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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subject[BATTLE] Vaphexon the Legend of the Battlefield, Stowaway
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=33953
33953, [BATTLE] Vaphexon the Legend of the Battlefield, Stowaway
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Vaphexon the Legend of the Battlefield, Stowaway


Silently fluttering here is a slight-build being, bits of feathers missing
from his hackle, and although his appearance is marred he stands tall
and upright. This half-avian fella has a few spots of dirt and debris from
head to toe but manages to cover most of his meager armor with a thick
woolen garb. The feathers across his taunt chest, appear to be scarred
and singed. A drab blend of grey and auburn offer little to catch one's
eye. Appearing viscous and deadly are multiple sharp protrusions
which extend from his talon-guards and hind-claw. Two muscular,
sinewy and mottled wings covered in dim black feathers jut out high on
his shoulders rising sharply. Peering out under a flimsy crown are two
oceanic-green eyes flecked by light-blue. Aside from all this you notice...


Exp518664To Level18586SphereStorms
Age mature, 24 years old (106 hours)
Hit Points812Mana565Movement910
Carry #0/39Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
33989, Vaphexon's Role Chapter 19
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 19

Aspects of the Storm.
Added Tue Nov 23 17:15:21 2010 at level 51:

all the different forces within nature, none is more powerful in it's
nor beautiful in it's splendorous flash than lightning. It is as
to a truly strong storm as rain, wind, or hail. Understanding
the storm of life is somewhat lacking and the majority of which I have
to admit that I know little of, in retrospect. Recently in a chance
while within the hut of remembrance, a conversation formed
four villagers. Our conversation wasn't related to the
of weather in the slightest, yet it was lively never the less.
Drillmaster was proud that each of us represented a branch of the
Scout, Defender, and Berserker. Soon he had decided that we
launch a few questions at a fresh applicant to the village, the fem
Jrelou. While awaiting her arrival, we had a quick skirmish within
circle of rites between Eck and Chertgha, myself with Grimnel, then
to the hillock where the two giants now stood. Being the eldest
us, aside from Grimnel, I was to ask the first question to the
observed, sword wielding, giant. As always seeking to raise
and combat demoralization I asked "What sat her apart from the
While observing several crashing strikes of lightning, a chill ran
my spine, easily observable by all around. It was then, that I was
squarely in the chest, stunned and scorched, hoping I'd live. As to
appear weak, even though I felt about like a newly roasted turkey, I
back into the air and finished the conversation. Listening to the
breeze enlightened me and I learned that, to follow the storm I
embrace it's entirety.

33981, Vaphexon's Role Chapter 11
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 11

Journey to the Hallowed Grounds. (part 2)
Added Mon Nov 1 13:29:46 2010 at level 35:

Hacking, slashing, pounding, and smashing, each weapon sings with a
distinctive song, those who's keen ears can appreciate such cadence are
seldom born. Taking jobs near the mountains of my home city, or in the
vast desert far to the south, "I'd use these experiences to grow in talent
and title" I thought and of course the flow of cash and coin didn't hurt.
Each weapon form that I learned within the guild had new technique and
a further understanding of combat I gleaned with so many hasty swings
and rapid strike, screaming toward my enemies. Soon my rage took me
to places of further damaging ability although I often left myself more
open to the painful blows of my adversaries. Later came the ability to
gain inspiration and a bulwark against some magic as I would screech,
at my lungs capacity, during combat. Swiftly thereafter, I finally realized
my greatest tool in my journey toward new titles as I began to master the
sword forms. Such elegance and savagery is uncommon among the
vast majority of other teachings, as it they are unanimously intertwined
into it's roots. Many days I would do battle, alone, scarcely a word to be
uttered, save for the screams of the beasts I fought, or my own
screeching battle-cries. "The way of the Sword" as I often hear it called,
allowed me to reach new heights, slaying man and beast alike, growing
ever closer to my final quenching title. Continue forward, continue
forward, don't stop, are thoughts echoing in my mind as I attempt to
maintain my progress.

33974, Vaphexon's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Humble Origins. (part 4)
Added Sun Oct 24 19:08:48 2010 at level 2:

* The cold northern winds blew with ferocity, and the heavily drenching
rain flowed down in heavy sheets of soaking happiness. I could tell by
the whimpers of the floorboards and the heightened trickle of my skimpy
stream that the time drew near for my attempt at a new life. For the first
day of the storm, I gorged on all that I could of what food I had stashed
away and packed the last of it away in my tattered and refuse soaked
shirt, which looked more like a pile of debris than a satchel. In my eyes
this was the best I could hope for and after dousing myself with my slop
can I crept up the stairs and out one of the boarded up windows I had
loosened previously. Soon as I made my way out the window I opened
my wings and jumped off the ledge towards the south. I glided down the
mountain, struggling to keep aloft as long as I could, making a controlled
crash of a landing near the base of the mountain. The first taste of
freedom I had in countless years was invigorating and filled my body with
adrenaline as I rushed away from the only home I had truly known.
Unknown to what my destination would be, I kept the sun to my sides and
moved as long as my wings would carry me and when they were tired I
walked. Passing mountains, plains, more mountains and still more hills
and plains eventually to my amusement I found a city that I could blend
myself into.

33975, Vaphexon's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

Humble Origins. (part 5)
Added Sun Oct 24 19:09:49 2010 at level 2:

* Having no insight into what a real life was about, I did the best I could
and found a small filthy yet livable hovel in a dark alley way on the
eastern side of the city. At night I would silently venture to the quaint little
inn south of my hovel, "Copeham" it was called. Inside it's tender oaken
doors were many sloppy drinkers, enraged gamblers, and a several fine
young ladies, all these unique people were the likes in which I had never
encountered before. They would spill more luscious drink and drop
more freshly cooked food upon the dust-covered floor than I had eaten in
several days prior. This raucous environment would be my ultimate
salvation, my first chugs of grain alcohol, crusts of fluffy bread and flaky
biscuits, and fresh chunks of meat tasted great as they slid down my
throat. Even though most of my nourishment was covered in dust and
dirt I could feel the increased nutrition filling my body with a renewed
energy. I had asked the barkeep for a job, serving, but he said he would
pay me a few coins for cleaning up, which I was more than happy to do.
Although not as fruitful as I had hoped, I could gorge myself on the
remnants of whatever I cleaned up and managed a couple coins before
a new twist in my life occurred.

33976, Vaphexon's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

Humble Origins. (part 6)
Added Sun Oct 24 19:10:27 2010 at level 2:

* Several days passed, and soon the weeks became months and I was
beginning to overcome my near-constant fear that my former master
would come looking for me. Reporting to the Inn for the night I began to
make my sounds about all the passerby's and the lonely tables, yearning
for new folk to occupy them. Flowing around the gambling tables where
on occasion I could experience a bit of luck with a falling coin, I hit what
seemed to be a semi-soft wall. Confused I unfurled my wings out of a
defensive reaction striking a deceptively concealed card cheat.
Memories of my imprisonment came rushing back like the furious storm
which I had escaped under and my dirty fighting was at gale force. Soon
I felt the fierce piercing strike against my skull and drifted swiftly and
begrudgingly into darkness of sleep. I awoke in a groggy stupor to the
fuzzy visage of the barkeep and he began to reprimand me for disrupting
his business. Afterward we discussed what had flared my temper and
under some duress I gave in, ventured to the guild he suggested and
reluctantly took my last payment. Through our conversations I
discovered my innate hatred for individuals whom dabble in magic. The
barkeep's suggestion fit me well as I found the teachings of natural
strength and technique taught within the warriors guild well-suited to my
nature. Having a path before me, falling into place by sheer
happenstance was unexpected but now my choice was made.

33977, Vaphexon's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

The Courageous Warrior's Way. (part 1)
Added Wed Oct 27 18:24:36 2010 at level 18:

*Bang* *Clang* *Ping* *Clang* my head pounded as I was more or
less dragged from Copeham Inn, after a smashing strike behind my neck.
Blurred vision was making me feel uneasy and disoriented, not to
mention my pounding headache. Throughout all of the beatings I had
when I was younger, never had I expected such a powerful blow from
the, rather ordinary appearing, Barkeeper. Once the majority of my
surroundings stabilized and my aching noggin had settled to a dull
clamor, he and I began to chat. Over a small frothy glass of ale, from a
newly tapped keg, we discussed what I had neglected to tell him of my
past and where I hailed from. With each passing moment the
expressions upon his face shifted and to my surprise, a look of complete
understanding filled his visage completely. After I had said my peace,
with no hesitation, he reached over the shabby table where we drank
and grabbed hold of my hand. Twas shortly after this that he described
to me what occurred once I had unfurled my wings earlier. His
description of my assault was interesting as I didn't recall, "Striking as
swiftly as a whirlwind" but did enjoy the narrative. After he had regaled
me with what occurred, he passed me a few silver coins, and lead me out
of the inn, and suggested I walk to the northwest. I still remember his
exact words, "Look for the person holding the big sword and go inside."

33978, Vaphexon's Role Chapter 8
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 8

The Courageous Warrior's Way. (part 2)
Added Wed Oct 27 18:27:26 2010 at level 18:

With a passing glance, I put aside my feelings, and said farewell to the
first place to welcome me after a life of neglect. Only a few flaps to the
northwest I spotted a female with a rather large sword and assumed I
had found the right location. A minute chortle escaped my beak as I
realized I walked just across the alley from this place so many times but
never once did I ever gaze within. As I passed her, a gruff nod she gave,
and that spawned a since of recognition that I felt in my core. Once
inside, I introduced myself to the barkeep, had a few bottles of his local
brew, a brief chat, and listened to some of the yarns he would spin of his
earlier days. Eventually I made my way to the west, into the
battlegrounds, and came face to face with the Guildmaster. "Let me see
what Ya, Got!" he exclaimed just before giving me a swift thrashing and a
few lessons in basic technique. Just after I had tuckered myself out, we
sat, and I rested, before breaking into conversation. A few caws of
exhaustion and several more spurts of swift combat and the reasons for
my arrival had become apparent. He explained that my former employer
and he were acquainted and that he had always prized his opinion in
scrappers. After much consideration, "This was my place" I thought, and
"The first thing I'll learn is how to swing a sword just like that lady I met on
the way in." As the days past, I would visit the guild often, speaking with
the Guildmaster of my adventures on the outside, until one day.

33979, Vaphexon's Role Chapter 9
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 9

The Courageous Warrior's Way. (part 3)
Added Wed Oct 27 18:28:07 2010 at level 18:

The streets were clear and calm, barely a breeze could be felt against my
hackle, and only a few fluffy clouds passed in the sky. In my experience,
it was the calm before the storm. Having just defeated a mess of feisty
little goblins, I made the trek back to the guild and was having an
afternoon brew when someone walked in. I could have sworn, I saw
someone, but I turned to greet them with no avail. "I know I saw
someone" kept running through my head as I enjoyed my frothy brew. I
asked the barkeep if he had seen someone and he was swift to point.
"What in blazes is he pointing at?" I wondered. I groped the air blindly
and eventually hit a wall, where there was none. Enraged I flew into a
frenzy, this time managing to anger the barkeep, whom swiftly sent me
running. I limped away, beaten and bloody, yet again. Soon I would
return, but not until after a few more adventures. Again, sitting at my
usual stool, I pulled up to the bar and ordered a hearty lager, "Something
to dull the pain" I thought. Before sliding me my, Oh, so tasty beverage,
the barkeep pulled me aside and whispered, "I know what you are."
Perplexed, I began to pick his brain as to, what exactly he thought I was
or wasn't. He flooded me with a flurry of tales which nearly made my
feathers turn white and sent a chilling, and tingling message down my
spine. Then he drew me close and again whispered "Your a Villager." I
scoffed before making the silent commitment to be one of these

33980, Vaphexon's Role Chapter 10
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 10

Journey to the Hallowed Grounds. (part 1)
Added Mon Nov 1 13:28:09 2010 at level 35:

Many days and months have passed as if they were falling Autumn
leaves, giving way to the cold winter's grasp. Having sat upon the path
before me and having committed myself wholly to that concept, I
ventured forth. Growth within the guild was my first priority, secondly I
wished to learn of these "Barbarians" and their history, lastly I would seek
to inspire their confidence in me to gain their favor and ultimately a place
among them. I found myself somewhat perplexed on how to go about
making my wishes a reality and would sit at the bar, within the guild, for
hours, chatting with the barkeep. We would often speak of his days
slaying dragons and I would do my best to keep the subject in an area of
my interest. When I felt it was no further use speaking with him and his
drunken stupor, I'd wander back to the guildmistress and study my forms.
Often we would be so exhausted, and my stench of poor grain alcohol so
overbearing, that nothing but slightness of breath and weak chortles
could be heard inside the raucous guildhall. As per my slight entropic
nature, after so many conversations, and many rough brawls, I walked
out into the pouring rain, unfurled my wings, and took off, thinking that
"Here I come."

33982, Vaphexon's Role Chapter 12
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 12

Journey to the Hallowed Grounds. (part 3)
Added Mon Nov 1 13:30:39 2010 at level 35:

As much as random chance affects each of our lives, I believe it was
chance that I met Renor. This tall, muscular, giant of a man, was the first
among the village in which I was able to witness gaining a place among
the huts. Having met him early in my life I didn't know what to expect, as I
wasn't fond of big louts such as he. Often he would attempt to grind
answers into me, rather than from me. I had assumed the giant does this
out of unconscious habit, from being a simple minded, floating brute, but
several of his ideas have imbedded themselves into my person. Pointing
to the writings of some old dwarf, whom I later realized had become a
god, I learned from him, by literature, that the village was not a horde of
soldiers that I once thought them to be. Yes, they were soldiers, but they
were more, closer, kindred spirits in their unmatched hatred for magi. It
was within these writings of the "War God" that I discovered someone to
whom I find great inspiration. Redik, a fellow avian, that so long ago,
lead the village to the precipice of true victory as he served as the
inspirational leader for the seven day inquisition. "I want to be like this
man" I thought, as I thumbed through each page of the manuscript. A
story to live through the ages, inspiring others that come across it.
Maybe with some luck, one day, I will but until then I must maintain the

33983, Vaphexon's Role Chapter 13
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 13

Journey to the Hallowed Grounds. (part 4)
Added Mon Nov 1 13:32:14 2010 at level 35:

Having someone imagine someone speaking when one has a mouth
full, tongue on fire, nose dripping forth mucus, and a deaf ear to one's
own sound and then they may begin to understand how I describe the
sounds a minotaur makes compared to actual, perceptible speech.
Twibac, is one of these monstrous beasts, and among the first in which I
received a backing to be given a hut. Our conversation wasn't an easy
one. Hardly a perceptible conversation by most standards but we were
able to connect. Having thankfully moved on from him, I then came into
contact, while drinking in the Inn of Eternal Star, with a crazy felar
awaking for the day. Knievo, whom I found to be several heaping loads
of fruit over a normal basket, spoke with me. We had conversed for some
time, however not as Knievo the feline, but an inner spirit or side whom
was former magi, as far as I could tell. Although I did learn of some of
"Parity" and it's uses within the village, and gained yet another word of
confidence. Just before gaining my chance to speak with the other, cow-
lipped monstrosity, I had a quaint conversation with Growwlen in which I
demonstrated some fighting ability, rudimentary tact, and brief display of
courage before gaining his backing. All of these men were easy to
inspire and gain their trust, "Surely" I thought it would be tougher with the
"Big Bloody" but again was mistaken, and soon found myself among the
hollowed grounds of the village. Since then I have witnessed awe
inspiring sights such as the original tablet, miraculous war room,
bloodstained circle of rites, hut of remembrance and many village elders.
"What's next" I thought as I float upon favorable winds into the future.

33984, Vaphexon's Role Chapter 14
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 14

The Wisdom of a Cow.
Added Mon Nov 1 13:33:24 2010 at level 35:

Looking at a slow, plodding, bovine creature, which many races milk or
butcher for food, I would have never assumed that a wise being could be
born from it's loins. Ohbehb Longhorn, is no ordinary man. In fact, he
isn't but half man. The majority of my conversations with such halfbreed
animals hadn't been very fruitful until the one I had with this hoofed
beast. As often my mind does, or is, incapable of making up it's mind,
again I was perplexed at the dilemma before me. "More confusing paths"
I thought, as I considered the different teachings of the village. In an
attempt to gain some insight, I looked about the village at examples of
these, Berserker, Defender, and unseen.. Scout. Time passed slow as I
peered over each, trying to garner any information I could before making
my ultimate decision but as more time floated by my decision grew more
fierce, having narrowed it between the defender and berserker that I
could see. I decided on a whim to take a chance and asked the
commander for advice about which path I should undertake. After a short
struggle to make out his words, I determined we both agreed that
scouting wasn't for me but that still left the deranged berserker, or
studious defender. His thoughts on tactics and my future choice of
weapons and monk teachings made the decision for me. Yes, thanks to
this virtually incomprehensible, ugly, one horned beast I would become a
"Berserker" and hopefully one to rival the heavens. My next task would
be a more frequent visit to the Thundering Maiden, and to continue my
path toward the pinnacle of the village and the guild.

33985, Vaphexon's Role Chapter 15
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 15

Tipsily Introspection. (part 1)
Added Thu Nov 18 18:54:33 2010 at level 47:

Swilling ale, splashing the foam in cheerful toast, and filling one's gullet
after a long days travel, brings about uplifting feelings among most.
These are the glorious moments I enjoys to their fullest, for they are
when I can reflect, converse, and inspire both himself and those
around me. Upon these few bits of reflection I can enjoy a celebratory
toast, or mournful sip from a sorrowful glass. Past achievements, goals,
nor failures escape my thoughts, yet all expound from my lips. I jeer
at some and share a quiet chortle with others, but each of my village
brethren know my feelings, hiding little. Serving as a stone shoulder to
support some of the misplaced rage and hatred that overflows from other
villagers, I serve as their pillar. While sitting and relaxing, they speak
often of battles won or lost, comrades whom have gone onward in life or
death, and sometimes they speak of the gods above. Among the village,
no subject seems taboo, and this is swell, as I gain much enjoyment
from the time spent with my kin. During my many encounters with my
brethren I find that I often contemplate different aspects along these
paths of my life. Regularly I consider the second weapon form in which
I study, the axe, also those mortals whom have had an impact within
my life, and of course my Captain, the mysterious storm-bearer Neltouda.
Within the majestic weavings of this life adventure, I journey, soaring
forward into a future unknown.

33986, Vaphexon's Role Chapter 16
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 16

Tipsily Introspection. (part 2)
Added Thu Nov 18 18:56:06 2010 at level 47:

True brutality has been experienced by many and acknowledged by few,
yet most overlook the other aspects of the bladed stick that comprises
"An Axe". They come in all shapes and sizes, mithril, adamantite, steel,
and iron each material bringing unique traits allowing for so many
unusual designs, from multitudes of artisans. These are weapons of
choice for the merciless and brutish breed of many men and women as
strength is often preferred over finesse. Luckily, I am nearly as graceful
with any weapon, as with axes, enjoying the rapid movements and
painful blows I am able to land with them. Often my thoughts flow
through each stroke, every measured strike, so many deathly, and
deadly blows which consummate to become the "Axe Form." Glinting
sparkles of ambient light reflect from the upper extremities while being
generated from from the lower shaft and hilt, performing a whirling
maneuver which if landed causes lasting wounds by ripping and tearing
the flesh of my adversary is a favorite. Wreaking true havoc by smashing
my glistening blade against other weapons helps to demonstrate the true
versatility of by rendering them to splinters. Third amongst his delightful
techniques is when, with all my might, I swing with intensity bringing
my axes together halting, if briefly, my opponents in their tracks. Utilizing
an overhead strike is among my least favorite, however surprising to
many, it is a simple downward slice optimizing the momentum of the
blade. The one slice that is at the pinnacle of the most gruesome and if
successful my opponents entrails lay before me, is disemboweling.
Combining these few with my sword techniques I feel truly formidable.

33987, Vaphexon's Role Chapter 17
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 17

Tipsily Introspection. (part 3)
Added Thu Nov 18 18:57:51 2010 at level 47:

The wisdom of the fallen cattle is fleeting. The half-man, half-cow,
minotaur that lead the village for so many years has finally perished,
never to resurrect again. Many times I have wishes that I could have
faced this man in combat, or traveled with him on any of his multitude of
adventures but all is for naught. I am yet proud that even with our brief
encounters I was able to learn many thoughts, ideas, and concepts of
war and philosophy that can be used in the upcoming battles and
adventures. Still, I believe that the spirit of this half-man will be carried
on for a good deal of time within the hearts of his men. A long-lingering
and heavy sense of sadness, regret, and resentment could arise, I am
sure. Taking matters into my own hands to combat this and while
utilizing any technique I am able, I seek to influence those around me,
kin or not. A lofty task, inspiring a sense of well-being and confidence to
counteract the demoralized morale of the villagers, lacking their
commander, is unquestionably formidable. To accomplish my self-
assigned task, I can be found buying and spreading brew to my brethren,
half of which politely decline and boggle my thoughts. Raising a frothy
mug or slowly seeping skin to the one-horned beast are yet common and
my feelings and spirit seem to be infectious. Other such techniques I
incorporate are how to lead by example, attempting to always keep jovial
spirits, and complementation to what my brothers and sisters are able to
accomplish or to hint on the good things occurring in battle, even those
which are lost. Certainly in depths of the future, I will be successful as
the fleeting wisdom of the fallen cow, now, remains inside.

33988, Vaphexon's Role Chapter 18
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 18

Tipsily Introspection. (part 4)
Added Thu Nov 18 18:58:42 2010 at level 47:

Generously and affectionately the Stormy Captain, Neltouda, stands ever
vigilant over her crew and provides uplifting inspiration to those in times
of need. Believing deep within my being that all should aspire to be an
inspiration to those around them and that anyone is capable of
accomplishing this, I further develop my life based upon this principle.
On multiple occasions I find that increased feelings of wellbeing sprang
up and that mystically, ale would find it's way unto my hands leading me
to, the calamity amidst storms, the Thundering Maiden. The journey was
quick at this time. Shortly after a few heated bouts of combat I arrived,
once again, upon the main deck of the ship I'd soon crew. Although
slightly distracted by so many voices, in a raucous clamor within my
aching cranium, I was soon to meet face to face with the Captain herself.
She was eloquent and had no trouble with the conversation as thoughts
seemed to flow from her lips. Although not as well spoken I believe that I
was able to convey my thoughts and ideals almost equally. It seemed as
though the center of our conversation and what she took so much of an
affinity toward learning about me was how, or moreover, what, I would
seek to inspire in others. Scarcely a second thought passed before my
answer, "I wish to be the Anchor, countering Demoralization." With this,
she smiled and made me privy to her decision to bring me into the crew
of the ship. Now as a stowaway, we raised our mugs into a joyous toast,
I then gazed about below decks before retiring to my more mundane
adventures. As a shipmate I'll continue my own path forward, always
on the lookout for the future.

33972, Vaphexon's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Humble Origins. (part 2)
Added Sun Oct 24 19:06:52 2010 at level 2:

* One crisp autumn evening shortly after I had been lain down to sleep a
sweeping darkness stirred. Within the silent alleys of the city an evil
presence lurked and it's inhabitants were completely oblivious to the
sinister menace prowling the quiet halls. During this night, while under
the pitch-black cover of the new moon, an outcast flaming giant had
come to claim a prize amongst the cities populous. Mostly out of revenge
but partly of necessity he was going to procure a slave from the
inhabitants of this floating city which not too long ago had thrown him
from it's lofty heights. In the darkest part of the eve I was summoned from
my ancestral home. While tucked away, deep within the comfort of my
down-filled bed, his sinister incantations ripped me from where I lain, into
his massive clutches. Whisked away during the deepest, darkness and
without the slightest sound was a complete surprise and went unnoticed
until late morning, at which time it was too late. Off to the mountains to
the north was his lair, a small home disguised as a burnt out building
was where I was taken.

33973, Vaphexon's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Humble Origins. (part 3)
Added Sun Oct 24 19:08:12 2010 at level 2:

* Battered, beaten, and broken were the most eloquent words that could
have been used to described my life for the next few years. Inside this
moldy old home which, in my eyes, could have been used as an
experiment in disease and illness, I continued my meager life. Feeding
time was early morning and late evening, which usually consisted of
semi-greenish meat and hard crusts of leftover bread that I washed down
with the one hearty source of nourishment in the form of water. Against
the northern side of my domicile was a small stream of ground water
which I piped out of the earthen-walled basement. My kidnapper had
chosen me for any number of reasons but he wasn't skimping on the
beatings which he spoke of as teaching and molding to be his assistant
in battle. Dirty fighting, tricks, all types of brawling, I was taught but no
real rhyme or reason on why or how to perform them. On many
occasions after this so-called "training" I had considered escape but a
plethora of mongrel hounds kept me confined inside. A great longing for
the outside world, and unknown gripped me. After some time, likely now
in my early teens, I made my plan for freedom.

33971, Vaphexon's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Humble Origins.
Added Sun Oct 24 19:04:44 2010 at level 2:

* "Chirps" and "Caws" resonate practically undetected throughout the
halls and roads of the towering city of the sky. The streets at this lofty
altitude live one of the most agile races ever to grace the majestic skies
of Thera. Very few of the memories that I possess remain from my time
among the clouds but there are a few that were good ones, that I still hold
dear to my heart. Sparsely populated, faintly glinting images of my
mother and father remain mostly vivid and are still fresh in my mind.
Softly murmuring trace memories muddle nearly interceptive sensations
of my parents calming touch and even the light smelling oder of my
mother's perfume which flickers through my consciousness like minute
ripples on a stagnant pool. Neither meager nor wealthy was the home I
lived in as a young child but as memory serves, a slender oaken bed,
with smooth thin rails inlaid with an intricate design of scattered feathers
was my final recollection before the story of my life truly began.

33958, Vaphexon's Mob Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Mob Deaths

Oct 25, 2010|Lv 12|Arial City|the guard by slash
Oct 25, 2010|Lv 12|Arial City|the guard by slash
Nov 1, 2010 |Lv 40|Shepherd's Row|a wandering merchant by pummeling blow
Nov 2, 2010 |Lv 40|Lower Cragstone|Burrow-Warden Doranginz by pierce
Nov 15, 2010|Lv 44|The Nexus Island|the Abolisher of Discord by blast
33959, Vaphexon's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Thu Oct 28 17:47:37 2010 at level 20 (15 hrs):
Vaphexon advanced to level 20 <PK: 2-1>

Sat Oct 30 19:11:34 2010 at level 30 (33 hrs):
Vaphexon advanced to level 30 <PK: 3-2>

Sun Oct 31 20:27:18 2010 at level 34 (50 hrs):
Inducted into BATTLE by Ohbehb.

Mon Nov 1 21:13:10 2010 at level 40 (57 hrs):
Vaphexon advanced to level 40 <PK: 5-5>

Thu Nov 18 21:28:49 2010 at level 51 (83 hrs):
Vaphexon advanced to level 51 <PK: 7-12>

Tue Dec 28 10:51:41 2010 at level 51 (106 hrs):
Hero Delete

33960, Vaphexon's Leveling
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Leveling History

Oct 22, 2010 |Lv 2 |Hr 0 |
Oct 24, 2010 |Lv 3 |Hr 0 |
Oct 24, 2010 |Lv 4 |Hr 0 |
Oct 24, 2010 |Lv 5 |Hr 1 |
Oct 24, 2010 |Lv 6 |Hr 1 |
Oct 24, 2010 |Lv 7 |Hr 1 |
Oct 24, 2010 |Lv 8 |Hr 2 |
Oct 25, 2010 |Lv 9 |Hr 2 |
Oct 25, 2010 |Lv 10|Hr 3 |
Oct 25, 2010 |Lv 11|Hr 3 |
Oct 25, 2010 |Lv 12|Hr 4 |
Oct 25, 2010 |Lv 13|Hr 6 |
Oct 25, 2010 |Lv 14|Hr 7 |
Oct 25, 2010 |Lv 15|Hr 8 |
Oct 25, 2010 |Lv 16|Hr 9 |
Oct 26, 2010 |Lv 17|Hr 11 |
Oct 26, 2010 |Lv 18|Hr 12 |
Oct 27, 2010 |Lv 19|Hr 14 |
Oct 28, 2010 |Lv 20|Hr 16 |
Oct 28, 2010 |Lv 21|Hr 19 |
Oct 29, 2010 |Lv 22|Hr 21 |
Oct 29, 2010 |Lv 23|Hr 21 |21 Renor, 30 Alyx,
Oct 29, 2010 |Lv 24|Hr 22 |22 Renor, 30 Alyx,
Oct 29, 2010 |Lv 25|Hr 22 |23 Renor, 31 Alyx,
Oct 29, 2010 |Lv 26|Hr 22 |24 Renor, 31 Alyx,
Oct 29, 2010 |Lv 27|Hr 25 |
Oct 30, 2010 |Lv 28|Hr 28 |
Oct 30, 2010 |Lv 29|Hr 32 |
Oct 30, 2010 |Lv 30|Hr 38 |
Oct 30, 2010 |Lv 31|Hr 41 |
Oct 31, 2010 |Lv 32|Hr 45 |
Oct 31, 2010 |Lv 33|Hr 49 |
Oct 31, 2010 |Lv 34|Hr 51 |
Oct 31, 2010 |Lv 35|Hr 54 |
Nov 1, 2010 |Lv 36|Hr 55 |35 Isri, 33 Alyx,
Nov 1, 2010 |Lv 37|Hr 56 |34 Alyx, 36 Isri,
Nov 1, 2010 |Lv 38|Hr 57 |36 Alyx, 37 Isri,
Nov 1, 2010 |Lv 39|Hr 59 |
Nov 1, 2010 |Lv 40|Hr 60 |
Nov 2, 2010 |Lv 41|Hr 66 |48 Nengarr, 51 Jerohk,
Nov 2, 2010 |Lv 42|Hr 66 |
Nov 4, 2010 |Lv 43|Hr 70 |44 Alyx,
Nov 15, 2010 |Lv 44|Hr 72 |44 Knievo, 51 Alyx,
Nov 15, 2010 |Lv 45|Hr 76 |
Nov 16, 2010 |Lv 46|Hr 81 |43 Semirha, 50 Saea,
Nov 16, 2010 |Lv 47|Hr 82 |43 Semirha, 51 Saea,
Nov 18, 2010 |Lv 48|Hr 84 |45 Reowan, 39 Sirol,
Nov 18, 2010 |Lv 49|Hr 85 |46 Reowan, 40 Sirol,
Nov 18, 2010 |Lv 50|Hr 85 |47 Reowan, 42 Sirol,
Nov 18, 2010 |Lv 51|Hr 86 |43 Sirol,
33961, Vaphexon's PK Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Deaths

Oct 25, 2010|Lv 12|Arial City|vs 1: Mikar (100%,KB)
Oct 29, 2010|Lv 26|The Eastern Road|vs 1: Sancha (100%,KB)
Oct 30, 2010|Lv 30|Hamsah Mu'tazz|vs 2: Dalzig (72%,KB), Azkrakamel (27%)
Oct 30, 2010|Lv 30|The Tahril Mountains|vs 2: Crutier (8%), Sangrio (91%, KB)
Nov 1, 2010 |Lv 36|The Past Grove|vs 1: Kerdh (100%,KB)
Nov 4, 2010 |Lv 42|The Eastern Road|vs 1: Kyrilos (100%,KB)
Nov 4, 2010 |Lv 43|The Eastern Road|vs 2: Bigglepot (81%,KB), Shura (18%)
Nov 4, 2010 |Lv 43|Teth Azeleth|vs 1: Arkellin (100%,KB)
Nov 8, 2010 |Lv 43|Underdark|vs 1: Arkellin (100%,KB)
Nov 15, 2010|Lv 44|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|vs 1: Yohnerk (100%,KB)
Nov 15, 2010|Lv 45|BattleRager Village|vs 2: Kyrilos (7%), Gvantulak (92%, KB)
Nov 16, 2010|Lv 45|BattleRager Village|vs 1: Targrala (100%,KB)
Nov 23, 2010|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|vs 1: Targrala (100%,KB)
Nov 23, 2010|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|vs 2: Targrala (35%,KB), Mharlndarn (64%)
Nov 23, 2010|Lv 51|East Sumner's Road|vs 3: Nymaelle (0%), Khendel (22%), Kourin (77%, KB)
Nov 23, 2010|Lv 51|Mount Kiadana-Rah|vs 3: Onya (16%), Trelwyyn (0%), Kotone (83%, KB)
Nov 23, 2010|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|vs 3: Zasowski (33%,KB), Gvantulak (55%), Pandol (10%)
Nov 23, 2010|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|vs 3: Zasowski (35%), Gvantulak (48%), Pandol (15%, KB)
Nov 23, 2010|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|vs 3: Pandol (16%), Zasowski (31%), Gvantulak (51%, KB)
33962, Vaphexon's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Oct 28, 2010|Lv 19|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Hurcan vs 1: Vaphexon (100%,KB)
Oct 28, 2010|Lv 19|Arkham|Vhuuldrell vs 1: Vaphexon (100%,KB)
Oct 30, 2010|Lv 29|West Sumner's Road|Sangrio vs 2: Omaini (62%,KB), Vaphexon (37%)
Oct 30, 2010|Lv 29|The Open Plains|Denawe vs 1: Vaphexon (100%,KB)
Oct 31, 2010|Lv 34|Bramblefield Road|Avenhatep vs 1: Vaphexon (100%,KB)
Nov 1, 2010 |Lv 38|The Battlefield|Nengarr vs 3: Vaphexon (24%,KB), Isri (67%), Alyx (8%)
Nov 1, 2010 |Lv 39|The Eastern Road|Bordren vs 2: Ohbehb (86%,KB), Vaphexon (13%)
Nov 16, 2010|Lv 45|The Dranettie Wood|Puwtoc vs 1: Vaphexon (100%,KB)
Nov 16, 2010|Lv 47|The Eastern Road|Frumple vs 1: Vaphexon (100%,KB) *Disemboweled*
Nov 21, 2010|Lv 51|Valley of Veran|Krazar vs 1: Vaphexon (100%,KB)
Nov 21, 2010|Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Digrem vs 1: Vaphexon (100%,KB)
Nov 21, 2010|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Pandol vs 1: Vaphexon (100%,KB)
Nov 23, 2010|Lv 51|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Mharlndarn vs 1: Vaphexon (100%,KB) *Disemboweled*
Dec 5, 2010 |Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Yodalika vs 1: Vaphexon (100%,KB)
Dec 12, 2010|Lv 51|Underdark|Aqeul vs 2: Benoni (27%), Vaphexon (72%, burst of energy)
Dec 12, 2010|Lv 51|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Chenaz vs 1: Vaphexon (100%, slash)
33963, Vaphexon's Arena Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Arena Statistics

Wins  3
Losses  4
33964, Vaphexon's Title History
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Title History

Fri Oct 29 13:51:44 2010, level 22 (19 hrs):
Vaphexon the Partisan, Village Applicant

Mon Nov 15 20:08:59 2010, level 44 (71 hrs):
Vaphexon the Initiate of the Macalla, Stowaway

33965, Vaphexon's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1axe100%
Level 1dagger100%
Level 1flail99%
Level 1mace100%
Level 1polearm100%
Level 1spear100%
Level 1sword100%
Level 1staff99%
Level 1whip97%
Level 1enhanced damage100%
Level 1hand to hand100%
Level 1parry100%
Level 1rescue83%
Level 1recall100%
Level 1shield block100%
Level 2improved compare92%
Level 2improved consider91%
Level 2elbow100%
Level 2metal armor use94%
Level 2light armor use100%
Level 3dirt kicking100%
Level 4aim100%
Level 4knee100%
Level 5second attack100%
Level 6fast healing100%
Level 8kick100%
Level 10disarm100%
Level 10feint1%
Level 12third attack100%
Level 12dual wield100%
Level 12sharpen sight1%
Level 13dodge100%
Level 14haggle73%
Level 14brawling100%
Level 14pierce100%
Level 15bash100%
Level 15trip99%
Level 15shield cleave1%
Level 15pugil100%
Level 15meditation100%
Level 16charge1%
Level 17thrust1%
Level 18berserk97%
Level 18lash99%
Level 19slice100%
Level 20deathblow100%
Level 20warcry99%
Level 20flourintine100%
Level 20whirl100%
Level 20pen1%
Level 21lore98%
Level 21retreat1%
Level 22cross100%
Level 23offhand disarm87%
Level 23trophy73%
Level 24evade81%
Level 24double thrust100%
Level 24weapon breaker90%
Level 25drive86%
Level 26jab94%
Level 27parting blow100%
Level 27hook1%
33966, Vaphexon's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 29riposte100%
Level 29pincer100%
Level 30careful vision1%
Level 30fourth attack100%
Level 30overhead87%
Level 30dash100%
Level 31flurry85%
Level 33disembowel100%
Level 35precise aim84%
Level 36bone armor use1%
Level 46enhanced reactions95%
33967, Vaphexon's Cabal Powers List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Powers List

Level 10spellbane93%
Level 12resistance100%
Level 25truesight100%
Level 35bloodthirst79%
33968, Vaphexon's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  14 (7 at level 51)
Total PK Losses  19
Total Mob Deaths  5

PK Wins by Class
VS. transmuter  1
VS. warrior  4
VS. anti-paladin  2
VS. assassin  1
VS. conjurer  1
VS. shapeshifter  5

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  5

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  3
VS. Neutral  5
VS. Evil  6

PK Deaths by Class
VS. transmuter  1
VS. thief  1
VS. warrior  4
VS. anti-paladin  1
VS. assassin  1
VS. invoker  3
VS. bard  3
VS. druid  1
VS. shapeshifter  4

PK Deaths by Cabal
VS. None  4

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  2
VS. Neutral  4
VS. Evil  13
33969, Vaphexon's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  14
Total Solo PKs  12
Total PK Assists  2
Average Group Size Per Kill  1.31

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Self-Reliant

Total PK Losses  19
Total Solo PK Losses  9
Average Group Size Per Death  1.79

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: People Bring Friends to Beat You

33970, Vaphexon's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Sun Oct 31 10:26:37 2010 by 'An Immortal' at level 31 (41 hrs):
An Immortal added 2000 exp for: 9 really well written, if not golden, role additions. Gave him the bonus for an excellent if not superior effort.

Mon Nov 15 20:23:09 2010 by 'An Immortal' at level 44 (71 hrs):
An Immortal added 1000 exp for: A nice comfortable first talk... He said he wants to be the "the anchor opposite of demoralization"

Sun Dec 19 23:01:01 2010 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (106 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: A ton of entries to pretty much say he digs Neltouda and Battle. I might have missed something.

33954, Vaphexon's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding6250
Experience from Skill improvements23071
Experience from Exploration7800
Experience from Quests20550
Experience from Commerce3775
Experience from Immortals3400
Experience from Observation11005

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Fri Oct 22 19:44:46 2010
Quests Completed  26
Exploration Points Found  25
(WANTED) Criminal  1 times
Hours spent at Hero  20 hours
% of lifetime in the wilderness  29 %
% of lifetime in the cities  11 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  2 %
% of lifetime caballed  49 %
33957, Vaphexon's Edges
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM



Racial Edges

Class Edges

Dove of Spring Dawn
Matador's Timing
Parry Anything


Quick Healer
33956, Vaphexon's Cabal Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Specifics

Cabal Statistics

# of logins with their cabal item  17
# of logins without their cabal item  0
# of logouts with their cabal item  16
# of logouts without their cabal item  0
# of times they lost their cabal item  2
# of times they retrieved their cabal item  1
# of times they took another cabal item  8

33955, Vaphexon's Class Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Class Specifics

Weapon Specializations

Incarnadine Wave
Whirlwind of Steel