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Topic subject[None] Miric the Warrior of the Blade
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=37428
37428, [None] Miric the Warrior of the Blade
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Miric the Warrior of the Blade


Standing around six feet tall with a very thin, but muscular
build, is Miric, looking back at you with his piercing red eyes.
His hair is the color of a silver coin, and is pulled back
very tightly behind his head, and held in place by a small knife.
His face looks to have taken a beating, as his nose leans to the side,
he has a twitch in his eye which doesn't let it open all the way, and
there are a couple of teeth missing in the front, and a few that are cracked.


Practices4Trains0HometownHamsah Mu'tazz
Exp294973To Level15027SphereDestruction
Age mature, 194 years old (136 hours)
Hit Points477Mana433Movement655
Carry #0/38Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
37439, Miric's Arena Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Arena Statistics

Wins  3
Losses  2
37449, Miric's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Changing of Plans
Added Wed Oct 5 11:03:52 2011 at level 34:

What I originally wanted to happen has not come yet, or will come soon.
I wanted to get all the Dark Elves together, and work as one in bringing us
to the surface to take over this world, and put our new kingdom where Darslyon stands.
This has come with a grave mistake. A mistake in trusting those who live in the UnderDark.
I have tried to bring us together, and although I am told that we will be one, it seems
that they only tell me what I want to hear. They tell me this because they fear me.
I have been told things so that I will not strike them dead. I was fooled by
by the elves into think they were with me. They only said those things to survive my blade.
I have decided to take another approach to this. The elves have to die, first.
In seeing to this, I've decided to go with what the Chieftain has told me.
He seeks a friend of sorts in his battles. He seeks one strong, such as myself.
I have decided to take him up on his ways of thinking. I will have the Orcs with me
in my battles to cleanse the world. I shall help the orcs with armor, or weapons
or anything. I will not be a slave to the orcs, for I can destroy them with ease.
I will bring them the necessary weapons and armor they need to kill what I cannot touch.
If it comes to it, I shall be with them when they destroy elves. I shall do whatever
is necessary so the voices can remain happy. It is all part of the plan that is in motion.
I also have decided to join with the Scions of the Eternal Night. I am not a member
yet, but with their scholars, they can bring forth an Eternal Night, and
make this world dark. I must help them do this, for it is what the voices
have told me must be done. That is the second step. I bring them their power they desire, and they
help me put my kingdom where the city of Darslyon now sits. All must be done
in order, and all must be completed before the next step is put in motion.

37448, Miric's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Elven Hatred...Pt 3
Added Wed Sep 7 18:33:54 2011 at level 21:

The voices in my head stopped asking me questions for a couple of weeks.
It was until I received the worst beating I have ever received that it came
back to me. I sat there licking the blood that was on my fingers when
my thoughts became clear, and I had nothing on my mind, and heard

"Are you ready to fulfill your destiny, Miric?" the voice said to me.

I replied back that I was, but I did so without saying a word.
I never said a word while I was imprisoned, but I had many conversations
with myself. The voice in my head told me what I was to do.

"Tonight, when it gets dark, you are just going to walk out of the doors
that are holding you here, because they will be unlocked. You walk out of here,
and make your way to Udgaard through the mountains. You are to find
all other drow's that reside in the world, and unite them in your cause.
They are scattered throughout the world, and hide in fear of elves. You are to
bring them to the surface, and to take over this world. You are going
to build a castle right here where you are imprisoned, and build a statue to yourself.
This station will be put at the Market Square letting all drows know where they
can come to join the cause. The cause is taking over Darslyon, and destroying every
elf with extreme prejudice. This is what you will do, and it starts tonight."

I went back to licking the blood from my fingers, and fell to sleep.
Hours later I woke abruptly to the voice in my head telling me

"It is time to go." At that moment the cell door opened and I walked out.

37447, Miric's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Elven Hatred...Pt 2
Added Wed Sep 7 17:41:04 2011 at level 21:

When I was done being preached to, and then instantly quizzed over what I
was just told, I was thrown back at this pit where I was surrounded by
many Palace guards. They all looked at me with anger. These same creatures
that has been drilled into my head that they wouldn't harm anyone, sure
seem like hurting one as small as I was. The guards seem to not be
scared, but all the other elves just came around to look at me, because they
have never seen one such as myself. I could see the fear in their eyes
for when I moved at all, they jumped back. It tickled me to see them scared.
I would spend all my days in solitary without anyone to see me, and all I had
were my thoughts to keep me company. There were times when my thoughts
would ask me questions, and I would respond to them. I did so willingly.
Night, after night, I would just have this voice in my head speaking
to me. Asking me things. Asking me how it feels to be trapped for so
long, and telling me that I am destined to be much more.
Through our interactions, I learned who I was, and where I was born.
I learned that the Matron Mother is the one who created me, but not
in a way to sit in Darslyon. I have a destiny to fulfill I am told.
The voice in my head has also told me that this is going on exactly as
was planned. WHich I dont understand, because I've been here for many years.
The voice in my head told me that this is all part of becoming who I am
suppose to be. All the torture I've endured, along with beatings, and
scar's given to me by these elves. It has made me hate the elves with
a hate that an elf could never understand. To make me wish I had the
time in my life to watch each elf die before me. All elves including
those who are half blood, or the elves born in the woods. An elf is
an elf, and will die a thousand deaths by my hands, or I will help
others in their killing of elves. THe elven population will be cut
down to nothing by the time I am done with them, and the rest will be my slaves.

37446, Miric's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Elven Hatred...Pt 1
Added Wed Sep 7 13:52:12 2011 at level 21:

I wish the death and destruction of any elf that I see, or anything that is
associated with elves. They are a frail, and weak race who talks more than fights.
Why I came to thinking like this is simple. When you grow up with them, you learn
of the ways that they whine, and cry, and talk more than anything.
How I came to grow up with them is simple, I was kidnapped from my home.
From what I was told, I was born in Teth Azeleth, and was taken from there when
I was a young child. I had not known this until years later. I was
forced to be raised by the elves, and have the "Wickedness" removed from me
with intensive preaching, and penalties given to me if I did not remove
what they considered my dark side. They did this as an experiment. Not many
knew of this. I was taken to the palace, which resides inside Darslyon, and I had
these elven guards sitting outside my door, and all along the palace walls.
For the first couple of years, the only thing I would ever hear them tell me
was that I was a mistake. My true calling was to be one of the angelic creatures
that roamed this city, Darslyon. It was repeatedly said to me, over and over.
It was different priests that would say it, and then the elders of Darslyon would
come and look at me, but they would always have a guard near them.
They were scared of me, even if I were just a child, they always needed a guard.
I did not say much during all of this, for I did fear the things they would do
to me if I said anything they did not wish to hear. Sometimes I would be burned
on my hands, and arms. Burned to a point where I would blister up.
Sometimes I would be cut numerous times but in many different places.
They would pour things over me so that it would burn even more from the cuts.
The beatings would start after a while, but only when I became numb to the cuts.
I have marks on my face from the palace guards striking me. They seemed
to enjoy it very much when they were allowed to hit me. I still remained quiet.

37445, Miric's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Thu Sep 8 14:28:57 2011 by 'An Immortal' at level 22 (46 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: I got through most of these walls of text, but probably missed some. Something about hearing voices, wanting to unite drow against elves and destroy Darsylon.

Sat Sep 10 18:14:40 2011 by 'Scarabaeus' at level 24 (58 hrs):
After getting a pray about it, I am curious why this guy felt the need to kill (New Player) Erthan 4 times today and keep heavily looting him.

Fri Sep 16 13:06:21 2011 by 'Scarabaeus' at level 25 (70 hrs):
PRAYING: One writes a three chapter role and you get 500 exp for it?

Sun Sep 18 00:24:07 2011 by 'Akresius' at level 25 (76 hrs):
PRAYING: Do I get no response to why I only got 500 with a 3 chapter role?

Sun Sep 18 11:24:52 2011 by 'Daevryn' at level 27 (77 hrs):
I can spot the player here in half a tell. I don't even need one full tell to do it. This isn't a great RP recommendation.

Fri Sep 30 19:33:41 2011 by 'Daevryn' at level 33 (108 hrs):
Suuuuuper sore loser crying to Fjodir after being PK'd.

Wed Oct 5 17:05:10 2011 by 'Cyradia' at level 34 (119 hrs):
You tell Rindros 'I am no scholar, but does not mean I cannot learn things. I am smarter than the gods' = Free plague for you!!

Thu Oct 6 09:44:41 2011 by 'An Immortal' at level 34 (120 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: The dark elves of the underdark deceive him, so he will strengthen the orcs, beat the dark elves into submission, join the scions, and then uproot darsylon.

37444, Miric's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  79
Total Solo PKs  72
Total PK Assists  14
Average Group Size Per Kill  1.26

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Self-Reliant

Total PK Losses  10
Total Solo PK Losses  7
Average Group Size Per Death  1.30

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Murdered By The Self-Reliant

37443, Miric's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  79 (1 at level 35)
Total PK Losses  10
Total Mob Deaths  4

PK Wins by Class
VS. thief  2
VS. warrior  45
VS. paladin  3
VS. anti-paladin  7
VS. assassin  3
VS. ranger  4
VS. invoker  3
VS. bard  2
VS. conjurer  1
VS. shapeshifter  9

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  62

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  24
VS. Neutral  26
VS. Evil  29

PK Deaths by Class
VS. warrior  6
VS. anti-paladin  2
VS. invoker  1
VS. shapeshifter  1

PK Deaths by Cabal
VS. None  4

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  1
VS. Neutral  5
VS. Evil  4
37442, Miric's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 46enhanced reactions1%
37441, Miric's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1axe95%
Level 1dagger100%
Level 1flail92%
Level 1mace100%
Level 1polearm79%
Level 1spear100%
Level 1sword100%
Level 1staff84%
Level 1whip91%
Level 1enhanced damage100%
Level 1hand to hand89%
Level 1parry100%
Level 1rescue1%
Level 1recall100%
Level 1shield block94%
Level 2improved compare80%
Level 2elbow1%
Level 2metal armor use81%
Level 2light armor use93%
Level 3dirt kicking100%
Level 4aim86%
Level 4knee1%
Level 5second attack100%
Level 6fast healing100%
Level 8kick1%
Level 10disarm100%
Level 10feint1%
Level 11inspect goods1%
Level 12third attack100%
Level 12dual wield100%
Level 13dodge100%
Level 14haggle84%
Level 14pierce1%
Level 15bash100%
Level 15trip100%
Level 15shield cleave1%
Level 15pugil1%
Level 15meditation95%
Level 16charge1%
Level 17thrust1%
Level 18berserk100%
Level 18lash1%
Level 19slice1%
Level 20warcry91%
Level 20stab100%
Level 20pen1%
Level 21lore77%
Level 21retreat1%
Level 23offhand disarm75%
Level 23underhand100%
Level 24evade82%
Level 25drive1%
Level 25hamstring100%
Level 27parting blow90%
Level 27artery100%
Level 30fourth attack86%
Level 30twist100%
Level 30dash78%
Level 32concealed87%
Level 33hurl99%
Level 35precise aim75%
Level 36bone armor use1%
37440, Miric's Title History
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Title History

Fri Sep 30 19:34:50 2011, level 33 (108 hrs):
Miric the Warrior of the Gauntlet, the Sorest Loser

37438, Miric's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Oct 9, 2011 |Lv 34|Balator|Kymbal vs 1: Miric (100%, searing cut)
Oct 9, 2011 |Lv 34|Voralian City|Sagitor vs 1: Miric (100%, poisonous bite)
Oct 9, 2011 |Lv 34|Udgaard|Ashinaw vs 1: Miric (100%, poisonous bite)
Oct 9, 2011 |Lv 34|Udgaard|Ashinaw vs 2: Miric (52%, poisonous bite), Orthas (47%)
Oct 9, 2011 |Lv 34|Voralian City|Maligannt vs 1: Miric (100%, bleeding)
Oct 9, 2011 |Lv 34|Mount Calandaryl|Desferic vs 2: Miric (1%), Gralog (98%, smash)
Oct 9, 2011 |Lv 34|The Redhorn Mountains|Orthas vs 2: Gralog (36%), Miric (63%, poisonous bite)
Oct 10, 2011|Lv 34|The Eastern Road|Kymbal vs 1: Miric (100%, stab)
Oct 10, 2011|Lv 34|Galadon|Graggak vs 1: Miric (100%, underhand strike)
Oct 10, 2011|Lv 34|The Eastern Road|Odrallag vs 2: Baekai (51%, sting), Miric (48%)
Oct 10, 2011|Lv 34|Gol'Galath|Glak vs 1: Miric (100%, twist)
Oct 10, 2011|Lv 34|Voralia's Tears|Sagitor vs 1: Miric (100%, bleeding)
Oct 11, 2011|Lv 35|Abandoned Mines|Glak vs 1: Miric (100%, stab)
37437, Miric's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Sep 12, 2011|Lv 25|Voralian City|Krelkess vs 1: Miric (100%, slash)
Sep 13, 2011|Lv 25|The Inn of the Eternal Star|Silious vs 2: Kalsten (62%, wall of fire), Miric (37%)
Sep 13, 2011|Lv 25|Galadon|Roltho vs 1: Miric (100%, defilement)
Sep 14, 2011|Lv 25|Galadon|Rildinn vs 1: Miric (100%, bleeding hamstring)
Sep 15, 2011|Lv 25|Galadon|Rorakk vs 1: Miric (100%, crush)
Sep 16, 2011|Lv 25|Udgaard|Padui vs 1: Miric (100%, defilement)
Sep 16, 2011|Lv 25|Voralian City|Padui vs 2: Garwern (30%, lightning bolt), Miric (69%)
Sep 16, 2011|Lv 25|The Stone's Embrace|Phreet vs 1: Miric (100%, defilement)
Sep 17, 2011|Lv 25|Silverwood|Jeob vs 1: Miric (100%, crush)
Sep 17, 2011|Lv 25|Silverwood|Gilb vs 1: Miric (100%, defilement)
Sep 18, 2011|Lv 27|Galadon|Erthan vs 1: Miric (100%, parting blow)
Sep 19, 2011|Lv 27|Galadon|Nargh vs 1: Miric (100%, stab)
Sep 19, 2011|Lv 27|Arial City|Lorathennil vs 1: Miric (100%, defilement)
Sep 20, 2011|Lv 27|Galadon|Nargh vs 1: Miric (100%, poisonous bite)
Sep 20, 2011|Lv 27|Arial City|Gilb vs 1: Miric (100%, underhand strike)
Sep 20, 2011|Lv 27|Galadon|Phreet vs 1: Miric (100%, slash)
Sep 21, 2011|Lv 30|Galadon|Klaudain vs 1: Miric (100%, bleeding artery)
Sep 22, 2011|Lv 30|Azreth Wood|Klaudain vs 1: Miric (100%, slash)
Sep 22, 2011|Lv 30|Upper Cragstone|Klaudain vs 1: Miric (100%, underhand strike)
Sep 23, 2011|Lv 30|Galadon|Glak vs 1: Miric (100%, electrical discharge)
Sep 27, 2011|Lv 32|Galadon|Saykou vs 2: Cirkie (26%, lightning bolt), Miric (73%)
Sep 27, 2011|Lv 33|Galadon|Nunnak vs 1: Miric (100%, stab)
Sep 28, 2011|Lv 33|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Floriant vs 1: Miric (100%, parting blow)
Sep 28, 2011|Lv 33|Balator|Ghuulmek vs 1: Miric (100%, underhand strike)
Sep 29, 2011|Lv 33|Northern Foothills|Saykou vs 1: Miric (100%, underhand strike)
Oct 1, 2011 |Lv 34|Bramblefield Road|Odrallag vs 1: Miric (100%, stab)
Oct 1, 2011 |Lv 34|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Dueria vs 2: Miric (64%, defilement), Gralog (35%)
Oct 2, 2011 |Lv 34|Darsylon|Kaftar vs 1: Miric (100%, twist)
Oct 4, 2011 |Lv 34|Galadon|Kymbal vs 1: Miric (100%, defilement)
Oct 4, 2011 |Lv 34|Outskirts of Galadon|Nargh vs 1: Miric (100%, acidic bite)
Oct 4, 2011 |Lv 34|Galadon|Ungalthar vs 2: Miric (5%), Fjodir (94%, shocking bite)
Oct 4, 2011 |Lv 34|Galadon|Odrallag vs 1: Miric (100%, acidic bite)
Oct 5, 2011 |Lv 34|Outskirts of Galadon|Taerg vs 1: Miric (100%, pierce)
Oct 5, 2011 |Lv 34|Galadon|Odrallag vs 1: Miric (100%, defilement)
Oct 7, 2011 |Lv 34|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Odrallag vs 1: Miric (100%, poisonous bite)
Oct 7, 2011 |Lv 34|Voralian City|Orthas vs 2: Gralog (46%, beating), Miric (53%)
Oct 7, 2011 |Lv 34|Voralian City|Ulfr vs 3: Bartolis (27%), Miric (22%), Gralog (49%, beating)
Oct 8, 2011 |Lv 34|Galadon|Argivo vs 2: Gralog (65%, poisonous bite), Miric (34%)
Oct 8, 2011 |Lv 34|Galadon|Argivo vs 3: Baekai (63%), Miric (7%), Gralog (28%, poisonous bite)
Oct 8, 2011 |Lv 34|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Kymbal vs 2: Gralog (56%, chop), Miric (43%)
37436, Miric's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Aug 31, 2011|Lv 15|Voralian City|Guv vs 1: Miric (100%, electrical discharge)
Aug 31, 2011|Lv 15|The Pass|Saraphenia vs 1: Miric (100%, stab)
Aug 31, 2011|Lv 15|The Eastern Road|Oboosha vs 1: Miric (100%, smash)
Aug 31, 2011|Lv 15|Galadon|Xzux vs 1: Miric (100%, smash)
Aug 31, 2011|Lv 15|The Eastern Road|Melianar vs 2: Qaz (38%, numbing grip), Miric (61%)
Aug 31, 2011|Lv 15|Voralian City|Ciwp vs 1: Miric (100%, smash)
Sep 1, 2011 |Lv 15|The Stone's Embrace|Hwelntook vs 1: Miric (100%, electrical discharge)
Sep 1, 2011 |Lv 15|Voralian City|Oboosha vs 1: Miric (100%, smash)
Sep 1, 2011 |Lv 15|Galadon|Kiba vs 1: Miric (100%, smash)
Sep 1, 2011 |Lv 16|The North Road|Colsel vs 1: Miric (100%, electrical discharge)
Sep 2, 2011 |Lv 16|The Inn of the Eternal Star|Hurastin vs 1: Miric (100%, stab)
Sep 2, 2011 |Lv 16|The Outpost of Tir-Talath|Bharb vs 1: Miric (100%, acidic bite)
Sep 3, 2011 |Lv 16|The Galadon Sewers|Alrael vs 1: Miric (100%, searing cut)
Sep 3, 2011 |Lv 17|The Inn of the Ancient Hammer|Azalix vs 1: Miric (100%, electrical discharge)
Sep 3, 2011 |Lv 17|East Sumner's Road|Brisoth vs 1: Miric (100%, slash)
Sep 4, 2011 |Lv 18|Voralian City|Ynesis vs 1: Miric (100%, slash)
Sep 4, 2011 |Lv 18|The Outpost of Tir-Talath|Griffaeh vs 1: Miric (100%, stab)
Sep 4, 2011 |Lv 18|Voralian City|Naxrumoch vs 3: Miric (52%, acidic bite), Alowishias (34%), Chelwich (12%)
Sep 4, 2011 |Lv 18|Forest of NoWhere|Marron vs 1: Miric (100%, searing cut)
Sep 5, 2011 |Lv 18|Voralian City|Yersynnak vs 1: Miric (100%, stab)
Sep 5, 2011 |Lv 19|Hidden Forest|Saniko vs 1: Miric (100%, hit)
Sep 5, 2011 |Lv 19|Hidden Forest|Vallinane vs 1: Miric (100%, pierce)
Sep 5, 2011 |Lv 19|The Eastern Road|Gaeldrian vs 1: Miric (100%, smash)
Sep 5, 2011 |Lv 20|Udgaardian Plains|Zolos vs 1: Miric (100%, slash)
Sep 6, 2011 |Lv 20|East Sumner's Road|Engsonin vs 1: Miric (100%, defilement)
Sep 6, 2011 |Lv 20|Galadonian Settlement|Juris vs 1: Miric (100%, acidic bite)
Sep 6, 2011 |Lv 20|East Sumner's Road|Saykou vs 2: Ynesis (65%, slash), Miric (34%)
Sep 6, 2011 |Lv 20|The North Road|Ynesis vs 1: Miric (100%, smash)
Sep 7, 2011 |Lv 21|Voralian City|Tiruk vs 1: Miric (100%, poisonous bite)
Sep 7, 2011 |Lv 21|The Galadon Sewers|Yersynnak vs 1: Miric (100%, defilement)
Sep 10, 2011|Lv 24|Galadon|Erthan vs 1: Miric (100%, underhand strike)
Sep 10, 2011|Lv 24|Galadon|Guv vs 1: Miric (100%, underhand strike)
Sep 10, 2011|Lv 24|Galadon|Erthan vs 1: Miric (100%, underhand strike)
Sep 10, 2011|Lv 24|Outskirts of Galadon|Amar vs 2: Guv (47%), Miric (52%, poisonous bite)
Sep 10, 2011|Lv 24|Azreth Wood|Guv vs 1: Miric (100%, stab)
Sep 10, 2011|Lv 24|Hidden Forest|Zolos vs 2: Miric (68%, stab), Guv (31%)
Sep 10, 2011|Lv 24|The Eastern Road|Floriant vs 2: Miric (9%), Dralnu (90%, punch)
Sep 10, 2011|Lv 24|The Eastern Road|Erthan vs 2: Miric (54%, defilement), Dralnu (45%)
Sep 10, 2011|Lv 24|The Inn of the Eternal Star|Erthan vs 1: Miric (100%, stab)
Sep 11, 2011|Lv 24|The Battlefield|Kalsten vs 1: Miric (100%, slash)
37429, Miric's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding0
Experience from Skill improvements12680
Experience from Exploration5175
Experience from Quests2000
Experience from Commerce6470
Experience from Immortals900
Experience from Observation3255

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Sat Aug 27 09:15:19 2011
Quests Completed  7
Exploration Points Found  32
(WANTED) Criminal  5 times
% of lifetime in the wilderness  27 %
% of lifetime in the cities  23 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  7 %
37435, Miric's PK Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Deaths

Sep 5, 2011 |Lv 20|Udgaard|vs 2: Zolos (80%, icicle), Hja (19%)
Sep 6, 2011 |Lv 20|The North Road|vs 1: Ceaobgra (100%, KB)
Sep 10, 2011|Lv 24|Maethien|Miric committed suicide
Sep 12, 2011|Lv 25|Khardrath's Planar Sanctum|Miric drowned
Sep 18, 2011|Lv 27|The Drogran Hills|Miric committed suicide
Sep 29, 2011|Lv 33|The Drogran Hills|Miric committed suicide
Sep 30, 2011|Lv 33|Hamsah Mu'tazz|vs 2: Pyrox (0%), Fjodir (100%, shocking bite)
Oct 6, 2011 |Lv 34|The Inn of the Eternal Star|vs 1: Fjodir (100%, shocking grasp)
Oct 8, 2011 |Lv 34|Galadon|vs 1: Kymbal (100%, parting blow)
Oct 10, 2011|Lv 34|East Sumner's Road|vs 1: Graggak (100%, flurry)
Oct 10, 2011|Lv 34|The Eastern Road|vs 1: Odrallag (100%, shocking bite)
Oct 11, 2011|Lv 35|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|vs 2: Alrael (65%, pummeling blow), Cirkie (34%)
Oct 14, 2011|Lv 35|BattleRager Village|vs 1: Odrallag (100%, flurry)
Oct 14, 2011|Lv 35|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|vs 1: Odrallag (100%, flurry)
37434, Miric's Leveling
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Leveling History

Aug 27, 2011 |Lv 2 |Hr 0 |
Aug 27, 2011 |Lv 3 |Hr 0 |
Aug 27, 2011 |Lv 4 |Hr 0 |
Aug 27, 2011 |Lv 5 |Hr 1 |
Aug 27, 2011 |Lv 6 |Hr 2 |
Aug 27, 2011 |Lv 7 |Hr 2 |
Aug 27, 2011 |Lv 8 |Hr 2 |
Aug 27, 2011 |Lv 9 |Hr 3 |
Aug 28, 2011 |Lv 10|Hr 4 |
Aug 30, 2011 |Lv 11|Hr 6 |
Aug 30, 2011 |Lv 12|Hr 7 |
Aug 31, 2011 |Lv 13|Hr 7 |
Aug 31, 2011 |Lv 14|Hr 8 |
Aug 31, 2011 |Lv 15|Hr 8 |
Sep 1, 2011 |Lv 16|Hr 14 |
Sep 3, 2011 |Lv 17|Hr 21 |15 Demukahn,
Sep 4, 2011 |Lv 18|Hr 24 |
Sep 5, 2011 |Lv 19|Hr 29 |
Sep 5, 2011 |Lv 20|Hr 33 |
Sep 7, 2011 |Lv 21|Hr 40 |
Sep 7, 2011 |Lv 22|Hr 45 |23 Dragovich,
Sep 9, 2011 |Lv 23|Hr 47 |
Sep 9, 2011 |Lv 24|Hr 50 |
Sep 12, 2011 |Lv 25|Hr 64 |
Sep 18, 2011 |Lv 26|Hr 76 |
Sep 18, 2011 |Lv 27|Hr 79 |
Sep 21, 2011 |Lv 28|Hr 86 |31 Braskil,
Sep 21, 2011 |Lv 29|Hr 88 |21 Melazok,
Sep 21, 2011 |Lv 30|Hr 89 |24 Melazok, 24 Bogolyubov,
Sep 24, 2011 |Lv 31|Hr 93 |
Sep 26, 2011 |Lv 32|Hr 96 |
Sep 27, 2011 |Lv 33|Hr 101|
Oct 1, 2011 |Lv 34|Hr 112|27 Bartolis, 32 Gralog,
Oct 11, 2011 |Lv 35|Hr 133|
37433, Miric's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Mon Sep 5 21:19:17 2011 at level 19 (32 hrs):
Miric has pledged to the Scions of Eternal Night

Mon Sep 5 22:10:22 2011 at level 20 (32 hrs):
Miric advanced to level 20 <PK: 22-0>

Wed Sep 21 19:57:15 2011 at level 30 (87 hrs):
Miric advanced to level 30 <PK: 51-2>

37432, Miric's Mob Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Mob Deaths

Aug 28, 2011|Lv 10|Forest of NoWhere|the evil Laxian by claw
Aug 31, 2011|Lv 15|Lord Tabershaw's Keep|the mother wyvern by sting
Sep 4, 2011 |Lv 18|The Halfling Lands|a border guard by slice
Sep 7, 2011 |Lv 20|Lord Tabershaw's Keep|the wyvernling by bite
37431, Miric's Edges
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM



Racial Edges

Class Edges

Dove of Spring Dawn
Hawk of Summer Afternoon
Hunter's Glow


Strong Back
Remain Conscious
Quick Healer
Wise Recovery
37430, Miric's Class Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Class Specifics

Weapon Specializations
