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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subject[SCION] Urushugol Murrock the Grand Master of Changelings
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=42225
42225, [SCION] Urushugol Murrock the Grand Master of Changelings
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Urushugol Murrock the Grand Master of Changelings


A truely grusome sight stands here before your eyes with a gaunt unchangeable
expression on his... face. He stands hunched over at about five and a half
feet tall propping himself up ever so slightly on his staff. Dark black hair
hangs down around his mutilated face with large random chunks missing,
looking as if it won't grow back. Most noticeably of his facial features is
the unhinged jaw that swings with even his slightest movements, it's a wonder
how it even stays attached.

The rest of his face is a mixture of butchered skin and visible muscle. The
lack of any lips shows off a perfect set of white teeth that chatter from
the clanking of his jaw. Directly above sits a triangular bone where his nose
obviously used to be, protruding just barely from his face. Only one eye
gazes about looking overly disproportioned without the presence of any

The rest of his body is just as his face, disfigured and petrified skin. It
looks overly uncomfortable as his absent-minded scratches and rubs appear to
happen regularly. His garb is far from any guild of melee combatants, cloths
and leathers, suggesting he clutches onto magic in his weakened state.


Practices11Trains0HometownHamsah Mu'tazz
Exp444131To Level16369SphereConcealment
Age mature, 37 years old (145 hours)
Hit Points569Mana1008Movement731
Carry #0/34Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
42247, Urushugol's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

A Devious Entrance
Added Tue Jun 28 21:43:41 2011 at level 48:

Hissing at the missive in his hands, Urushugol crumbles it up as he relaxes
in an Observatory above a dark-elven wraith. "He wishes me to kill the most
cowardly elf in Thera? Mmmmm, it is time to be devious before that fool
Woltuhk steals my position."

A golden eagle screeches through the hallways as Urushugol turns his head to
sense who it is. Snapping into the shape of Obregon he scans the shadows and
smirks menacingly, "I couldn't help overhear... I thought I saw you kill
Jallastan in Voralian.. yes?".

The thoughts in Urushugol's head try and recollect it, pictures form and snap
into place of him actually doing it. As his consciousness returns back to his
one eye, "Why, yes.. I did, how could I forget?". Obregon smirks, "The
Advisor just awoke.. you should speak to him before it is too late".
Teleporting away, Urushugol slides back to the ground with his back on the

Speaking with the Advisor for some time, he cannot seem to recollect how the
ritual to open the portal happened. The first words that come to his mind
spew forth, though it truly sounds like what happened. The blank spot in his
memory forms into a real one as Tavlin tells him to write the ritual down and
send it to Reksah and himself.

"Welcome to the Fold, Urushugol."

42246, Urushugol's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

Tying the Loose Ends
Added Tue Jun 28 21:42:04 2011 at level 48:

*knock knock*
"It might be Urushugol! Hurry!" screams his Mother.

His Father opens the door to their shop only to lay eyes on his mangled son.
"Uru, my son! You've returned! Praise the Light!" screams the happy father.

"I will give you five minutes to pack your things and leave Hamsah before you
ruin my studies and standing with the Chasm you fools! Quit saying I am your
son! You are acting like lunatics!" the enraged shapeshifter snarls. "I
cannot have you walking about searching for me anymore, acting like we have
the same blood, it makes me sick to my stomach."

"Son, I will never leave this house, and I will never stop praying to the
Light that you go back to being who you truly are. You would have to kill us
to escape yourself."

Entering into a defiling rage, Urushugol snarls at the strange man. "Then I
will show you I did not fall into that damned vat!". Transforming into his
newly found grizzly bear, he rushes the woman and throws her into the vat of
glass and reverts to his normal shape. Cackling at the speechless already
crying man, he points to the bones void of any flesh or muscles left in the
vat. "And you say I fell into there!?"

Waving his one arm about crying into the air, the man screams for his son to
spare him, "I pulled you out too quickly Urushugol! I laid down my limbs for
your safety! STOOOOOOOOOP!".

Hissing, Urushugols' bones snap and shrink until he turns into a cobra and
slithers over to the man and coils up. Swaying with the sobs of the mans
head, he strikes him.. over and over until he falls to the ground dead.

He snaps back to his true form and throws the hood of his cloak over his head
as he heads out of the shop. Nodding at the only loose ends that he now tied
he turns back and whispers, "By the way, I'll take your name until I head
back to the shadow planes... I doubt you'll need it anymore."

42245, Urushugol's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

Added Tue Jun 21 19:08:16 2011 at level 33:


-Urushugol never had friends when they moved to Hamsah. His unsocialized form
of playing took him to a frenzied point he had never experienced, and the
game he played has ultimately trapped him into his own form of reality from
the fall.

-He realized his hideousness days after running and chose to conceal his
identity with magic found within the shapeshifter guild. He was left quite
handicapped and knew physically if he was going to find the portal back to
the Shadow plane, he must figure out a way through magic... not to mention
the foolish looks all these Therans gave him when they saw his true form...
the fools.

-He has found the Chasm right where he thought it would still be when he
heard some "Ccul'gra" talking about it previously. And waits for their call
for him to bring them home and fulfill the prophecies.

-So many of these mortals are foolish beyond measure. He has heard of a
powerful Eye in the Shadows named Reksah. Surely he must know a thing or two.
He will seek him, and strike just like him, concealed... always watching.

-He is quite agitated at his old Advisor for letting the portal close,
feeling betrayed, he will always be wary of Advisor's words. And he will seek
and destroy all Light until that very portal is found once again.

The arduous path of this young magus, truly begins now.

42244, Urushugol's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

A Saved Life and A Lost Son
Added Tue Jun 21 19:07:33 2011 at level 33:

Frantically, Mr. Murrock slams his arms into the vat and pulls his child out.
Skin sliding off his arms revealing nothing but muscle and bone as his wife
screams in terror behind him...

Falling to the ground in pain, he passes out as his wife runs off for help.
His eyes open once again to the town healer and a transmuter tending to his
wounds. "Urushugol!? Where is he!?" he cries.

He looks over at his deformed son still unconscious next to him. He raises
his arm to try and hold him?

"You must be calm Mr. Murrock, I could only save one of your arms. The child
is still alive, I must concentrate on his heart. My friend here has magically
petrified his flesh, he will die to infection immediately if not." utters the
weary healer.

Mr. Murrock's eyes grow so wide he is unsure what to do with himself.
Ironically, reality does not seem real to him as he realizes his wife stands
above him caressing his head. Tears fall incessantly from her cheeks as she
prays to the Light... "Please wake up Uru, please wake up."

Breath fills his lungs and he screams loudly as his one eye that's left opens
and darts around the room. "I have made it!" he cackles. "Get off me you
feeble Theran's I have work to do!"

His father sits there in shock as his son scampers oddly out the shop,
laughing the entire way. They wait for him to return, night after night, but
he never.. he never shows up again.

42237, Urushugol's Spell List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Spell List

Level 1faerie fire77%
Level 1shell of the tortoise1%
Level 2detect magic83%
Level 2chitin of the crab1%
Level 3detect invis91%
Level 3hooves of the gazelle1%
Level 3scales of the crocodile1%
Level 4invis87%
Level 4tail of the lizard1%
Level 5hide of the rhino1%
Level 6horns of the bull77%
Level 8claw of the lion1%
Level 9eyes of the cat1%
Level 10fly100%
Level 10paws of the cheetah1%
Level 11giant strength83%
Level 12fangs of the serpent1%
Level 13faerie fog81%
Level 14teleport77%
Level 14water breathing73%
Level 14shapeshift74%
Level 14ears of the bat1%
Level 15haste100%
Level 15identify89%
Level 15locate object97%
Level 17dispel magic75%
Level 18cancellation73%
Level 18slow100%
Level 20despoil82%
Level 22fumble90%
Level 23enlarge74%
Level 24pass door100%
Level 24stone skin100%
Level 25scales of the dragon77%
Level 26reduce71%
Level 28word of recall94%
Level 28nightwalker91%
Level 30resolve of the mandrill85%
Level 32beckon druktrar79%
Level 32stride of the cheetah100%
Level 33savage instincts78%
Level 34spiderhands73%
Level 36control translucence100%
Level 36resilience of the hyena71%
Level 37detect artifact79%
Level 39slyness of the fox89%
Level 40sight of the damned95%
Level 43forsaken portal75%
42243, Urushugol's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

The Love Downstairs
Added Tue Jun 21 19:06:19 2011 at level 33:

The couple sits downstairs admiring a few vases. "Honey, you are becoming a
magnificent glassblower. This is going to fetch quite a few silvers at the
Market tomorrow". Smiling at his wife, the goodhearted husband kisses her on
the cheek, "We finally found a good life here, praise the Light. I just am
not fond of having to live in our shop, having Urushugol around a vat of
melted glass is not something I am pleased with". She bites her lip for a
moment with a rebuttle, "He will be fine until we can afford a house, the
guards at the southern gate have been keeping him around during the days."

Nodding to himself solemnly he looks down at the floor, "Yes, yes, I just
hope they quit filling his head with all those stories of Nightwalkers and
things lurking in the desert. His new friend seems to like him well enough

Looking around for their pet cat, the husband quizzically inquires... "Have
you seen Oliver around? He probably is hungry as a tiger, I forgot to feed
him today". "Oh he probably just snuck into the armoire again when you
changed again. Go check on him and the boys." his radiant wife chuckles.

Deathful sounds fill the glass shop from upstairs, seething hisses and
screeches. "URUSHUGOL! What are you doing to Oliver!?", his dad screams.
Sliding his chair out from under him, he looks to the second floor and yells
again as some rocks burst out of the back of the armoire and land on the
dirty floor. "What in the heavens is going on?" he thinks as he begins to
hurry up the steps.

Suddenly, his child flies out the back of the armoire straight toward the vat
of melted glass. Stunned and frozen into confused helplessness, time almost
seems to stop as he tries to tell his body to catch him.

"LET THE NIGHT FALL AND STAY!" yells his child as he falls right into the
bubbling glass.

42242, Urushugol's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Breaking into Thera
Added Tue Jun 21 19:03:17 2011 at level 33:

The two ferocious leaders open the portal and rally the Ccul'gra behind them,
it flickers and almost looks as if they swing the two doors of a large
armoire but it turns back into the swirling shadows it was before they
gathered the mana for the incantations.

"To Thera!" The Chancellor shouts. Some shouts come out of the portal but he
cannot make them out.

A hiss comes from the portal as a large tiger leaps out, backing up and
raising his scepter, the Chancellor mutters a few words and a blazing
fireball *rock* shoots from his hands striking the beast. He runs to it to
finish it off as it hisses loudly, beating it relentlessly.

"Uru, what are you doing?" whispers the Advisor.

Caught up in a frenzy of the prophecies he begins shooting fireball *rock*
after fireball *rock* into the portal. Some light can finally be seen in the
middle of the vortex. "We have broken through Advisor! Keep the portal open
and I move to seal the entrance on the other side!"

Leaping into the portal splinters savagely rip into his face, he immediately
assumes an invoker shoots iceneedles from somewhere in Thera. Falling
weightlessly a voice shouts "Urushugol! NO!" as he cackles, "Let the night
fall and stay!", falling into the burning meld between Thera and the Shadow

42241, Urushugol's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Preparation of the Night
Added Tue Jun 21 19:02:17 2011 at level 33:

He can hear the thick rasping growls coming from the shadows coupled with the
scratching claws on stone of the Ccul'gra around him. He finishes shouting
his rousing speech.

"Our children must return home! Nightwalkers, let the night fall and stay!",
he screams from his throne. His advisor stands next to him, "Chancellor, the
portal to Thera is nearly opened, do we have enough power to meld the planes

He raises his scepter embedded with jewels as it flickers for a moment and
looks like an ordinary stick and turns back. "The chasm is not enough for
them anymore Advisor, it is time to bring the eternal night and bring our
children to their rightful place, it is every hope and dream they clutch on
to! The Shadow plane will consume Thera and the prophecy will be fulfilled!"

Shaking with fear the Advisor's face melts into a startled young boy's and
snaps back into the menacing fearless scowl. "Ccul'gra, ready yourself for

42240, Urushugol's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Wed Jun 22 13:00:16 2011 by 'An Immortal' at level 35 (16 hrs):
An Immortal added 1500 exp for: A deranged, delusional child falls into a vat of molten glass and is horribly scarred. He awakes, and is still deranged, believing himself a Chancellor of Scion in another body.

Tue Jun 28 23:58:55 2011 by 'An Immortal' at level 48 (62 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Updates about him killing his parents and getting into Scion.

Tue Jul 5 13:00:41 2011 by 'Baerinika' at level 50 (88 hrs):
This guy really needs to learn the difference between cool evil RP and "I'm just an asshole" RP

Thu Jul 7 16:03:16 2011 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (97 hrs):
An Immortal added 200 exp for: Has a desire to forge a way for the nightwalkers and grues to travel from the shadow plane to the material plan.

42239, Urushugol's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  21
Total PK Assists  5
Solo PKs  16
PKs with a group of 2 8
PKs with a group of 3 1
PKs with a group of 4+ 1
Average Group Size Per Kill  1.50

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Somewhat Ganky

Total PK Losses  12
Solo PK Losses  6
PK Losses to a group of 2 3
PK Losses to a group of 3 3
PK Losses to a group of 4+ 0
Average Group Size Per Death  1.75

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: People Bring Friends to Beat You

42238, Urushugol's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  21 (9 at level 51)
Total PK Losses  12
Total Mob Deaths  10
# of Assassination Deaths  1

PK Wins by Class
VS. transmuter  1
VS. warrior  15
VS. paladin  1
VS. assassin  1
VS. ranger  1
VS. shapeshifter  2

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  5

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  11
VS. Neutral  5
VS. Evil  5

PK Deaths by Class
VS. thief  1
VS. warrior  1
VS. assassin  2
VS. ranger  2
VS. shaman  1
VS. conjurer  1
VS. shapeshifter  4

PK Deaths by Cabal

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  4
VS. Neutral  2
VS. Evil  6
42236, Urushugol's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1dagger76%
Level 1staff87%
Level 1whip71%
Level 1scrolls84%
Level 1talismans81%
Level 1wands93%
Level 1recall100%
Level 1spellcraft100%
Level 2improved compare87%
Level 2improved consider85%
Level 5meditation100%
Level 8hand to hand73%
Level 8haggle76%
Level 12sharpen sight1%
Level 14trance100%
Level 15fast healing100%
Level 19parry71%
Level 20pugil1%
Level 20lash1%
Level 20divination79%
Level 20pen1%
Level 27mystical armor use71%
Level 28shapeshift skill100%
Level 30careful vision74%
Level 30second attack100%
Level 34control levitation100%
Level 35volley78%
Level 35control speed100%
Level 36control skin100%
Level 37control phase100%
42235, Urushugol's Title History
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Title History

Tue Jun 28 13:30:12 2011, level 48 (59 hrs):
Urushugol Murrock the Grand Elder of Changelings

42234, Urushugol's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Jun 23, 2011|Lv 42|Organia, the Veil of Shadow|Aunafaer vs 1: Urushugol (100%, claw)
Jun 26, 2011|Lv 45|The Eastern Road|Ataulfo vs 1: Urushugol (100%, bite)
Jun 30, 2011|Lv 48|Voralian City|Nanik vs 2: Urushugol (26%), Morcrid (73%, face slash)
Jul 1, 2011 |Lv 49|Domain of Eternal Night|Morin vs 1: Urushugol (100%, claw)
Jul 1, 2011 |Lv 49|Domain of Eternal Night|Judicael vs 1: Urushugol (100%, claw)
Jul 1, 2011 |Lv 49|The Keep of Barovia|Celvid vs 1: Urushugol (100%, claw)
Jul 2, 2011 |Lv 50|Galadon|Jokanioetiq vs 1: Urushugol (100%, KB)
Jul 2, 2011 |Lv 50|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Jokanioetiq vs 1: Urushugol (100%, KB)
Jul 2, 2011 |Lv 50|West Sumner's Road|Nanik vs 1: Urushugol (100%, bite)
Jul 3, 2011 |Lv 50|The Redhorn Mountains|Amos vs 1: Urushugol (100%, claw)
Jul 3, 2011 |Lv 50|Fortress of Light|Oednyrr vs 3: Kubiaen (12%, magic), Urushugol (14%), Tavlin (73%)
Jul 4, 2011 |Lv 50|The Eastern Road|Vuntobar vs 1: Urushugol (100%, claw)
Jul 5, 2011 |Lv 50|Udgaard|Volkhan vs 1: Urushugol (100%, KB)
Jul 7, 2011 |Lv 50|Mount Kiadana-Rah|Mzaffraa vs 1: Urushugol (100%, claw)
Jul 7, 2011 |Lv 51|Fortress of Light|Maravon vs 2: Urushugol (43%, KB), Iciria (56%)
Jul 7, 2011 |Lv 51|Balator|Maravon vs 1: Urushugol (100%, claw)
Jul 9, 2011 |Lv 51|Outskirts of Galadon|Grimtok vs 2: Rasst (29%, claw), Urushugol (70%)
Jul 13, 2011|Lv 51|The Redhorn Mountains|Grimtok vs 2: Urushugol (75%, claw), Shinju (24%)
Jul 13, 2011|Lv 51|The Redhorn Mountains|Draktah vs 2: Urushugol (79%, KB), Shinju (20%)
Jul 14, 2011|Lv 51|The Skies above Thera|Kolsad vs 4: Urushugol (4%), Woltuhk (8%), Haeg (16%), Tavlin (70%, claw)
Jul 15, 2011|Lv 51|Balator|Grimtok vs 2: Urushugol (86%, claw), Lisos (13%)
Jul 15, 2011|Lv 51|Domain of Eternal Night|Zenze vs 1: Urushugol (100%, claw)
Jul 15, 2011|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|Evyza vs 2: Rasay (16%), Urushugol (83%, claw)
Jul 17, 2011|Lv 51|Mausoleum|Maravon vs 1: Urushugol (100%, claw)
Jul 17, 2011|Lv 51|Desert of Araile|Maravon vs 2: Urushugol (0%), Woltuhk (100%, bite)
Jul 17, 2011|Lv 51|The Galadon Sewers|Silaxen vs 1: Urushugol (100%, claw)
42233, Urushugol's PK Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Deaths

Jun 19, 2011|Lv 25|Balator|Urushugol committed suicide
Jun 23, 2011|Lv 42|Organia, the Veil of Shadow|Urushugol committed suicide
Jun 23, 2011|Lv 42|Elemental Temple|vs 1: Athaldos (100%, fatigue)
Jun 23, 2011|Lv 42|Valley of Veran|Urushugol committed suicide
Jun 24, 2011|Lv 43|The Inn of the Eternal Star|vs 1: Jhagur (100%, crush)
Jun 26, 2011|Lv 45|Underdark|vs 1: Meekao (100%, bite)
Jun 27, 2011|Lv 48|Outlying Villages|vs 2: Mirrou (16%), Zakuun (83%, black light)
Jun 27, 2011|Lv 48|The Drogran Hills|vs 1: Geusus (100%, claw)
Jun 29, 2011|Lv 48|Forest of Prosimy|vs 2: Polinret (19%, thrust), Rasst (80%)
Jul 9, 2011 |Lv 51|Silverwood|vs 3: Zaolu (7%), Rasst (49%, claw), Grimtok (42%)
Jul 14, 2011|Lv 51|Galadon|vs 1: Cychreus (100%, claw)
Jul 14, 2011|Lv 51|Balator|vs 3: Sivyh (43%, rising phoenix kick), Vorinath (50%), Farror (6%)
Jul 17, 2011|Lv 51|Domain of Eternal Night|vs 1: Lohoq (0%, ) *Assassinated*
Jul 17, 2011|Lv 51|Outside Hamsah Mu'tazz|vs 3: Irusan (6%), Eralisthel (7%, claw), Dalnik (86%)
Jul 17, 2011|Lv 51|Kteng's Laboratory|vs 2: Wirraritik (2%), Dalnik (97%, flogging)
42232, Urushugol's Leveling
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Leveling History

Jun 14, 2011 |Lv 2 |Hr 0 |
Jun 14, 2011 |Lv 3 |Hr 0 |
Jun 14, 2011 |Lv 4 |Hr 0 |
Jun 14, 2011 |Lv 5 |Hr 0 |
Jun 14, 2011 |Lv 6 |Hr 1 |
Jun 14, 2011 |Lv 7 |Hr 1 |
Jun 14, 2011 |Lv 8 |Hr 1 |
Jun 14, 2011 |Lv 9 |Hr 2 |
Jun 14, 2011 |Lv 10|Hr 2 |
Jun 14, 2011 |Lv 11|Hr 2 |
Jun 14, 2011 |Lv 12|Hr 3 |18 Drugo, 19 Voss,
Jun 14, 2011 |Lv 13|Hr 3 |19 Drugo, 19 Voss,
Jun 14, 2011 |Lv 14|Hr 3 |19 Drugo, 20 Voss,
Jun 14, 2011 |Lv 15|Hr 3 |20 Drugo, 20 Voss,
Jun 14, 2011 |Lv 16|Hr 4 |20 Drugo, 21 Voss,
Jun 15, 2011 |Lv 17|Hr 4 |22 Voss, 21 Drugo,
Jun 15, 2011 |Lv 18|Hr 5 |22 Voss, 22 Drugo,
Jun 15, 2011 |Lv 19|Hr 5 |23 Voss, 22 Drugo,
Jun 15, 2011 |Lv 20|Hr 6 |24 Voss, 23 Drugo,
Jun 15, 2011 |Lv 21|Hr 6 |25 Voss, 23 Drugo,
Jun 15, 2011 |Lv 22|Hr 7 |25 Voss, 24 Drugo,
Jun 18, 2011 |Lv 23|Hr 8 |20 Ulric, 19 Woltuhk,
Jun 18, 2011 |Lv 24|Hr 8 |21 Ulric, 20 Woltuhk,
Jun 18, 2011 |Lv 25|Hr 8 |22 Woltuhk, 23 Ulric,
Jun 21, 2011 |Lv 26|Hr 11 |32 Vunzair, 31 Easog,
Jun 21, 2011 |Lv 27|Hr 11 |32 Easog, 32 Vunzair,
Jun 21, 2011 |Lv 28|Hr 12 |26 Jekal, 26 Oreth,
Jun 21, 2011 |Lv 29|Hr 12 |26 Jekal, 27 Oreth,
Jun 21, 2011 |Lv 30|Hr 12 |27 Jekal, 28 Oreth,
Jun 21, 2011 |Lv 31|Hr 13 |28 Jekal, 30 Jhinmerl,
Jun 21, 2011 |Lv 32|Hr 14 |30 Jekal, 32 Jhinmerl,
Jun 21, 2011 |Lv 33|Hr 15 |31 Jekal, 32 Jhinmerl,
Jun 22, 2011 |Lv 34|Hr 17 |33 Kubiaen, 34 Jekal,
Jun 22, 2011 |Lv 35|Hr 18 |34 Kubiaen, 35 Jekal,
Jun 22, 2011 |Lv 36|Hr 18 |35 Kubiaen, 36 Jekal,
Jun 22, 2011 |Lv 37|Hr 19 |35 Kubiaen, 37 Jekal,
Jun 22, 2011 |Lv 38|Hr 21 |38 Jekal, 44 Mhaud,
Jun 22, 2011 |Lv 39|Hr 22 |39 Jekal, 45 Mhaud,
Jun 22, 2011 |Lv 40|Hr 23 |46 Mhaud, 45 Gravlug,
Jun 22, 2011 |Lv 41|Hr 23 |47 Mhaud, 44 Gramm,
Jun 22, 2011 |Lv 42|Hr 24 |47 Mhaud, 45 Gramm,
Jun 24, 2011 |Lv 43|Hr 38 |38 Woltuhk,
Jun 25, 2011 |Lv 44|Hr 40 |38 Morcrid, 50 Woltuhk,
Jun 25, 2011 |Lv 45|Hr 40 |40 Morcrid, 50 Woltuhk,
Jun 26, 2011 |Lv 46|Hr 48 |47 Volkhan, 46 Hnardin,
Jun 26, 2011 |Lv 47|Hr 49 |47 Volkhan, 46 Hnardin,
Jun 26, 2011 |Lv 48|Hr 50 |47 Hnardin, 51 Traibu,
Jun 30, 2011 |Lv 49|Hr 68 |
Jul 2, 2011 |Lv 50|Hr 79 |
Jul 7, 2011 |Lv 51|Hr 94 |
42231, Urushugol's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Tue Jun 14 21:43:31 2011 at level 16 (2 hrs):
Urushugol has pledged to the Scions of Eternal Night

Wed Jun 15 20:12:17 2011 at level 20 (4 hrs):
Urushugol advanced to level 20 <PK: 0-0>

Tue Jun 21 14:01:56 2011 at level 30 (11 hrs):
Urushugol advanced to level 30 <PK: 0-0>

Wed Jun 22 17:56:44 2011 at level 40 (16 hrs):
Urushugol advanced to level 40 <PK: 0-0>

Thu Jun 23 16:51:13 2011 at level 42 (29 hrs):
Rolled the Bones and swapped top tier major form orangutan for cobra

Tue Jun 28 14:04:50 2011 at level 48 (59 hrs):
Inducted into SCION by Tavlin.

Thu Jul 7 03:17:46 2011 at level 51 (94 hrs):
Urushugol advanced to level 51 <PK: 12-6>

Sat Jul 9 15:49:25 2011 at level 51 (110 hrs):
Rage Delete

Sun Jul 17 21:14:16 2011 at level 51 (144 hrs):
Rage Delete

42230, Urushugol's Mob Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Mob Deaths

Jun 14, 2011|Lv 10|Copeham Inn|the valley elf by punch
Jun 21, 2011|Lv 31|Darsylon|a halfling merchant by slice
Jun 23, 2011|Lv 42|Kteng's Laboratory|a stone golem by crush
Jun 23, 2011|Lv 42|The Tower of Trothon|a torrent of molten lava by smash
Jun 23, 2011|Lv 42|The Tower of Trothon|a Steel Golem by pound
Jun 23, 2011|Lv 42|Udgaard|a jaette man-at-arms by pierce
Jun 23, 2011|Lv 42|The Consortium|Festpath the Archmage by disruption
Jun 24, 2011|Lv 42|Valley of Veran|the Soul of Veran by chaotic blast
Jun 26, 2011|Lv 45|Teth Azeleth|a house soldier by hit
42226, Urushugol's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding23100
Experience from Skill improvements8266
Experience from Exploration11950
Experience from Quests33650
Experience from Commerce1745
Experience from Immortals2100
Experience from Observation10120

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Mon Jun 13 22:13:50 2011
Quests Completed  23
Exploration Points Found  31
(WANTED) Criminal  2 times
     Murder0 times
     Theft0 times
     Looting0 times
     Offensive of Harmful Powers0 times
     Aiding a Known Criminal0 times
     Assaulting the Spire0 times
     Attacking Guildguards0 times
     Other0 times
Thickening the Veil0 items for 0
Thinning the Veil0 items for 0
Hours spent at Hero  51 hours
% of lifetime in the wilderness  23 %
% of lifetime in the cities  17 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  0 %
% of lifetime caballed  58 %
42229, Urushugol's Edges
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM



Racial Edges

Class Edges

Roll the Bones
Go For the Throat
Ricochet Skin
Flight of the Prey


Seasoned Traveler
Thick Veined
Arcane Literacy
42228, Urushugol's Cabal Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Specifics

Cabal Statistics

# of logins with their cabal item  43
# of logins without their cabal item  12
# of logouts with their cabal item  50
# of logouts without their cabal item  2
# of times they lost their cabal item  8
# of times they retrieved their cabal item  16
# of times they took another cabal item  19

42227, Urushugol's Class Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Class Specifics

You can shapeshift into the following

Level 15  Deer  Confident
Level 22  Scorpion  Confident
Level 25  Whip scorpion  Skilled
Level 28  Giant mantis  Confident
Level 31  Wolf  Confident
Level 42  Cobra  Confident
Level 48  Grizzly bear  Confident