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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subject[HERALD] Inea the Lady of the Underworld, Queenpin of Galadon
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=5927
5927, [HERALD] Inea the Lady of the Underworld, Queenpin of Galadon
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Inea the Lady of the Underworld, Queenpin of Galadon


Here stands a short, petite human with a huge, mischievous smile. She stands
at less than five feet(about four feet and ten inches will be your best
guess) and is relatively thin. You estimate that she can not weigh much more
than 100 pounds. She has a natural dark tan of a farmer and has bright blue
eyes that twinkle in the sunlight. These brilliant eyes give off a slight
glint that seems to show a more adventurous side to this short human. Her
long, dark brown hair is tied back in a simple but stylish way. It still
lies close to her waist despite being pulled up. This athletic, sure-footed
human has a slight spring in her step as if she was on the verge of skipping
at all times. She seems to be very spry and sanguine, as well, and willing
to entertain the crowds for the right price. A humble air surrounds her, as
if she is willing to admit when she knows she is wrong, instead of insisting
that she is always right. Although she seems fun-loving, she seems to put
great thought in most of what she does and is quite intelligent. But, she
does seem to be very absent-minded and prone to forgetting important dates.
Her garb is rather simple, making her seem rather poor, but appearances can
be deceiving. She carries a coin purse at one side and a dagger at the
other. Upon closer inspection, you notice a tome of some sort sticking out
of her backpack. Also, you see a small gold necklace with a locket around
her neck. Despite any faults this human may have, she is very pretty, even if
she is somewhat unkempt and dirty.


Exp265500To Level16800SphereGreed
Age mature, 40 years old (161 hours)
Hit Points489Mana421Movement611
Carry #12/35Carry Weight37 lb 12 oz  
5932, Inea's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1dagger100%
Level 1mace78%
Level 1spear78%
Level 1sword100%
Level 1backstab89%
Level 1dodge94%
Level 1trip79%
Level 1haggle94%
Level 1hide100%
Level 1peek100%
Level 1scrolls83%
Level 1recall100%
Level 3dirt kicking100%
Level 4sneak100%
Level 5steal100%
Level 7pick lock79%
Level 10detect hidden90%
Level 10relock75%
Level 10taletell70%
Level 11inspect goods76%
Level 12disarm78%
Level 12second attack100%
Level 12plant80%
Level 12push74%
Level 13parry88%
Level 13scribe70%
Level 14kick92%
Level 14knife95%
Level 14cease fighting70%
Level 15hand to hand77%
Level 15meditation1%
Level 15circle100%
Level 15mix75%
Level 15discerning gaze100%
Level 16fast healing88%
Level 17blackjack77%
Level 17artistry73%
Level 17bribe mercenary75%
Level 18lore83%
Level 19eye of avarice100%
Level 19rogues awareness83%
Level 20pen75%
Level 21prosperous reputation75%
Level 21toss70%
Level 21deft touch77%
Level 23doubleback74%
Level 24precision strike93%
Level 25enhanced damage100%
Level 25dual wield100%
Level 25appraise87%
Level 26warning skill79%
Level 28improved hide100%
Level 29container stealing74%
Level 33acrobatics75%
Level 34advanced picklock81%
Level 35shopkeeper favors76%
Level 36counterfeit75%
5933, Inea's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  0 (0 at level 39)
Total PK Losses  10
Total Mob Deaths  14

PK Wins by Class

PK Wins by Cabal

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  0
VS. Neutral  0
VS. Evil  0

PK Deaths by Class
VS. warrior  3
VS. anti-paladin  3
VS. assassin  1
VS. necromancer  1
VS. druid  2

PK Deaths by Cabal
VS. None  6

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  0
VS. Neutral  3
VS. Evil  7
5934, Inea's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  0
Total PK Assists  0
Average Group Size Per Kill  0.00

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Can't even get a kill

Average Group Size Per Death  1.10

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Destroyed By The Honorbound

5935, Inea's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Fri Mar 25 18:13:17 2005 by 'An Immortal' at level 12 (15 hrs):
An Immortal added 600 exp for: Has role/desc.

Thu Apr 7 01:25:43 2005 by 'Innis' at level 21 (60 hrs):
Nice story and stage acting from her at the Inn.

Fri Apr 15 21:54:16 2005 by 'Qaledus' at level 23 (88 hrs):
Picked up three fast votes in the..Queenpin.. election so far.

Wed Apr 20 20:27:47 2005 by 'Qaledus' at level 30 (108 hrs):
Titled Queenpin of Galadon and given leadership of the guild.

Wed Apr 27 21:51:32 2005 by 'Qaledus' at level 39 (142 hrs):
I have to attend one of her performances.

Wed Apr 27 22:32:42 2005 by 'An Immortal' at level 39 (142 hrs):
An Immortal added 700 exp for: A good roleplay experience with myself and Marmaanth, recovering her marionette through less than legitimate means.

5936, Inea's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Tricking Marmaanth
Added Fri Apr 29 01:59:09 2005 at level 39:

Marmaanth was pleased with himself. Yes, very pleased. He had put Inea, the
Galadon Queenpin, in her place, and now he had her most valuable possession,
her puppet. How did Marmaanth come to having Inea's mythological puppet?
Well, it all started with this.

Inea, the boisterous thief, was talking to the lich immortal. It was all
friendly talk, truly, but Marmaanth became irritated.

"I have a gift for you, if you stay in longer," Marmaanth said to Inea.

Inea knew that gifts from liches are never a good thing and she left the room
immediately. Good riddance, the lich thought, but I should keep an eye on
her, just to make sure she doesn't cause too much havoc. Sure enough, the
thief did what she did best: steal! She stole from the magistrates and not
one noticed. Fools, the lich thought to himself, how can they not realize
who was stealing from them? Well, she is not causing too much trouble, yet.
What is this? The thief dares to irritate Marmaanth again? Well perhaps
Marmaanth can scare her enough so she would stop breaking the law in his

"Interesting policy we have here, Queenpin. You can steal all you want
without punishment. Who runs this city?"

Inea shrugged. "Does it matter?" Inea began to look through her belongings,
surprised to find her dagger missing. Marmaanth laughed to himself.

"Since you have stolen from the magistrates, it is only fair to be able to
steal from you." Inea began to mutter to herself. "Leave before I do
worse!"Marmaanth threatened.

"Damn my curiosity. I am staking here!" The lich glared at her. "On second
thought, I really should be going!" And, once again, she ran from the lich.
My, my what an irritating pest she is. Well, hopefully, she learned her
lesson.The lich than settled himself comfortable and then noticed something
again. What is this!? She is stealing from my magistrates again! This has
got to stop. So, Marmaanth alerted the magistrates of Inea's doings and she
was executed promptly. Marmaanth embalmed her course and walked off with
Inea's belongings. Yes, yes, Marmaanth now had the puppet. Soon, Inea will
be coming for it, for she loves it very much.. Bah, love! Ah, here comes
the Queenpin now.

"Please, can I have my little sister back?"

"Ah, what would you do for it?"

"Name your price!"

"Perhaps, I will give it back."

"Her! Not it!"

"On second thought, she will make a good toy for my hell hounds."

The broken Queenpin threw herself to the ground, begging for the puppet, but
it was useless.The lich refused to give it back. Then, a handsome man
entered the room.

"Qaledus? I did not expect you to come here."

"Marmaanth, I believe you have something that belongs to our guild."

"Pah! It is mine!"

"Perhaps we can wager a contest? Here is a coin. If I lose the coin flip, I
owe you a favor and you keep the puppet, and if I win, you give the puppet

"Let the child flip it. I don't trust you, Qaledus."

"Very well then. Moon or sun?"

"I choose moon."

Inea hesitated and then flipped the coin. It landed asmoon!

"Hah! I keep the puppet and get a favor from you!"

"No!" Inea cried, knowing that her puppet will be destroyed.

"Looks like my hell hounds have a new toy."

Inea began to yell and scream at the lich, not caring for her

5937, Inea's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Added Fri Apr 22 01:14:02 2005 at level 30:

After some squabbling within the guild, Inea was elected to be the next
Queenpin of Galadon. Inea tried her best to get this position, but she was
disappointed on how easy it was to become the leader of her guild. Not only
that, the main reason why she made any sort of effort to become Kingpin was
to make sure an Imperial did not gain power. Of course, she also wanted to
rub the fact that she was Kingpin and Gourvae(the imperial) was not.
Unfortunately, Gourvae left the realms before she was named Queenpin. It was
a disappointment, but Inea decided to go along with it and see what was in
store for her. She knew that power is always a good thing to have, and she
knew that she now have it. The main problem is that Inea was never a leader
and all of this is very new to her. Nay, it was not a problem, for she loved
challenges very much. It will be a big challenge to juggle(no pun intended)
both the responsibilities of Queenpin and the responsibilites of being a
Herald.Difficult? Most likely. Fun and entertaining? Most definitely.
Perhaps Inea can make the best out of it and receive much needed attention
and acquire great wealth. Maybe, she will bring some semblance of peace
within the thieves world, though that is doubtful. Not only that, she might
be able to find playmates for he little sister with her influence. Who knows
what will come of this. We shall see what Inea does with her newfound power
and influence.

5938, Inea's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Little Sister
Added Wed Apr 13 01:13:58 2005 at level 22:

Ah, well after a performance Inea was not completely ready for, she felt
uneasy.She thought it was a poor performance and in the God's land there is
no room for poor showings. Innis, the summer god, saw most of the
performance, and even Grurk made a brief showing. Inea felt this performance
was a failure, even after people asking for more. "Ah, well," she thought.
"There is always next time." And she went on with her life. Then, as she was
doing her rounds of selling wands, Innis appeared before her. Innis gave her
a beautifully crafted puppet for Inea's performance. Inea accepted the gift,
somewhat befuddled. What use can this puppet be? Inea shrugged and kept the
puppet, knowing that the gifts from immortals are much more than they appear.

At a later time, she met a tribunal in Galadon.She was bored and had
nothing better to do, so she played around with the tribunal. She only
pretended to believe that her puppet was a living being, but to her surprise,
the puppet came to life. Innis breathed life into the wooden puppet! This
was a better gift than she can ever hope for! A little sister of her own!
Inea will always take care of this puppet. It is hers, and only hers! And,
yes, she will let people play with her little sister, but it will be hers,
and only hers. No one will take her little sister away, for she loves her
very much.

What Inea does not realize, is that this puppet is her childhood self,
needing attention, restless and always energetic. What adventures will these
two have? Only time will tell.

5939, Inea's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Herald Matters
Added Mon Apr 11 19:46:05 2005 at level 22:

So, Inea became a Herald. Why? You may ask. Well, let me tell you. Inea
likes to have fun, and she craves attention all the time. She has a need to
be noticed by someone, anyone and she especially wants to be noticed by the
immortals. What better way to be noticed than to entertain the Gods? It
will be a challenge. Trust me, she knows, but that is why she wants to go
forth with her plans. Perhaps one day she will become a favorite entertainer
among the gods or even with the mortals. One day, she will be famous and
people will pay to see her. Coins are always a good thing to her. But even
if she does not get any coins, she will receive some much wanted attention.
But this is in the future, she will do her best for now and see what comes of
it. But she must get her attention! ATTENTION! She demands. She also joined
the Heralds, for she needed a family, someone to go to, for no one seems to
trust this human. And she will never understand why not. Once in a while
she will run off with a few extra coins, but she would never backstab anyone
physically or run off with more than a few trinkets.

Anyway, to make this short: Inea has a goal. She wishes to make Grurk laugh.
she will do such a thing, she does not know, but one day it will happen!

5940, Inea's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

Added Fri Mar 25 14:19:15 2005 at level 8:

So, it came to pass, that Inea became old enough to work with the Halflings.
She was taught the Halfling way of life, and although she was short for a
human, she was the tallest being among the Halfling settlement. She did come
to became trickster, but not one that caused too much trouble. Her tricks
were mainly to lighten people's spirits and have a good laugh. Confusing
people was her idea of fun. As she grew older though, she discovered new
forms of entertainment: drinking, dancing and acrobats. It was quite obvious
that she was a natural performer, because even though she was likely to take
more than her fair share of money, everyone on the settlement liked her. She
brought lots of entertainment at the settlement, and for that everyone was

Halfling laws are different than the laws of man, though. There is no such
thing as stealing, since everyone shared with everyone else. If one needed
food, one could just walk up to another take the spare bread and come home
happy and full.There was only borrowing, and not stealing. Because of this
mentality, many Halflings were trained as thieves, but did not know this.
Some were more skilled than others, but all knew how to take something from
another. Inea was no exception. But unlike the others, she had the concept
of ownership and wanted to amass as much wealth as she possible can. This
wealth did not necessarily have to be with money, for she had more than she
wanted after years of thievery, but it also included wealth of entertainment,
fun, adventures, powers and knowledge. Greed ran through her mind many times
before, and always when she found a gold piece she would take it and hoard
it, unless some other purpose for it appeared. But her love was not for
money, but for adventures, entertainment, challenges, and knowledge.

5941, Inea's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

The Babe's cry
Added Fri Mar 25 13:35:26 2005 at level 8:

It was a cold, clear night. The moon was crescent shaped and many were out
on about on such a fortunate night. A band of wandering Halflings decided to
take a trip to the nearby forest of Prosimy. This band of Halflings was
fated for much more than they once thought. A cry of a small babe was heard
within the forest, and being curious little Halflings they were, they decided
to find the source of such a cry. Together, they found a small babe, in the
middle of a clearing within the forest.One of them, Anton, walked up to the
babe and examined its surroundings. The babe was wrapped into a white cloth.
picked up the baby and as he did, a piece of parchment and several gold
coins and a large gem fell to the ground. Perplexed, he decided to examine
the baby. It was a human, no doubt about it, though it was rather small for
one, and a female. She must have a dash of Halfling blood, he thought, and
then noticing a locket around the baby's neck. He pulled it from her neck
and opened it.Inside there were two pictures: One of a beautiful, noble
woman that had an obvious dash of Halfling blood and another of dark skinned

"What is it, Anton?" One of the Halflings asked, noticing his expression.

"The babe is a human," Anton replied.

"No, what is wrong?"

"Nothing, perhaps I should read the parchment. This is confusing business,"
Anton replied once more. He picked up the parchment and slowly unfolded it.

To whom it may concern:
This child, Inea, is my first child. She was my pride and sun, but due to
extreme circumstances, my lover and I cannot care for her. If she was to be
within our care, she would be most certainly killed when my husband finds out
of my secret romance. I beg of you to take care of her! I have left with
her some gold coins and gems as a payment. I have left a locket of my
picture and her father's picture around her neck. Please let her keep it as
she grows up, so she can see my face. Perhaps I will be able to see her once
again when this blows over. I am truly sorry that I had to leave Inea, my

There was no signature.

"Hmm, this is curious, curious," Anton thought out loud. "I wonder if we
should do what this lady asks of us."

"Hey, let me see the parchment," one of the Halflings said grabbing the
parchment. He quickly skimmed the letter. "I don't think we should. The
human might cause too much trouble to be worth it!"

"Well, we can't leave it out here on its own," Anton said.

"Sure we can, like this." The Halfling turned around and started walking

"Hey, Tarsis, don't you have any heart? This baby will die without help!"
Anton cried after the Halfling.

"No, let it die."

"Fine, I will take care of it if no one else will care for it," Anton

"Like I said, she will be more trouble than it is worth."

"What's the worse can happen? She can be a prankster or something of the
like. Then we can always laugh at her antics. The best, well she can be a
productive member of society. I plan to raise her as my own, since no one
else will."

Tarsis sighed. "Fine, but I warned you. Nothing good will come with this.
She is a human, not a Halfling."

"She is at least partially Halfling. Look at her mother, she definitely has
Halfling blood within her."

So it was deci

5928, Inea's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding1500
Experience from Skill improvements8245
Experience from Exploration3000
Experience from Quests11850
Experience from Commerce10790

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Mon Mar 14 20:18:46 2005
Quests Completed  10
Exploration Points Found  15
Bonus Experience from Immortals  1300
(WANTED) Criminal  2 times
% of lifetime in the wilderness  18 %
% of lifetime in the cities  38 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  12 %
% of lifetime caballed  65 %
5929, Inea's Cabal Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Specifics

Cabal Statistics

# of logins with their cabal item  0
# of logins without their cabal item  0
# of logouts with their cabal item  0
# of logouts without their cabal item  0
# of times they lost their cabal item  0
# of times they retrieved their cabal item  2
# of times they took another cabal item  1

5930, Inea's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Thu Mar 24 22:31:42 2005 at level 8 (12 hrs):
Joined the Galadon thief guild.

Wed Mar 30 05:51:20 2005 at level 20 (34 hrs):
Inea advanced to level 20

Sun Apr 3 21:06:01 2005 at level 20 (53 hrs):
Inducted into HERALD by Rixljyn.

Tue Apr 19 01:13:12 2005 at level 30 (99 hrs):
Inea advanced to level 30

Wed Apr 20 20:26:58 2005 at level 30 (108 hrs):
Qaledus made Inea a guild leader

5931, Inea's Title History
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Title History

Wed Apr 20 20:26:58 2005, level 30 (108 hrs):
Inea the Elder Thief, Kingpin of Galadon

Wed Apr 20 20:27:24 2005, level 30 (108 hrs):
Inea the Elder Thief, Queenpin of Galadon