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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subject[None] Liluthiyan Tyranea the Tempestuous Soul of Passion
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=24452
24452, [None] Liluthiyan Tyranea the Tempestuous Soul of Passion
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Liluthiyan Tyranea the Tempestuous Soul of Passion


A braided bun of jet-black curls crowns this slim elven maiden. Long limbs,
tight with slender muscles and sinews flash as she whispers through her
surroundings on silent, dainty feet. Her glittering azure eyes drink in
everything: the terrain, the light, the dark, and any living thing that
crosses her path with a cold intelligence as they dart to and fro, framed by
thick, dark lashes. A few strands of raven hair, freed of the braids and
leather cords, dance about her pale face. She is a classic elven beauty: high
cheekbones (only one small, diagonal pink scar looks out of place), delicate
nose, thin crimson lips, pointed chin and prominent, sharply-pointed ears.
Her complexion is like fine pearls. She carries herself with instinctive
grace, as she restlessly roams the land, dodges and whirls in battle. A tight
vest of hard leather cut high protects her torso and reveals the slight
swelling of her chest, and exposes her toned, lithe belly, marred by one
shallow, star-shaped scar. Form-fitting leather breeches hug her slender hips
and muscled thighs, then meet well-worn soft leather slippers. A small
assortment of random lightweight weapons (all of elvish make and
well-maintained) are tucked into her belt, four tiny daggers rest in a
bandolier strapped across her chest and left shoulder.


Practices10Trains1HometownOpen Plains
Exp586900To Level27100SpherePassion
Age mature, 473 years old (209 hours)
Hit Points843Mana673Movement916
Carry #0/37Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
24480, Liluthiyan's Role Chapter 12
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 12

I was told...
Added Sat Jun 14 20:36:57 2008 at level 1:

I was told many things, as a girl. They told me what I was, what was expected
of me, and how I would act. They told me to walk straight and elegant, to sit
still and proper, to speak softly and rarely, to flutter my eyelashes
demurely, to avert my gaze. They told me to say "Yes, of course my lord" and
"How do you do, young master? It is an honor and a pleasure to make you and
your father's acquaintance" and "You must ask my father". They told me to
respect and, more importantly, to obey. They told me I would learn what is
fitting for a woman to learn, I would grow into a lady, I would wed, I would
serve my husband, I would bear children. Then I would be blessed: by family,
by society, by my master, by the very Light: finally, as a good woman.

A parent's, an elder's dreams do sometimes go unfulfilled. Their wishes and
visions of the future vanish silently, withered by a lover's glance, are
strangled by clutching hands and desperate kisses: their commands, their
laws, their authority are knocked down and shattered by the pounding beats,
the writhing of a rebellious heart.

I do not sit like a lady. I do not shut my pretty mouth to hide questions or
challenges. I do not obey. Witness me as I am: the wild, the disobedient, the
shrewd, the strong, the weak, the lustful, the enraged, the proud, the free

24479, Liluthiyan's Role Chapter 11
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 11

Memories- An Early Battle
Added Sat Jun 14 20:39:20 2008 at level 1:

There are so many snatches of time and life that stay with you, even through
so many years... so many hardships...

Two elven youths are wrestling in the dust beneath one of the huge mallorn
trees, while three others watch on. The two combatants, one tow-headed, the
other raven wrestle desperately, their grunts and cries soft in the still,
warm air of Darsylon. The three observers are three young, blonde elven
maidens. They feign disinterest, but they are whispering words of
encouragement to one, words of childhood spite at the other in fierce
murmurs. They eye each other. They are all in agreement. They support the
good and right one. They are good girls.

In a flash of movement, the skinny, black-haired fighter wriggles free of the
other's headlock, flips around and with a quick jerk, bashes his head into an
exposed root then jumps on top of him, while he's dazed, and flails at him
with earnest blows to the chest and face with tiny fists. The blonde boy
suddenly dodges a punch, jerks his assailant's fist past his head, into the
dirt and with the other hand reaches up and grabs a handful of hair at the
back of his opponent's head. He pulls hard, his opponent flies backward with
a howl, and he gives a savage headbutt to the chest, and his foe falls
backward, windless.

He stands up, gazes for a moment at the handful of glossy black hair and the
blue string clutched in his sweaty hand, then crumples as a foot crushes his
ankle with it's heel. His blonde head thuds against the hard-packed ground,
his eyes roll back, and he is unconscious. His foe rises, one hand at her
bloody nose, the other gingerly fingering a section of her scalp, as her
long, black hair cascades down her shoulders and back, torn free of its

One of the spectators says something soft and cutting with her Darsylonian
lilt and her venomous tongue. "Ishnu salubor indred ahtielo, Liluthiyan." The
second smirks. The third puts a delicate hand to her mouth, hiding a smile
and a giggle.

The little warrior's eyes flash as she strides to stand face-to-face with the
taller girl. In an even, clear voice she says "Cooshee parrdua". Her hand
flies, an open-handed slap across the bitch's face. The two girls gasp as
their leader softly sobs. The little warrior walks daintily to the river. Her
opponent snorts and moans as he comes to, then wipes the blood and dust from
his face.

24467, Liluthiyan's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  7
Total PK Assists  9
Average Group Size Per Kill  2.44

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Super-Ganky

Average Group Size Per Death  1.40

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Murdered By The Self-Reliant

24478, Liluthiyan's Role Chapter 10
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 10

Memories- Daddy's Girl
Added Sat Jun 14 20:40:58 2008 at level 1:

He looked down at the little sprite gazing up him adoringly, tugging on a
corner of his tunic peeking out from his elite guardsman's armor. He sheathed
his swords and grinned as he ruffled her mess of curly black hair, and hefted
her up onto his shoulder. "Now Lily. You must help Daddy stand watch, and
protect everyone. Will you do this?" "Of course, Daddy!" his daughter
chirped, and threw her arms about his helmed head. "Very well. Now, do you
see any.... ORCS?" and gave her a savage tickling. "NO, DADDY! NO!" she
exploded with laughter and wriggled. "Good! Do your sharp eyes see any...
DROW?" the tickling and screams of laughter continued. "NO! I DON'T SEE THEM,
DADDY!" As their laughter softened into intermittent chuckles and giggles,
Lludaneth's green eyes twinkled. "Lily, you've performed excellently in the
service of Darsylon. However, we need you to scout once more for us. I'm not
tall enough to see any fire giants coming from afar off...". Their happy
laughter rang through the trees as he flipped her into the air, father and
daughter playing their favorite game.


Lludaneth's hand flew to his scabbard, he whipped around and saw an impish
grin on the face of his daughter, her hand caught on his sword-pommel.
"Daddy, teach me how to fight and be a guard, like you." His eyes softened
and he hugged her close. "Of course I'll teach you, my darling one. No man or
woman has an excuse to be powerless, defenseless against danger." He bent
over and pulled a dagger from his boot, then took his daughter's hand and
closed her fingers around the slender handle. He smiled benevolently,
patronizingly at his daughter's frown and questioning eyes. "I want to use
your sword, like you do. I want a big weapon to protect me and fight the bad
guys." "Perhaps when you are older, and stronger. You can train with the
shortsword then. For now, the dagger suits your little hand and arm best."
The girl stood, frowning down at the dagger in her hand.


The temple was draped in white sashes and streamers, and rang with
harp-music. The guests stood in two groups, the aisle between them stretching
forward to the altar, the priest, to Captain Alliendor'tan. Her blue eyes
brimmed, her elbows and knees quivered in the beautiful, filmy white gown
that was so bright and adorned with lacy frills, it made the small swell of
her abdomen disappear, except for the very sharpest eyes and sharper tongues
among the guests. Her pleading eyes beseeched him for aid, "Daddy, I don't
love him. I'm scared. Help me, Daddy" she choked on her whisper. The bouquet
of white lillies trembled in her hands, the thick, sweet scent surrounded
her, made her feel faint. Her father's eyes were cold and grave, "I love you
as my own soul, my darling, but I cannot help you now." He remembered the
curly-headed sprite tugging at his tunic. He remembers her napping on the
catwalks high above the city, curled at his feet or in his arms as he kept
watch in the heat of summer afternoons. He remembers guiding those little
arms and feet in stabs, jabs, and dodges. He remembers swinging a wooden
sword so softly. He remembers her first parry. His heart is being pulled
apart by two dragons, but he does not lose his composure, he does not weep.
"I cannot help you now. This is what we have to do." He too

24477, Liluthiyan's Role Chapter 9
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 9

A Proper Lady
Added Sat Jun 14 20:42:16 2008 at level 1:

It didn't faze her at all: Mother sat there with the sad, empty smile she'd
worn for all of Liluthiyan's life and longer. "You are your father's
daughter. I always did hope we could make a lady out of you. Some endeavors
are destined to fail, I suppose. Perhaps if he had given me some sort of
help..." She picked a small pear out of the fruit bowl on the table between
them, scratched a soft spot out with her fingernail, and proffered it to her
shaking, teary-eyed daughter. "Do eat this, my dear. You'll need to keep your
strength up. Your father has told me about your Captain's offer. We will be
able to avoid the scandal and the grave inconvenience and embarassment..."

Mother spoke at length. Her words drilled into her daughter's head, finally
listening. There was no room for disobedience this time. Their relatives were
rising very swiftly among the temple ranks of Darsylon, and her cousin was in
line for an important acolyte's position with the High Priest of the Sun
himself. This sort of stain would easily allow another to maneuver in. There
was no questioning. She would fix this problem she made with her loose legs
and whorish heart by submitting herself to her Captain. He had tailed and
discovered them, she and Ylarnaus. They had been careless. She, defiant to
the Captain, he always eager to have her as his scouting partner. He found
them, saw their naked bodies through the hastily-constructed camp's
camoflauge. He had cast her lover out of the service. Now he would have her.
Lily's heart shivered as she lay here head down upon the table, numb and deaf
to her mother's carefully controlled droning.

24476, Liluthiyan's Role Chapter 8
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 8

Added Sat Jun 14 20:43:52 2008 at level 1:

Submit, she did. Daddy's little warrior, the tomboy, the incorrigible one.
The Captain gave harsh orders and kept vigil over her activities all through
the day, and was merciless in their home at night tearing her with words,
forcing himself upon her, speaking of his superiority, his mercy in rescuing
her family, her status as property, his desire for a strong son, once the
bastard was born. He mused on what to do with the bastard: smother it and
claim a stillbirth, send it away to Evermoon Hollow, keep it locked within
the house, bring it to the barracks and work it as a slave.

Her heart was breaking. One day Alliendor'tan was dispatched on a covert
sortie, and had no time in the rush to prepare and move out to post a guard
at his house, to watch over his radiant, vulnerable pregnant wife, his tender
love. He had dictated some weeks before that she rest and had barred her from
her patrols and drills at the barracks, being no fool and not wishing to have
her overexert herself and be harmed while carrying the bastard in these last
months, or during childbirth and destroying his hopes for a son. She prayed
every day and night at the hearth to the goddess Amaranthe for help, for
healing, for peace, for a healthy child, for protection against the
possessive male fist, the cruel male lips and tongue.

She put on her scouting outfit, though her vest creased visibly over her
swollen belly. Ylarnaus was at the northern edge of the city, just in the
trees. They camped on the lowest slopes of Calandaryl, surely safe from any
sharp, prying Darsylonian eyes. She made sure he made the camp properly,
skillfully this time. She was reunited with her lover, and those warm,
tearful, sweet, painful minutes are ones that she has savored for so many,
many years, as she thinks back: about herself. About him. About the child.
About how she thinks she may have actually loved him, but cannot fathom why

As the love-sweat cooled on their naked skin, they held each other. He
tenderly felt her swell, his child. They whispered of escape, together. The
next hours and days after those minutes are a red blur, memories that make
her heart tremble and her throat scream and sob. The ancient steel lance
plunging through the foliage, into his skull: Ylarnaus' wide eyes, how his
jaw opened and closed once, twice, then no more as the blood poured
pitilessly. The hollow face of the dead one, and the dark, leering figure
nearby. The bursting star of pain inside her. The mage's black words. A fist
rapping Ylarnaus' chest. Her dead lover rising, fixing his dead, white eyes
upon her. Running, naked, bleeding through the trees, collapsing into the
sentinel's arms. Waking in her bed, empty. The priest and the guards, the
priest's mouth slowly making words. Stillbirth. Scarred womb. Wincing as she
dressed in the still of the night. Slipping through the city, keeping to the
shadows. Creeping across the catwalk her father used to guard, that they
would play at on so many sunny afternoons, melting into the tall grass and
shadows of the vale...

24475, Liluthiyan's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

A Rebellious Heart
Added Sat Jun 14 20:45:19 2008 at level 1:

Liluthiyan is a strong woman with a profound sense of equality and
self-worth. She grew up believing in her own ability, that she was equal
(now, that she is far superior) to any man, and could perform any job or role
that she wished, be they traditionally male or no. She was a curious, strong,
and wild child who adored and looked up to her father very much, especially
his strength and conviction to do right and perform his duty, his martial
skill, and his reciprocated love. She lost faith in him, her closest friend,
her staunchest ally, her sturdiest pillar of support and defense when he did
not stand in the way of her forced marriage to hide the family's shame, keep
his post, and avoid shunning by his wife's family (who also chafed under
their arranged marriage, the two being estranged from each other in the same
house for hundreds of years). She is a passionate woman who enjoys men and
physical love very much, though now after her escape from her husband and
from the confines of Darsylonian society, she has become bitter toward them
over the long years and her lonely travels. Her father quailed before her
mother's bland face and destructive insistence on adherence and obedience,
her lover got himself killed like a fool in a dangerous place, when they
could have picked any little forest instead of the deadly sides of
Calandaryl, and finally her husband: a picture of arrogance, cruelty, and
patriarchial control.

She is bitter toward society: how it is strongly patriarchal, and denies or
even punishes women that dare to dream or reach for more than a subservient
role, and how it stratifies all women and men, dragging so many into
positions of lowliness and weakness, positions of inferiority and obedience
to a small group of idle, cruel, greedy, scheming elite. Her father was cowed
by them, her husband was a member of them, and it was their dusty customs and
rules that made her suffer as different: for not acting as the other girls,
for studying the warrior's trade, for not officially entering the marriage
market as a debutante, etc.

She has wandered the roads, the wild places as a free, unrestrained woman.
She has loved with her body some men she has passed by on the road, and
received pleasure from some beautiful partners, loved one slender mage for
his razor-sharp intellect and wit with her mind also, but has never loved any
of them with her heart. She could only love a man strong, and free as her.
But how could she trust a man to meet her as a free, unique woman, and
recognize and celebrate her otherness to him, and open herself to love him
without fearing that he would try to own and chain her?

24474, Liluthiyan's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

... continued ...
Added Sat Jun 14 20:46:36 2008 at level 1:

Liluthiyan doesn't see much point in interacting with a vast majority of the
common people and other races in Thera, so many being dull servants of the
status quo, so many having their own disgusting, man-controlled cultures, so
many being slow and weak of mind, foot, and arm, and with so many being so
freakish and ugly, always standing in awe and gushing at her endlessly about
her grace and beauty. Save the trite songs of clumsy bards: the firstborn
know what they are. She still holds to the deep cultural duty of
enlightenment and protection for the other races, though her quick ire with
the young one's dull wits leads her to often act brusquely with them, like an
angry or impatient mother. She is wary of other elves with ties to Darsylon,
in case they know or report her to her Alliendor'tan, in case they look down
on her as a loose-legged whore, as something less than a worthy elven person,
as a foolish woman who has forgotten her place. However, she knows that her
best chance for allies and equals would be one of her own.

She prays to two goddesses: the Witch of the Great Cycle, Amaranthe, whom she
prayed and made offerings to when pregnant for a strong, healthy child,
during the dark nights for domestic peace and power over her cruel husband,
for the spirit of her dead love, and now for the blessing of the great female
spirit: for safety and strength to remain an unfettered, disobedient, free
in case they know or report her to her Alliendor'tan, in case they look down
on her as a loose-legged whore, as something less than a worthy elven person,
as a foolish woman who has forgotten her place. However, she knows that her
best chance for allies and equals would be one of her own.

She prays to two goddesses: the Witch of the Great Cycle, Amaranthe, whom she
prayed and made offerings to when pregnant for a strong, healthy child,
during the dark nights for domestic peace and power over her cruel husband,
for the spirit of her dead love, and now for the blessing of the great female
spirit: for safety and strength to remain an unfettered, disobedient, free
while pregnant, to be tied to a provider and a home for a child. She is more
than happy to take her rage and sadness built up from the past out on
necromancers and undead.

She also admires and pays praise to the goddess Baerinika, whose story
inspired her as a tiny girl to find and develop her strength, to fight for
what she believes in and loves. She looks upon Baerinika's "barbarity" as an
emminently admirable trait: a willingness to fight and do what needs to be
done no matter how hard, bloody, and savage. Liluthiyan is willing to fight
like that for her own freedom, to bring about a group, a world of free,
self-reliant, proud women. She is willing to fight and die to remain free to
live and love as she pleases. To go back to the rules and social mores of
Darsylon would crush her spirit and break her heart. She has proven the
courage to strike out on her own and thrive without society, without a
husband. She will keep doing so with the goddess's blessings.

When all is said and done, Liluthiyan is a beautiful, brilliant, cynical,
bitter, mentally and physically strong, arrogant, emotionally unstable and
vulnerable, wary, analytical, injured, fiercely independent woman.

24473, Liluthiyan's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

A Place in the Tree and a Betrayal
Added Sat Jun 21 09:41:49 2008 at level 24:

After running alone under the skies, the spreading boughs, the stars and moon
for years, Liluthiyan found a friend. She had a child's beauty, obvious
strength, and a refreshing simplicity: her name was Macha, the Sunwarden of
the Outlanders of Thar-Eris. Liluthiyan had heard of these wild fighters,
these outlaws, these free spirits from more than a few fellow wanderers she
had met on the roads, in the plains, on the forest paths (one senile old
human druid in particular, crazy and pathetic and male though he had been,
Liluthiyan had taken pity on him and allowed him the pleasure of her company.
And she had shared his food. He had spoken to her of the Ancients, of how the
Great Mother slept in pain and fitful slumbers. He had touched his fingertips
to her ears and claimed she would hear their whispers now. She had promptly

Liluthiyan was thrilled to meet a living legend, a heroine. She was inspired
by the elder elven woman's strength and commitment, her quiet courage, her
confidence, and by the fact that she had been endowed with wisdom and power
by these Ancients. She was even more thrilled when Macha said her heart was
in the right place, that she was one of them, and brought her within the Tree
of Ages, among the Outlanders. She was initially dazed by the sounds and
sights: so many wild ones of every race singing, yelling, arguing, howling,
whispering, laughing... gnome and felar, arial and human, elf and svirfnebli.
She read the decrees, her fingers sticky with sweet golden sap. She had found
a home and friends, for now at least.

Riding high and heady from her newfound friend, Liluthiyan dropped her guard.
She had fought alongside the Harbinger, Nizidrayt, against the Blood Tribunal
on the streets of Galadon, the gates of the Spire, while the Emperor Kostyan
harassed the svirfnebli: but they had won the day, falling the Captain of the
Special Guards with flame and ice, and quick dagger-strokes. She had relaxed,
and traveled with a male cloud giant, then a male gnome named Toril who also
was seeking a branch in the Tree. Soon, the little gnome was traveling with
another shapeshifter mage, and invited Liluthiyan along.

What a naive, trusting fool she had been again. The gnome said he did not
know... it had to be a cunning lie. Gnomes are sharper and wiser than to not
know or guess what path their colleagues walk. The second magus, Erah, was a
dark soul: she betrayed nothing in her speech or actions, and happily
destroyed the undead beneath Arkham and the trolls in the past without a
word... only a stirring in her heart, moved by the Ancients of Summer showed
her the truth, showed her what the mage really was.

Liluthiyan's trust is betrayed once again. She will be very careful with it
once again. Even with fellow Outlanders.

24472, Liluthiyan's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

A Blessing
Added Sat Jun 21 09:42:29 2008 at level 24:

It could only have been a blessing from Amaranthe herself, to strengthen and
encourage her lonely daughter: a small woman named Leenalee, a gnomish woman
warrior at the pinnacle of the guild, freely gave to Liluthiyan rare and
powerful weapons and armor until she was outfitted as well or better than any
hero of the realms. The gnome could not really say why she was doing it, and
Liluthiyan took it for and obviously divine blessing. She is planning to
visit the holy Temple of the Goddess' coven near the amber fields of Aturi
and see if she can speak with the triune Goddess.

Liluthiyan has been musing on her place in the world as a woman, and how
Amaranthe moves within all things, perpetuating the Great Cycle. She is no
child anymore, and her heart has known griefs too heavy to allow her to
whimsically roam the Maiden's fields of delight (as she imagines Macha does)
any longer (though she will lay with a fitting lover in those fields). She is
too bitter (and jealous. And barren) to pretend to Motherhood. With a wry
half-smile, she watches the crows in the trees, on the city battlements,
hopping about the road: perhaps the old Crone will have something to say to

24471, Liluthiyan's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

The Redes
Added Wed Jun 25 00:36:07 2008 at level 38:

Liluthiyan has found another friend on the boughs of the Tree of Ages: the
singer, the brown-robed witch Seyriannia. The two spoke at length getting to
know each other, discussing many things: Seyriannia spoke to her of the Redes
of Fertility, the Seasons, and of Death. The older witch seemed to see facets
of the Maiden within Liluthiyan, something that surprised the younger
woman-warrior. Perhaps it was the heady rush of the company of a sister
elf-kin, the presence of a true witch of the Coven, or perhaps just
Seyriannia's wisdom and nurturing presence that loosened Liluthiyan's tongue
and heart-strings.

Seyriannia brought Liluthiyan to the Temple of the Harvest Moon, and went to
prayer, allowing the aspiring witch to explore, to learn, to reflect. She
wept at the purity and youth, the beauty and lightness of the Maiden, and
felt the pangs of loss and regret as surely as her foes feel dagger-strokes.
She spent most of her time reflecting in the cold chamber of the Crone,
trying to understand, to absorb the tranquil, purposeful wisdom of the place
that wrestled with the grief in her heart. All the while, Seyriannia's words
echoed: that Death is a mystery, a beginning...

24470, Liluthiyan's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Added Thu Jul 3 02:51:15 2008 at level 44:

The young ranger shook the dust from his cloak, kicked the mud from his soft
leather boots. He'd been prowling the plains, hunting and trapping for weeks
now. He was tired of sitting at fires being preached at by paladins, tired of
raw steaks. He'd come south to the Inn for some ale, to enjoy the song, the
dancing, the atmosphere of the Eternal Star. He hefted his tankard gratefully
and chewed on a small, warm loaf of bread. He leaned back in his chair and
stretched, enjoying the warmth of the crowded, smoky room. He took a deep
breath and casually glanced about himself, taking in the movement, the art,
the other patrons.

There she was: like a bolt of lightning at midnight. Hungry blue eyes
outlined with dark kohl piecing him over. Long, lean legs stretched out fully
on top of her table. One hand on her raised left knee, the other hanging down
below her seat, idly twirling a dagger. His heart stopped, his gaze leaped
away. After a few minutes of watching a dwarf bouncer whack the shins of a
drunk and stumbling fire giant with his cudgel, his breathing slowed and he
dared to slowly move his eyes, to look back. Her table was empty.

A whisper of movement. Danger. His hand reached for the sword that was
hanging with his cloak. There she was, sitting opposite him, leaning forward
in her chair, a delicate smirk twisting her lips, a mocking light danced in
her eyes. Her face relaxed into a slight frown. "You're coming with me, boy," she
said. She grabbed his hand, and hauled the mute, bewildered wood-elf out of
the warm Inn into the wild darkness.

24469, Liluthiyan's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Keep Moving
Added Thu Jul 3 02:59:03 2008 at level 44:

It was still dark. Liluthiyan rolled over silently and crouched. His thin
chest rose and fell in rhythm, breaths escaping whisper-soft. A real smile,
small and fleeting, softened her face. He was a beautiful boy. It had been
far too long. Obviously, she preferred skinny, dim boys in the wilderness.
Her smile bent into her familiar, caustic smirk. They're some of the few with
the sense to keep their foolish mouths shut and just listen, just act.

She crawled out of their camouflaged shelter and stretched her lean, naked
body. The cold dew felt good against her feet, the morning's fleeting chill
pricked her skin, galvanized her blood. She scooped up her ball of damp
It was still dark. Liluthiyan rolled over silently and crouched. His thin
chest rose and fell in rhythm, breaths escaping whisper-soft. A real smile,
small and fleeting, softened her face. He was a beautiful boy. It had been
far too long. Obviously, she preferred skinny, dim boys in the wilderness.
Her smile bent into her familiar, caustic smirk. They're some of the few with
the sense to keep their foolish mouths shut and just listen, just act.

She crawled out of their camouflaged shelter and stretched her lean, naked
body. The cold dew felt good against her feet, the morning's fleeting chill
pricked her skin, galvanized her blood. She scooped up her ball of damp
and vanished into the tall grass, while the bruised sky above the mountains
lightened ever more as morning crept toward him.

24468, Liluthiyan's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Wed Jun 18 02:18:48 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 24 (15 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: Nice rp when learning that a member of the group was evil and they had been adventuring for some time.

Sun Jun 22 16:35:44 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 32 (27 hrs):
An Immortal added 1000 exp for: Warm conversation with Seyriannia.

Sun Jun 22 16:57:12 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 32 (28 hrs):
An Immortal added 2000 exp for: Excellent, detailed role about her upbringing, her worship of Amaranthe, her kinship with Outlander, being all female and such, etc.

Wed Jun 25 21:28:59 2008 by 'Daevryn' at level 39 (33 hrs):
Based on the commentary here, seems last name worthy and then some.

Wed Jun 25 23:57:05 2008 by 'Eshval' at level 39 (37 hrs):
'Treat me as the dangerous, wild thing I am.' - Now that's funny.

Fri Jun 27 23:42:59 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 40 (48 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Basic role entry about meeting another of the coven, Seyriannia.

Mon Jun 30 21:51:38 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 44 (65 hrs):
An Immortal added 1000 exp for: For some good answers on the rp front.

Thu Jul 3 02:57:22 2008 by 'Yean' at level 44 (70 hrs):
You can tell this lady's really enjoying her rp, when her behaviour and sentences are so distinct even at 3am, aka the quiet regear hour.

Sat Jul 5 04:37:27 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 47 (87 hrs):
An Immortal added 1000 exp for: For participating in the late night Yean-sphere quest! Well done! One of the Beauty winners.

Sun Jul 13 08:16:04 2008 by 'Yean' at level 51 (128 hrs):
1st place winner in the July 08 RC! Titled, 3 con, cry of thunder legacy and cabal edge rewarded.

Sun Aug 3 22:43:11 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (176 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: Rimefang fun.

Wed Aug 27 20:13:13 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (196 hrs):
An Immortal added 1000 exp for: Sunwardenified.

24466, Liluthiyan's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  7 (5 at level 51)
Total PK Losses  30
Total Mob Deaths  13

PK Wins by Class
VS. warrior  4
VS. invoker  1
VS. bard  1
VS. shapeshifter  1

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  1

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  2
VS. Neutral  3
VS. Evil  2

PK Deaths by Class
VS. warrior  6
VS. paladin  1
VS. anti-paladin  9
VS. ranger  3
VS. invoker  1
VS. necromancer  2
VS. shapeshifter  8

PK Deaths by Cabal
VS. None  6

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  1
VS. Neutral  3
VS. Evil  26
24465, Liluthiyan's Spell List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Spell List

Level 10detect order70%
Level 26insect swarm75%
24464, Liluthiyan's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 30careful vision94%
Level 30fourth attack100%
Level 30twist100%
Level 30dash93%
Level 32concealed94%
Level 32entwine100%
Level 33hurl100%
Level 34pull92%
Level 35legendary awareness76%
Level 35precise aim93%
Level 36bone armor use79%
Level 46enhanced reactions100%
24463, Liluthiyan's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1axe87%
Level 1dagger100%
Level 1flail100%
Level 1mace86%
Level 1polearm88%
Level 1spear90%
Level 1sword95%
Level 1staff77%
Level 1whip100%
Level 1enhanced damage100%
Level 1hand to hand100%
Level 1parry100%
Level 1rescue96%
Level 1recall100%
Level 1shield block96%
Level 2improved compare99%
Level 2improved consider100%
Level 2elbow1%
Level 2metal armor use99%
Level 2light armor use100%
Level 3dirt kicking100%
Level 4aim93%
Level 4knee1%
Level 5second attack100%
Level 6fast healing100%
Level 8kick83%
Level 10disarm100%
Level 10feint100%
Level 11inspect goods75%
Level 12third attack100%
Level 12dual wield100%
Level 13dodge100%
Level 14haggle1%
Level 14pierce1%
Level 15bash75%
Level 15trip100%
Level 15shield cleave80%
Level 15pugil84%
Level 15meditation100%
Level 16charge84%
Level 17thrust1%
Level 18berserk100%
Level 18lash100%
Level 19slice1%
Level 20attune99%
Level 20warcry96%
Level 20sting77%
Level 20bludgeon89%
Level 20stab100%
Level 20pen77%
Level 21lore100%
Level 21retreat88%
Level 23offhand disarm87%
Level 23underhand100%
Level 24evade80%
Level 24strip100%
Level 25drive80%
Level 25hamstring100%
Level 26eyejab100%
Level 27parting blow88%
Level 27artery100%
Level 27choke100%
24462, Liluthiyan's Title History
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Title History

Wed Jun 25 21:28:36 2008, level 39 (33 hrs):
Liluthiyan Tyranea the Mistress of Battle

Sat Jul 5 04:50:44 2008, level 47 (87 hrs):
Liluthiyan Tyranea the Champion of Warfare, the Resplendant Bearer of Beauty

Sun Jul 13 22:04:55 2008, level 51 (130 hrs):
Liluthiyan Tyranea the Tempestuous Soul of Passion

Wed Aug 27 20:11:20 2008, level 51 (196 hrs):
Liluthiyan Tyranea the Tempestuous Soul of Passion, Sunwarden of Thar-Eris

24461, Liluthiyan's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Jun 30, 2008|Lv 44|Galadon|Trovaine vs 2: Liluthiyan (7%), Ixilth (92%, KB)
Jul 3, 2008 |Lv 45|Galadon|Fendril vs 2: Liluthiyan (56%,KB), Ixilth (43%)
Jul 3, 2008 |Lv 45|Forest of Prosimy|Nhoem vs 3: Shumwrahm (57%,KB), Liluthiyan (18%), Macha (24%) *Disemboweled*
Jul 4, 2008 |Lv 47|The Dwarf Forest|Telgrun vs 1: Liluthiyan (100%,KB)
Jul 8, 2008 |Lv 49|Silverwood|Peth vs 3: Liluthiyan (13%), Shumwrahm (8%), Namanrin (78%, KB)
Jul 12, 2008|Lv 50|Forest of Prosimy|Fendril vs 3: Karjiin (52%,KB), Jayundar (47%), Liluthiyan (0%)
Jul 13, 2008|Lv 51|Galadon|Fendril vs 4: Liluthiyan (10%), Ixilth (77%, KB), Jayundar (7%), Seyriannia (4%)
Jul 14, 2008|Lv 51|Forest of Prosimy|Jakziim vs 1: Liluthiyan (100%,KB)
Jul 16, 2008|Lv 51|Galadon|Efurgik vs 3: Dhaath (46%), Urukal (53%, KB), Liluthiyan (0%)
Jul 29, 2008|Lv 51|Forest of Prosimy|Aiyanna vs 2: Satebos (91%,KB), Liluthiyan (8%)
Aug 12, 2008|Lv 51|Galadon|Kiadela vs 4: Liluthiyan (28%), Macha (49%, KB), Camridarinil (0%), Iltanthal (21%)
Aug 21, 2008|Lv 51|The Galadon Sewers|Lesikinilt vs 2: Liluthiyan (57%,KB), Dhaath (42%)
Aug 22, 2008|Lv 51|Galadon|Lesikinilt vs 1: Liluthiyan (100%,KB)
Aug 24, 2008|Lv 51|The Spire of the Blood Tribunal|Lezra vs 3: Kiadela (21%), Liluthiyan (20%), Seyriannia (58%, KB)
Aug 26, 2008|Lv 51|The Spire of the Blood Tribunal|Lezra vs 2: Seyriannia (54%), Liluthiyan (45%, KB)
Aug 27, 2008|Lv 51|The Spire of the Blood Tribunal|Grembelis vs 3: Missril (0%), Seyriannia (1%), Liluthiyan (98%, KB)
24460, Liluthiyan's PK Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Deaths

Jun 25, 2008|Lv 39|The Open Plains|vs 2: Soidel (77%,KB), Sniggledorf (22%)
Jun 28, 2008|Lv 41|Hamsah Mu'tazz|vs 1: Zikaroz (100%,KB)
Jun 29, 2008|Lv 42|Mount Calandaryl|vs 1: Kharnial (100%,KB)
Jun 30, 2008|Lv 43|The Open Plains|vs 1: Kostyan (100%,KB)
Jun 30, 2008|Lv 43|The Spire of the Blood Tribunal|vs 2: Trovaine (41%), Soidel (58%, KB)
Jun 30, 2008|Lv 43|Galadon|vs 1: Waris (100%,KB)
Jun 30, 2008|Lv 44|The Keep of Barovia|vs 1: Satebos (100%,KB)
Jul 1, 2008 |Lv 44|The Tahril Mountains|vs 1: Kostyan (100%,KB)
Jul 1, 2008 |Lv 44|Feanwyyn Weald|vs 2: Soidel (78%,KB), Laraiyin (21%)
Jul 3, 2008 |Lv 45|The Outlander Refuge|vs 2: Koolchi (0%), Soidel (100%, KB)
Jul 4, 2008 |Lv 47|Arial City|vs 1: Kharnial (100%,KB)
Jul 5, 2008 |Lv 47|Silverwood|vs 1: Tapioco (100%,KB)
Jul 5, 2008 |Lv 48|Darsylon|vs 1: Tapioco (100%,KB)
Jul 7, 2008 |Lv 49|The Spire of the Blood Tribunal|vs 1: Laraiyin (100%,KB)
Jul 8, 2008 |Lv 49|Spiderhaunt Woods|vs 1: Kharnial (100%,KB)
Jul 9, 2008 |Lv 49|The Outlander Refuge|vs 1: Laraiyin (100%,KB)
Jul 11, 2008|Lv 49|The Tahril Mountains|vs 3: Waris (71%,KB), Kharnial (15%), Luvren (13%)
Jul 15, 2008|Lv 51|Amaranthian Forest|vs 2: Waris (50%), Kharnial (49%, KB)
Jul 15, 2008|Lv 51|Lord Tabershaw's Keep|vs 2: Ierdikek (21%), Kresin (78%, KB)
Jul 17, 2008|Lv 51|The Outlander Refuge|vs 3: Koolchi (27%), Peth (34%), Fendril (38%, KB)
Jul 18, 2008|Lv 51|Domain of Eternal Night|vs 1: Kharnial (100%,KB)
Jul 24, 2008|Lv 51|Desert of Araile|vs 1: Waris (100%,KB)
Jul 29, 2008|Lv 51|The Outlander Refuge|vs 1: Satebos (100%,KB)
Aug 2, 2008 |Lv 51|Outlying Villages|vs 2: Carintsei (13%,KB), Ahtieli (86%)
Aug 22, 2008|Lv 51|The Rocky Paths|vs 1: Lezra (100%,KB)
Aug 23, 2008|Lv 51|The Outlander Refuge|vs 2: Koolchi (62%,KB), Tlingit (37%)
Aug 24, 2008|Lv 51|Whistlewood Swamp|Liluthiyan drowned
Aug 29, 2008|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|vs 1: Kharnial (100%,KB)
Aug 29, 2008|Lv 51|The Basilica|vs 1: Grembelis (100%,KB)
Aug 31, 2008|Lv 51|Forest Road|vs 1: Siden (100%,KB)
Aug 31, 2008|Lv 51|The Spire of the Blood Tribunal|vs 1: Tlingit (100%,KB)
24453, Liluthiyan's Best Set of Equipment
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Best Set of Equipment

worn on fingera silver ring set with a single malachite
worn on fingera ring set with a single ruby
worn around neck(Humming) a fine stole of white ermine
worn around neck(Humming) a fine stole of white ermine
worn on body(Humming) the mantle of the shark
worn on head(Glowing) the helm of brilliance
worn on legsa pair of crystal leg-guards
worn on feetthe boots of Stealth
worn on handsa pair of steel-trimmed gauntlets
worn on armsa plain phylactery
worn about bodya tattered, color shifting cloak
worn around waista girdle of giant strength
worn on wrista thick leather bracer
worn on wristan oddly shaped glass bracelet
(Humming) the tail of a drolem
(Glowing) a ghostly dagger
24459, Liluthiyan's Leveling
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Leveling History

Jun 14, 2008|Lv 2 |Hr 1 |
Jun 14, 2008|Lv 3 |Hr 2 |
Jun 15, 2008|Lv 4 |Hr 2 |
Jun 15, 2008|Lv 5 |Hr 3 |
Jun 15, 2008|Lv 6 |Hr 4 |
Jun 15, 2008|Lv 7 |Hr 4 |
Jun 15, 2008|Lv 8 |Hr 5 |
Jun 15, 2008|Lv 9 |Hr 5 |
Jun 15, 2008|Lv 10|Hr 6 |
Jun 15, 2008|Lv 11|Hr 7 |8 Aelohon,
Jun 15, 2008|Lv 12|Hr 7 |
Jun 16, 2008|Lv 13|Hr 7 |
Jun 16, 2008|Lv 14|Hr 8 |
Jun 17, 2008|Lv 15|Hr 11 |15 Burgentuf,
Jun 17, 2008|Lv 16|Hr 11 |16 Burgentuf,
Jun 17, 2008|Lv 17|Hr 11 |16 Burgentuf,
Jun 17, 2008|Lv 18|Hr 12 |17 Toril, 17 Burgentuf,
Jun 17, 2008|Lv 19|Hr 12 |18 Burgentuf,
Jun 17, 2008|Lv 20|Hr 13 |19 Burgentuf,
Jun 17, 2008|Lv 21|Hr 14 |18 Toril,
Jun 18, 2008|Lv 22|Hr 16 |20 Toril, 14 Erah,
Jun 18, 2008|Lv 23|Hr 17 |21 Toril, 16 Erah,
Jun 18, 2008|Lv 24|Hr 17 |22 Toril, 18 Erah,
Jun 21, 2008|Lv 25|Hr 20 |17 Xanche, 22 Thrayl,
Jun 21, 2008|Lv 26|Hr 21 |20 Xanche, 23 Thrayl,
Jun 21, 2008|Lv 27|Hr 22 |22 Xanche, 24 Thrayl,
Jun 22, 2008|Lv 28|Hr 25 |25 Xanche, 26 Temphaneal,
Jun 22, 2008|Lv 29|Hr 26 |26 Xanche, 27 Temphaneal,
Jun 22, 2008|Lv 30|Hr 26 |27 Xanche, 27 Temphaneal,
Jun 22, 2008|Lv 31|Hr 27 |28 Temphaneal, 28 Xanche,
Jun 22, 2008|Lv 32|Hr 27 |29 Temphaneal, 29 Xanche,
Jun 22, 2008|Lv 33|Hr 29 |25 Zstylzhemghi, 31 Xanche,
Jun 22, 2008|Lv 34|Hr 30 |27 Kancro, 32 Xanche,
Jun 22, 2008|Lv 35|Hr 30 |28 Kancro, 33 Xanche,
Jun 22, 2008|Lv 36|Hr 31 |28 Kancro, 34 Xanche,
Jun 22, 2008|Lv 37|Hr 32 |30 Kancro, 35 Xanche,
Jun 22, 2008|Lv 38|Hr 32 |37 Gundisalv, 36 Xanche,
Jun 25, 2008|Lv 39|Hr 34 |43 Sniggledorf, 51 Seyriannia,
Jun 26, 2008|Lv 40|Hr 38 |43 Sniggledorf, 51 Ixilth,
Jun 28, 2008|Lv 41|Hr 49 |47 Yasovin, 51 Renkaide,
Jun 29, 2008|Lv 42|Hr 55 |48 Shumwrahm, 42 Asharin,
Jun 29, 2008|Lv 43|Hr 56 |38 Alsalon, 36 Toordaanrk,
Jun 30, 2008|Lv 44|Hr 61 |49 Shumwrahm, 48 Afciyna, 51 Ixilth,
Jul 3, 2008 |Lv 45|Hr 73 |49 Yasovin, 48 Afciyna,
Jul 3, 2008 |Lv 46|Hr 78 |41 Elezethran, 44 Aouko,
Jul 4, 2008 |Lv 47|Hr 81 |51 Ixilth, 40 Rhulel,
Jul 5, 2008 |Lv 48|Hr 93 |46 Aouko, 51 Ixilth,
Jul 5, 2008 |Lv 49|Hr 100|46 Celenai, 42 Elezethran,
Jul 12, 2008|Lv 50|Hr 118|51 Ixilth,
Jul 12, 2008|Lv 51|Hr 126|50 Elezethran, 51 Renkaide,
24458, Liluthiyan's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Tue Jun 17 00:21:11 2008 at level 14 (8 hrs):
Liluthiyan moved to Open Plains (Outlander induction)

Tue Jun 17 00:21:11 2008 at level 14 (8 hrs):
Inducted into OUTLANDER by Macha.

Tue Jun 17 21:20:32 2008 at level 20 (10 hrs):
Liluthiyan advanced to level 20 <PK: 0-0>

Sun Jun 22 01:40:16 2008 at level 30 (24 hrs):
Liluthiyan advanced to level 30 <PK: 0-0>

Thu Jun 26 00:28:41 2008 at level 40 (37 hrs):
Liluthiyan advanced to level 40 <PK: 0-1>

Mon Jul 7 10:26:03 2008 at level 49 (104 hrs):
Rage Delete

Sat Jul 12 19:35:08 2008 at level 51 (125 hrs):
Liluthiyan advanced to level 51 <PK: 2-17>

Thu Sep 18 20:48:11 2008 at level 51 (209 hrs):
Inducted into None by Lyristeon.

Tue Sep 23 10:35:55 2008 at level 51 (209 hrs):
Hero Delete

24457, Liluthiyan's Mob Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Mob Deaths

Jun 15, 2008|Lv 10|Ysigrath|Zen'kra by crush
Jun 21, 2008|Lv 27|The Talshidar Caves|a Talshidar by pierce
Jun 28, 2008|Lv 41|Mount Calandaryl|a skeletal warrior by punch
Jun 28, 2008|Lv 41|Dra'Melkhur|a faithful defender by bite
Jul 4, 2008 |Lv 47|Ruins of Maethien|a misty Nightwalker by claw
Jul 5, 2008 |Lv 47|The Oryx Steppes|Omran ar-Ghazi by defilement
Jul 9, 2008 |Lv 49|Lost Elven Vaults|the elven lich king by deathly touch
Jul 13, 2008|Lv 51|The Keep of Barovia|a zombie by chop
Jul 14, 2008|Lv 51|Organia, the Veil of Shadow|Allyenlla the Elven Lady by punch
Jul 29, 2008|Lv 51|Island of Corte|the soldier by slice
Aug 3, 2008 |Lv 51|The Northern Mountains|Rimefang, the ancient white dragon by cone of cold
24456, Liluthiyan's Edges
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Strong Back
Beast Bond
Keys to Success
Battle Tested
Quick Healer
Resistant Sight
Zombie Fighter
Wise Recovery
Dove of Spring Dawn
Hawk of Summer Afternoon
Eagle of Autumn Evening
Parry Anything
Repel Henchmen
24455, Liluthiyan's Class Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Class Specifics

Weapon Specializations
Whip and Flail

Cry of Thunder
Dance Upon the Southern Wind
Striking the Shadow's Footfall
24454, Liluthiyan's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding21900
Experience from Skill improvements16139
Experience from Exploration7825
Experience from Quests20590
Experience from Commerce7710

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Fri Jun 13 18:38:47 2008
Quests Completed  17
Exploration Points Found  31
Bonus Experience from Immortals  7400
(WANTED) Criminal  15 times
Hours spent at Hero  83 hours
% of lifetime in the wilderness  62 %
% of lifetime in the cities  4 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  0 %