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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subject[FORTRESS] Baylin Tarson the Battle-Scarred
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=36212
36212, [FORTRESS] Baylin Tarson the Battle-Scarred
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Baylin Tarson the Battle-Scarred


Before you stands a relatively short, strange looking man. He seems almost
entirely human in appearance, except for two obvious differences: his long
silvery, shoulder length hair, and the two pointed ears that protrude out
from it. It is clear that this man has some Drow blood somewhere in his
ancestry. His skin is somewhat dark, though on a human it would merely be
considered a heavy tan. His darkened skin only further accentuates his hair,
and highly defined muscle. In fact it appears as if this man has no an ounce
of fat on him anywhere.
Whilst his face is unusual due to his mixed heritage, one would still
consider him quite attractive. He has dark-brown eyes, a cleanly shaven chin,
which reveals a strong angular jaw and his hair is nearly cut and obviously
brushed regularly. Like his hair, all his belongings are well kept and
maintained, it is clear that this man takes great pride in his appearance.


Exp262813To Level11107SphereLust
Age mature, 56 years old (70 hours)
Hit Points548Mana389Movement653
Carry #0/38Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
36222, Baylin's Title History
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Title History

Thu Aug 11 10:08:26 2011, level 29 (30 hrs):
Baylin Tarson the Combatant

36230, Baylin's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Baylin Tarson
Added Sat Jul 30 06:44:57 2011 at level 1:

Baylin Tarson did not want for much growing up, he was well-cared for,
educated and trained to become a warrior from a young age. What he did lack
though was his father's love. As his biological mother, Bella could not help
but love her first son, her husband however despite his beliefs and efforts
towards the child was unable to find any love his heart for the half-breed
bastard. He was not mean, nor treated Baylin any differently to his two other
human sons, but it was obvious to all that the affection was not there.
Baylin had two half-brothers, both strong, strapping lads like their father
Garath. Being human they aged faster than Baylin and quickly outsized him in
both height and strength. As they were all destined to become warriors of the
Fortress, competition was fierce between the trio, but as the smallest of the
three Baylin always lost. This further upset Baylin, as he was forever trying
to win his father's respect.

Garath had always been a devote follower of Baerinika, and so it was that his
sons prayed to her too. Baylin however never felt comfortable praying to the
Jaguar, the guilt of his dark ancestry hindering his faith. Bella had always
held a special place in her heart for Baylin, as her first, and knowing that
he suffered from his heritage. She knew that Baylin felt uncomfortable in
Baerinika's temples, around her preists, and so she came to him in private
one day. She spoke of another God, one whom her father had occasionally
prayed to before his death. She knew of Baylin's fierce spirit, and suggested
that he pray to the Lord Daevryn. That night Baylin prayed to Daevryn for the
first time, and whether imagined or not, he felt something respond.

Over the following year Baylin finally went through his growth spurt, though
short compared to a human at 5'5" he was clearly no longer a boy. He gained
some muscles too, not the thick broad shoulders of his brothers, but wiry and
highly defined mass, and with this newfound body came not strength, but

Every night Baylin prayed to his Lord, and by day his ability increased. No
longer could his brothers punish his defenses with brute strength, instead
they struggled to even touch him. Whereas Baylin's smaller, lighter axes
rapidly slipped past his brother's defenses to inflect stinging blows. Baylin
thought this would please his father, but if anything his father became more

The time came for the boys to finally leave home and as Baylin made his way
towards the academy he was determined to prove his worth not just to his
brothers and father, but all who doubted his half-breed ancestry.

36229, Baylin's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Bella Tarson
Added Sat Jul 30 06:43:25 2011 at level 1:

Garath's heart broke when he first saw Bella, and he took it upon himself to
protect her and watch over her recovery. Bella in turn became utterly
dependant on Garath in her fragile state, and broke down if he even left the
room. It came as no surprise to anyone when Garath gave up his lightforged
axe a month later, and proposed to Bella.

Three months later it became obvious Bella was pregnent. Garath was thrilled
as he never expected to become a father after joining the Brigade, but Bella
was strangly upset by the whole ordeal. Bella never said a word about what
happened that dreadful night they met, and Garath always assumed it was
because the memory of it was too painful to bear, but almsot a year later it
became obvious why.

After nine apparent months pregnent, Bella was only showing the signs of
women who were six months pregnant. Garath became concerned and hired all
kinds of healers to examine his wife, but none could find any illness. More
time pasted and Bella finally swelled as she should have half a year ago, and
finally after a fifteen month long pregnancy, Baylin was born.

Garath's heart sank when he first laid eyes upon the boy. For both he and
Bella had golden blonde hair, but this child's hair was as silver as steel,
and was born with pointed ears.

36228, Baylin's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Garath 'Pureaxe' Tarson
Added Sat Jul 30 06:42:33 2011 at level 1:

It was the dead of winter, and the snow fell heavily on this moonless night.
A lone rider can be seen pushing his labouring horse towards the Fortress of
Light. Without even dismounting he calls out before the Maran Tara'bal,
pleading for help. The farmlands around Silverpine had been struck again,
raided by foul creatures of the night.

The ever ready Maran prepare themselves quickly, among them a handsome
middle-aged man named Garath Tarson, also known as 'Pureaxe' for his skill
with the axe and his faith in the Jagaur. They set off at a near reckless
pace towards Silverpine, even though they knew they were already too late.

Dawn is breaking when they finally arrive, and as expected they are far too
late. Nothing but ashes and frozen corpses remain, their locations marked by
smokey pillars on the horizon. From farm to farm they roam, always ready for
an ambush, but as they suspect their cowardly foes have retreated back into
their holes. At one of the burnt out farmhouses they come across a young girl
of only sixteen. She was obviously once an extremely attractive young maiden,
but grief and pain have wrecked havoc upon her. She is utterly distraught,
barely able to speak due to the trauma she has endured. There was nothing for
Garath to do but hold her for warmth and comfort as waves of despair shake

36227, Baylin's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Sun Jul 31 06:58:18 2011 by 'An Immortal' at level 17 (6 hrs):
An Immortal added 2000 exp for: Great read about a bastard son born to a Maran father who took in and cared for a raped and traumatized girl. Dad never cared for Baylin as much as his other sons, so he's out to prove his loyalty.

Fri Aug 12 08:06:11 2011 by 'An Immortal' at level 30 (36 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: I dig this guy so far. Good Maran RP.

Tue Aug 16 08:40:25 2011 by 'Baerinika' at level 33 (51 hrs):
Lengthy note from Vhenylos about how this guy was basically a bitch to him and ordering him around and stuff. I asked Morin to look at it.

36226, Baylin's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  30
Total Solo PKs  24
Total PK Assists  3
Average Group Size Per Kill  1.30

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Self-Reliant

Total PK Losses  8
Total Solo PK Losses  4
Average Group Size Per Death  1.62

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Unwitting Guest of Bad Parties

36225, Baylin's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  30 (2 at level 37)
Total PK Losses  8
Total Mob Deaths  2

PK Wins by Class
VS. transmuter  1
VS. thief  2
VS. warrior  8
VS. anti-paladin  8
VS. assassin  4
VS. ranger  2
VS. invoker  1
VS. shapeshifter  4

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  21

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  0
VS. Neutral  2
VS. Evil  28

PK Deaths by Class
VS. transmuter  2
VS. thief  1
VS. warrior  1
VS. necromancer  1
VS. conjurer  1
VS. berserker  1
VS. shapeshifter  1

PK Deaths by Cabal
VS. None  7

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  0
VS. Neutral  1
VS. Evil  7
36224, Baylin's Cabal Powers List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Powers List

Level 15mantle of the phoenix77%
36223, Baylin's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1axe100%
Level 1dagger91%
Level 1flail92%
Level 1mace90%
Level 1polearm79%
Level 1spear88%
Level 1sword100%
Level 1staff80%
Level 1whip77%
Level 1enhanced damage100%
Level 1hand to hand100%
Level 1parry100%
Level 1rescue75%
Level 1recall100%
Level 1shield block93%
Level 2improved compare77%
Level 2elbow1%
Level 2metal armor use77%
Level 2light armor use1%
Level 2beseech81%
Level 3dirt kicking90%
Level 4aim81%
Level 4knee1%
Level 5second attack100%
Level 6fast healing95%
Level 8kick75%
Level 10disarm78%
Level 10feint81%
Level 12third attack98%
Level 12dual wield100%
Level 13dodge100%
Level 14haggle83%
Level 14pierce1%
Level 15bash100%
Level 15trip100%
Level 15shield cleave82%
Level 15pugil1%
Level 15meditation90%
Level 16charge1%
Level 17thrust1%
Level 18berserk95%
Level 18lash1%
Level 19slice1%
Level 20warcry83%
Level 20whirl100%
Level 20pen75%
Level 21lore78%
Level 21retreat75%
Level 23offhand disarm75%
Level 24evade89%
Level 24weapon breaker100%
Level 25drive76%
Level 27parting blow80%
Level 27hook77%
Level 29pincer100%
Level 30fourth attack81%
Level 30overhead75%
Level 30dash75%
Level 33disembowel93%
Level 35precise aim1%
Level 36bone armor use1%
Level 46enhanced reactions1%
36221, Baylin's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Jul 31, 2011|Lv 17|The Vale of Arendyl|Xaalo vs 1: Baylin (100%, cleave)
Aug 11, 2011|Lv 29|East Sumner's Road|Shougrah vs 1: Baylin (100%, chop)
Aug 11, 2011|Lv 29|Fortress of Light|Endemius vs 2: Baylin (65%, freezing bite), Sheila (34%)
Aug 12, 2011|Lv 30|The Plains of Arendyl|Kuhr vs 1: Baylin (100%, brutal attack)
Aug 12, 2011|Lv 30|The Plains of Arendyl|Kuhr vs 1: Baylin (100%, parting blow)
Aug 12, 2011|Lv 30|The Plains of Arendyl|Shanthu vs 1: Baylin (100%, chop)
Aug 12, 2011|Lv 30|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Shanthu vs 1: Baylin (100%, electrical discharge)
Aug 13, 2011|Lv 30|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Haarvas vs 1: Baylin (100%, freezing bite)
Aug 14, 2011|Lv 30|Galadon|Shougrah vs 1: Baylin (100%, brutal attack)
Aug 14, 2011|Lv 30|Galadon|Shougrah vs 1: Baylin (100%, parting blow)
Aug 15, 2011|Lv 30|The Eastern Road|Endemius vs 1: Baylin (100%, chop)
Aug 15, 2011|Lv 31|Galadon|Dreggin vs 1: Baylin (100%, cleave)
Aug 15, 2011|Lv 31|Udgaard|Dreggin vs 1: Baylin (100%, cleave)
Aug 15, 2011|Lv 31|Udgaard|Shudo vs 1: Baylin (100%, parting blow)
Aug 16, 2011|Lv 31|Akan|Denith vs 1: Baylin (100%, parting blow)
Aug 16, 2011|Lv 31|The Plains of Arendyl|Shudo vs 2: Baylin (31%, electrical discharge), Oraphen (68%)
Aug 16, 2011|Lv 31|The Plains of Arendyl|Parsinias vs 1: Baylin (100%, electrical discharge)
Aug 16, 2011|Lv 31|The Plains of Arendyl|Dreggin vs 2: Baylin (25%, brutal attack), Oraphen (74%)
Aug 16, 2011|Lv 33|The Battlefield|Shougrah vs 1: Baylin (100%, electrical discharge)
Aug 16, 2011|Lv 33|The Past Grove|Parsinias vs 1: Baylin (100%, parting blow)
Aug 17, 2011|Lv 33|The Imperial Palace|Abnegawvn vs 1: Baylin (100%, brutal attack)
Aug 17, 2011|Lv 33|The Inn of the Eternal Star|Shudo vs 1: Baylin (100%, cleave)
Aug 17, 2011|Lv 33|The Inn of the Eternal Star|Zhebulon vs 2: Baylin (100%, electrical discharge), Svendost (0%)
Aug 18, 2011|Lv 33|Galadon|Parsinias vs 2: Baylin (32%), Fjodir (67%, shocking bite)
Aug 18, 2011|Lv 33|The Eastern Road|Dreggin vs 3: Finli (32%, disruption), Fjodir (16%), Baylin (51%)
Aug 19, 2011|Lv 33|Balator|Koshak vs 2: Baylin (45%, brutal attack), Eth (54%)
Aug 20, 2011|Lv 33|The North Road|Valos vs 2: Baylin (38%, cleave), Elri (61%)
Aug 20, 2011|Lv 33|The North Road|Razas vs 2: Baylin (94%), Elri (5%, poison)
Aug 20, 2011|Lv 36|The Battlefield|Elri vs 1: Baylin (100%, cleave)
Aug 20, 2011|Lv 36|The Battlefield|Viintheel vs 1: Baylin (100%, brutal attack)
Aug 23, 2011|Lv 36|The Imperial Palace|Shikala vs 1: Baylin (100%, brutal attack)
Aug 23, 2011|Lv 37|Khalid River|Syramei vs 1: Baylin (100%, cleave)
Aug 23, 2011|Lv 37|The Battlefield|Jolka vs 1: Baylin (100%, cleave)
36220, Baylin's PK Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Deaths

Aug 2, 2011 |Lv 21|East Sumner's Road|vs 1: Vaaki (100%, slash)
Aug 12, 2011|Lv 30|Galadon|vs 1: Tchalla (100%, defilement)
Aug 15, 2011|Lv 31|Galadon|vs 2: Rindros (63%, lightning), Dreggin (36%)
Aug 18, 2011|Lv 33|The Battlefield|vs 2: Isoeli (0%), Parsinias (100%, claw)
Aug 18, 2011|Lv 33|Hamsah Mu'tazz|vs 2: Dreggin (59%, parting blow), Parsinias (40%)
Aug 20, 2011|Lv 36|The Grove|vs 1: Zhebulon (100%, disruption)
Aug 23, 2011|Lv 36|Shepherd's Row|vs 3: Azalo (73%, claw), Kuikwi (26%), Ungrak (0%)
Aug 23, 2011|Lv 37|The Eastern Road|vs 1: Zhebulon (100%, disruption)
36219, Baylin's Leveling
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Leveling History

Jul 30, 2011 |Lv 2 |Hr 0 |
Jul 30, 2011 |Lv 3 |Hr 0 |
Jul 30, 2011 |Lv 4 |Hr 0 |
Jul 30, 2011 |Lv 5 |Hr 0 |
Jul 30, 2011 |Lv 6 |Hr 0 |
Jul 30, 2011 |Lv 7 |Hr 1 |
Jul 30, 2011 |Lv 8 |Hr 1 |
Jul 30, 2011 |Lv 9 |Hr 1 |
Jul 30, 2011 |Lv 10|Hr 1 |
Jul 30, 2011 |Lv 11|Hr 1 |
Jul 30, 2011 |Lv 12|Hr 2 |
Jul 30, 2011 |Lv 13|Hr 2 |
Jul 30, 2011 |Lv 14|Hr 2 |
Jul 30, 2011 |Lv 15|Hr 3 |
Jul 31, 2011 |Lv 16|Hr 5 |
Jul 31, 2011 |Lv 17|Hr 6 |
Jul 31, 2011 |Lv 18|Hr 7 |
Aug 1, 2011 |Lv 19|Hr 9 |
Aug 1, 2011 |Lv 20|Hr 10 |
Aug 1, 2011 |Lv 21|Hr 12 |
Aug 2, 2011 |Lv 22|Hr 15 |
Aug 2, 2011 |Lv 23|Hr 17 |
Aug 3, 2011 |Lv 24|Hr 19 |
Aug 3, 2011 |Lv 25|Hr 21 |
Aug 9, 2011 |Lv 26|Hr 28 |27 Korlis,
Aug 10, 2011 |Lv 27|Hr 29 |20 Sheila, 27 Roocka,
Aug 10, 2011 |Lv 28|Hr 29 |22 Sheila, 28 Roocka,
Aug 10, 2011 |Lv 29|Hr 29 |23 Sheila, 28 Roocka,
Aug 12, 2011 |Lv 30|Hr 34 |
Aug 15, 2011 |Lv 31|Hr 46 |
Aug 16, 2011 |Lv 32|Hr 50 |36 Oraphen, 32 Milisnria,
Aug 16, 2011 |Lv 33|Hr 50 |36 Oraphen, 33 Milisnria,
Aug 20, 2011 |Lv 34|Hr 60 |32 Elri, 35 Milisnria,
Aug 20, 2011 |Lv 35|Hr 60 |33 Elri, 36 Milisnria,
Aug 20, 2011 |Lv 36|Hr 61 |33 Elri, 36 Milisnria,
Aug 23, 2011 |Lv 37|Hr 67 |37 Caerdryn, 37 Milisnria,
36218, Baylin's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Sun Jul 31 06:25:00 2011 at level 17 (6 hrs):
Baylin has pledged to the Fortress of Light

Mon Aug 1 06:55:08 2011 at level 20 (9 hrs):
Baylin advanced to level 20 <PK: 1-0>

Thu Aug 11 10:42:49 2011 at level 29 (30 hrs):
Inducted into FORTRESS by Morin.

Fri Aug 12 04:30:05 2011 at level 30 (34 hrs):
Baylin advanced to level 30 <PK: 3-1>

36217, Baylin's Mob Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Mob Deaths

Aug 4, 2011 |Lv 25|The Citadel of Ostalagiah|a black-skinned slaver by stinging lash
36216, Baylin's Edges
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM



Racial Edges

Class Edges


Apt Learner
Thick Veined
36213, Baylin's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding3550
Experience from Skill improvements8283
Experience from Exploration3300
Experience from Quests9200
Experience from Commerce3390
Experience from Immortals2500
Experience from Observation2125

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Sat Jul 30 06:40:08 2011
Quests Completed  13
Exploration Points Found  16
(WANTED) Criminal  0 times
% of lifetime in the wilderness  26 %
% of lifetime in the cities  16 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  5 %
% of lifetime caballed  55 %
36215, Baylin's Cabal Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Specifics

Cabal Statistics

# of logins with their cabal item  34
# of logins without their cabal item  2
# of logouts with their cabal item  35
# of logouts without their cabal item  1
# of times they lost their cabal item  1
# of times they retrieved their cabal item  2
# of times they took another cabal item  3

36214, Baylin's Class Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Class Specifics

Weapon Specializations
