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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subject[None] Ghriz Blackeye the Warlord of the Grinning Skulls
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=24481
24481, [None] Ghriz Blackeye the Warlord of the Grinning Skulls
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Ghriz Blackeye the Warlord of the Grinning Skulls


For a long, tense moment your attention is snatched by
a frightful creature. Standing head-and-shoulders above
most men, the harsh features of this orc seem to promise
brutality on any that stand between him and whatever he
may want. His face is a living chronology of pain, bearing
scars upon scars - curiously, his left eye-socket looks
to have been caved in by a heavy blow. Somehow the eye
still functions, though it has gone completely black. The
strange inky ichor has tainted the skin around it as well,
spreading with the steady, merciless intent of a plague.
As you take stock of his strange characteristics, you are
struck with the realization that this orc has something
he shouldn't - control. Where one would expect to see
rage and madness in the eyes, this one has a will of ice
and steel. With his mane of murky black, the tattered
mantle of furs, and the multitude of ghoulish talismans
affixed to his person, he looks notably different from
the orcs you have seen elsewhere. As if in response to
your thought, his grip upon his weapon tenses, and for
an instant the hellish berserker's rage paints his face
with venemous, unfiltered malice - the trademark of his


Practices4Trains1HometownGrinning Skull Village
Exp451320To Level22280SphereMagic
Age mature, 36 years old (169 hours)
Hit Points1033Mana321Movement803
Carry #0/35Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
24510, Ghriz's Role Chapter 16
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 16

Prelude to an Omen
Added Sat Feb 14 23:58:27 2009 at level 1:

Most who dwell in this war-ravaged world have abandoned the
notion of fate, for every day the toll of conflict reminds
them that uncertainty prevails and chaos reigns. Ask an arial
or a human about fate and they will most likely laugh in
your face. Pose the same inquiry to an elf or a gnome and
the answer will almost certainly be much different. Those
whose lives are long and whose experiences are vast see
patterns. Some have even learned to assign significance to
events that others would overlook.

And so we begin the tale of an orc - a being born to be
crude and lowly, ferocious to a fault - with this in mind.
It was dusk on the first Day of the Moon, during the Month
of the Dragon that a wizened and cruel wizard heard a
commotion on the docks of Hamsah Mu'tazz and looked down
from his balcony on the street of Dahab to see what was

24509, Ghriz's Role Chapter 15
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 15

The Depravity of Orcish Affection
Added Sun Feb 15 00:04:43 2009 at level 1:

It was during the bloody orcish reign of Alzinghul, one
of Zurcon's dreaded Disciples, that a pair of orcs found
themselves fleeing westward. Their raid upon the Sultan's
barge was a success, and they raced through the mixed crowd
completely ignorant of what, exactly, they were carrying.
Gold, jewels, and an assortment of archaic artifacts which
Tremblefist had specifically demanded: a ruby which cast
green light, a lantern that burned with frostflame, and a
peculiar obsidian orb that cast no shadow.

The pair were mates, though that's a rather loose term
amongst such a disloyal race. Let's just say they liked
making "muk-muk," as it's called in their village. Despite
their weak bonds of union, the fact that the female was
quite pregnant was complicating things. She was slowing
them down. The male could take the booty she was hauling
and easily ditch her. For him it would mean greater fame
among his kin and boons from both Alzinghul and Tremblefist
(most likely, he could hold off being used as fodder, or as
a sacrifice to Thrakburzug, for a few more months)...but,
he really liked making muk-muk with her. Aside from killing
and eating (and setting things on fire) not much else made
him happy. So, he did the sensible thing...

"You is make us slow like fat dwarfs!"
"No fault me! Is you muk-swine in my gut!"
"Wise Brizgub has smart plan. Will make you fast again!"
At this point, they were drawing quite a few stares.
"Tell plan! Make fast before us get caught by sultan-man's
dumb guards!"

With a grin that the filthy bastard couldn't resist, he said
"You give good lup-lup when back at hut?" His sly glance
downward towards his crotch indicated to any fool that he
was talking about a rather one-sided version of muk-muk.
A look of disgust mingled with anger, followed by defeat
raced across the female's features. With a consenting grunt
she gave in.

At that instant Brizgub turned, and with brutal shig-ru
force delivered a ferocious blow to his mate's abdomen
that would have killed a less hearty being outright. An
ear-shattering, bestial snarl followed by a wet thud upon
the wooden planks of the dock heralded Ghriz Blackeye's
arrival into the world.

Before the female could gather her wits, and quell her
desire to murder her mate, the aforementioned wizard
had arrived on the grisly scene. His uncanny perceptions
were instantly riveted to the stuffed sack of treasure
now laying in a heap by the aborted orcling. As the
female's survival instincts kicked-in and she realized
the ingeniousness of her mate's plan, she began to
reach for the sack (not the baby). Her hand never reached

A searing pain suddenly wracked her arm as the bones
within twisted and snapped. The transmutation was potent
magic - something orcs tend to fear and covet greatly.
They bolted as the wizard uttered the words 'wagg uizug,'
shrouding himself, the orcling, and the treasure beneath
a veil of obfuscation.

24508, Ghriz's Role Chapter 14
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 14

The Wizard's Inquisition, Part I
Added Sun Feb 15 00:05:46 2009 at level 1:

Orcs grow incredibly fast. Faster, even, than arials.
Some scholars say that this "rapida vitae" was infused
by the creators of the orcs - ancient, unnamed, dark
Gods who wished to overrun the fairer creations of their
benevolent opposition. Other believe that it was an
unintended side-effect of the demonic contaminants
which seemed to find their way into the species. Still
others argue the wildly unpopular theory that it was
a trait that "evolved" as the orcs needed to outnumber
their enemies in order to stand a chance. Of course,
in most places that kind of talk would get a person
beheaded, so it was seldom brought-up. Whatever the
case may be, it is unanimously agreed that the orcish
brain does not keep up with the grueling pace of the
orcish body. Through various tests it has been deduced
that the average intellect among the species is roughly
that of a human child between the age of seven on the
low-end to fifteen on the high-end.

While it is certain that Ghriz is exceedingly bright
for his kind, it was unclear to Alazhin Vin'Dathul
just how much so. It had been a decade since that
fateful day on the docks when Alazhin had been lucky
enough to come across those two marvelous artifacts
and the battered, premature orc. Often he had wondered
about the tiny obsidian sphere that was so regally
enclosed in such an ornate little chest. It seemed
as though it should have had some kind of power, but
even his conjurer allies within the black coven could
not ascertain anything special about it. They did,
however, point out something odd about Ghriz...

...he didn't cast a shadow.

With that unsettling fact in the back of his mind,
the drow had prepared an examination to determine
exactly what was going on with his pet. In a dank,
soot-laden cellar somewhere in Hamsah Mu'tazz, he
sat across from Ghriz and gave him a long, hard
look - he had grown very strong, and if not for the
permanently concaved left eye-socket he'd probably
be a good-looking orc (among his own kind, of course).
Alazhin could have healed it, skin-and-bone, after
his father's punch had done the damage, but he chose
not to. He only mended it enough so that his vision
wasn't ruined, and left the deformity as it was for
the sake of "building strong character." Of course,
his drowish nature rather liked the idea of allowing
such a hideous disfiguration to remain. Strangely,
when he had woven the mending magic, the eye was
healed but the white and iris had gone as black
as the pupil. He suspected, correctly, that it was
related to the strange matter of Ghriz's shadow.

24507, Ghriz's Role Chapter 13
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 13

The Wizard's Inquisition, Part II
Added Sun Feb 15 00:06:18 2009 at level 1:

After a thorough visual inspection, Alazhin began the
inquiry with a battery of questions aimed at determining
the orc's intellectual potential. Ghriz did exceedingly
well - better than Alazhin had expected. By this age,
Ghriz's mind should have begun to slow in its ability
to grasp new concepts, but his seemed as sharp as ever.

The real surprise came when Ghriz uttered, of his own
accord, an incantation that Alazhin had spoken many
times, never guessing the orc could even comprehend the
will needed to make it work...

He said, "uizug." For a moment - a brief, brilliant
moment that defied everything that Alazhin's great mind
could believe, Ghriz shimmered and faded. But, he was
so startled by it that he jumped out of his chair and
broke the spell before it could manifest.

What did this mean? Alazhin saw the signs, read the omens,
and knew that things were going to get very interesting.
As he stared in amazement, he could not help but notice
that the blackness of Ghriz's eye had spread ever-so-

24506, Ghriz's Role Chapter 12
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 12

Revelations, Part I
Added Wed Feb 18 02:24:22 2009 at level 13:

"He won't shake the pillars of the earth by his own might,
my child. That's an orc, there. When have you ever known
one to be anything better than a grunting beast? It's true
that he's an enigma, but the question which plagues you...
the reason you risked so much coming into MY House, is the
'why'. Alazhin, you handled the matter with the svirfnebli
with exceptional prejudice, and so I will reveal what your
paltry coven of magicians was unable to discern..."

The Matron Mother of the First House carried her condescension
on for a while, lashing at the will of the wizard. But, it was
the same old game that every drow woman played, and Alazhin
had learned how to keep his cards from showing a long time ago.

"You have the device, then?"

With a nod, Alazhin produced a familiar ornate chest wrought
of ivory and platinum from within his robe. In silence he
presented it to the Matron Mother, who studied it for a moment
and then slowly opened the lid.

"Do you have ANY idea what this is, you fool?! Thank whatever
second-class deity you pray to that the enchantment has left
this sphere, or I would kill you where you stand!"

He knew the threat was genuine, and not just another part of
the game. Though his blood was beginning to churn and boil
from her insult to his intellect, he realized something
quite incredible...she was afraid of something. He had to
know what could have that effect on such a powerful being as
she. Fortunately, she was already getting to it...

"The ward that was placed upon the chest had a very, very
important role. It was made to keep this from being located.
You see, this artifact is one of the Eyes of Nar'Khulga...yes,
I sense by your dumbfounded expression that you've never
heard of the Eyes. That is to be expected, for few have. The
legend was old when the mountains were young, but in the first
encounter with the shadow beings who are known as Ccul'gra,
the ancient dwarven God, BoltThrower, defeated their leader,
a dragon wrought of shadow and magic. It is unclear whether
or not Nar'Khulga, the dragon, was truly from the shadow
plane or if the creature was from ours and had made the
First Pact, transforming in the process. What IS known, my
hapless underling, is that in the wake of his destruction
two small obsidian spheres remained - each said to be
possessed of half the creature's essence. BoltThrower ordered
them destroyed, only to find that they could not be. He
hid them away under the guardianship of his BattleRagers,
but they lost them shortly afterwards."

To his surprise, the mocking tone had almost completely
disappeared. She was getting to the heart of the matter, but
still had not revealed why she was fearful.

24505, Ghriz's Role Chapter 11
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 11

Revelations, Part II
Added Wed Feb 18 02:36:23 2009 at level 13:

After a short refreshment of blood wine, she continued...

"For an Age they vanished from the world, and whoever knew
where they went did not reveal it. It wasn't until much later
that the renegade conjurer, Faruq, unveiled one of them. He
used it in his dealings with the outer planes, for reasons
we can only guess at. After his demise the Eye disappeared
...until now. You say the orc's parents plundered the
Sultan's barge? It stands to reason that the Eye was seized
by the royal family and hidden away. In any event, the box
has been opened and The Coven has surely sensed it. If you
had brought it to me while it was within the box I could
have made use of it. Now, anyone near it - anyone near your
orc - is likely to disappear by the power of Kaubris or one
of his pupils."

So, that was it. Kaubris himself was intent on locking up
the Eye...the situation seemed rather hopeless, with that

"Your orcish pet is just an orc, as I've alluded to. But,
he has a portion of Nar'Khulga's essence. As with all
Ccul'gra, he will hunger for magic, as well as evil in its
many guises. You say he managed to cast a spell? That's
remarkable, I will freely admit. To my knowledge, short
of endowment by magical devices, that's never been done.
If he weren't almost certainly doomed, I'd say to encourage
him in that pursuit. Who knows what the crude, ritualistic
power of an orc might become when blended with true Arcana?
Now then, I suggest you begone, and take this damned thing
with you."

With an unceremonious toss of the Eye, the Matron Mother
dismissed the wizard.

24504, Ghriz's Role Chapter 10
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 10

The Hunt Begins
Added Wed Feb 18 13:55:37 2009 at level 13:

Within an expansive, archaic laboratory beyond the edge of
the world, Kaubris the Aged spelled-out the situation to
his newest apprentice, using well-measured words in every

"You know I think highly of you, Pascimius. Your work at
the planar sanctum is worthy of the...praise and...respect
of the Coven. Back in the...world, you are a potent conjurer.
Yet...you know now that your...journey has only just begun.
I am glad to be your...guide. But, the Coven handles certain
problems that the...mortal world cannot be expected to. And,
if ever one of our own were to use their power irresponsibly
it falls to us to take care of it. Long, long ago...before
the time of your father's fathers, I had a promising student
who went rogue..."

He told the tale of Faruq, providing details that none
outside of the Coven had ever known.

"So, you see, I make a point of finding those whose hearts
are pure, when I take on a student. A truly...neutral path,
as is the goal here, is far less likely to succeed when
one's convictions are easily brushed aside for the sake of
personal gain. But, I need not carry on...about that for
now. Suffice to say, the Eye must be...retrieved."

Pascimius spoke at last, "Master, what-..."

"You know how I feel about those honorifics...just call me
Kaubris. And leave that "Aged" business alone. Why, compared
to a mountain I'm only...an infant."

"As you wish, sir..."

The ancient wizard sighed audibly, but motioned for Pascimius
to continue. In the back of his mind he was secretly proud
of the elf's adherence to respectful habits. It was something
Faruq abandoned so quickly, now that he thought about it...

"...what of the second Eye?"

"I'm afraid that one is still beyond our sight. As with this
one, we'll have to...wait until its ward is compromised. Or
we could get...lucky. Yes, there's always that."

With an expression of perplexed humility, Pascimius added,
"I would not have thought you to believe in such a thing as
luck, Ma-...sir Kaubris."

The old, salty eyebrows shot up as Kaubris said, "My boy,
sometimes luck is your only friend! So, are you up for this
task? You understand the danger?"

"I'll make preparations for my absence at the sanctum. They
will have questions, but I don't think it will be a problem.
How concerned should I be with the orc's guardian...this
drow, Alazhin?"

"You should be...very concerned. I've sensed his power to be
equivalent to your own. As you know, I cannot intervene
in this...matter directly. Certain balances must be...upheld.
My setting foot on the Prime would upset things. The...fallout
would be horrendous. Perhaps in another age I could have..."

"Say no more, sir. I understand. It is a shame I can only
locate the Eye once per week...I will have to make my first
attempt a good one."

24503, Ghriz's Role Chapter 9
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 9

Blood & Sand
Added Wed Feb 18 14:42:53 2009 at level 13:

During the third night of the Great Gods in the Month of
the Winter Wolf Alazhin and Ghriz raced across the moonlit
sands of the Araile. The wizard had come up with a plan on
his trek back from the Underdark - he knew that the orc
had the Ccul'gra's essence within him. He very much doubted
that any of Nar'Khulga's sentience remained, but the power
contained within him was, in a way, not unlike the divine
power of the Gods - it persisted, waiting to be harnessed.
However, Alazhin was well-versed, and had studied the
history of Maethien in depth. He had no desire to be
consumed by the power, only to be possessed and eventually
destroyed by it. No, he'd let Ghriz have that pleasure,
and would be more than happy to direct him to do his will.

All this and more was on Alazhin's mind as set out for the
stronghold of the Scions. He believed that the only way to
shield Ghriz from the Coven's eyes would be to hide him
where similar power already resided. It would be like tossing
a golden coin into a great pile of similar ones, rather than
having it by itself. It was a good plan...


Before them, a sliver of silver light cut through the night
air. Turning and expanding, it became a shimmering door, and
from within stepped a cowled figure in grey. To Alazhin's
alarm, a roaring fire elemental seethed through the tesseract,
followed by a furious angel. The figure spoke...

"By order of the Coven, you will release that creature into
my custody, drow. I am prepared to use whatever means necessary
if you should refuse."

Alazhin recognized the accent. Not only was this interloper
challenging his power, he was an elf! It took only a moment
for him to lash out with his first spell - tearing the flesh
of the arrogant elf's face! Pascimius reacted swiftly, sending
his servitors after them both. Alazhin began weaving a spell
to flatten his dimensions, but the elf had already surrounded
him in faerie fire. Already, a hail of magical missiles was
raining down upon them...the elf was good. Very good.

The drow had a few tricks up his sleeve. In an instant he
was holding a strange talisman wrought with symbols that the
elf would have recognized, if he had been closer. Just as the
elemental's flames began to scorch them both, he brandished
it; in a flash, the flames were banished back to the Inner

As Alazhin began brandishing it a second time, Pascimius
was uttering a strange incantation bearing the name of Kaubris
himself. The anchoring spell rendered his dismissal impotent.
In a brief, terrible moment the enraged angel was upon him.
With defeat imminent, Alazhin turned to Ghriz and uttered
a word of recalling...

...It was the last time Ghriz saw Alazhin alive, and the first
time he had ever seen the village of the Grinning Skulls.

24502, Ghriz's Role Chapter 8
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 8

The Aftermath
Added Wed Feb 18 15:03:44 2009 at level 13:

Standing over the battered drow, Pascimius asked, "Why did
you do that? Why did you send the orc away?"

Alazhin spoke through a gurgle of blood, "F-f-fool elf! You
will suffer before it's all over! G-Ghriz is the most c-c-
cunning of his race, and by the Gods he will live to see
you crushed!" He began laughing in that insane, agonizing
way that happens when a villain has reached his end.

"The orc...Ghriz, as you so name him...he can't hide from
me, drow. In a week - perhaps two if he's lucky - he'll
be rounded up."

Through the fitful laughing, Alazhin replied, "He already
knows how to hide from your sight. Til then, I k-k-know
he can elude y-y-...."

With one last gurgling croak, the wizard passed from this
world into whatever Hell was waiting for him.

24501, Ghriz's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

The Nature of the Beast (character synopsis)
Added Wed Feb 18 15:34:54 2009 at level 13:

Regarding his demeanor:

Growing up in the care of Alazhin, a drow wizard, Ghriz's
cowardly orcish instincts were steadily weaned. Additionally,
the essence of the Ccul'gra inside him detested the fearful
instincts of its host. After years of emotional pruning and
direction, Ghriz has become rather fearless (for an orc). He
acts as macho as possible, and can stand his ground longer
than others of his kind. But, if push comes to shove and he's
on the losing end, he'll still tuck tail and run for cover.

Regarding his arcane lust:

In a similarly interesting twist, Ghriz has become something
of a magical addict. The craving of the Ccul'gra has infused
his being, and that vile, tenebrous connection seems to grow
stronger in the presence of the arcane. To what end, who but
the Gods know? All Ghriz knows is that if it's magical, he
wants it - and the more diabolic, the better.

Regarding his black sheep status:

Though Ghriz has been allowed to stay in the Grinning Skull
village (though only as a swine herder), he has a very rough
time. To be quite blunt, he scares the shit out of most orcs.
He is just too odd for them. While he is just as savage in
combat, he speaks better than they do. He knows things they
don't know. In an extremely superstitious, xenophobic society
such as theirs, he's doomed to live as a pariah. He wants to
be back with his master...he wants to be near the magic. But,
he knows that's not going to happen. The one joy he takes is
in observing the rituals of the orcish Bloodmages - those
called Mundunugu.

Regarding his immediate plans for the future:

Ghriz, having now survived three separate assaults from
Pascimius, has a growing dread that Tremblefist is onto him.
Knowing full-well that the old shaman is likely to dismember
him if he thinks he can get at the power within, Ghriz needs
to escape the village and carry out his master's plan, before
it is too late.

24500, Ghriz's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

Added Sat Feb 21 16:07:45 2009 at level 24:

On the outskirts of the Grinning Skull's village is a bizarre
structure - part hut, part workshop. In his longing for some
shred of the life he has always known, Ghriz was recreating
Alazhin's laboratory as accurately as he could. Instead of
the delicate, precise tools of a drowish mage, he had to
make-do with the materials available. Where Alazhin had beakers,
he had mugs of dung-clay. When scalpels were needed, he worked
with an axe or a sword. When a lab rat was called for, he would
use a dwarf (there were lots of them and, generally-speaking,
orcs tend to hold rats in higher regard). I can't tell you if
Ghriz actually achieved anything of an arcane nature in his
experimentation, but he was feeding that hunger within him as
best he could.

I can tell you, however, that he did find something to satiate
that unending lust for magic and evil - mage blood. This was
realized during an experiment (more of a torture session) where
Ghriz was doing a bang-up attempting to extract wizarding secrets
from a kidnapped elf. Unfortunately, the elf was a mere apprentice
and could only divulge a few secrets about some minor invocation
spells. Ghriz was...disappointed, and when an orc is disappointed
things get destroyed (then again, whenever an orc is happy, things
also get destroyed), and so it was no surprise when his anger
resulted in the savage bludgeoning and death of the elf. Now, we
all know that orcs like elf blood, but there was something more
at work here; Ghriz could see colors in the blood. Hues of violet
and cyan, gold and green danced before his eyes, and in those
languorous moments he felt more alive than he ever had. For the
first time he realized how faded the world normally was to his
eyes, and upon drinking the delightful crimson ichor, Ghriz felt
content. He was filled with bliss, and the haze upon his blunted
orcish wits seemed to clear.

After a few hours the haze returned, and with it an even greater
frustration because for a moment he was something more, and all
that remained was the realization that it had been taken away.
Determined to reclaim his fleeting glory, Ghriz resolved to
devour wizard blood until magic flowed through his own as it did
theirs. In his quest for the arcane he began to pray to the God
whose sign presided over the month of his birth: Twist, bearer
of the Dragon's Tooth.

24499, Ghriz's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

Desperation & the Divine Cat
Added Thu Mar 5 23:32:22 2009 at level 33:

One rainy evening as Ghriz searched for blood, wizards, and
shiny things, he took a horrible misstep. To his dismay, that
mistake landed him in a very dangerous place, fraught with
bloodthirsty weremages and choked with fog so thick that he
could not see beyond the dismembered leg he was using as a club.
Ghriz, being full of machismo, tried to fight his way through
the mist and the magi, but was no match. In desperation, he
pleaded with the Gods that they might save him.

To his surprise, Iunna took him up on it.

After handily slaying one of the murderous mages, she granted
him safe passage from certain death. In return, Ghriz proposed
the most straight-forward, orcish deal he could think of to
repay her - the next ten people he killed would be done so in
her name. To his great delight, she agreed, on the condition
that none of her "kids" be part of the body count. By that,
Ghriz made the logical leap that she must have meant anyone
bearing her mark, or associated with the Inn of the Eternal
Star. To further honor the deal, Ghriz means to restrain his
violent urges within the Inn forever. However, elves and their
friends like to hide inside, so it will be a true test of his
resolve to hold to the arrangement.

24496, Ghriz's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

The Mojo Speaks
Added Sun Mar 15 13:52:15 2009 at level 45:

As Ghriz left his bloody youth behind in favor of a gore-filled,
charnel-ridden adulthood, he began to make a name for himself.
The conjurer's attacks had become more infrequent, and eventually
ceased altogether. While he is uncertain as to exactly why, his
paranoia (which is usually spot-on) has him believing that the mage
is planning to deliver a final assault at some point in the near
future, and is just waiting for the right moment. As the fear of
this impending battle festers in the back of Ghriz's crude mind,
he has been driven to pursue his long-dead master's plan of
joining with the Eternal Night. Bearing that in mind, he sought
out his God in a place of great importance to both of them: the
ancient tower of the Masters of the Five Magics.

Though the tower will stand forever, it is bereft of the power it
once held. Much like Ghriz, it yearns to be filled with magic.
It was there that Twist, the Great God of the Mojo, revealed
himself. Ghriz was awestruck. He quickly popped a pill, allowing
him to see the God's magical aura, which was so unbelievably
mighty that, for a moment, Ghriz was in a complete, blissful
stupor. The resulting drool was seemingly passed off by the
disdainful God as merely an orcish trait, for he said nothing of
it. However, when Ghriz lunged to lick his boots he broke his
silence with a cutting insult, or two.

Throughout the conversation, Ghriz struggled to impress his worth
upon his God. He had little-to-no magic within him, and so it was
only his devotion he had to barter with. In the end, his orcish
cunning managed to sniff out some manner of a deal...the plan was

Ghriz would find a way into the Scion's favor. But, since Twist
despised their order, the condition was that he must, at some
point, attempt to destroy the Ccul'gra on their home plane. How
this would be done is far beyond Ghriz at this time. Perhaps it
was with that in mind that Twist proclaimed he would grant him
the mind of a human if he succeeded in infiltrating the Scions.
If and when Ghriz manages to gain a toehold, he intends to
learn as much as possible about the shadows - like any orc, he
wants to manipulate the situation to his advantage as much as
possible. He's not terribly keen on the notion of destroying the
Ccul'gra, as he has essentially had their essence within him
all of his life. However, never has there been a more willing
thrall to a God than Ghriz is to Twist, and so he will do all
that is asked if only to gaze once again at the spirit of the

24498, Ghriz's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Added Fri Mar 6 15:58:42 2009 at level 33:

We know our dear, freakish orc has a thing for magic. He just
can't help himself - he wants to be near it, see it, touch it,
taste it, and ultimately devour it. He's a willing slave to it.
How exactly has this manifested? Aside from making a point to
drink the blood of every mage he kills, elf or otherwise, he
tends to keep a large stock of enchanted trinkets in his immense
orcish stomach. The rather unprecedented magical gruel generates
odd, unpredictable effects ranging from explosive gas (literally)
to the occasional frog leaping unexpectedly from his mouth. It
all adds to his conviction that he might one day achieve some
measure of arcane talent.

As an aside, Ghriz has become an expert at avoiding the conjurer
who has, at this point, hunted him unsuccessfully for years.
What neither realizes is that there has been a third party
meddling just enough to keep Ghriz alive, and yet remain unknown.

24497, Ghriz's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

A Lesson in Commitment
Added Mon Mar 9 01:25:40 2009 at level 35:

Whilst hot on the trail of a shapeshifting wizard name Calendris,
Ghriz came upon his prey at the Inn of the Eternal Star. They had
already drawn each other's blood and Ghriz intended to finish the
job. He shouted a challenge, threatening to hunt the wizard and
his companions unless he answered it. As Calendris' form returned
from that of a muscular, nimble bobcat, Ghriz believed he was going
to magically whisk himself away. In an instant his bloodlust drove
any notion of restraint away and he charged. Calendris fell in a
pile of lifeless, twitching gore. Before the echo of his dying
scream had subsided, Ghriz had fled the scene.

He got his man, and while the adrenalin was still surging through
him, that was enough. But, a wretched feeling was slowly creeping
over him; remorse. Not for the life of the mage, but for abandoning
his plan to keep violence away from the Eternal Star in honor of

Realizing that making a mere internal vow was not enough to keep
his savage instincts in check, Ghriz has learned that an orcish
contract must be scribed in blood, bound with threats, and sealed
with pain. He will apply this knowledge to himself, and wherever
else a bargain needs to be made.

24482, Ghriz's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding0
Experience from Skill improvements8419
Experience from Exploration4300
Experience from Quests15700
Experience from Commerce5315

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Sat Feb 14 19:22:18 2009
Quests Completed  14
Exploration Points Found  17
Bonus Experience from Immortals  4700
(WANTED) Criminal  0 times
% of lifetime in the wilderness  41 %
% of lifetime in the cities  7 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  3 %
24495, Ghriz's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Payment in Full
Added Tue Mar 24 19:25:56 2009 at level 50:

Having labored long and hard to fulfill his end of the bargain,
Ghriz took ten lives and did so in the name of Iunna. Having an
orc waving the banner of the Navigators, even if just for a while,
may have some consequences for those who follow Her teachings.
But, Ghriz doesn't care much about publicity.

Etched crudely upon the flat of his favored axe's blade is the

| |
| Kurumin - Smelly |
| Calendris x 2 - Cause one is never enough |
| Gurluxks - Chewy |
| Poluikanthik - Like chickenses |
| Mrrowler - Hungry again after 30 minutses |
| Kroko - Made Ghriz have hairball |
| Moopsie - Taste just like Mrrowler, but worse gas |
| Daede - Best elf earses EVER |
| |

24494, Ghriz's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Fri Feb 20 15:24:04 2009 by 'An Immortal' at level 20 (29 hrs):
An Immortal added 2000 exp for: Role - He has been infused with the essence of a dragon from the shadow realm. Raised by a drow wizard, he speaks well and knows much of magic.

Wed Feb 25 13:13:23 2009 by 'An Immortal' at level 27 (49 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Update, well written, we like Twist

Thu Feb 26 21:45:10 2009 by 'Iunna' at level 29 (53 hrs):
Praying for Twist.

Wed Mar 4 12:16:06 2009 by 'An Immortal' at level 29 (57 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: For same some awesome stuff last night about mukmuk and Grawshen, and sadly he didn't get credit because his pfile got busted.

Thu Mar 5 19:03:10 2009 by 'Iunna' at level 33 (66 hrs):
He's killing the next 10 people in my name for rescuing him from Thar-Acacia.

Fri Mar 6 16:34:59 2009 by 'An Immortal' at level 33 (70 hrs):
An Immortal added 1000 exp for: Nice little chat in the old Master tower. He's going to infiltrate Scion and destroy it from the inside for me. Yeah. We'll see about that. Heh.

Mon Mar 9 16:52:51 2009 by 'An Immortal' at level 35 (80 hrs):
An Immortal added 800 exp for: Some nice role updates about Iunna, mage hunting, and devouring magic in general.

24493, Ghriz's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  20
Total PK Assists  7
Average Group Size Per Kill  1.48

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Self-Reliant

Average Group Size Per Death  1.22

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Murdered By The Self-Reliant

24492, Ghriz's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  20 (3 at level 50)
Total PK Losses  9
Total Mob Deaths  5

PK Wins by Class
VS. warrior  5
VS. ranger  2
VS. invoker  1
VS. conjurer  4
VS. shapeshifter  8

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  19

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  13
VS. Neutral  4
VS. Evil  3

PK Deaths by Class
VS. thief  1
VS. warrior  3
VS. paladin  2
VS. ranger  2
VS. shapeshifter  1

PK Deaths by Cabal
VS. None  3

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  5
VS. Neutral  1
VS. Evil  3
24491, Ghriz's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 32savage feeding100%
Level 33offhand grapple75%
Level 34fashion war banner83%
Level 35trample80%
Level 35enslave82%
Level 35soot ritual81%
Level 36bully100%
Level 38blood ritual81%
Level 39track prey1%
Level 40desecration75%
Level 40set snares81%
Level 43sanguine adaptation75%
Level 45fetish81%
Level 48dash75%
Level 48gravesleep76%
Level 50overrun75%
Level 51assemble horde1%
Level 51demand tribute1%
Level 51rally forces1%
24490, Ghriz's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1axe100%
Level 1dagger86%
Level 1flail89%
Level 1mace96%
Level 1polearm96%
Level 1spear90%
Level 1sword100%
Level 1whip79%
Level 1enhanced damage100%
Level 1hand to hand94%
Level 1recall100%
Level 2dirt kicking77%
Level 2improved compare92%
Level 2improved consider76%
Level 2elbow1%
Level 3knee1%
Level 3metal armor use69%
Level 4kick71%
Level 5trip100%
Level 5fast healing97%
Level 5forced march82%
Level 6berserk95%
Level 6parry96%
Level 7fallback82%
Level 7bone armor use63%
Level 8aim71%
Level 8scavenging67%
Level 9cheap shot91%
Level 10second attack100%
Level 10warcry94%
Level 11inspect goods1%
Level 12light armor use71%
Level 14hide100%
Level 15bash100%
Level 15dual wield100%
Level 15exsanguinate87%
Level 16dodge83%
Level 17thrust73%
Level 18butcher90%
Level 19toughness100%
Level 19slice70%
Level 20third attack95%
Level 20shield cleave89%
Level 20headbutt78%
Level 20pen66%
Level 21charge65%
Level 22bloodletting63%
Level 23crushing assault100%
Level 24lash65%
Level 25steal75%
Level 25bloodsteep75%
Level 26war shout76%
Level 26evade1%
Level 27spinebreaker93%
Level 28last stand75%
Level 29opportunity strike1%
Level 29ingest spoils88%
Level 29regurgitate65%
Level 30demoralize78%
Level 30grapple weapon81%
Level 31pin75%
24489, Ghriz's Title History
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Title History

Sat Mar 7 14:13:47 2009, level 33 (74 hrs):
Ghriz Blackeye the Berserker of Certain Doom

24488, Ghriz's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Feb 24, 2009|Lv 27|The Inn of the Eternal Star|Grjacoyr vs 1: Ghriz (100%,KB)
Feb 25, 2009|Lv 27|South Dairein Settlement|Dedanaan vs 1: Ghriz (100%,KB)
Feb 25, 2009|Lv 27|The Citadel of Ostalagiah|Gurluxks vs 3: Ghriz (38%), Khrayst (47%, KB), Krisa (14%)
Feb 27, 2009|Lv 29|Hidden Forest|Hojo vs 1: Ghriz (100%,KB)
Mar 4, 2009 |Lv 29|The Drogran Hills|Lygram vs 1: Ghriz (100%,KB)
Mar 5, 2009 |Lv 33|The North Road|Taliones vs 1: Ghriz (100%,KB)
Mar 6, 2009 |Lv 33|The Temple of the Divine|Lygram vs 1: Ghriz (100%,KB)
Mar 6, 2009 |Lv 33|Outskirts of Galadon|Kurumim vs 1: Ghriz (100%,KB)
Mar 8, 2009 |Lv 35|South Sutherspring Road|Katula vs 2: Ghriz (100%,KB), Anglarctana (0%)
Mar 9, 2009 |Lv 35|Arial City|Mibbio vs 1: Ghriz (100%,KB)
Mar 9, 2009 |Lv 35|The Inn of the Eternal Star|Calendris vs 1: Ghriz (100%,KB)
Mar 10, 2009|Lv 36|Outskirts of Galadon|Gurluxks vs 2: Ghriz (37%,KB), Igleshta (62%)
Mar 10, 2009|Lv 36|Voralian City|Poluikanthik vs 1: Ghriz (100%,KB)
Mar 10, 2009|Lv 36|The Tower of Sorcery|Calendris vs 1: Ghriz (100%,KB)
Mar 11, 2009|Lv 36|Galadon|Mrrowler vs 1: Ghriz (100%,KB)
Mar 11, 2009|Lv 36|South Sutherspring Road|Kroko vs 1: Ghriz (100%,KB)
Mar 11, 2009|Lv 39|Village of Mal'trakis|Moopsie vs 1: Ghriz (100%,KB)
Mar 11, 2009|Lv 40|Organia, the Veil of Shadow|Moopsie vs 3: Caztor (54%,KB), Daakonos (7%), Ghriz (38%)
Mar 11, 2009|Lv 40|Organia, the Veil of Shadow|Calendris vs 3: Caztor (71%,KB), Daakonos (2%), Ghriz (25%)
Mar 12, 2009|Lv 43|The Ashes of NoWhere|Samosette vs 2: Ghriz (9%,KB), Borkahd (90%)
Mar 15, 2009|Lv 45|Moudrilar's Monastery|Malnch vs 2: Ghriz (18%), Katula (81%, KB)
Mar 15, 2009|Lv 45|Galadon|Kalardi vs 2: Ghriz (27%), Katula (72%, KB)
Mar 20, 2009|Lv 49|Galadon|Calue vs 2: Anasu (44%,KB), Ghriz (55%)
Mar 22, 2009|Lv 50|Outskirts of Galadon|Daede vs 1: Ghriz (100%,KB)
Mar 25, 2009|Lv 50|Mount Kiadana-Rah|Sirfalas vs 1: Ghriz (100%,KB)
Mar 26, 2009|Lv 50|Outskirts of Galadon|Siko vs 2: Ghriz (51%), Jieloeud (48%, KB)
Mar 27, 2009|Lv 50|The Shadow Grove|Daerni vs 1: Ghriz (100%,KB)
24487, Ghriz's PK Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Deaths

Feb 23, 2009|Lv 25|The Eastern Road|vs 1: Gurluxks (100%,KB)
Mar 4, 2009 |Lv 29|Bramblefield Road|vs 1: Kurumim (100%,KB)
Mar 10, 2009|Lv 36|Voralian City|vs 1: Malnch (100%,KB)
Mar 15, 2009|Lv 45|Eaststride Road|vs 1: Kasir (100%,KB)
Mar 19, 2009|Lv 48|Bramblefield Road|vs 3: Sarien (38%,KB), Lortas (52%), Humbert (8%)
Mar 21, 2009|Lv 50|Ysigrath|vs 1: Sirfalas (100%,KB)
Mar 21, 2009|Lv 50|The Imperial Lands|vs 1: Sarien (100%,KB)
Mar 29, 2009|Lv 50|Voralian City|vs 1: Calue (100%,KB)
Mar 29, 2009|Lv 50|Grinning Skull Village|vs 1: Malnch (100%,KB)
24486, Ghriz's Leveling
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Leveling History

Feb 15, 2009|Lv 2 |Hr 1 |
Feb 15, 2009|Lv 3 |Hr 1 |
Feb 15, 2009|Lv 4 |Hr 1 |
Feb 15, 2009|Lv 5 |Hr 1 |
Feb 15, 2009|Lv 6 |Hr 3 |
Feb 15, 2009|Lv 7 |Hr 3 |
Feb 15, 2009|Lv 8 |Hr 3 |
Feb 15, 2009|Lv 9 |Hr 3 |
Feb 15, 2009|Lv 10|Hr 4 |
Feb 15, 2009|Lv 11|Hr 5 |
Feb 15, 2009|Lv 12|Hr 5 |8 Vundt, 9 Denmore,
Feb 17, 2009|Lv 13|Hr 10 |
Feb 18, 2009|Lv 14|Hr 18 |
Feb 18, 2009|Lv 15|Hr 19 |16 Volgrath,
Feb 19, 2009|Lv 16|Hr 23 |
Feb 19, 2009|Lv 17|Hr 24 |
Feb 19, 2009|Lv 18|Hr 25 |
Feb 19, 2009|Lv 19|Hr 27 |20 Tameron, 20 Deremgar,
Feb 19, 2009|Lv 20|Hr 27 |21 Tameron, 20 Deremgar,
Feb 20, 2009|Lv 21|Hr 30 |21 Pacopaklclop, 17 Lysitxiitra,
Feb 20, 2009|Lv 22|Hr 30 |22 Pacopaklclop, 18 Lysitxiitra,
Feb 21, 2009|Lv 23|Hr 33 |22 Pacopaklclop, 11 Mumulok,
Feb 21, 2009|Lv 24|Hr 33 |23 Pacopaklclop, 14 Mumulok,
Feb 22, 2009|Lv 25|Hr 37 |
Feb 23, 2009|Lv 26|Hr 43 |24 Pacopaklclop, 21 Chidan,
Feb 23, 2009|Lv 27|Hr 43 |26 Pacopaklclop, 22 Chidan,
Feb 26, 2009|Lv 28|Hr 51 |27 Ibobade, 24 Zetterick,
Feb 26, 2009|Lv 29|Hr 52 |28 Ibobade, 25 Zetterick,
Mar 4, 2009 |Lv 30|Hr 61 |30 Pacopaklclop,
Mar 5, 2009 |Lv 31|Hr 62 |38 Katula, 39 Nanthka,
Mar 5, 2009 |Lv 32|Hr 63 |39 Katula, 39 Nanthka,
Mar 5, 2009 |Lv 33|Hr 63 |39 Katula, 40 Nanthka,
Mar 8, 2009 |Lv 34|Hr 76 |40 Katula, 33 Anasu,
Mar 8, 2009 |Lv 35|Hr 77 |34 Anasu, 40 Katula,
Mar 10, 2009|Lv 36|Hr 84 |37 Igleshta, 43 Katula,
Mar 11, 2009|Lv 37|Hr 90 |45 Firbuhr, 43 Katula,
Mar 11, 2009|Lv 38|Hr 90 |45 Firbuhr, 44 Katula,
Mar 11, 2009|Lv 39|Hr 94 |38 Golgorath, 35 Hurazkar,
Mar 11, 2009|Lv 40|Hr 97 |44 Caztor, 36 Daakonos,
Mar 11, 2009|Lv 41|Hr 99 |45 Katula, 37 Daakonos,
Mar 12, 2009|Lv 42|Hr 104|37 Belquixa, 37 Pteecheemo,
Mar 12, 2009|Lv 43|Hr 105|38 Belquixa, 37 Pteecheemo,
Mar 13, 2009|Lv 44|Hr 112|47 Mizheng, 48 Caztor,
Mar 14, 2009|Lv 45|Hr 116|40 Hylvria, 48 Mizheng,
Mar 17, 2009|Lv 46|Hr 129|48 Katula, 51 Flaire,
Mar 17, 2009|Lv 47|Hr 131|47 Dracmael, 46 Daakonos,
Mar 17, 2009|Lv 48|Hr 132|51 Tameron, 47 Daakonos,
Mar 20, 2009|Lv 49|Hr 143|51 Flaire, 48 Jerjerbei, 47 Anasu,
Mar 20, 2009|Lv 50|Hr 145|46 Bashibuzuk,
24485, Ghriz's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Thu Feb 19 21:06:04 2009 at level 20 (26 hrs):
Ghriz advanced to level 20 <PK: 0-0>

Wed Mar 4 17:02:14 2009 at level 30 (60 hrs):
Ghriz advanced to level 30 <PK: 4-2>

Mon Mar 9 01:46:22 2009 at level 35 (78 hrs):
Ghriz moved to Goblin Village

Tue Mar 10 23:03:24 2009 at level 36 (86 hrs):
Ghriz moved to Grinning Skull Village

Wed Mar 11 21:56:34 2009 at level 40 (95 hrs):
Ghriz advanced to level 40 <PK: 16-3>

Sun Mar 29 14:34:38 2009 at level 50 (167 hrs):
Hero Delete

24484, Ghriz's Mob Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Mob Deaths

Feb 23, 2009|Lv 27|Grinning Skull Village|an orc brute by chop
Mar 6, 2009 |Lv 33|The Keep of Barovia|a gargoyle by smash
Mar 13, 2009|Lv 43|The Talshidar Caves|Zalthilus by wild overhead attack
Mar 22, 2009|Lv 50|Thar-Acacia|a gray wolf by bite
24483, Ghriz's Edges
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Apt Learner
Opportunistic Carnivore
Battle Tested
Thick Veined