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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subject[None] Krunk the Chieftain of the Grinning Skulls, Sapper-Trained Ruination of Civilization
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=42355
42355, [None] Krunk the Chieftain of the Grinning Skulls, Sapper-Trained Ruination of Civilization
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Krunk the Chieftain of the Grinning Skulls, Sapper-Trained Ruination of Civilization


Crazed eyes dance around in this orc's skull as he twitches and flinches with
pent up rage, but there is a sense of cunning beneath the crazed exterior.
Even as spittle and slobber drools from his gaping maw filled with razor
sharp teeth, he seems to use his frantic motions to track his surroundings.
Battle scarred, with ripling muscle and mottled skin, this orc has obviously
seen his share of fighting and survived. Trained by the rigors of the orc
village, hardened by a life of scrapping and stealing and skulking to
survive, his very presence exudes the will to survive. Entrails, blood and
sinew and sewn into his armor and splattered across any surface large enough
to hold this curde art. Some is fresh, and some is drying and flaking away,
but it speaks of victories hard earned and corpses freshly defiled.


Practices8Trains0HometownGrinning Skull Village
Exp449505To Level41695SphereDestruction
Age middle-aged, 61 years old (409 hours)
Hit Points1124Mana440Movement1180
Carry #0/35Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
42394, Krunk's Role Chapter 20
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 20

Added Sun Apr 1 10:40:17 2012 at level 50:

Krunk is still an orc archetype for the most part. Mreklau's occupation of
the Clan Throne has begun to frustrate him, due to the other orc's lack of
presence (from Krunk's point of view). Krunk was never meant to be Chieftan,
but overtime this has changed as his reputation grew beyond his ability to
control. The point of Krunk being the power behind the throne is to have
someone to take the heat whilst reaping the benefits for himself, but without
a Chieftan around for Krunk to "support" this hasn't worked out as expected.
Better to simply be the Chieftan at this point, from Krunk's point of view,
than to continue in this sham.

I don't think there is any real confusion about who Krunk is, but just so it
is clear, the God hatred/distrust is an IC thing, and shouldn't be taken as
anything else.

42393, Krunk's Role Chapter 19
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 19

Year 16
Added Sun Apr 1 10:34:24 2012 at level 50:

"This is the final installment of 'Wild Thera', this year Krunk enters
academy as a true berserker, and our tale of a fledgling orc is finished, for
now his tale will be told by bards and storytellers as he becomes one of the
few adventuring orcs. Fistlnep Throngbottom signing off for the final time,
and that's the way it is."

42392, Krunk's Role Chapter 18
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 18

Year 15
Added Sun Apr 1 10:33:53 2012 at level 50:

"Greetings loyal followers of 'Wild Thera'. We are pleased to bring you
this, next-to-last tell-a-cast in our exciting ongoing series profiling the
life and times of the young orcen of Clan Grinning Skull. As always, this is
your host and roving reporter, Fistlnep Throngbottom, working my gnomish
fingers to the bone for your entertainment."

"Martial training has continued this year as the few orcs that have survived
the rearing process prepare to enter the Academy of Thera and join the ranks
of the adventurer. Krunk is by a wide margin the stand out in this group of
orcs. Stronger, faster, and as this reporter has observed over his lifetime,
possessing a cunning not normally seen amongst orc kind. I could detail his
many battles, skirmishes and mock fights with the other breedlings, but
frankly they are often horribly one sided."

"Instead I will devote this episode of 'Wild Thera' to a recap of those
things seen throughout our series. Born to a litter of six, Krunk wasn't
born the strongest, but from the start he was devious. Pushing others to the
fore when that meant punishment or death, and hiding when he wasn't strong
enough to fight. He lost the other members of his litter to weakness,
torture, enslavement, and death, but Krunk strove ever onward. A true
survivor, Krunk thrived where others failed, used others when it was to his
advantage, and gained status of his own when he was strong enough to hold it
alone. His fighting prowess is a terrible thing to behold, and his cunning
is a marvel. Krunk, member of Thera's wildest creature, and a fighter I,
Fistlnep Throngbottom, hope to never face in my travels."

42391, Krunk's Role Chapter 17
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 17

Year 14
Added Sun Apr 1 10:33:20 2012 at level 50:

"'Wild Thera' is back with yet another exciting year in our profile of Thera'
wildest creature, the orc. Fistlnep Throngbottom continues his brave and
daring work as an embedded reporter, observing these wild creatures night and
day for your enjoyment. Stay tuned for our full tell-a-cast after this brief
message from our sponsor.

"Tired of not getting satisfaction for wrongs committed against you? Place a
bounty today. Our office are conveniently located in the major cities of
Thera and for a small fee you can have your bloody revenge against any of
Thera's adventurers. We are now offering a mobile app...lication of our in
store services. By registering with our Bounty office's and paying a small
hourly fee deducted directly from your Bank of Thera account, you can be a
registered Bounty Hunter, capable of getting any in store information sent
direct to you through the convenience of the missive system, just send us a
note with the subject Update, and you will receive an up to the minute bounty
list conveniently through the missive system."

"Fistlnep Throngbottom here, thanking our sponsor for their generous
contributions to 'Wild Thera' and pleased to announce this exciting new
service. Now back to you regularly scheduled tell-a-cast"

"This year began martial training with the young orcs. I must say, I never
anticipated the rage which Krunk would bring to his battles. Truly it is a
terrifying thing for even a seasoned adventurer such as myself to behold.
All the more frightening, I think, because I, Fistlnep Throngbottom, know
just how cunning a mind lives under the mask of unbridled rage Krunk presents
in a fight."

42385, Krunk's Role Chapter 11
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 11

Year 8
Added Sun Jan 15 16:32:06 2012 at level 50:

"After our last chilling episode of 'Wild Thera' we welcome you back for
another equally interesting, if not as action packed tell-a-cast, courtesy of
your favorite reporter and most daring gnome transmuter, Fistlnep
Throngbottom. Viewer response is higher than ever and we hope to land more
sponsors and viewer pledges soon so that we can continue to bring you this
educational and engrossing program, brought to you by the Drunken Efreeti

"The ill-fated attack from last year seems to have been quickly forgotten by
Splorf. Even the pain of death and reconstitution at the dark altar seems to
have faded from the mind of our young Splorf, and his pride has grown
immensly in the past year. Or rather, I should say had. Rule number one in
the orc village. Don't piss off any orc bigger than you. Why Splorf decided
he could stand up to a soldier of the village, I will never know. Flepsh
stood with him at first, though that lasted only a brief painful moment, and
Krunk was smart or cowardly enough to make himself scarce very fast. The
rest is, as they say, history."

"My reporting does have limits, and after watching the first several brutal
tortures and deaths inflicted on Splorf, I had to excuse myself. It seems
the soldier he angered has a penchant for some rather sick torture and Splorf
has shown a lack of intelligence in admitting defeat. I fear now it is too
late for young Splorf as I have not seen him in many weeks and it seems
unlikely the dark altar has continued to revive him. Such ends the life of
Splorf, hung in a cave, entrails hanging at his feet, skin flayed, eyes
missing, skull violated, and still too stubborn to beg and grovel for mercy."

42377, Krunk's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Year 1
Added Sat Dec 10 12:17:01 2011 at level 43:

"Welcome back to 'Wild Thera' with your host, Fistlnep Throngbottom. I
apologize for the rawness of the previous tell-a-cast, but this is the
profile of the orc wild creature, and they can stretch the limits of what is
tolerable to the maximum. For those of you brave enough to continue, our
next installment is moments away!"

"Last time we saw the Chief with his harem. Since that time, most have
become pregnant with his whelps, and have moved to a breeding den where they
might birth and raise the little pigs. These sows are ready to pop, and I
was able to personally observe one giving brith just moments ago. The first
child, Glarg looked to be a strong whelp, and immediately growled upon
hitting the rags piled on the cavern floor for this sow's birthing use. I
can only assume brains was not the reason for her being chosen for the harem,
as it appears she names her children after the sound they make when they hit
the floor, but I digress."

"Second born was Splorf, but Glarg had somehow managed to two of his mother's
five well-formed udders into his greedy mouth, leaving him with the third.
Flepsh was born next, a hideous creature who immediately began gobling up his
own afterbirth. Truly abominable. Krunk as born the fourht of the litter,
and was able to secure the last well formed udder. Freump looks to be the
runt of the litter, and is left with the poorly formed sixth udder. A
seventh was birth, but was still-born. The mother dashed his brains upon the
cavern wall and threw the carcass into the corner for the direwolves and rats
to feed upone. Truly a caring nurturer this one."

42378, Krunk's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Year 2
Added Sat Dec 10 12:17:43 2011 at level 43:

"Welcome back! Again I must apologise for the disgusting portayal of our
last couple of cast's, but this 15 year note-a-mentary will be well worth it
in scientific information on the life cycle of the orc. Without further ado,
we continue our story a year later."

"The young whelps have become mobile and vicious, like ill-tempered alley
cats they scratch and claw at each other in constant squabbling. The story
of Glarg tit-greed has impressed the Chief, and he came to visit personally
to witness this exceptional whelp. Almost unheard of amongst the orcs
assembled. This sort of favoritism bodes well for the young orc, as he is
given special treatment and increased rations of some stringy meat I do not
want to begin to guess the origin of. His youngest brother, Fruemp, has not
fared so well. After being revived by the dark altar a few times after
starving to death at the malforned teet, his strength has given out, and his
death become permanent."

"Two of the middle whelps have seemed to form a sort of bond, laying back to
back at the teet and fighting in both directions, but not each other, to get
greater access to their mother's milky fluids. Quite clever for these
supposedly simple-minded beasts."

42379, Krunk's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

Year 3
Added Sat Dec 10 12:18:43 2011 at level 43:

"'Wild Thera' with Fistlnep Throngbottom is proud to bring you year 3 with
the orcs in this tell-a-cast. Plots twist in this episode, so be sure to
tune in!"

"Things change in a heartbeat in this orc encampment, and I know I was
suprised to find out about the previous Chief's swift demise at the hands of
the current Chief and his allies. The Chief is dead! Long live the Chief!
and all that. The change in power filters down quickly even to the breeding
pens. While the young orcs were weaned this year, Glarg continued to enjoy
increased benefits due to his status as favored of the Chief. Oh how the
mighty have fallen. Glarg was dragged off, wailing for his mother (who
couldn't care less), and I could not find the child again. Likely he has
joined his Father in final death."

"The team of Splorf and Krunk have continued to flourish in the newly
toddling orc den, quickly establishing dominance through their use of
teamwork. Flepsh, their brother has joined their cause as third in command,
and they have begun a viscious cycle of dominance over the weaker members of
their breeding group. While I personally wouldn't touch the food they are
given if my life depeneded on it, it seems these young orcs cannot get
enough, constantly attacking other young whelps and taking theirs through
their combined (if almost comically ineffective) force."

42380, Krunk's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

Year 4
Added Fri Dec 30 09:19:18 2011 at level 45:

"Hail and welcome back to 'Wild Thera' with your supreme host, me, Fistlnep
Throngbottom. We are glad to be back after a grueling holiday to bring you
our next installment. Without further ado, direct to your brain via
tell-a-cast, 'Wild Thera'"

"This is an exciting year for our young orc whelps, or at least for our
coverage of them as they have been ejected (rather forcibly) from the
breeding and weaning dens and are marched through the village proper to their
new 'home', the soiled trenches just beyond the orc palisade. Here they dig
in the murk and muck to expand the trenches and create sharpened sticks to
serve as crude fortifications. Freump, who you will remember was the runt of
the litter has died his final death to one of these sticks in a dispute. I
am suprised he survived this long, but orc constitution is world reknown
after all."

"This is a wild adjustment for Splorf and Krunk who were dominating the
breeding dens, but are now the lowest of the low in the village proper.
Splorf has to be murdered a few times before he gets the picture, but it
seems Krunk swallowed whatever suffices for pride very early on and is
learning the proper grovelling techniques quite well."

42381, Krunk's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

Year 5
Added Fri Dec 30 09:29:37 2011 at level 45:

"Welcome back to 'Wild Thera' and thank you for your continued support of our
wonderful series profiling the life an times of a brood of young orclings.
We cannot continue without the ongoing support of listeners like you."

"It seems that the rough treatment of our young orcling was actually a
breaking in period for the previous year. Their steady diet of grey meat and
things I'd rather not contimplate has seemingly completely stopped. Whether
this means the orc village has fallen on hard(er) times, or is simply part of
the child 'rearing' process, this reporter (Fistlnep Throngbottom for those
wanting to send fanmail) can only speculate."

"Splorf, Krunk, and Flepsh have continue to survive however through that low
cunning that the most successful of orcs possess. Stealing from the grunts
and low workers along side them, or simply beating an enslaved goblin and
taking his rations have served them well and they continue to be well fed,
for an orc."

"Learning the orc hierarchy at this point in their lives have kept them from
falling into the fatal mistake of attempting to steal or otherwise annoy any
of the lieutenants or captains in the Grinning Skull horde, albeit with a
couple of mistakes by Flepsh that he learned fairly quickly were deathly

42382, Krunk's Role Chapter 8
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 8

Special message from our sponsor, "The Drunken Efreeti Inn"
Added Sun Jan 15 16:28:13 2012 at level 50:

Thank you for enjoying our special 'Wild Thera' presentation. Without the
support of listeners like you and our sponsors, this tell-a-cast would be
impossible. Please enjoy this brief message from one of our business

"Habib here with the Drunken Efreeti Inn. Are you tired of adventurers
simply walking into your room at all hours of the day or night? Fear not,
with our private rooms, even the most dedicated thief will be deterred.
Looking for an incredible taste delight that blends desert cuisine and fresh
seawfood in a truly mouth watering combination? Visit our fine kitchen, now
nearly 100% rodent free! With our Day of Freedom Ladies specials, and our
weekly Day of the Sun Sing-a-long, our bar will satisfy more than your thirst
for firebreather. Come on down you the Drunken Efreeti Inn in the jewel of
the desert, Hamsah Mu'Tazz, just of the Street of Dahab."

Just remember, without support of from listeners like you and our business
parteners, our roving reporter Fistlnep Throngbottom could not bring you such
entertaining and education episodes, so visit the Drunk Efreeti today!

42383, Krunk's Role Chapter 9
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 9

Year 6
Added Sun Jan 15 16:29:23 2012 at level 50:

"Greetings and Welcome back to 'Wild Thera' with your host Fistlnep
Throngbottom. We are proud to bring you new episodes, so sit back and enjoy
our latest tell-a-cast, or enjoy it in the comfort of a private room in the
Drunken Efreeti Inn, proud sponsor of 'Wild Thera'."

"When we last saw our young orcen, they were laboring in the palisade
trenches, stealing their dinner (and anything else they get their grubbing
paws on) and fighting with the other whelps in the trenches. It seems that
Splorf has assumed more power within the pit-diggers, with Krunk providing a
strong second and Flepsh as the lackey. Splorf has even been delegated some
responsibility over the newest batch of orclings from the breeding dens. His
swagger is palpable as he strolls through the murk and slop. A fine kingdom
for such a creature as Splorf I am sure!."

42384, Krunk's Role Chapter 10
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 10

Year 7
Added Sun Jan 15 16:30:17 2012 at level 50:

"Wild Thera! with your host Festlnep Throngbottom continues our exciting
series detailing the habits of orc-kind. This tell-a-cast is filled with
thrills, chills, and more than a little blood spilled, so stay tuned for our
most exciting episode yet."

"I must say, for brutes that can be smelled from a mile off, young orcs can
be suprisingly sneaky. I nearly lost track of my young subjects as they
snuck out of the village on a moonless night. Seeking glory and even greater
status, Splorf and his cohorts set out to kill a dwarven watchmen that guards
the mountain pass between the Grinning Skull village and the dwarven village
of Akan. Smeared with mud, their lanky adolescent bodies loped through the
darkness like a trio of near starved wolves, which is a fairly accurate
description in general I would say."

"Their target, a dwarven watchman in full plate was hunkered down by his
night fire, nearly asleep when Flepsh errupted from the darkness with a blood
curdling howl. Perhaps the howl was somewhat ill-advised, or perhaps the
dwarf wasn't nearly so sleepy as he seemed, for an axe sprouted from Flepsh's
chest along with a gout of blood. Splorf and Krunk were apparently executing
a pincer manuever, and Splorf scored a hit into the seam of the dwarf's armor
just after Flepsh's suicidal charge. But the dwarf is made of stronger stuff
and dispatches Splorf with a grunt in nearly the same motion he dislodges his
axe from the cooling corpse of Flepsh. Krunk, still armed with his spear and
outside the dwarf's reach seems to realize the fight is lost and drops his
crudely made weapon and runs as only an orc terrified for it's life can back
through the village palisade where the dwarf knows not to follow."

42386, Krunk's Role Chapter 12
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 12

Year 9
Added Sun Jan 15 16:32:42 2012 at level 50:

"Greetings and welcome back to 'Wild Thera' wild Fistlnep Throngbottom. When
last we saw our young breeding pack, their apparent leader, Splorf had been
tortured and destroyed by an orc soldier he angered. Things have continued
to get worse for the brothers and the outlook is bleak for their future."

"The other young orcs confined to the mudding trenches have noticed Splorf's
absense, and with their group now down to two, it seems that Flepsh has
become the nominal leader, at least in front of the other orcs. This seems a
master stroke by Krunk. Flepsh takes the most brutal beatings from the orcs
looking for revenge, while Krunk backs him i fights they can win. Every day
is a struggle to survive, and it seems Flepsh doesn't survive most nights,
waking at the dark altar more often than not."

"After some time of this, Krunk recruits one of the weaker young breedlings
to their group to shore up their numbers and things seem to stabilize for
them for a while, but who knows how long that will last."

42387, Krunk's Role Chapter 13
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 13

Year 10
Added Sun Mar 4 15:19:39 2012 at level 50:

"Greetings and welcome back to 'Wild Thera'! I, your lovable host Fistlnep
Throngbottom, must apologize for the absence. Our previous sponsor's cooking
did a right number on me, even with my gnomish resistance to poison. Perhaps
the '100% vermin free' guarantee was not quite truth in advertising. Fear
not, 'Wild Thera' has secured new sponsorship and new and exciting services
will be announced via this broadcast. Stay Tuned!... But enough about me,
let's return to our subjects, the orcs of Clan Grinning Skull."

"The group headed by Krunk, if not publicly, has shored up their numbers with
an orc from a younger breeding group and has thrived this year, at least as
far as these things go for young orcs. Even Flepsh seems to have a healthier
pallor these days and is only rarely awakening at the dark altar. I must
admit, I feared this episode might be a touch boring, with no major
happenings, but then to my great surprise and, I hope, our listeners delight,
the Fortress of Light descended upon the Grinning Skull village in mass. I
must admit, I, Fistlnep Throngbottom, feared for my own safety as the wrath
of gods and goddesss was called down up the young, old, sick and able orc in
the path of these devastating warriors of virtue. The raid was no doubt
prompted by some stolen orb residing within Tremblefist's chest. I thought I
might go blind with all the searing light from the heavens! It also seemed
that Krunk and I shared similar thoughts on the matter of discretion being
the better part of valor, hiding within a few feet of each other during the
worst of the raid."

"Afterwards, as Krunk surveyed the damage with a greatly weakened Flepsh,
never the smartest that one, the found their newest underlings rotten corpse
laying the in Palisade ditch. I just barely overhead Krunk make a noise
halfway between a grunt and a laugh. 'Never bothered to learn its name.' A
poignant moment, if lacking something in empathy."

42388, Krunk's Role Chapter 14
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 14

Year 11
Added Sun Mar 4 15:21:08 2012 at level 50:

"'Wild Thera' brought to you via tell-a-cast by your host Fistlnep
Throngbottom returns with another exciting year the life and times of a young
orc of Clan Grinning Skull. This is year eleven of our profile on these
strange, and dangerous wild creatures and we are proud to continue this
ground breaking series thanks to our dedicated embedded reporter, Fistlnep

"This is a year of big change for our remaining young orcs, Flepsh and Krunk.
It seems that they have 'graduated' from trench work to the much more
glamorous 'slave wrangling' work of the slave pens. Under the tutelage of
Pagrenhar, Krunk and Flepsh are learning the fine arts of bullying,
domination, and slave punishments. Krunk has taken to this with a natural
flair that I, Fistlnep Throngbottom, have come to expect from this
exceptional young orc. Flepsh, never the brightest spends as much time being
what amounts to Krunk's slave as he does directing the actual slaves, but
then no one seems to mind this arrangement."

"In fact, Pagrenhar seems to have taken a shine to young Krunk and spends a
few moments each day to instruct him away from the other 'graduated' orcs.
Granted this usually takes the form of a mild beating and some severe
bullying, but if my time with these creatures has taught me anything it is
that if it isn't resulting in death, it is probably meant as a learning

42389, Krunk's Role Chapter 15
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 15

Year 12
Added Sun Apr 1 10:32:02 2012 at level 50:

"We all know orcs are vile creatures, wild and untameable, but do you know
why? This tell-a-cast is brought to you by our new sponsors, Halrilz and the
Bounty Hunter guild. Now, Fistlnep Throngbottom with the rest of the story,
right here on 'Wild Thera'"

"Krunk and Flepsh are working diligently in the slave pens, brutally whipping
and otherwise intimidating the lesser orkin races that serve the Grinning
Skull Clan. Makes me glad they cannot find this embedded reporter. I think
being a gnome in the slave pens would be a fate far worse than death."

"The dynamic between Flepsh and Krunk seems to be slowly changing as they are
integrated more into the greater clan hierarchy and Krunk seems to be taking
a more obvious role as the leader of the two. He still has a tendency to
sneak off and hide when older, larger orcs enter the pens look for slaves,
but around the slaves and other orcs working the pens, Krunk is setting
himself up as the number two behind Pagrenhar's leadership."

"Krunk's apparent cowardice has served him well once again as Flepsh is
enslaved by an adventuring orc and leaves the village, never to return.
Krunk has fully dominated the rest of the whelps by groveling before
Pagrenhar and becoming his favorite, using this status to cow the others from
his breeding group."

42390, Krunk's Role Chapter 16
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 16

Year 13
Added Sun Apr 1 10:32:40 2012 at level 50:

"Fistlnep Throngbottom is proud to bring you another installment of 'Wild
Thera', direct to you via tell-a-cast, courtesy of our generous sponsors of
the Bounty Hunter guild. Place your bounties today! Don't bother with
Tribunal law, Justice for the rest-of-us!"

"This year, in addition to their duties in the slave pens, Tremblefist has
began instructing our young orcs in the finer points of religion, Clan law,
and their duties to the Clan. As far as this reporter, Fistlnep Throngbottom
can see, duties to the Clan, is a clever way of telling them to do what
Tremblefist tells them, and Clan law seems to be a glorified version of
survival of the fittest, but who am I to judge? Just the facts Ma'am, Just
the facts."

"While most the orcs take Tremblefist's promises of godly power at face
value, Krunk seems more reluctant. Late at night I can hear him whispering
things like 'puppet's of the gods' and 'so powerful can do whatever wants
without followers' to himself after Tremblefist's instructions. More than
anything the other orcs are taught to fear the gods, and by extension,
Tremblefist, which I suspect is the entire point of their 'instruction', but
Krunk seems to want nothing to do with it."

"This does not go without notice by Tremblefist, however, and Krunk is forced
to chose an immortal to worship. I think Krunk is being clever and throwing
it back in Tremblefist's face when he says he will worship Thrakburzug.
'Krunk like gods like Krunk likes elfs... Dead'. Tremblefist is unpleased
with the decision, but Krunk just walks off before Tremblefist can gather his
rage, avoiding any real repercussions. A bold move by a bold (at times)

42375, Krunk's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Added Sat Dec 10 12:15:09 2011 at level 43:

Krunk is an orc archetype. He is evil because he is an orc, and knows know
other way to be, a true product of his environment. He is chaotic because
from birth he has been twitchy and full of energy, his body ready to snap
into berserker rage at a moments notice. He is sphere Destruction because
that is his passion, if he has one, to lay waste to those who stand in his
way. His most noticable difference from any normal orc is increased self-
awareness. While his body moves with berserker rage, his mind stays somewhat
calm, and he learned early in life that it is better to be the power behind
the throne (as it were) than the one sitting on it.

What follows is an attempt at a somewhat humerous depiction of the life of a
normal orc child, as told by a chaotic stupid gnome transmuter who is running
a tell-a-cast called "Wild Thera" and is profiling the wild animal nature of
the orc.

42376, Krunk's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Year 0
Added Sat Dec 10 12:15:52 2011 at level 43:

"Greetings and welcome to 'Wild Thera' with Fistlnep Throngbottom, I am so
glad to have to you join my tell-a-cast. Tonight we have a special treat,
your favorite embedded *canned laughter* reporter, yours truly, has followed
the birth and growth of one of Thera's wildest creates for the last fifteen
years, and we are proud to bring you this culmination of the recorded work."

"Stepping into two dimensions and putting myself in the cavern wall was the
easy part... Watching the newly appointed orc chief ravage his entire harem
with the desparation of an orc who knows his reign will be all too short,
that was the hard part. Do not mistake me, I feel no sorrow for his fate,
but watch orc mate is truly a visceral experience, and one that did not agree
with my stomach. I would have worried that my vomitting might give me away,
were it not for the grunting, wailing, vomitting, and worse things already
happening in the breeding den."

42374, Krunk's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Thu Apr 12 13:48:28 2012 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (263 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: More history told in the form of a documentary.

Thu Apr 12 18:25:34 2012 by 'Baerinika' at level 51 (263 hrs):
I want to string you custom long "Krunk is here, brushin his teeth with a bottle of Jack."

Mon Oct 8 18:19:34 2012 by 'Thror' at level 51 (366 hrs):
Words can't express how much I love watching this guy. Here's a long description to go with the last few hours you have on this character! Great job!

42362, Krunk's PK Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Deaths

Dec 5, 2011 |Lv 23|The Redhorn Mountains|vs 2: Scree (45%, wall of fire), Atapabzus (54%)
Dec 5, 2011 |Lv 30|The Village of Azuremain|vs 1: Abun (100%, punch)
Dec 7, 2011 |Lv 33|Grinning Skull Village|vs 1: Dubhslan (100%, divine power)
Dec 7, 2011 |Lv 33|Grinning Skull Village|vs 1: Yigish (100%, sucker hit)
Dec 9, 2011 |Lv 39|Eaststride Road|vs 1: Greh (100%, smash)
Dec 10, 2011|Lv 44|The North Road|vs 1: Pyrox (100%, divine power)
Dec 10, 2011|Lv 44|Arkham|vs 3: Ridisiln (10%), Heben (56%, parting blow), Rindros (32%)
Dec 12, 2011|Lv 44|Hamsah Mu'tazz|vs 1: Vozmuir (100%, claw)
Dec 18, 2011|Lv 45|The Eastern Road|vs 2: Boggom (87%, cleave), Mhag (12%)
Dec 18, 2011|Lv 45|Grinning Skull Village|vs 1: Boggom (100%, crushing force)
Dec 31, 2011|Lv 45|The North Road|vs 1: Tryphen (100%, KB)
Jan 3, 2012 |Lv 46|The Eastern Road|vs 1: Boggom (100%, crushing force)
Jan 8, 2012 |Lv 50|The Outlander Refuge|vs 2: Malawen (34%), Heben (65%, divine power)
Jan 9, 2012 |Lv 50|The Eastern Road|vs 1: Akedeh (100%, wrath)
Jan 10, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|vs 1: Akedeh (100%, cranial hit)
Jan 14, 2012|Lv 50|Khalid River|vs 1: Argivo (100%, parting blow)
Jan 15, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|vs 1: Akedeh (100%, wrath)
Jan 26, 2012|Lv 50|Grinning Skull Village|vs 2: Illanthos (4%), Vozmuir (95%, searing light)
Feb 2, 2012 |Lv 50|The Past Grove|vs 2: Arngrum (73%, heavenly wrath), Laesron (26%)
Feb 2, 2012 |Lv 50|The Eastern Road|vs 2: Iepnier (16%), Lohakahn (83%, punch)
Feb 11, 2012|Lv 50|The Grove|vs 1: Mrekya (100%, blast)
Feb 11, 2012|Lv 50|The Past Grove|vs 2: Nivaen (14%), Mrekya (85%, savage blow)
Feb 20, 2012|Lv 50|The Redhorn Mountains|vs 3: Vallinane (60%), Illanthos (0%), Tairneach (39%, divine power)
Feb 22, 2012|Lv 50|Outside Hamsah Mu'tazz|vs 2: Vallinane (11%), Vozmuir (88%, claw)
Feb 22, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|vs 1: Veneroth (100%, heavenly wrath)
Feb 24, 2012|Lv 50|The North Road|vs 1: Eachainn (100%, shield of electricity)
Feb 25, 2012|Lv 50|Grinning Skull Village|vs 2: Xazzax (99%, bleeding hamstring), Odei (0%)
Mar 2, 2012 |Lv 50|North Sutherspring Road|vs 2: Mauz (14%), Lohakahn (85%, crush)
Mar 2, 2012 |Lv 50|The Eastern Road|vs 2: Gilnik (0%), Lohakahn (100%, drumming maces)
Mar 8, 2012 |Lv 50|Bramblefield Road|vs 1: Xazzax (100%, poisonous bite)
Mar 27, 2012|Lv 50|Bramblefield Road|vs 1: Eachainn (100%, cone of cold)
Mar 28, 2012|Lv 50|Hamsah Mu'tazz|vs 1: Gareeyal (100%, parting blow)
Mar 28, 2012|Lv 50|Hamsah Mu'tazz|vs 1: Gareeyal (100%, divine power)
Mar 29, 2012|Lv 50|Northern Foothills|vs 1: Dratholus (100%, sunray)
Mar 29, 2012|Lv 50|Bramblefield Road|vs 2: Xazzax (38%, caustic slime), Caladrien (61%)
Mar 29, 2012|Lv 50|Fortress of Light|vs 3: Cersee (50%, onslaught of water), Tairneach (0%), Samaiya (49%)
Mar 31, 2012|Lv 50|Dagdan|vs 1: Caitlyan (100%, parting blow)
Apr 1, 2012 |Lv 50|Galadon|vs 1: Mauldoon (100%, strike of purity)
Apr 5, 2012 |Lv 51|The Eastern Road|vs 1: Caitlyan (100%, bleeding artery)
42363, Krunk's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Dec 5, 2011 |Lv 30|Grinning Skull Village|Abun vs 2: Scree (61%, lightning bolt), Krunk (38%)
Dec 6, 2011 |Lv 32|The Village of Azuremain|Reiala vs 1: Krunk (100%, crush)
Dec 10, 2011|Lv 44|A Northern Trail|Ormtor vs 1: Krunk (100%, pound)
Dec 13, 2011|Lv 45|The Grove|Elyria vs 1: Krunk (100%, black light)
Dec 13, 2011|Lv 45|Graveyard|Quinlon vs 3: Rogran (32%), Etava (33%, slash), Krunk (33%)
Dec 13, 2011|Lv 45|Udgaard|Elyria vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Dec 17, 2011|Lv 45|East Sumner's Road|Pyrox vs 1: Krunk (100%, frigid chop)
Dec 17, 2011|Lv 45|The Eastern Road|Bandur vs 2: Scree (18%), Krunk (81%, savage feeding)
Dec 17, 2011|Lv 45|South Dairein Settlement|Salmen vs 1: Krunk (100%, frigid chop)
Dec 18, 2011|Lv 45|The Eastern Road|Mhag vs 2: Krunk (55%, black light), Boggom (44%)
Dec 18, 2011|Lv 45|The Eastern Road|Sammus vs 1: Krunk (100%, black light)
Dec 20, 2011|Lv 45|Gol'Galath|Bureuht vs 1: Krunk (100%, black light)
Dec 29, 2011|Lv 45|The Dwarf Forest|Elanya vs 2: Krunk (88%, savage feeding), Foratha (11%)
Dec 30, 2011|Lv 45|The Eastern Road|Sammus vs 1: Krunk (100%, pinning blow)
Dec 30, 2011|Lv 45|The Eastern Road|Boggy vs 1: Krunk (100%, black light)
Dec 30, 2011|Lv 45|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Manaheim vs 1: Krunk (100%, rush)
Dec 30, 2011|Lv 45|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Craia vs 1: Krunk (100%, black light)
Dec 30, 2011|Lv 45|Outskirts of Galadon|Craia vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Dec 30, 2011|Lv 45|Galadon|Foratha vs 2: Veneroth (7%), Krunk (92%, savage feeding)
Dec 31, 2011|Lv 45|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Dyrruorta vs 1: Krunk (100%, caustic slime)
Jan 3, 2012 |Lv 47|The Dragon Sea|Rhaortten vs 2: Krunk (77%, savage feeding), Badduah (22%)
Jan 3, 2012 |Lv 48|The Dragon Sea|Tousil vs 2: Badduah (18%, reverberating blast), Krunk (81%)
Jan 4, 2012 |Lv 48|The Eastern Road|Rhaortten vs 2: Krunk (47%, vicious attack), Dyrruorta (52%)
Jan 7, 2012 |Lv 48|Grinning Skull Village|Thrabraka vs 1: Krunk (100%, infernal power)
Jan 8, 2012 |Lv 48|The Eastern Road|Zahlju vs 2: Krunk (31%, stab), Scree (68%)
Jan 8, 2012 |Lv 50|Voralian City|Heben vs 1: Krunk (100%, wrath)
Jan 9, 2012 |Lv 50|BattleRager Village|Mauz vs 4: Rindros (14%, hellfire), Quinlon (21%), Krunk (52%), Badduah (11%)
Jan 9, 2012 |Lv 50|BattleRager Village|Akedeh vs 5: Badduah (0%), Quinlon (25%), Scree (15%), Rindros (42%, chop), Krunk (17%)
Jan 9, 2012 |Lv 50|BattleRager Village|Salyeris vs 5: Badduah (3%), Scree (10%), Quinlon (32%), Rindros (27%), Krunk (26%, poisonous bite)
Jan 10, 2012|Lv 50|Galadon|Salyeris vs 1: Krunk (100%, black light)
Jan 10, 2012|Lv 50|BattleRager Village|Zahlju vs 2: Krunk (24%, savage feeding), Scree (75%)
Jan 10, 2012|Lv 50|BattleRager Village|Craia vs 2: Krunk (13%), Scree (86%, wrath)
Jan 10, 2012|Lv 50|BattleRager Village|Malawen vs 2: Krunk (86%, savage feeding), Scree (13%)
Jan 11, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Zahlju vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Jan 12, 2012|Lv 50|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Zolos vs 4: Krunk (12%, stab), Puhguly (6%), Akedeh (39%), Ghafler (41%)
42364, Krunk's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Jan 14, 2012|Lv 50|South Dairein Settlement|Hresth vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Jan 15, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Akedeh vs 2: Kalash (30%, claw), Krunk (69%)
Jan 15, 2012|Lv 50|Galadon|Folwocket vs 2: Akedeh (26%, crush), Krunk (73%)
Jan 15, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Ileurha vs 1: Krunk (100%, infernal power)
Jan 15, 2012|Lv 50|Balator|Veneroth vs 3: Quinlon (36%, frigid chop), Elolania (3%), Krunk (60%)
Jan 15, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Thrabraka vs 1: Krunk (100%, chop)
Jan 15, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Akedeh vs 2: Eleagra (59%, infernal power), Krunk (40%)
Jan 15, 2012|Lv 50|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Mauz vs 2: Krunk (63%, stab), Mordeqor (36%)
Jan 15, 2012|Lv 50|Bramblefield Road|Veneroth vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Jan 15, 2012|Lv 50|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Ileurha vs 1: Krunk (100%, poisonous bite)
Jan 15, 2012|Lv 50|Fortress of Light|Vaellron vs 2: Scree (36%), Krunk (63%, poisonous bite)
Jan 15, 2012|Lv 50|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Tousil vs 2: Scree (52%), Krunk (47%, stab)
Jan 15, 2012|Lv 50|Voralian City|Vaellron vs 2: Scree (41%, forked lightning), Krunk (58%)
Jan 15, 2012|Lv 50|BattleRager Village|Tontik vs 2: Krunk (49%, crush), Scree (50%)
Jan 16, 2012|Lv 50|BattleRager Village|Hresth vs 2: Krunk (0%), Scree (100%, nova)
Jan 16, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Vozmuir vs 3: Scree (40%, forked lightning), Krunk (18%), Devon (41%)
Jan 16, 2012|Lv 50|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Mauz vs 3: Gatonis (18%, surprise attack), Krunk (18%), Scree (63%)
Jan 16, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Bandur vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Jan 18, 2012|Lv 50|Domain of Eternal Night|Veneroth vs 2: Krunk (100%, stab), Feyhan (0%)
Jan 18, 2012|Lv 50|The Battlefield|Laesron vs 1: Krunk (100%, poisonous bite)
Jan 18, 2012|Lv 50|Galadon|Kahtik vs 1: Krunk (100%, surge of water)
Jan 19, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Atracius vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Jan 19, 2012|Lv 50|Galadon|Laevin vs 1: Krunk (100%, black light)
Jan 26, 2012|Lv 50|Udgaardian Plains|Elanya vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Jan 26, 2012|Lv 50|The Ashes of NoWhere|Tousil vs 1: Krunk (100%, infernal power)
Jan 28, 2012|Lv 50|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Salyeris vs 1: Krunk (100%, stab)
Jan 28, 2012|Lv 50|BattleRager Village|Lohakahn vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Jan 29, 2012|Lv 50|Udgaard|Bojack vs 2: Drogganar (5%), Krunk (94%, savage feeding)
Jan 29, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Gilnik vs 1: Krunk (100%, stab)
Feb 2, 2012 |Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Bojack vs 2: Krunk (86%, chop), Foratha (13%)
Feb 2, 2012 |Lv 50|The Citadel of Ostalagiah|Gilnik vs 1: Krunk (100%, chop)
Feb 2, 2012 |Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Tontik vs 1: Krunk (100%, stab)
Feb 2, 2012 |Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Bojack vs 1: Krunk (100%, poisonous bite)
Feb 2, 2012 |Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Iepnier vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Feb 2, 2012 |Lv 50|The Ashes of NoWhere|Vallinane vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Feb 4, 2012 |Lv 50|Guerric's Shrine|Xazzax vs 1: Krunk (100%, acidic bite)
42365, Krunk's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Feb 5, 2012 |Lv 50|The Outlander Refuge|Rolas vs 3: Elolania (1%), Seisorald (0%), Krunk (98%, brilliant radiance)
Feb 10, 2012|Lv 50|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Inead vs 1: Krunk (100%, slice)
Feb 10, 2012|Lv 50|A Northern Trail|Lagriza vs 4: Salyeris (38%, reverberating blast), Krunk (21%), Zasmos (34%), Moqor (5%)
Feb 10, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Lohakahn vs 1: Krunk (100%, stab)
Feb 10, 2012|Lv 50|Bramblefield Road|Mrekya vs 1: Krunk (100%, wrath)
Feb 11, 2012|Lv 50|The Grove|Mrekya vs 1: Krunk (100%, infernal power)
Feb 11, 2012|Lv 50|The Dwarf Forest|Elanya vs 1: Krunk (100%, infernal power)
Feb 11, 2012|Lv 50|Silverwood|Aesyrll vs 1: Krunk (100%, wrath)
Feb 12, 2012|Lv 50|Underdark|Xazzax vs 1: Krunk (100%, rush)
Feb 12, 2012|Lv 50|The Rocky Paths|Foratha vs 1: Krunk (100%, poisonous bite)
Feb 13, 2012|Lv 50|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Xazzax vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Feb 14, 2012|Lv 50|The Drogran Hills|Zasmos vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Feb 16, 2012|Lv 50|Mount Kiadana-Rah|Mondul vs 1: Krunk (100%, vicious attack)
Feb 17, 2012|Lv 50|The Grove|Tairneach vs 1: Krunk (100%, wrath)
Feb 17, 2012|Lv 50|Galadon|Ileurha vs 1: Krunk (100%, poisonous bite)
Feb 19, 2012|Lv 50|The Citadel of Ostalagiah|Odei vs 1: Krunk (100%, black light)
Feb 19, 2012|Lv 50|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Xazzax vs 3: Krunk (37%, black light), Yarglen (48%), Cersee (14%)
Feb 19, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Mondul vs 1: Krunk (100%, black light)
Feb 19, 2012|Lv 50|The Pass|Urkoth vs 2: Krunk (26%, surge of water), Cersee (73%)
Feb 20, 2012|Lv 50|The Lower Voralia's Tears|Gilnik vs 2: Thyndden (17%, bite), Krunk (82%)
Feb 20, 2012|Lv 50|The Nexus Island|Atracius vs 1: Krunk (100%, backhanded blow)
Feb 20, 2012|Lv 50|The Sea of Despair|Lohakahn vs 1: Krunk (100%, vicious punting)
Feb 20, 2012|Lv 50|BattleRager Village|Atracius vs 6: Danntruso (9%), Krunk (20%), Cabakso (7%), Yarglen (21%), Jolfyr (0%), Otuerghad (41%, defilement)
Feb 20, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Blectl vs 2: Krunk (97%, black light), Solec (2%)
Feb 20, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Atracius vs 2: Cersee (20%), Krunk (79%, surge of water)
Feb 20, 2012|Lv 50|BattleRager Village|Lohakahn vs 5: Jolfyr (5%), Krunk (43%), Danntruso (10%), Solec (20%), Yarglen (20%, thrust)
Feb 20, 2012|Lv 50|BattleRager Village|Blectl vs 7: Krunk (20%), Cabakso (0%), Yarglen (28%, pierce), Danntruso (12%), Cersee (7%), Solec (18%), Jolfyr (12%)
Feb 21, 2012|Lv 50|The Citadel of Ostalagiah|Alvorax vs 1: Krunk (100%, wrath)
Feb 21, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Lohakahn vs 1: Krunk (100%, slice)
Feb 21, 2012|Lv 50|Voralian City|Vallinane vs 1: Krunk (100%, poisonous bite)
Feb 25, 2012|Lv 50|The Dragon Sea|Gilnik vs 2: Tzaritzawah (18%), Krunk (81%, sting)
Feb 25, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Gilnik vs 2: Tzaritzawah (24%, defilement), Krunk (75%)
Feb 25, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Odei vs 2: Tzaritzawah (0%, ), Krunk (100%) *Power Word Kill*
Feb 26, 2012|Lv 50|Bramblefield Road|Vanin vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
42366, Krunk's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Feb 26, 2012|Lv 50|Orc Passage|Ileurha vs 4: Malraech (7%), Thyndden (12%), Solec (65%, KB), Krunk (14%)
Feb 26, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Salyeris vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Feb 26, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Lohakahn vs 1: Krunk (100%, stab)
Feb 26, 2012|Lv 50|Voralian City|Zeurane vs 1: Krunk (100%, poisonous bite)
Feb 28, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Odei vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Feb 28, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Odei vs 1: Krunk (100%, black light)
Mar 1, 2012 |Lv 50|The Dragon Sea|Ileurha vs 2: Solec (85%, KB), Krunk (14%)
Mar 1, 2012 |Lv 50|The Pass|Quelyn vs 1: Krunk (100%, surge of water)
Mar 2, 2012 |Lv 50|A Virgin Forest|Alvorax vs 2: Narissorin (33%, KB), Krunk (66%)
Mar 2, 2012 |Lv 50|Bramblefield Road|Vanin vs 3: Narissorin (52%, claw), Lohakahn (0%), Krunk (47%)
Mar 2, 2012 |Lv 50|Outskirts of Galadon|Lohakahn vs 3: Kiraava (5%, mental assault), Krunk (28%), Narissorin (65%)
Mar 2, 2012 |Lv 50|Outskirts of Galadon|Gilnik vs 3: Kiraava (20%), Narissorin (39%), Krunk (39%, sting)
Mar 2, 2012 |Lv 50|Eaststride Road|Lohakahn vs 2: Solec (13%, claw), Krunk (86%)
Mar 2, 2012 |Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Gilnik vs 5: Vanin (0%), Solec (35%, KB), Krunk (9%), Narissorin (43%), Kiraava (10%)
Mar 3, 2012 |Lv 50|The Past Grove|Djetmai vs 1: Krunk (100%, rush)
Mar 3, 2012 |Lv 50|The Past Grove|Jhen vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Mar 3, 2012 |Lv 50|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Lohakahn vs 4: Dvalygg (0%), Seisorald (0%), Krunk (30%, sting), Tzaritzawah (69%)
Mar 3, 2012 |Lv 50|BattleRager Village|Salyeris vs 3: Seisorald (10%), Krunk (32%), Tzaritzawah (56%, claw)
Mar 3, 2012 |Lv 50|BattleRager Village|Salyeris vs 1: Krunk (100%, poisonous bite)
Mar 3, 2012 |Lv 50|Grinning Skull Village|Jhen vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Mar 3, 2012 |Lv 50|Voralian City|Tairneach vs 4: Krunk (27%, poisonous bite), Narissorin (6%), Tzaritzawah (65%), Seisorald (0%)
Mar 3, 2012 |Lv 50|Voralian City|Vallinane vs 4: Eleagra (9%, freezing bite), Krunk (57%), Quelryon (0%), Narissorin (33%)
Mar 4, 2012 |Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Ileurha vs 2: Narissorin (56%, KB), Krunk (43%)
Mar 4, 2012 |Lv 50|Domain of Eternal Night|Mamangava vs 3: Krunk (31%, vicious attack), Solec (41%), Narissorin (26%)
Mar 4, 2012 |Lv 50|Outside Hamsah Mu'tazz|Kharrik vs 3: Krunk (13%, surge of water), Solec (56%), Narissorin (29%)
Mar 4, 2012 |Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Lohakahn vs 1: Krunk (100%, KB)
Mar 4, 2012 |Lv 50|The Nexus Island|Xazzax vs 3: Krunk (34%, black light), Cersee (33%), Kii (31%)
Mar 4, 2012 |Lv 50|The Ashes of NoWhere|Juje vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Mar 4, 2012 |Lv 50|Silverpine Road|Xazzax vs 3: Krunk (58%), Yindathos (1%), Cersee (39%, immolation)
Mar 4, 2012 |Lv 50|The Redhorn Mountains|Vozmuir vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Mar 5, 2012 |Lv 50|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Jastyna vs 2: Kii (29%, knifing), Krunk (70%)
Mar 5, 2012 |Lv 50|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Quelyn vs 1: Krunk (100%, surge of water)
42367, Krunk's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Mar 6, 2012 |Lv 50|Blackclaw Village|Lohakahn vs 1: Krunk (100%, vicious punting)
Mar 6, 2012 |Lv 50|BattleRager Village|Solec vs 4: Vanin (33%, thrust), Jastyna (21%), Mauz (31%), Krunk (14%)
Mar 6, 2012 |Lv 50|Bramblefield Road|Vanin vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Mar 7, 2012 |Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Rodion vs 1: Krunk (100%, sting)
Mar 7, 2012 |Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Mauz vs 3: Krunk (52%, vicious attack), Solec (44%), Kii (2%)
Mar 7, 2012 |Lv 50|Castle of Akan|Xazzax vs 3: Dijur (26%), Kii (64%, circle stab), Krunk (8%)
Mar 7, 2012 |Lv 50|Galadon|Mofangle vs 3: Krunk (76%, savage feeding), Dijur (7%), Agekeh (16%)
Mar 7, 2012 |Lv 50|Galadon|Dijur vs 1: Krunk (100%, black light)
Mar 8, 2012 |Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Vanin vs 2: Kiraava (6%), Krunk (93%, vicious punting)
Mar 8, 2012 |Lv 50|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Ileurha vs 2: Kii (60%, circle stab), Krunk (39%)
Mar 8, 2012 |Lv 50|Desert of Araile|Gilnik vs 2: Kii (27%, pound), Krunk (72%)
Mar 8, 2012 |Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Mauz vs 3: Krunk (37%, surge of water), Tyntris (6%), Kii (55%)
Mar 8, 2012 |Lv 50|Outside Hamsah Mu'tazz|Ileurha vs 1: Krunk (100%, surge of water)
Mar 8, 2012 |Lv 50|Bramblefield Road|Iepnier vs 2: Krunk (100%, sting), Kii (0%)
Mar 8, 2012 |Lv 50|Galadon|Korrix vs 1: Krunk (100%, surge of water)
Mar 8, 2012 |Lv 50|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Islinic vs 1: Krunk (100%, poisonous bite)
Mar 10, 2012|Lv 50|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Mauz vs 2: Krunk (73%, poisonous bite), Feyhan (26%)
Mar 11, 2012|Lv 50|Outside Hamsah Mu'tazz|Laskot vs 2: Krunk (93%, torments), Narissorin (6%)
Mar 11, 2012|Lv 50|Galadon|Hwelntook vs 1: Krunk (100%, wrath)
Mar 11, 2012|Lv 50|Domain of Eternal Night|Garm vs 1: Krunk (100%, infernal power)
Mar 12, 2012|Lv 50|Bramblefield Road|Caitlyan vs 1: Krunk (100%, poisonous bite)
Mar 12, 2012|Lv 50|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Quelyn vs 1: Krunk (100%, surge of water)
Mar 13, 2012|Lv 50|The Citadel of Ostalagiah|Sissaryon vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Mar 13, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Xazzax vs 1: Krunk (100%, defilement)
Mar 13, 2012|Lv 50|Keep of the Righteous|Oryntohr vs 1: Krunk (100%, defilement)
Mar 13, 2012|Lv 50|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Drothgar vs 1: Krunk (100%, rush)
Mar 14, 2012|Lv 50|Voralian City|Tairneach vs 1: Krunk (100%, stab)
Mar 14, 2012|Lv 50|Pine Forest|Drothgar vs 1: Krunk (100%, surge of water)
Mar 16, 2012|Lv 50|Arkham|Caitlyan vs 1: Krunk (100%, vicious punting)
Mar 16, 2012|Lv 50|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Dorrig vs 1: Krunk (100%, savage feeding)
Mar 16, 2012|Lv 50|Voralian City|Sifler vs 2: Krunk (51%, surge of water), Kheorr (48%)
Mar 17, 2012|Lv 50|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Dorrig vs 1: Krunk (100%, vicious punting)
Mar 17, 2012|Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Dorrig vs 2: Krunk (22%), Kheorr (77%, torments)
Mar 17, 2012|Lv 50|Thar-Acacia|Sifler vs 2: Zameida (50%), Krunk (49%, defilement)
Mar 17, 2012|Lv 50|Thar-Acacia|Caladrien vs 2: Zameida (58%), Krunk (41%, smash)
Mar 17, 2012|Lv 50|Thar-Acacia|Gohlrik vs 2: Zameida (28%, crush), Krunk (71%)
42368, Krunk's Title History
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Title History

Sun Jan 8 14:28:27 2012, level 48 (80 hrs):
Krunk the Taskmaster of the Grinning Skulls, Hunted by the Village

Sun Mar 11 13:04:09 2012, level 50 (200 hrs):
Krunk the Sapper-Trained Ruination of Civilization, Hunted by the Village, Hunted by the Village

Sun Mar 11 13:05:39 2012, level 50 (200 hrs):
Krunk the Sapper-Trained Ruination of Civilization, Hunted by the Village

Thu Apr 5 19:48:40 2012, level 51 (260 hrs):
Krunk the Chieftain of the Grinning Skulls

Tue Apr 24 19:03:18 2012, level 51 (271 hrs):
Krunk the Chieftain of the Grinning Skulls, Hunted by Battle

Tue Sep 4 18:55:07 2012, level 51 (336 hrs):
Krunk, Sapper-Trained Ruination of Civilization

Tue Sep 4 18:55:26 2012, level 51 (336 hrs):
Krunk the Chieftain of the Grinning Skulls, Sapper-Trained Ruination of Civilization

42369, Krunk's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1axe100%
Level 1dagger100%
Level 1flail100%
Level 1mace100%
Level 1polearm100%
Level 1spear100%
Level 1sword100%
Level 1whip100%
Level 1enhanced damage100%
Level 1hand to hand100%
Level 1recall100%
Level 2dirt kicking100%
Level 2improved compare89%
Level 2improved consider100%
Level 2elbow96%
Level 2scavenging100%
Level 3knee88%
Level 3metal armor use100%
Level 4kick87%
Level 5trip100%
Level 5fast healing100%
Level 5forced march91%
Level 6berserk100%
Level 6parry100%
Level 7fallback100%
Level 7bone armor use99%
Level 8aim100%
Level 9cheap shot100%
Level 10second attack100%
Level 10warcry100%
Level 11inspect goods1%
Level 11rip49%
Level 11brawling45%
Level 11batter1%
Level 12light armor use100%
Level 13footstomp100%
Level 14hide100%
Level 15bash100%
Level 15dual wield100%
Level 15exsanguinate100%
Level 16dodge100%
Level 17thrust1%
Level 18butcher100%
Level 19toughness100%
Level 19slice1%
Level 20attune100%
Level 20third attack100%
Level 20shield cleave78%
Level 20headbutt91%
Level 20pen78%
Level 21charge1%
Level 22bloodletting78%
Level 22pierce1%
Level 23crushing assault100%
Level 24lash100%
Level 25steal75%
Level 25bloodsteep95%
Level 26war shout100%
Level 26evade76%
Level 27spinebreaker100%
Level 28last stand99%
42370, Krunk's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 29opportunity strike100%
Level 29ingest spoils100%
Level 29regurgitate47%
Level 30careful vision100%
Level 30demoralize94%
Level 30grapple weapon100%
Level 31pin37%
Level 32savage feeding100%
Level 33offhand grapple93%
Level 34fashion war banner91%
Level 35legendary awareness49%
Level 35trample96%
Level 35enslave100%
Level 35cower100%
Level 35rush100%
Level 36bully100%
Level 38blood ritual91%
Level 38improved flee100%
Level 39track prey32%
Level 40desecration80%
Level 40set snares94%
Level 40take cover78%
Level 40willbreaker100%
Level 42staff defense100%
Level 42skulk100%
Level 43pillage100%
Level 44grit100%
Level 45masochism100%
Level 45dirty fighting100%
Level 48dash100%
Level 48punt100%
Level 49smear100%
Level 50overrun78%
Level 51assemble horde91%
Level 51demand tribute90%
Level 51rally forces93%
42371, Krunk's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  391 (369 at level 51)
Total PK Losses  53
Total Mob Deaths  11

PK Wins by Class
VS. transmuter  2
VS. thief  15
VS. warrior  193
VS. paladin  43
VS. assassin  22
VS. ranger  19
VS. invoker  8
VS. bard  37
VS. shaman  9
VS. healer  2
VS. druid  12
VS. conjurer  3
VS. berserker  1
VS. shapeshifter  25

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  41

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  124
VS. Neutral  195
VS. Evil  72

PK Deaths by Class
VS. transmuter  1
VS. thief  2
VS. warrior  28
VS. paladin  5
VS. ranger  5
VS. invoker  7
VS. necromancer  1
VS. bard  1
VS. shaman  1
VS. druid  1
VS. shapeshifter  1

PK Deaths by Cabal
VS. None  4

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  16
VS. Neutral  21
VS. Evil  16
42372, Krunk's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  391
Total PK Assists  89
Solo PKs  279
PKs with a group of 2 139
PKs with a group of 3 38
PKs with a group of 4+ 24
Average Group Size Per Kill  1.62

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Somewhat Ganky

Total PK Losses  53
Solo PK Losses  29
PK Losses to a group of 2 18
PK Losses to a group of 3 5
PK Losses to a group of 4+ 1
Average Group Size Per Death  1.58

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Unwitting Guest of Bad Parties

42373, Krunk's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Tue Dec 13 23:24:37 2011 by 'An Immortal' at level 45 (42 hrs):
An Immortal added 1500 exp for: Extra points for creativity. Basically, it's the story of a regular orc told by an inquisitive and investigative gnome.

Tue Jan 3 19:20:02 2012 by 'An Immortal' at level 46 (72 hrs):
An Immortal added 200 exp for: Discussing training for orcs in conjuration with Kaubris. Wants some sexy demons for the rutting pens.

Tue Jan 3 19:27:07 2012 by 'An Immortal' at level 46 (72 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: He's been breeding, beating up on young orcs, and eating gross stuff, just like an orc should.

Tue Jan 3 20:43:26 2012 by 'Daevryn' at level 48 (72 hrs):
I'm becoming a little bit of a Krunk fan. It's fun to watch him fight.

Thu Jan 19 18:38:53 2012 by 'An Immortal' at level 50 (107 hrs):
An Immortal added 800 exp for: More exploits of Krunk and the gang -- getting into fights, running from fights, and otherwise being orcs.

Sat Jan 21 22:54:23 2012 by 'An Immortal' at level 50 (110 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: Participation in expand your palate contest.

Mon Feb 20 21:37:24 2012 by 'Daevryn' at level 50 (157 hrs):
Orcdom owes you a debt because if you weren't out there taking on shitty odds and being cool I probably wouldn't have cared enough to finish up Skulk.

Sat Mar 3 09:05:03 2012 by 'Thror' at level 50 (179 hrs):
For the record, I think highly of my observations of this guy. Might be time for a Sapper visit.

Sun Mar 4 17:13:20 2012 by 'An Immortal' at level 50 (187 hrs):
An Immortal added 300 exp for: For following through with my demands. Aggressively going after the Fortress, namely Vozmuir.

Sun Mar 4 17:23:29 2012 by 'An Immortal' at level 50 (187 hrs):
An Immortal added 200 exp for: A really nice participation from an orc in the festival of music. Even if he did it really fast.

Sun Mar 4 18:08:12 2012 by 'Thror' at level 50 (187 hrs):
Managed to accomplish my task and take down Vozmuir to deliver a new fur coat to Rogrosh, the Orc Sapper. He is to become Sapper-Trained.

Thu Mar 8 22:07:07 2012 by 'Thror' at level 50 (196 hrs):
Given Blood Ritual for completing the above. This guy is smashtastic!

Thu Mar 8 22:52:31 2012 by 'Daevryn' at level 50 (196 hrs):
Told him that, basically, Daevryn thinks he's cool. If he comes looking for a tattoo he'll probably get it.

Sun Mar 11 13:05:12 2012 by 'Thror' at level 50 (200 hrs):
You can't be Sapper-trained without the title! Maybe someone will come up with better if a lastname or chieftain title appears.

Fri Mar 16 17:44:00 2012 by 'An Immortal' at level 50 (211 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: A little more about the early life of Krunk.

42356, Krunk's Best Set of Equipment
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Best Set of Equipment

Best set of gear:

<worn on finger> the Seantryn Royal Signet Ring
<worn on finger> a blemished ring of gold
<worn around neck> an ivory amulet shaped like a troll
<worn around neck> the amulet of Moudrilar
<worn on body> an acid etched suit of black titanium chainmail
<worn on head> the horned helm of an Orc-Lord
<worn on legs> some black leather leggings with red stitching
<worn on feet> the boots of Stealth
<worn on hands> gauntlets of ogre power
<worn on arms> a pair of blackened arm guards
<worn about body> a skin from the snow leopard
<worn about waist> an elaborate beaded onyx belt
<worn around wrist> a malachite bracelet
<worn around wrist> an oddly shaped glass bracelet
<mainhand wielded> (Glowing) (Humming) a whip made of six living snakes
<offhand wielded> (Humming) a twin-edged axe named 'Elfreaver'
42361, Krunk's Leveling
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Leveling History

Nov 19, 2011 |Lv 2 |Hr 0 |
Nov 19, 2011 |Lv 3 |Hr 0 |
Nov 19, 2011 |Lv 4 |Hr 0 |
Dec 4, 2011 |Lv 5 |Hr 1 |
Dec 4, 2011 |Lv 6 |Hr 1 |
Dec 4, 2011 |Lv 7 |Hr 1 |
Dec 4, 2011 |Lv 8 |Hr 1 |
Dec 4, 2011 |Lv 9 |Hr 1 |
Dec 4, 2011 |Lv 10|Hr 2 |
Dec 4, 2011 |Lv 11|Hr 3 |
Dec 4, 2011 |Lv 12|Hr 3 |10 Saphasrra, 9 Tragthar,
Dec 4, 2011 |Lv 13|Hr 3 |10 Dramios, 11 Scree,
Dec 4, 2011 |Lv 14|Hr 4 |
Dec 4, 2011 |Lv 15|Hr 4 |17 Dramios, 12 Pralint,
Dec 4, 2011 |Lv 16|Hr 5 |18 Dramios, 13 Pralint,
Dec 4, 2011 |Lv 17|Hr 5 |19 Dramios, 14 Pralint,
Dec 4, 2011 |Lv 18|Hr 5 |19 Dramios, 15 Pralint,
Dec 4, 2011 |Lv 19|Hr 6 |23 Brashl, 20 Dramios,
Dec 4, 2011 |Lv 20|Hr 6 |23 Brashl, 21 Dramios,
Dec 4, 2011 |Lv 21|Hr 6 |24 Brashl, 22 Dramios,
Dec 4, 2011 |Lv 22|Hr 7 |24 Brashl, 23 Dramios,
Dec 4, 2011 |Lv 23|Hr 7 |25 Brashl, 23 Dramios,
Dec 5, 2011 |Lv 24|Hr 8 |23 Amidr, 24 Tulpe,
Dec 5, 2011 |Lv 25|Hr 8 |24 Amidr, 25 Tulpe,
Dec 5, 2011 |Lv 26|Hr 9 |24 Amidr, 26 Tulpe,
Dec 5, 2011 |Lv 27|Hr 9 |25 Amidr, 21 Scree,
Dec 5, 2011 |Lv 28|Hr 10 |26 Amidr, 22 Scree,
Dec 5, 2011 |Lv 29|Hr 10 |27 Amidr, 24 Scree,
Dec 5, 2011 |Lv 30|Hr 11 |27 Dramios, 27 Scree,
Dec 5, 2011 |Lv 31|Hr 12 |28 Dramios, 28 Scree,
Dec 5, 2011 |Lv 32|Hr 13 |29 Dramios, 29 Scree,
Dec 6, 2011 |Lv 33|Hr 14 |34 Scree, 38 Kgnasiam,
Dec 8, 2011 |Lv 34|Hr 18 |35 Zhistrava, 33 Yuven,
Dec 8, 2011 |Lv 35|Hr 18 |34 Yuven, 31 Perlim,
Dec 8, 2011 |Lv 36|Hr 19 |35 Yuven, 32 Perlim,
Dec 8, 2011 |Lv 37|Hr 19 |37 Yuven, 34 Perlim,
Dec 8, 2011 |Lv 38|Hr 19 |38 Yuven, 35 Perlim,
Dec 8, 2011 |Lv 39|Hr 20 |40 Yuven, 37 Perlim,
Dec 10, 2011 |Lv 40|Hr 22 |35 Seisorald, 39 Gazdrador,
Dec 10, 2011 |Lv 41|Hr 22 |36 Seisorald, 40 Gazdrador,
Dec 10, 2011 |Lv 42|Hr 23 |37 Seisorald, 41 Gazdrador,
Dec 10, 2011 |Lv 43|Hr 25 |
Dec 10, 2011 |Lv 44|Hr 27 |49 Ugnok, 37 Vaaki,
Dec 12, 2011 |Lv 45|Hr 38 |
Jan 2, 2012 |Lv 46|Hr 70 |
Jan 3, 2012 |Lv 47|Hr 72 |45 Badduah, 47 Rajker,
Jan 3, 2012 |Lv 48|Hr 73 |46 Badduah, 48 Rajker,
Jan 8, 2012 |Lv 49|Hr 82 |51 Scree, 51 Besruks,
Jan 8, 2012 |Lv 50|Hr 82 |51 Scree, 51 Besruks,
42360, Krunk's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Sun Dec 4 20:27:13 2011 at level 20 (4 hrs):
Krunk advanced to level 20 <PK: 0-0>

Mon Dec 5 21:16:53 2011 at level 30 (11 hrs):
Krunk advanced to level 30 <PK: 0-1>

Sat Dec 10 08:24:46 2011 at level 40 (21 hrs):
Krunk advanced to level 40 <PK: 1-5>

Sun Jan 8 16:18:32 2012 at level 50 (80 hrs):
Krunk advanced to level 50 <PK: 22-12>

Sun Mar 4 18:09:34 2012 at level 50 (187 hrs):
Scarabaeus has set edge master of bloodletting for Krunk.

42359, Krunk's Mob Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Mob Deaths

Dec 11, 2011|Lv 44|Aturi|a wandering knight by heavenly wrath
Dec 17, 2011|Lv 45|The Blue Lair|a swarm of locusts by sting
Dec 17, 2011|Lv 45|The Manor|the bodyguard by crush
Dec 17, 2011|Lv 45|The Manor|the Lord by pierce
Feb 10, 2012|Lv 50|Dragon Tower Ruins|the ghoulish form of a draconian guard by claw
Mar 17, 2012|Lv 50|Thar-Acacia|a gnome guard by hit
Aug 5, 2012 |Lv 51|Akan|Captain Frenkol by chop
Aug 15, 2012|Lv 51|Dragon Tower Ruins|a draconian revenant by claw
Oct 3, 2012 |Lv 51|Dragon Tower Ruins|the ward of Arkenevin by wall of fire
Nov 24, 2012|Lv 51|Nyathl Ikalith|an emerald serpent by crush
42358, Krunk's Edges
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM



Racial Edges

Flailing Fallback

Class Edges

Master of Bloodletting
Opportunistic Carnivore
Will of the Slave
Brutalizer of the Handicapped
Slippery Coward
Heavy Foot
Survival Instinct


Shield Eyes
Seasoned Traveler
Resurgent Vitality
42357, Krunk's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding35700
Experience from Skill improvements16042
Experience from Exploration18430
Experience from Quests26175
Experience from Commerce5585
Experience from Immortals4700
Experience from Observation23035

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Sat Nov 19 16:29:47 2011
Quests Completed  21
Exploration Points Found  56
(WANTED) Criminal  10 times
     Murder6 times
     Theft0 times
     Looting0 times
     Offensive of Harmful Powers1 times
     Aiding a Known Criminal0 times
     Assaulting the Spire1 times
     Attacking Guildguards2 times
     Other0 times
Thickening the Veil0 items for 0
Thinning the Veil0 items for 0
Hours spent at Hero  327 hours
% of lifetime in the wilderness  44 %
% of lifetime in the cities  8 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  1 %