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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subject[EMPIRE] Bakrmarr the Prostrating Eternal Servant of the Unspoken, Elite Imperial Warlock
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=60377
60377, [EMPIRE] Bakrmarr the Prostrating Eternal Servant of the Unspoken, Elite Imperial Warlock
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Bakrmarr the Prostrating Eternal Servant of the Unspoken, Elite Imperial Warlock


A smell of ash and unearthly magical glow surrounds this giant of a man.
His movements seem jerked and quick, full of unholy vigor and ever ready to
seize the moment as he grips his weapon with a menacing look. Momentarily
it may seem when he swings his weapon or strides forward, that a smoke trail
appears in his wake, but when he's still he'd pass for a normal fire giant.

As is common with fire giants, he has char-black skin and orange hair.
Flaming streaks cover his arms, flowing along his veins and converging into
solid color just before the wrist - they might be some sort of glowing paint
or magical residue, it's hard to tell at a glance. He looks battle-scarred,
many scars also resembling fiery cracks in his skin, one cutting even across
his face. His armor too suggests a martial background, poorly maintained but
worn with a degree of confidence befitting a seasoned fighter.


Exp593275To Level20725SphereMagic
Age middle-aged, 415 years old (494 hours)
Hit Points867Mana590Movement1093
Carry #0/34Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
60391, Bakrmarr's Title History
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Title History

Tue Nov 7 18:17:05 2017, level 40 (215 hrs):
Bakrmarr the Evil Knight, Imperial Dread Lord

Tue Nov 7 18:32:36 2017, level 40 (215 hrs):
Bakrmarr the Depredator of the Unspoken, Imperial Dread Lord

Wed Nov 22 17:26:17 2017, level 51 (321 hrs):
Bakrmarr the Enslaved of the Unspoken, Imperial Dread Lord

Fri Nov 24 18:54:05 2017, level 51 (339 hrs):
Bakrmarr the Prostrating Eternal Servant of the Unspoken, Imperial Dread Lord

60404, Bakrmarr's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

The biggest mistake in Bakrmarr's life.
Added Thu Dec 7 00:55:26 2017 at level 51:

There were totally nobody to murder anymore for Bakrmarr when he still
had fourtieth tittle in his guild and he decided to grow in power and do
it as fast as possible. The first thing he did was recruit criminal Acra
to help him in killing a storm giants on Kiadana Mountain. It was the
biggest mistake in Bakrmarr's life as soon the imperial inquisitor asked
why does Imperial Dread Lord uses the help of a criminal. The second
mistake was done when Bakrmarr promissed to kill Acra. The inquisitor
only gave Bakrmarr one elven week to do so and the Dread Lord didn't see
Acra even once during this week.

Bakrmarr brought another 1 000 gold coins and the ring from Inferno he
got from the corpse of Grumba to his master begging for freedom. But
Unspoken One gave him the choice: to loose the position of Dread Lord
forever and gain freedom or keep his position of Dread Lord and become
the Eternal servant of the Unspoken. Bakrmarr decided that power is more
important than freedom and became Eternal Servant of Unspoken One. In
return his master told the inquisitor that Bakrmarr doesn't need to kill
Acra anymore.

Many years have passed since then and many enemies were murdered by the
Dread Lord. Right now the situation is that there are almost no enemies
for Bakrmarr to kill again, they all run in panic somewhere far away when
he is awake. The middle-aged fire giant even tried to look for another
anti-paladin to replace him, but didn't find a worthy candidate. Also
Emperor ordered him to remove the missive with his offer to give his
unholy weapon to a worthy anti-paladin, new slave of his master. But
together with other imperials Bakrmarr visits Inferno sometimes and it
keeps the things interesting for him, his dream is to defeat Asmodeus.

60403, Bakrmarr's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

Bakrmarr and Unspoken One.
Added Thu Nov 16 23:52:20 2017 at level 43:

Not long time ago Unspoken One came to the Throne Room and demanded from
Bakrmarr to kneel before him. The God told that the fire-giant will become
the Dread Lord if he becomes the slave of Unspoken One. Bakrmarr simply
didn't know how can he deny the God of Empire and also he really wanted
to become the Dread Lord. Bakrmarr kneeled before Unspoken One and called
him his master. The next moment Bakrmarr finally became the Dread Lord and
known as Depredator of the Unspoken for the all other therans.

But Bakrmarr didn't know what kind of darkness can exist in Thera. Sure,
he's killing and stealing the souls of other therans, but this kind of
darkness is totally different. The first order of Unspoken One was to call
the vote for new Emperor. Stupid Bakrmarr didn't think a second and began
speaking with the War Master. Glaunm answered him "fine" and immediatelly
wrote a missive to Emperor. But Glikhardiz didn't believe his War Master
or something, but he didn't anathema Bakrmarr. This was very lucky day for
Bakrmarr as he managed to keep his position of Dread Lord.

But Bakrmarr's problems only began here. He tried to please his God by
giving him 1 000 gold coins and sacrificing many enemies of Empire in his
name, but it didn't help. After Unspoken One made the former Shadow Lord
the anathema he told Rhoysdhean to bring him the unholy weapon of Bakrmarr
to please him, so Rhoysdhean could be brought back into Empire. The
fire giant is sure that all the shadows thieves have the same order and
so he cannot even remove his unholy weapon in front of them for a moment
not to loose it. Bakrmarr now doesn't trust anybody and hates everybody
around him and it's all because of Unspoken One and his dark intrigues.

Bakrmarr doesn't know why does his God wants to take his unholy weapon and
weaken the fire giant and the whole Empire. He doesn't even think that
Unspoken One is the real God of Empire who cares about order and growth of
civilization. Bakrmarr hates Unspoken One, but he's scared of him. He
simply cannot tell his master that he doesn't want to serve him anymore
because he's too scared of being murdered instantly or kicked from Empire.
Bakrmarr is waiting for the true God of Empire Lord Destuvius to step in
and finally take care of Unspoken One and free Bakrmarr. But Bakrmarr is
is too scared to write a missive to Lord Destuvius about Unspoken One
having deals with the anathema and trying to weaken Empire. Hell, Bakrmarr
is still too scared to even speak with the name of Unspoken One loudly.

Bakrmarr is trying to speak with elven Goddess Daphedee as often as
possible with hope that she will protect Bakrmarr from Unspoken One one
day. But She can only protect hid body, but cannot save Bakrmarr's
position of Dread Lord because She has no power in Empire.

60402, Bakrmarr's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Bakrmarr and the Gods of Thera, the awakening of Lord Korsgaard.
Added Sun Nov 5 16:04:37 2017 at level 40:

After Korsgaard has awoken many followers of the Light left their homes
to join Fortress of the Light. Bakrmarr faces many of them totally alone
all the time, most of his time he spends retrieving the codex from the
Fortress with massive opposition. There is no help from other imperials
or God of Magic. The future of Empire is pretty questionable as there are
almost always more than dozen members of the Fortress awake who actively
seek Bakrmarr's and all evil creatures blood.

Bakmarr doesn't want to serve Lord Twist anymore, he understands that he
will spend endless time in abyssal pits after he dies. But he's alive
still and he wants to be victorious in his attempts to murder and torture
all enemies of Empire. He wants to become the champion of man to fight
all this endless horde of the members of the Fortress with great success.

He has sponsored the art competition and gave 1 500 gold coins to Goddess
Daphedee so beautiful elf would reward the best art submissions in three
categories about Triumph of Empire. Bakrmarr believes that arts as well
as greed are very important and only improve civilization.

Bakmarr is angry at his Emperor for not making him the Dread Lord even
though the fire giant is fighting the enemies of Empire all the time with
never seen before zeal. He hopes that Glikhardiz will die soon, so he
could take his throne. Bakmarr has heard that Lord Emnon is plotting
against him using other imperials. So his only hope is to please Lord
Destuvius now so he would help Bakmarr to become the strongest Emperor.

60401, Bakrmarr's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Chaotic thoughts.
Added Tue Oct 17 12:12:22 2017 at level 36:

The blood oathing ritual did not reshape Bakrmarr's essence as utterly as it
was supposed to, because there are two souls inhabiting one body. Because of
the influence of the second soul, he retains more defiance and more ability
to reason outside traditionally Imperial way of thinking.

It is for that reason that he was able to arrive to the idea of reinstating
the Arcane Sect - something another bloodoathed would dismiss as rebel talk.

At the same time, it becomes obvious that while Bakr is the dominant of two
personalities, sometimes he finds himself also influenced by the simple mind
of young Marr. Memories flash before his eyes, and he finds himself thinking
not of politics and influence and complex matters, but of the simple things.
He has not truly lived for a thousand years, should he not take advantage of
this desperate chance to enjoy life for some time?

No. He chases these thoughts away. He thinks again of the future, of looming
torment awaiting if he cannot prove himself for some God to open for him the
gates into an afterlife... Or he could find a way to stay in Thera forever.

60400, Bakrmarr's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Joining Empire.
Added Sun Oct 15 13:46:53 2017 at level 29:

Bakrmarr has decided to join one of the organizations to gain more power
to be able to reach his final goal. He saw it that a magicians are welcome
in many different organizations, but Empire only accepts a necromancer and
an anti-paladins. Bakrmarr was very surprised that such big and powerful
organization can be built without a mages of all sorts because from his
point of view it only makes Empire weaker. The giant heard few stories and
read some books about Arcane sect of Empire and now his goal is to become
Emperor of Thera and manage to persuade the Gods of Empire to recreate the
Arcane Sect, where a different mages of most guilds would be represented.

Bakrmarr doesn't want to be a simple bloodoath for long time, so right now
he's collecting gold for Empire. He's now also working at many of his
magical abilities to gain the full understanding of the magic he learned
in his guild. Bakr cannot wait long time and is always telling Marr to
murder and torture somebody. But he understands that Bakr himself couldn't
please Twist when he was alive still, so things should be done differently
this time in the body of Marr. Marr is trying to use the wisdom Bakr was
gaining for thousand years, but it all comes to murdering and torturing.

60399, Bakrmarr's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

The Abysmal pits.
Added Sat Oct 14 04:44:05 2017 at level 1:

Lore has it that when the most evil of the Darkness die, if their patron
God or Goddess does not have an afterlife to welcome them to, the souls go
to the Abysmal pits. This is the place where the evil souls will never
rest and will suffer for eternity. This is the best place they deserve for
those who have devoted their lives to bring pain and sufferings to others.

Many different devils torture these souls for eternity, but sometimes the
victims of anguish manage to escape the Abysmal pits and can even return
back to Thera. One of such leaks of magical energy has seeped from the
Pits back to our lands and attached itself to the young fire giant named
Marr. The name of the one of the most evils of Darkness was Bakr when he
was still alive. Bakr was the anti-paladin, humble servant of God of Magic
Twist, but he couldn't please his God enough to be welcomed to have an
afterlife. Few thousand years Bakr knew nothing, but pain and sufferings.

After the soul of Bakr has entered Marr's body, the body began decomposing
very fast and soon became transparent and almost weightless. But Marr's
body didn't loose it's physical strength and instead Bakrmarr became much
stronger, faster and smarter than any other giant in Thera. But Bakr's
thoughts about torturing and murders other creatures have filled the mind
of Marr and now Bakrmarr cannot think about anything else at all.

Even though Marr is very young still, Bakr understands that when their
body dies their souls will go back to Abysmal pits. After few thousand
years of pain and sufferings Bakr is ready to do anything not to return
back into those Pits. Bakr couldn't please enough the God of Magic when he
was alive still, but he isn't going to make the same mistake again. These
two will do anything to be welcomed by Twist to have an afterlife. Their
plan is to become the strongest and most powerful of mortals in Thera, so
their presence by itself would make the Veil thin. The villagers, haters
of magic are their main enemies and Bakrmarr hunts them first of all.

60398, Bakrmarr's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Thu Dec 7 09:33:26 2017 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (450 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Recruited a criminal, which lead to conflict with the INquisitor, which lead to Emnon. Enslaved, he still can't find many enemies. Looks for worthy successor. Wants to beat Asmo.

60397, Bakrmarr's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Sun Oct 15 13:23:49 2017 by 'An Immortal' at level 29 (9 hrs):
An Immortal added 1000 exp for: Two evil souls trapped in a host from the Abyssal plane. One, a former follower of Twist who was unaccomplished. One named Bakr, the other named Marr. Together they form - Bakrmarr!

Sun Oct 15 13:49:32 2017 by 'An Immortal' at level 29 (9 hrs):
An Immortal added 50 exp for: Good job writing a new description after a first failed attempt! Well done!

Thu Oct 19 21:46:15 2017 by 'An Immortal' at level 37 (46 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Updates on why Empire and some reasoning why the character may perform a chaotic act or two. Also may try to get Arcane Sect reinstated.

Thu Oct 19 21:56:04 2017 by 'Twist' at level 37 (46 hrs):
Little chat with him regarding whether he's impressed me enough yet to be allowed into "my" afterlife when he dies.

Tue Oct 31 21:42:39 2017 by 'An Immortal' at level 40 (156 hrs):
An Immortal added 100 exp for: Sitting down and having a discussion with me about upkeep and getting people inspired/interested in the Imperial Hall of the Arts. We'll see where this goes.

Sun Nov 5 16:35:20 2017 by 'An Immortal' at level 40 (196 hrs):
An Immortal added 800 exp for: With the sudden appearance of a Fortress diety, Bakrmarr is overwhelmed with opposition. He accepts his fate but shuns Lord Twist, instead, seeking Lord Destuvius for superior power to make him Emperor.

Tue Nov 7 18:36:34 2017 by 'Emnon' at level 40 (215 hrs):
Dreadlorded, Tatt'd, and Titled via Ishuli. Keep up the Good Work.

Thu Nov 16 01:19:42 2017 by 'Whiysdan' at level 42 (273 hrs):
So we were making a push to hero and were grouped with Solraen and Geamely, but were getting help from Acra who's not only chaotic, but was wanted at the time. Um...WTH?

Fri Nov 17 20:32:20 2017 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (283 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Role update: We were scared to refuse Emnon and so became his slave, but we really hate him and don't even think he's a real Empire God. We're hoping either Destuvius or Daphedee can protect us.

Wed Nov 22 17:26:57 2017 by 'Whiysdan' at level 51 (321 hrs):
Title fixed to "the Enslaved of the Unspoken" per Emnon.

Fri Nov 24 18:55:15 2017 by 'Whiysdan' at level 51 (339 hrs):
Titled 'the Prostrating Eternal Servant of the Unspoken' as he decided to stay a permanent slave of Emnon to satisfy his promise to the Inquisitor instead of losing all hope at ever being Dread Lord or Emperor.

Sat Nov 25 20:30:54 2017 by 'Daphedee' at level 51 (352 hrs):
You have the potential to be a really cool character if you RP'd with your enemies even half as much as you full sac them.

60396, Bakrmarr's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  131
Total PK Assists  10
Solo PKs  117
PKs with a group of 2 22
PKs with a group of 3 1
PKs with a group of 4+ 1
Average Group Size Per Kill  1.19

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Solo-Killer

Total PK Losses  0
Solo PK Losses  0
PK Losses to a group of 2 0
PK Losses to a group of 3 0
PK Losses to a group of 4+ 0
Average Group Size Per Death  0.00

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Suicide Tastes Better Than Murder

60395, Bakrmarr's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  131 (66 at level 51)
Total PK Losses  0
Total Mob Deaths  3

PK Wins by Class
VS. transmuter  2
VS. thief  16
VS. warrior  34
VS. paladin  6
VS. assassin  3
VS. ranger  12
VS. invoker  2
VS. necromancer  1
VS. bard  2
VS. shaman  17
VS. healer  5
VS. conjurer  6
VS. berserker  4
VS. shapeshifter  21

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  59

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  45
VS. Neutral  36
VS. Evil  50

PK Deaths by Class

PK Deaths by Cabal

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  0
VS. Neutral  0
VS. Evil  0
60394, Bakrmarr's Cabal Powers List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Powers List

Level 20dark feast90%
Level 25bloodoath77%
Level 30black circle100%
Level 35centurions90%
Level 40power of the damned85%
60393, Bakrmarr's Spell List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Spell List

Level 2chill touch1%
Level 4blindness100%
Level 5detect magic100%
Level 6poison92%
Level 8curse100%
Level 8protection100%
Level 9invis100%
Level 10detect invis100%
Level 12teleport78%
Level 13lightning bolt100%
Level 16energy drain89%
Level 19excision100%
Level 21summon100%
Level 22deafen86%
Level 24power word despondence98%
Level 25plague100%
Level 25sleep100%
Level 27fireball100%
Level 31aura of despair100%
Level 32iceball100%
Level 34bloodlust of the twelve fiends100%
Level 35enervating spirits75%
Level 36unholy blessing75%
Level 36leech unholy blessing75%
Level 40iron grip of azazel100%
Level 42worldbind94%
Level 43flames of Ninauurm86%
Level 43control unholy blessing78%
Level 45icy grip of Baalduru75%
Level 47arcing touch of Akkabal75%
Level 49burning acid of Heglial-Gil75%
60392, Bakrmarr's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1axe100%
Level 1dagger100%
Level 1flail100%
Level 1mace100%
Level 1polearm92%
Level 1spear100%
Level 1sword100%
Level 1whip99%
Level 1enhanced damage100%
Level 1parry100%
Level 1scrolls81%
Level 1wands100%
Level 1recall100%
Level 1shield block1%
Level 2improved compare100%
Level 2improved consider100%
Level 3dirt kicking1%
Level 5elbow100%
Level 6knee100%
Level 7second attack100%
Level 7fast healing100%
Level 8haggle100%
Level 8aim100%
Level 9kick100%
Level 10trip100%
Level 10pick lock1%
Level 10pen1%
Level 11disarm1%
Level 11inspect goods1%
Level 12sharpen sight1%
Level 12metal armor use100%
Level 13third attack100%
Level 14hand to hand100%
Level 15bash100%
Level 15lash100%
Level 15meditation100%
Level 15dual wield100%
Level 16lore1%
Level 16brawling100%
Level 17shield cleave1%
Level 17light armor use100%
Level 18thrust100%
Level 19pierce100%
Level 20charge1%
Level 20attune1%
Level 20slice86%
Level 21prosperous reputation100%
Level 23faceslash1%
Level 25cleave98%
Level 26lashes of the slave86%
Level 28vault77%
Level 28mystical armor use85%
Level 29crippling strike1%
Level 30careful vision100%
Level 30demand1%
Level 31trade connections80%
Level 33charge of the morosa1%
Level 35legendary awareness1%
Level 43evade76%
60390, Bakrmarr's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Dec 9, 2017 |Lv 51|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Zah vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, burst of energy)
Dec 10, 2017|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Annalaethina vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, burst of energy)
Dec 10, 2017|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Jukinoris vs 2: <51> Kirohn (8%, blazing slash), <51> Bakrmarr (91%)
Dec 10, 2017|Lv 51|The Tower of Sorcery|Ixtahg vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, flaming bite)
60389, Bakrmarr's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Nov 28, 2017|Lv 51|Amaranthian Forest|Vraknar vs 4: <51> Solraen (11%), <50> Mraknarg (15%), <51> Hokrur (10%), <51> Bakrmarr (62%, cleave)
Nov 28, 2017|Lv 51|Ayr'Trinil, the Arial City|Bellicidex vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, burst of energy)
Nov 28, 2017|Lv 51|Udgaard|Juuli vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, burst of energy)
Nov 29, 2017|Lv 51|Mount Kiadana-Rah|Geamely vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, shocking bite)
Nov 30, 2017|Lv 51|Ayr'Trinil, the Arial City|Beangleas vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, cleave)
Nov 30, 2017|Lv 51|Balator|Thorawyn vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, pierce)
Dec 2, 2017 |Lv 51|Outskirts of Galadon|Khellor vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, defilement)
Dec 2, 2017 |Lv 51|Galadon|Khellor vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, burst of energy)
Dec 2, 2017 |Lv 51|The Shadow Grove|Khruan vs 2: <51> Bakrmarr (47%), <51> Zazou (52%, flaming bite)
Dec 2, 2017 |Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Daezy vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, burst of energy)
Dec 2, 2017 |Lv 51|Fortress of Light|Tharous vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, flaming bite)
Dec 2, 2017 |Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Annalaethina vs 2: <51> Glaunm (25%, slice), <51> Bakrmarr (74%)
Dec 3, 2017 |Lv 51|Eil Shaeria|Khruan vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, cleave)
Dec 3, 2017 |Lv 51|The Lower Voralia's Tears|Khruan vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, burst of energy)
Dec 3, 2017 |Lv 51|Fortress of Light|Grumba vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, cleave)
Dec 3, 2017 |Lv 51|Ancient Emerald Forest|Zivryr vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, burst of energy)
Dec 3, 2017 |Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Thorawyn vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, burst of energy)
Dec 4, 2017 |Lv 51|Coven of Dralkar Wood|Khellor vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, defilement)
Dec 4, 2017 |Lv 51|Eil Shaeria|Beangleas vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, cleave)
Dec 4, 2017 |Lv 51|The North Road|Jukinoris vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, cleave)
Dec 4, 2017 |Lv 51|The Sea of Despair|Jraugh vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, fireball)
Dec 6, 2017 |Lv 51|Balator|Toolo vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, burst of energy)
Dec 6, 2017 |Lv 51|Udgaard|Precus vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, cleave)
Dec 7, 2017 |Lv 51|A Wagon-Marked Road|Beangleas vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, burst of energy)
Dec 7, 2017 |Lv 51|Aran'gird|Alloysh vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, defilement)
Dec 7, 2017 |Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Alloysh vs 2: <51> Dihhadea (29%), <51> Bakrmarr (70%, burst of energy)
Dec 7, 2017 |Lv 51|Balator|Gemmurra vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, punch)
Dec 7, 2017 |Lv 51|Ruins of the Deep|Alloysh vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, cleave)
Dec 8, 2017 |Lv 51|The Outlander Refuge|Zivryr vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, defilement)
Dec 9, 2017 |Lv 51|The Outlander Refuge|Zivryr vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, burst of energy)
Dec 9, 2017 |Lv 51|The Aryth Ocean|Zivryr vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, defilement)
Dec 9, 2017 |Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Ereo vs 2: <47> Kijar (23%), <51> Bakrmarr (76%, defilement)
Dec 9, 2017 |Lv 51|The Seaport of Hamsah Mu'tazz|Bellicidex vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, bash)
Dec 9, 2017 |Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Daezy vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, soul drain)
60388, Bakrmarr's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Nov 17, 2017|Lv 51|Outside Hamsah Mu'tazz|Daezy vs 2: <51> Bakrmarr (43%), <51> Glikhardiz (56%, disembowelment) *Disemboweled*
Nov 17, 2017|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Zah vs 2: <51> Glikhardiz (71%, disembowelment), <51> Bakrmarr (28%) *Disemboweled*
Nov 18, 2017|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Zah vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, burst of energy)
Nov 18, 2017|Lv 51|Forest of Prosimy|Thorawyn vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, burst of energy)
Nov 19, 2017|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Rhoyshdean vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, burst of energy)
Nov 19, 2017|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Katsunkulu vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, defilement)
Nov 20, 2017|Lv 51|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Geamely vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, crushing force)
Nov 20, 2017|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Garfuka vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, lightning bolt)
Nov 21, 2017|Lv 51|The Oryx Steppes|Geamely vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, crushing force)
Nov 22, 2017|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Tharous vs 2: <49> Korvishnu (21%), <51> Bakrmarr (78%, burst of energy)
Nov 23, 2017|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Zah vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, flaming bite)
Nov 23, 2017|Lv 51|The North Road|Geamely vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, flaming bite)
Nov 24, 2017|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Zah vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, infernal power)
Nov 24, 2017|Lv 51|Balator|Eliza vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, soul drain)
Nov 24, 2017|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Eliza vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, burst of energy)
Nov 24, 2017|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Grumba vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, burst of energy)
Nov 24, 2017|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|Tharous vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, iceball)
Nov 25, 2017|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Ixtahg vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, cleave)
Nov 25, 2017|Lv 51|The Outlander Refuge|Grumba vs 2: <51> Glaunm (53%, flurry), <51> Bakrmarr (46%)
Nov 25, 2017|Lv 51|Balator|Grumba vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, burst of energy)
Nov 25, 2017|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Ixtahg vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, shocking bite)
Nov 26, 2017|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Ixtahg vs 2: <51> Kirohn (0%), <51> Bakrmarr (100%, KB)
Nov 26, 2017|Lv 51|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Ixtahg vs 2: <51> Korvishnu (16%, rising phoenix kick), <51> Bakrmarr (83%)
Nov 26, 2017|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Ixtahg vs 2: <51> Korvishnu (7%), <51> Bakrmarr (92%, cleave)
Nov 27, 2017|Lv 51|North Sutherspring Road|Rhoyshdean vs 2: <51> Bakrmarr (26%), <51> Glikhardiz (73%, chop)
Nov 27, 2017|Lv 51|The Grove|Kushio vs 2: <51> Bakrmarr (30%), <51> Glikhardiz (69%, chop)
Nov 27, 2017|Lv 51|Forest of Prosimy|Thorawyn vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, shocking bite)
Nov 27, 2017|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Eliza vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, lightning bolt)
Nov 27, 2017|Lv 51|Ruins of Maethien|Iaio vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, shocking bite)
Nov 27, 2017|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Eliza vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, KB)
Nov 27, 2017|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Thorawyn vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, shocking bite)
Nov 27, 2017|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Ixtahg vs 2: <51> Bakrmarr (87%, cleave), <51> Grumba (12%)
Nov 27, 2017|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Sugurge vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, KB)
60387, Bakrmarr's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Oct 31, 2017|Lv 40|Ayr'Trinil, the Arial City|Beangleas vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Oct 31, 2017|Lv 40|Mount Calandaryl|Jarassin vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Oct 31, 2017|Lv 40|Feanwyyn Weald|Kushio vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Oct 31, 2017|Lv 40|The Battlefield|Jarassin vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Nov 2, 2017 |Lv 40|BattleRager Village|Gubi vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Nov 2, 2017 |Lv 40|Eil Shaeria|Rashan vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Nov 3, 2017 |Lv 40|The Grove|Kushio vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Nov 4, 2017 |Lv 40|Mausoleum|Tharous vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Nov 5, 2017 |Lv 40|Udgaard|Daezy vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Nov 5, 2017 |Lv 40|Fortress of Light|Tharous vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Nov 5, 2017 |Lv 40|The North Road|Daezy vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, iceball)
Nov 5, 2017 |Lv 40|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Gemmurra vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Nov 5, 2017 |Lv 40|The North Road|Egael vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Nov 5, 2017 |Lv 40|Grinning Skull Village|Thagas vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Nov 6, 2017 |Lv 40|The Eastern Road|Beangleas vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Nov 6, 2017 |Lv 40|Ruins of the Deep|Geamely vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, slice)
Nov 9, 2017 |Lv 40|Spiderhaunt Woods|Beangleas vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Nov 9, 2017 |Lv 40|The Battlefield|Eliza vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, lightning bolt)
Nov 9, 2017 |Lv 40|The Battlefield|Mufido vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Nov 9, 2017 |Lv 40|The Fields of Balator|Sugurge vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Nov 10, 2017|Lv 40|Mausoleum|Dynn vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Nov 10, 2017|Lv 40|The Battlefield|Sugurge vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, slice)
Nov 11, 2017|Lv 40|The Eastern Road|Talex vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, slice)
Nov 11, 2017|Lv 40|Lost Elven Vaults|Ailyenai vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, downward strike)
Nov 11, 2017|Lv 40|Outskirts of Galadon|Eliza vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, hit)
Nov 11, 2017|Lv 40|The North Road|Mufido vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, slice)
Nov 13, 2017|Lv 40|Ruins of Maethien|Eliza vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, iceball)
Nov 13, 2017|Lv 40|Ruins of Maethien|Arghahast vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, claw)
Nov 14, 2017|Lv 40|Spiderhaunt Woods|Dynn vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, slice)
Nov 14, 2017|Lv 40|Ruins of Maethien|Flindalin vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, slice)
Nov 15, 2017|Lv 40|Spiderhaunt Woods|Siqsoq vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, slice)
Nov 17, 2017|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|Daezy vs 2: <51> Bakrmarr (31%, stinging lash), <51> Glaunm (68%)
Nov 17, 2017|Lv 51|The Redhorn Mountains|Rhoyshdean vs 3: <51> Bakrmarr (82%, crushing force), <51> Glaunm (10%), <51> Syldur (6%)
Nov 17, 2017|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Zah vs 2: <51> Bakrmarr (68%, flaming bite), <51> Rhoyshdean (31%)
Nov 17, 2017|Lv 51|The Pass|Quamlu vs 1: <51> Bakrmarr (100%, fireball)
60386, Bakrmarr's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Oct 14, 2017|Lv 13|Voralian City|Lianah vs 1: <13> Bakrmarr (100%, blast)
Oct 19, 2017|Lv 37|Udgaard|Beangleas vs 1: <37> Bakrmarr (100%, acrid stab)
Oct 19, 2017|Lv 37|Feanwyyn Weald|Atiktalaq vs 1: <37> Bakrmarr (100%, fireball)
Oct 19, 2017|Lv 37|Graveyard|Taror vs 1: <37> Bakrmarr (100%, acrid stab)
Oct 19, 2017|Lv 37|Eaststride Road|Thagas vs 1: <37> Bakrmarr (100%, acrid stab)
Oct 19, 2017|Lv 37|The Eastern Road|Thagas vs 2: <37> Bakrmarr (60%, crush), <32> Scarlyd (39%)
Oct 19, 2017|Lv 37|Arkham|Venj vs 2: <32> Scarlyd (0%), <37> Bakrmarr (100%, acrid stab)
Oct 20, 2017|Lv 37|Western Aryth Ocean|Rhiwe vs 1: <37> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Oct 20, 2017|Lv 37|BattleRager Village|Methoz vs 1: <37> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Oct 21, 2017|Lv 37|The Imperial Palace|Venj vs 1: <37> Bakrmarr (100%, poison)
Oct 21, 2017|Lv 37|The Eastern Road|Jirbep vs 1: <37> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Oct 21, 2017|Lv 40|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Methoz vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Oct 21, 2017|Lv 40|The Eastern Road|Atiktalaq vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, fireball)
Oct 22, 2017|Lv 40|Blackclaw Village|Jirbep vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Oct 22, 2017|Lv 40|Aldevari|Kelkezi vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Oct 22, 2017|Lv 40|Udgaard|Jirbep vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Oct 22, 2017|Lv 40|The Keep of Barovia|Methoz vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Oct 22, 2017|Lv 40|Organia, the Veil of Shadow|Kelkezi vs 2: <40> Bakrmarr (41%), <51> Glikhardiz (58%, disembowelment) *Disemboweled*
Oct 22, 2017|Lv 40|Organia, the Veil of Shadow|Methoz vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Oct 23, 2017|Lv 40|Eil Shaeria|Syldur vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, bleeding)
Oct 23, 2017|Lv 40|The Eastern Road|Syldur vs 2: <51> Vezrin (6%), <40> Bakrmarr (93%, black light)
Oct 26, 2017|Lv 40|Spiderhaunt Woods|Toolo vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Oct 26, 2017|Lv 40|Outside Hamsah Mu'tazz|Shalathorn vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, cleave)
Oct 27, 2017|Lv 40|Feanwyyn Weald|Arghahast vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Oct 27, 2017|Lv 40|Organia, the Veil of Shadow|Rinksy vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, defilement)
Oct 28, 2017|Lv 40|The Village of Barovia|Essrawl vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Oct 28, 2017|Lv 40|Mausoleum|Beangleas vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, iceball)
Oct 28, 2017|Lv 40|Northern Foothills|Zaltrud vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Oct 28, 2017|Lv 40|Mausoleum|Faerelos vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Oct 28, 2017|Lv 40|Eil Shaeria|Azyraphalle vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Oct 28, 2017|Lv 40|Forest of Prosimy|Nerak vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, fireball)
Oct 28, 2017|Lv 40|Ruins of the Deep|Flindalin vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
Oct 28, 2017|Lv 40|The Eastern Road|Grumba vs 2: <34> Solraen (0%), <40> Bakrmarr (100%, iceball)
Oct 29, 2017|Lv 40|Ruins of Maethien|Faerelos vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, iceball)
Oct 29, 2017|Lv 40|Ayr'Trinil, the Arial City|Essrawl vs 1: <40> Bakrmarr (100%, black light)
60385, Bakrmarr's Leveling
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Leveling History

Oct 14, 2017 |Lv 2 |Hr 0 |
Oct 14, 2017 |Lv 3 |Hr 0 |
Oct 14, 2017 |Lv 4 |Hr 0 |
Oct 14, 2017 |Lv 5 |Hr 0 |
Oct 14, 2017 |Lv 6 |Hr 0 |
Oct 14, 2017 |Lv 7 |Hr 0 |
Oct 14, 2017 |Lv 8 |Hr 1 |
Oct 14, 2017 |Lv 9 |Hr 1 |
Oct 14, 2017 |Lv 10|Hr 1 |7 Aloki,
Oct 14, 2017 |Lv 11|Hr 1 |8 Aloki,
Oct 14, 2017 |Lv 12|Hr 1 |10 Aloki,
Oct 14, 2017 |Lv 13|Hr 1 |12 Aloki,
Oct 14, 2017 |Lv 14|Hr 2 |13 Aloki,
Oct 14, 2017 |Lv 15|Hr 2 |14 Aloki,
Oct 15, 2017 |Lv 16|Hr 3 |
Oct 15, 2017 |Lv 17|Hr 3 |
Oct 15, 2017 |Lv 18|Hr 3 |17 Aloki,
Oct 15, 2017 |Lv 19|Hr 4 |18 Aloki, 16 Telanny,
Oct 15, 2017 |Lv 20|Hr 4 |20 Aloki, 18 Telanny,
Oct 15, 2017 |Lv 21|Hr 4 |21 Aloki, 19 Telanny,
Oct 15, 2017 |Lv 22|Hr 5 |22 Aloki, 20 Telanny,
Oct 15, 2017 |Lv 23|Hr 5 |23 Aloki,
Oct 15, 2017 |Lv 24|Hr 5 |25 Aloki,
Oct 15, 2017 |Lv 25|Hr 6 |26 Aloki,
Oct 15, 2017 |Lv 26|Hr 6 |27 Aloki,
Oct 15, 2017 |Lv 27|Hr 7 |28 Aloki,
Oct 15, 2017 |Lv 28|Hr 7 |29 Aloki,
Oct 15, 2017 |Lv 29|Hr 7 |30 Aloki,
Oct 16, 2017 |Lv 30|Hr 19 |
Oct 17, 2017 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 31|Hr 21 |
Oct 17, 2017 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 32|Hr 22 |30 Rinksy,
Oct 17, 2017 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 33|Hr 22 |26 Telanny, 31 Rinksy,
Oct 17, 2017 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 34|Hr 23 |28 Telanny, 32 Rinksy,
Oct 17, 2017 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 35|Hr 24 |
Oct 17, 2017 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 36|Hr 25 |
Oct 19, 2017 |Lv 37|Hr 41 |
Oct 21, 2017 |Lv 38|Hr 59 |44 Hrenakl,
Oct 21, 2017 |Lv 39|Hr 60 |45 Hrenakl, 50 Bellicidex,
Oct 21, 2017 |Lv 40|Hr 60 |45 Hrenakl,
Nov 16, 2017 |Lv 41|Hr 274|40 Solraen,
Nov 16, 2017 |Lv 42|Hr 275|41 Solraen, 45 Geamely,
Nov 16, 2017 |Lv 43|Hr 275|42 Solraen, 46 Geamely,
Nov 17, 2017 |Lv 44|Hr 278|43 Solraen,
Nov 17, 2017 |Lv 45|Hr 279|45 Solraen,
Nov 17, 2017 |Lv 46|Hr 280|51 Hanraldis, 46 Solraen,
Nov 17, 2017 |Lv 47|Hr 280|51 Hanraldis, 47 Solraen,
Nov 17, 2017 |Lv 48|Hr 280|51 Hanraldis, 48 Solraen,
Nov 17, 2017 |Lv 49|Hr 281|51 Hanraldis,
Nov 17, 2017 |Lv 50|Hr 281|51 Hanraldis, 49 Solraen,
Nov 17, 2017 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 51|Hr 282|51 Hanraldis, 50 Solraen,
60378, Bakrmarr's Best Set of Equipment
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Best Set of Equipment

Best set of gear:

<worn on finger> a strange black opal
<worn on finger> (Glowing) (Humming) a ring with three black pearls
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a stoneform amulet
<worn around neck> (Glowing) the Talisman of Baalzebub
<worn on body> hide armor from a yeti
<worn on head> the Dark Crown of Eldritch Power
<worn on face> the copper mask of Anazu
<worn on legs> (Glowing) a pair of sturdy wooden shinpads
<worn on feet> the boots of Stealth
<worn on hands> (Invis) (Humming) gauntlets of black death
<worn on arms> a phylactery of free movement
<worn about body> (Invis) the skin of an invisible stalker
<worn about waist> a girdle of gleaming white dragonscale
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of dryad ribs
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of dryad ribs
<mainhand wielded> the seven flurries of Anguish
<offhand wielded> the Axe of Mel-Kartha
<tattooed> a locust devouring a withered sapling
60384, Bakrmarr's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Sun Oct 15 04:43:35 2017 at level 20 (2 hrs):
Bakrmarr advanced to level 20 <PK: 1-0>

Mon Oct 16 11:07:39 2017 at level 30 (17 hrs):
Bakrmarr advanced to level 30 <PK: 1-0>

Mon Oct 16 11:14:24 2017 at level 30 (17 hrs):
Took the bloodoath from imperial recruiter human. <PK: 1-0>

Sat Oct 21 08:48:45 2017 at level 40 (58 hrs):
Bakrmarr advanced to level 40 <PK: 11-0>

Sun Oct 22 09:50:37 2017 at level 40 (72 hrs):
Bakrmarr moved to Arkham <PK: 15-0>

Sun Nov 5 13:57:04 2017 at level 40 (193 hrs):
Bakrmarr moved to Udgaard <PK: 45-0>

Sun Nov 5 17:07:01 2017 at level 40 (196 hrs):
Bakrmarr moved to Arkham <PK: 45-0>

Sun Nov 5 17:19:43 2017 at level 40 (196 hrs):
Bakrmarr moved to Hamsah Mu'tazz <PK: 45-0>

Sun Nov 5 17:37:04 2017 at level 40 (196 hrs):
Bakrmarr moved to Udgaard <PK: 46-0>

Tue Nov 7 18:17:05 2017 at level 40 (215 hrs):
Bakrmarr has been granted by Empire promotion <PK: 50-0>

Tue Nov 7 18:20:52 2017 at level 40 (215 hrs):
Tattooed by Emnon <PK: 50-0>

Fri Nov 17 05:28:02 2017 at level 51 (279 hrs):
Bakrmarr advanced to level 51 <PK: 65-0>

Wed Nov 29 18:37:46 2017 at level 51 (389 hrs):
Bakrmarr moved to Hamsah Mu'tazz <PK: 100-0>

Sun Dec 3 06:03:34 2017 at level 51 (423 hrs):
Bakrmarr moved to Udgaard <PK: 107-0>

Mon Dec 11 11:46:47 2017 at level 51 (494 hrs):
Bakrmarr has been ungranted by Empire demotion <PK: 131-0>

Tue Dec 12 03:58:49 2017 at level 51 (494 hrs):
Hero Delete <PK: 131-0>

60383, Bakrmarr's Mob Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Mob Deaths

Oct 24, 2017|Lv 40|Balator|a human warrior student by slash
Oct 28, 2017|Lv 40|Balator|Thrym by crush
Nov 25, 2017|Lv 51|8th Circle of Hell|Adjorred the Assassin of Devils by assassinate
60382, Bakrmarr's Edges
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM



Racial Edges

Class Edges

Steal Sight
Feast of Sorrows
Vessel of the Pit Fiends
Unholy Slavemaster
Controlling Grasp
Spine of the Akragaka


60381, Bakrmarr's Cabal Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Specifics

Cabal Statistics

# of logins with their cabal item  415
# of logins without their cabal item  45
# of logouts with their cabal item  436
# of logouts without their cabal item  12
# of times they lost their cabal item  45
# of times they retrieved their cabal item  63
# of times they took another cabal item  142

Imperial Donations: 666153

Bakrmarr's Imperial History

Mon Dec 11 11:46:47 2017 - Lvl:51 Demoted by Glikhardiz to Echelon 4
Tue Nov 7 18:17:05 2017 - Lvl:40 Promoted by Emnon to Echelon 5
Mon Oct 23 13:45:09 2017 - Lvl:40 Promoted by Glikhardiz to Echelon 4
Sun Oct 22 10:33:32 2017 - Lvl:40 Promoted by Glikhardiz to Echelon 3
Mon Oct 16 13:04:37 2017 - Lvl:30 Promoted by Glikhardiz to Echelon 2
Mon Oct 16 11:14:24 2017 - Lvl:30 Promoted by imperial recruiter human to Echelon 1

Bakrmarr's History of Promoting and Demoting Others

Total Promotions 9
Total Demotions 1
Total Anathema 1

Tue Dec 5 07:32:36 2017 - Lvl:51 Echelon:5 Promoted Bheru to Echelon 3
Sun Dec 3 09:45:05 2017 - Lvl:51 Echelon:5 Promoted Bheru to Echelon 1
Wed Nov 22 22:25:12 2017 - Lvl:51 Echelon:5 Demoted Delzor to Echelon 2
Mon Nov 20 02:56:47 2017 - Lvl:51 Echelon:5 Promoted Khradun to Echelon 1
Mon Nov 13 23:10:44 2017 - Lvl:40 Echelon:5 Promoted Delzor to Echelon 3
Sun Nov 12 23:04:53 2017 - Lvl:40 Echelon:5 Promoted Delzor to Echelon 1
Fri Nov 10 19:48:54 2017 - Lvl:40 Echelon:5 Promoted Vasidi to Echelon 1
Thu Nov 2 22:02:12 2017 - Lvl:40 Echelon:4 Promoted Dranteld to Echelon 1
Sun Oct 29 15:52:45 2017 - Lvl:40 Echelon:4 Promoted Zazou to Echelon 1
Sat Oct 21 07:38:53 2017 - Lvl:38 Echelon:2 Promoted Solraen to Echelon 1
60380, Bakrmarr's Class Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Class Specifics

Total unholy blessing charges  111
# of leeched weapons  0
# of deaths from destruction of your unholy weapon  0
Best unholy weapon  +54 Hit, +54 Dam, +540 HP, +540 mana
60379, Bakrmarr's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding158200
Experience from Skill improvements21261
Experience from Exploration23375
Experience from Quests39200
Experience from Commerce58230
Experience from Immortals150
Experience from Observation25175

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Sat Oct 14 04:33:14 2017
Quests Completed  57
Exploration Points Found  92
(WANTED) Criminal  0 times
Thickening the Veil0 items for 0
Thinning the Veil1 items for 67
Hours spent at Hero  212 hours
% of lifetime in the wilderness  25 %
% of lifetime in the cities  26 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  1 %
% of lifetime caballed  95 %