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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subject[OUTLANDER] Cruggin the Priest of Daevryn, Nightreaver of Thar-Eris
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=30639
30639, [OUTLANDER] Cruggin the Priest of Daevryn, Nightreaver of Thar-Eris
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cruggin the Priest of Daevryn, Nightreaver of Thar-Eris


Before you stands a tall ebony skinned giant of massive proportion. He
stands nearly twelve feet tall and his legs are the size of tree trunks. As
he lumbers about the ground beneath him shakes. The garb covering his armor
is plain, but well taken care of. His eyes are like the darkest sky with a
bright star shining from the middle. His hair is a deep red and is trimmed
to look neat. You notice that his massive hands grip the hilt of a large
sword and a large axe strapped to his back. A number of scars are visible on
the bare parts of his skin. He appears to be looking about himself and
taking in the world around him.

When you look at him you notice that...


Practices7Trains0HometownJade Mountains
Exp586900To Level27100SphereEarth
Age middle-aged, 236 years old (216 hours)
Hit Points703Mana690Movement991
Carry #0/34Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
30663, Cruggin's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

Added Tue Apr 13 20:59:01 2010 at level 28:

Our red-haired giant has grown a bit in age since last we saw him. You
notice that he often walks a path in the west and visits a large opulent
mansion. He seems to spend a bit of time there and typically comes out
looking no different than when he went in. You have also noticed that he
spends much of his time at the base of a large tree. You have watched him as
he has been bloodied in battle. His eyes lit up as his sword took the last
life of a duergar on the mountains of Akan. You watch as he approaches a
wood-elf and the two converse as she jots down some notes. You see him point
to the paper and himself and watch as she nods back at the giant.

A while later you notice our red-haired giant sitting outside the wall of a
large city, on a hidden path near it. You notice him make a peculiar face as
he almost bends at the waist feeling his gut. He immediately stands and
makes his way down the trails to the opulent mansion where a handsome and
imposing figure waits for him. It would seem that this is the man our giant
has been trying to see for a time now, the reason for all his visits to the
mansion. The two of them converse and you seek the giant hold up two fingers
and point to the south. He then holds up three fingers and points to the
east. You wonder what this giant is promising to do, knowing that you will
likely bear witness to it.

30662, Cruggin's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

Added Tue Apr 6 12:43:29 2010 at level 10:

Having been vanquished, even in unfair combat, our red-haired giant lies on
the ground frustrated. He begin to feel the colder air around him and knows
that if he lies here too long he may be found by the storm giants who are
attempting to protect the world from his kin. Thoughts of his dead and
gutted Salamander also come to mind and his loss of connection to the animal.
Silently he prays to his Lord for the strength to endure this hardship and
to come out stronger for its trial. He thinks of the destruction that he
will bring against those who wield such foul magic and have not the pride to
fight on their own. He begins to understand that laws are foolish creations
of man and only bring a false sense of security and dull the senses. These
things he will not abide as they keep hidden what should be plain and corrupt
what should be pure, like the earth.

As our giant lay in waiting he notices a glint within the shadows of the
caves surrounding him. He narrows his eyes to focus intently on the spot
where he saw the flash, but nothing shows itself. As he watches closely he
notices the shadows shift and a short humanoid being with fur and claws steps
forth from the darkness. The figure shakes its head as it listens for the
movements of the giants above and in the nearby caves. He leans down and
tells the giant that he will not abide seeing a person bound in such a way,
unable to defend himself. The giant is confused as this kind of thinking has
never been the way of his kin, but is grateful to be free. After standing to
his full height the giant nods at the Felar who suddenly disappears within
the walls of the cavern once again. Knowing that his own people and their
ways are no longer his, the giant carefully makes his way from the mountain
to start a life and way of his own choosing.

30661, Cruggin's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Added Tue Apr 6 12:42:12 2010 at level 10:

Our red-haired giant makes his way through the streets of the village of
Kiadana. His pet salamander is at his side as he makes his way. The giant
notices a familiar orange-haired giant looking at him from the corner of a
nearby dwelling. A great look of hatred can be seen in his eyes. The
red-haired giant thinks little of it as he knows he can easily defeat this
opponent and that having bested him already in combat the laws of Kiadana
protect his claim. Despite the law that our giant believes protects him the
orange-haired giant begins to follow him. You notice that two other giants
walk out of the dwelling with the orange-haired one. The red-haired giant
has already turned his back to them and is moving away. As the red-haired
giant takes a turn down a dark alley he is set upon by the three giants in
clearly unfair combat. His salamander bites the leg of one of the attackers
in half but is knocked unconscious by another. The red-haired priest himself
is knocked upside the head by another giant as a bolt of lightning cascades
from the hands of one of his attackers. He is bound with rope and forced to
watch as his assailants gut his prized salamander and eat its organs. Rage
and hatred fill the red-haired giants thoughts but he is unable to commune
clearly with his Lord and lies instead vanquished. When night approaches the
small band of giants from the anti-paladin school take our red-haired giant
up to the first level of Kiadana and leave him there to die.

30660, Cruggin's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Added Tue Apr 6 12:40:53 2010 at level 10:

The red-haired giant sits on a small outcrop of stone near the back of the
Shamans quarters in the halls of Mount Kiadana. A large fiery salamander
lies at his feet as the boys interest is clearly on the dark-robed shaman
before him. It would appear that the shaman is making different symbols of
faith that many of the giants within the Hall follow. You dont recognize
all of them but the red-haired giant clearly does. As the giant before him
begins to teach about the next Lord you notice that the red-haired giant
perks up. The shaman continues to teach upon the ways of this particular
immortal and the pupil nods his head in acceptance. At the end of this part
of the course you clearly see that the teaching shaman draws the symbol of
the diamond in the rough. It would seem that our red-haired Shaman has
chosen to follow the path of Lord Daevryn, Lord of the Earth.

30659, Cruggin's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Added Tue Apr 6 12:37:46 2010 at level 10:

A small group of fire giants stand in a circle wearing their dark robes of
priesthood. In the middle of the group a red-haired giant kneels. They
group of priests nod in unison and begin to strike the giant with barbed
flails, drawing blood from his flesh. Through the pain of their trial the
red-haired giant only grins as he endures the torture. When the beating has
ceased the Great Shaman takes a clean dark robe and places it around the
shoulders of the kneeling giant. The giant allows himself a grunt of
satisfaction as he stands on somewhat shaky legs. Each of the dark-robed
priests in turn raises their right hand toward the heavens and their left
hand on the red-haired giants forehead. Finally the Great Shaman places his
hand on the young giants head and a look of fervor enters his eyes. He has
been imbued with the powers of the heavens. The group of robed giants move
away as the ritual has been completed.

30652, Cruggin's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1axe100%
Level 1flail100%
Level 1polearm90%
Level 1sword100%
Level 1recall100%
Level 2improved compare91%
Level 2improved consider100%
Level 6fast healing100%
Level 7kick100%
Level 9meditation100%
Level 10hand to hand88%
Level 11inspect goods1%
Level 11rip3%
Level 12skin77%
Level 12harvest72%
Level 14aim95%
Level 14metal armor use100%
Level 15shield block100%
Level 16charge1%
Level 16parry100%
Level 17lash82%
Level 17warcry83%
Level 18haggle69%
Level 19shield cleave76%
Level 20attune1%
Level 20second attack100%
Level 20trance100%
Level 20pen63%
Level 20ignite100%
Level 22strengthen74%
Level 22slice1%
Level 22light armor use100%
Level 25enhanced damage100%
Level 30careful vision81%
Level 30subvert72%
Level 32ancient instincts100%
Level 33vandalize81%
Level 35legendary awareness66%
Level 35deadfall76%
30658, Cruggin's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Added Tue Apr 6 12:37:13 2010 at level 10:

The warm air is almost stifling from the spectators area surrounding this
arena carved out of the dark rock of the mountain. Two fire giant children
square off with one another in a battle of strength. The giants both look to
be exhausted but are continuing to summon the strength to swing their mighty
weapons. One giant with orange hair takes a mighty chop at the legs of the
giant with dark red hair. The red-haired giant moves with uncanny quickness
out of the way and grabs the head of the other giant as he moves by. You
notice the red-haired fire giant close his eyes and moves his lips in a
soundless chant of devotion. The orange-haired giant collapses in a heap of
fatigue and pounds the ground to admit his defeat.

The crowd around the arena erupts in a roar as the giants standing across
from you in dark robes look on in great interest. You notice that one of
them is the Great Shaman of the Kiadana Clan and he is conferencing with his
other priests. They nod in the direction of the victor and move away. The
cheering continues and the spectators begin to chant "Crug, Crug, Crug."
The vanquished giant is dragged away to the dungeons to be strengthened
through pain. The arena master comes forth with Crugs prize, a baby fire
salamander. Crug accepts the small lizard and laughs when it bites his hand.
The Kiadana kin begin to move away as the frenzy begins to fade.

30657, Cruggin's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Tue Apr 6 14:46:14 2010 by 'Daevryn' at level 11 (3 hrs):
Our one kill is betraying a groupmate. I get a Krilcov vibe.

Sat Apr 10 20:47:41 2010 by 'An Immortal' at level 22 (21 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: Decent first talk; our first goal is to kill members of 3/4 Empire Sects + 2 magistrates.

Sun Apr 18 09:33:47 2010 by 'An Immortal' at level 32 (53 hrs):
An Immortal added 1500 exp for: Nicely laid out Daevryn style shaman role. Seems to incorporate general Fire Giant characteristics.

Sun Apr 25 20:22:41 2010 by 'Daevryn' at level 34 (78 hrs):
This guy has really grown on me, despite having foolishly picked a goal that requires us to kill a shadow or divine, neither of which much exist right now.

Tue Apr 27 13:22:54 2010 by 'Daevryn' at level 35 (85 hrs):
Yay, we finally did it. Empowered more. We'll do talk + goal #2 when I have more time.

Sat May 1 14:50:38 2010 by 'An Immortal' at level 39 (96 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: Goal #2 is to kill 10 foes of the wilds since our last talk, so 7 more from now.

Tue May 11 14:26:51 2010 by 'An Immortal' at level 49 (140 hrs):
An Immortal added 300 exp for: For great interaction while discussing faith with Elicar.

Thu May 13 10:47:00 2010 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (149 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: We're fully empowered now, next goal is kill 4 leaders of trib/empire/scion.

Sat May 29 22:10:22 2010 by 'Daevryn' at level 51 (196 hrs):
I'd never say that Cruggin can't kill people alone (because he can) but MAN does he make shaman + bash-spamming warrior look MEAN. Regardless of who the warrior is or how bad they otherwise would be.

Fri Jun 4 22:30:09 2010 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (204 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: Another talk and tattooing; one of our next goals is to die of old age. :P Btw I don't object if someone wants to retitle him.

30656, Cruggin's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  80
Total PK Assists  25
Average Group Size Per Kill  1.61

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Somewhat Ganky

Average Group Size Per Death  2.00

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Death By Minor Mob Scene

30655, Cruggin's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  80 (24 at level 51)
Total PK Losses  35
Total Mob Deaths  9
# of Assassination Deaths  1

PK Wins by Class
VS. transmuter  2
VS. thief  5
VS. warrior  29
VS. paladin  5
VS. anti-paladin  2
VS. assassin  5
VS. ranger  1
VS. invoker  5
VS. necromancer  5
VS. healer  3
VS. conjurer  6
VS. berserker  1
VS. shapeshifter  11

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  29

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  30
VS. Neutral  17
VS. Evil  33

PK Deaths by Class
VS. transmuter  1
VS. thief  3
VS. warrior  10
VS. anti-paladin  2
VS. assassin  1
VS. ranger  3
VS. invoker  2
VS. bard  5
VS. conjurer  4
VS. berserker  1
VS. shapeshifter  3

PK Deaths by Cabal
VS. None  7

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  8
VS. Neutral  9
VS. Evil  18
30654, Cruggin's Cabal Powers List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Powers List

Level 15windwalk100%
Level 24trepidation71%
Level 28chameleon100%
30653, Cruggin's Supplication List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Supplication List

Supplication List

Level 1afflict100%
Level 2illuminate100%
Level 3detect consecration77%
Level 3mend wounds100%
Level 4detect evil89%
Level 4detect good88%
Level 5blindness100%
Level 5refresh90%
Level 6detect invis96%
Level 6protection99%
Level 7earthquake89%
Level 7know alignment1%
Level 8poison100%
Level 9infravision32%
Level 9weaken100%
Level 10detect order89%
Level 11summon100%
Level 12cure poison83%
Level 12dispel96%
Level 12dispel evil100%
Level 12dispel good100%
Level 12famish86%
Level 13haven83%
Level 15cure blindness81%
Level 15curse100%
Level 15plague100%
Level 16protective shield100%
Level 17tsunami1%
Level 17unveiling65%
Level 18cure disease72%
Level 19energy drain100%
Level 20frenzy100%
Level 20damnation100%
Level 21fatigue100%
Level 22turn undead1%
Level 23fervor73%
Level 24sanctuary100%
Level 25cancellation72%
Level 26redemption68%
Level 26insect swarm90%
Level 27locate object88%
Level 28word of recall90%
Level 29holy word75%
Level 29identify87%
Level 34demonfire100%
Level 38aristaeia65%
Level 40wither85%
Level 42rot76%
30640, Cruggin's Best Set of Equipment
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Best Set of Equipment

cabal leader weapon
a diamond in the rough
30651, Cruggin's Title History
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Title History

Tue May 4 15:44:53 2010, level 43 (109 hrs):
Cruggin the Shaman of Fire, Nightreaver of Thar-Eris

Fri Jun 4 22:29:16 2010, level 51 (204 hrs):
Cruggin the Priest of Daevryn, Nightreaver of Thar-Eris

30650, Cruggin's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

May 17, 2010|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Tisan vs 3: Enotova (45%), Cruggin (37%, KB), Knacnar (16%)
May 18, 2010|Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Arkellin vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 18, 2010|Lv 51|Galadon|Hekbe vs 2: Cruggin (62%,KB), Llathru (37%)
May 18, 2010|Lv 51|Forest of Prosimy|Sigator vs 2: Enotova (38%), Cruggin (61%, KB)
May 20, 2010|Lv 51|Galadon|Nghichngom vs 2: Cruggin (27%), Drok (72%, KB)
May 20, 2010|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Pophris vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 21, 2010|Lv 51|Galadon|Babalubagini vs 3: Celn (28%,KB), Drok (34%), Cruggin (36%)
May 22, 2010|Lv 51|The Outlander Refuge|Hajoboboq vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 26, 2010|Lv 51|Forest of Prosimy|Telene vs 4: Cruggin (46%), Squillos (5%), Vulkraed (0%), Mushga (48%, KB)
May 26, 2010|Lv 51|Arkham|Squillos vs 2: Cruggin (47%,KB), Lylesse (52%)
May 27, 2010|Lv 51|Galadon|Babalubagini vs 2: Cruggin (1%), Lephraphuse (98%, KB)
May 27, 2010|Lv 51|The Spire of the Blood Tribunal|Aichinacia vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 28, 2010|Lv 51|Blackclaw Village|Rawvos vs 3: Sudora (5%), Cruggin (10%), Mushga (83%, KB)
May 28, 2010|Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Molo vs 2: Cruggin (28%), Mushga (71%, KB)
May 29, 2010|Lv 51|The Spire of the Blood Tribunal|Ageryn vs 2: Mushga (53%,KB), Cruggin (46%)
May 31, 2010|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Gvantulak vs 3: Khalyn (1%), Lephraphuse (96%, KB), Cruggin (2%)
May 31, 2010|Lv 51|The Spire of the Blood Tribunal|Ageryn vs 2: Lylesse (59%), Cruggin (40%, KB)
Jun 3, 2010 |Lv 51|Arkham|Squillos vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Jun 4, 2010 |Lv 51|Galadon|Xarghuldaar vs 2: Cruggin (74%,KB), Thrumini (25%)
Jun 4, 2010 |Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Gvantulak vs 3: Varthathen (18%), Cruggin (4%), Lylesse (76%, KB)
Jun 6, 2010 |Lv 51|The Oryx Steppes|Yihonlala vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Jun 6, 2010 |Lv 51|The Shrine of Chaos|Halkarndax vs 2: Rastlafik (99%,KB), Cruggin (0%)
Jun 9, 2010 |Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Xarghuldaar vs 2: Jruklar (94%,KB), Cruggin (5%)
Jun 9, 2010 |Lv 51|Voralian City|Blarg vs 2: Lylesse (41%), Cruggin (58%, KB)
Jun 9, 2010 |Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Mellaithdon vs 2: Lylesse (29%,KB), Cruggin (70%)
30649, Cruggin's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

May 3, 2010 |Lv 43|Galadon|Blarg vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 4, 2010 |Lv 43|Galadon|Zax vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 4, 2010 |Lv 43|The Galadon Sewers|Gianath vs 4: Lephraphuse (11%), Cruggin (2%), Flayre (0%), Mushga (86%, KB) *Disemboweled*
May 4, 2010 |Lv 43|Galadon|Guktuh vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 4, 2010 |Lv 43|Forest of Prosimy|Xurkral vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 5, 2010 |Lv 43|Galadon|Gotaran vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 5, 2010 |Lv 43|Galadon|Trahghista vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 5, 2010 |Lv 43|Galadon|Zax vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 5, 2010 |Lv 43|Arkham|Belend vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 6, 2010 |Lv 44|Seantryn Modan|Zax vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 6, 2010 |Lv 44|The Dragon Sea|Zax vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 7, 2010 |Lv 46|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Sigator vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 8, 2010 |Lv 46|Organia, the Veil of Shadow|Erugkkn vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 8, 2010 |Lv 46|Organia, the Veil of Shadow|Blarg vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 9, 2010 |Lv 48|The Tahril Mountains|Nhisola vs 3: Flayre (4%), Cruggin (11%), Drok (83%, KB)
May 10, 2010|Lv 48|Outside Hamsah Mu'tazz|Toneladis vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 10, 2010|Lv 48|Graveyard|Jerohk vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 10, 2010|Lv 49|The Eastern Road|Xarghuldaar vs 2: Farathen (32%,KB), Cruggin (67%)
May 11, 2010|Lv 49|The Eastern Road|Rinalas vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 12, 2010|Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Arkellin vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 13, 2010|Lv 51|Forest of Prosimy|Arkellin vs 2: Hainan (11%), Cruggin (88%, KB)
May 13, 2010|Lv 51|Galadon|Arkellin vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 13, 2010|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Cogan vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 13, 2010|Lv 51|The Spire of the Blood Tribunal|Huecoatl vs 2: Degrafld (76%,KB), Cruggin (23%)
May 13, 2010|Lv 51|Bramblefield Road|Fwipplethunt vs 2: Ouli (17%), Cruggin (82%, KB)
May 13, 2010|Lv 51|Felar Encampment|Hajoboboq vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 14, 2010|Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Arkellin vs 4: Genaptwoh (0%), Degrafld (0%), Hainan (3%), Cruggin (96%, KB)
May 14, 2010|Lv 51|The Spire of the Blood Tribunal|Rinalas vs 3: Lephraphuse (90%,KB), Cruggin (0%), Elicar (8%)
May 14, 2010|Lv 51|The Spire of the Blood Tribunal|Squillos vs 3: Cruggin (0%), Sudora (82%, KB), Flayre (17%)
May 14, 2010|Lv 51|Amaranthian Forest|Squillos vs 4: Cruggin (0%), Drok (34%, KB), Flayre (8%), Sudora (56%)
May 15, 2010|Lv 51|The Coastal Plains|Gianath vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 15, 2010|Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Gvantulak vs 2: Cruggin (52%), Drok (47%, KB)
May 15, 2010|Lv 51|Voralian City|Yalthulic vs 2: Cruggin (33%), Drok (66%, KB)
May 15, 2010|Lv 51|The North Road|Ageryn vs 2: Cruggin (54%,KB), Drok (45%)
May 16, 2010|Lv 51|The Spire of the Blood Tribunal|Huecoatl vs 4: Cruggin (9%), Hainan (28%), Degrafld (53%, KB), Celn (8%)
May 16, 2010|Lv 51|Silverwood|Gianath vs 6: Enotova (24%), Degrafld (53%), Cruggin (1%, KB), Lephraphuse (0%), Hainan (8%), Celn (12%)
May 17, 2010|Lv 51|Arboria|Ageryn vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
30648, Cruggin's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Apr 6, 2010 |Lv 11|The Vale of Arendyl|Guerrad vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 9, 2010 |Lv 20|Voralian City|Cogan vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 10, 2010|Lv 21|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Gotaran vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 11, 2010|Lv 26|The Past Grove|Alanda vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 11, 2010|Lv 26|The Frigid Wasteland|Ezmia vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 12, 2010|Lv 28|The Plains of Arendyl|Androskaggin vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 13, 2010|Lv 28|The Grove|Arnidel vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 14, 2010|Lv 28|The Eastern Road|Izuctan vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 14, 2010|Lv 28|Galadon|Velimat vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 14, 2010|Lv 28|Galadon|Corin vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 15, 2010|Lv 28|Mount Calandaryl|Zarnadon vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 15, 2010|Lv 29|The Spire of the Blood Tribunal|Corin vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 15, 2010|Lv 29|The Pass|Aenelys vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 16, 2010|Lv 30|Loch Terradian|Fenton vs 2: Zoslaun (61%), Cruggin (38%, KB)
Apr 16, 2010|Lv 30|Seantryn Modan|Corin vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 17, 2010|Lv 32|Feanwyyn Weald|Mekovhopo vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 18, 2010|Lv 32|The Aryth Ocean|Cogan vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 18, 2010|Lv 32|The Grove|Kallor vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 18, 2010|Lv 33|A Wagon-Marked Road|Tevzak vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 22, 2010|Lv 33|The Battlefield|Ghranputon vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 22, 2010|Lv 33|Feanwyyn Weald|Ahmad vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 22, 2010|Lv 33|A Virgin Forest|Ghranputon vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 23, 2010|Lv 34|Fortress of Light|Gotaran vs 3: Cyril (20%), Ellyoria (31%, KB), Cruggin (48%)
Apr 23, 2010|Lv 34|A Virgin Forest|Hinchare vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 23, 2010|Lv 34|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Yarthok vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 23, 2010|Lv 34|The Eastern Road|Venerath vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 24, 2010|Lv 34|The Pass|Satiya vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 24, 2010|Lv 34|The Pass|Victral vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 24, 2010|Lv 34|A Wagon-Marked Road|Mosohen vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 24, 2010|Lv 34|The Drogran Hills|Victral vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 24, 2010|Lv 34|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Torrig vs 2: Cruggin (60%,KB), Ghranputon (39%)
Apr 25, 2010|Lv 34|The Spire of the Blood Tribunal|Torrig vs 2: Cruggin (15%), Vezitemal (84%, KB)
Apr 26, 2010|Lv 35|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Elya vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 26, 2010|Lv 35|The Village of Azuremain|Simus vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 27, 2010|Lv 35|Aturi|Gotaran vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 27, 2010|Lv 35|The Citadel of Ostalagiah|Tunofelmor vs 3: Cruggin (100%,KB), Gadien (0%), Linran (0%)
Apr 28, 2010|Lv 37|The Village of Barovia|Athioles vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
Apr 28, 2010|Lv 38|Galadon|Blarg vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 1, 2010 |Lv 39|Seantryn Modan|Niwa vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 1, 2010 |Lv 39|The Keep of Barovia|Ararazul vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 2, 2010 |Lv 42|Balator|Xurkral vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
May 3, 2010 |Lv 42|Underdark|Khendel vs 2: Ouli (100%,KB), Cruggin (0%)
May 3, 2010 |Lv 43|The Spire of the Blood Tribunal|Xurkral vs 1: Cruggin (100%,KB)
30647, Cruggin's PK Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Deaths

Apr 7, 2010 |Lv 14|Outlying Villages|vs 1: Morzoth (100%,KB)
Apr 8, 2010 |Lv 15|Arkham|vs 1: Morzoth (100%,KB)
Apr 10, 2010|Lv 21|Khardrath's Planar Sanctum|vs 1: Mraaklug (100%,KB)
Apr 10, 2010|Lv 21|Arkham|vs 1: Gotaran (100%,KB)
Apr 12, 2010|Lv 28|Arial City|vs 2: Velimat (6%), Squillos (93%, KB)
Apr 12, 2010|Lv 28|The Pass|vs 2: Velimat (2%), Squillos (97%, KB)
Apr 15, 2010|Lv 28|Outskirts of Galadon|vs 1: Trahghista (100%,KB)
Apr 26, 2010|Lv 35|The Drogran Hills|vs 1: Torrig (100%,KB)
May 2, 2010 |Lv 42|Voralian City|vs 2: Vaarshon (70%), Belend (29%, KB)
May 3, 2010 |Lv 42|Galadon|vs 5: Ageryn (83%,KB), Ararazul (5%), Mushga (0%), Aeweldoron (8%), Bellrathius (2%)
May 3, 2010 |Lv 43|Galadon|vs 1: Torrig (100%,KB)
May 4, 2010 |Lv 43|The Outlander Refuge|vs 1: Elya (100%,KB)
May 5, 2010 |Lv 43|The Jade Mountains|vs 2: Luard (86%,KB), Gianath (13%)
May 5, 2010 |Lv 43|The Spire of the Blood Tribunal|vs 2: Luard (18%), Gianath (81%, KB)
May 5, 2010 |Lv 43|The Dragon Sea|vs 2: Gianath (43%,KB), Belend (56%)
May 5, 2010 |Lv 43|The Eastern Road|vs 4: Thonkly (22%,KB), Asmoranomar (27%), Charlee (7%), Aukoza (41%)
May 6, 2010 |Lv 46|The Imperial Lands|vs 3: Pophris (0%,KB), Ageryn (0%), Farathen (100%) *Assassinated*
May 9, 2010 |Lv 48|Desert of Araile|vs 2: Nhisola (18%), Paraloiut (81%, KB)
May 10, 2010|Lv 48|The Redhorn Mountains|vs 1: Arkellin (100%,KB)
May 10, 2010|Lv 48|Seantryn Modan|vs 1: Iskertol (100%,KB)
May 11, 2010|Lv 49|East Sumner's Road|vs 1: Molo (100%,KB) *Disemboweled*
May 12, 2010|Lv 51|The Jade Mountains|Cruggin committed suicide
May 13, 2010|Lv 51|The Jade Mountains|vs 1: Luard (100%,KB)
May 13, 2010|Lv 51|The Outpost of Tir-Talath|vs 3: Luard (66%,KB), Rinalas (13%), Cogan (19%)
May 13, 2010|Lv 51|The Outlander Refuge|vs 2: Molo (49%,KB), Adarmar (50%)
May 13, 2010|Lv 51|The Outlander Refuge|vs 2: Aukoza (84%,KB), Nhisola (15%)
May 18, 2010|Lv 51|Forest of Prosimy|vs 4: Xipe (1%,KB), Arkellin (26%), Llathru (28%), Paraloiut (43%)
May 18, 2010|Lv 51|Galadon|vs 2: Xipe (32%), Arkellin (67%, KB)
May 18, 2010|Lv 51|The Jade Mountains|Cruggin committed suicide
May 20, 2010|Lv 51|Bramblefield Road|vs 2: Aukoza (82%,KB), Yalthulic (17%)
May 20, 2010|Lv 51|Copeham Inn|vs 2: Ageryn (80%,KB), Gvantulak (19%)
May 21, 2010|Lv 51|Forest of Prosimy|vs 3: Nghichngom (13%), Massok (5%), Squillos (81%, KB)
May 31, 2010|Lv 51|The Jade Mountains|vs 4: Gvantulak (22%,KB), Vintus (0%), Xarghuldaar (2%), Yihonlala (75%)
Jun 1, 2010 |Lv 51|The Eastern Road|vs 2: Ageryn (8%), Molo (91%, KB)
Jun 1, 2010 |Lv 51|Chessmaster Tower|vs 1: Molo (100%,KB)
Jun 6, 2010 |Lv 51|Voralian City|vs 1: Ageryn (100%,KB)
Jun 9, 2010 |Lv 51|Upper Cragstone|vs 4: Gvantulak (32%,KB), Kruizinel (11%), Medash (21%), Xarghuldaar (33%)
30646, Cruggin's Leveling
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Leveling History

Apr 5, 2010 |Lv 2 |Hr 0 |
Apr 5, 2010 |Lv 3 |Hr 0 |
Apr 5, 2010 |Lv 4 |Hr 0 |
Apr 5, 2010 |Lv 5 |Hr 1 |
Apr 5, 2010 |Lv 6 |Hr 1 |
Apr 5, 2010 |Lv 7 |Hr 1 |
Apr 5, 2010 |Lv 8 |Hr 1 |
Apr 5, 2010 |Lv 9 |Hr 1 |
Apr 6, 2010 |Lv 10|Hr 2 |
Apr 6, 2010 |Lv 11|Hr 4 |
Apr 6, 2010 |Lv 12|Hr 5 |
Apr 6, 2010 |Lv 13|Hr 5 |
Apr 6, 2010 |Lv 14|Hr 6 |
Apr 7, 2010 |Lv 15|Hr 7 |
Apr 8, 2010 |Lv 16|Hr 8 |22 Drazzkt,
Apr 8, 2010 |Lv 17|Hr 9 |23 Drazzkt,
Apr 8, 2010 |Lv 18|Hr 9 |23 Drazzkt,
Apr 8, 2010 |Lv 19|Hr 12 |
Apr 8, 2010 |Lv 20|Hr 13 |18 Beldin, 20 Asmoranomar,
Apr 9, 2010 |Lv 21|Hr 18 |
Apr 10, 2010|Lv 22|Hr 22 |
Apr 10, 2010|Lv 23|Hr 23 |16 Tyrannak,
Apr 11, 2010|Lv 24|Hr 25 |19 Ghastu, 26 Drazzkt,
Apr 11, 2010|Lv 25|Hr 26 |20 Ghastu, 27 Drazzkt,
Apr 11, 2010|Lv 26|Hr 26 |21 Ghastu, 27 Drazzkt,
Apr 11, 2010|Lv 27|Hr 29 |26 Varinqleb, 32 Mushga,
Apr 11, 2010|Lv 28|Hr 29 |27 Varinqleb, 32 Mushga,
Apr 15, 2010|Lv 29|Hr 40 |
Apr 16, 2010|Lv 30|Hr 44 |30 Mosohen, 29 Danvos,
Apr 17, 2010|Lv 31|Hr 50 |32 Diminopolous, 38 Varinqleb,
Apr 17, 2010|Lv 32|Hr 50 |33 Diminopolous, 38 Varinqleb,
Apr 18, 2010|Lv 33|Hr 56 |
Apr 23, 2010|Lv 34|Hr 70 |
Apr 26, 2010|Lv 35|Hr 82 |
Apr 27, 2010|Lv 36|Hr 87 |36 Flayre, 44 Lephraphuse,
Apr 28, 2010|Lv 37|Hr 90 |
Apr 28, 2010|Lv 38|Hr 93 |39 Flayre,
Apr 30, 2010|Lv 39|Hr 95 |37 Genaptwoh, 32 Sakzor,
May 1, 2010 |Lv 40|Hr 98 |45 Flayre, 46 Drok,
May 1, 2010 |Lv 41|Hr 99 |46 Flayre, 47 Drok,
May 1, 2010 |Lv 42|Hr 99 |47 Flayre, 48 Drok,
May 3, 2010 |Lv 43|Hr 107|
May 5, 2010 |Lv 44|Hr 118|51 Flayre, 51 Mushga,
May 6, 2010 |Lv 45|Hr 122|49 Numair, 47 Lephraphuse,
May 6, 2010 |Lv 46|Hr 122|50 Numair, 47 Lephraphuse,
May 8, 2010 |Lv 47|Hr 131|46 Sakzor, 51 Lylesse,
May 8, 2010 |Lv 48|Hr 133|48 Sakzor, 49 Drok,
May 10, 2010|Lv 49|Hr 138|
May 11, 2010|Lv 50|Hr 144|48 Lephraphuse, 51 Numair,
May 11, 2010|Lv 51|Hr 145|51 Numair, 50 Celn,
30645, Cruggin's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Wed Apr 7 13:45:43 2010 at level 15 (7 hrs):
Cruggin has pledged to the Outlanders of Thar-Eris

Thu Apr 8 20:33:55 2010 at level 20 (12 hrs):
Cruggin advanced to level 20 <PK: 1-2>

Sat Apr 10 20:43:06 2010 at level 22 (21 hrs):
Empowered by Daevryn to level 27.

Thu Apr 15 09:15:45 2010 at level 28 (38 hrs):
Cruggin moved to Jade Mountains (Outlander induction)

Thu Apr 15 09:15:45 2010 at level 28 (38 hrs):
Inducted into OUTLANDER by Marcatis.

Fri Apr 16 00:49:14 2010 at level 30 (41 hrs):
Cruggin advanced to level 30 <PK: 13-7>

Tue Apr 27 13:21:41 2010 at level 35 (85 hrs):
Empowerment changed by Daevryn to level 35.

Sat May 1 21:17:28 2010 at level 40 (97 hrs):
Cruggin advanced to level 40 <PK: 38-8>

Sat May 8 01:13:14 2010 at level 46 (129 hrs):
Empowerment changed by Daevryn to level 40.

Tue May 11 21:58:35 2010 at level 51 (142 hrs):
Cruggin advanced to level 51 <PK: 56-21>

Thu May 13 10:42:12 2010 at level 51 (149 hrs):
Empowerment changed by Daevryn to level 51.

Fri Jun 4 22:14:51 2010 at level 51 (204 hrs):
Tattooed by Daevryn.

Sun Jun 13 13:39:51 2010 at level 51 (216 hrs):
Hero Delete

30644, Cruggin's Mob Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Mob Deaths

Apr 17, 2010|Lv 32|Udgaard|a jaette man-at-arms by chop
Jun 1, 2010 |Lv 51|Mount Kiadana-Rah|Lord Kiadana-Rah by blast of flame
30643, Cruggin's Edges
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Divine Contagion
Voice of Condemnation
Diabolical Soul
Zealot of the One Law
Girded Shield
Languor of Aeons
Empowered Enfeeblement
Diametric Opposition
Overcome Distortion
Remain Conscious
Battle Tested
Seasoned Traveller
Thick Veined
30642, Cruggin's Cabal Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Specifics

Cabal Statistics

# of logins with their cabal item  98
# of logins without their cabal item  16
# of logouts with their cabal item  104
# of logouts without their cabal item  6
# of times they lost their cabal item  21
# of times they retrieved their cabal item  16
# of times they took another cabal item  50

30641, Cruggin's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding38250
Experience from Skill improvements17957
Experience from Exploration18625
Experience from Quests52840
Experience from Commerce5318

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Mon Apr 5 13:22:17 2010
Quests Completed  33
Exploration Points Found  52
Bonus Experience from Immortals  3800
(WANTED) Criminal  23 times
Hours spent at Hero  71 hours
% of lifetime in the wilderness  65 %
% of lifetime in the cities  6 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  0 %
% of lifetime caballed  82 %