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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subject[None] Taranth the Legend of the Battlefield
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=27199
27199, [None] Taranth the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Taranth the Legend of the Battlefield


A large, savage looking being, this minotaur is a giant among his race, and
is heavily muscled. Dark, blood-red skin is covered with thick black hair,
further exaggerating his bestial nature. Horns extend from his head and
appear thick, black, and razor-sharp. A symmetric black mark extends above
and below his left eye, though the red hue of his eyes are unchanged. Even
other minotaurs would consider him ugly, due to his bulbuous, giant head and
the dark mark covering his eye, Taranth further diregards personal hygiene,
leaving a god-awful stench that hangs in a cloud everywhere he walks.


Practices7Trains7HometownSeantryn Modan
Exp577242To Level21408SphereStrength
Age mature, 47 years old (184 hours)
Hit Points954Mana447Movement977
Carry #0/36Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
27210, Taranth's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 27parting blow72%
Level 27choke93%
Level 29riposte98%
Level 30fourth attack100%
Level 30dash1%
Level 31flurry100%
Level 32entwine86%
Level 34pull100%
Level 35precise aim86%
Level 36bone armor use72%
Level 46enhanced reactions100%
27220, Taranth's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

Added Sun Apr 27 19:01:05 2008 at level 11:

Taranth is not trusting, and he uses intimidation or force to get what he
wants. Prone to violent outbursts, he is orderly in action and thought but
not lawful, unless the law is one he created. He grew up a slave to a
gladiator service, and was summarily trained in the more deadly arts of
combat. As he grew, he realized he was the only one of kind, and constantly
sought information about his father and any others of his kind. Answers were
few and far between. As new gladiators joined the ranks, and older, and less
talented individuals were inevitably weeded out, Taranth would continue
asking about others of his race, finding little information. One day, a
customer spoke with young Taranth, who was attempting to deliver a handful of
new recruits to an arena. As they spoke, he inquired if Taranth was related
to one known as Gondrak. Taranth, overwhelmed with the chance to find
information about other minotaurs, offered a substantial fee reduction for
all information about this Gondrak. Much later, Taranth realized he would
seek out these Scions of Eternal Night, and see what information existed of
Gondrak, and perhaps other minotaurs.

As of this moment, Taranth has seen only two other minotaurs in the wilds of
the lands. He instantly challenged each, unsure, even to himself of why, and
defeated them in turn. Taranth has begun to realize there are others like
him, though there are not many. He has also come to realize that for some
reason, he feels obligated to prove his Strength to them.

27219, Taranth's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

Updated Information
Added Wed May 7 11:23:57 2008 at level 24:

Taranth is no longer the naive minotaur who knew little about his race. He
has travelled the lands and found many minotaurs, always seeking to speak and
to learn of their origins, and to learn of their Strength. He has discovered
that Gondrak was just one of several minotaurs who have at one time ascended
to the heavens. Karakan and Rhegma being others. Now, Taranth seeks only to
make a name for himself among the minotaur race, and to find the truth of the
first minotaur who ever lived. Due to the attitudes of several of Eshval's
faithful, Taranth is not one who seems drawn to her, due to his own physical
appearance and her perceptions on beauty. Because of this, he is thinking of
joining the Empire, but first he must master his craft, as his old master
taught him.

27218, Taranth's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

Added Sun May 18 02:17:31 2008 at level 34:

Taranth continues to strengthen himself by whatever means necessary. He tells
those of the light that he is a neutral minotaur, and he tells women such as
Micrifa that he is not 'like' the other, raping minotaurs from which he was
born. This has worked to the point that paladins have come and rescued
Taranth from deathtraps. He tells those of the Empire that he seeks to take
the Oath soon, and he tells those of the Chasm that he seeks to aid the
Prophecy. To the soldiers of Battle, he speaks of a hatred for mages, and
with Nexuns he often inquires of whether light or dark hold sawy. Even the
Tribunals he lies to and says that perhaps one day he will join their ranks.
In truth, Taranth is undecided, and seeks only to cloud the perception of his
true intentions in the hopes of strengthening his own position in the event
of a conflict. He will undoubtedly decide upon his course soon, however,
likely when he has completed his weapons training and decided upon a second
focus for his weapons training. Of particular note is Taranth's growing
disdain for Eshval and her folloers, due to their devotion to beauty. His
continued quest to find the true history of the minotaurs took a bit of turn
when he stumbled upon the village of Lallenyha. Taranth will likely continue
to seek lore on his people and his own personal ancestry.

27217, Taranth's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Added Fri Jun 6 20:18:47 2008 at level 43:

Drawing forth a razor-sharp sword from it's sheath, Taranth felt the solid
weight of the blade, heavy, yet perfectly balanced. Cold iron, forged by a
true master, the dull gray blade was plain, yet infinitely deadly in the
hands of a master. The weight brought him a strange level of comfort he could
not explain. It was his island of harsh reality amidst the tulmutuous sea of
Theran life. Swords had been a part of his life since the earliest days of
his adolescence, and the thought instantly provoked a deluge of memories that
threatened to drown him like the greatest of floods.

With a deep, steadying breath, Taranth closed his eyes, trying for even the
briefest of moments to block out his youth and the images those recent
feelings sought to invoke. The mere recollection of his past caused Taranth
to reflexively tighten his grip on his sword. It was only when his hand began
to ache that he noticed he had the blade in a death-grip, and with no enemy
in sight. Sighing, he sheathed the blade in the oiled leather scabbard at his
side and flexed his fingers. Forcing his mind to concentrate on upcoming
decisions, he looked out over the mountains near what some have called the
Whitecloak camp, and thought of his future.

He would be no statistic, or faceless, nameless soldier in one of the myriad
armies and cabals that dotted the Theran landscape. Only the Scions of
Eternal Night, and the Empire were possibilities to him. Perhaps after he
visited the Macalla for additional training, he would make a decision, but he
was unsure if he truly believed such a thought. Perhaps he would found his
own band of mercenaries, for the thought of serving made his stomach turn.
Taranth decided he was in no hurry to make a decision, and strode down the

27216, Taranth's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Added Sat Jun 14 22:34:46 2008 at level 46:

Taranth looked upon his own reflection as he stood before the mirror in this
darkened keep north of Arkham.

He had never taken his looks as a problem. While even the other minotaurs
would consider him ugly, due to his bulbuous, giant head and the dark mark
covering his eye, Taranth furthered his lack of personal charm due to the
god-awful stench that permeated him. Secretly, he took it as a badge of honor
that the only times in his life he had 'bathed' was when he gone underwater
in search of prey. He cared nothing for what others thought of him now, and
his anger and ire only furthered his lack of caring towards the ugly stares
people gave him. Let them view him as the hideous beast of nightmares, he
thought, like the ones he had stumbled across in the Tower, so cleverly
hidden from prying eyes. With each kill he claimed, he enjoyed the stench of
his enemies blood mingled with his own, staining his fur and body like an
unkempt savage of the wilds. He was satisfied with being ugly, yet Strong.

Apparently, however, others took it upon themselves to seek his death at all
turns, and whether it was due to his hideous appearance, or other,
less-benign reasons, clearly, he had become the hunted beast that surely all
of his race were doomed to be. The loneliness he had experienced when first
arriving in Seantryn Modan was a distant memory, replaced by the unyielding
knowledge that only he could truly be counted on. Perhaps it was arrogance,
perhaps it was the indifference that comes with the knowledge that you came
from something and so you were doomed to be something, but Taranth had long
ago given into the darkness in it's entirety. Nothing satiated his evil
desires more then proving to his enemies that he was the stronger, no matter
how many they would bring. The mere thought ignited a longing in his blood to
return his focus to the tasks at hand. Snapping his blades together and
drawing sparks, Taranth nodded and moved down the stairs in the direction of
Prosimy, eager for the blood of the Outlanders.

27215, Taranth's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Enigma of the Thirteen
Added Thu Jun 19 13:30:45 2008 at level 49:

Taranth could not recall ever being so intrigued by mere words. The tomes
within the Tower, quiet as death, spoke of so much of the past, but still
nothing of the first minotaur. Yet he could not stop reading, particularly
the tales of an Artificer-King of days past, and of the Thirteen who
sacrificed so much to become what they did. He read of their abilities to
quaff their King's potent concoctions, even while amidst battle, and Taranth
knew without doubt he wished the same knowledge. Looking upon the now quiet
king had been the final key to understanding and unlocking what few legends
of the Thirteen that remained. So had the Tower intrigued him, that he knew
to own such an ability was to gain an advantage over the Tower's mysteries,
and subsequently, his enemies within the Tree and Fortress.

27214, Taranth's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Greeting the Avalanche
Added Thu Jun 19 13:36:14 2008 at level 49:

Taranth remembered the first time he visited the cloud giants near Udgaard.
He remembered that he could not recall giants who bashed with such ferocity,
and had nearly escaped with his life. The savage cloud giants to the
northwest of Udgaard seemed to bury him under their fury like the very
avalanche that came from the mountains they dwelled in. Time and again he
returned there, honing his skills, and in turn, earning the respect of the
very cloud giants he tested his mettle against. When it came time to focus
his abilities to extend his legacy, Taranth approached their leader, and who
grudgingly imparted some of their techniques in respect for Taranth's
strength. In return, Taranth has vowed never to return or slay the cloud
giants of the area in question.

27213, Taranth's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Sun Apr 27 22:40:33 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 13 (7 hrs):
An Immortal added 1000 exp for: A nice minotaur-centric role beginning.

Sun May 18 01:09:57 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 34 (65 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: A bit of thought progression in char. Thinking of joining Empire, wants to make a name for himself and find out more about his race.

Sun May 18 22:15:36 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 34 (69 hrs):
An Immortal added 800 exp for: Decent update on the course of his life.

Sun Jun 8 21:56:54 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 44 (127 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Pondering Scion or Empire.

Mon Jun 9 12:15:40 2008 by 'Eshval' at level 45 (133 hrs):
Just as soon as I note how tenacious this character is with regards to sticking it out, he will likely delete and make me look like a chump. But good for him anyway!

Thu Jun 12 22:10:00 2008 by 'Daevryn' at level 46 (138 hrs):
Based solely on his prays, this guy is a bozo.

Thu Jun 12 22:20:20 2008 by 'Daevryn' at level 46 (138 hrs):
Actually, now that I watch him a bit, he's whining at the people he fights too. It's not just us.

Sun Jun 15 22:06:50 2008 by 'Eshval' at level 47 (146 hrs):
I am not disregarding his bozo-ness, but at least he is whining consistently.

Wed Jun 18 22:13:29 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 49 (157 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Not a bad bit of writing. Entertaining, but mostly self-reflective.

Sat Jun 21 11:02:25 2008 by 'Corrlaan' at level 49 (171 hrs):
June RC Hon. Mention. Edge Points

27212, Taranth's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  14
Total PK Assists  1
Average Group Size Per Kill  1.27

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Self-Reliant

Average Group Size Per Death  2.00

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Death By Minor Mob Scene

27211, Taranth's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  14 (1 at level 51)
Total PK Losses  3
Total Mob Deaths  9

PK Wins by Class
VS. transmuter  1
VS. warrior  7
VS. ranger  2
VS. bard  1
VS. conjurer  1
VS. shapeshifter  2

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  7

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  7
VS. Neutral  4
VS. Evil  3

PK Deaths by Class
VS. warrior  1
VS. necromancer  1
VS. shapeshifter  1

PK Deaths by Cabal
VS. None  1

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  1
VS. Neutral  1
VS. Evil  1
27209, Taranth's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1axe100%
Level 1dagger100%
Level 1flail100%
Level 1mace100%
Level 1polearm81%
Level 1spear93%
Level 1sword100%
Level 1staff94%
Level 1whip100%
Level 1enhanced damage100%
Level 1hand to hand100%
Level 1gore98%
Level 1parry100%
Level 1rescue1%
Level 1recall100%
Level 1shield block100%
Level 2improved compare84%
Level 2improved consider84%
Level 2elbow1%
Level 2metal armor use100%
Level 2light armor use100%
Level 3dirt kicking100%
Level 4aim94%
Level 4knee1%
Level 5second attack100%
Level 6fast healing100%
Level 8kick1%
Level 10disarm81%
Level 10feint1%
Level 11inspect goods1%
Level 12third attack100%
Level 12dual wield100%
Level 12sharpen sight82%
Level 13dodge100%
Level 14haggle1%
Level 14pierce1%
Level 15bash100%
Level 15trip72%
Level 15shield cleave73%
Level 15pugil1%
Level 15meditation100%
Level 16charge1%
Level 17thrust1%
Level 18berserk100%
Level 18lash97%
Level 19slice1%
Level 20warcry88%
Level 20flourintine100%
Level 20sting1%
Level 20bludgeon1%
Level 20pen72%
Level 21prosperous reputation1%
Level 21lore100%
Level 21retreat81%
Level 22cross79%
Level 23offhand disarm69%
Level 24evade81%
Level 24double thrust100%
Level 24strip82%
Level 25drive1%
Level 26jab100%
Level 26eyejab100%
27208, Taranth's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Apr 28, 2008|Lv 15|Galadon|Kattu vs 1: Taranth (100%,KB)
May 5, 2008 |Lv 23|Silverwood|Kelh vs 1: Taranth (100%,KB)
May 7, 2008 |Lv 26|Seantryn Modan|Dillum vs 1: Taranth (100%,KB)
May 8, 2008 |Lv 27|Outskirts of Galadon|Baeric vs 1: Taranth (100%,KB)
May 26, 2008|Lv 40|The Eastern Road|Golrath vs 1: Taranth (100%,KB)
May 27, 2008|Lv 40|Voralian City|Erendinia vs 1: Taranth (100%,KB)
May 28, 2008|Lv 42|Aran'gird|Iknasr vs 1: Taranth (100%,KB)
Jun 6, 2008 |Lv 43|East Sumner's Road|Erendinia vs 1: Taranth (100%,KB)
Jun 7, 2008 |Lv 43|The Eastern Road|Karg vs 1: Taranth (100%,KB)
Jun 8, 2008 |Lv 44|Domain of Eternal Night|Hrindar vs 2: Taranth (79%,KB), Nuldar (20%)
Jun 8, 2008 |Lv 44|Domain of Eternal Night|Golrath vs 1: Taranth (100%,KB)
Jun 19, 2008|Lv 49|Emerald Forest|Ruhktanshi vs 2: Kostyan (38%,KB), Taranth (61%)
Jun 19, 2008|Lv 49|The Eastern Road|Inger vs 3: Waris (52%), Taranth (27%, KB), Kharnial (19%)
Jun 22, 2008|Lv 50|Udgaard|Legjeif vs 1: Taranth (100%,KB)
Jun 23, 2008|Lv 51|Bramblefield Road|Karjiin vs 1: Taranth (100%,KB)
27207, Taranth's PK Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Deaths

May 5, 2008 |Lv 19|The Pass|vs 1: Zev (100%,KB)
May 18, 2008|Lv 34|Seantryn Modan|vs 2: Humbert (99%,KB), Mrwarz (0%)
May 26, 2008|Lv 40|The Keep of Barovia|Taranth committed suicide
Jun 25, 2008|Lv 51|Aturi|vs 3: Karjiin (0%), Ixilth (93%, KB), Seyriannia (6%)
27206, Taranth's Leveling
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Leveling History

Apr 27, 2008|Lv 2 |Hr 0 |
Apr 27, 2008|Lv 3 |Hr 0 |
Apr 27, 2008|Lv 4 |Hr 0 |
Apr 27, 2008|Lv 5 |Hr 1 |
Apr 27, 2008|Lv 6 |Hr 1 |
Apr 27, 2008|Lv 7 |Hr 2 |
Apr 27, 2008|Lv 8 |Hr 2 |
Apr 27, 2008|Lv 9 |Hr 2 |
Apr 27, 2008|Lv 10|Hr 3 |
Apr 27, 2008|Lv 11|Hr 3 |
Apr 27, 2008|Lv 12|Hr 5 |
Apr 27, 2008|Lv 13|Hr 6 |
Apr 28, 2008|Lv 14|Hr 8 |
Apr 28, 2008|Lv 15|Hr 8 |
Apr 30, 2008|Lv 16|Hr 16 |
May 3, 2008 |Lv 17|Hr 20 |
May 4, 2008 |Lv 18|Hr 23 |
May 4, 2008 |Lv 19|Hr 25 |
May 5, 2008 |Lv 20|Hr 27 |
May 5, 2008 |Lv 21|Hr 28 |23 Mlursod, 20 Verazul,
May 5, 2008 |Lv 22|Hr 28 |24 Mlursod, 21 Verazul,
May 5, 2008 |Lv 23|Hr 29 |24 Mlursod, 22 Verazul,
May 6, 2008 |Lv 24|Hr 32 |
May 7, 2008 |Lv 25|Hr 36 |
May 7, 2008 |Lv 26|Hr 38 |25 Iknasr,
May 8, 2008 |Lv 27|Hr 42 |24 Eldric, 23 Verazul,
May 8, 2008 |Lv 28|Hr 44 |31 Quutur,
May 9, 2008 |Lv 29|Hr 46 |
May 9, 2008 |Lv 30|Hr 48 |24 Verazul, 18 Eneru,
May 10, 2008|Lv 31|Hr 49 |26 Verazul, 20 Eneru,
May 12, 2008|Lv 32|Hr 54 |
May 12, 2008|Lv 33|Hr 57 |35 Unmesh, 37 Gelana,
May 16, 2008|Lv 34|Hr 64 |
May 19, 2008|Lv 35|Hr 74 |
May 20, 2008|Lv 36|Hr 77 |29 Iknasr,
May 22, 2008|Lv 37|Hr 82 |
May 23, 2008|Lv 38|Hr 84 |40 Kile, 38 Dustodd,
May 25, 2008|Lv 39|Hr 88 |
May 25, 2008|Lv 40|Hr 89 |36 Serge,
May 28, 2008|Lv 41|Hr 110|
May 28, 2008|Lv 42|Hr 111|43 Iknasr, 41 Kapaldako,
May 31, 2008|Lv 43|Hr 117|
Jun 8, 2008 |Lv 44|Hr 125|
Jun 9, 2008 |Lv 45|Hr 132|
Jun 9, 2008 |Lv 46|Hr 136|
Jun 14, 2008|Lv 47|Hr 143|
Jun 16, 2008|Lv 48|Hr 149|
Jun 18, 2008|Lv 49|Hr 156|
Jun 22, 2008|Lv 50|Hr 173|
Jun 22, 2008|Lv 51|Hr 178|
27200, Taranth's Best Set of Equipment
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Best Set of Equipment

worn on finger(Glowing) a fiery ring
worn on fingera small silver ring set with a chip of quartz
a weighted quarterstaff
worn around neck(Glowing) an Amulet of Strength
worn on bodya dragonleather cuirass
worn on hornsa braided leather horn wrap
worn on ears(Glowing) glimmering icicles glaring with cold black fire
worn on legsa pair of supple leather pants
worn on hoovesiron spiked shoes
worn on hands(Humming) the blademaster's gloves
worn on armsrune-covered silver armguards
worn about bodyblack robes slashed with bone-white
worn around waist(Glowing) a belt of flaming demon scales
worn on wristan adamantite bracer
worn on wristan aquamarine bracelet
a jagged black saber
(Humming) the Sword of Darkness
27205, Taranth's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Mon May 5 02:27:23 2008 at level 20 (26 hrs):
Taranth advanced to level 20 <PK: 1-1>

Fri May 9 23:28:27 2008 at level 30 (47 hrs):
Taranth advanced to level 30 <PK: 4-1>

Sun May 25 02:43:50 2008 at level 40 (87 hrs):
Taranth advanced to level 40 <PK: 4-2>

Sun Jun 22 23:33:46 2008 at level 51 (176 hrs):
Taranth advanced to level 51 <PK: 13-2>

Wed Jun 25 22:20:34 2008 at level 51 (183 hrs):
Hero Delete

27204, Taranth's Mob Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Mob Deaths

May 7, 2008 |Lv 26|Seantryn Modan|a sharp spike by hit
May 7, 2008 |Lv 26|Abandoned Mines|the hook horror by slash
May 22, 2008|Lv 37|Evermoon Hollow|a midnight dragon by bite
May 25, 2008|Lv 40|Teth Azeleth|a dark-elf patroller by whip
May 26, 2008|Lv 40|Kteng's Laboratory|a sylph by buffeting
May 27, 2008|Lv 40|Nyathl Ikalith|a water weird by drowning
May 28, 2008|Lv 42|Underdark|a dark-elf patroller by slash
Jun 8, 2008 |Lv 44|Mount Kiadana-Rah|a storm giant commander by punch
Jun 19, 2008|Lv 49|Pine Forest|the huge dire wolf by claw
27203, Taranth's Edges
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Battle Tested
Quick Healer
Seasoned Traveller
Dove of Spring Dawn
Hawk of Summer Afternoon
Eagle of Autumn Evening
Owl of Winter Night
Seven Winds of Hamsah Mu'tazz
27202, Taranth's Class Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Class Specifics

Weapon Specializations
Whip and Flail

Enigma of the Thirteen
Greeting the Avalanche
27201, Taranth's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding0
Experience from Skill improvements16490
Experience from Exploration11350
Experience from Quests9250
Experience from Commerce14740

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Sat Apr 26 23:59:14 2008
Quests Completed  24
Exploration Points Found  29
Bonus Experience from Immortals  3000
(WANTED) Criminal  0 times
Hours spent at Hero  6 hours
% of lifetime in the wilderness  28 %
% of lifetime in the cities  12 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  0 %