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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subject[NEXUS] Stevers the Commander of Warfare
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=28942
28942, [NEXUS] Stevers the Commander of Warfare
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Stevers the Commander of Warfare


Standing at a total of about really tall, this human glares down at you with
blackened eyes that look as though were once on fire. His face is blank, and
it looks like not a thought is in his head. Brown and flowing hair sprouts
from the top if it.His face is gentle, and the skin on it is smooth. Although
the armor he wears is scratched and dented like that of an active warrior,
you get the idea that Stevers hasn't done much.Etched into his right breast
plate are the words "Poo Manager." There is a hole cut infront of his
genitals, but they are covered by a rotten fig leaf.


Exp318270To Level4530SphereStrength
Age mature, 29 years old (88 hours)
Hit Points590Mana408Movement706
Carry #0/37Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
28964, Stevers's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

The Growing Up of Stevers
Added Wed Sep 23 16:30:06 2009 at level 22:

"Well that the hell do I care what the little shit's name is? You
can keep him, I'm leaving," shouted a tall, fat, and burly man as he stormed
out of the cabin. The mother, a crusty harlot, sat in her rocking chair
staring at her baby. "I'll call you Stevers, after my favorite caterpillar
when I was a kid."
The harlot knew she could not support young Stevers, however, and
went off to a house rumored to be looking for a child. The family accepted,
and took Stevers in to grow up to be their stable boy.
Around the age of 11, Stevers was getting fed up with his life.
Constantly he was being scolded for being "too obnoxious" or "too stupid."
A perfect example of this would be the time he got caught running around
naked (around 4 years of age). Sure, it is normal for children to think
running around naked is silly (as do some adults) - but Stevers treated the
situation a bit differently.
"Well that the hell do I care what the little shit's name is? You
can keep him, I'm leaving," shouted a tall, fat, and burly man as he stormed
out of the cabin. The mother, a crusty harlot, sat in her rocking chair
staring at her baby. "I'll call you Stevers, after my favorite caterpillar
when I was a kid."
The harlot knew she could not support young Stevers, however, and
went off to a house rumored to be looking for a child. The family accepted,
and took Stevers in to grow up to be their stable boy.
Around the age of 11, Stevers was getting fed up with his life.
Constantly he was being scolded for being "too obnoxious" or "too stupid."
A perfect example of this would be the time he got caught running around
naked (around 4 years of age). Sure, it is normal for children to think
running around naked is silly (as do some adults) - but Stevers treated the
situation a bit differently.
Stevers found his way into the latrine one evening, and thought the
smell to be oddly familiar. He had always used it for its purposes, but
never once had he stopped to take a big whiff of the scent that made an aura
about it. He decided he'd crawl into the hole, naked, and play in what he
thought would be like a mud-hole. He then decided he'd share his discovery
with his family by running up to his parents and giving them both hugs!
Although he thought it to be a harmless and caring gesture, they quickly beat
him down and yelled at him not to play in poo.
after day, he was sent to the stables to clean up after the animals.
Crudely etched into the top of the stables was a title that read "Poo
Manger." Stevers had been educating himself nightly by sneaking into the
library and reading books under candle light. With his limited education, he
always thought the stables to say "Poo Manager," which he then dubbed
himself. Stevers, the Poo Manager, was in crappy condition.
One day, while cleaning up leftovers from the pigs, Stevers noticed
something. He realized that the pigs had diarrhea when they ate too much

28963, Stevers's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

The Learning of Stevers and the Death of a Master
Added Thu Oct 1 07:54:58 2009 at level 25:

Stevers was old enough to abandon his life as a stable boy. In town,
he had heard stories of the famed Master Wayner, who is said to be a master
in all styles of fighting. It is rumored that he lives deep in the tundra
and can be found about the great oak tree during what is called "The Month of
the Day," referring to the winter solstice.
Stevers decided he would set out in search of the great fighter,
carrying nothing but a machete for protection, a few clothes, a coat, and a
bag of bread. Stevers got trapped in a snowstorm, however, and walked
through it going completely off track. He saw a large shadowy figure in the
distance and decided to head towards it, hoping there would be something
there that could be used as shelter from the whirlwind of snow.
When he awoke, Stevers jumped up in shock as he realized he had
fallen asleep under a tree. All he could think was that it was the oak tree
AND I HAVE COME TO LEARN FROM YOU." As if the old warrior had already been
coming to see what the foreign body near his tree was, he emerged immediately
out of the hole in the tree. Awestruck that another had actually found his
hiding spot, he decided he would grant young Stevers' request.
After many years of training, Stevers was finally starting to
understand the way of the warrior. Resting in a branch high in the tree, he
peered down at his master. "Master Wayner, is that you?" asked Stevers.
"Uhh no?" Replied master wayner, as if he didn't want Stevers to be
interacting with him. "Master Wayner, I'm stuck in this tree!"
"You're up," said Master Wayner, sarcastically.
"I need to be down," Responded Stevers, not sensing the sarcasm.
Master Wayner climbed to the branch on which Stevers resided. "I'm
up here with you." Stevers looked at his master for a moment and asked "How
are we going to get down?" Master Wayner just looked at him, unsure what to
do, as he had never actually climbed the tree. He only used it for the hole
which provided him shelter. In an attempt to help his master down, Stevers
pushed Master Wayner out of the tree, straight into an avalanche.
"MASTER WAYNER!" Yelled Stevers, sounding very apologetic.
"What?" replied his master.
"Master Wayner!You're alive!" shouted Stevers, with glee.
"You killed me Stevers.I am a translucent ghost, look at me."
Stevers looked down at his master, frightened as to what his master would do
to punish him.

28962, Stevers's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

The Second Death of a Master
Added Sat Oct 3 13:00:29 2009 at level 30:

Stevers peered into the eyes of his master. "Stevers, for what you
have done, I am going to curse you." Ghost Master Wayner pulled a fig leaf
from his ghost haversack and gave it to Stevers. "I know you are stupid and
will put this on you genitals."Stevers had already put the fig leaf near
his genitals while Ghoster Wayner was talking to him. The moment he put it
there, it latched on and started sucking at his very being. Stevers no
longer felt stupid. In fact, he felt as though he'd rather be studying. His
adrenaline slowed down significantly, and he no longer had the urge to
outburst. "Within time, this leaf will suck all of the stupid right out of
you. The only way for you to regain your personality is to have the leaf
die. Unfortunately for you (but not me or anyone else), you must wait until
you find out who your real father is - for only he can remove the curse."
"Master Wayner, you know I mean you no harm," Stevers said, calmly.
As soon as he finished the sentence, a necromancer flailed his way onto the
necromancer. He waved his hands at Stevers as if he were saying hello, then
looked at Ghosty Wayner and shouted "C GHOST AVALANCHE!" A spectral
avalanche came blowing out of the necromancer's hand, and went straight
through Stevers. Stevers realized what this would mean for Ghosty Wayner, so
he slammed his body into his former master. Although unintentional, Stevers
pushed his once master right into the avalanche.

28961, Stevers's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

On to the Nexus, and the Curse of the Eyes
Added Sat Oct 3 13:02:36 2009 at level 30:

The necromancer was furious with Stevers, because now the ghost
corpse of Ghastly Wayner had disappeared in a spectral avalanche. The
necromancer waved at Stevers, only it wasn't a wave. "C FIERY EYES" And
muttered the words "uslslwjwwjwjwjjjjjj." Stevers felt a burning sensation
engulf his eyes as he ran away gripping them tightly. He found a pond and
looked at his reflection. His eyes had a fiery aura about them, so he
The necromancer was furious with Stevers, because now the ghost
corpse of Ghastly Wayner had disappeared in a spectral avalanche. The
necromancer waved at Stevers, only it wasn't a wave. "C FIERY EYES" And
muttered the words "uslslwjwwjwjwjjjjjj." Stevers felt a burning sensation
engulf his eyes as he ran away gripping them tightly. He found a pond and
looked at his reflection. His eyes had a fiery aura about them, so he
quickly splashed water to diminish the flame. The flame appeared back in a
short amount of time. He also noticed that is armor was see-through, which
made him quite embarrassed. The only things that stood out were the words
"Poo Manager" etched into his armor, and the fig leaf.
Stevers had grown out of caring about his translucent armor, and no
longer noticed the fig leaf that latched ever so tightly to his genitals.
Stevers did have two things on his mind, however. He first wanted to go
visit The Isle and learn about other's who shared the same philosophy as
himself, and he wanted to go speak with his mother about his "real" father.
Stevers decided he'd go to the isle first.
Drifting on a raft in a foreign sea, Stevers looked at the magical
pillar in front of him.The camera swoops up above Stevers, and you're now
looking at him from the top. Stevers stared up and let out a blood-curving
scream "WHAAAAAAA!" He was relapsing fast. The pillar gave him a memory
moment of the great oak tree in which his master had lived. He was reminded
of the time that master Wayner was teaching him how to use a sword, and how
Master Wayner said that he preferred the sword himself.Stevers remember
that for as long as he lived. As if knowing that Stevers was about to accept
reality, the camera swoops back to its original position. Stevers walked up
the pillar and reached the island. It was time to see if this was the cabal
he hoped it was.

28954, Stevers's Cabal Powers List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Powers List

Level 10gauge balance80%
Level 16eye of equilibrium79%
Level 25vanguard of balance74%
28960, Stevers's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

A Confortation of Mother and Father
Added Sat Oct 3 19:59:20 2009 at level 30:

"Mother!" Stevers shouted. The word echoed throughout the hills,
reverberating through them in such a way that it actually seemed as though
each hill was also calling their mother. Stevers opened the door to his
family's cozy farm house and walked straight to the only room with light on.
A flame flickered across the face of a withered old woman as she sat
in her rocking chair knitting a pink sweater. "Mother" Stevers said in a
soft voice. As if not surprised, the woman turned her head to great her son.
home, Stevers."
"Mother, I have been cursed. Surely you noticed my eyes, armor, and fig
leaf." Stevers said.
"Yes, I have. I know you were cursed, for I dreamt about it," replied his
"I have joined the Nexus, as well. They all understand the ways of balance
just as I do."
His mother cringed in her seat.She glared at him. "The nexus? Boy, have
you lost your mind! We raised you to know that good triumphs over evil!
There is no balance, boy!"
"But mother"
"Quiet!Go upstairs and rest, we will talk in the morning when I am not
That night, Stevers' mother crept into his room with the intention of
bringing justice to her child. She weld a dagger in her hands and held it
high above her head. "Stop right there, Martha." Said a ghostly voice.She
turned her head to see Double Ghosty Wayner. "Leave my son alone, or suffer
the consequenes." Said the twice spectre. Martha began to sob as the ghost
made his way to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. Martha took the blade and
shoved it in to her stomach, ashamed of herself. Unfortunately, she did not
wound herself fatally. She passed out.
"What!" Stevers woke up with a fright. He saw that his mother had
stabbed herself. "Mother! You either came up here to bring me to justice
and were stopped by double ghastly spectro wayner and then stabbed yourself
or you didn't! How would I know? I WAS ASLEEP! Just in case that is true,
I shall punish you."
Stevers, while holding his mother up by the hair, took the blade and held it
to his mothers throat. He then quickly scraped the itchy bug off of it and
cut her hair. "That ought to take care of you!It will take you ages to
cut her hair. "That ought to take care of you!It will take you ages to
grow all that back!"
Stevers headed down stairs, and was frightened at what he saw.
"You found me your father." Said double dad wayner.

28959, Stevers's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Curses Lifted and Purpose Unfolds
Added Sat Oct 3 20:24:35 2009 at level 30:

"It is true, my son, and I can remove all of the curses that are about you."
"Father, please do so."
"I cannot without first giving a monologue. You see, when you were a baby I
had to leave you with your real mother, for I knew you were cursed. I knew
that anyone who was near you would be cursed in a different manner, and I
could not bear to live with that. When I was near you, I had explosive
intestinal discharge. Do you remember when you came to me at Great Oak? I
came out so quickly because the smell of my poo had really started to rack my
nerves.Stevers, I cannot ghost poo. This is why I can be near you. Here,
I will remove the curses."
Master Dad Ghostly double times the Wayner lifted his hand and removed the
fig leaf. The fig leaf quickly died, and master wayner dad put it back on
Stevers' genitals. "It will float here as a reminder of who you once were.
Calm and understand. Now you will be stupid again. Your armor will gain its
color back, and your eyes will no longer have a flame."
"WAYNIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Stevers shouted, as the camera swoops above him.
He was relapsing fast in another memory moment, and his whole life flashed
before his eyes. No, it was the fire. The fire flashed away from his eyes
but Stevers thought of his whole life.
"I know you have a plan for me, Daddy Ghosters.You must! You must, because
you can tell me it!"
"No, my son, I am dying" died ghost dad.
Stevers decided to go for a sail to get his mind off of things.While in the
Sea of Despair, Stevers felt like his bowels were despaired. He bent his
rear over the water and poo'd. A shark came blazing up out of the water!
"AHH A SHARK HE IS GOING TO EAT ME" Shouted Stevers. The shark shapeshifted
back into a human. "You pood on my head!"
"No, I didn't! You headed my poo!"
The shapeshifter shifted back into a shark, and Stevers paddle away furiously
at the sight of the shark. He was too stupid to remember that it was a
It was then that he knew what he had to do. He had to stop all the ragers
from coming through (to destroy the veil). Stevers set out to hunt down
ragers and was not seen since (until he was spotted a couple hours after in
Galadon buying some chicken).

28958, Stevers's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Stevers, Master of the Blade
Added Sun Oct 4 14:44:00 2009 at level 31:

It was in a house of horrors that Stevers found a ring that allowed
him to walk on water. A distant "Hah hah heh hah" could be heard in the
distance, along with the whispering "ghostumsghostums.." Stevers couldn't
tell if the voices were real, if they were all in his mind, orwait! Yes!
Stevers was the one making the noises. Gruhndef stared at Stevers, obviously
waiting for Stevers to read the inscription on the mirror. "It's a mirror,
ya know," said Gruhndef. Stevers read the inscription, only with mirror eyes
(meaning he read if backwards like a mirror if you could have mirror vision
think about it). After saying the word out loud, he was transported into a
room. He took the items there and left.
Stevers could now walk on water. He was like all of those godly
figures from those there religious hoohahs. He'd waltz on the water and pick
fish out of them. He liked to pet them (and you know, shove his knob in
them, too.)
Stevers was relapsing fast into another memory moment. He was
reminded of the time when him and his good friend Mick were scurrying around
the stables eating up gangrene.What he didn't know was that the gangrene
give him gangrene so he was poisoned for a little while.
While in a double, the poison poisoned Stevers and it caused his arms
to go weak and they both thrusted towards the same spot. AHA PERFECT!
Stevers realized that this move, the double thrust, could be very useful. He
did not know how to do it perfectly, though, so he would scurry around and
eat up gangrene before practicing it. Eventually, while fighting a monk, the
gangrene scurried away from his body via his poopoo. Although Stevers did
not know this, he knew one thing. Many things, but more particularly one.
He know his blades must strike the same spot, so he made them do so but he
was no longer poisoned!"DOUBLEEEEE THRUST!" said Stevers as he thrusted
doubly his blades.
"Uhhhhhhhh im dying" died the monk. Stevers then realized that he no
longer had gangrene. He had perfected the art of the blade. Stevers Wayner
knew his father, three times the ghost Wayner, would be proud.
Stevers was now ready to right anything and any one.

28957, Stevers's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Wed Oct 7 09:03:04 2009 by 'An Immortal' at level 32 (49 hrs):
An Immortal added 1000 exp for: Your giant wall of text ****Demolishes!*** Baerinika!

Thu Oct 15 21:00:38 2009 by 'Cyradia' at level 37 (71 hrs):
Name = Stevers? Really? ...Really? I grant you the "Rio" award.

Wed Oct 28 07:14:39 2009 by 'Baerinika' at level 41 (88 hrs):
Well, we'll be con dead soon, and then we can roll up Markers or Peters or even Stevezor and be better next time.

28956, Stevers's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  2
Total PK Assists  2
Average Group Size Per Kill  2.00

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Hides Behind Allies

Average Group Size Per Death  1.08

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Destroyed By The Honorbound

28955, Stevers's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  2 (0 at level 42)
Total PK Losses  39
Total Mob Deaths  19

PK Wins by Class
VS. warrior  1
VS. anti-paladin  1

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  1

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  0
VS. Neutral  1
VS. Evil  1

PK Deaths by Class
VS. thief  4
VS. warrior  25
VS. anti-paladin  1
VS. assassin  2
VS. necromancer  3
VS. shaman  4

PK Deaths by Cabal
VS. None  8

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  1
VS. Neutral  21
VS. Evil  17
28953, Stevers's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 30fourth attack94%
Level 30dent75%
Level 30dash75%
Level 31flurry75%
Level 33drum76%
Level 35precise aim77%
Level 36bone armor use1%
Level 46enhanced reactions1%
28952, Stevers's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1axe79%
Level 1dagger77%
Level 1flail76%
Level 1mace94%
Level 1polearm82%
Level 1spear1%
Level 1sword100%
Level 1staff1%
Level 1whip78%
Level 1enhanced damage100%
Level 1hand to hand89%
Level 1parry96%
Level 1rescue80%
Level 1recall100%
Level 1shield block79%
Level 2improved compare75%
Level 2elbow1%
Level 2metal armor use80%
Level 2light armor use77%
Level 3dirt kicking85%
Level 4aim80%
Level 4knee78%
Level 5second attack100%
Level 6fast healing100%
Level 8kick78%
Level 10disarm81%
Level 10feint82%
Level 10join100%
Level 10breakbond100%
Level 12third attack100%
Level 12dual wield100%
Level 13dodge90%
Level 14haggle75%
Level 14pierce1%
Level 15bash100%
Level 15trip82%
Level 15shield cleave1%
Level 15pugil1%
Level 15meditation92%
Level 16charge1%
Level 17thrust1%
Level 18berserk77%
Level 18lash1%
Level 19slice1%
Level 20warcry77%
Level 20flourintine100%
Level 20backhand75%
Level 20pen1%
Level 21lore1%
Level 21retreat1%
Level 22cross76%
Level 23offhand disarm78%
Level 23deflect shield1%
Level 24evade75%
Level 24double thrust100%
Level 25drive75%
Level 26jab100%
Level 26cranial75%
Level 27parting blow75%
Level 28boneshatter80%
Level 29riposte80%
28951, Stevers's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Sep 17, 2009|Lv 13|Galadon|Gantoksa vs 1: Stevers (100%,KB)
Sep 29, 2009|Lv 25|Galadon|Gormo vs 2: Jingurzal (71%,KB), Stevers (28%)
Oct 15, 2009|Lv 37|The Eastern Road|Ishlintik vs 2: Vezavius (57%,KB), Stevers (42%)
Oct 26, 2009|Lv 38|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Macaca vs 3: Stevers (11%,KB), Sharzula (22%), Raku (66%)
28950, Stevers's PK Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Deaths

Sep 15, 2009|Lv 11|Voralian City|vs 1: Khahl (100%,KB)
Sep 22, 2009|Lv 20|Galadon|vs 1: Kuoca (100%,KB)
Sep 22, 2009|Lv 20|The North Road|vs 1: Kuoca (100%,KB)
Sep 29, 2009|Lv 25|Silverwood|vs 2: Gormo (0%), Kuoca (100%, KB)
Oct 1, 2009 |Lv 29|Organia, the Veil of Shadow|vs 1: Qrikot (100%,KB)
Oct 2, 2009 |Lv 29|Feanwyyn Weald|vs 1: Mordranbor (100%,KB)
Oct 2, 2009 |Lv 29|The Eastern Road|vs 1: Qrikot (100%,KB)
Oct 3, 2009 |Lv 29|Galadon|vs 1: Qrikot (100%,KB)
Oct 3, 2009 |Lv 30|Darsylon|vs 2: Petroc (29%,KB), Derogker (70%)
Oct 4, 2009 |Lv 31|The Eastern Road|vs 1: Derogker (100%,KB)
Oct 4, 2009 |Lv 31|Bramblefield Road|vs 1: Qrikot (100%,KB)
Oct 4, 2009 |Lv 31|Galadon|vs 1: Derogker (100%,KB)
Oct 6, 2009 |Lv 32|The Eastern Road|vs 1: Qrikot (100%,KB)
Oct 7, 2009 |Lv 33|Arial City|vs 1: Qrikot (100%,KB)
Oct 7, 2009 |Lv 35|Galadon|vs 1: Qrikot (100%,KB)
Oct 8, 2009 |Lv 36|Galadon|vs 1: Derogker (100%,KB)
Oct 12, 2009|Lv 36|Galadon|vs 1: Mordranbor (100%,KB)
Oct 12, 2009|Lv 36|Voralia's Tears|vs 1: Ilrek (100%,KB)
Oct 12, 2009|Lv 36|The Eastern Road|vs 1: Dehgrek (100%,KB)
Oct 13, 2009|Lv 37|The Eastern Road|vs 2: Dins (65%,KB), Qrikot (34%)
Oct 13, 2009|Lv 37|Galadon|vs 1: Qrikot (100%,KB)
Oct 13, 2009|Lv 37|Arial City|vs 1: Qrikot (100%,KB)
Oct 13, 2009|Lv 37|Outskirts of Galadon|vs 1: Ustul (100%,KB)
Oct 15, 2009|Lv 37|The Grove|vs 1: Mordranbor (100%,KB)
Oct 15, 2009|Lv 37|Galadon|vs 1: Ishlintik (100%,KB)
Oct 19, 2009|Lv 38|Organia, the Veil of Shadow|vs 1: Qrikot (100%,KB)
Oct 26, 2009|Lv 38|The Galadon Sewers|vs 1: Irwien (100%,KB)
Oct 26, 2009|Lv 38|The Dragon Sea|vs 1: Qrikot (100%,KB)
Oct 26, 2009|Lv 38|Galadon|vs 1: Ustul (100%,KB)
Oct 26, 2009|Lv 39|Galadon|vs 1: Zukikemi (100%,KB)
Oct 27, 2009|Lv 40|Galadonian Settlement|vs 1: Kaer (100%,KB)
Oct 27, 2009|Lv 40|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|vs 1: Qrikot (100%,KB)
Oct 27, 2009|Lv 40|The Nexus Island|vs 1: Qrikot (100%,KB)
Oct 27, 2009|Lv 41|Arial City|vs 1: Qrikot (100%,KB)
Oct 27, 2009|Lv 41|BattleRager Village|vs 1: Qrikot (100%,KB)
Oct 27, 2009|Lv 41|The Eastern Road|vs 1: Qrikot (100%,KB)
Oct 28, 2009|Lv 42|BattleRager Village|vs 1: Qrikot (100%,KB)
Oct 28, 2009|Lv 42|BattleRager Village|vs 1: Qrikot (100%,KB)
Oct 28, 2009|Lv 42|BattleRager Village|vs 1: Qrikot (100%,KB)
28949, Stevers's Leveling
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Leveling History

Sep 4, 2009 |Lv 2 |Hr 0 |
Sep 4, 2009 |Lv 3 |Hr 0 |
Sep 4, 2009 |Lv 4 |Hr 0 |
Sep 9, 2009 |Lv 5 |Hr 1 |
Sep 9, 2009 |Lv 6 |Hr 1 |6 Grenyt,
Sep 9, 2009 |Lv 7 |Hr 2 |7 Grenyt, 15 Adiehi,
Sep 11, 2009|Lv 8 |Hr 2 |11 Mordranbor,
Sep 15, 2009|Lv 9 |Hr 3 |6 Vholarus,
Sep 15, 2009|Lv 10|Hr 3 |7 Vholarus,
Sep 15, 2009|Lv 11|Hr 3 |9 Vholarus, 11 Khahl,
Sep 16, 2009|Lv 12|Hr 5 |
Sep 17, 2009|Lv 13|Hr 7 |21 Hargin, 19 Branson,
Sep 17, 2009|Lv 14|Hr 8 |14 Zwagwooplia,
Sep 17, 2009|Lv 15|Hr 8 |15 Zwagwooplia,
Sep 17, 2009|Lv 16|Hr 8 |16 Zwagwooplia,
Sep 17, 2009|Lv 17|Hr 9 |16 Zwagwooplia,
Sep 21, 2009|Lv 18|Hr 11 |15 Shaedric, 18 Shumanfoo,
Sep 21, 2009|Lv 19|Hr 12 |17 Shaedric, 18 Shumanfoo,
Sep 21, 2009|Lv 20|Hr 13 |13 Vishoro, 17 Dobi,
Sep 23, 2009|Lv 21|Hr 16 |19 Jingurzal, 20 Shumanfoo,
Sep 23, 2009|Lv 22|Hr 17 |19 Pasha, 22 Dobi,
Sep 23, 2009|Lv 23|Hr 17 |20 Pasha, 22 Dobi,
Sep 23, 2009|Lv 24|Hr 18 |22 Pasha, 23 Dobi,
Sep 23, 2009|Lv 25|Hr 19 |23 Pasha, 24 Dobi,
Oct 1, 2009 |Lv 26|Hr 26 |31 Nreanya, 30 Gruhndef,
Oct 1, 2009 |Lv 27|Hr 26 |31 Nreanya, 30 Gruhndef,
Oct 1, 2009 |Lv 28|Hr 26 |32 Nreanya, 31 Gruhndef,
Oct 1, 2009 |Lv 29|Hr 26 |33 Nreanya, 32 Gruhndef,
Oct 3, 2009 |Lv 30|Hr 33 |29 Ticoy, 35 Skippien,
Oct 3, 2009 |Lv 31|Hr 37 |25 Izthal, 26 Agustin,
Oct 4, 2009 |Lv 32|Hr 44 |19 Shumongr, 25 Trimlo,
Oct 7, 2009 |Lv 33|Hr 51 |36 Vezavius, 38 Davlaris,
Oct 7, 2009 |Lv 34|Hr 52 |37 Vezavius, 39 Davlaris,
Oct 7, 2009 |Lv 35|Hr 53 |38 Vezavius, 40 Davlaris,
Oct 8, 2009 |Lv 36|Hr 55 |31 Merewan, 38 Chork,
Oct 13, 2009|Lv 37|Hr 63 |31 Gjizr, 31 Hargin,
Oct 15, 2009|Lv 38|Hr 74 |
Oct 26, 2009|Lv 39|Hr 82 |48 Lirad, 46 Kawushkar,
Oct 27, 2009|Lv 40|Hr 84 |34 Kaer, 42 Soedi,
Oct 27, 2009|Lv 41|Hr 87 |40 Raku, 40 Quindelbin,
Oct 28, 2009|Lv 42|Hr 90 |44 Raku, 50 Kimundas,
28948, Stevers's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Thu Sep 17 19:21:03 2009 at level 17 (9 hrs):
Stevers has pledged to Nexus, Seekers of Balance

Mon Sep 21 18:04:41 2009 at level 20 (12 hrs):
Stevers advanced to level 20 <PK: 1-1>

Wed Sep 23 20:47:17 2009 at level 25 (19 hrs):
Inducted into NEXUS by Rhyaldrin.

Sat Oct 3 12:38:24 2009 at level 30 (33 hrs):
Stevers advanced to level 30 <PK: 1-8>

Tue Oct 27 07:14:40 2009 at level 40 (83 hrs):
Stevers advanced to level 40 <PK: 2-30>

28947, Stevers's Mob Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Mob Deaths

Sep 9, 2009 |Lv 6 |Silverwood|a goblin archer by pierce
Sep 16, 2009|Lv 12|Ruins of Delar-Tol|a grunting digger by pierce
Sep 18, 2009|Lv 17|Voralian City|a peacekeeper by hit
Sep 22, 2009|Lv 20|Voralian City|a peacekeeper by crush
Sep 23, 2009|Lv 20|Silverpine Road|a peacekeeper by punch
Sep 24, 2009|Lv 25|The Plains of Arendyl|a human settler by charge
Oct 1, 2009 |Lv 25|Moudrilar's Monastery|Chernok by pound
Oct 2, 2009 |Lv 29|Strange Island|a native by sting
Oct 2, 2009 |Lv 29|The Keep of Barovia|an ettin by pierce
Oct 2, 2009 |Lv 29|The Keep of Barovia|a skeleton by chop
Oct 4, 2009 |Lv 32|Maethien|an ooze mephit by caustic slime
Oct 7, 2009 |Lv 32|The Plains of Arendyl|a duergar scout by pierce
Oct 13, 2009|Lv 37|Galadon|an elite battlement guard by slash
Oct 15, 2009|Lv 37|The Battlefield|Vimir the veteran by cleave
Oct 15, 2009|Lv 37|Loch Terradian|a war-weary storm giant by punch
Oct 19, 2009|Lv 38|Graveyard|a war-weary storm giant by punch
28946, Stevers's Edges
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Dove of Spring Dawn
Stone Shoulders
28945, Stevers's Cabal Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Specifics

Cabal Statistics

# of logins with their cabal item  45
# of logins without their cabal item  5
# of logouts with their cabal item  45
# of logouts without their cabal item  3
# of times they lost their cabal item  3
# of times they retrieved their cabal item  2
# of times they took another cabal item  0

28943, Stevers's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding1000
Experience from Skill improvements6167
Experience from Exploration3950
Experience from Quests3525
Experience from Commerce730

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Fri Sep 4 08:52:13 2009
Quests Completed  8
Exploration Points Found  16
Bonus Experience from Immortals  1000
(WANTED) Criminal  6 times
% of lifetime in the wilderness  25 %
% of lifetime in the cities  32 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  1 %
% of lifetime caballed  77 %
28944, Stevers's Class Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Class Specifics

Weapon Specializations
