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Topic subject[EMPIRE] Niji the Honey-Tongued Purveyor of Words, Emperor of Thera
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=50702
50702, [EMPIRE] Niji the Honey-Tongued Purveyor of Words, Emperor of Thera
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Niji the Honey-Tongued Purveyor of Words, Emperor of Thera

The elegantly groomed form of Niji gauges you from the corner of your vision.


Elegant, charming, wise. Three words to describe the style, dress, and
appearance of the aging man before you. He has striking blue eyes that seem
to pierce you to the core, their cold calculation giving you the sense of
ruthless appraisal. He keeps a medium-length gray beard that hangs neatly
from his face, though it does not detract from his strong chin. He wears
stylish clothes, mostly darker colors, but he seems to keep up with the
current fashion of the times with a hodgepodge of armor and gear. He appears
swift, though his lithe muscles appear hard as cold iron. He has a head of
whitish-gray, tight curls for hair. His skin is quite pale, as if he doesn't
spend any time in the sun. The skin on several random places over his body is
covered by odd looking scars of small hammers and suns. Judging by looks
alone he seems charming and elegant, regal in his armor of sophistication and


Practices7Trains0HometownHamsah Mu'tazz
Exp438900To Level21600SphereStrength
Age old, 76 years old (541 hours)
Hit Points651Mana597Movement1095
Carry #0/37Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
50718, Niji's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 29precise aim100%
Level 30careful vision100%
Level 30backfist100%
Level 30eavesdrop100%
Level 31axe kick92%
Level 35legendary awareness79%
Level 35assassinate98%
Level 35stalk100%
Level 35poison darts100%
Level 36mountain storm kick100%
Level 40owaza100%
Level 41double spin kick100%
Level 44martial trance99%
Level 45tactics100%
Level 46rising phoenix kick100%
50732, Niji's Role Chapter 8
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 8

The Imperial Council
Added Sun Jun 22 16:52:53 2014 at level 51:

Time has passed, plans fell into place. Niji rose to the throne easily once
he was allowed to call another vote. Maligor had some hesitation, but in the
end bowed to Niji's wisdom about what the Empire needed to be brought back to

Niji quickly filled his Council. He oathed many different anti-paladins but
one in particular rose to the occasion swifter than the others and was placed
as Dread Lord. He had three fighting for Shadow Lord, he chose the duergar
Drem due to more time spent in Thera than the others and a greater perceived
usefulness assuming he didn't turn out to be an idiot.

With the passing of the Throne, Maligor became disheartened and stayed to his
rooms. Having failed Niji's tasks of the Divine Sect being responsible for
propaganda and outreach, Niji planned to demote him and he knew it. Instead
he took his life to retain the title High Priest even in death. Niji didn't
mind. He promoted a priest named Atazerus to the position.

Already Niji is having issues with his Council. Atazerus issued Niji orders
by including him in a blanket missive about 'No Imperial shall help so and
so...' with offering to Anathema anyone that disobeyed. Niji sent him a
scathing personal letter about ever issuing him a public order again, or
issuing any such orders without gaining Niji's approval first.

Niji ordered Jarlduz to have a discussion with Drem about the throne. He
wanted to gauge Drem's loyalty as Drem had already lied to Niji once about
something very inconsequential. Niji will NOT tolerate a Shadow Lord that
can't be trusted. Niji is well aware of the dangers of a Shadow Lord that has
his heart set on the throne sooner than later. It turned out Drem approached
Jarlduz before the War Master could approach him first. Drem apparently said
that he and the Dread Lord Tralgdar had been talking and that it was time to
dethrone Niji. Jarlduz of course reported all of this immediately. Jarlduz
knows his place, powerhouse not politics. A fine War Master.

Drem will be made Anathema and Tralgdar will be demoted. With a more powerful
Empire there are actually options to who sits on the Council. Niji will be
damned if he has anything less than total control of it.

50731, Niji's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

Darkest before Dawn
Added Wed Apr 9 05:57:34 2014 at level 40:

Niji is already moving forward with his plans to become Emperor. He failed
the last vote because Nizrili was not loyal and Niji had no opportunities to
sway Nizrili with words and actions before he had become War Master, events
fell too quickly and Nizrili had stolen the Dreadlords vote away from Niji
before he could do anything about it.

With this most recent failure, Niji has been presented with a golden
opportunity. The Imperial Council has two vacancies, the Emperor holds Niji
in the highest regard of trust and counsel, and the High Lord is ever loyal
and trusting of Niji.

Niji met in the cover of darkness with the High Priest. During this
discussion away from the ears of his own Shadows, Niji informed the Priest
that he was there because Niji chose him to be there. He remained High Priest
at Niji's whim and desire. Niji said that the High Priest and he left the
last vote to chance and that was their own failing. He would not fail again.
He informed the High Priest that he would be advising the Emperor on who to
place as Council members and that the High Priest would back his choices when
asked. The High Priest said he would not be true to his passions if he didn't
try to become Emperor too. Niji assured him he would have an opportunity when
the vote was called equal to Niji's own.

Niji has begun putting pieces into place for a loyal War Master. Jarlduz has
fought beside Niji on numerous occasions, he is active and dedicated to the
Empire, and he possesses courage to a fault that can easily be manipulated by
Niji. He immediately began to court Jarlduz and found that the duergar was
very receptive to his wiles. Offering a bloodstone ring, 500 gold, and a
promotion back to Elite proved to be enough for Jarlduz to vocalize (much to
Niji's dismay) that Niji 'had his vote' when called upon. Niji just smiled
and said 'Excellent, War Master'. Now it is just a matter of convincing the
Emperor to place him there. The High Priest agreed readily and promoted the
Blade back to Elite status when instructed by Niji to do so.

Niji is a little conflicted about the Dreadlord position. There is a young
drow elf anti-paladin he could court, but at the same time, Althamael is
already loyal and would vote for Niji. He is considering pushing for
Althamael to become Dreadlord again.

Niji's greatest fear and the only thing that could stop things from moving
forward is the Emperor sitting with empty Council seats again. Niji must find
a way to ensure the Council seats are full so that a new vote can come to
pass. One that Niji is certain he will take.

50730, Niji's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

A Failed Usurping of the Throne
Added Wed Apr 9 05:34:51 2014 at level 40:

Niji has been presented with an interesting opportunity and has decided that
he must fail forward. Failing forward means to learn from your mistakes in
such a way that you lose the fear of failing again. Some people would let a
defeat such as losing the vote for Emperor as a warning and they would let
fear over rule their ambition while considering themselves lucky to be alive.
Niji has no such feelings.

The Emperor asked Niji for counsel about the failed vote after Niji had
positioned himself so that the Emperor would come to him first. Niji's
counsel to the Emperor was that he (if Emperor) would Anathemize the entire
counsel for the failed attempted usurping of the throne. The Emperor told
Niji that he would be merciful if Niji would tell him the whole truth about
what happened.

So Niji lied masterfully. He not only did not implicate himself in any way,
he said the High Priest had committed no wrong doing against the throne
either. When given the opportunity to repent for his wrong doings against the
Emperor, Niji took the mercy as a sign of weakness and immediately
capitalized on it.

Niji implicated the War Master and the Dread Lord as the leading factors
behind the coupe. He would make them both feel punished for failing to vote
in a way that profits him on the throne. As the High Priest backed him, so to
does he back the High Priest, ever his loyal puppet.

Due to Niji's convincing nature, upon the Emperor meeting with Destuvius and
per Niji's direction and manipulation, the Dread Lord and War Master have
been throne off the Imperial Council while Niji and the High Priest remain,
ever loyal subjects to the now weakened and paranoid Emperor Qintaris.

50729, Niji's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

Niji's new puppet, Maligor the High Priest
Added Thu Mar 6 05:57:21 2014 at level 36:

As of late Niji has been seeking to ramp up efforts at strengthening his
sect. He quickly deduced that efforts to engage individuals were fruitless.
He decided he needed to engage the population as a whole, but of course as
the Shadow Lord he didn't wish to do anything in an obvious manner.

Enter Maligor, the High Priest. Niji struck up an engaging conversation with
the High Priest and quickly deduced that he was not satisfied with the status
of the Imperial Council. Once Niji steered the discussion to the subject
Maligor had complaints about the lack of effort on the Emperor and War
Master's parts at participating in Imperial efforts of any kind.

Niji proposed to Maligor that the Divine Sect should make an extended effort
at greater recruiting using Maligor's religion as a focal point and using
passion to inspire. Niji doesn't care about passion but he knows how to use
the religions of others to get what he wants out of them. It was obvious to
Niji that Maligor did not have a very creative sense, he had taken the
bloodoath and hadn't been creative since apparently. Niji put his brain to
work and had an idea that he knew the High Priest would go for. He told the
High Priest he needed to use a net instead of a hook to catch fish, that they
would hold a contest and include the entire world as participants.

The general rules were easy. Imperial Propagandist contest, best propaganda
wins 500 gold and the title. Anyone can participate.

Niji made sure that Maligor knows that even though it was Niji's idea, Niji
is not to be involved or mentioned. Niji already noticed the strain and
tension in the ranks of any non-Destuvius follower trying to prosper. Niji
wishes to widen this gap between the Emperor and the High Priest to cast the
High Priest out of favor so that Niji has more influence. Although any effort
at further dismantling the High Council could work against him in the long
run, it seems obvious that Qintaris will be long lived and while Niji is
ambitious, he isn't ready to increase his status in his guild publicly enough
to be eligible for the crown should guild status be a requirement.

Niji encouraged Maligor not to hide his faith and passion for fear of being
chastised, but to wear it proudly like a shield and banner and use it as a
rallying cry to the world for the Empire.

We'll see how that works out.

50728, Niji's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Hexugar's Scion Quest
Added Fri Feb 14 12:45:34 2014 at level 35:

Niji has always enjoyed spying and following Hexugar the Drillmaster of
Battle. Something about the dark-elf has always struck Niji as out of place
and worth investigating. Niji has accepted payments from Hexugar for scouting
services, and while Niji has claimed to the Drillmaster to provide
information about the Black Sect, he has never done so with accurate
information. Thus far Hexugar has paid Niji about 300 gold of his donations
for information regarding various things, but nothing the Shadow Sect (or
Empire) would come to harm because of.

Recently Hexugar had been standoffish and avoided Niji, in fact, Hexugar had
arranged a meeting with Corlx and specifically posted Pwajay as a guard over
the meeting. Although he was attacked by the scout, he managed to run him off
just long enough to gain a critical piece of information from the meeting
after neither Corlx or Hexugar knew Niji had won past the Scout.

Someone in the Village had a nightmare that was worth discussing. Niji began
to seek information like a hound on a scent. After asking many separate
contacts and gathering information from Corlx and Hexugar themselves, Niji
was able to deduce that the Scions were up to something. Hexugar remained
close lipped about it until Niji was able to convince him he could be an
asset to the situation for Hexugar.

Niji has deduced and Hexugar has informed him at this time that the Scions
are seeking to complete another ritual and are seeking specific items of
power that the Heralds know about. Corlx knows more information than he is
willing to share with Hexugar, and Halifan is not carrying anything at this
time for such a ritual. Niji will seek to target Heralds for information
regarding Hexugar's quest, and Hexugar has agreed to Niji's terms of 1000
gold coins and/or items of great power that would benefit Niji. Niji does not
trust Hexugar any further than he can throw him, but he wishes to play
Hexugar's quest to his own benefit. Should he actually come upon items of
great power that Scions need for a ritual in the mean time all the better for
the Shadow Sect.

Niji has hypothesized to Hexugar that the ritual will take place in the
Forest of Prosimy based on previous Scion activities that remain unfinished.

Niji isn't really even sure about any of this, but can be very convincing
when it comes down to manipulating things to his advantage.

50727, Niji's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Shadow Lord
Added Tue Feb 11 05:53:10 2014 at level 35:

It took a bit of manipulation to get the wood-elf bard out of his guildhall,
but the Eye of the Scarab proved to be a simple enough tool to work that
particular deed. Under the guise of a gruff ranger's voice, the Eye had
called the bard from his guild to learn the lore of a powerful and enchanted
musical instrument.

Greed is a universal motivator. Kings, paupers, and even Gods flock to the
concept of being ever hungry, ever seeking of more. These philosophical
thoughts followed Niji as he stalked the wood-elf silently through the busy
streets of Galadon. Niji noticed the looks he was getting from the shadows.
They knew he was doing 'work'. His reputation had grown immensely ever since
being tapped as Shadow Lord. They still talk about it in the streets, the
youngest Shadow Lord of this age. This brought on some satisfaction to him,
obviously, but the truth is the attention he is receiving is a bit counter
productive. Niji nodded to one of his gawkers who quickly cast aside his gaze
from the Shadow Lord. Niji feels it is best to embrace the power granted to
him and take full advantage while he can.

Silently slipping past the gate guards of Galadon like a wraith in fog, Niji
crept up behind the wood-elf who had paused to stare into the forest after
his prized artifact. Yanking back the long hair of his target, Niji quickly
and efficiently severed the artery of the slender neck. A spray of red mist
quickly turned into a gushing fountain of crimson as the bard collapsed to
his knees on the cobbled-stone road. The bard turned his head to get a look
in his final moments at the face of his assailant only to find the road was
empty and and he was alone.

50726, Niji's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Added Thu Jan 30 20:46:26 2014 at level 35:

While he enjoyed moderate success on his block pushing illegals goods and
services, eventually it just wasn't enough. Ambitions pushed him to higher
heights. He joined the Empire. While self-serving in nature, he understands
that to do the dirty work of another, and to do it in a quick and exceptional
fashion, would bring its own rewards. Eventually he will not be at the beck
and call of those of higher ranking than him and he will be the one giving
the orders, as it was when he began this life.

For now he waits patiently to be in a position of power, all the while
playing the hand he has been dealt to grow and prosper. He will focus on
mastering the art of assassination, that he might better serve himself and
keep his soul intact and unharmed.

50725, Niji's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Brief History
Added Thu Jan 23 17:13:34 2014 at level 11:

Lie, cheat, steal. Classic words to live by for the lowlifes and thieves that
haunt the streets of Hamsah Mu'tazz. Oddly enough, Niji took to the life at
an early age. His father was a guard lieutenant with the Hamsah watch who had
a bit of an alcohol problem. Niji was literally beaten with code and
principles of order and law. The hypocrisy of it all was never lost on him,
hence his take on the 'dodgy' path.

Niji believes in order and rules, he just pushes his own agenda in the
streets and has for many years now. He began as a runner, then he began to
sell secrets of the watch. He informed on raids, selling information very
cheaply in order to position himself high on the ruling list.

Of course the house of cards came crashing down around him and he had to
disappear for a bit. It just so happened he made it aboard 'The Buzzing
Hornet' while it was docked at Hamsah and managed to talk his way into a
labor position. While he was there he learned all about the Empire, and
decided it was something he could really go for.

Upon returning to Hamsah months later, he set himself up with a trainer in
the assassin's guild and is working that angle of martial training. The sky
is the limit for the future.

50724, Niji's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Thu Jun 12 18:17:00 2014 by 'Arvam' at level 51 (420 hrs):
Also props for being quick on the demote trigger when some Blade accidentally gave the orb to the vanquisher instead. Good to see an Emperor dole out tough love.

Fri Jun 20 16:44:06 2014 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (448 hrs):
An Immortal added 100 exp for: Being helpful to a fresh newbie on the newbie channel.

Sun Jun 22 14:35:38 2014 by 'Destuvius' at level 51 (451 hrs):
Wis/Chr boost and long desc for RC win

Sun Jun 22 14:41:12 2014 by 'Destuvius' at level 51 (451 hrs):
Also got force of personality and forgot to add in previous comment.

Thu Jun 26 16:13:02 2014 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (464 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Updates on the current council and how we're keeping tabs on them.

Sun Jun 29 14:21:36 2014 by 'Destuvius' at level 51 (478 hrs):
I admit you are growing on me as Emperor, logging in to see EVERY cabal item in Empire was sweet. I could go without the full loot agenda you have, but at least it is done with some RP flair.

Mon Jun 30 19:42:48 2014 by 'Rayihn' at level 51 (485 hrs):
Why am I not surprised that you gave Gangrus the Empire Mino Sha the Bloodoath? Gangs r us yo!

Mon Jul 7 16:43:36 2014 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (518 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: For fun interactions with Gadinias and the whole Herald/Empire fight about Centurions at th front of the Inn.

50723, Niji's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Sun Apr 13 14:59:33 2014 by 'An Immortal' at level 40 (243 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Updates about the failed coup, his maneuvering to remain Shadow Lord, and his future plans to start another coup already.

Sun Apr 13 21:55:28 2014 by 'Daevryn' at level 40 (247 hrs):
There's a ton to admire in Niji; certainly most of the time Empire had its item in its weak times were because of him. I just wish his conversational mood wasn't stuck in "super bitchy" 90% of the time.

Wed Apr 16 06:21:20 2014 by 'Akresius' at level 40 (256 hrs):
This guy is a bloodoath conjurer's best friend, apparently.

Sun Apr 20 22:08:17 2014 by 'An Immortal' at level 40 (272 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: For turning in one egg for the hunt.

Fri May 2 20:11:14 2014 by 'Arvam' at level 40 (309 hrs):
Can't talk too much trash about him level sitting at 40, he just distended into hero range now so he'll play with the big boys no matter what.

Sat May 3 07:24:51 2014 by 'Destuvius' at level 40 (312 hrs):
I'm am very impressed to see you successfully defending the Imperial Lands solo against a 47 shifter and 51 ranger. Nice job.

Wed May 14 18:31:32 2014 by 'An Immortal' at level 45 (347 hrs):
An Immortal added 100 exp for: Funny banter on cb mocking how Outlanders refer to themselves as 'we' a lot.

Wed May 14 18:43:40 2014 by 'Daevryn' at level 45 (347 hrs):
You know, I'm totally fine with you fulling random lowbies but... you so, so, so can't take what you ditch out.

Wed May 14 18:46:36 2014 by 'Rayihn' at level 45 (347 hrs):
Just dropped the near full on someone in town, out of range.

Wed May 21 20:23:44 2014 by 'Destuvius' at level 45 (362 hrs):
Wonky stuffs with the vote made it so this bump up needed to be manual. Congratz on winning Emp.

Wed May 21 20:38:16 2014 by 'Daevryn' at level 45 (362 hrs):
I'm pretty curious to see what he does with Emperor. No question this is the toughest guy in the cabal, but does that make a good leader?

Sun Jun 8 08:55:01 2014 by 'Daevryn' at level 46 (402 hrs):
Hey, nice update to your description.

Sun Jun 8 18:38:46 2014 by 'Daevryn' at level 47 (405 hrs):
Demanded (successfully) that his underlings literally full loot super sad Mordrin for some reason.

Sun Jun 8 19:39:11 2014 by 'Daevryn' at level 48 (405 hrs):
Actually I guess there's kind of an odd full loot special needs slap fest going on between these two, so in context that isn't especially egregious.

Mon Jun 9 20:47:18 2014 by 'Arvam' at level 49 (411 hrs):
He's hit hero range now and is eating more deaths...and he's hanging tough. Props to that. (Yup, I dropped some New Kids on the Block there. Don't hate)

50722, Niji's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Sun Jan 26 14:07:08 2014 by 'An Immortal' at level 21 (9 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: Our dad was a Hamsah guard who beat us. Sold info on street thugs to the guards. Got busted and escaped on the Buzzing Hornet. Returned to join the Empire.

Sat Feb 1 20:02:40 2014 by 'Daevryn' at level 35 (49 hrs):
Lots of intentional mob suicides at 35 so we can stay that level to work on assassinate, which is fine but... I don't think you ever get a con quest if you throw it away.

Tue Feb 11 19:51:44 2014 by 'Arvam' at level 35 (83 hrs):
Seems accurate. Dude has a reasonable amount of assassinations though, I think he has the highest count since I've been back.

Tue Feb 11 21:07:57 2014 by 'Daevryn' at level 35 (85 hrs):
Yep - no arguing that he knows what he's doing in that department.

Wed Feb 12 15:47:15 2014 by 'An Immortal' at level 35 (87 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Updates about using Greed to get people to do what he wants and also updates about getting named Shadow Lord.

Sat Feb 22 15:59:03 2014 by 'An Immortal' at level 36 (110 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Spied on Hexugar, learned about Villager nightmares and Scion Rituals and wants to involve himself.

Wed Mar 19 21:15:05 2014 by 'Destuvius' at level 36 (173 hrs):
Told to see about starting a coup against Q. Also having him get a read on Althamael for possible DL.

Thu Mar 20 20:30:40 2014 by 'An Immortal' at level 36 (176 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: Hey random conversation yields decent arrrpee. I might like this guy.

Fri Mar 28 19:01:11 2014 by 'Whiysdan' at level 37 (193 hrs):
Convinced a Blade to kill the Librarian of the Lyceum to get at a Herald inside. When confronted by Olin, talked his way out of banning. Titled 'the Honey-Tongued Purveyor of Words'.

Fri Mar 28 19:02:07 2014 by 'An Immortal' at level 37 (193 hrs):
An Immortal added 150 exp for: For the interaction above. It was so well done from an Empire RP standpoint that I felt it deserved title and a tad bit of exp.

Fri Mar 28 19:20:08 2014 by 'Whiysdan' at level 37 (195 hrs):
This made me laugh out loud (said to Orenshil): Niji whispers 'Poor little guy, you make me want to kill myself. I don't know why Whiysdan wouldn't speak to you.'

Tue Apr 1 05:28:00 2014 by 'An Immortal' at level 37 (201 hrs):
An Immortal added 100 exp for: For finding some cake.

Sat Apr 5 21:41:37 2014 by 'Destuvius' at level 40 (224 hrs):
I admit, I think you would be a shitty Emperor but I LOVE your work at politics.

Sat Apr 5 21:42:53 2014 by 'An Immortal' at level 40 (224 hrs):
An Immortal added 150 exp for: Go go awesome politics (small xp for the above commentary)

50721, Niji's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  250
Total PK Assists  54
Solo PKs  190
PKs with a group of 2 82
PKs with a group of 3 25
PKs with a group of 4+ 5
Average Group Size Per Kill  1.48

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Self-Reliant

Total PK Losses  29
Solo PK Losses  19
PK Losses to a group of 2 9
PK Losses to a group of 3 0
PK Losses to a group of 4+ 0
Average Group Size Per Death  1.28

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Murdered By The Self-Reliant

50720, Niji's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  250 (62 at level 51)
Total PK Losses  29
Total Mob Deaths  14
# of Assassinations  85

PK Wins by Class
VS. transmuter  19
VS. thief  2
VS. warrior  77
VS. paladin  18
VS. anti-paladin  1
VS. assassin  20
VS. ranger  14
VS. invoker  19
VS. necromancer  3
VS. bard  19
VS. shaman  6
VS. healer  3
VS. druid  3
VS. conjurer  13
VS. berserker  6
VS. shapeshifter  27

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  89

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  100
VS. Neutral  104
VS. Evil  46

PK Deaths by Class
VS. transmuter  4
VS. thief  1
VS. warrior  8
VS. paladin  1
VS. anti-paladin  1
VS. assassin  3
VS. necromancer  1
VS. bard  2
VS. shaman  2
VS. conjurer  1
VS. berserker  1
VS. shapeshifter  4

PK Deaths by Cabal
VS. None  4

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  9
VS. Neutral  7
VS. Evil  13
50719, Niji's Cabal Powers List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Powers List

Level 25bloodoath100%
Level 35centurions91%
Level 40imperial spies100%
Level 45healing curse83%
Level 45piercing gaze100%
Level 45blood reckoning73%
Level 45sigil of pain100%
50717, Niji's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1dagger100%
Level 1spear100%
Level 1sword100%
Level 1staff100%
Level 1dodge100%
Level 1hand to hand100%
Level 1recall100%
Level 1wheel kick100%
Level 2improved compare76%
Level 2improved consider77%
Level 3dirt kicking80%
Level 4hide100%
Level 4sneak100%
Level 5aim100%
Level 5dark vision100%
Level 6sweep kick96%
Level 7evade96%
Level 7heightened awareness100%
Level 8trip99%
Level 8light armor use100%
Level 9fast healing100%
Level 9bind wounds100%
Level 10detect hidden100%
Level 10second attack100%
Level 10endure100%
Level 10pen1%
Level 10mark of the prey84%
Level 11parry100%
Level 11inspect goods1%
Level 11side kick98%
Level 12shield block100%
Level 13disarm100%
Level 13caltraps93%
Level 14pick lock84%
Level 14lore100%
Level 14pierce1%
Level 15meditation100%
Level 15unarmed defense100%
Level 16third attack100%
Level 16vanish100%
Level 16scissor kick96%
Level 17haggle93%
Level 17throw100%
Level 18blindness dust100%
Level 18dual wield100%
Level 20attune82%
Level 20poison smoke89%
Level 20nerve100%
Level 20strangle75%
Level 20light into shadow100%
Level 20locate mark85%
Level 21enhanced damage100%
Level 21mule kick97%
Level 22kotegaeshi100%
Level 24ground control100%
Level 25pugil1%
Level 25poison dagger75%
Level 26crescent kick94%
Level 27tiger claw100%
Level 28kansetsuwaza100%
50716, Niji's Title History
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Title History

Sat Feb 8 17:55:02 2014, level 35 (70 hrs):
Niji the Uki Goshi, Imperial Shadow Lord

Fri Mar 28 19:00:07 2014, level 37 (193 hrs):
Niji the Honey-Tongued Purveyor of Words, Imperial Shadow Lord

Wed May 21 20:20:14 2014, level 45 (362 hrs):
Niji the Honey-Tongued Purveyor of Words, Emperor of Thera

50715, Niji's Arena Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Arena Statistics

Wins  11
Losses  3
50714, Niji's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

May 4, 2014 |Lv 44|Forest of Prosimy|Kanan vs 4: <44> Niji (12%, KB), <45> Sivane (87%), <40> Sshrenran (0%), <39> Fajl (0%)
May 4, 2014 |Lv 44|Amaranthian Forest|Kanan vs 1: <44> Niji (100%, cut)
May 4, 2014 |Lv 44|Emerald Forest|Maeath vs 1: <44> Niji (100%, bleeding)
May 4, 2014 |Lv 44|Balator|Pliclic vs 1: <44> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
May 6, 2014 |Lv 44|The Outlander Refuge|Vonduril vs 1: <44> Niji (100%, double spin kick)
May 6, 2014 |Lv 44|The Eastern Road|Pliclic vs 2: <44> Niji (52%, slash), <51> Maligor (47%)
May 6, 2014 |Lv 44|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Mordrin vs 1: <44> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
May 6, 2014 |Lv 44|BattleRager Village|Moarf vs 1: <44> Niji (100%, double spin kick)
May 6, 2014 |Lv 44|BattleRager Village|Erighan vs 2: <51> Alanrias (3%), <44> Niji (96%, pierce)
May 7, 2014 |Lv 44|The Imperial Lands|Donatien vs 1: <44> Niji (100%, bleeding)
May 7, 2014 |Lv 44|BattleRager Village|Mordrin vs 2: <44> Niji (0%, ), <51> Jarlduz (100%) *Assassinated*
May 7, 2014 |Lv 44|BattleRager Village|Mordrin vs 2: <44> Niji (71%, double spin kick), <51> Jarlduz (28%)
May 7, 2014 |Lv 44|Blackclaw Village|Trupen vs 1: <44> Niji (100%, cut)
May 8, 2014 |Lv 44|Grinning Skull Village|Donatien vs 2: <51> Rylium (6%), <44> Niji (93%, smash)
May 9, 2014 |Lv 44|Forest of Prosimy|Sivane vs 1: <44> Niji (100%, smash)
May 11, 2014|Lv 44|A Virgin Forest|Merrewyn vs 1: <44> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
May 11, 2014|Lv 44|Fortress of Light|Merrewyn vs 1: <44> Niji (100%, double spin kick)
May 11, 2014|Lv 44|Fortress of Light|Merrewyn vs 1: <44> Niji (100%, cut)
May 13, 2014|Lv 45|Silverwood|Donatien vs 1: <45> Niji (100%, bleeding)
May 18, 2014|Lv 45|The Nexus Island|Gaurped vs 1: <45> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
May 18, 2014|Lv 45|Feanwyyn Weald|Ghadik vs 1: <45> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
May 18, 2014|Lv 45|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Moarf vs 1: <45> Niji (100%, double spin kick)
May 18, 2014|Lv 45|The Dragon Sea|Kanan vs 1: <45> Niji (100%, KB)
May 19, 2014|Lv 45|The Outlander Refuge|Jeddo vs 2: <51> Jarlduz (33%), <45> Niji (66%, punch)
May 20, 2014|Lv 45|Valley of Veran|Jeddo vs 1: <45> Niji (100%, double spin kick)
May 20, 2014|Lv 45|Balator|Cionadh vs 1: <45> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
May 21, 2014|Lv 45|Graveyard|Tahltden vs 1: <45> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
May 22, 2014|Lv 45|Fortress of Light|Sabel vs 1: <45> Niji (100%, punch)
May 23, 2014|Lv 45|The Battlefield|Jarsk vs 1: <45> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
May 23, 2014|Lv 45|The Redhorn Mountains|Annilyra vs 1: <45> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
May 23, 2014|Lv 45|The Redhorn Mountains|Cetali vs 1: <45> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
May 26, 2014|Lv 45|The Eastern Road|Ulysthymyr vs 2: <45> Niji (47%), <40> Hrast (52%, claw)
May 26, 2014|Lv 45|The Battlefield|Thurmonbrue vs 1: <45> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
May 26, 2014|Lv 45|The Inn of the Eternal Star|Sabel vs 1: <45> Niji (100%, infernal power)
May 26, 2014|Lv 45|Organia, the Veil of Shadow|Ulysthymyr vs 1: <45> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
50713, Niji's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Apr 18, 2014|Lv 40|The Imperial Lands|Emnisi vs 1: <40> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Apr 18, 2014|Lv 40|The Imperial Lands|Emnisi vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, KB)
Apr 18, 2014|Lv 40|The Imperial Lands|Druzu vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, defilement)
Apr 18, 2014|Lv 40|Balator|Druzu vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, punch)
Apr 20, 2014|Lv 40|Arkham|Donatien vs 2: <51> Quarissa (47%, icy needle), <40> Niji (52%)
Apr 22, 2014|Lv 40|Arkham|Alveria vs 2: <51> Quarissa (92%, fireball), <40> Niji (7%)
Apr 23, 2014|Lv 40|The Imperial Lands|Bol vs 1: <40> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Apr 23, 2014|Lv 40|Balator|Nebhine vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, KB)
Apr 23, 2014|Lv 40|The Eastern Road|Bol vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, defilement)
Apr 23, 2014|Lv 40|The Stone's Embrace|Bol vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, frigid chop)
Apr 24, 2014|Lv 40|Fortress of Light|Alathrias vs 2: <33> Thronko (13%), <40> Niji (86%, mountain storm kick)
Apr 24, 2014|Lv 40|The Eastern Road|Ferynmir vs 2: <33> Thronko (11%), <40> Niji (88%, KB)
Apr 25, 2014|Lv 40|Silverwood|Donatien vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, mountain storm kick)
Apr 25, 2014|Lv 40|Feanwyyn Weald|Phelup vs 1: <40> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Apr 26, 2014|Lv 40|Fortress of Light|Nebhine vs 2: <35> Llaryin (8%), <40> Niji (91%, mountain storm kick)
Apr 28, 2014|Lv 40|Mausoleum|Jero vs 1: <40> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Apr 29, 2014|Lv 40|Loch Terradian|Sivane vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, punch)
Apr 29, 2014|Lv 40|Fortress of Light|Issgar vs 1: <40> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Apr 30, 2014|Lv 40|Grinning Skull Village|Barqul vs 1: <40> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Apr 30, 2014|Lv 40|Feanwyyn Weald|Jero vs 2: <40> Niji (0%, ), <42> Fenwick (100%) *Assassinated*
Apr 30, 2014|Lv 40|Emerald Forest|Donatien vs 1: <40> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Apr 30, 2014|Lv 40|Grinning Skull Village|Ncugul vs 1: <40> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Apr 30, 2014|Lv 40|Forest of Prosimy|Donatien vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, defilement)
May 1, 2014 |Lv 40|The Eastern Road|Jero vs 3: <40> Niji (9%, assassination attempt), <42> Fenwick (25%), <42> Akorxena (65%)
May 1, 2014 |Lv 40|The Tower of Sorcery|Guargoux vs 1: <40> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
May 2, 2014 |Lv 40|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Heatherynx vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, mountain storm kick)
May 2, 2014 |Lv 40|East Sumner's Road|Bol vs 1: <40> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
May 3, 2014 |Lv 40|The Inn of the Eternal Star|Hulderbrin vs 1: <40> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
May 3, 2014 |Lv 40|The Imperial Lands|Yarazuthra vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, mountain storm kick)
May 3, 2014 |Lv 41|Forest of Prosimy|Llaryin vs 1: <41> Niji (100%, mountain storm kick)
May 3, 2014 |Lv 41|The Aryth Ocean|Goosh vs 1: <41> Niji (100%, smash)
May 3, 2014 |Lv 41|Grinning Skull Village|Grezg vs 1: <41> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
May 3, 2014 |Lv 43|The Imperial Lands|Orenval vs 1: <43> Niji (100%, drowning)
May 4, 2014 |Lv 44|Galadon|Quarissa vs 3: <51> Guargoux (28%), <45> Akorxena (0%), <44> Niji (71%, chop)
May 4, 2014 |Lv 44|The Eastern Road|Maeath vs 1: <44> Niji (100%, double spin kick)
50712, Niji's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Apr 5, 2014 |Lv 40|Feanwyyn Weald|Ayinithalasa vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, mountain storm kick)
Apr 5, 2014 |Lv 40|Feanwyyn Weald|Xaggrosh vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, mountain storm kick)
Apr 6, 2014 |Lv 40|The North Road|Craemncrwmn vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, KB)
Apr 6, 2014 |Lv 40|The Halfling Lands|Alanrias vs 2: <40> Niji (0%, ), <48> Vasatbegir (0%) *Assassinated*
Apr 6, 2014 |Lv 40|The Eastern Road|Ayinithalasa vs 1: <40> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Apr 6, 2014 |Lv 40|Forest of Prosimy|Velkano vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, drowning)
Apr 6, 2014 |Lv 40|Eil Shaeria|Gurt vs 1: <40> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Apr 7, 2014 |Lv 40|The Imperial Palace|Craemncrwmn vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, mountain storm kick)
Apr 7, 2014 |Lv 40|Arkham|Emnisi vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, defilement)
Apr 8, 2014 |Lv 40|The Village of Azuremain|Craemncrwmn vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, drowning)
Apr 8, 2014 |Lv 40|Balator|Orenval vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, drowning)
Apr 8, 2014 |Lv 40|Balator|Craemncrwmn vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, punch)
Apr 9, 2014 |Lv 40|South Sutherspring Road|Craemncrwmn vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, KB)
Apr 10, 2014|Lv 40|The Manor|Jaedok vs 1: <40> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Apr 13, 2014|Lv 40|Keep of the Righteous|Issgar vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, frigid chop)
Apr 13, 2014|Lv 40|Mausoleum|Nebhine vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, KB)
Apr 13, 2014|Lv 40|Balator|Diaj vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, mountain storm kick)
Apr 13, 2014|Lv 40|The Eastern Road|Orenval vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, punch)
Apr 13, 2014|Lv 40|The Imperial Palace|Orenval vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, slash)
Apr 13, 2014|Lv 40|The Imperial Palace|Lilet vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, slice)
Apr 13, 2014|Lv 40|The Imperial Palace|Asteron vs 2: <40> Niji (41%), <30> Melkren (58%, slice)
Apr 14, 2014|Lv 40|East Sumner's Road|Mellinoe vs 1: <40> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Apr 14, 2014|Lv 40|East Sumner's Road|Druzu vs 1: <40> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Apr 14, 2014|Lv 40|Abandoned Siege Encampment|Asteron vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, bleeding)
Apr 15, 2014|Lv 40|Felar Encampment|Igrea vs 1: <40> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Apr 15, 2014|Lv 40|The Frigid Wasteland|Wryph vs 1: <40> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Apr 15, 2014|Lv 40|Balator|Druzu vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, punch)
Apr 15, 2014|Lv 40|Fortress of Light|Issgar vs 1: <40> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Apr 16, 2014|Lv 40|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Thorgan vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, drowning)
Apr 16, 2014|Lv 40|The Imperial Lands|Aeardir vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, poison darts)
Apr 16, 2014|Lv 40|The Imperial Lands|Issgar vs 1: <40> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Apr 16, 2014|Lv 40|The Imperial Lands|Aeardir vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, pierce)
Apr 17, 2014|Lv 40|The Imperial Palace|Fangkor vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, drowning)
Apr 17, 2014|Lv 40|Balator|Nebhine vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, frigid chop)
Apr 17, 2014|Lv 40|The Redhorn Mountains|Aeardir vs 1: <40> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Apr 18, 2014|Lv 40|Graveyard|Hughli vs 1: <40> Niji (100%, punch)
Apr 18, 2014|Lv 40|The Imperial Palace|Emnisi vs 2: <40> Niji (67%, mountain storm kick), <51> Vree (32%)
50711, Niji's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Mar 4, 2014 |Lv 36|Darsylon|Sscra vs 2: <34> Ogrot (64%), <36> Niji (35%, drowning)
Mar 5, 2014 |Lv 36|The Aryth Ocean|Frijer vs 1: <36> Niji (100%, drowning)
Mar 9, 2014 |Lv 36|Forest Road|Dobi vs 1: <36> Niji (100%, slash)
Mar 9, 2014 |Lv 36|Outside Hamsah Mu'tazz|Dobi vs 1: <36> Niji (100%, wrath)
Mar 9, 2014 |Lv 36|Balator|Dobi vs 1: <36> Niji (100%, drowning)
Mar 10, 2014|Lv 36|The Eastern Road|Dobi vs 1: <36> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Mar 10, 2014|Lv 36|The Aryth Ocean|Dobi vs 2: <36> Niji (75%, burst of energy), <25> Jarlduz (24%)
Mar 10, 2014|Lv 36|The Celestial Lyceum|Enelin vs 1: <36> Niji (100%, pierce)
Mar 11, 2014|Lv 36|The Frigid Wasteland|Frijer vs 1: <36> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Mar 11, 2014|Lv 36|Darsylon|Chodin vs 1: <36> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Mar 16, 2014|Lv 36|Evermoon Hollow|Ferawyn vs 1: <36> Niji (100%, pierce)
Mar 16, 2014|Lv 36|The Past Grove|Ruakao vs 1: <36> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Mar 16, 2014|Lv 36|Graveyard|Ferawyn vs 1: <36> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Mar 17, 2014|Lv 36|The Inn of the Eternal Star|Mak vs 1: <36> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Mar 20, 2014|Lv 36|The Eastern Road|Obsoa vs 1: <36> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Mar 20, 2014|Lv 36|Organia, the Veil of Shadow|Dert vs 1: <36> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Mar 21, 2014|Lv 36|Ruined Keep|Vearek vs 1: <36> Niji (100%, drowning)
Mar 23, 2014|Lv 36|Feanwyyn Weald|Bellannan vs 1: <36> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Mar 25, 2014|Lv 36|The Celestial Lyceum|Aellith vs 1: <36> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Mar 25, 2014|Lv 36|The Grove|Ooglarr vs 2: <36> Niji (50%), <33> Horkampz (49%, rending gale)
Mar 26, 2014|Lv 37|The North Road|Garmudgeon vs 2: <37> Niji (0%, ), <31> Ooglarr (100%) *Assassinated*
Mar 27, 2014|Lv 37|The Plains of Arendyl|Conturfte vs 1: <37> Niji (100%, punch)
Mar 28, 2014|Lv 37|The Eastern Road|Orenshil vs 1: <37> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Mar 29, 2014|Lv 37|Akan|Wrlmga vs 1: <37> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Mar 31, 2014|Lv 37|The Drogran Hills|Igrea vs 1: <37> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Mar 31, 2014|Lv 37|Lord Tabershaw's Keep|Briorligh vs 1: <37> Niji (100%, defilement)
Apr 1, 2014 |Lv 37|The Eastern Road|Gurt vs 1: <37> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Apr 1, 2014 |Lv 37|Balator|Gabadeli vs 2: <37> Niji (0%), <31> Uztal (100%, whip)
Apr 1, 2014 |Lv 37|Balator|Ayinithalasa vs 2: <37> Niji (41%), <31> Uztal (58%, lightning bolt)
Apr 3, 2014 |Lv 37|Forest of Prosimy|Emnisi vs 2: <37> Niji (77%, mountain storm kick), <42> Horkampz (22%)
Apr 3, 2014 |Lv 37|The Imperial Lands|Ereke vs 1: <37> Niji (100%, mountain storm kick)
Apr 3, 2014 |Lv 37|Balator|Emnisi vs 2: <37> Niji (41%), <42> Horkampz (58%, flurry)
Apr 3, 2014 |Lv 37|Forest Road|Gurt vs 1: <37> Niji (100%, pierce)
Apr 5, 2014 |Lv 38|The Eastern Road|Craemncrwmn vs 1: <38> Niji (100%, drowning)
Apr 5, 2014 |Lv 38|The North Road|Nyqpyr vs 1: <38> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Apr 5, 2014 |Lv 39|East Sumner's Road|Moncha vs 1: <39> Niji (100%, mountain storm kick)
50710, Niji's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Jan 29, 2014|Lv 35|The Redhorn Mountains|Ulfiy vs 2: <35> Niji (43%), <31> Valdoyn (56%, parting blow)
Jan 30, 2014|Lv 35|Arkham|Hwill vs 2: <35> Niji (28%), <44> Quarissa (71%, poisonous bite)
Jan 31, 2014|Lv 35|The Galadon Sewers|Corvain vs 1: <35> Niji (100%, searing cut)
Jan 31, 2014|Lv 35|Voralian City|Rolfswinar vs 2: <41> Serra (89%, electrical discharge), <35> Niji (10%)
Feb 1, 2014 |Lv 35|Mausoleum|Skaggi vs 1: <35> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Feb 1, 2014 |Lv 35|Ayr'Trinil, the Arial City|Rilvane vs 1: <35> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Feb 1, 2014 |Lv 35|The Grove|Findovial vs 1: <35> Niji (100%, pierce)
Feb 1, 2014 |Lv 35|The North Road|Graile vs 1: <35> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Feb 1, 2014 |Lv 35|The Plains of Arendyl|Sindy vs 1: <35> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Feb 2, 2014 |Lv 35|Feanwyyn Weald|Eralsodiz vs 1: <35> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Feb 2, 2014 |Lv 35|Amaranthian Forest|Rilvane vs 3: <39> Thombury (0%), <44> Quarissa (100%, geyser), <35> Niji (0%)
Feb 2, 2014 |Lv 35|Eil Shaeria|Graile vs 3: <37> Gerbuhk (0%), <35> Niji (27%, kansetsuwaza), <39> Kalam (71%)
Feb 5, 2014 |Lv 35|Voralia's Tears|Jalseram vs 1: <35> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Feb 8, 2014 |Lv 35|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Jotum vs 2: <35> Niji (15%), <37> Rolfswinar (84%, infernal power)
Feb 9, 2014 |Lv 35|Feanwyyn Weald|Ammon vs 1: <35> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Feb 10, 2014|Lv 35|Graveyard|Rhorin vs 1: <35> Niji (100%, throw)
Feb 10, 2014|Lv 35|Feanwyyn Weald|Zere vs 1: <35> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Feb 11, 2014|Lv 35|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Rhorin vs 1: <35> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Feb 11, 2014|Lv 35|Feanwyyn Weald|Ammon vs 1: <35> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Feb 12, 2014|Lv 35|The Eastern Road|Phyrle vs 1: <35> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Feb 13, 2014|Lv 35|The Drogran Hills|Mhirala vs 2: <33> Kobaroone (22%), <35> Niji (77%, pierce)
Feb 14, 2014|Lv 35|The Plains of Arendyl|Sephen vs 1: <35> Niji (100%, drowning)
Feb 15, 2014|Lv 35|Darsylon|Majhi vs 1: <35> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Feb 22, 2014|Lv 36|Bramblefield Road|Erhlob vs 2: <36> Niji (0%), <36> Jycenna (100%, throw)
Feb 22, 2014|Lv 36|The Shrine of Cyradia|Pliclic vs 1: <36> Niji (100%, burst of energy)
Feb 22, 2014|Lv 36|Khardrath's Planar Sanctum|Ammon vs 1: <36> Niji (100%, drowning)
Feb 23, 2014|Lv 36|The Rocky Paths|Kaethlas vs 1: <36> Niji (100%, shocking grasp)
Feb 23, 2014|Lv 36|The Tower of Sorcery|Pliclic vs 1: <36> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Mar 1, 2014 |Lv 36|The Aryth Ocean|Ogrot vs 1: <36> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Mar 1, 2014 |Lv 36|Copeham Inn|Draquade vs 1: <36> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Mar 2, 2014 |Lv 36|The Rocky Paths|Ogrot vs 2: <36> Erhlob (57%), <36> Niji (42%, ground control)
Mar 2, 2014 |Lv 36|Udgaard|Gacer vs 1: <36> Niji (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Mar 2, 2014 |Lv 36|The Seaport of Hamsah Mu'tazz|Draquade vs 2: <36> Erhlob (87%, claw), <36> Niji (12%)
Mar 3, 2014 |Lv 36|Graveyard|Sscra vs 1: <36> Niji (100%, searing cut)
Mar 3, 2014 |Lv 36|The Plains of Arendyl|Enelin vs 1: <36> Niji (100%, pierce)
50703, Niji's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding167800
Experience from Skill improvements25126
Experience from Exploration23775
Experience from Quests32350
Experience from Commerce6255
Experience from Immortals4100
Experience from Observation26245

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Thu Jan 23 06:03:59 2014
Quests Completed  25
Exploration Points Found  89
(WANTED) Criminal  0 times
Thickening the Veil0 items for 0
Thinning the Veil0 items for 0
Hours spent at Hero  125 hours
% of lifetime in the wilderness  17 %
% of lifetime in the cities  26 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  2 %
% of lifetime caballed  95 %
50709, Niji's PK Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Deaths

Jan 29, 2014|Lv 35|The Imperial Palace|vs 1: <33> Ulfiy (100%, parting blow)
Feb 2, 2014 |Lv 35|Fortress of Light|vs 1: <33> Jycenna (100%, slice)
Feb 8, 2014 |Lv 35|Crystal Island|vs 2: <35> Ormee (43%), <35> Jotum (56%, whip)
Feb 25, 2014|Lv 36|The Green Lair|vs 1: <36> Kuul (100%, pound)
Mar 3, 2014 |Lv 36|The Tower of Sorcery|vs 2: <35> Sklynjung (95%, blast), <36> Pliclic (4%)
Apr 12, 2014|Lv 40|The Redhorn Mountains|vs 1: <40> Jycenna (100%, ground control)
Apr 20, 2014|Lv 40|South Dairein Settlement|vs 1: <44> Jycenna (100%, ground control)
Apr 30, 2014|Lv 40|Graveyard|vs 1: <51> Pliclic (100%, virulent venom)
May 2, 2014 |Lv 40|The Outlander Refuge|vs 1: <51> Hughli (100%, flurry)
May 3, 2014 |Lv 44|Mount Calandaryl|vs 1: <47> Eudessa (100%, poison)
May 5, 2014 |Lv 44|The Imperial Lands|vs 1: <47> Donatien (100%, claw)
May 6, 2014 |Lv 44|The Imperial Palace|vs 0:
May 14, 2014|Lv 45|The Imperial Palace|vs 2: <48> Donatien (88%, bite), <47> Llaryin (11%)
May 15, 2014|Lv 45|Bramblefield Road|vs 1: <42> Resdrenn (100%, slice)
May 19, 2014|Lv 45|Forest of Prosimy|vs 2: <48> Donatien (55%, claw), <49> Helosis (44%)
May 19, 2014|Lv 45|The Eastern Road|vs 2: <51> Cetali (10%), <41> Cionadh (89%, strike of purity)
May 27, 2014|Lv 45|Forest of Prosimy|vs 1: <46> Bronagha (100%, claw)
May 31, 2014|Lv 46|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|vs 1: <49> Hrast (100%, cut)
May 31, 2014|Lv 46|The Jungle Ruin|vs 1: <51> Mordrin (100%, claw)
May 31, 2014|Lv 46|The Aryth Ocean|vs 1: <51> Mordrin (100%, piercing dissonance)
Jun 9, 2014 |Lv 49|The Nexus Island|vs 1: <51> Kwoalewei (100%, smash)
Jun 10, 2014|Lv 49|The Eastern Road|vs 1: <51> Hrast (100%, chaotic blast)
Jun 12, 2014|Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|vs 2: <51> Corwyn (33%, disruption), <51> Secan (66%)
Jun 13, 2014|Lv 51|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|vs 1: <51> Hughli (100%, corrosive slice)
Jun 17, 2014|Lv 51|Balator|vs 2: <51> Corwyn (60%, disruption), <51> Cionadh (39%)
Jun 25, 2014|Lv 51|Balator|vs 2: <51> Erighan (96%, flurry), <43> Wendo (3%)
Jul 3, 2014 |Lv 51|Temple of the Scarab|vs 1: <51> Quarissa (100%, beating)
Jul 4, 2014 |Lv 51|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|vs 2: <51> Erighan (83%, slash), <43> Gergan (16%)
Jul 5, 2014 |Lv 51|Fortress of Light|vs 1: <51> Corwyn (100%, searing light)
50708, Niji's Leveling
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Leveling History

Jan 23, 2014 |Lv 2 |Hr 0 |
Jan 23, 2014 |Lv 3 |Hr 0 |
Jan 23, 2014 |Lv 4 |Hr 0 |
Jan 23, 2014 |Lv 5 |Hr 0 |
Jan 23, 2014 |Lv 6 |Hr 0 |
Jan 23, 2014 |Lv 7 |Hr 1 |
Jan 23, 2014 |Lv 8 |Hr 1 |
Jan 23, 2014 |Lv 9 |Hr 1 |
Jan 23, 2014 |Lv 10|Hr 1 |
Jan 23, 2014 |Lv 11|Hr 1 |
Jan 23, 2014 |Lv 12|Hr 3 |
Jan 23, 2014 |Lv 13|Hr 3 |
Jan 23, 2014 |Lv 14|Hr 4 |
Jan 23, 2014 |Lv 15|Hr 5 |
Jan 24, 2014 |Lv 16|Hr 6 |
Jan 24, 2014 |Lv 17|Hr 6 |
Jan 25, 2014 |Lv 18|Hr 7 |
Jan 25, 2014 |Lv 19|Hr 8 |20 Scifres,
Jan 25, 2014 |Lv 20|Hr 9 |
Jan 26, 2014 |Lv 21|Hr 10 |
Jan 26, 2014 |Lv 22|Hr 11 |
Jan 26, 2014 |Lv 23|Hr 12 |
Jan 26, 2014 |Lv 24|Hr 13 |15 Afabai, 19 Ponglunk,
Jan 26, 2014 |Lv 25|Hr 14 |
Jan 27, 2014 |Lv 26|Hr 17 |23 Ponglunk,
Jan 28, 2014 |Lv 27|Hr 18 |33 Thaezadori, 30 Ysyl,
Jan 28, 2014 |Lv 28|Hr 18 |34 Thaezadori, 31 Ysyl,
Jan 28, 2014 |Lv 29|Hr 19 |29 Guargoux, 35 Phyrle,
Jan 28, 2014 |Lv 30|Hr 19 |29 Guargoux, 35 Phyrle,
Jan 28, 2014 |Lv 31|Hr 19 |30 Guargoux, 35 Phyrle,
Jan 28, 2014 |Lv 32|Hr 20 |31 Guargoux, 36 Phyrle,
Jan 28, 2014 |Lv 33|Hr 20 |32 Guargoux, 36 Phyrle,
Jan 28, 2014 |Lv 34|Hr 21 |33 Guargoux, 37 Phyrle,
Jan 28, 2014 |Lv 35|Hr 21 |33 Guargoux, 37 Phyrle,
Feb 21, 2014 |Lv 36|Hr 108|
Mar 26, 2014 |Lv 37|Hr 189|
Apr 4, 2014 |Lv 38|Hr 214|42 Havazan, 34 Fenwick,
Apr 5, 2014 |Lv 39|Hr 220|45 Horkampz,
Apr 5, 2014 |Lv 40|Hr 221|
May 3, 2014 |Lv 41|Hr 314|
May 3, 2014 |Lv 42|Hr 316|51 Jarlduz, 43 Akorxena,
May 3, 2014 |Lv 43|Hr 316|51 Jarlduz, 44 Akorxena,
May 3, 2014 |Lv 44|Hr 316|51 Jarlduz, 45 Akorxena,
May 13, 2014 |Lv 45|Hr 344|
May 28, 2014 |Lv 46|Hr 390|
Jun 8, 2014 |Lv 47|Hr 404|39 Luellem, 40 Drem,
Jun 8, 2014 |Lv 48|Hr 408|45 Atazerus, 43 Brinderbaum,
Jun 8, 2014 |Lv 49|Hr 410|51 Jarlduz,
Jun 10, 2014 |Lv 50|Hr 416|43 Drem, 44 Hernak,
Jun 10, 2014 |Lv 51|Hr 416|45 Drem, 45 Hernak,
50707, Niji's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Sat Jan 25 15:23:48 2014 at level 20 (8 hrs):
Niji advanced to level 20 <PK: 0-0>

Tue Jan 28 12:31:01 2014 at level 30 (18 hrs):
Niji advanced to level 30 <PK: 0-0>

Tue Jan 28 14:50:39 2014 at level 35 (18 hrs):
Took the bloodoath from imperial recruiter human. <PK: 0-0>

Sat Feb 8 17:55:02 2014 at level 35 (70 hrs):
Niji has been granted by Empire promotion <PK: 9-2>

Sat Apr 5 14:03:38 2014 at level 40 (218 hrs):
Niji advanced to level 40 <PK: 61-5>

Tue Jun 10 17:14:06 2014 at level 51 (415 hrs):
Niji advanced to level 51 <PK: 188-22>

Sun Jun 22 14:31:13 2014 at level 51 (451 hrs):
Valguarnera set Niji's max wisdom to 22 from 20. <PK: 204-25>

Sun Jun 22 14:31:20 2014 at level 51 (451 hrs):
Valguarnera set Niji's max charisma to 23 from 20. <PK: 204-25>

Sun Jun 22 14:31:28 2014 at level 51 (451 hrs):
Valguarnera set Niji's wisdom to 22 from 20. <PK: 204-25>

Sun Jun 22 14:31:36 2014 at level 51 (451 hrs):
Valguarnera set Niji's charisma to 21 from 18. <PK: 204-25>

Sun Jun 22 14:40:34 2014 at level 51 (451 hrs):
Valguarnera has set edge force of personality for Niji. <PK: 204-25>

50706, Niji's Mob Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Mob Deaths

Jan 27, 2014|Lv 25|Castle of Akan|the castle guard by slice
Jan 30, 2014|Lv 35|Ruins of the Deep|a sahuagin scout by claw
Jan 30, 2014|Lv 35|Kuo-Toa Lair|a kuo-toa warrior by slice
Jan 30, 2014|Lv 35|Kuo-Toa Lair|a kuo-toa warrior by pierce
Feb 1, 2014 |Lv 35|The Oryx Steppes|a red ifrit by nova
Feb 8, 2014 |Lv 35|Crystal Island|a kuo-toan slave by whip
Feb 12, 2014|Lv 35|Balator|the spirit-knight by wrath
Feb 23, 2014|Lv 36|The Keep of Barovia|a zombie by chop
Feb 25, 2014|Lv 36|The Green Lair|a bitter treant by pound
Apr 9, 2014 |Lv 40|The White Lair|a freezing mist elemental by blast of frost
Apr 20, 2014|Lv 40|The Red Lair|a young red dragon by blast of flame
May 5, 2014 |Lv 44|Lower Cragstone|the Councillor Deltha'zz by pierce
May 20, 2014|Lv 45|The Green Lair|a bitter treant by pound
May 31, 2014|Lv 46|The Jungle Ruin|a prowling jaguar by claw
Jun 20, 2014|Lv 51|The Blue Lair|a chaos runner war priest by shocking smash
Jul 3, 2014 |Lv 51|Temple of the Scarab|a Scarab revenant by beating
Jul 3, 2014 |Lv 51|Temple of the Scarab|a Scarab revenant by withering
Jul 5, 2014 |Lv 51|Fortress of Light|the Watcher by searing light
Jul 10, 2014|Lv 51|Coral Palace|the royal triton wizard by disruption
50705, Niji's Edges
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM



Racial Edges

Class Edges

Kotegaeshi Adept
Ground Fighter
Smoke and Mirrors
Exploit Vulnerability
Stalker's Eye
Master of Nin Dogu
Deflect Missiles
Startling Strike
Killing Sword
Spy Network
Pinpoint Accuracy
Silent Strike
Regenerative Focus
Kuma Buki
Master of Uraken
Master of Owaza
Exploit Vitals


Force of Personality
Battle Tested
Silent Sidestepper
Seasoned Traveler
Thick Veined
Resurgent Vitality
Upstanding Citizen
50704, Niji's Cabal Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Specifics

Cabal Statistics

# of logins with their cabal item  323
# of logins without their cabal item  116
# of logouts with their cabal item  377
# of logouts without their cabal item  42
# of times they lost their cabal item  74
# of times they retrieved their cabal item  120
# of times they took another cabal item  161

Imperial Donations: 1617219

Niji's Imperial History

Wed May 21 20:20:14 2014 - Lvl:45 Promoted by Daevryn to Echelon 6
Sat Feb 8 17:55:02 2014 - Lvl:35 Promoted by Destuvius to Echelon 5
Sat Feb 8 17:55:01 2014 - Lvl:35 Promoted by Destuvius to Echelon 4
Fri Jan 31 10:07:23 2014 - Lvl:35 Promoted by Dralthen to Echelon 3
Wed Jan 29 08:41:30 2014 - Lvl:35 Promoted by Dralthen to Echelon 2
Tue Jan 28 14:50:39 2014 - Lvl:35 Promoted by imperial recruiter human to Echelon 1

Niji's History of Promoting and Demoting Others

Total Promotions 77
Total Demotions 7
Total Anathema 2

Sun Jul 13 19:31:08 2014 - Lvl:51 Echelon:6 Promoted Jaegur to Echelon 1
Sun Jul 13 18:10:08 2014 - Lvl:51 Echelon:6 Demoted Tralgdar to Echelon 4
Wed Jul 9 05:34:19 2014 - Lvl:51 Echelon:6 Promoted Vaerophet to Echelon 1
Tue Jul 8 05:34:18 2014 - Lvl:51 Echelon:6 Promoted Lhuistivion to Echelon 1
Tue Jul 8 05:07:07 2014 - Lvl:51 Echelon:6 Promoted Seeka to Echelon 2
Mon Jul 7 16:14:00 2014 - Lvl:51 Echelon:6 Promoted Jarlduz to Echelon 5
Sun Jul 6 17:21:10 2014 - Lvl:51 Echelon:6 Demoted Jarlduz to Echelon 4
Sun Jul 6 17:20:26 2014 - Lvl:51 Echelon:6 Demoted Jithis to Echelon 3
Sun Jul 6 12:31:30 2014 - Lvl:51 Echelon:6 Promoted Seeka to Echelon 1
Sat Jul 5 12:32:53 2014 - Lvl:51 Echelon:6 Promoted Xunaghar to Echelon 3
Fri Jul 4 09:31:04 2014 - Lvl:51 Echelon:6 Promoted Odara to Echelon 4
Thu Jul 3 17:01:55 2014 - Lvl:51 Echelon:6 Promoted Ghauntran to Echelon 2
Thu Jul 3 05:24:49 2014 - Lvl:51 Echelon:6 Promoted Petotzce to Echelon 1
Wed Jul 2 17:39:39 2014 - Lvl:51 Echelon:6 Promoted Grumholt to Echelon 2
Tue Jul 1 19:02:51 2014 - Lvl:51 Echelon:6 Demoted Neena to Echelon 2
Tue Jul 1 17:53:38 2014 - Lvl:51 Echelon:6 Promoted Jhyndo to Echelon 1
Tue Jul 1 17:26:05 2014 - Lvl:51 Echelon:6 Demoted Venomar to Echelon 1
Mon Jun 30 20:00:42 2014 - Lvl:51 Echelon:6 Promoted Ulamette to Echelon 4
Mon Jun 30 16:15:21 2014 - Lvl:51 Echelon:6 Promoted Gangrus to Echelon 2