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Topic subject[SCION] Zhincala Di'Vorago the Planewalker
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=35735
35735, [SCION] Zhincala Di'Vorago the Planewalker
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Zhincala Di'Vorago the Planewalker


Small and waiflike, the figure before you is defeinately female. With long
dark hair and firm round chest, she would normally have attracted much
attention from the males. However, though her makeup and facial coverings
are exquisitly arranged, it fails to completly hide the mass of scares
that gives her face an terrifying quality. most striking perhaps, is her
large purple eyes which captivate you with their magnetic quality and
seem to almost sparkle with an inner feverish light.

Looking closer, you realize the before you stands:


Practices1Trains0HometownHamsah Mu'tazz
Exp438900To Level21600SpherePurity
Age old, 51 years old (220 hours)
Hit Points531Mana947Movement773
Carry #0/32Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
35747, Zhincala's Title History
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Title History

Tue May 3 16:04:41 2011, level 47 (126 hrs):
Zhincala Di'Vorago the Mistress of the Invisible Realms

35758, Zhincala's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

Musings of a mad witch
Added Fri May 20 11:32:26 2011 at level 51:

It was a foggy winter eve, and for the first time
in her life, Zhincala felt the weight of her age
settle upon her bones, something the slave girl
on the Underdark had never dared dream possible.
Whether from age or the soothing effect of sunlight,
the raging madness that had infected her
earlier years has gradually faded into a dull
throb of illogic and quirks of personality.

Years have passed since the Voices have
shrieked their mad demands and taunted her with
their terrible promises. Were it not for the
presence and words of the Dark lord Reksah,
she might have dismissed her fears and memories
as just another hallucination of her mind. Though
she would not admit to any other, it irked her
that even if she could rip the mightiest devils
and demons from their planes with but a single
word, the peace of her own death is denied her.

Though the knowledge of the Scions and the
secrets of the Druktrar have taught her much,
her goal had never seemed so far from reach.
With the first streaks of grey in her hair to
remind her of her age and the wail of the banshees
forcasting a darker fate, she turned her mind,
for the first time, to the extention of her own mortal life.
At least until she finds a way to open a stable
gateway to the Void and rid herself of the Voices.

Having never had an interest in necromancy
(and would that preserve her soul from the grasps
of the Void in any case?), she found the Advisors
hopeless search for undeath an amusing
distraction at best. No, instead she set her sights
on the Chancellor, whos life is rumored to have
been fortified by the essence of the Shadowed Ones
themselves. With his methods of magic of hiding,
Zhincala had no dellusion of slaying him herself,
but surely even his unaturally extended life
cannot last for much longer. She has to but survive
and, Voices be praise, when the moment comes
she will be able to siphon that power from
his red waters when he falls at last.

35757, Zhincala's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

Secrets of the Void
Added Tue May 10 09:40:50 2011 at level 50:

The Void. She finally had a name for the place
from which her tormentors hail, and new hints
as to how to breach their forbiden prison. The
arrival of the new dark lord of the Scions was
all the proof she needed that the feat which she
had attempted was possible, after all, if a dabbler
of the prime material plane was able to help
breach the boundaries of the things inbetween
the planes, surely, she, master of the planar
gateways, should be able to find a way to create
a more stable connection. The Eye that had
first visited her through the resonnance of the
Chaos Orbs whispered of memories and
secrets, perhaps with the forgoten secrets
of the Void, she would be able to do what
she needed.

35756, Zhincala's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

price of failure
Added Tue May 3 09:16:53 2011 at level 46:

A flash of lightning splits the night, illuminating
the heaving seas. I stand upon a upward-moving
solid collumn of water, unmoved by the raging
waves. Besides me other-planar beings gather, unseen,
flying silently in chaotic parterns. A six-armed
woman, terrying in her abyssmal beauty waits by
my side, her bloody weapons weapons ready.

Hurling a fistful of grave-ash, I begin my dark
incantations. As the silent shriek of the Druktrar
fill my mind, I feel more than see the tear in the
fabrics of the world as a portal begin to materialize.
The forsaken portal snaps into place and I uncork
the vial I had carefuly wrapped in the corners of my
robes, and fling the red water, still steaming, into the
vortex of liquid night. Lightning flash again, and the
darkness pooling inside the portal shimer and take
on a crimson hue.

The Druktrar scatter as their shrieks are replaced
by the crescendoing of Voices. Whispering their
almost-words, dripping with anticipation and palpable
hunger, growing ever louder, driving me to my knees.
As their reach their climax and I feel about to pass out
from the ravings, suddenly, there is only a mind-shattering
silence and I feel a piece of my being evaporate. The
ruby portal collapses and dissolves into clumps
of mud, stained dark with red waters. For a moment
I remain motionless, thanking what dark gods there
be that the retreating Voices had not dragged whats left
of my mind with them. Slowly I stand up, gather my
servants and once more resume my tast. Next time, they
will come through. Next time, the red tides will rise
to consume the world. Next time, I will have peace...

35755, Zhincala's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Brief Character Expose
Added Tue Mar 1 13:10:23 2011 at level 31:

She is quite mad. She knows things without knowing how,
can draw maps of places she has never been. These insights,
she takes to be a consequence of the melding of her soul
to that of the dark essence.

She searches for places of planar power from whence she
can open a portal for the darkness. She has heard rumors
of a chasm in the desert from whence beings of shadows
flow into the world. Perhaps there she will find more
information about planes and portals.

She secretly wishes for death but know, from experience
that physical destruction is not enough (her souls dark twin
has always been able to wrench her back at great pain). Even
where that not the case she fears that unless the portal was
opened before her true death, she will be trapped together
with the darkness.

35754, Zhincala's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Child of my bones
Added Tue Mar 1 13:06:35 2011 at level 31:

Being bound mind and soul to a creature of the planes,
she despises them and views them either as slaves to be
controlled or potential treats to be avoided. As such, she
scoffed at the guildmaster suggestion to call a lesser spirit
as familiar. Instead she took an aborted child fresh from
the womb and poured some of her own essence into it. After
all, what could be more trustworthy than ones own flesh blood
and spirit? Thereafter she found that when in its unholy
presence boosted her own mystical talents ever so slightly.

35753, Zhincala's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Old scars
Added Fri Feb 18 14:01:36 2011 at level 5:

Born in the slave camps of the Teth Azeleth, there would
have been little question as to the shape Zhincalas life
would take. Because she was born with pretty purple eyes,
she would be spared the labor camps and instead given to
the brothels, there she will stay till she was no longer
servicable then fed to the driders mounts used by the elite
soldiers. In these conditions, most slaves broken swiftly
and found solace in the chilling fog of mindlessness. She
however, by the curse of some spiteful god, did not retreat
into that comforting fog. In the darkness of the night, when
the luminecent mold dulled their light, she instead gave
over to the chaos and madness of her soul. From within that
madness she heard a Voice which soothed and comforted her.

One of the wizard who visited the brothel had a bent for pain.
Though patrons were not allowed to permanently damage
the girls this one liked to dribble diluted acid on his chosen
victims and watch them squirm. Under the direction of her
Voice, she killed the wizard, and splashed his small vial of
concentrated acid onto her face. Rendered thus unrecognizable
and clothed in his robes, she slipped from the city and fled
into the Underdark. Ever following the Voice, she found her
way to the surface. And though the light of the moon and stars
burned her eyes, she remained because the Voice told her to.

Time passed, but day by day, the Voice faded. Cut off from its guidance,
Zhincala grew fearful and desperate. She prayed, cursed,
fasted and wept. But nothing seemed to strengther the Voice.
Dehydrated, starved and clothed in the remaining shreds
of her robe, she one day stumbled into a dark cave.

Covered wall to wall with runes painted in a dark maroon
color, the cave felt unaturally cold, but within it, Zhincala
felt a presence straining towards her. Convinced that the
Voice was back, she joyfully reached out towards it. As
the mental link snapped into place she realized, too late, that
the presence she had felt was no guiding Voice but
something much darker. But it was too late, her fragmented
half-crazed mind provided the perfect home for the Thing
and it merged itself with its new host.

Free us/you/me!

Yes youuswe will be freed.

Three months later, a imaculately clothed young woman
presented herself to the Conjurers guild in Hamsah for
testing. Though her scared face was terribly ugly, her
smoldering purple eyes would not take no for an answer.
Within a week, she had donned the pale garbs of an
apprentice and had started classes.

35752, Zhincala's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Mon Feb 21 15:26:25 2011 by 'An Immortal' at level 17 (4 hrs):
An Immortal added 1000 exp for: She was born a slave in Teth and because she was pretty, she was sold to the brothels. She burned her face, escaped unrecognized, and got possessed by a demon of some sort.

Wed Mar 2 17:00:00 2011 by 'An Immortal' at level 31 (13 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: We didn't like our familiar, so we squeezed out an aborted fetus, poured some of our essence into it and it's our familiar now. One that can be trusted. Also, we want to join Scion.

Thu Apr 28 13:46:33 2011 by 'An Immortal' at level 44 (98 hrs):
An Immortal added 50 exp for: For staying IC despite having a whining player rail at him for killing him and making a terrible place.

Wed May 4 09:32:51 2011 by 'An Immortal' at level 47 (128 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: A good entry about a failed attempt to open a forsaken portal. Next time, we won't fail and the Druktrar will consume the world.

Thu May 5 14:43:34 2011 by 'An Immortal' at level 47 (132 hrs):
An Immortal added 200 exp for: Beginnings of Reksah-worship. Tried to point out that you have Macho flaw that you should be rp'ing out a bit, but otherwise I'm hoping you stick with it!

Mon May 9 09:47:08 2011 by 'Baerinika' at level 49 (143 hrs):
I hereby dub this guy "faceless scion conjie 5003."

Fri May 20 16:28:07 2011 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (206 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: She has designs on the Chancellor's seat to extend her life .. BUT she just wants to wait him out :( Hopefully she'll try to be a little more assertive in this...

35751, Zhincala's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  127
Total Solo PKs  101
Total PK Assists  17
Average Group Size Per Kill  1.31

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Self-Reliant

Total PK Losses  28
Total Solo PK Losses  18
Average Group Size Per Death  1.61

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Unwitting Guest of Bad Parties

35750, Zhincala's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  127 (30 at level 51)
Total PK Losses  28
Total Mob Deaths  27

PK Wins by Class
VS. transmuter  1
VS. thief  17
VS. warrior  48
VS. paladin  2
VS. anti-paladin  3
VS. assassin  6
VS. ranger  1
VS. invoker  13
VS. bard  13
VS. healer  1
VS. conjurer  3
VS. berserker  2
VS. shapeshifter  17

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  59

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  35
VS. Neutral  54
VS. Evil  38

PK Deaths by Class
VS. warrior  9
VS. paladin  2
VS. anti-paladin  1
VS. assassin  2
VS. ranger  6
VS. invoker  1
VS. bard  2
VS. shaman  1
VS. conjurer  1
VS. shapeshifter  3

PK Deaths by Cabal
VS. None  6

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  13
VS. Neutral  5
VS. Evil  10
35749, Zhincala's Spell List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Spell List

Level 1detect magic85%
Level 1magic missile100%
Level 2detect charm1%
Level 2sighttheft80%
Level 3detect invis100%
Level 4invis86%
Level 5armor1%
Level 6faerie fire100%
Level 9infravision80%
Level 11warp dimension100%
Level 13teleport100%
Level 14dispel magic100%
Level 15identify100%
Level 15locate object100%
Level 16flash76%
Level 17familiar100%
Level 18cancellation88%
Level 18resist negative80%
Level 18resist positive84%
Level 19conjure smoke mephit82%
Level 20pass door100%
Level 20despoil84%
Level 20conjure elemental90%
Level 20bind elemental92%
Level 21deny summoning86%
Level 22celestial circle95%
Level 23conjure will-o-wisp1%
Level 23dismissal97%
Level 25planar ward92%
Level 25conjure angel1%
Level 25conjure demon86%
Level 25lightbind1%
Level 25darkbind100%
Level 26sending53%
Level 27thaumaturgic circle100%
Level 28nightwalker99%
Level 28phase door75%
Level 30projection1%
Level 32beckon druktrar96%
Level 34word of recall94%
Level 35conjure archon1%
Level 35conjure devil88%
Level 37detect artifact78%
Level 37Kaubris Anchor89%
Level 40sight of the damned100%
Level 40bind nightgaunt98%
Level 40conjure nightgaunt97%
Level 43clairaudience1%
Level 43forsaken portal79%
Level 44clairvoyance1%
Level 45contact other planes1%
Level 51tesseract85%
35748, Zhincala's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1axe86%
Level 1dagger80%
Level 1staff1%
Level 1whip100%
Level 1scrolls76%
Level 1talismans86%
Level 1wands94%
Level 1recall100%
Level 2improved compare88%
Level 2improved consider98%
Level 7meditation100%
Level 9haggle86%
Level 11inspect goods1%
Level 11swing9%
Level 14parry100%
Level 14trance100%
Level 15fast healing100%
Level 15shield block100%
Level 16hand to hand83%
Level 16lash100%
Level 20attune1%
Level 20divination72%
Level 20pen1%
Level 21second attack68%
Level 21prosperous reputation1%
Level 24mystical armor use100%
Level 30careful vision66%
Level 35volley89%
35746, Zhincala's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

May 13, 2011|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|Shinju vs 1: Zhincala (100%, geyser)
May 13, 2011|Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Phoalex vs 2: Smoberti (12%), Zhincala (87%, claw)
May 14, 2011|Lv 51|Sands of Sorrow|Alohl vs 1: Zhincala (100%, slap)
May 14, 2011|Lv 51|The Tahril Mountains|Norington vs 2: Zhincala (90%, hit), Alohl (9%)
May 14, 2011|Lv 51|Domain of Eternal Night|Norington vs 2: Vankhu (9%), Zhincala (90%, caustic slime)
May 15, 2011|Lv 51|High Lord's Keep|Shinju vs 1: Zhincala (100%, slap)
May 17, 2011|Lv 51|A Dry Riverbed|Actius vs 2: Mharlndarn (20%, disruption), Zhincala (79%)
May 18, 2011|Lv 51|The Tahril Mountains|Khalend vs 1: Zhincala (100%, slice)
May 18, 2011|Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Relsew vs 1: Zhincala (100%, slice)
May 18, 2011|Lv 51|The Village of Azuremain|Sidius vs 1: Zhincala (100%, claw)
May 18, 2011|Lv 51|The Fields of Balator|Rasay vs 1: Zhincala (100%, magic missile)
May 18, 2011|Lv 51|Feanwyyn Weald|Orakh vs 1: Zhincala (100%, lightning)
May 18, 2011|Lv 51|Lost in the Mists|Plenko vs 1: Zhincala (100%, crush)
May 18, 2011|Lv 51|The Redhorn Mountains|Norington vs 2: Vankhu (14%), Zhincala (85%, chop)
May 18, 2011|Lv 51|The Tahril Mountains|Raumilblotz vs 1: Zhincala (100%, hellfire)
May 19, 2011|Lv 51|The Village of Azuremain|Dnrandim vs 1: Zhincala (100%, shocking bite)
May 20, 2011|Lv 51|Mount Kiadana-Rah|Nougli vs 3: Plenko (21%, bite), Vankhu (24%), Zhincala (54%)
May 20, 2011|Lv 51|Mount Kiadana-Rah|Plenko vs 2: Vankhu (41%, disruption), Zhincala (58%)
May 20, 2011|Lv 51|Lost in the Mists|Dnrandim vs 1: Zhincala (100%, crush)
May 20, 2011|Lv 51|Domain of Eternal Night|Hraustr vs 1: Zhincala (100%, claw)
May 20, 2011|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Syther vs 1: Zhincala (100%, earthquake)
May 21, 2011|Lv 51|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Dnrandim vs 2: Zhincala (60%, icy needle), Volker (39%)
May 21, 2011|Lv 51|The Tahril Mountains|Shinju vs 2: Zhincala (53%), Volker (46%, crush)
May 21, 2011|Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Raumilblotz vs 1: Zhincala (100%, hellfire)
May 21, 2011|Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Gurzgred vs 2: Vankhu (21%), Zhincala (78%, crush)
May 21, 2011|Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Gurzgred vs 2: Vankhu (9%, smash), Zhincala (90%)
May 22, 2011|Lv 51|The Tahril Mountains|Zazar vs 2: Zhincala (42%, slap), Vankhu (57%)
May 25, 2011|Lv 51|The Tahril Mountains|Mirrou vs 1: Zhincala (100%, hit)
May 25, 2011|Lv 51|Amaranthian Forest|Ghuanrrak vs 2: Zhincala (56%, ), Volker (43%)
May 25, 2011|Lv 51|Sands of Sorrow|Vonzamir vs 2: Tavlin (5%), Zhincala (94%, slap)
May 25, 2011|Lv 51|Voralian City|Gurzgred vs 1: Zhincala (100%, )
May 26, 2011|Lv 51|The Tahril Mountains|Ealon vs 1: Zhincala (100%, stream of acid)
Jun 4, 2011 |Lv 51|Domain of Eternal Night|Nwesoui vs 1: Zhincala (100%, )
35745, Zhincala's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

May 2, 2011 |Lv 46|The Tahril Mountains|Sarek vs 2: Zhincala (39%, stinging lash), Cychreus (60%)
May 3, 2011 |Lv 47|The Eastern Road|Sarek vs 2: Vankhu (5%), Zhincala (94%, geyser)
May 3, 2011 |Lv 47|Sands of Sorrow|Meniatus vs 1: Zhincala (100%, blast)
May 3, 2011 |Lv 47|The Tahril Mountains|Gurzgred vs 1: Zhincala (100%, caustic slime)
May 3, 2011 |Lv 47|Domain of Eternal Night|Gurzgred vs 2: Illeryia (33%), Zhincala (66%, icy needle)
May 4, 2011 |Lv 47|The Tahril Mountains|Rederedem vs 1: Zhincala (100%, slap)
May 5, 2011 |Lv 47|The Tahril Mountains|Roriack vs 1: Zhincala (100%, blast)
May 5, 2011 |Lv 47|Sands of Sorrow|Lasus vs 1: Zhincala (100%, magic missile)
May 5, 2011 |Lv 47|The Tahril Mountains|Kreghu vs 1: Zhincala (100%, frigid chop)
May 5, 2011 |Lv 47|The Consortium|Nremtreb vs 1: Zhincala (100%, suction)
May 6, 2011 |Lv 48|Galadon|Orakh vs 1: Zhincala (100%, magic missile)
May 8, 2011 |Lv 48|Feanwyyn Weald|Orakh vs 1: Zhincala (100%, acid blast)
May 8, 2011 |Lv 49|Sands of Sorrow|Bok vs 1: Zhincala (100%, acid blast)
May 8, 2011 |Lv 49|Sands of Sorrow|Raumilblotz vs 1: Zhincala (100%, acid blast)
May 9, 2011 |Lv 49|The Imperial Palace|Zandroth vs 2: Volker (34%), Zhincala (65%, flaming bite)
May 9, 2011 |Lv 49|Balator|Roberval vs 2: Volker (18%, crush), Zhincala (81%)
May 9, 2011 |Lv 49|Silver Tower|Nyjikel vs 1: Zhincala (100%, suction)
May 9, 2011 |Lv 49|The Village of Azuremain|Vuycr vs 1: Zhincala (100%, suction)
May 9, 2011 |Lv 49|The Tahril Mountains|Syther vs 1: Zhincala (100%, stream of acid)
May 10, 2011|Lv 50|The Tahril Mountains|Hraustr vs 2: Zhincala (79%, claw), Silja (20%)
May 10, 2011|Lv 50|Temple of Loch Grynmear|Hraustr vs 2: Silja (100%, stab), Zhincala (0%)
May 10, 2011|Lv 50|The Tahril Mountains|Hraustr vs 2: Zhincala (92%, unholy word), Silja (7%)
May 10, 2011|Lv 50|Ysigrath|Orakh vs 1: Zhincala (100%, acid blast)
May 10, 2011|Lv 50|Hillcrest|Raumilblotz vs 1: Zhincala (100%, blast)
May 11, 2011|Lv 50|Sands of Sorrow|Merkal vs 1: Zhincala (100%, disruption)
May 11, 2011|Lv 50|Sands of Sorrow|Shinju vs 1: Zhincala (100%, slap)
May 11, 2011|Lv 50|Hillcrest|Hraustr vs 1: Zhincala (100%, acid blast)
May 11, 2011|Lv 50|The Frigid Wasteland|Bok vs 1: Zhincala (100%, slap)
May 11, 2011|Lv 50|The Tahril Mountains|Hraustr vs 2: Vankhu (56%), Zhincala (43%, withering)
May 11, 2011|Lv 50|Domain of Eternal Night|Gurzgred vs 2: Syther (0%), Zhincala (100%, flaming bite)
May 11, 2011|Lv 50|Domain of Eternal Night|Gurzgred vs 1: Zhincala (100%, drowning)
May 11, 2011|Lv 50|Balator|Raumilblotz vs 1: Zhincala (100%, drowning)
May 11, 2011|Lv 50|Sands of Sorrow|Vonzamir vs 2: Zhincala (88%, magic missile), Norington (11%)
May 12, 2011|Lv 50|The Tahril Mountains|Mertsella vs 1: Zhincala (100%, crush)
May 12, 2011|Lv 51|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Roberval vs 2: Phoalex (12%, chop), Zhincala (87%)
May 12, 2011|Lv 51|The Tahril Mountains|Raumilblotz vs 1: Zhincala (100%, slap)
May 13, 2011|Lv 51|Sands of Sorrow|Sarek vs 1: Zhincala (100%, crush)
35744, Zhincala's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Apr 21, 2011|Lv 41|The Tahril Mountains|Bachguer vs 1: Zhincala (100%, stream of acid)
Apr 22, 2011|Lv 42|Mount Kiadana-Rah|Rederedem vs 1: Zhincala (100%, magic missile)
Apr 22, 2011|Lv 42|Strange Island|Jinna vs 1: Zhincala (100%, slice)
Apr 22, 2011|Lv 42|Organia, the Veil of Shadow|Baxyac vs 1: Zhincala (100%, slice)
Apr 22, 2011|Lv 42|The Tahril Mountains|Cryx vs 1: Zhincala (100%, fireball)
Apr 23, 2011|Lv 42|The Frigid Wasteland|Mzaffraa vs 1: Zhincala (100%, magic missile)
Apr 23, 2011|Lv 42|The Frigid Wasteland|Lasus vs 1: Zhincala (100%, slap)
Apr 23, 2011|Lv 42|Hillcrest|Aedyn vs 1: Zhincala (100%, stinging lash)
Apr 24, 2011|Lv 43|Galadon|Roriack vs 1: Zhincala (100%, acid blast)
Apr 24, 2011|Lv 43|Ysigrath|Werterloom vs 1: Zhincala (100%, suction)
Apr 25, 2011|Lv 44|The Tahril Mountains|Werterloom vs 1: Zhincala (100%, claw)
Apr 25, 2011|Lv 44|Fortress of Light|Aerlion vs 2: Zhincala (25%, magic missile), Tavlin (74%)
Apr 25, 2011|Lv 44|The Frigid Wasteland|Werterloom vs 1: Zhincala (100%, fireball)
Apr 26, 2011|Lv 44|The Tahril Mountains|Jinna vs 2: Khorn (34%, knifing), Zhincala (65%)
Apr 26, 2011|Lv 44|The Tahril Mountains|Aataka vs 1: Zhincala (100%, suction)
Apr 26, 2011|Lv 44|The Tahril Mountains|Kromptuk vs 1: Zhincala (100%, slap)
Apr 27, 2011|Lv 44|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Krish vs 2: Silja (81%, underhand strike), Zhincala (18%)
Apr 27, 2011|Lv 44|Hillcrest|Retsel vs 1: Zhincala (100%, drowning)
Apr 28, 2011|Lv 44|Feanwyyn Weald|Phoalex vs 2: Zhincala (7%), Chioth (92%, KB)
Apr 28, 2011|Lv 44|Sands of Sorrow|Werterloom vs 1: Zhincala (100%, suction)
Apr 28, 2011|Lv 44|Sands of Sorrow|Kariya vs 1: Zhincala (100%, divine anger)
Apr 28, 2011|Lv 44|The Tahril Mountains|Rederedem vs 1: Zhincala (100%, stream of acid)
Apr 28, 2011|Lv 44|Sands of Sorrow|Dakaeh vs 2: Zhincala (29%, slap), Tavlin (70%)
Apr 29, 2011|Lv 44|The Imperial Palace|Filosof vs 1: Zhincala (100%, slice)
Apr 29, 2011|Lv 44|Galadon|Filosof vs 2: Silja (36%), Zhincala (63%, )
Apr 29, 2011|Lv 44|The Tahril Mountains|Filosof vs 1: Zhincala (100%, hellfire)
Apr 30, 2011|Lv 45|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Gurzgred vs 2: Zhincala (65%), Volker (34%, immolation)
Apr 30, 2011|Lv 45|Mount Kiadana-Rah|Werterloom vs 1: Zhincala (100%, beating)
Apr 30, 2011|Lv 45|The Past Shadow Grove|Vonzamir vs 1: Zhincala (100%, fireball)
Apr 30, 2011|Lv 45|The Tahril Mountains|Filosof vs 1: Zhincala (100%, blast)
Apr 30, 2011|Lv 46|Domain of Eternal Night|Gurzgred vs 2: Volker (11%, shard of ice), Zhincala (88%)
May 1, 2011 |Lv 46|Voralian City|Sarek vs 1: Zhincala (100%, crush)
May 1, 2011 |Lv 46|Sands of Sorrow|Werterloom vs 1: Zhincala (100%, claw)
May 1, 2011 |Lv 46|Forest of Prosimy|Sarek vs 1: Zhincala (100%, blast)
May 2, 2011 |Lv 46|Voralian City|Roka vs 2: Zhincala (17%, claw), Nemrar (82%)
May 2, 2011 |Lv 46|Ysigrath|Laceria vs 1: Zhincala (100%, magic missile)
May 2, 2011 |Lv 46|Mount Kiadana-Rah|Bindar vs 2: Phoalex (55%, pierce), Zhincala (44%)
35743, Zhincala's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Feb 24, 2011|Lv 30|The Eastern Road|Dusatoit vs 1: Zhincala (100%, fireball)
Mar 2, 2011 |Lv 31|The Vale of Arendyl|Kyzraith vs 2: Desand (8%), Zhincala (91%, blast)
Apr 14, 2011|Lv 36|Domain of Eternal Night|Gurzgred vs 3: Tavlin (83%, punch), Silja (11%), Zhincala (5%)
Apr 15, 2011|Lv 40|Desert of Araile|Saarnoch vs 1: Zhincala (100%, hellfire)
Apr 16, 2011|Lv 40|The Tahril Mountains|Annachryus vs 2: Zhincala (21%, slap), Zontuk (78%)
Apr 16, 2011|Lv 40|The Shadow Grove|Shinju vs 1: Zhincala (100%, slap)
Apr 16, 2011|Lv 40|The Tahril Mountains|Wyndynne vs 1: Zhincala (100%, slap)
Apr 16, 2011|Lv 40|The Tahril Mountains|Wyndynne vs 1: Zhincala (100%, flaming bite)
Apr 16, 2011|Lv 40|The Tahril Mountains|Hurlok vs 1: Zhincala (100%, blast)
Apr 16, 2011|Lv 40|The Tahril Mountains|Vhaeral vs 1: Zhincala (100%, magic missile)
Apr 16, 2011|Lv 40|The Tahril Mountains|Roka vs 1: Zhincala (100%, claw)
Apr 16, 2011|Lv 40|The Tahril Mountains|Gruntskaputz vs 1: Zhincala (100%, slap)
Apr 16, 2011|Lv 40|The Tahril Mountains|Tokwor vs 1: Zhincala (100%, drowning)
Apr 16, 2011|Lv 40|The Frigid Wasteland|Shinju vs 1: Zhincala (100%, crush)
Apr 16, 2011|Lv 40|Domain of Eternal Night|Renasosen vs 2: Zhincala (7%), Tavlin (92%, punch)
Apr 17, 2011|Lv 40|East Sumner's Road|Cadeyrn vs 1: Zhincala (100%, poison)
Apr 17, 2011|Lv 40|The Tahril Mountains|Cadeyrn vs 1: Zhincala (100%, slap)
Apr 17, 2011|Lv 40|The Tahril Mountains|Roka vs 1: Zhincala (100%, suction)
Apr 17, 2011|Lv 41|The Frigid Wasteland|Maira vs 1: Zhincala (100%, whip)
Apr 17, 2011|Lv 41|The Tahril Mountains|Iachbel vs 1: Zhincala (100%, infernal power)
Apr 18, 2011|Lv 41|The Tahril Mountains|Kharvud vs 1: Zhincala (100%, stream of acid)
Apr 18, 2011|Lv 41|The Tahril Mountains|Koros vs 1: Zhincala (100%, acid blast)
Apr 18, 2011|Lv 41|The Tahril Mountains|Alilor vs 1: Zhincala (100%, claw)
Apr 18, 2011|Lv 41|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Alilor vs 1: Zhincala (100%, magic missile)
Apr 18, 2011|Lv 41|The Tahril Mountains|Kharvud vs 1: Zhincala (100%, acid blast)
Apr 18, 2011|Lv 41|The Consortium|Senishun vs 1: Zhincala (100%, claw)
Apr 18, 2011|Lv 41|The Eastern Road|Alilor vs 1: Zhincala (100%, flaming bite)
Apr 18, 2011|Lv 41|The Tahril Mountains|Sidius vs 1: Zhincala (100%, claw)
Apr 18, 2011|Lv 41|A Wagon-Marked Road|Egnach vs 2: Silja (11%), Zhincala (88%, magic missile)
Apr 18, 2011|Lv 41|Domain of Eternal Night|Guanrrak vs 2: Zhincala (68%, acid blast), Tavlin (31%)
Apr 19, 2011|Lv 41|The Tahril Mountains|Yordanka vs 1: Zhincala (100%, claw)
Apr 20, 2011|Lv 41|The Eastern Road|Alilor vs 1: Zhincala (100%, slice)
Apr 20, 2011|Lv 41|Udgaard|Teraxus vs 1: Zhincala (100%, suction)
Apr 21, 2011|Lv 41|The Eastern Road|Alilor vs 1: Zhincala (100%, acid blast)
Apr 21, 2011|Lv 41|The Eastern Road|Alilor vs 1: Zhincala (100%, suction)
Apr 21, 2011|Lv 41|Fortress of Light|Jinna vs 2: Silja (15%, claw), Zhincala (84%)
Apr 21, 2011|Lv 41|The Tahril Mountains|Tokwor vs 1: Zhincala (100%, claw)
35742, Zhincala's PK Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Deaths

Feb 19, 2011|Lv 13|Voralian City|vs 1: Alohl (100%, charge)
Feb 22, 2011|Lv 22|The Open Plains|vs 1: Drasdan (100%, gore)
Feb 23, 2011|Lv 26|Darsylon|vs 1: Tysdagar (100%, smash)
Feb 23, 2011|Lv 30|Darsylon|vs 1: Vznix (100%, defilement)
Feb 24, 2011|Lv 31|Darsylon|vs 1: Xaucheeh (100%, pierce)
Mar 2, 2011 |Lv 31|Feanwyyn Weald|vs 1: Llamillena (100%, slice)
Mar 3, 2011 |Lv 32|Mount Kiadana-Rah|vs 1: Zhangorn (100%, wrath)
Apr 7, 2011 |Lv 36|The Village of Azuremain|vs 1: Piortre (100%, blast)
Apr 15, 2011|Lv 40|The Eastern Road|vs 2: Jikahl (82%, wrath), Anjee (17%)
Apr 16, 2011|Lv 40|The Tahril Mountains|vs 1: Durynmar (100%, serpent strike)
Apr 16, 2011|Lv 40|The Grove|vs 3: Iachbel (41%), Roka (22%, thrust), Ruhk (36%)
Apr 17, 2011|Lv 41|Hamsah Mu'tazz|vs 1: Shinju (100%, nova)
Apr 21, 2011|Lv 41|Fortress of Light|vs 4: Tavlin (0%), Yordanka (46%, roundhouse), Feroul (47%), Jinna (6%)
Apr 25, 2011|Lv 44|BattleRager Village|vs 2: Kharvud (48%), Syther (51%, slash)
Apr 27, 2011|Lv 44|Galadon|vs 1: Aataka (100%, claw)
Apr 28, 2011|Lv 44|BattleRager Village|vs 2: Kharvud (48%, beating), Ghurn (51%)
Apr 29, 2011|Lv 44|Northern Foothills|vs 1: Nemrar (100%, )
Apr 30, 2011|Lv 45|Hamsah Mu'tazz|vs 1: Gurzgred (100%, punch)
May 4, 2011 |Lv 47|Organia, the Veil of Shadow|vs 1: Gurzgred (100%, searing light)
May 10, 2011|Lv 50|The Aryth Ocean|Zhincala drowned
May 11, 2011|Lv 50|BattleRager Village|vs 3: Serelyia (0%), Ghuanrrak (10%, deep gash), Hraustr (89%)
May 13, 2011|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|vs 2: Rasst (51%, claw), Relsew (48%)
May 13, 2011|Lv 51|The Consortium|vs 1: Rasst (100%, claw)
May 14, 2011|Lv 51|Domain of Eternal Night|vs 2: Werthius (40%, divine power), Alohl (59%)
May 14, 2011|Lv 51|The Tahril Mountains|vs 3: Raumilblotz (0%), Alohl (40%), Werthius (59%, heavenly wrath)
May 18, 2011|Lv 51|Forest of Prosimy|vs 1: Rasst (100%, thrust)
May 20, 2011|Lv 51|Domain of Eternal Night|vs 4: Dakaeh (11%), Gurzgred (30%, cranial hit), Rhone (32%), Vythia (26%)
May 26, 2011|Lv 51|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|vs 1: Zun (100%, cleave)
Jun 9, 2011 |Lv 51|Fortress of Light|vs 1: Feroul (100%, divine power)
35736, Zhincala's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding33750
Experience from Skill improvements12640
Experience from Exploration13350
Experience from Quests28000
Experience from Commerce10045
Experience from Immortals2450
Experience from Observation14585

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Fri Feb 18 11:46:18 2011
Quests Completed  18
Exploration Points Found  48
(WANTED) Criminal  9 times
Hours spent at Hero  48 hours
% of lifetime in the wilderness  27 %
% of lifetime in the cities  12 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  0 %
% of lifetime caballed  88 %
35741, Zhincala's Leveling
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Leveling History

Feb 18, 2011 |Lv 2 |Hr 0 |
Feb 18, 2011 |Lv 3 |Hr 0 |
Feb 18, 2011 |Lv 4 |Hr 0 |
Feb 18, 2011 |Lv 5 |Hr 0 |
Feb 18, 2011 |Lv 6 |Hr 0 |
Feb 18, 2011 |Lv 7 |Hr 1 |10 Malaginte,
Feb 18, 2011 |Lv 8 |Hr 1 |10 Malaginte,
Feb 18, 2011 |Lv 9 |Hr 1 |11 Malaginte, 9 Cejobe,
Feb 18, 2011 |Lv 10|Hr 1 |11 Malaginte, 10 Cejobe,
Feb 18, 2011 |Lv 11|Hr 2 |12 Malaginte, 11 Cejobe,
Feb 19, 2011 |Lv 12|Hr 2 |
Feb 19, 2011 |Lv 13|Hr 2 |15 Ajeagre,
Feb 19, 2011 |Lv 14|Hr 3 |16 Ajeagre, 13 Mennes,
Feb 21, 2011 |Lv 15|Hr 3 |21 Gilgor, 14 Pios,
Feb 21, 2011 |Lv 16|Hr 3 |21 Gilgor, 15 Pios,
Feb 21, 2011 |Lv 17|Hr 4 |21 Gilgor, 16 Pios,
Feb 21, 2011 |Lv 18|Hr 4 |16 Desand, 14 Zhorvhak,
Feb 21, 2011 |Lv 19|Hr 5 |16 Desand, 15 Zhorvhak,
Feb 21, 2011 |Lv 20|Hr 5 |17 Desand, 16 Zhorvhak,
Feb 21, 2011 |Lv 21|Hr 5 |18 Desand, 17 Zhorvhak,
Feb 22, 2011 |Lv 22|Hr 6 |
Feb 23, 2011 |Lv 23|Hr 7 |25 Hyridian, 28 Xaucheeh,
Feb 23, 2011 |Lv 24|Hr 7 |26 Hyridian, 28 Xaucheeh,
Feb 23, 2011 |Lv 25|Hr 7 |27 Hyridian, 29 Xaucheeh,
Feb 23, 2011 |Lv 26|Hr 8 |27 Hyridian, 30 Xaucheeh,
Feb 23, 2011 |Lv 27|Hr 8 |28 Hyridian, 31 Xaucheeh,
Feb 23, 2011 |Lv 28|Hr 8 |29 Hyridian, 31 Xaucheeh,
Feb 23, 2011 |Lv 29|Hr 8 |30 Hyridian, 32 Xaucheeh,
Feb 23, 2011 |Lv 30|Hr 9 |35 Tizden, 34 Berble,
Feb 24, 2011 |Lv 31|Hr 10 |26 Unimalema, 28 Gilgor,
Mar 2, 2011 |Lv 32|Hr 13 |26 Desand, 26 Ianorani,
Mar 3, 2011 |Lv 33|Hr 15 |37 Berble, 27 Cejobe,
Mar 3, 2011 |Lv 34|Hr 15 |37 Berble, 27 Cejobe,
Apr 6, 2011 |Lv 35|Hr 19 |39 Relsew,
Apr 6, 2011 |Lv 36|Hr 20 |39 Relsew, 35 Upasha,
Apr 15, 2011 |Lv 37|Hr 27 |35 Tavlin, 31 Drazial,
Apr 15, 2011 |Lv 38|Hr 28 |36 Tavlin, 32 Drazial,
Apr 15, 2011 |Lv 39|Hr 29 |34 Drazial, 35 Saarnoch,
Apr 15, 2011 |Lv 40|Hr 33 |
Apr 17, 2011 |Lv 41|Hr 47 |34 Drazial,
Apr 22, 2011 |Lv 42|Hr 71 |41 Drazial,
Apr 24, 2011 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 43|Hr 79 |
Apr 25, 2011 |Lv 44|Hr 84 |47 Baxyac, 47 Berble,
Apr 29, 2011 |Lv 45|Hr 109|50 Illeryia,
Apr 30, 2011 |Lv 46|Hr 117|51 Illeryia, 47 Volker,
May 3, 2011 |Lv 47|Hr 125|44 Smoberti,
May 6, 2011 |Lv 48|Hr 138|39 Vankhu, 42 Tavlin,
May 8, 2011 |Lv 49|Hr 142|
May 9, 2011 |Lv 50|Hr 149|43 Elania, 48 Smoberti,
May 12, 2011 |Lv 51|Hr 172|48 Smoberti,
35740, Zhincala's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Mon Feb 21 16:16:03 2011 at level 20 (4 hrs):
Zhincala advanced to level 20 <PK: 0-1>

Wed Feb 23 11:53:21 2011 at level 30 (7 hrs):
Zhincala advanced to level 30 <PK: 0-3>

Thu Mar 10 10:39:44 2011 at level 34 (17 hrs):
Zhincala has pledged to the Scions of Eternal Night

Thu Apr 14 21:58:04 2011 at level 36 (24 hrs):
Inducted into SCION by Tavlin.

Fri Apr 15 17:34:49 2011 at level 40 (33 hrs):
Zhincala advanced to level 40 <PK: 2-8>

Thu May 12 16:15:31 2011 at level 51 (171 hrs):
Zhincala advanced to level 51 <PK: 97-20>

35739, Zhincala's Mob Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Mob Deaths

Feb 18, 2011|Lv 11|The Fields of Balator|a burly farmer by slash
Mar 2, 2011 |Lv 31|Udgaard|the greater jaette watchman by cleave
Mar 3, 2011 |Lv 32|Dragon Tower Ruins|the ghoulish form of a draconian guard by claw
Mar 8, 2011 |Lv 34|High Lord's Keep|a rotting sword fern by slash
Apr 6, 2011 |Lv 35|The Battlefield|Monmouth by shocking bite
Apr 6, 2011 |Lv 36|Dragon Tower Ruins|a zombie of a young draconian by claw
Apr 18, 2011|Lv 41|Castle of Akan|the castle guard by pierce
Apr 21, 2011|Lv 41|Hamsah Mu'tazz|an air elemental by blast
Apr 21, 2011|Lv 41|Dragon Tower Ruins|the mummified remains of the draconian queen by black light
Apr 22, 2011|Lv 42|Pine Forest|a dire wolf by bite
Apr 23, 2011|Lv 42|Galadon|the gate guard by slash
Apr 27, 2011|Lv 44|Dragon Tower Ruins|a deformed creature by pummeling blow
May 15, 2011|Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|a lesser ice devil by chop
May 15, 2011|Lv 51|The Tahril Mountains|a faceless nightgaunt by slap
35738, Zhincala's Edges
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM




Racial Edges

Class Edges

Warrior Familiar
Warded Familiar
Student of Vice
Infernal Adept
Student of Wards
Adept of Planar Rifts
Master of Planar Rifts
Murderous Reputation
Planar Abduction


Arcane Scholar
Battlemage Training
Force of Personality
Extra Training
Seasoned Traveller
35737, Zhincala's Cabal Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Specifics

Cabal Statistics

# of logins with their cabal item  136
# of logins without their cabal item  32
# of logouts with their cabal item  135
# of logouts without their cabal item  24
# of times they lost their cabal item  17
# of times they retrieved their cabal item  18
# of times they took another cabal item  39