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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subject[FORTRESS] Tanion Sunlash the Martyr of the Prosimy, Banisher of Aberrations, Marshall of the Fortress
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42248, [FORTRESS] Tanion Sunlash the Martyr of the Prosimy, Banisher of Aberrations, Marshall of the Fortress
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Tanion Sunlash the Martyr of the Prosimy, Banisher of Aberrations, Marshall of the Fortress


An elven figure that is taller and lankier than one might expect
(even for an elf) is here with a lightweight but sturdy shield
positioned at his side. He seems waifish, and his milk-colored skin
exposed between his pieces of armor seems to have no visible
blemishes or scarring. Though this lack would make him seem untried
in battle, his eyes convey a sense of stoic purpose. The eyes shine
like bright rays of sun and are golden in color and his hair is
long and has the same vibrancy and golden hue. These attributes
contrast quite vividly with his pale skin, especially when his hair
whips about in its warrior's tail in combat. His nose and chin seem
sharp and pointed and his demeanor usually conveys a no-nonsense
approach towards the world. His armor is mismatched but sturdy. He
is lithe, graceful, alert, and seemingly prepared for battle.


Practices59Trains2HometownVoralian City
Exp705300To Level31500SphereVictory
Age mature, 484 years old (308 hours)
Hit Points640Mana936Movement1211
Carry #0/37Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
42282, Tanion's Role Chapter 15
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 15

War Diaries: Tenth
Added Sun Aug 5 08:19:05 2012 at level 51:

Blessed be and glory to the Light, the essences of the Ancient Dragons and
power within them have served their purpose! The events that transpired that
led up to this critical moment were as follows: A weakened spirit of a past
Warlock contacted me and led me to his resting place. He wished me to bring
and release the essences west of the Shadow Grove where he would be strong
enough to harness their power to good effect for the sake of the Tower.
Before this could take place Nightwalkers began raiding the Fortress in an
effort at obtaining the essences within, though the battle was long and
feirce, they were successful. Having already created a channel of sorts in
that location, the Nightwalkers seized the opportunity and had the essences
release their power at Lands End. Before the power could be harnessed, battle
ensued. The Nightwalkers were defeated, the power of the essences awaits the
time it will be herded to greater (or horrible) use, depending on who takes
it first. In my posession is a small urn with the ashes of Kardonian, a most
powerful Warlock. He is helping me to achieve the goal of raising the Golden
Tower and I await further instruction.

42274, Tanion's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

War Diaries: Third
Added Wed May 30 16:28:01 2012 at level 30:

I spoke with several other members of the Fortress and was allowed an
appointment to speak with the newly appointed Captain, Clahier. She explained
a bit about diplomacy to me, and I must say I approve of her methods. Time is
wasted when you spend your efforts attempting to simply speak to those who do
wicked things to get them to change their ways. From what I have noted, most
are amused to speak with you of their souls, yet they care not for what you
have to say, they simply wish to see how long they can make you waste your

I continue my quest for Lian Shian'ji and the fate of Thera. I have now cut
down eight wicked beings whom in some way or another have sinned greatly
against the Light. I find my blessings to be most potent, and am learning new
ways to use the powers given to me to great effect. Thus far I have
sacrificed two powerful artifacts in an effort to rid the world of their

I have been granted a position as Squire of the Fortress. I hope to humbly
learn what it means to hold such a post, and fulfill the duties of the Squire
with honor and righteousness. I will continue to study the Maran Creed, and I
will continue to cut down the wicked where they stand. Be it eight, or eight
hundred, I will not stop until Victory has been achieved.

42275, Tanion's Role Chapter 8
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 8

War Diaries: Four
Added Sun Jun 3 05:45:57 2012 at level 34:

I fell in combat attempting to cleanse the Mausoleum of its evil for Jolinar
of Voralian City, who seems to be some sort of broker for the cleansing of
places. I decided to use my now ghostly form to sneak through the Mists of
Thar-Acacia and its guardians. When I woke near the city itself after resting
from this journey, Lian Shian'ji revealed himself. The conversation that
followed was enlightening and inspirational. Here is what I learned:

1. The Parable of the Silver Worker: The Silver Worker is the purifier of the
soul. The Silver Worker cleanses the silver (soul) of impurities, and with
each cleansing 'dross' (wickedness, impurity) floats to the top of the vat
and is burned away. By bringing death to the wicked, they are redeemed in
fire and holy cleansing.

2. I am tasked with wielding two swords, a sword of retribution, and a sword
of redemption. I am to be as the Silver Worker, a remaker of souls.

3. The Golden Tower will rise again, and the Grimoire of the Warlocks with
it. Magical artifacts of great power can be harnessed and channeled into the
reformation of the tower.

4. Maran Law is of greater import than Tribunal Law. All who walk in darkness
deserve death. No mercy to the wicked, be strong and savage. Never harm any
of the light in the pursuit of the wicked.

5. Lian Shian'ji has a faerie dragon named Shaioli.

42276, Tanion's Role Chapter 9
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 9

War Diaries: Fifth
Added Sun Jun 10 13:05:54 2012 at level 37:

The second meeting with the Warden of the Grimoire, Lian Shian'ji.

I was honored with a visit from Lian, directly on the heels of a battle and I
stood covered with disgusting orc blood. It seemed a bit unceremonious, so I
asked that we might retire to a more appropriate venue, thusly we went to the
pinnacle of the Tower of High Sorcery.

Once there, I was able to give over to Lian a few items of great power and
fell sorcery. I informed Lian that I had been recruiting others in my efforts
at gaining items of power and he seemed pleased. He also seemed pleased that
I was teaching the wicked of the Silver Worker after their deaths, that they
might better understand the process of smithing and reforging their souls
were undergoing with their rebirths.

Lian informed me that the last step to becoming one of his esteemed chosen
and being marked as such was to write a parable to be added to the Grimoire.
I had not even thought that I might achieve such status as a non War-Mage. I
seized the opportunity and agreed to begin working on my parable at once. At
the risk of narcissism I will write of my own great life lesson to this
point. How a mere servant untalented in magic can become a chosen of the God
of War-Mages through dedication and a will and devotion to Victory. It will
be my attempt at any rate to do so. Should it be found unworthy of the pages
of the Grimoire I will write another, and another still until I have
something worthy.

The Fortress itself stands strong, many of the Shadowrunners bide their time
and wait in whatever cracks and crevices of Thera they might find. It feels
like the calm before the storm to me, knowing what I do about the possible
future with the great war looming. I do everything I can to prepare the
forces of the Light, for now it just means learning the intricisies of combat
and warfare. A true leader cannot be untried or unblooded and maintain the
respect of his men. I am now considered a true Maran, this is a mixed
blessing. Never before have I tread so close to the taint, it is a fine line.
A step in any but the correct direction and I am lost eternally. The Grimoire
is my guide, the Golden Tower is my journey, and Victory is my destination.

42277, Tanion's Role Chapter 10
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 10

The Parable of the Stable Boy
Added Mon Jun 11 13:05:40 2012 at level 37:

Many years ago, during a dark time, the Empire made a great push for
expansion. Centurions and spies were sent to the far reaches of Thera to find
cities and settlements that were not yet paying tribute or being taxed. The
Empire's rules were simple, pay homage or be destroyed.

In the mountains far south of Silverwood there was a Keep that was home to a
powerful Duke. This Duke was known for his fierce ways of combat and pride.
Because of this there was a pauper child who idolized him and went to enlist
in his forces as a soldier. Amused by the childs small frame and stature, the
Duke refused the child martial training, but instead told him he could serve
in the stables.

When the tax collectors from the Empire came, the Duke refused to pay
tribute. A year later the Duke's forces stood face to face with an Imperial
Army Mounted Battalion. The Duke knew the battle was lost before it had even
begun. As the fighting began, the horses of the Imperial Force started to
buck and froth at the mouth, their eyes rolled into the backs of their heads
in their pain induced frenzy. What was a sure loss turned into a stunning
victory for the Duke's small army.

The stable boy, anxious to prove himself worthy to the duke, had slipped into
the enemy encampment during the night and poisoned the horse feed. He had
even greeted the Imperial Soldiers as he did so with a tip of his ragged hat.
The Duke, upon hearing the boy's tale of bravery and cleverness, made the boy
a member of his personal guard. Never again did the Duke underestimate the
power of dedication of any individual, nor did he judge anyone based on

42278, Tanion's Role Chapter 11
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 11

War Diaries: Sixth
Added Fri Jun 22 17:54:41 2012 at level 51:

The pinnacle. It seems to have happened in a flash, and there is much left
undone, much left that needs doing. I still do not know anything about the
Scion's ritual and the things they need to achieve it. It has been some time
since I had communion with Shian'ji, but I know all is well as I still feel
the energies of the Grimoire coursing through my body. The righteous anger of
purity still flows through me from the Warden with vengeance. In fact, as I
write this the Empress' demonic mace rests on Shokai's altar waiting to be
channeled into the rebuilding efforts of the Golden Tower. The Empress fights
very dirty, and the venom she spews into her daggers are far more effective
than that which passes off her tongue. But without her armies she seems weak,
and she fell easily.

As I write this the Nexuns are plotting to retrieve the Codex and Scepter for
our enemies. I do not understand their logic. They say 'The Light is too
Powerful'. It is like saying 'There is too much air to breathe', yet they do
not burn down forests and channel smoke into the cities. They would force
murder and their own warped justice on the innocent and dare to proclaim
balance, yet when they end up razing Voralian City to balance out chaos and
evil..how do they justify it? I have not met one seeker of balance that has
reasonable explainations for their practices. I will walk carefully around
those individuals, and rarely will I accept offers of aid, if ever.

I was able to hold a session of learning with three Pledges earlier this
evening, it was quite the experience. They knew a lot about the Creed, and I
was able to teach them much through the Parable of the Silver Worker. There
is hope yet that our armies will strengthen with each call to arms, I trust
that we will grow even greater than we are currently. Yet it all seems as
though it is merely the calm before the storm still, like something dark and
ominous is on the horizon. During these times I will be ever vigilant, I will
not become prideful or boastful in our strength, I will temper myself to be
ready at all times for the coming darkness.

42279, Tanion's Role Chapter 12
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 12

War Diaries: Seventh
Added Sun Jun 24 08:29:28 2012 at level 51:

So much to speak on, with so little time to do so. A lot has transpired,
specifically regarding an experience with the Outlanders of Thar-Aris and the
Scions of Eternal Night.

I knew there was much happening as the Sunwarden had asked me to locate
specific items and bring them to her, yet she informed me she did not trust
me to say why, other than it was to strike a blow at the Scions. She called
out to me again and explained the full situation to me.

Apparently the Chancellor Narissorin had commited a ritual in the forest of
Prosimy and opened up a gateway there to another plane, one of the
Nightwalkers. The Ancients of Thar-Eris tasked the current Refuge members to
close it. For the Sunwarden they required items, for the Nightreaver they
required blood of the Chancellor spilled on the spot. Nightwalkers had
already been coming through the portal, yet when the Nightreaver fell to the
Chancellor on the spot instead of vice versa, the ground was even further
tainted and the beginning of the end seemed to be near. The Sunwarden was now
required to spill the blood of the innocent upon the land in reparations of
the Nightreavers folly, as well as to begin the process of closing the

The Sunwarden told me what needed to be done, and after assurances from the
Ancients (the communication nearly shattered my brain in its complexity, yet
I did feel reassured) I allowed my blood to be spilled. The Sunwarden had
instructed me to fall on my sword, but Lian Shian'ji had tasked me never to
spill the blood of a Lightwalker. This burden I gave to the Sunwarden, and
she battered me with the fury of the Wilds until I did not live.

The Chrone Amaranthe later came to me to offer her personal thanks for my
sacrifice and bequeathed me with the gift of knowing Charity in my guild. I
told her I did not know if I was allowed to accept such gifts from an
Immortal not my own, but she said that if Lian wished to take it back he
certainly may, it was simply a gift in addition to those that he would
normally wish to give for my service to the Ancients.

I feel blessed in that I was already able to strike a blow against the Scions
to delay their ritual, I will have to be ever vigilant to do so again, and
again, and again, until either they can no longer begin the rituals, or I am
passed from this world to the Azure Fields.

42280, Tanion's Role Chapter 13
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 13

War Diaries: Eighth
Added Thu Jul 5 04:03:46 2012 at level 51:

So quickly the divination shown to me by my grandfather is playing itself
out! I am honored and privilaged to say that I have been chosen to lead the
Fortress of the Light as it's Marshall. This will surely put me in position
to lead the final charge against the forces of the Scion plane once it is
opened. I do not look forward to the day, it is likely I will once again
become a martyr of the light. I do not fear the coming battle. Lian Shian'ji
is still with me, though his efforts at the reconstruction of the Golden
Tower tax him greatly and take up all of his time.

The Jaguar Goddess Baerinika and I had an important discussion previous to my
becoming Marshall. She informed me that Sindrai's choice to take my life for
the sacrifice of the Prosimy cost him far more than either of us had imagined
it would. We were tasked with healing the bond between us through
forgiveness. I learned a valuable lesson through this experience. My soul and
the methods I follow for Lian Shian'ji are not more important than the rules
others have placed upon themselves and their own souls.

I have not seen Sindrai in some time. I gathered for him several items he
needed to complete the ceremony to cleanse the Prosimy of its taint, I even
believe I found the location the ceremony is to be held, however we can do
nothing until Sindrai is found. Perhaps he is questing deep to find the one
remaining item that we both were unsure of how to get, I do not know.

The time of darkness looms nearer, we must remain tempered and calm and not
give in to fear. Through preparation and training, recruiting and devotion to
the Light we will persevere always.

42281, Tanion's Role Chapter 14
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 14

War Diaries: Ninth
Added Tue Jul 17 03:34:09 2012 at level 51:

Times are difficult and challenging, but certainly worthwhile. The mantle of
leadership weighs the heaviest when those that follow you seek to follow
their own lead. I had a Squire, Dorjooma, to tell me that I was a liar who
wronged him when I sent him away from the Fortress.

I too had been attacked by Nythos, but after showing self sacrifice and
dedication to the Light by assisting with cleansing the Prosimy Forest,
Nythos considers us brothers. It is an example of how the gray are impacted
by being shown the Lights blessings firsthand. Nythos saw me give of myself,
and it ceased his violence towards myself and others for a time. When we go
out of our way to murder those WE judge as wicked, they are only shown the
cruelty of this war, and they call us hypocrites, rightly so. The Creed says
do not become that which you hunt. By actively hunting those of a balanced
disposition, we are not only slaying their wickedness, but their purity as
well. We are encouraging their wickedness while becoming more wicked

I have instructed all Squires and Maran to write their thoughts on this issue
so that the proper course of action towards the balance might be known by

On an unrelated matter, I am learning the Ancient Dragon spirits are quite
cumbersome. Lian Shian'ji instructed me to gather all dragon essences and a
grinning black skull so that he might raise the Golden Tower by channeling
their energies. One of the greatest things I learned from this process is the
necessity of leading, at times, from the back. I could not have had success
raiding the Ancient Lairs if I chose the role of both healer and took the
blows. I have done more vomiting, been set on fire, been electrified, frozen,
and sprayed with acid lately than I should ever want to deal with again. I
cannot leave the Fortress for fear of having the dragons catch me when I am
vulnerable and freezing my movements. Perhaps the Golden Tower will
raise sooner than later, I should hope so!

42266, Tanion's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Mon May 21 13:33:25 2012 by 'An Immortal' at level 18 (7 hrs):
An Immortal added 1500 exp for: Worked as pretty much a slave for his mage family, but was banned from practicing/learning. Grandpa had visions of his greatness, so he shared them with Tanion and sent him out to find Lian and save the Light.

Wed May 23 21:34:44 2012 by 'An Immortal' at level 22 (14 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: An interview with Lam has given him new insights into joining the Fortress.

Thu May 24 18:05:40 2012 by 'Lian' at level 23 (18 hrs):
With some assistance, he is empowered to 30. I plan to work with him on the Redemption side of the Tara'bal, but he is off to a promising start. Hopefully I get to watch him. *fistshake*

Sun Jun 10 13:27:06 2012 by 'Daevryn' at level 37 (75 hrs):
25-1 Fort paladin? Holy crap.

Sun Jun 10 13:27:39 2012 by 'Daevryn' at level 37 (75 hrs):
I guess having Retribution early as a shield paladin does help, but... that's still pretty stand-out.

Sun Jun 10 13:28:14 2012 by 'An Immortal' at level 37 (75 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Update about a kill on an orc and the following talk with Lian. We have to write a parable to be added to the Grimoire to become one of his esteemed chosen, so we're working on that.

Tue Jun 12 15:39:24 2012 by 'Whiysdan' at level 37 (83 hrs):
Going around randomly giving coins to beggars (mobs)...thumbsup, I like!

Wed Jun 13 14:11:27 2012 by 'Lian' at level 37 (86 hrs):
Promoted to Maran. I believe he'll do a good job representing the Fortress, and it will be more easily done as a Maran than a Squire. And I'm not biased just because he's my follower.

Sat Jun 23 20:35:50 2012 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (116 hrs):
An Immortal added 1000 exp for: For sacrificing himself to stop the nightwalkers from spawning in Prosimy

Sat Jun 23 20:54:00 2012 by 'Amaranthe' at level 51 (116 hrs):
Given Charity packet as a quest reward, with various RP involved to make it make sense. Knows that Lian retains the freedom to take it away if he wishes.

Sun Jun 24 08:47:45 2012 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (119 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Updates about their involvement in the Prosimy quest stuff.

Tue Jun 26 13:36:34 2012 by 'Baerinika' at level 51 (129 hrs):
Raked him pretty hard over the coals about refusing to suicide and making Sindrai pee kay him. I told him I hope Lian understands.

Fri Jul 6 14:24:57 2012 by 'Whiysdan' at level 51 (161 hrs):
The storm giant commander of Kiadana went to him and Nari to warn them of the shadows taking Fyett's soul and enlisted their help to try and save her.

42273, Tanion's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

War Diaries: Second
Added Fri May 25 03:18:53 2012 at level 23:

I awoke this morning on my cot in the guild empowered by Lian Shian'ji. I
knew as soon as I opened my eyes. I had been dreaming of single combat with a
powerful wicked war-mage, a necromancer. It was odd. When I woke I had a
sense of clarity that I didn't have when I slept, and I knew he had been with
me. To me this means that I have his approval to continue my quest in his
name, but I will need to prove myself to him before he will speak with me
directly of war and the victories we will achieve together.

On Victory: Two victories recently. One, I cut down a duergar anti-paladin
who attempted to kill me. He fought with vigor, but the flames licking at his
skin as I hurled it was too much, as he was running down the road I channeled
the heaven's lightning to him. I heard the pop of thunder and the crack of
lightning, when I caught up to him his body was devoid of his head and I
could not find it. This victory made me feel different than I would have
expected. I was not thrilled and overjoyed at having killed this creature
though there was a snese of rightness to the action. The second victory came
in a much more pleasing venue. I met an old mage at the Tower of High
Sorcery, he gave me various tasks, and upon completion he enrolled me as a
member of the Tower of High Sorcery! I'd have never thought this possible
considering my handicap towards magic. Even though I might never know the
feeling of channeling raw mana into a physical form of war spells, the
feeling of belonging to such a group is gratifying.

I will seek my Squireship in earnest now. I have my blessings, and I am
blooded as they say. It is time to begin the journey of the Squire.

42272, Tanion's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

War Diaries: First
Added Tue May 22 12:25:09 2012 at level 21:

Today I had many revelations after speaking with the Fortress Acolyte
Lamahrya. She asked me what I would do when I achieved Victory after the
great battle I have forseen, she also asked what happened if I lay upon my
deathbed and the battle had never occurred. I told her that if the Light
achieved a great victory over the darkness in the great battle from my
vision, I would continue my Lord's work and seek to continue to prepare
others for further wars, hopefully through the continued efforts of the
Warlock faction. Even if Victory is achieved that day, there will be more

As to the second question, I would consider going to my death bed without
having fought the battle from my visions a Victory as well. It is my life's
purpose to prevent dark mages such as the Scions of Eternal Night from
achieving such dark feats as the abyssal portal they seek to open to the
netherworlds. Through continued efforts at defeating darkness and bringing
the retribution of Lian and the Light to my foes, I will hope to circumvent
these rituals. Without their items of power, they cannot carry out these
rituals, just as they cannot carry them out without being alive.

I will go forth with vengeance and alacrity to vanquish the wicked, I will do
so with no fear. To fear the wicked is to grant them victory. When we fear,
we have let our enemies take a small part of ourselves for their own and we
hesitate to take necessary action. I will bleed and die for this cause, and
hopefully before my last stand I will have made a lasting impact upon my
brothers and sisters, my fellow soldiers.

42271, Tanion's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Tanion Sunlash: The Paladin Trainee
Added Sun May 20 08:38:34 2012 at level 1:

In a dreary keep, in front of a large fireplace, beside an ancient
elf war-mage, Tanion Sunlash wept in awe. His grandfather placed a
fragile hand upon his shoulder and squeezed with encouragement.

'There is a stirring in the east, upon the breaking waves of the
Western Aryth Ocean. It is there you must go, seek the shattered
ruins of what was once a great Golden Tower. There you must seek
Lian Shian'ji the Silver Wraith. He must find you worthy. Make your
path to Voralian city and find the Paladins Guild. The Code of
Paladins is sacred and should you live your life by it, your spirit
will be a truly great thing. Your path is that of the Paladin, with
the Warden of the Grimoire guiding your hand. You will be the
greatest of us all, and we will follow your lead when the time has
come for the great battle. Until then, vanquish evil wherever it
stands, destroy evil war-mages that seek to fulfill the dark
prophecy. Destroy all items of dark magics lest they be used
against the light. Pack your things, your journey has begun.'

Tanion Sunlash left the Keep that very evening without looking
back. He found the Voralian City Paladins Guildhall and pled his
case. He was accepted as a Paladin trainee with little fanfare and
instructed to go serve soup and clean pots after. He attacked the
dishes and swept the floors with steadfast resolve, though he may
be serving again, it was the start of a path, the start of his
destiny. He would bring the forces of the Light to Victory, or die

42270, Tanion's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Tanion Sunlash: The Vision
Added Sun May 20 08:36:00 2012 at level 1:

Darkness was overtaking the Land of Thera. These were desolate
times. Having gathered the items to complete their dark ritual, the
Scions of Eternal Night had opened a great portal to another plane.
Daily creatures of shadow and darkness poured forth, their demonic
visages causing panic in the small pockets of forces that had been
given the orders to retreat days before. All hope was lost to the
brave warriors that had stood their ground and were now preparing
to die. The battlefield was black as night, noiseless except for
brief screams that were cut off abruptly by flashing blue glows
as souls were harvested.

Horned demons and winged beasts all paused in their conquest and
pillaging, for in the east a golden ray of light broke the
darkness. The ray of sunlight revealed a lone Paladin standing on
the crest of a hilltop. His gleaming golden armor shone like
sunfire and some of the lesser demons winced and looked away from
it. The mark of the Golden Grimoire was emblazoned on the
chestpiece of this armor, and again on the platinum shield. A
bright silver sword was raised towards the heavens as the Paladin
surveyed the lands below him with determination. No fear radiated
from this figure as he took in the scene below. Tanion Sunlash,
leader of the Maran armies, shouted out a fierce and seemingly
arcane cry of battle. The skies split open with one golden ray
after another as fiery portals revealed his Maran Battalion. Still
hopelessly outnumbered, yet seemingly confident in his troops,
Tanion signaled the attack, his actions proving the creed of small
Keeps of resistance everywhere, that even in the darkest of nights,
the light will shine forth. The light descended into darkness, the
results of this battle are yet unknown.

42269, Tanion's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Tanion Sunlash: The Awakening
Added Sun May 20 08:34:10 2012 at level 1:

Tanion was having a fairly morose day. The bleak and dreary rain
beating on the latched shutters of the Keep inspired feelings of
annoyance in him, he knew the stable doors were left open and the
entry area would be a mucky and smelly mess after the storm passed,
yet he was filled with apathy the more he thought about going out
to shut them. He was sitting in front of his small fireplace lost
in these thoughts when he heard a knock at his door. He got up and
crossed the room, and gasped in surprise when he opened his door
and saw his grandfather standing in his doorway.

'Come with me' said the ancient figure.

Tanion followed as instructed and was filled with dread and
uncertainty as they entered a wing of the Keep he was instructed
never to enter. He realized that they were entering his
grandfather's personal laboratory and a glimmer of awe and hope
broke through the bleakness of his spirit.

'Have a seat and listen' his grandfather said, pulling an odd
looking silver bowl from its place on a shelf. 'I have stood by and
done nothing as your mother and father dashed your hopes and
dreams, yet it has gone on long enough. You traipse around the
place like a boy at play with a wooden sword as your brothers and
sisters learn the deadliest magics of Thera. You entertain yourself
with story books and servant tasks while every other pure bred elf
here practices our calling. They say you are weak, naked, and need
protection, yet from your birth I have seen true greatness in your

Tanion listened with wide-eyed wonderment, this was certainly the
longest conversation he had participated in in years, the shock
value of the information he was receiving was giving him sweats.

'I have had visions of your future my grandson. They have come to
me consistently for several days now, and I know it is time for you
to begin to fulfill your destiny. I will show you a thing now,
something your parents would forbid and will likely not forgive me
for.' With these words he poured water into the silver bowl and
began to chant in dull tones.

Peering over the rim of the bowl, Tanion looked down into the
water. Through the swirling and sloshing, a vision began to appear
in the clearest of definition.......

42268, Tanion's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Tanion Sunlash: Conqueror of Cobwebs
Added Sun May 20 08:31:34 2012 at level 1:

Thrust! Thrust! Parry! Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt! The sinister
cobwebs on the old bookshelf were vanquished with righteous
vengeance. Tanion gave a quick little sigh and moved on to his next
conquest, sweeping the entry ways.

Although his life was fairly lackluster and boring, he was still
young and had plenty of time to find his calling. Unfortunately for
him, he lived in a Keep (The Keep of the Sun) full of heroes
destined for glory in war-magic. Yet he himself was born with an
inability to pull energy from the mana reserves of the veil. Even
more unfortunate, his mother and father, grandparents, brothers and
sisters were all the most talented family in this place. Ever since
the dispersal of the Golden Tower his family had been in training
and practice, awaiting the day the horns of battle would ring out
against the forces of darkness once more. It was a very near thing
that they survived the great betrayal to begin with.

Tanion assisted where he could, usually filling the role of the
servant. He was not allowed in the training rooms or laboratories
of the place, he was not even allowed to participate in classes and
war-training. His parents said that it would be cruel of them to
dangle greatness in front of him like a carrot he could never
reach. Yet the true cruelty of it all was that Tanion felt like an
outcast among his own family, a black sheep of no importance in the
grand scheme of things. He was given a basic education at an early
age, but as his brothers and sisters grew in power and knowledge,
he had his own personal battles with cobwebs and raking piles of

Yet all of this was soon to be a distant memory...

42267, Tanion's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Fri Jul 6 14:26:42 2012 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (161 hrs):
An Immortal added 100 exp for: Some good RP with the storm giant commander in an attempt to save Fyett's soul from darkness.

Sat Jul 7 14:15:24 2012 by 'Lian' at level 51 (167 hrs):
He is set off on a quest to gather a group of hardy Lightwalker war-mages in an effort to raise the Silver Tower from the ashes of the Warlock cabal.

Fri Jul 27 14:13:10 2012 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (212 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Leadership is hard. Also, some thoughts about Outlanders attacking us and other goodies along with thoughts on Nexus attacks.

Sat Jul 28 20:05:52 2012 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (213 hrs):
An Immortal added 600 exp for: Saying a solid parable on Rosaline's event

Sun Jul 29 19:11:55 2012 by 'Rayihn' at level 51 (217 hrs):
Man we have an ego on us.

Fri Aug 10 20:30:16 2012 by 'Amaranthe' at level 51 (256 hrs):
Aug RC Note: I like you. I've enjoyed watching your RP. I really wanted to have your role be a contender. But I'm finding it a little tedious.

Fri Aug 17 13:38:12 2012 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (286 hrs):
An Immortal added 100 exp for: So much dogma. You are no fun for vampires.

42265, Tanion's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  57
Total PK Assists  13
Solo PKs  37
PKs with a group of 2 22
PKs with a group of 3 5
PKs with a group of 4+ 6
Average Group Size Per Kill  1.77

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Brings a friend

Total PK Losses  7
Solo PK Losses  6
PK Losses to a group of 2 1
PK Losses to a group of 3 0
PK Losses to a group of 4+ 0
Average Group Size Per Death  1.14

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Destroyed By The Honorbound

42264, Tanion's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  57 (29 at level 51)
Total PK Losses  7
Total Mob Deaths  9

PK Wins by Class
VS. thief  2
VS. warrior  19
VS. anti-paladin  4
VS. assassin  4
VS. ranger  4
VS. invoker  3
VS. necromancer  5
VS. bard  2
VS. shaman  3
VS. healer  1
VS. berserker  10

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  23

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  0
VS. Neutral  2
VS. Evil  55

PK Deaths by Class
VS. ranger  1
VS. necromancer  2
VS. shaman  1
VS. berserker  1
VS. shapeshifter  2

PK Deaths by Cabal
VS. None  2

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  1
VS. Neutral  1
VS. Evil  5
42263, Tanion's Cabal Powers List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Powers List

Level 15mantle of the phoenix99%
Level 25lightforge81%
Level 30phoenix brand100%
Level 35cry of deliverance100%
42262, Tanion's Supplication List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Supplication List

Supplication List

Level 1detect evil93%
Level 1mend wounds100%
Level 3create food100%
Level 4create water87%
Level 4know alignment75%
Level 5detect consecration99%
Level 6bless100%
Level 6detect invis100%
Level 7cure blindness100%
Level 10flamestrike100%
Level 11call lightning100%
Level 11protection97%
Level 13remove curse99%
Level 15haven96%
Level 17cure deafness85%
Level 19blessed divination100%
Level 20summon100%
Level 21wrath100%
Level 22crusade100%
Level 24remove taint89%
Level 25turn undead94%
Level 25essence of retribution100%
Level 25essence of charity98%
Level 26templars gift83%
Level 27sanctuary100%
Level 27lifeboon80%
Level 29heal100%
Level 30force of will100%
Level 30ceremonial burial81%
Level 32word of recall100%
Level 32fervor88%
Level 32call of the martyr94%
Level 32divine retribution83%
Level 33righteousness98%
Level 34prayer of restoration78%
Level 37redemption75%
Level 38holy word93%
Level 40mass healing84%
Level 40sanctify room81%
Level 40fire and brimstone100%
Level 42light of heaven100%
42261, Tanion's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1mace100%
Level 1polearm90%
Level 1sword100%
Level 1staff91%
Level 1hand to hand100%
Level 1parry100%
Level 1rescue86%
Level 1recall100%
Level 1shield block100%
Level 2improved compare100%
Level 2improved consider100%
Level 2anoint weapon97%
Level 2beseech77%
Level 3first aid87%
Level 3metal armor use100%
Level 4enhanced damage100%
Level 6second attack100%
Level 7fast healing100%
Level 9aim85%
Level 9light armor use100%
Level 10charge1%
Level 10disarm100%
Level 10shield bash100%
Level 10lay hands100%
Level 10shield mastery100%
Level 12haggle90%
Level 13third attack100%
Level 14meditation100%
Level 15shield jab100%
Level 19lore100%
Level 20attune1%
Level 20eyes of flame100%
Level 20pen87%
Level 22pugil1%
Level 22zeal100%
Level 23slice1%
Level 24flank attack100%
Level 27retributive curing100%
Level 28track the wicked100%
Level 30careful vision100%
Level 32angels wing100%
Level 35legendary awareness79%
Level 35evade99%
42260, Tanion's Title History
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Title History

Thu May 31 13:27:13 2012, level 30 (33 hrs):
Tanion Sunlash the Seeker of Retribution

Sat Jun 23 20:34:22 2012, level 51 (116 hrs):
Tanion Sunlash the Martyr of the Prosimy, Banisher of Aberrations

Tue Jun 26 13:39:53 2012, level 51 (129 hrs):
Tanion Sunlash the Martyr of the Prosimy, Banisher of Aberrations, Marshall of the Fortress

42259, Tanion's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Aug 22, 2012|Lv 51|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Abiritha vs 2: Tanion (50%, heavenly wrath), Salmt (49%)
Aug 24, 2012|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Ackor vs 2: Tanion (77%, lightning bolt), Davnan (22%)
42250, Tanion's Class Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Class Specifics


42249, Tanion's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding69200
Experience from Skill improvements17139
Experience from Exploration29525
Experience from Quests65475
Experience from Commerce2315
Experience from Immortals4900
Experience from Observation31880

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Sun May 20 08:17:56 2012
Quests Completed  42
Exploration Points Found  108
(WANTED) Criminal  0 times
Thickening the Veil0 items for 0
Thinning the Veil9 items for 1750
Hours spent at Hero  195 hours
% of lifetime in the wilderness  32 %
% of lifetime in the cities  18 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  2 %
% of lifetime caballed  89 %
42251, Tanion's Cabal Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Specifics

Cabal Statistics

# of logins with their cabal item  223
# of logins without their cabal item  5
# of logouts with their cabal item  216
# of logouts without their cabal item  1
# of times they lost their cabal item  4
# of times they retrieved their cabal item  5
# of times they took another cabal item  90

42252, Tanion's Edges
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM



Racial Edges

Shining Soul

Class Edges

Burning Brimstone
Angel Skin
Healing Touch
Inspiring Crusade
Shield Flurry
Divine the Tainted
Rejuvenating Touch
Striking Shield
Angel Flight
Fury of the Righteous
Shield Riposte
Mailed Templar


Battle Tested
Zombie Fighter
Seasoned Traveler
42253, Tanion's Mob Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Mob Deaths

Jun 1, 2012 |Lv 33|Mausoleum|a disgusting, rotting zombie by claw
Jun 7, 2012 |Lv 35|Underdark|a dark-elf patroller by slash
Jun 23, 2012|Lv 51|Kuo-Toa Lair|a kuo-toa priest by blast of lightning
Jun 23, 2012|Lv 51|Kuo-Toa Lair|a statue by claw
Jun 28, 2012|Lv 51|Enpolad's Game Garden|a slime-covered, hooktail dragon by infernal power
Jul 2, 2012 |Lv 51|Seantryn Modan|the Blademaster by slice
Jul 3, 2012 |Lv 51|The Blue Lair|a chaos runner war magi by wrath
Jul 8, 2012 |Lv 51|The Blue Lair|a carnivorous plant by rending rake
42254, Tanion's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Sun May 20 10:50:39 2012 at level 10 (0 hrs):
Tanion has dedicated to using shields <PK: 0-0>

Sun May 20 15:19:15 2012 at level 15 (4 hrs):
Tanion has pledged to the Fortress of Light <PK: 0-0>

Mon May 21 14:23:06 2012 at level 20 (8 hrs):
Tanion advanced to level 20 <PK: 0-0>

Thu May 24 18:03:06 2012 at level 23 (18 hrs):
Empowered by Iunna to level 30 <PK: 1-0>

Wed May 30 03:59:46 2012 at level 30 (26 hrs):
Tanion advanced to level 30 <PK: 5-0>

Wed May 30 15:58:59 2012 at level 30 (29 hrs):
Inducted into FORTRESS by Clahier <PK: 8-0>

Fri Jun 1 14:49:36 2012 at level 33 (38 hrs):
Empowerment changed by Lian to level 51. <PK: 12-0>

Fri Jun 1 14:59:16 2012 at level 33 (38 hrs):
Setfaith RETRIBUTION by Lian. <PK: 12-0>

Sun Jun 10 12:02:26 2012 at level 37 (74 hrs):
Lian made Tanion a Maran <PK: 25-1>

Mon Jun 18 14:21:18 2012 at level 40 (97 hrs):
Tanion advanced to level 40 <PK: 27-2>

Fri Jun 22 17:27:35 2012 at level 51 (113 hrs):
Tanion advanced to level 51 <PK: 28-2>

Sat Jun 23 20:50:02 2012 at level 51 (116 hrs):
Setfaith CHARITY by Amaranthe. <PK: 30-3>

Tue Jun 26 13:39:53 2012 at level 51 (129 hrs):
Tanion has been granted by Baerinika <PK: 30-4>

Mon Aug 27 18:28:55 2012 at level 51 (307 hrs):
Hero Delete <PK: 57-7>

42255, Tanion's Leveling
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Leveling History

May 20, 2012 |Lv 2 |Hr 0 |
May 20, 2012 |Lv 3 |Hr 0 |
May 20, 2012 |Lv 4 |Hr 1 |
May 20, 2012 |Lv 5 |Hr 1 |
May 20, 2012 |Lv 6 |Hr 1 |
May 20, 2012 |Lv 7 |Hr 1 |
May 20, 2012 |Lv 8 |Hr 1 |
May 20, 2012 |Lv 9 |Hr 2 |
May 20, 2012 |Lv 10|Hr 2 |
May 20, 2012 |Lv 11|Hr 2 |
May 20, 2012 |Lv 12|Hr 3 |
May 20, 2012 |Lv 13|Hr 3 |15 Kendrell,
May 20, 2012 |Lv 14|Hr 3 |16 Kendrell,
May 20, 2012 |Lv 15|Hr 3 |17 Kendrell,
May 20, 2012 |Lv 16|Hr 4 |
May 20, 2012 |Lv 17|Hr 5 |
May 21, 2012 |Lv 18|Hr 7 |
May 21, 2012 |Lv 19|Hr 8 |
May 21, 2012 |Lv 20|Hr 9 |
May 21, 2012 |Lv 21|Hr 9 |
May 22, 2012 |Lv 22|Hr 12 |
May 24, 2012 |Lv 23|Hr 15 |
May 25, 2012 |Lv 24|Hr 19 |
May 25, 2012 |Lv 25|Hr 20 |
May 25, 2012 |Lv 26|Hr 21 |21 Fenna,
May 29, 2012 |Lv 27|Hr 22 |
May 29, 2012 |Lv 28|Hr 26 |26 Scrotar,
May 29, 2012 |Lv 29|Hr 26 |28 Scrotar,
May 30, 2012 |Lv 30|Hr 27 |
May 31, 2012 |Lv 31|Hr 33 |
May 31, 2012 |Lv 32|Hr 35 |33 Skekreet,
Jun 1, 2012 |Lv 33|Hr 39 |
Jun 2, 2012 |Lv 34|Hr 42 |
Jun 5, 2012 |Lv 35|Hr 55 |
Jun 8, 2012 |Lv 36|Hr 66 |
Jun 10, 2012 |Lv 37|Hr 72 |
Jun 14, 2012 |Lv 38|Hr 90 |
Jun 18, 2012 |Lv 39|Hr 96 |30 Ixsharea, 32 Ghraes,
Jun 18, 2012 |Lv 40|Hr 97 |
Jun 20, 2012 |Lv 41|Hr 103|38 Balnor,
Jun 20, 2012 |Lv 42|Hr 104|
Jun 21, 2012 (80% exp bonus)|Lv 43|Hr 107|
Jun 21, 2012 (80% exp bonus)|Lv 44|Hr 108|
Jun 21, 2012 (80% exp bonus)|Lv 45|Hr 109|48 Krobbon, 45 Ardo,
Jun 21, 2012 |Lv 46|Hr 109|49 Krobbon, 47 Ardo,
Jun 22, 2012 |Lv 47|Hr 109|51 Diffle, 51 Mrrerr,
Jun 22, 2012 |Lv 48|Hr 110|51 Diffle, 51 Mrrerr,
Jun 22, 2012 |Lv 49|Hr 110|44 Aqel, 48 Karylen,
Jun 22, 2012 |Lv 50|Hr 111|51 Dracovius, 49 Karylen,
Jun 22, 2012 |Lv 51|Hr 113|51 Perathian, 51 Clahier,
42256, Tanion's PK Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Deaths

Jun 2, 2012 |Lv 34|The Northern Mountains|vs 1: Danean (100%, punch)
Jun 13, 2012|Lv 37|The Sea of Despair|vs 1: Ksoalgreb (100%, poison)
Jun 23, 2012|Lv 51|Forest of Prosimy|vs 1: Sindrai (100%, flaming fist)
Jun 24, 2012|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|vs 2: Xanta (15%), Iklahn (84%, whirling strike)
Aug 7, 2012 |Lv 51|Voralian City|vs 1: Krunk (100%, defilement)
Aug 10, 2012|Lv 51|Voralian City|vs 1: Zameida (100%, crush)
Aug 12, 2012|Lv 51|Voralian City|vs 1: Gvilond (100%, )
42257, Tanion's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

May 24, 2012|Lv 23|The Eastern Road|Mhelbek vs 1: Tanion (100%, lightning bolt)
May 29, 2012|Lv 27|The North Road|Marulon vs 1: Tanion (100%, wrath)
May 29, 2012|Lv 27|The Redhorn Mountains|Draggo vs 1: Tanion (100%, heavenly wrath)
May 29, 2012|Lv 27|The Galadon Sewers|Karth vs 1: Tanion (100%, heavenly wrath)
May 29, 2012|Lv 27|Western Aryth Ocean|Soela vs 1: Tanion (100%, lightning bolt)
May 30, 2012|Lv 30|The Past Grove|Fenrir vs 1: Tanion (100%, heavenly wrath)
May 30, 2012|Lv 30|The Manor|Cornelius vs 1: Tanion (100%, heavenly wrath)
May 30, 2012|Lv 30|The Past Grove|Marulon vs 1: Tanion (100%, wrath)
May 30, 2012|Lv 30|Forgotten Crypts|Soela vs 1: Tanion (100%, heavenly wrath)
May 31, 2012|Lv 30|East Sumner's Road|Marulon vs 1: Tanion (100%, heavenly wrath)
May 31, 2012|Lv 31|The Imperial Lands|Maye vs 2: Tanion (84%, lightning bolt), Ianindaiyr (15%)
May 31, 2012|Lv 32|Graveyard|Draggo vs 1: Tanion (100%, heavenly wrath)
Jun 3, 2012 |Lv 34|The Imperial Palace|Felntalos vs 1: Tanion (100%, searing cut)
Jun 3, 2012 |Lv 34|Arial City|Shtrayke vs 1: Tanion (100%, heavenly wrath)
Jun 4, 2012 |Lv 34|East Sumner's Road|Dadompa vs 1: Tanion (100%, dispel evil)
Jun 6, 2012 |Lv 35|Balator|Idregan vs 1: Tanion (100%, wrath)
Jun 6, 2012 |Lv 35|Outskirts of Galadon|Idregan vs 1: Tanion (100%, heavenly wrath)
Jun 6, 2012 |Lv 35|The Imperial Lands|Idregan vs 2: Makiki (15%, aimed shot), Tanion (84%)
Jun 7, 2012 |Lv 35|Akan|Ksoalgreb vs 1: Tanion (100%, wrath)
Jun 8, 2012 |Lv 35|Balator|Ksoalgreb vs 1: Tanion (100%, wrath)
Jun 9, 2012 |Lv 36|Voralian City|Pok vs 1: Tanion (100%, heavenly wrath)
Jun 9, 2012 |Lv 36|The Redhorn Mountains|Pok vs 1: Tanion (100%, searing cut)
Jun 10, 2012|Lv 37|The Consortium|Ksoalgreb vs 2: Rimcal (0%), Tanion (100%, heavenly wrath)
Jun 10, 2012|Lv 37|Northern Foothills|Pok vs 1: Tanion (100%, heavenly wrath)
Jun 10, 2012|Lv 37|The Battlefield|Grikton vs 1: Tanion (100%, wrath)
Jun 10, 2012|Lv 37|Voralian City|Gharotuer vs 2: Balete (27%), Tanion (72%, lightning bolt)
Jun 13, 2012|Lv 37|The Imperial Palace|Dalnik vs 1: Tanion (100%, heavenly wrath)
Jun 17, 2012|Lv 38|The Imperial Palace|Dalnik vs 1: Tanion (100%, slice)
Jun 22, 2012|Lv 50|The Redhorn Mountains|Alannah vs 1: Tanion (100%, lightning bolt)
Jun 23, 2012|Lv 51|Grinning Skull Village|Gharotuer vs 1: Tanion (100%, fire and brimstone)
Jun 23, 2012|Lv 51|Feanwyyn Weald|Jjegah vs 1: Tanion (100%, fire and brimstone)
Jun 27, 2012|Lv 51|Outskirts of Galadon|Gharotuer vs 2: Kycalbrum (46%, punch), Tanion (53%)
Jun 27, 2012|Lv 51|The Galadon Sewers|Gharotuer vs 2: Kycalbrum (76%, punch), Tanion (23%)
Jul 1, 2012 |Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Hargrar vs 1: Tanion (100%, slash)
Jul 1, 2012 |Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Julliane vs 2: Pejji (23%), Tanion (76%, shield jab)
Jul 1, 2012 |Lv 51|Emerald Forest|Motian vs 1: Tanion (100%, divine power)
Jul 5, 2012 |Lv 51|Galadon|Kaabunk vs 5: Dracovius (8%), Tanion (23%, divine power), Nari (15%), Gjir (29%), Xanta (23%)
42258, Tanion's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Jul 6, 2012 |Lv 51|A Virgin Forest|Gargaxx vs 3: Narissorin (32%), Clahier (3%), Tanion (64%, lightning bolt)
Jul 6, 2012 |Lv 51|Underdark|Gargaxx vs 2: Nari (24%), Tanion (75%, heavenly wrath)
Jul 8, 2012 |Lv 51|Galadon|Szzilizi vs 3: Clahier (30%, heavenly wrath), Tanion (67%), Burgengrook (2%)
Jul 8, 2012 |Lv 51|The Redhorn Mountains|Inerayo vs 4: Tanion (9%), Nenvell (0%), Kycalbrum (90%, punch), Shalos (0%)
Jul 12, 2012|Lv 51|Valley of Veran|Hargrar vs 1: Tanion (100%, lightning bolt)
Jul 12, 2012|Lv 51|The Nexus Island|Alannah vs 4: Kuryaelin (0%), Nenvell (16%), Tanion (28%), Darikir (55%, burst of energy)
Jul 12, 2012|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|Qalita vs 2: Clahier (75%), Tanion (24%, divine power)
Jul 13, 2012|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|Alannah vs 3: Clahier (19%, wrath), Gavrothil (2%), Tanion (78%)
Jul 21, 2012|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|Gharotuer vs 2: Randoniel (5%), Tanion (94%, heavenly wrath)
Jul 26, 2012|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Skelar vs 6: Zameida (52%, pound), Rosaline (0%), Kaabunk (9%), Krelthalious (24%), Dorjooma (1%), Tanion (12%)
Jul 31, 2012|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Skelar vs 2: Inerayo (77%, claw), Tanion (22%)
Jul 31, 2012|Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Pietruk vs 1: Tanion (100%, heavenly wrath)
Aug 1, 2012 |Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Skelar vs 2: Rosaline (19%), Tanion (80%, heavenly wrath)
Aug 3, 2012 |Lv 51|Voralian City|Kaabunk vs 2: Tanion (46%, lightning bolt), Clahier (53%)
Aug 4, 2012 |Lv 51|Galadon|Hargrar vs 1: Tanion (100%, lightning bolt)
Aug 4, 2012 |Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Gvilond vs 1: Tanion (100%, heavenly wrath)
Aug 5, 2012 |Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Gvilond vs 3: Tanion (9%, KB), Clahier (72%), Lamahrya (18%)
Aug 6, 2012 |Lv 51|Bramblefield Road|Tarlita vs 2: Tanion (87%, heavenly wrath), Nari (12%)
Aug 6, 2012 |Lv 51|The Redhorn Mountains|Jyspen vs 2: Tanion (63%, shield jab), Nari (36%)
Aug 9, 2012 |Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Volkaen vs 1: Tanion (100%, heavenly wrath)
Aug 14, 2012|Lv 51|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Kirumen vs 2: Tanion (30%, divine power), Nari (69%)
Aug 15, 2012|Lv 51|The Redhorn Mountains|Gvilond vs 1: Tanion (100%, divine power)
Aug 18, 2012|Lv 51|East Sumner's Road|Gharotuer vs 1: Tanion (100%, heavenly wrath)
Aug 18, 2012|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Cabakso vs 4: Davnan (24%, defilement), Balete (27%), Aeswren (0%), Tanion (47%)
Aug 18, 2012|Lv 51|A Dry Riverbed|Gharotuer vs 3: Davnan (0%), Tanion (92%, heavenly wrath), Abiritha (7%)
Aug 18, 2012|Lv 51|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Abiritha vs 5: Tanion (28%), Davnan (35%, parting blow), Cabakso (4%), Gharotuer (29%), Xoxi (1%)
Aug 18, 2012|Lv 51|Outside Hamsah Mu'tazz|Gharotuer vs 2: Davnan (14%), Tanion (85%, heavenly wrath)
Aug 18, 2012|Lv 51|Khalid River|Cabakso vs 2: Tanion (38%), Davnan (61%, cranial hit)
Aug 18, 2012|Lv 51|The Grove|Gharotuer vs 2: Davnan (49%), Tanion (50%, immolation)
Aug 18, 2012|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Cabakso vs 2: Davnan (49%, defilement), Tanion (50%)
Aug 19, 2012|Lv 51|Mount Kiadana-Rah|Ackor vs 1: Tanion (100%, heavenly wrath)