child tasked Illyria with
Get someone lost. He then suggested a possible path: Maybe others in the
Fortress need to be asking themselves questions. Doesn't matter where they end
up, just make someone feel a little lost.

It's not normally Illyria's nature to be so prescribed, but on reflection the
taint of order she observed in the Fortress is immediate, and topical. The
warriors of the light were paralyzed by the laws of a Tribunal... frequently
run by the darkest of undead lords. There is an internal conflict there, and an
opportunity to both get someone Lost and to help both them and perhaps even the
Fortress grow from it.

For her it was never a question, and never a conflict. From her earliest
reawakening she was resolved to live free: never bound by rules, custom, and
least of all the ephemeral laws society.

Being Named Lost Soul has been good for her. Blessed are the Lost.

65002, Illyria's Role Chapter 9
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 9

Time brings Change
Added Sun Jan 12 00:33:45 2020 at level 51:

But less than you would think. Years have passed, and in those years Illyria
has bounced around the Fortress, giggling, roaring, and bringing joy to the
faces of the grim warriors of the Light.

... but they are so, so stuffy.

Her original purpose in joining the Fortress was to do something about the
ridiculous Darkness that covered the land. But in that doing, it seems, she
came right back to a path of bloodshed and death.

She was never a perfect fit. And in doing something ... she lost her way. She
has spent years flying around, pecking at the wicked. But who was she really
killing? Orcs, and imperials. Thugs and petty tyrants. Not a dark conjurer
stetting Hell loose. Not even a Necromancer, that could threaten whole swathes
of villages.

She has spent YEARS dealing violence to thugs... and not exploring the wonders
of these lands. In some ways it almost feels as if she is starting to lose the
innocence she sacrificed so much to regain.

Of particular interest today, while pecking at an Imperial, Illyria ended up
afoul of the Tribunal's laws.

And was shocked to find that the Fortress was so self-righteous that there was
a RULE against breaking the Tribunal laws. She had an intense debate with the
Marshall, and then the Captain... and the net of everything was that the
ephemeral idiocies of the social contract from a group of people whose
ancestors weren't even living in huts in her day had to be respected. Huh?

After an intense conversation with Elra the Mourner, she has decided that it is
past time, far past Time, for her to lose her place in the Fortress. To lose
those ties, and the brethren. The grim path of the hall of the Maran ... would
just further pull her away from the wonders that drove her to rebirth herself.

65001, Illyria's Role Chapter 8
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 8

The Loss of a Dream, the Fortress, and the clumsy flip of a coin
Added Tue Dec 24 13:49:14 2019 at level 40:

Illyria has grown much, advancing her mastery in the guild of Shapeshifting.
She has explored MANY of the lands, hurling her mortal coil to bloody ruin.

Her dream of learning the secrets of the elven race's Pseudodragon ... came to
a crashing end. In an in-inadvertent stumble, her magics warped and she took on
the form of the Shikra. 272 years old, and multiple journeys around the world
to earn the Pseudodragon, and her dream was dashed in a clumsy stumble. JUST as
she was emerging hale and hearty from the depths of Thar-Acacia, finally
convinced that she had impressed the Guildmaster and Gods enough to learn the

The Loss of her dream shook her, and for a moment a cold, old, anger arose from
her ancient past. For a moment Illyria was balanced on a needle point between
the wonders of this fresh new life, and the cold, empty rage of her past. In
the end she was able to find a truth, and to grow from the Loss. Her
perspective had become warped in the almost mindless tunneled pursuit of a
PSEUDOdragon. The wonders of shapeshifting, and the idea of a DRAGON, had
caused her to burn more than 30% of this miracle second chance. And for what? A
PSEUDOdragon that would VERY soon over taken by even more advanced

In other less momentous news, Illyria has joined forces with the Fortress.
They're a quaint group, but have good hearts and are quite focused on "doing
something about it (see role 6.)

On the Yuletide Illyria flipped a coin with Morius. She, quite clumsily, threw
'the moon' and was burdened with an even more comprehensive CLUMSY flaw. How
ironically appropriate given her earlier stumble! She is darkly amused at this
new, comprehensive clumsiness and is working hard on controlling it, a bit, to
ensure that as she faceplants from a curtsey at least she'll knock the wine out
of a pompous jerk's hands and onto his shirt!

65000, Illyria's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

Studies in the Lyceum / a poem of import
Added Fri Dec 20 12:32:38 2019 at level 30:

During her studies in the Lyceum, Illyria came across a poem that spoke to
to her. Capturing it here, as the sentiment does guide her attitudes and
behavior in this new take at life.

Oh the Places! - An Adventurer's Travels
Oh the places I have been!
Oh the things that I have seen!
Up into the highest peaks,
down into the deepest deeps.
Across deserts both wide and dry,
though forests dark where evil lies.

Oh the places I have been,
from the time when I was green!
I sailed on ships that traveled far.
I saw a mage who tended bar.
There's always somewhere new to go,
and what will happen? Who can know?

Oh the places we will see?
Adventure waits, come now with me!
Secrets lie round ever bend,
death and danger are your friends!
Every day is something grand!
Off we go, just take my hand!

64999, Illyria's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

Not longer an apprentice...
Added Thu Dec 19 23:49:15 2019 at level 29:

Illyria has been working hard, to master the fundamentals that the guildmaster
has taught her. She even, despite her ancient standards, considers her
competency fair-to-middling.

She has mastered the basic cantrips, and the foundational spells and abilities
of this wondrous new magic of Shapeshifting. She has learned, and become
confident with, the forms of the Parrot and the Panther.

She has explore more of the lands, fully probing every nook and cranny of
several more areas after her wonderous start in the Violet Woodlands.

She has also been the victim of utterly random violence. Some fire giant
warrior hunted her up, deep in the Elemental Planes, and bashed her silly while
she was learning how to cast Word of Recall properly.


She could understand, to a degree, the pathetic excuse for a necromancy
apprentice. Souls have value in that study.

But the giant?

He didn't even bother to rob her.

It was pure, mindless, violence without cause or benefit.

Illyria is finding herself GREATLY annoyed with the low moral character that
seems so pervasive in the modern world.

She is also horrified at the sheer numbers of undead roaming about, and the -
literally a dozen - students of necromancy she has seen.

She is beginning to think that her vow to herself to live a good life, and to
do better means that she should do something about it.

... something violent.

But not rip their souls out! No, no. Claw their faces off with her lovely new
area of study!

64998, Illyria's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

Added Tue Dec 17 15:29:07 2019 at level 19:

Illyria has been quite active, exploring the lands. Quests from Simon and
Olgakar have sent her all across the lands. A quest from Denardyn lead her to
the intruigiing telluric mysteries of the Violet Woodlands.

A choice word from a traveler suggested she would enjoy Khardrath's Planar
Sanctum... and that was true!

She has been frustrated by her utter ineptness with the simplest cantrips
taught by her new guild, and has resolved to study them intensely. If something
is worth doing, it's worth doing well!

Illyriia did discover the first of the forms her magic would allow her to take:
the turkey.

... not exactly the most glamorous. And it can't exactly fly. But it has wings!
It's a start.

She immediately focused on becoming confident in her new magic, and her new
form. Resolving to build a solid foundation to build to even greater heights as
a shapeshifter!

64997, Illyria's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Violet Woodlands and and extermination
Added Tue Dec 17 01:01:51 2019 at level 11:

This fine evening Illyria spent several hours in the cozy Shapeshfiter's guild
of Galadon, mastering a few cantrips. At one point the Guildmaster exchanged
some polite conversation with her, and a few tidbits at her probing about the
wonders of Shapeshifting magic.

The Guildmaster DID CONFIRM (how exciting) that it was possible to become a
Pseudodragon! Illyria was quite passionate when asked about what she would
focus her shifting on: Obviously, AIR. To FLY! Wonders. Such wonders in this
new land.

When Illyria had mastered the few cantrips she targeted she headed out to
explore the Violet Woodlands, prompted by a note from the elf surveyor on the
docks. What she found was fascinating... a new form of telluric current,
ancient woodlands, runes even she wasn't familiar with.

She rapidly set to exploring, hardly noticing as gibbering after gibberling
pounced upon her to be gored to death.

Partway through her exploration an Arial named Clodok turned up in the woods,
walked right up to her, and hideously mispronounced, ''qpurr hajqp'.

Truly shameful. Had she mangled such a simple cantrip in her youth her tutors
would have lost their minds. Of course, had they recognized that specific one
as the chilling touch of the Necromancer, she likely would have been exiled
centuries before the rest of her story took place.

Regardless, with a dark irony of observing such a hideously incompetent
necromatic apprentice mangle such a simple spell on HER... she promptly gored
him to death with her amazing new shapeshifting abilities! The horns weren't
exactly ... adding much to her appearance, but the sheer bliss of her first
shapeshifting has utterly trumped that.

As she continued her exploration in the Violet Woodlands, still unable to
locate that silly elfling's surveying lens, she reflected on the battle. It
was, truly, a bit of a rush to fight up close and personal. It was more to
shape her body. But there was a bit of dark satisfaction that a young
Necromancer was ended before plaguing the lands. Not that the one in question
was competent enough to draw thousands of souls into a ritual, but still, the
premise remains.

Should she consider making a bit of a career of stamping out the silly novices
dabbling around the edges of the Profane?

64996, Illyria's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Journey starts, behavior, personality, guild, etc.
Added Mon Dec 16 04:15:25 2019 at level 1:

The first, and most wondrous discovery Illyria made was massive trade-route
from the Elven vales to the cosmopolitan city of Galadon.

In search of new wonders, she hitched a ride to Galadon and got to enjoy the
first of several thousand berry pies from the baker there. Such a novel
concept! It had not existed in her time.

In the Adventurer's Academy, she discovered entire new Schools of Magic:
Shapeshifting, and Conjuration. The other planes were known in her time, if not
a fully mature school of magic, but shapeshifting was utterly new. She was
fascinated, and dived right in.

In behavior and demeanor, Illyria will try to present herself as the young
elf she appears to be. This world is new to her, and there is so much to learn.
She will occasionally slip and refer to an ancient legend, but has vowed that
no mortal will know the secrets of her past.

She intends to live a better life this time. To have her journey, and her
losses, shape her into a better person. She is chaotic in a free spirit sort
of way, utterly unwilling to be bound by convention. Not expectations, not even
the rules of polite conversation. And absolutely certainly not the silly laws
of ephemeral gnats or petty tyrants.

She retains an abiding hatred for ignorant barbarians, and an unnatural
aversion to those foolish mortals who putter about in ancient tombs studying
the dark arts. Most of them wouldn't even qualify as an apprentice in her day,
and she well knows the horrors that could reach through such feebly guarded
conduits -- from the negative plane, from the shadow planes, or even the hells
and the abyss.

64995, Illyria's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Rebirth and loss
Added Mon Dec 16 04:13:39 2019 at level 1:

After centuries of stasis in her workroom, Illyria had ample opportunity to
consider her life. She thought deeply on each sacrifice, on each step, on each
nudge down every slippery slope.

She thought deeply on Magic itself, on the profound mastery she had achieved in
traditional means, and the subtle brilliance that had carried over to the
necromatic arts.

She thought deeply on the blatant narcissism that had driven her, when she was
flesh, blood, and hormones. She thought deeply on each memory, each happiness,
each soul that passed in and out of her life. She considered each loss, and saw
clearly how it shaped her, how it drove her, and how even the darkest successes
were propelled.

She saw clearly that her happiest time was her youth, when she was learning.
When she was growing. When there was still wonder to be discovered.

In a flash of inspiration, some seven and a half centuries into playing
introspective statue and collecting dust, Illyria recalled a scrap of a tome
from the desert tribes, that spoke of both mummification and abstraction. She
thought that if such novice powers could accomplish abstraction, what could she
do with the fullness of her knowledge and eons of power?

In a flash, she was up and flying as a wraith towards the desert. In a mere
month of darkness and horror she had broken the tribes, bound their
Conservator, and learned all the paltry scraps of knowledge that existed.

Sixteen and a half centuries of research later, she felt she had built
sufficiently on the concept, and was ready to execute her Ritual of Rebirth.

She intentionally forced all the details of her knowledge of magic into the
ritual. She forced the details of politics, of nobility. Of power, and war. She
intended to emerge, truly, a youth to re-experience the wonders, to
re-experience the losses, and hopefully to forge for herself a different and
happier path.

Of course, the Ritual did not work as intended. Oh, it did... but the power
required was some fourteen thousand years worth of both the ley-line she had
bound to it, and her own mana regeneration.

For fourteen thousand years she was bound to a ritual circle, mindlessly
channeling power. Unable to stop. Unable to finish.

Four AGES passed before the ritual completed.

Illyria was born anew. Mortal. Elf. Ignorant of the details of magic, of clan,
of power. She had intentionally left some general knowledge, to give herself a
head starts... but no specifics, to allow for the discovery and wonder.

She needn't have bothered. Four AGES had passed, Thera was totally reshaped.
Magic itself was totally different. The GODS were different. The LAND was
different. Even her home vale bore no resemblance to that of her childhood.

Illyria is haunted by the scars from that Ritual. She is haunted by the weight
on her soul from her past deeds. But she has indeed been given a fresh start. A
wonder, to journey, to love, and to lose.

64994, Illyria's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Ancient history + sphere
Added Mon Dec 16 04:12:55 2019 at level 1:

In a bygone age, a fearsome Lich Lady rose to power. A contemporary of the
Elven Lich still prowling about his Vaults, she burned brighter for a time...
and then faded into utter obscurity.

Illyria, in her first incarnation, was a beautiful and noble daughter to a
powerful High Elven clan. She was a gifted student of the magical arts, and
rapidly rose to mastery... and then over the centuries, grandmastery. She was
naturally gifted, brilliant, and had the full resources of an ancient elven
clan at her disposal -- including the finest tutors, the most powerful tomes,
and a literal army to shepherd her explorations and research ventures.

As Illyria advanced to middle-age, and as even her elven form started to show
the wear of centuries, she found herself struggling with the the most profound
force of all: Time. She began to lose her beauty, her strength, and even her
role. She was no longer the prodigy-child, no longer the future of the clan,
-- now she was expected to BE one of the tutors.

These subtle losses: one wrinkle at a time, one favor at a time... started to
rankle her soul like drips of acid. In a fit of pique one day, after stumbling
over a sleeping Cooshee, she WRENCHED with her powers and drew its vitality
into her. She immediately felt the flush of youth, and scrambled to a mirror to
see a healthy glow that had been absent for centuries. This Fateful accident
started her down a path of secretly studying Necromancy.

Long years, and centuries, passed with Illyria keeping her studies secret. Each
carefully earned power coming at a cost. Each trip to study at the ley-nexus
keeping her away from family, from duty. Over years and centuries the act of
keeping her secrets, and putting so much of herself into them, she lost
relationships. She lost connection, and loyalty, and love.

Then one fateful day, when she was off hidden in the depths of her secret
necromatic workroom across the vale, she lost her Clan. An ignorant and
superstitious barbarian tribe blamed their two-headed goat birth on the magics
of the neighboring elves. They knew they could not match the might of the clan,
and used foul treachery - poisoning the meat delivered for a feast - as a
prelude to a night of fire and sword.

When Illyria returned from her study trip ... she found her ties broken. Her
reason for secrecy, gone. And she found a simmering rage and motivation in her
heart, finally pushing her past the last few wisps of moral qualms that had
followed her from childhood. On that night, Illyria's true mastery of the dark

It was a few short years, and several thousand murdered humans fed to her
Necromancy, later that Illyria Became as a Lich. In doing so, she foolishly
thought she had completed her goal of conquering Time, of becoming Eternal. But
in so doing, she lost the life, vitality, and beauty that had been her driving

She raged briefly, then withdrew to the crumbling wreck of her workroom.

64993, Illyria's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Sat Jan 25 00:19:17 2020 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (209 hrs):
An Immortal added 100 exp for: Entropy induction and talk with Ash and Rahsael. We're going to torment our friends (to bless them!)

64992, Illyria's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Mon Dec 16 22:05:26 2019 by 'An Immortal' at level 11 (10 hrs):
An Immortal added 1000 exp for: Creative. We're a former Lich from 4 ages ago who regretted her actions and performed a magical ritual to be reborn a mortal. We REALLY hate Necros and Ragers.

Mon Dec 16 22:25:45 2019 by 'An Immortal' at level 11 (10 hrs):
An Immortal added 50 exp for: Short little interaction with her guildmaster in Galadon. Subtly role-played some stuff from her role.

Tue Dec 17 01:31:13 2019 by 'An Immortal' at level 12 (10 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: An adventure in the Violet Woods as she sought to aid another elf, resulting in an encounter with an incompetent necromancer.

Tue Dec 24 12:58:15 2019 by 'Morius' at level 40 (108 hrs):
You failed to gain a present, how Clumsy of you.

Tue Dec 24 19:33:04 2019 by 'An Immortal' at level 40 (111 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Our dream of learning pseudodragon was DASHED. Almost reverted to our old ways, but held it together. Joined the Fort and became clumsy coutesy of Morius.

Mon Jan 6 14:02:55 2020 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (159 hrs):
An Immortal added 150 exp for: Good first chat. She still seems a bit self-centered about what she wants, but we'll see if we can get her feeling more depressed about who she was. Typical first task given.

Sat Jan 11 21:14:25 2020 by 'Padwei' at level 51 (183 hrs):
Illyria: Well, I may thinik the law is silly, but the consequences are not. And it is very limiting to have to be so careful of some deluded guards lives.

Sat Jan 11 21:15:29 2020 by 'Padwei' at level 51 (183 hrs):
Re: the above - you realize the options are limited here and have been begging to fight in town, so I won't be surprised when you frag a guard and show no remorse, since you're showing almost none now.

Sun Jan 12 13:56:05 2020 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (188 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Role update - it's stupid that we can't break the law in fort, so we're gonna bounce.

Mon Jan 13 11:36:11 2020 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (191 hrs):
An Immortal added 150 exp for: We're getting started on our new path!

Mon Jan 13 23:21:52 2020 by 'Nalasul' at level 51 (192 hrs):
Just helped out some lowbies, then, as payment, demanded that they "get lost & find something wonderful". A+ chaotic good, so have a lastname!

Tue Jan 14 23:25:59 2020 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (196 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Pretty good update on leaving Fortress, rediscovering wonder, meeting with the Child, being tasked with getting someone lost.

Wed Jan 15 15:29:51 2020 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (199 hrs):
An Immortal added 50 exp for: Trivia answers!

Fri Jan 24 12:02:42 2020 by 'Rahsael' at level 51 (209 hrs):
Next time I see you, you're in for a treat...

64991, Illyria's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  13
Total PK Assists  6
Solo PKs  10
PKs with a group of 2 6
PKs with a group of 3 2
PKs with a group of 4+ 1
Average Group Size Per Kill  1.68

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Somewhat Ganky

Total PK Losses  13
Solo PK Losses  7
PK Losses to a group of 2 5
PK Losses to a group of 3 0
PK Losses to a group of 4+ 1
Average Group Size Per Death  1.62

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Unwitting Guest of Bad Parties

64977, Illyria's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding28900
Experience from Skill improvements21028
Experience from Exploration24450
Experience from Quests31175
Experience from Commerce5923
Experience from Immortals500
Experience from Observation33325

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Mon Dec 16 04:07:53 2019
Quests Completed  31
Exploration Points Found  92
(WANTED) Criminal  2 times
     Murder2 times
     Theft0 times
     Looting0 times
     Offensive of Harmful Powers0 times
     Aiding a Known Criminal0 times
     Assaulting the Spire0 times
     Attacking Guildguards0 times
     Other0 times
Thickening the Veil0 items for 0
Thinning the Veil10 items for 1604
Hours spent at Hero  87 hours
% of lifetime in the wilderness  32 %
% of lifetime in the cities  10 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  2 %
% of lifetime caballed  2 %
64989, Illyria's Cabal Powers List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Powers List

Level 20disperse87%
Level 28randomizer73%
Level 30mirror70%
Level 38improbability tunnel70%
Level 40garble72%
64988, Illyria's Spell List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Spell List

Level 1faerie fire100%
Level 1shell of the tortoise1%
Level 2detect magic100%
Level 2chitin of the crab1%
Level 3detect invis100%
Level 3hooves of the gazelle1%
Level 3scales of the crocodile1%
Level 4invis100%
Level 4tail of the lizard1%
Level 5hide of the rhino100%
Level 6horns of the bull100%
Level 8claw of the lion1%
Level 9eyes of the cat1%
Level 10fly100%
Level 10identify100%
Level 10paws of the cheetah100%
Level 11giant strength100%
Level 12fangs of the serpent1%
Level 13faerie fog100%
Level 14teleport100%
Level 14water breathing100%
Level 14shapeshift100%
Level 14ears of the bat1%
Level 15haste100%
Level 17dispel magic100%
Level 18cancellation100%
Level 18slow100%
Level 22fumble1%
Level 23enlarge1%
Level 24pass door100%
Level 24stone skin100%
Level 25scales of the dragon100%
Level 26reduce1%
Level 28word of recall100%
Level 30spirit of the thunderhawk100%
Level 32hearing of the barn owl77%
Level 34spiderhands1%
Level 35deftness of the falcon100%
Level 36control translucence100%
Level 37detect artifact100%
Level 40eyes of the eagle100%
64987, Illyria's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1dagger100%
Level 1staff100%
Level 1whip100%
Level 1scrolls100%
Level 1talismans100%
Level 1wands100%
Level 1recall100%
Level 1spellcraft100%
Level 2improved compare100%
Level 2improved consider100%
Level 2beseech94%
Level 5meditation100%
Level 8hand to hand82%
Level 8haggle98%
Level 10pen1%
Level 11inspect goods1%
Level 14trance100%
Level 15fast healing100%
Level 17parry100%
Level 20attune100%
Level 20pugil1%
Level 20lash1%
Level 25second attack100%
Level 27mystical armor use1%
Level 28shapeshift skill100%
Level 30careful vision100%
Level 34control levitation100%
Level 35legendary awareness83%
Level 35control speed100%
Level 36control skin100%
Level 37control phase100%
64986, Illyria's Title History
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Title History

Mon Jan 13 11:36:59 2020, level 51 (191 hrs):
Illyria the Grand Mistress of Changelings, Lost Soul

Mon Jan 13 23:20:18 2020, level 51 (192 hrs):
Illyria Valarian the Grand Mistress of Changelings, Lost Soul

64985, Illyria's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Dec 17, 2019|Lv 11|The Violet Woodland|Clodok vs 1: <11> Illyria (100%, impaling)
Dec 27, 2019|Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Darlof vs 2: <51> Illyria (69%, claw), <51> Qyayad (30%)
Dec 27, 2019|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Tegerek vs 2: <51> Illyria (81%, KB), <51> Antaluvion (18%)
Dec 27, 2019|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Darlof vs 2: <51> Illyria (45%), <51> Antaluvion (54%, pillar of lightning)
Dec 27, 2019|Lv 51|The Northern Mountains|Sylvari vs 3: <51> Ellainaraya (61%, bleeding artery), <51> Illyria (21%), <51> Antaluvion (17%)
Dec 27, 2019|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|Tegerek vs 2: <51> Ellainaraya (51%, parting blow), <51> Illyria (48%)
Dec 28, 2019|Lv 51|The Tower of Trothon|Narra vs 1: <51> Illyria (100%, claw)
Dec 29, 2019|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Sylvari vs 1: <51> Illyria (100%, claw)
Dec 30, 2019|Lv 51|Balator|Arlyssa vs 4: <51> Terpilans (6%), <51> Ysforgul (66%, venomous slash), <51> Illyria (1%), <50> Zirrix (25%)
Jan 6, 2020 |Lv 51|Grinning Skull Village|Dhrak vs 1: <51> Illyria (100%, KB)
Jan 6, 2020 |Lv 51|Caravans of the Jhaana|Noma vs 1: <51> Illyria (100%, claw)
Jan 6, 2020 |Lv 51|The North Road|Baena vs 1: <51> Illyria (100%, KB)
Jan 10, 2020|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Baena vs 2: <51> Siphani (7%), <51> Illyria (92%, claw)
Jan 10, 2020|Lv 51|Amaranthian Forest|Baena vs 1: <51> Illyria (100%, claw)
Jan 11, 2020|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Baena vs 1: <51> Illyria (100%, claw)
Jan 11, 2020|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Ysforgul vs 3: <51> Illyria (47%), <51> Siphani (26%, KB), <51> Ellainaraya (26%)
Jan 13, 2020|Lv 51|The Dragon Sea|Baena vs 1: <51> Illyria (100%, claw)
Jan 17, 2020|Lv 51|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Baena vs 1: <51> Illyria (100%, KB)
Jan 25, 2020|Lv 51|Galadon|Mahle vs 2: <46> Rakkor (14%, stinging lash), <51> Illyria (85%)
64984, Illyria's PK Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Deaths

Dec 17, 2019|Lv 19|Khardrath's Planar Sanctum|vs 1: <22> Itzenxilaatl (100%, numbing grip)
Dec 19, 2019|Lv 28|Khardrath's Planar Sanctum|vs 1: <24> Ilaanist (100%, slash)
Dec 24, 2019|Lv 40|The Imperial Lands|vs 1: <35> Zirrix (100%, whirling flames)
Dec 25, 2019|Lv 40|Village of Mal'trakis|vs 1: <46> Xiqoanna (100%, arcing lightning)
Dec 25, 2019|Lv 43|The Imperial Palace|vs 2: <51> Terpilans (66%), <51> Zaol (33%, punch)
Dec 25, 2019|Lv 49|Fortress of Light|vs 2: <51> Terpilans (17%), <51> Zaol (82%, parting blow)
Dec 26, 2019|Lv 51|Grinning Skull Village|vs 1: <51> Tegerek (100%, chaotic blast)
Dec 26, 2019|Lv 51|Grinning Skull Village|vs 2: <51> Terpilans (20%), <51> Tegerek (79%, KB)
Dec 27, 2019|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|vs 4: <50> Dhrak (2%), <51> Tegerek (38%), <51> Terpilans (23%), <51> Jehir (35%, burst of energy)
Dec 27, 2019|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|vs 2: <51> Terpilans (19%), <51> Jehir (80%, slash)
Dec 27, 2019|Lv 51|Evermoon Hollow|vs 1: <51> Terpilans (100%, crushing force)
Dec 27, 2019|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|vs 2: <51> Terpilans (26%), <51> Jehir (73%, rising phoenix kick)
Jan 10, 2020|Lv 51|Galadon|vs 1: <48> Baena (100%, torrent of lightning)
Jan 11, 2020|Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Illyria failed to maintain their form.
64983, Illyria's Leveling
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Leveling History

Dec 16, 2019 |Lv 2 |Hr 0 |
Dec 16, 2019 |Lv 3 |Hr 1 |
Dec 16, 2019 |Lv 4 |Hr 1 |
Dec 16, 2019 |Lv 5 |Hr 1 |
Dec 16, 2019 |Lv 6 |Hr 1 |
Dec 16, 2019 |Lv 7 |Hr 2 |
Dec 16, 2019 |Lv 8 |Hr 4 |
Dec 16, 2019 |Lv 9 |Hr 6 |
Dec 16, 2019 |Lv 10|Hr 8 |
Dec 16, 2019 |Lv 11|Hr 9 |
Dec 17, 2019 |Lv 12|Hr 13 |
Dec 17, 2019 |Lv 13|Hr 14 |
Dec 17, 2019 |Lv 14|Hr 17 |
Dec 17, 2019 |Lv 15|Hr 18 |17 Yenpli, 15 Celenor,
Dec 17, 2019 |Lv 16|Hr 18 |18 Yenpli, 16 Celenor,
Dec 17, 2019 |Lv 17|Hr 18 |19 Yenpli, 17 Celenor,
Dec 17, 2019 |Lv 18|Hr 18 |20 Yenpli, 18 Celenor,
Dec 17, 2019 |Lv 19|Hr 19 |
Dec 17, 2019 |Lv 20|Hr 28 |
Dec 18, 2019 |Lv 21|Hr 29 |22 Celenor,
Dec 18, 2019 |Lv 22|Hr 34 |28 Risel, 30 Rhentin,
Dec 18, 2019 |Lv 23|Hr 34 |28 Risel, 30 Rhentin,
Dec 19, 2019 |Lv 24|Hr 38 |
Dec 19, 2019 |Lv 25|Hr 39 |29 Leanill,
Dec 19, 2019 |Lv 26|Hr 40 |29 Leanill,
Dec 19, 2019 |Lv 27|Hr 40 |30 Leanill,
Dec 19, 2019 |Lv 28|Hr 43 |27 Rispit,
Dec 19, 2019 |Lv 29|Hr 45 |30 Risel,
Dec 20, 2019 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 30|Hr 55 |
Dec 21, 2019 |Lv 31|Hr 73 |
Dec 22, 2019 |Lv 32|Hr 78 |
Dec 23, 2019 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 33|Hr 87 |36 Tzarapca,
Dec 23, 2019 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 34|Hr 88 |36 Tzarapca,
Dec 23, 2019 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 35|Hr 88 |37 Tzarapca,
Dec 23, 2019 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 36|Hr 89 |37 Tzarapca,
Dec 23, 2019 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 37|Hr 89 |38 Tzarapca,
Dec 23, 2019 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 38|Hr 90 |38 Tzarapca,
Dec 23, 2019 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 39|Hr 98 |31 Fimbledin, 41 Zargrakun,
Dec 23, 2019 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 40|Hr 103|46 Xiqoanna,
Dec 25, 2019 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 41|Hr 118|46 Xiqoanna, 40 Tzarapca,
Dec 25, 2019 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 42|Hr 118|41 Tzarapca,
Dec 25, 2019 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 43|Hr 119|42 Tzarapca,
Dec 25, 2019 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 44|Hr 121|
Dec 25, 2019 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 45|Hr 124|51 Tauzak,
Dec 25, 2019 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 46|Hr 125|51 Tauzak,
Dec 25, 2019 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 47|Hr 125|51 Tauzak,
Dec 25, 2019 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 48|Hr 125|51 Tauzak,
Dec 25, 2019 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 49|Hr 126|51 Tauzak,
Dec 25, 2019 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 50|Hr 127|51 Bulonk, 51 Elladorius,
Dec 25, 2019 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 51|Hr 127|51 Bulonk, 51 Elladorius,
64982, Illyria's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Mon Dec 16 04:27:51 2019 at level 1 (0 hrs):
Choose major focus air <PK: 0-0>

Mon Dec 16 04:28:00 2019 at level 1 (0 hrs):
Choose minor focus offense <PK: 0-0>

Tue Dec 17 22:56:25 2019 at level 20 (26 hrs):
Illyria advanced to level 20 <PK: 1-1>

Fri Dec 20 03:14:37 2019 at level 30 (50 hrs):
Illyria advanced to level 30 <PK: 1-2>

Sun Dec 22 04:25:37 2019 at level 32 (71 hrs):
Illyria has pledged to the Fortress of Light <PK: 1-2>

Mon Dec 23 22:13:41 2019 at level 40 (97 hrs):
Illyria advanced to level 40 <PK: 1-2>

Mon Dec 23 22:49:45 2019 at level 40 (97 hrs):
Inducted into FORTRESS by Gruntner <PK: 1-2>

Tue Dec 24 12:57:55 2019 at level 40 (108 hrs):
Morius has set flaw clumsy for Illyria. <PK: 1-2>

Wed Dec 25 16:34:21 2019 at level 48 (121 hrs):
Spun the Wheel and swapped top tier minor form tiger for lion <PK: 1-5>

Wed Dec 25 23:06:19 2019 at level 51 (126 hrs):
Illyria advanced to level 51 <PK: 1-6>

Sun Jan 12 14:13:57 2020 at level 51 (188 hrs):
Inducted into None by Gruntner <PK: 11-13>

Sat Jan 25 00:16:38 2020 at level 51 (209 hrs):
Inducted into ENTROPY by Rahsael <PK: 13-13>

Mon Feb 17 20:49:32 2020 at level 51 (214 hrs):
Hero Delete <PK: 13-13>

64981, Illyria's Mob Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Mob Deaths

Dec 17, 2019|Lv 13|The Violet Woodland|a large ogre guard by crush
Dec 17, 2019|Lv 13|Khardrath's Planar Sanctum|a large earth elemental by crush
Dec 18, 2019|Lv 21|Forgotten Crypts|a skeleton by beating
Dec 20, 2019|Lv 30|The Xvart Lair|the xvart chief by beating
Dec 21, 2019|Lv 30|The Black Lair|Dhyxtre, the dark-elven assassin by black light
Dec 22, 2019|Lv 32|Dhumlar-Ko|Tharum the Overlord by smash
Dec 22, 2019|Lv 32|Abandoned Mines|the hook horror by hit
Dec 22, 2019|Lv 32|Prison of Glymarach|the emerald golem by bone-shattering blow
Dec 22, 2019|Lv 32|Prison of Glymarach|a ravenous hellhound by claw
Dec 22, 2019|Lv 32|Mount Kiadana-Rah|a fire giant warrior by punch
Dec 23, 2019|Lv 38|Coven of Dralkar Wood|Dunya by disruption
Dec 23, 2019|Lv 38|Coven of Dralkar Wood|Dunya by disruption
Dec 23, 2019|Lv 38|The Battlefield|Ford the Giant General by hit
Dec 23, 2019|Lv 39|Kteng's Laboratory|an invisible stalker by burst of energy
Dec 23, 2019|Lv 39|Kteng's Laboratory|a sylph by cyclone
Dec 24, 2019|Lv 40|Balator|Sho by slice
Dec 24, 2019|Lv 40|Balator|Sho by slice
Dec 24, 2019|Lv 40|Ruins of Delar-Tol|a lesser basilisk by claw
Dec 24, 2019|Lv 40|Grinning Skull Village|an orcish guard by chop
Dec 25, 2019|Lv 40|Enpolad's Game Garden|a villainous Imperial Dread Lord by stinging lash
Dec 25, 2019|Lv 40|Enpolad's Game Garden|a fire giant mercenary by fiery blast
64980, Illyria's Edges
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM




Racial Edges

Class Edges

Spin the Wheel
Eater of Plagues
Bloody Pecker


Keys to Success
Strong Memory
64979, Illyria's Cabal Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Specifics

Cabal Statistics

# of logins with their cabal item  36
# of logins without their cabal item  6
# of logouts with their cabal item  35
# of logouts without their cabal item  4
# of times they lost their cabal item  17
# of times they retrieved their cabal item  13
# of times they took another cabal item  14

64978, Illyria's Class Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Class Specifics

You can shapeshift into the following

Level 15  Turkey  Confident
Level 21  Parrot  Confident
Level 24  Panther  Confident
Level 30  Shikra  Confident
Level 32  Arctic fox  Confident
Level 44  Vulture  Confident
Level 48  Lion  Confident