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Topic subject[None] Kregan Gower the Grand Mistress of Artistry, Anathema to the Empire
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=53342
53342, [None] Kregan Gower the Grand Mistress of Artistry, Anathema to the Empire
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Kregan Gower the Grand Mistress of Artistry, Anathema to the Empire


A tall slender figure crosses the path of your wandering
gaze. Silver hair falls to the peak of her shoulders, which
inturn are covered by a neatly pressed shirt. Glancing
further you can see that all of her clothing is neatly pressed
along with being carefully selected to gracefully flow from
one piece to the next.

You estimate her height to be shy of the six foot mark, her
frame covered with lean muscles that have the appearance
of being accustomed to a hard days work. Although a slight
tremor seems to echo thoughout her entire frame.

Two precise scars highlight her neckline, leading to a weathered
face which frames red stained lips. A small section of her left
ear is missing.

A guitar with several broken strings and a carry-all with a few
bottles of wine are slung securely across her back.


Practices2Trains0HometownHamsah Mu'tazz
Exp438900To Level21600SphereDedication
Age old, 265 years old (698 hours)
Hit Points693Mana741Movement1249
Carry #0/35Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
53375, Kregan's Role Chapter 14
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 14

Added Thu Apr 23 17:39:15 2015 at level 51:

Some small subtle updates to reflect some of the things
Kregan has been through.

53365, Kregan's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Winning Over The People
Added Mon Dec 1 15:57:25 2014 at level 14:

Its well known that to win a popularity contest you have to be the most popular.
Being in and amongst the people, solving their problems is all part of many tiny
steps that need to be taken to win their hearts and hopefully the votes. Delivering
items, exterminating pests ... Kregan can hear the victory cheers now.

"If you need a job done right Kregan is the man."
"Kregan the Pied Piper" they would cheer.

53366, Kregan's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

Tribunal vs Empire
Added Tue Dec 2 04:50:16 2014 at level 15:

During the hardships and gradual loss of his parents farm, his home, Kregan slowly
over time developed the desire to restore order to the lands. There are two obvious ways
this can be managed. Through the Tribunals or through the Empire, ultimately it was a
50/50 split between the two when Kregan first walked through the town of Hamsah.
The tribunals were of little use during the constant raids of the farm, and initially Kregan
thought he could help right this incompetence. But recently he witnessed a silverback
gorilla ... A shape changer ... Wailing on members of the Tribunals. Watching these fights
it became clearer and clearer that Tribunals have several issues:
1. A lack of vision
2. There own laws hold them back on the progress of civilization
3. The mixture of classes and races is creating a breeding ground for incompetence

The Empire however has vision:
1. Members contribute to its expansion
2. They have a vision a vision of civilization (Kregan knows a great forest north of Arkham
that could use clearly defined roadways)
3. They have a vision of growth

53367, Kregan's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

Journal Update
Added Sun Jan 11 23:26:48 2015 at level 51:

Kregan unceremoniously rolls from his bed, several empty bottles of Imperial stout gently
breaking his fall. Muttering under his breath he promptly gathers the bottles and disposes of
them. Taking stock of the room he gets now on his knees and swings his sword in a wide arc
under his bed, knocking a couple more bottles and an old dusty journal from under the bed.
"Ahh" he proclaims as he reaches for the book "There you be!".

He thumbs through the pages reading all manner of things from a time long ago. Work lists,
stories of gorillas ... Yes gorilla's there seems to be a recent painful memory regarding such.
Taking a pencil from his back pocket he begins to scrawl some notes:

Many things are going as well as can be expected soon I will start piecing together elements
of the greater long term plans. I am hoping that I can pull the following groups together:
The workers in the Galadon lumber yards, I am owed a favour of sorts.
The lumberjacks in the Weald, I am hoping the traveller I aided has spread good news of me.
Guards and hopefully Engineers from Udgaard for my slaying of the OneHearts
Then perhaps some of the shadowed mercenaries via Brundlir

If I can get these groups co-ordinated I will look at trying to start building a road directly
to the tree, so that appropriate measures can be taken with it. For instance furniture.

53368, Kregan's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

Added Sun Jan 11 23:45:06 2015 at level 51:

It has been updated to reflect further time in Thera and
the impact of the Empire cabal.

53369, Kregan's Role Chapter 8
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 8

Journal Update: Grapes took my grapes
Added Thu Jan 15 20:08:56 2015 at level 51:

It seems as a wicked twist of nature that some food I purchased from
Ayr Trinil has resulted in well a change. It has taken some time for the full
effects of this to be noticed, I did not feel quite right at first but it seemed
to pass easily enough. But this morning I woke up and my chest felt unusually
tender, now to a degree I feel somewhat trapped in a womans body. It has
had its upsides but all in all I must trace the source of these grapes I ate, and
ultimately find a way to reverse the effects.

Description updated to reflect this.

53370, Kregan's Role Chapter 9
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 9

Journal Update: Life as a woman
Added Sun Feb 8 07:53:28 2015 at level 51:

The last few months have been interesting to say the least
but in many ways I am starting to enjoy some aspects of this
womanly form. I am finding my motions more fluid more delicate
better linked together. As a move from step to step I find
I gracefull spin from my foes and knock them upside of the
head with a delicate tap of my mace. One moment I distract
with my feet, the next my hips, a flourish of my hands and
I can see there very vision go cross eyed.

But most excitingly I can dance, well I could of sorts dance
a bit of a jig before, but now I can really dance, there is a
of grace and rhythm I never thought I would find.

I must also admit ... I kind of like the shoes, they really
highlight my calves.

53371, Kregan's Role Chapter 10
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 10

The Middle Years
Added Sat Feb 14 18:32:33 2015 at level 51:

Kregan slowly fidgets with a glass of stout at the Inn of The Eternal
star. He lifts the glass to his mouth obviously deep in thought ...

Just what have I achieved.

He knows he has been looked up from within all ranks of the Empire
many come to listen to his songs. Many time after time gather for
a performance of epic tales around the corpses of the fallen.
Members of the council even request it, demand it. Many a life saved
many a debt yet to be repaied.

After never really finding a footing, finally his first work was
penned, depecting a battle with the now fallen Shadow Lord. A
fight which brought a great sense of joy to Kregans heart.

It was this pivotal moment that got him thinking, I could have that
big house yes, but it is just a building a single entity. The art
work if that gets commissioned within the Inn of the Eternal star
it will live on for many generations to see.

This is where true recognition lies, to be spoken of for an eternity
true power is to live forever and one way this can be done is through
the words of tale and song. The commissioning of further works.

His thoughts shift to the changes of leadership, the new War Master
but a babe ...

Distracted he rolls to one side avoiding a glass swung at his head.
A fat and obviously drunk dwarf seeking a fight as they all do come
this time of the eve ...

53372, Kregan's Role Chapter 11
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 11

War Master
Added Tue Mar 3 20:25:31 2015 at level 51:

So the time has come to pass, Szeven was pushed down and Kregan
to the role of War Master. Finally she can call the Blades her
own. But there was a shift this day as well, Szeven almost seemed
defeated, a broken person, and this is what brought on the shift.
Discussing with the former War Master there was a sense of ...
Family ... A new focus a change in Dedication towards the Empire.
A strengthening of resolve.

The Blades her children.It has become not just a home for her
but it fills the void of the family she lost so long ago.

Perhaps it is a slight softening by nature, when Kregan ate the
tainted grapes in the younger years. Perhaps the plan of a trap
set by Thar-Eris on this day. A softening, a weak blubbering
heart for those around here. But Kregans mind is strong her
Dedication to the empire her family growing even stronger.

53373, Kregan's Role Chapter 12
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 12

The Blade Sect
Added Mon Apr 6 22:22:06 2015 at level 51:

The sect looks stronger than it has been for a long time
under Szevens rule Kregan felt that it was a matter of time,
it was assumed that you would become an Elite. With so many
seats and so many members this was essentially a given.
Certainly when one did not follow proper protocol.

But now under new ledaership, with expectations, the Blade
sect truely grows with strength. Dedicated to her Blades
Kregan stays true to them and will only allow the finest
within the ranks. Yes some come through the recruiter and
other means but watched carefully. Yes the Oath is offered
and given but broken men and women and not trusted in true
battle. The Blacks, Shadows Divine they can have them, and
from time to time a cleaner, gardener and such needs to be
replaced. But a cook no, a broken spirit will never cook
for the Blades. Only the trusted will allow such favour
one bad meal could wipe the army out, such minute details
always need to be examined in times of War, as often its the
small details that turn tide.

53374, Kregan's Role Chapter 13
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 13

Recovery From Surgery
Added Sat Apr 18 11:40:23 2015 at level 51:

After a delicate period of time where Kregan was left
vulnerable to the more hidden assults of nature. Virus,
bacteria, and latent spores are a potential risk when,
one is opened to the elements. But this is the advantage
of civilization, the Imperial Medics well trained, clinical

Woody throns embeded deep within chest removed.
Stony spikes still stcuk in feet and calf removed.
Reminants of spores and insects cleared from ear, nose
and throat.

From here several weeks of rest and relaxation, bed ridden
she lay still. Passing the time learning to notice the
subtle lip movements of the nurses and doctors, eager to
keep a tab on the health of the other patients, seeking
any small shred of information on the health of her blades.

It was at this moment in the peace and quiet that she focused
on the finer subtlety of her music. Thought back on several
and how the uplifiting songs better served her and her blades.

53364, Kregan's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Sphere Choice
Added Mon Dec 1 15:28:34 2014 at level 14:

After years and years of watching his parents struggle, pay their taxes all for
for nothing. Kregan swore to himself that he would never succumb to the life
of the commoner. He understands that you need to start out small to eventually
make it big, he wants to lead, he wants the huge castle up the top of the hill. He
wants it all, this dream is what he is dedicated to, to be a commoner who rose
through the ranks to become a figurehead of some sorts. To be more than nothing
to rally the people, to lead, to live forever through written word in the books of
history. Good or Bad.

53376, Kregan's Role Chapter 15
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 15

Vote For Emperor
Added Thu Apr 30 10:46:29 2015 at level 51:

As I ponder the thoughts on how I shall vote.
I cannot help but think the difference since
the change of rule from Reegun to Xeneth. The
Empire raised up there was a spur of action not
seen for some time. But its more delicate than
such a simple choice by these means.

My Blades. The Choice must be made for the long term
while there is perhaps discussion I could take the
Throne. One thing is for certain the Undead will not.
Her Sect is a shambles compared to the Blades. Very
few wish to live under her rule of the Sect, even fewer
seem to be able to hold the seat of Elite without
getting slapped back down again. She is to occupied with
building an undead army that the living around her get

Then finnaly for me. I have not yet finished as War Master
there is thought of an action I could take which will echo
an eternity. Time will tell what the vote brings.

For reasons short term and long term my decision is cast
with Empire, The Blade Sect and Myself. In the appropriate

53377, Kregan's Role Chapter 16
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 16

Added Mon May 4 22:05:33 2015 at level 51:

In my attempts to push for favour of the Blades it may have
been interpreted by others that the citizens are allowed
certain concessions which may need to be re-evaluated.

I can understand how such things can be interpreted and perhaps
used against me and my Blades. The very foundation I try
to build perhaps open to being weak through others lies and
deceipt. My bartering for favour of the Blades above all else
twisted into something which is not the true intent. Times are
indeed delicate and in such times things will need to change,
but with caution to ensure the dominance of the Empire through
the Blade Sect remains true.

53378, Kregan's Role Chapter 17
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 17

A Choice
Added Mon Jun 15 03:38:27 2015 at level 51:

It has been some time now since the vote for the Emperor
was held. WHile Kregan has remained loyal to the Emperor, it
is very obvious now that such is drawing with it a heafty
price. Some of the facts are simple, some not so simple and
other painfully obvious.

Sindrir has been cast out and with that the figure head
Kregan had been placing infront of all her blades now shunned.
There are two different stories that go along with this, the
High Priests and The Anathema's, a meeting was held, face to
the bond to her Elite has been a long time in the making
one not so simply broken. So it stands, a choice needs to be
made, between what appears to be two people both one with nothing
to loose, but everything to gain and perhaps one with just as
much to gain but minimal risk of loss.

As she mulls over a glass of Cognac, a fine bottle a gift
from many years ago, she sighs as her thoughts dwell on the
one she was going to move ahead of her to take the seat as War

Gently she swirls her glass, smelling the vapours deep in
thought ...

53379, Kregan's Role Chapter 18
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 18

A New Path
Added Tue Jun 16 04:12:51 2015 at level 51:

As Kregan lays blow to the Maran Tarabal a hollow feeling
fills her as the Codex is returned to the Throne. She
scratches herself uncomfortably, spinning on her heals as
she moves towards the Palace. Racing quickly through the town
of Balator, she enters the lands stepping slowly, for the
first time she sees the state of disrepair, stone cracked
and chipped underfoot along the roadways. Pushing ever quicker
she races to the Palace running her hands along its walls,
a thin layer of dust collects under her finger. She pauses
bends down and crushes a small plant between fingers, tearing
it from the ground.

She mutters the words "It's time"

53380, Kregan's Role Chapter 19
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 19

A legacy
Added Mon Jun 29 18:40:36 2015 at level 51:

Kregan rests effortlessly floating in the ruins of the west
she always believed that her legacy would be a full army
of well trained Blades, her family one the likes of which
had never been seen before. Locked now in conversation with
the High Herald, perhaps part of the Legacy left behind will
be a story like one that has never been heard before. Kregan
found the process refreshing, while there lay some doubts, as
there always does when one comes to a fork in the road.
Speaking freely on some of these decisions has only further
strengthened her resolve.

53381, Kregan's Role Chapter 20
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 20

And So It Has Begun
Added Tue Jul 7 01:38:56 2015 at level 51:

There comes a moment, when staying set on one path finally
begin to form and finally develop. Slowly things start to form
in the right direction, Xeneth will shortly be stripped off
the Throne, a regret and a lesson not soon to be forgotten by
Kregan. Xeneth had become soft on the Throne that hard edge that
was once there lost and dulled with to much food, and to much
wine. This was not recognized and motioned upon with the last
vote, Kregan took a risk, she had over many years seen Xeneth
fall only to rise stronger with each assention. She honestly
believed that Xeneth would do so again, but they were to far
gone. That one rusty link in a perfect chain moaning and creaking
about to break.

Soon it will be time to return to her family, look with pride
at the one she once held above all others as an Elite. In a place
well deserved truely fought for an earned. It is indeed soon to
be a new start in the Imperial lands. One that will with time be
stamped forever in Legend.

53382, Kregan's Role Chapter 21
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 21

The Road Less Travelled
Added Fri Jul 10 21:15:01 2015 at level 51:

So it has come to pass, Sindrir successful, a new Emperor
has been named. But with this for some a longer road is
yet to be travelled. Yaztran will remain High Priest a
positive start atleast, one somewhat calmer of mind than
Aaoltha. For Kregan however the road continues, it would
have been foolish to think that if successful the five
would have all made it unscathed. This is a small price to
pay, while Kregan live and breathe she will still be able
to watch as a new history unfolds. While Kregan lives and
breathes there is still a chance that her true Dedication
will be recognized.

53383, Kregan's Role Chapter 22
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 22

Never Let The Truth Get In The Way Of A Good Story
Added Mon Jul 13 01:09:50 2015 at level 51:

Kregan races through the city of Teth, she visits all
manner of houses and schools but particularly focusing
on the Warrior School. After first visting the Weapon
Master Nezelnn. Leaving the city she finds a quiet house
well as quiet as they can be in the Underdrak and begins
to form a plan of distraction for new threats which seem
to be revealling themselves.

She makes way to Lower Cragstone carefully observing
things along the way, arms held wide seeming to push for space
around her here for a moment she rests and begins
to trace a crude map on the ground. Several prominant land
marks are obvious:

1. The Warrior School of Balator
2. The Warrior School In Teth
3. The Northern Upper Reaches of Teth
4. The Lift To The Lower Levels

She chuckles to herself a moment, and smiles. "Yes yes lets
see what we can start making my foes believe."

She taps her chin deep in thought, "My blades as well perhaps
a useful lesson for them to, we shall see how this works."

53384, Kregan's Role Chapter 23
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 23

The Inn of the Eternal Star
Added Tue Jul 14 21:18:35 2015 at level 51:

It has been tens of years hundred of years and Kregan
has waitied and waited for a High Herald. Finally one
was named Daphedee and of all people an Elf, it was by
Daphedee's hand that Kregan eventually found entrance
back into the Inn. The timing could not have been more perfect
Dhernum and Sulneng had just received a lengthy training
session. At the end of which Kregans stomach was grumbling
and throat had grown dry.

Slowly at each time when Kregan has been at a low, there is
a glimmer of change, a renewal. First a High Herald was named
just as the vote for Emperor was to be called, and now in near
perfect timing as training of Blades came to pass. This place
of civilization long out of reach once again welcoming with warm
fire and warm meal.

53363, Kregan's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Background (Continued)
Added Sun Nov 30 15:10:38 2014 at level 10:

Sphere: Dedication

I have actually based large elements of this character on a political figure
who I am really not a fan of at all... From this I have decided to take on the
following traits:
1. Kregan is self serving and as long as it meets his end goals will do almost
anything for his own benefit.
2. Kregan is ultimately power hungry although somewhat clumsy and awkward
at times to throw people off as to his true desires.
3. Kregan is a big believer in the here and now and while there is a vision for the
future ultimately this is tainted with meeting his own personal goals as well.

Kregan was born of simple family his farther a coal miner his mother a kitchen hand
for the mines mess hall, both of half-drow lineage. Kregans father worked 12 hours
a day 12 days on 2 days off for years and years on end until he finally scrapped.
Together enough money to pursue his dream and buy a farm, but a farm destined
for failure. The tree-huggers saw to that, knocking down fences, setting things ablaze
until eventually the forest began to envelop the farm.

Year after year Kregan struggled along side his parents just scrapping buy with enough food
to eat and to make some money here and there. But ultimately the chance to upscale
take back the land they owned was blocked at every corner. The local law enforcement
useless, but each night the mother would sing soothing melodies through her Kregan
developed his passion for music.

Then the bushfire came, much was laid to waste Kregan made it out alive, a few of his
mothers instruments in tow, his parents fought the face of the inferno only to also
fall victim as did much of the surrounding lands.

53362, Kregan's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Added Thu Nov 27 06:39:47 2014 at level 1:

To be honest, it's been a while and this character was rolled on a whim.
So about all I have at the moment is:
Race: Half-Drow
Class: Bard
Ethos: Lawful
Sphere: Not sure
I intended to build on this as I get a bit more of a feel for the character,
letting the environment work into the story line a bit.

53361, Kregan's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Sun Nov 30 17:58:42 2014 by 'An Immortal' at level 11 (7 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: Pretty basic stuff. Probably an Imperial. He grew up in a blue collar mining family, his house was destroyed in a fire and now he's out for himself.

Thu Dec 4 00:26:41 2014 by 'An Immortal' at level 18 (30 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: He's decided to join Empire over Tribunal (probably). He also has a hunger and ambition to increase his wealth and material possessions at any cost and rise above his humble roots.

Thu Jan 1 10:21:54 2015 by 'An Immortal' at level 39 (131 hrs):
An Immortal added 100 exp for: Kregan: Each time I visit the tree I remind myself how suitable some sections of it would be for rather large pieces of furniture.

Sat Jan 17 23:15:45 2015 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (192 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Role update about putting together his long term plans. Also, he became a woman due to some bad food.

Wed Feb 18 19:48:06 2015 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (306 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Has started liking being a woman. Either her role is gender confused or she is writing about her past when she was a man.

Tue Feb 24 01:12:58 2015 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (319 hrs):
An Immortal added 200 exp for: For participating in my search for thirteen fruits.

Wed Mar 11 06:35:34 2015 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (358 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: We're War Master! We'll treat them as our children, nursing them as we would our own family.

Wed Apr 22 00:42:16 2015 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (452 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Some time sick and recovering has caused us to focus more on uplifting music for the betterment of our blades.

Sun May 3 23:08:07 2015 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (501 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Reasons for our pick for Emperor in the most recent vote.

Mon May 4 20:02:52 2015 by 'Destuvius' at level 51 (505 hrs):
Just got a talking to about treating Citizens too good. Lets see what happens next.

Fri Jul 3 09:24:23 2015 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (646 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: We're open to change, but have a hard time letting go of the past.

Sat Jul 11 09:11:24 2015 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (673 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Sees Empire going in the right direction and believes there is a chance that her dedication will be recognized.

Tue Jul 14 18:03:27 2015 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (682 hrs):
An Immortal added 200 exp for: Random snoopage = RPing with Daph and painting her a portrait.

53360, Kregan's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  43
Total PK Assists  72
Solo PKs  19
PKs with a group of 2 32
PKs with a group of 3 44
PKs with a group of 4+ 20
Average Group Size Per Kill  2.59

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Faceless Herd Member

Total PK Losses  44
Solo PK Losses  23
PK Losses to a group of 2 12
PK Losses to a group of 3 7
PK Losses to a group of 4+ 2
Average Group Size Per Death  1.80

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: People Bring Friends to Beat You

53359, Kregan's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  43 (36 at level 51)
Total PK Losses  44
Total Mob Deaths  18
# of Cleaved in HALF Deaths  1
# of Assassination Deaths  1

PK Wins by Class
VS. thief  1
VS. warrior  22
VS. paladin  6
VS. assassin  1
VS. ranger  3
VS. invoker  6
VS. healer  2
VS. druid  1
VS. shapeshifter  1

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  5

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  13
VS. Neutral  20
VS. Evil  10

PK Deaths by Class
VS. transmuter  1
VS. thief  1
VS. warrior  16
VS. paladin  3
VS. anti-paladin  3
VS. assassin  2
VS. invoker  4
VS. shaman  3
VS. druid  5
VS. shapeshifter  6

PK Deaths by Cabal
VS. None  3

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  18
VS. Neutral  12
VS. Evil  14
53358, Kregan's Song List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Song List

Level 2travelers march100%
Level 4charismatic prelude100%
Level 7adagio100%
Level 9piercing dissonance100%
Level 10chant of resilience100%
Level 11battaglia100%
Level 14canticle of the gods100%
Level 15elven adagio100%
Level 16lullaby100%
Level 17languid carol100%
Level 18anthem of resistance100%
Level 19riddle of revelation100%
Level 19cacophonous clamor90%
Level 20reveille85%
Level 21pastoral of the mind100%
Level 22tranquil serenade100%
Level 26requiem99%
Level 27elegy of tears100%
Level 28bagatelle of bravado100%
Level 29laborious lament100%
Level 32vibrato100%
Level 33nocturne of fright86%
Level 34apocalyptic overture100%
Level 38fantasia of illusion80%
Level 40symphonic echoes100%
Level 42dirge of solitude84%
Level 45grand nocturne95%
53357, Kregan's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1dagger100%
Level 1mace100%
Level 1sword100%
Level 1staff100%
Level 1haggle100%
Level 1scrolls100%
Level 1talismans100%
Level 1recall100%
Level 1sing100%
Level 2dirt kicking100%
Level 2improved compare100%
Level 2improved consider100%
Level 3dodge100%
Level 3mimic81%
Level 4trip100%
Level 5aim100%
Level 5tune100%
Level 6hand to hand100%
Level 6lore100%
Level 6elbow100%
Level 7kick100%
Level 7knee100%
Level 8flourish100%
Level 8light armor use100%
Level 9pick lock77%
Level 9evade97%
Level 10fast healing100%
Level 10pen75%
Level 11roundhouse100%
Level 11inspect goods100%
Level 11rip1%
Level 11batter1%
Level 12meditation100%
Level 12panhandle1%
Level 13parry100%
Level 14brawling100%
Level 15second attack100%
Level 16shield block100%
Level 18disarm100%
Level 19pugil1%
Level 20attune100%
Level 21prosperous reputation100%
Level 25enhanced damage100%
Level 30careful vision100%
Level 30sneak100%
Level 30a capella100%
Level 31trade connections100%
Level 35legendary awareness79%
Level 36precise aim100%
Level 36appraise100%
53356, Kregan's Title History
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Title History

Mon Dec 8 16:32:10 2014, level 20 (40 hrs):
Kregan Gower the Musician, Bloodoathed of the Empire

Fri Feb 27 20:18:39 2015, level 51 (335 hrs):
Kregan Gower the Grand Mistress of Artistry, Imperial War Master

Tue Jun 16 03:06:53 2015, level 51 (615 hrs):
Kregan Gower the Grand Mistress of Artistry, Anathema to the Empire

53355, Kregan's Arena Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Arena Statistics

Wins  0
Losses  2
53344, Kregan's Class Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Class Specifics

Preferred Repertoire  Comedic
53343, Kregan's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding141450
Experience from Skill improvements22557
Experience from Exploration31230
Experience from Quests52183
Experience from Commerce42420
Experience from Immortals1000
Experience from Observation47104

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Thu Nov 27 06:10:55 2014
Quests Completed  92
Exploration Points Found  141
(WANTED) Criminal  1 times
     Murder0 times
     Theft0 times
     Looting0 times
     Offensive of Harmful Powers1 times
     Aiding a Known Criminal0 times
     Assaulting the Spire0 times
     Attacking Guildguards0 times
     Other0 times
Thickening the Veil0 items for 0
Thinning the Veil0 items for 0
Hours spent at Hero  539 hours
% of lifetime in the wilderness  25 %
% of lifetime in the cities  14 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  0 %
53345, Kregan's Edges
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM



Racial Edges

Class Edges

Proficient Instrumentalist
Tavern Brawler
Guarded Voice
Erode Confidence
Distortion Opportunist
Perfect Pitch
Combat Showmanship
Insinuative Overture
Killing Joke


Force of Personality
Shield Eyes
Read Lips
Upstanding Citizen
53346, Kregan's Mob Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Mob Deaths

Nov 30, 2014|Lv 10|Silverwood|a goblin scout by pierce
Nov 30, 2014|Lv 10|Balator|a boy by hit
Dec 9, 2014 |Lv 22|The Basilica|the vicious spy by slash
Dec 13, 2014|Lv 29|Khardrath's Planar Sanctum|a large earth elemental by wave of earth
Dec 17, 2014|Lv 30|Arkham|a shadowy figure by magic
Jan 8, 2015 |Lv 51|The Green Lair|an ancient green dragon by claw
Jan 26, 2015|Lv 51|Underdark|a dark-elf patroller by slash
Jan 26, 2015|Lv 51|5th Circle of Hell|Mephistopheles by pierce
Feb 15, 2015|Lv 51|Underdark|a huge displacer beast by claw
Mar 5, 2015 |Lv 51|Aran'gird|Ertruza the Demon Lord of Fire by blast of flame
Mar 12, 2015|Lv 51|The White Lair|a frost giant barbarian by blast
Mar 12, 2015|Lv 51|The Black Lair|a tangling net of swamp moss by entanglement
Mar 16, 2015|Lv 51|The Red Lair|a ancient red dragon by claw
Mar 16, 2015|Lv 51|The Blue Lair|the ancient blue dragon by scouring sand
Mar 16, 2015|Lv 51|Waters of the Deep|the Sahuagin King by pierce
Mar 18, 2015|Lv 51|The Green Lair|an enormous shambling mound by smash
Mar 22, 2015|Lv 51|Tiamat's Lair|Tiamat by claw
Apr 26, 2015|Lv 51|Tiamat's Lair|Tiamat by claw
Jun 14, 2015|Lv 51|Elemental Temple|Pope Medius by blast of gas
Jun 29, 2015|Lv 51|Abandoned Siege Encampment|a heavily armored patroller by slice
53347, Kregan's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Tue Dec 2 04:57:14 2014 at level 15 (22 hrs):
Took the bloodoath from Auudreyz. <PK: 0-0>

Sun Dec 7 19:11:40 2014 at level 20 (37 hrs):
Kregan advanced to level 20 <PK: 0-0>

Tue Dec 16 02:07:25 2014 at level 30 (76 hrs):
Kregan advanced to level 30 <PK: 1-1>

Thu Jan 1 10:32:37 2015 at level 40 (131 hrs):
Kregan advanced to level 40 <PK: 6-3>

Tue Jan 6 05:09:23 2015 at level 51 (157 hrs):
Kregan advanced to level 51 <PK: 7-5>

Fri Feb 27 20:18:39 2015 at level 51 (335 hrs):
Kregan has been granted by Empire promotion <PK: 24-22>

Tue Jun 16 03:06:53 2015 at level 51 (615 hrs):
Kregan has made Kregan Anathema to the Empire. <PK: 43-40>

Sat Jul 18 09:52:30 2015 at level 51 (698 hrs):
Hero Delete <PK: 43-44>

53348, Kregan's Leveling
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Leveling History

Nov 27, 2014 |Lv 2 |Hr 0 |
Nov 27, 2014 |Lv 3 |Hr 1 |
Nov 27, 2014 |Lv 4 |Hr 1 |
Nov 27, 2014 |Lv 5 |Hr 1 |
Nov 27, 2014 |Lv 6 |Hr 1 |
Nov 27, 2014 |Lv 7 |Hr 2 |
Nov 27, 2014 |Lv 8 |Hr 2 |
Nov 28, 2014 |Lv 9 |Hr 3 |
Nov 28, 2014 |Lv 10|Hr 5 |
Nov 30, 2014 |Lv 11|Hr 9 |
Nov 30, 2014 |Lv 12|Hr 12 |
Dec 1, 2014 |Lv 13|Hr 13 |
Dec 1, 2014 |Lv 14|Hr 14 |
Dec 2, 2014 |Lv 15|Hr 21 |
Dec 2, 2014 |Lv 16|Hr 24 |16 Zarnuir,
Dec 2, 2014 |Lv 17|Hr 24 |16 Zarnuir,
Dec 2, 2014 |Lv 18|Hr 24 |17 Zarnuir,
Dec 4, 2014 |Lv 19|Hr 33 |
Dec 7, 2014 |Lv 20|Hr 39 |
Dec 8, 2014 |Lv 21|Hr 42 |26 Szoreth,
Dec 8, 2014 |Lv 22|Hr 45 |
Dec 9, 2014 |Lv 23|Hr 54 |21 Duvlek, 30 Thraulkmaw,
Dec 9, 2014 |Lv 24|Hr 54 |22 Duvlek, 30 Thraulkmaw,
Dec 9, 2014 |Lv 25|Hr 54 |23 Duvlek, 31 Thraulkmaw,
Dec 10, 2014 |Lv 26|Hr 58 |33 Auudreyz, 34 Atar,
Dec 10, 2014 |Lv 27|Hr 59 |34 Auudreyz, 34 Atar,
Dec 11, 2014 |Lv 28|Hr 59 |29 Kghartr, 35 Atar,
Dec 11, 2014 |Lv 29|Hr 60 |27 Piktazu, 26 Vhelicia,
Dec 16, 2014 |Lv 30|Hr 77 |
Dec 17, 2014 |Lv 31|Hr 84 |37 Tsuriel,
Dec 19, 2014 |Lv 32|Hr 90 |
Dec 22, 2014 |Lv 33|Hr 96 |41 Thraulkmaw, 34 Grimluk,
Dec 23, 2014 (50% exp bonus)|Lv 34|Hr 100|28 Celent,
Dec 23, 2014 (50% exp bonus)|Lv 35|Hr 102|
Dec 28, 2014 (50% exp bonus)|Lv 36|Hr 114|44 Atar, 40 Talice,
Dec 30, 2014 (50% exp bonus)|Lv 37|Hr 119|37 Celent, 32 Behmurra,
Dec 30, 2014 (50% exp bonus)|Lv 38|Hr 120|37 Celent, 33 Behmurra,
Dec 30, 2014 (50% exp bonus)|Lv 39|Hr 121|38 Celent,
Jan 1, 2015 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 40|Hr 136|
Jan 1, 2015 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 41|Hr 140|37 Ean, 44 Aegeon,
Jan 1, 2015 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 42|Hr 140|39 Ean, 45 Aegeon,
Jan 1, 2015 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 43|Hr 140|40 Ean, 46 Aegeon,
Jan 1, 2015 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 44|Hr 141|41 Ean, 47 Aegeon,
Jan 1, 2015 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 45|Hr 141|42 Ean, 48 Aegeon,
Jan 6, 2015 |Lv 46|Hr 157|42 Behmurra, 43 Surkey,
Jan 6, 2015 |Lv 47|Hr 158|42 Behmurra, 44 Surkey,
Jan 6, 2015 |Lv 48|Hr 158|43 Behmurra, 44 Surkey,
Jan 6, 2015 |Lv 49|Hr 159|44 Behmurra, 45 Surkey,
Jan 6, 2015 |Lv 50|Hr 159|45 Behmurra, 46 Surkey,
Jan 6, 2015 |Lv 51|Hr 159|46 Behmurra, 47 Surkey,
53349, Kregan's PK Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Deaths

Dec 12, 2014|Lv 29|Bramblefield Road|vs 1: <35> Raijan (100%, heavenly wrath)
Dec 17, 2014|Lv 30|Arkham|vs 1: <25> Vhalorn (100%, magic)
Dec 22, 2014|Lv 33|The Imperial Lands|vs 1: <34> Vhalorn (100%, dispel evil)
Jan 2, 2015 |Lv 45|Forest of Prosimy|vs 2: <40> Unathar (15%), <37> Neroissa (84%, huge boulder)
Jan 5, 2015 |Lv 45|The Eastern Road|vs 1: <51> Leylin (100%, claw)
Jan 6, 2015 |Lv 51|Fortress of Light|vs 2: <51> Liantae (24%, slash), <51> Vhalorn (75%)
Jan 6, 2015 |Lv 51|The Outlander Refuge|vs 2: <51> Liantae (77%, parting blow), <42> Raeth (22%)
Jan 7, 2015 |Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|vs 1: <51> Kwoalewei (100%, smash)
Jan 7, 2015 |Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|vs 1: <51> Hoysepis (100%, punch)
Jan 11, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|vs 1: <51> Lilyth (100%, telluric surge)
Jan 14, 2015|Lv 51|The Inn of the Eternal Star|vs 3: <51> Yllonis (9%), <51> Von (17%), <51> Lilyth (72%, bite)
Jan 14, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|vs 1: <51> Nuerria (100%, KB)
Jan 15, 2015|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|vs 3: <51> Erouinon (34%, heavenly wrath), <51> Keara (23%), <49> Mhaerdhess (41%)
Jan 15, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|vs 6: <51> Yuni (4%), <51> Leata (15%), <51> Keara (0%), <51> Erouinon (44%, slice), <51> Krause (5%), <49> Mhaerdhess (29%)
Jan 19, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|vs 3: <51> Aelamaelus (10%), <51> Von (71%, stab), <51> Yuni (18%)
Jan 26, 2015|Lv 51|Galadon|vs 1: <51> Hoysepis (100%, punch)
Jan 31, 2015|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|vs 3: <51> Venderil (20%), <51> Zoanne (45%, icy needle), <51> Liantae (34%)
Feb 15, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|vs 1: <50> Jeede (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Feb 18, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|vs 1: <51> Artenel (100%, chop)
Feb 18, 2015|Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|vs 2: <51> Artenel (5%, divine power), <51> Lilyth (94%)
Feb 25, 2015|Lv 51|The Seaport of Hamsah Mu'tazz|vs 5: <51> Milonuthial (0%), <51> Lilyth (3%), <44> Talisin (13%), <51> Marintok (0%), <51> Hoysepis (83%, punch)
Feb 25, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|vs 2: <51> Hoysepis (79%, KB), <51> Lilyth (20%)
Mar 10, 2015|Lv 51|The Shadow Grove|vs 1: <51> Tsalantha (100%, bleeding)
Mar 12, 2015|Lv 51|Organia, the Veil of Shadow|Kregan committed suicide
Mar 21, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|vs 3: <51> Viscerent (57%), <51> Liffy (0%), <51> Lilyth (42%, swarm of insects)
Mar 23, 2015|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|vs 2: <51> Talisin (5%), <51> Keara (94%, cleave)
Mar 30, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|vs 3: <51> Yonbe (29%, bite), <51> Lilyth (7%), <51> Keznet (63%)
Apr 1, 2015 |Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|vs 1: <51> Liantae (100%, disembowelment) *Disemboweled*
Apr 7, 2015 |Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|vs 1: <50> Delaed (0%, cleave) *Cleaved in Half*
Apr 18, 2015|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|vs 1: <51> Adesoka (100%, punch)
Apr 26, 2015|Lv 51|Balator|vs 2: <51> Goraldain (9%), <51> Adesoka (90%, flurry)
Apr 30, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|vs 1: <51> Liantae (100%, disembowelment) *Disemboweled*
May 3, 2015 |Lv 51|4th Circle of Hell|Kregan committed suicide
Jun 19, 2015|Lv 51|Arkham|vs 1: <45> Lyra (100%, slash)
53350, Kregan's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Dec 9, 2014 |Lv 22|Sands of Sorrow|Iciddeh vs 1: <22> Kregan (100%, stab)
Dec 19, 2014|Lv 31|Balator|Iciddeh vs 1: <31> Kregan (100%, piercing dissonance)
Dec 19, 2014|Lv 31|The Imperial Lands|Iciddeh vs 1: <31> Kregan (100%, punch)
Dec 19, 2014|Lv 31|The Imperial Lands|Iciddeh vs 1: <31> Kregan (100%, piercing dissonance)
Dec 19, 2014|Lv 32|Voralia's Tears|Zodera vs 1: <32> Kregan (100%, piercing dissonance)
Dec 22, 2014|Lv 33|East Sumner's Road|Vhalorn vs 3: <41> Thraulkmaw (31%, pound), <35> Grimluk (68%), <33> Kregan (0%)
Dec 28, 2014|Lv 36|Balator|Kalderas vs 1: <36> Kregan (100%, immolation)
Dec 28, 2014|Lv 36|The Imperial Lands|Durbahk vs 2: <40> Irvai (83%, acrid stab), <36> Kregan (16%)
Dec 29, 2014|Lv 36|The Nexus Island|Ishki vs 4: <30> Hjurlnir (0%), <36> Kregan (10%), <31> Behmurra (25%), <37> Celent (64%, lightning bolt)
Jan 2, 2015 |Lv 45|Balator|Heaghul vs 1: <45> Kregan (100%, piercing dissonance)
Jan 3, 2015 |Lv 45|Balator|Harkiel vs 2: <31> Szoreth (63%, stab), <45> Kregan (36%)
Jan 14, 2015|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Ildrasi vs 2: <51> Marintok (97%, slice), <51> Kregan (2%)
Jan 19, 2015|Lv 51|Balator|Quarue vs 1: <51> Kregan (100%, mental assault)
Jan 19, 2015|Lv 51|Balator|Magner vs 3: <48> Iulimato (26%), <51> Piktazu (45%), <51> Kregan (28%, KB)
Jan 23, 2015|Lv 51|Forest of Prosimy|Neroissa vs 3: <51> Iulimato (19%), <51> Kregan (46%, mental assault), <47> Akageaiad (34%)
Jan 27, 2015|Lv 51|Ancient Emerald Forest|Zoanne vs 2: <51> Kregan (48%, mental assault), <51> Piktazu (51%)
Jan 27, 2015|Lv 51|A Wagon-Marked Road|Magner vs 4: <51> Iulimato (0%), <51> Kregan (53%, KB), <51> Piktazu (27%), <51> Celent (19%)
Jan 30, 2015|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Parothuen vs 3: <51> Kregan (6%), <51> Khalmarnasa (22%), <51> Altariel (70%, parting blow)
Jan 31, 2015|Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Gloiyme vs 2: <51> Kregan (31%), <51> Reegun (68%, hellfire)
Feb 1, 2015 |Lv 51|Balator|Kortath vs 4: <47> Talice (9%), <51> Piktazu (2%), <51> Khalmarnasa (74%, defilement), <51> Kregan (12%)
Feb 1, 2015 |Lv 51|Balator|Leata vs 4: <51> Khalmarnasa (6%), <51> Kregan (43%), <51> Piktazu (14%, gouge), <51> Reegun (35%)
Feb 1, 2015 |Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Liantae vs 3: <51> Kregan (17%, immolation), <51> Khalmarnasa (49%), <51> Reegun (33%)
Feb 3, 2015 |Lv 51|Keep of the Righteous|Zoanne vs 4: <51> Von (0%), <51> Kregan (0%), <44> Szeven (52%, flurry), <51> Xeneth (47%)
Feb 3, 2015 |Lv 51|Keep of the Righteous|Lilyth vs 4: <51> Kregan (33%, reverberating blast), <51> Khalmarnasa (0%), <51> Xeneth (60%), <44> Szeven (5%)
Feb 5, 2015 |Lv 51|Balator|Von vs 2: <51> Kregan (49%, reverberating blast), <51> Piktazu (50%)
Feb 5, 2015 |Lv 51|Valley of Veran|Magner vs 2: <51> Khalmarnasa (54%), <51> Kregan (45%, reverberating blast)
Feb 6, 2015 |Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Zoanne vs 2: <51> Kregan (91%, bleeding), <51> Piktazu (8%)
Feb 11, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Zoanne vs 1: <51> Kregan (100%, wrath)
Feb 11, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Zoanne vs 1: <51> Kregan (100%, wrath)
53351, Kregan's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Feb 12, 2015|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Magner vs 4: <51> Khalmarnasa (9%, wracking pain), <51> Celent (41%), <51> Nerif (0%), <51> Kregan (48%)
Feb 14, 2015|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|Leata vs 5: <51> Kregan (11%), <51> Talice (5%), <51> Forvengweth (17%), <51> Nhasheli (7%), <51> Xeneth (58%, piercing venoms)
Feb 15, 2015|Lv 51|Ruins of Maethien|Jeger vs 3: <51> Kregan (21%), <51> Xeneth (65%, stab), <51> Nhasheli (12%)
Feb 15, 2015|Lv 51|Ruins of Maethien|Kaersylia vs 3: <51> Xeneth (0%), <51> Kregan (38%), <51> Nhasheli (60%, claw)
Feb 15, 2015|Lv 51|Ruins of Maethien|Artenel vs 3: <51> Xeneth (15%), <51> Kregan (68%, reverberating blast), <51> Nhasheli (15%)
Feb 15, 2015|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|Shantalah vs 3: <51> Nhasheli (1%), <51> Kregan (40%, reverberating blast), <51> Xeneth (58%)
Feb 15, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Kaersylia vs 3: <51> Xeneth (46%), <51> Kregan (44%), <51> Nhasheli (9%, icy needle)
Feb 15, 2015|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|Farmaur vs 3: <51> Kregan (14%), <51> Nhasheli (31%, onslaught of water), <51> Xeneth (53%)
Feb 20, 2015|Lv 51|Balator|Milonuthial vs 1: <51> Kregan (100%, reverberating blast)
Feb 20, 2015|Lv 51|Thar-Acacia|Yonbe vs 2: <40> Zraerael (76%, punch), <51> Kregan (23%)
Feb 20, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Milonuthial vs 3: <51> Altariel (23%, parting blow), <51> Xeneth (22%), <51> Kregan (54%)
Feb 20, 2015|Lv 51|Balator|Rondifegl vs 2: <51> Kregan (20%), <51> Xeneth (79%, black light)
Feb 20, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Milonuthial vs 2: <51> Forvengweth (25%, disruption), <51> Kregan (74%)
Feb 20, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Shantalah vs 2: <51> Forvengweth (56%), <51> Kregan (43%, reverberating blast)
Feb 25, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Talisin vs 3: <51> Khalmarnasa (53%, pound), <51> Kregan (19%), <51> Xeneth (26%)
Feb 25, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Yuni vs 3: <51> Khalmarnasa (27%, punch), <51> Kregan (24%), <51> Xeneth (48%)
Feb 25, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Liffy vs 2: <51> Xeneth (69%, piercing venoms), <51> Kregan (30%)
Feb 25, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Milonuthial vs 3: <51> Khalmarnasa (32%, wild overhead attack), <51> Xeneth (33%), <51> Kregan (34%)
Feb 26, 2015|Lv 51|Balator|Maelthrael vs 2: <51> Kregan (100%, wrath), <51> Nhasheli (0%)
Mar 2, 2015 |Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Tsalantha vs 2: <51> Zraerael (88%, punch), <51> Kregan (11%)
Mar 9, 2015 |Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Gutakyla vs 3: <51> Nhasheli (19%, icy needle), <51> Kregan (9%), <51> Sindrir (70%)
Mar 9, 2015 |Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Hamoryah vs 3: <51> Kregan (34%), <51> Sindrir (42%, flurry), <51> Nhasheli (22%)
Mar 10, 2015|Lv 51|Bramblefield Road|Vorri vs 2: <51> Kregan (15%, wrath), <51> Sindrir (84%)
Mar 12, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Gargnok vs 2: <51> Celent (84%, ghostly flame), <51> Kregan (15%)
Mar 12, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Gutakyla vs 1: <51> Kregan (100%, KB)
Mar 12, 2015|Lv 51|Coven of Dralkar Wood|Gutakyla vs 2: <51> Kregan (29%), <51> Sindrir (70%, brutal attack)
53352, Kregan's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Mar 16, 2015|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|Liffy vs 2: <51> Celent (87%), <51> Kregan (12%, kick)
Mar 16, 2015|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Gargnok vs 3: <51> Nhasheli (68%, burn), <51> Kregan (30%), <48> Zhabala (0%)
Mar 16, 2015|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Eriagwen vs 3: <51> Nhasheli (10%), <51> Celent (44%, iceball), <51> Kregan (45%)
Mar 16, 2015|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Nizin vs 5: <48> Zhabala (2%), <47> Boelga (0%), <51> Nhasheli (12%), <51> Celent (51%, slash), <51> Kregan (33%)
Mar 16, 2015|Lv 51|The Dragon Sea|Zhavana vs 3: <51> Kregan (5%), <51> Celent (24%, flaming bite), <47> Boelga (70%)
Mar 16, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Marintok vs 4: <51> Kregan (17%), <49> Birtoc (1%), <51> Celent (68%), <51> Nhasheli (11%, icy needle)
Mar 16, 2015|Lv 51|The Outlander Refuge|Yonbe vs 3: <51> Nhasheli (57%, onslaught of water), <51> Celent (23%), <51> Kregan (18%)
Mar 18, 2015|Lv 51|Balator|Keznet vs 2: <51> Nhasheli (68%, onslaught of water), <51> Kregan (31%)
Mar 23, 2015|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Heaghul vs 2: <40> Delaed (26%, black light), <51> Kregan (73%)
Mar 23, 2015|Lv 51|The Redhorn Mountains|Khez vs 2: <51> Nhasheli (92%, onslaught of water), <51> Kregan (7%)
Mar 24, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Lilyth vs 3: <51> Birtoc (17%, defilement), <51> Sindrir (42%), <51> Kregan (39%)
Mar 30, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Adesoka vs 3: <51> Nuerria (9%, claw), <51> Zhabala (2%), <51> Kregan (88%)
Mar 30, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Garfong vs 1: <51> Kregan (100%, reverberating blast)
Mar 30, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Keznet vs 1: <51> Kregan (100%, slice)
Mar 30, 2015|Lv 51|The Ashes of NoWhere|Keznet vs 3: <51> Sindrir (20%), <51> Kregan (31%, reverberating blast), <51> Marintok (48%)
Apr 1, 2015 |Lv 51|The Outlander Refuge|Ssaynblit vs 3: <51> Sindrir (50%, brutal attack), <51> Kregan (49%), <51> Zhabala (0%)
Apr 1, 2015 |Lv 51|Balator|Eriagwen vs 2: <51> Sindrir (54%, flurry), <51> Kregan (45%)
Apr 1, 2015 |Lv 51|Balator|Byantar vs 2: <51> Kregan (37%, reverberating blast), <51> Sindrir (62%)
Apr 1, 2015 |Lv 51|Balator|Liffy vs 2: <51> Kregan (16%), <51> Sindrir (83%, wrath)
Apr 6, 2015 |Lv 51|Balator|Condit vs 1: <51> Kregan (100%, torrent of lightning)
Apr 6, 2015 |Lv 51|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Condit vs 3: <45> Ulthrok (20%, molten smash), <51> Kregan (41%), <51> Sindrir (37%)
Apr 7, 2015 |Lv 51|East Sumner's Road|Goraldain vs 3: <51> Kregan (9%, reverberating blast), <51> Yaztran (6%), <51> Sindrir (83%)
Apr 7, 2015 |Lv 51|Forest of Prosimy|Gargnok vs 4: <51> Kregan (3%), <51> Yaztran (5%), <51> Sindrir (70%, infernal power), <51> Birtoc (19%)
Apr 7, 2015 |Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Adesoka vs 4: <51> Birtoc (1%), <51> Kregan (31%), <51> Sindrir (51%, flurry), <51> Yaztran (14%)
Apr 7, 2015 |Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Bertrame vs 4: <51> Kregan (16%), <51> Sindrir (61%), <51> Yonbe (2%), <51> Birtoc (19%, bleeding)
Apr 18, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Ashworth vs 1: <51> Kregan (100%, mental assault)
53353, Kregan's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Apr 18, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Ashworth vs 2: <51> Nuerria (30%), <51> Kregan (69%, mental assault)
Apr 18, 2015|Lv 51|The Outlander Refuge|Gromm vs 3: <51> Kregan (9%), <51> Celent (53%, immolation), <51> Birtoc (36%)
Apr 21, 2015|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Arethousa vs 3: <51> Kregan (29%), <51> Sindrir (35%, brutal attack), <51> Yaztran (34%)
Apr 23, 2015|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Arethousa vs 3: <45> Fessara (0%, ), <51> Kregan (46%), <51> Nhasheli (53%) *Assassinated*
Apr 23, 2015|Lv 51|Balator|Arethousa vs 2: <51> Kregan (12%), <51> Nhasheli (87%, geyser)
Apr 23, 2015|Lv 51|The Dragon Sea|Brunas vs 4: <51> Birtoc (0%), <51> Kregan (22%), <51> Yaztran (4%), <51> Sindrir (72%, infernal power)
Apr 23, 2015|Lv 51|Balator|Venderil vs 4: <51> Sindrir (62%, black light), <51> Birtoc (2%), <51> Kregan (16%), <51> Talisin (18%)
Apr 23, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Talisin vs 5: <51> Sindrir (47%, infernal power), <51> Venderil (0%), <51> Kregan (38%), <44> Brunas (0%), <51> Birtoc (13%)
Apr 25, 2015|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|Sotis vs 3: <51> Nhasheli (5%), <51> Kregan (0%), <51> Celent (94%, iceball)
Apr 25, 2015|Lv 51|The Open Plains|Sotis vs 3: <51> Kregan (0%), <51> Nhasheli (7%), <51> Celent (92%, burst of energy)
Apr 25, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Liantae vs 3: <51> Kregan (13%, reverberating blast), <51> Nhasheli (25%), <51> Celent (60%)
Apr 26, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Lilyth vs 3: <51> Zhabala (25%), <51> Ulcia (34%, roundhouse), <51> Kregan (40%)
Apr 26, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Lilyth vs 4: <51> Venderil (0%), <51> Adesoka (0%), <51> Kregan (54%), <51> Zhabala (45%, crushing hand)
Apr 28, 2015|Lv 51|Outside Hamsah Mu'tazz|Ellef vs 2: <51> Khalmarnasa (97%, deathly touch), <51> Kregan (2%)
Apr 30, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Ashworth vs 1: <51> Kregan (100%, slash)
May 8, 2015 |Lv 51|The Nexus Island|Pon vs 3: <51> Kregan (38%, reverberating blast), <51> Yaztran (17%), <51> Sindrir (43%)
May 8, 2015 |Lv 51|The Outlander Refuge|Gromm vs 3: <51> Sindrir (33%), <51> Kregan (11%, reverberating blast), <51> Yaztran (55%)
May 15, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Drelvine vs 2: <51> Kowelu (72%, punch), <51> Kregan (27%)
May 16, 2015|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|Sotis vs 3: <51> Kregan (58%), <51> Xeneth (40%, punch), <51> Zhabala (1%)
May 16, 2015|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Bhelgus vs 3: <51> Kregan (0%), <51> Ulthrok (13%), <51> Sindrir (85%, disembowelment) *Disemboweled*
May 16, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Adesoka vs 3: <51> Sindrir (14%, flurry), <51> Kregan (20%), <51> Ulthrok (64%)
May 16, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Krymcynk vs 4: <41> Sote (0%), <51> Sindrir (52%, infernal power), <44> Jermet (39%), <51> Kregan (8%)
May 16, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Ahzlan vs 3: <51> Ulthrok (7%), <51> Kregan (60%), <51> Sindrir (32%, flurry)
May 16, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Adesoka vs 3: <51> Ulthrok (37%, flurry), <51> Sindrir (34%), <51> Kregan (27%)
May 17, 2015|Lv 51|Balator|Adesoka vs 2: <51> Ulthrok (79%, flurry), <51> Kregan (20%)
53354, Kregan's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

May 18, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Parandalia vs 4: <45> Fessara (32%), <51> Yaztran (49%, punch), <51> Kregan (3%), <51> Zhabala (14%)
May 22, 2015|Lv 51|Forest of Prosimy|Jawhar vs 4: <51> Kregan (20%, wrath), <51> Hitrilipimi (39%), <51> Jermet (24%), <51> Khalmarnasa (16%)
May 24, 2015|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Ahzlan vs 1: <51> Kregan (100%, wrath)
May 26, 2015|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Bhelgus vs 3: <51> Kregan (0%), <51> Jermet (41%, punch), <48> Kobuk (58%)
Jun 7, 2015 |Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Lararani vs 2: <46> Fessara (12%), <51> Kregan (87%, reverberating blast)
Jun 9, 2015 |Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Navarre vs 1: <51> Kregan (100%, slash)
Jun 11, 2015|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Lararani vs 2: <46> Ugluzkr (64%, blast), <51> Kregan (35%)
Jul 2, 2015 |Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Varnon vs 3: <51> Kregan (2%), <51> Ghrakzub (68%, surge of water), <51> Sindrir (28%)
Jul 2, 2015 |Lv 51|Bramblefield Road|Varnon vs 3: <51> Sindrir (67%), <51> Ghrakzub (22%, cleave), <51> Kregan (10%)