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Topic subject[FORTRESS] Enrai Ar'agandis the Priest of the Jaguar, Captain of the Brigade
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=23330
23330, [FORTRESS] Enrai Ar'agandis the Priest of the Jaguar, Captain of the Brigade
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Enrai Ar'agandis the Priest of the Jaguar, Captain of the Brigade


Shorter and stockier than most of his breeding, Enrai tands here with a
look of fierce concentration fixed upon his face. Golden blonde hair
hangs to his shoulders, contrasting with the deeply tanned skin of one
who apparently spends too much time under the sun. An almost invisible
protrustion extends partially from each side of his hair, a subtle
reminder of this half-elf's heritage. Hazel eyes look out at the world
with an uncommon intensity, burning with some unseen passion. And his
lips, while easy to smile, seem to always revert back to the scowl of a
warrior within moments.


Practices3Trains1HometownVoralian City
Exp468500To Level22700SphereCourage
Age mature, 90 years old (146 hours)
Hit Points615Mana894Movement798
Carry #0/35Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
23350, Enrai's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Last straw
Added Wed Dec 10 18:36:49 2008 at level 2:

It was almost becoming routine. The thugs would come every week with the
same threats, and the same demands. And my mother would comply. It was
all she could do to keep paying them off. We were eating crumbs. The
crops had mostly been burned. The cattle killed months before, still
rotted in the pasture. There was nothing left. Nothing but their demands,
and my mother's fears.

I would have stopped them. I could have, too. I was a man now, I should
act like one. 17 years of age, and the only man of the house. But she
wouldn't allow it.

But then the money ran out. There was nothing let to pay, and they still
came. This time they did not want money. They did not want food. They
wanted my sister. Only 13 years.. the monsters.

If I was there, it would have been different. But I'd taken on work at a
neighbors farm.. anything to earn a few copper coins to keep them at bay.
When I returned home, it was too late. My mother was a crumpled mess,
crying into the pile of straw she called a bed. My sister wasn't even
moving.. I could only faintly see her breathing. Alive, at least. Barely.
And the thugs were laughing. All three of them.. they were proud of what
they'd done. For a moment, at least.

But their pride quickly faded away to fear. I wish I could say I erupted
in anger.. but I never felt more calm, more purposeful. I was never a
warrior, but I always felt.. strong. And here, I knew why. They winced at
my very sight, doubling over in pain before my blows even struck them.
When it was over, three evil men lay dead. My sister and mother

It took two days for my mother to regain her senses. She never looked
more fearful. The damage had been done, he said.. I should have let them
walk away. They would come back. They would kill all of us. They would
chase me, not her. She was scared for my sister.. they were going to
Aturi. I wasn't to come with them. We had a cousin in Galadon, she said.
I could hide there. Or my deceased father's kin were in Darsylon. Perhaps
there. But away from them.. they would be after me, not her.

I would never see my sister or my mother again. It's for the best, I
suppose. I know now, I'm not meant to be a farmer.

23349, Enrai's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Lesson Learned
Added Wed Dec 10 18:37:54 2008 at level 2:

I know now, I should have followed my father's example. A holy warrior by
training, he had retired with my mother to a quiet and peaceful life. But
you know now that wasn't to be. He was the only one to stand againt the
tyrants, when they came to hold all the farms hostage. He was killed
first, but he died honorably. But my mother felt only anger.. he let us
all down, she said.

She was wrong. I let my mother hold me back, from what I knew was right.
What I knew must be done. Evil men will never cease, until someone else
stops them. My father knew that. My father sacrificed everything, trying
to teach us all that lesson.

I finally learned the lesson. I won't let anyone hold me back from the
truth, from what must be done. I know now that I am blessed as my father
was blessed. The divine spark flows throw me, and with it, gives me the
strength to make a difference. And so I will.

My mother's last words to me, were telling me to go into hiding. To
change my name, to stay in the shadows and live a life of fear. No thank

Instead, I find myself in Voralian City. The city of Light, as they say..
and the clearest place for me to start what I know now is my quest. A few
steps from the great Cathedral here is the Shaman's guild. I find myself
drawn there. I wonder what they have to say...

23348, Enrai's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Added Tue Dec 23 20:42:34 2008 at level 25:

I don't know what I had expected, when I first walked through that door.
But it wasn't this.

I wanted to stand up against these vile fiends. Stand up and stop them.
And many of them I have. But I look around, these demons are

Many years ago, I spoke with the great Spearmaiden, Lady Baerinika. Still
fresh from the guild and new to the war, I chose not ask for her
guidance. I think it would be foolish, after all I have learned, to ask
anyone mortal or otherwise what I should do. I know what needs to be
done. What MUST be done.

But I did speak to her of this great war which I now fight. And an end to
the war. An end to the suffering. An end to the tormentors of Thera. It
is what must be done, to preserve the good and pure souls of Thera. To
let thrive in the Light, those who deserve it.
She made it clear that this was not an easy task, and I welcomed it. But
as I said, I did not know what to expect. I was not as wise as I thought.

Thinking back, I have no doubt that the Spearmaiden looked on me with
greater wisdom. Biting her tongue, perhaps, she must have known that the
task I took on was too much for one man alone.
Some things.. most truly important things, a man must be allowed to learn
on his own. And I have learned. I am no longer a child, naive and angry.
I am a man. And a realist.

My father used to say, back when our farm still thrived, that with
determination one man could easily corral a run-away calf. But to stop a
stampede of hundreds? That man had better have someone he trusts at his

And so I stand here now. Alone, facing a stampede of wickedness and of
despair. But I am reminded.. No one who lives in the Light is ever truly
alone. There are others who face this same stampede.

I will join the Holy Brigade of the Phoenix. And we will halt this
stampede, once and for all.

23347, Enrai's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Added Tue Jan 6 17:50:10 2009 at level 51:

Things can change so quickly. I was an anonymous Squire only a short time
ago. I fought quietly, but I fought well. Soon, my enemies began to learn
my name. Began to fear it, I think. Then came the moment when I was
called to the Mists of the Jaguar. The goddess Baerinika herself wanted a
moment of my time. It had been many years since we'd spoken in person.
Overdue, I thought. And I had no idea what was in store for me.

We spoke of the ongoing war. Of the shifting alliances of our more fickle
Therans. Of the sadness of Ilvakihj's death. Of the renewed resolve we
had to continue the fight.

And then it happened. Without warning, she asked me to take upon the
mantle of Captain of the Brigade.

I never would have thought myself suited for this role. I almost declined
it.. but I didn't. My father taught me that responsibility truly belongs
to those that don't crave it. I trust his words. And I could never
question the Spearmaiden's judgement. And I accepted the faith she had in
me. And the newfound responsibility that entailed.

But still.. how do I lead this Fortress of individuals? After all, I
hesitated before ever joining them. I wondered if I could fall in line,
follow the orders of another. I learned long ago that I should never let
others make decisions for me. I can think for myself and make decisions
for myself. But I gave Captain Ilvakihj an oath that I would serve
loyally and without pause. And as uncomfortable as it was, I never broke
those words.

Now I find that I am the Captain. I am the one whom the others look to
for guidance. For direction. For orders. How do you lead, when you know
each is capable of leading themselves? You don't need rules, after all,
to live a righteous life. To fight a righteous war. You need only your
own morality, and the courage to act on what you know is true.

Lady Baerinika told me she expected me to be a beacon for the others to
look to. Perhaps that is the key. Don't tell them what to do, tell them
what to think, or tell them what they should believe. Just show them that
I act on what I know. Let them know they should do the same. They are not
my pawns. They are not mine to control.

I suppose that is it, then.. we need to be certain that those who fight
with us fight for the right reasons. And understand those reasons. And
can act on them without orders. Without a list of written rules.
Otherwise, would we truly be any different from the Empire? A scary
thought. But we ARE different. We must be.

This will be interesting, I'm sure. I think my only real concern is the
elder Squires and Maran. Many of them looked at me as a subordinate only
recently. Now will they accept me as Captain? I hope so.. and I expect
so. We cannot afford to have those driven by greed corrupting us from
within. And I don't believe we do. They will accept it. And we will go on
to victory.

23346, Enrai's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Wed Dec 10 18:50:07 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 2 (0 hrs):
An Immortal added 1500 exp for: A nice little role about how our farm was ravaged by tyrants, and we killed them, thus terrifying family, and how we should've listened to our father.

Thu Dec 25 20:25:59 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 30 (56 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Talked to Baer, we're going to join Fort.

Sun Dec 28 20:49:14 2008 by 'Rayihn' at level 43 (76 hrs):
Nicely handling Fidelpha's weaseling...leveled with him to hero and then ran off to play with Ahtieli.

Sat Jan 3 20:50:55 2009 by 'Baerinika' at level 44 (101 hrs):
Lots of people have told me they like this guy, and I've seen nothing but good for him. He was overdue on the Maran (oops) and I wanted him to be my Captain, so I did both at the same time

Sat Jan 3 20:51:40 2009 by 'Baerinika' at level 44 (101 hrs):
Also given Shining Soul for the above generally mentioned coolnesses.

Mon Jan 5 07:53:01 2009 by 'Twist' at level 44 (113 hrs):
All I ever seem to see from this guy is relentless attempts to retrieve the Orb from hordes of Imperials in range. Poor bastard.

Mon Jan 5 07:54:26 2009 by 'Twist' at level 44 (113 hrs):
Oh, add to that he's currently retrieving with NO Empire in range. So that's a bonus I guess.

Sat Jan 10 11:27:58 2009 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (135 hrs):
An Immortal added 800 exp for: Update about changes that come as we grow older and accept more responsibility

23345, Enrai's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  22
Total PK Assists  5
Average Group Size Per Kill  1.63

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Somewhat Ganky

Average Group Size Per Death  2.00

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Death By Minor Mob Scene

23341, Enrai's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1axe99%
Level 1flail100%
Level 1polearm95%
Level 1sword100%
Level 1recall100%
Level 2improved compare88%
Level 2improved consider86%
Level 6fast healing100%
Level 7kick100%
Level 9meditation100%
Level 10hand to hand93%
Level 14aim83%
Level 14metal armor use97%
Level 15shield block99%
Level 16charge82%
Level 16parry100%
Level 17lash87%
Level 17warcry91%
Level 18haggle78%
Level 19shield cleave75%
Level 20second attack100%
Level 20eyes of flame100%
Level 20trance100%
Level 20pen1%
Level 22zeal77%
Level 22slice80%
Level 22light armor use96%
Level 25enhanced damage100%
Level 30careful vision1%
23344, Enrai's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  22 (2 at level 51)
Total PK Losses  12
Total Mob Deaths  8

PK Wins by Class
VS. transmuter  1
VS. thief  1
VS. warrior  7
VS. assassin  4
VS. bard  3
VS. shaman  3
VS. berserker  3

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  15

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  0
VS. Neutral  1
VS. Evil  21

PK Deaths by Class
VS. thief  1
VS. warrior  4
VS. necromancer  4
VS. bard  1
VS. berserker  1
VS. shapeshifter  1

PK Deaths by Cabal
VS. None  3

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  0
VS. Neutral  0
VS. Evil  12
23343, Enrai's Cabal Powers List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Powers List

Level 15mantle of the phoenix73%
Level 25lightforge73%
Level 30phoenix brand77%
Level 35cry of deliverance71%
23342, Enrai's Supplication List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Supplication List

Supplication List

Level 1afflict92%
Level 2illuminate89%
Level 3detect consecration87%
Level 3mend wounds100%
Level 4detect evil92%
Level 4detect good90%
Level 5blindness100%
Level 5refresh97%
Level 6detect invis92%
Level 6protection95%
Level 7earthquake82%
Level 7know alignment84%
Level 8poison90%
Level 9infravision1%
Level 9weaken84%
Level 11summon92%
Level 12cure poison91%
Level 12dispel90%
Level 12dispel evil100%
Level 12dispel good1%
Level 12famish75%
Level 13haven84%
Level 15cure blindness81%
Level 15curse77%
Level 15plague94%
Level 16protective shield91%
Level 17tsunami79%
Level 17unveiling87%
Level 18cure disease80%
Level 19energy drain85%
Level 20frenzy89%
Level 20damnation77%
Level 21fatigue87%
Level 22turn undead78%
Level 23fervor75%
Level 24sanctuary98%
Level 25cancellation77%
Level 26redemption75%
Level 27locate object98%
Level 28word of recall92%
Level 29holy word78%
Level 29identify100%
Level 34demonfire100%
Level 38aristaeia80%
Level 40wither79%
Level 42rot81%
23331, Enrai's Best Set of Equipment
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Best Set of Equipment

worn on finger(Glowing) (Humming) a ring set with a shard of blue crystal
worn on fingera silver ring set with a single malachite
worn around neck(Glowing) an ice-cold brooch
worn around neckan onyx pendant of a bleeding eye
worn on body(Glowing) a suit of highly polished platemail
worn on head(Glowing) a halo of clarity
worn on facea mask of sparkling ruby and caked blood
worn on legsa pair of black breeches
worn on feetthe boots of the Zephyr
worn on handssome ornate steel gauntlets
worn on armsa pair of armguards from the snow worm
worn about bodya full length embroidered robe
worn around waista sash of crimson and white
worn on wrista thin silver bracelet
worn on wrista thin silver bracelet
cabal leader weapon
worn as shield(Glowing) a shield of reflective white dragonscales
23340, Enrai's Title History
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Title History

Fri Jan 2 11:01:11 2009, level 44 (96 hrs):
Enrai Ar'agandis the Shaman of Ice

Sat Jan 3 20:44:21 2009, level 44 (101 hrs):
Enrai Ar'agandis the Shaman of Ice, Captain of the Brigade

Mon Jan 5 20:10:16 2009, level 51 (119 hrs):
Enrai Ar'agandis the Priest of the Jaguar, Captain of the Brigade

23339, Enrai's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Dec 13, 2008|Lv 13|Balator|Scathock vs 1: Enrai (100%,KB)
Dec 16, 2008|Lv 19|Akan|Qax vs 1: Enrai (100%,KB)
Dec 18, 2008|Lv 19|The Inn of the Eternal Star|Taloc vs 1: Enrai (100%,KB)
Dec 18, 2008|Lv 19|Lost in the Mists|Ullrik vs 1: Enrai (100%,KB)
Dec 20, 2008|Lv 20|Galadon|Meirffert vs 1: Enrai (100%,KB)
Dec 20, 2008|Lv 20|Forgotten Crypts|Ydriekru vs 1: Enrai (100%,KB)
Dec 20, 2008|Lv 21|Galadon|Talu vs 2: Aemon (46%), Enrai (53%, KB)
Dec 21, 2008|Lv 21|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Ydriekru vs 1: Enrai (100%,KB)
Dec 22, 2008|Lv 23|Feanwyyn Weald|Thomayen vs 1: Enrai (100%,KB)
Dec 23, 2008|Lv 26|Arkham|Cahlarada vs 2: Enrai (62%,KB), Dundastun (37%)
Dec 25, 2008|Lv 28|Strange Island|Grulgor vs 1: Enrai (100%,KB)
Dec 25, 2008|Lv 28|Strange Island|Zelion vs 1: Enrai (100%,KB)
Dec 26, 2008|Lv 32|Galadon|Tenuc vs 1: Enrai (100%,KB)
Dec 27, 2008|Lv 40|The Dragon Sea|Cahlarada vs 1: Enrai (100%,KB)
Dec 29, 2008|Lv 43|The Imperial Lands|Pzuryxal vs 2: Artinian (55%), Enrai (44%, KB)
Dec 30, 2008|Lv 44|Aldevari|Zerrla vs 3: Enrai (0%), Grograra (41%), Tokegine (58%, KB)
Jan 1, 2009 |Lv 44|The Battlefield|Grulgor vs 2: Enrai (87%,KB), Koldarra (12%)
Jan 1, 2009 |Lv 44|Galadon|Gryssil vs 2: Dundastun (30%,KB), Enrai (69%)
Jan 1, 2009 |Lv 44|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Bedekleae vs 4: Noctrell (47%), Jern (0%), Wiknam (33%, KB), Enrai (18%)
Jan 3, 2009 |Lv 44|The Imperial Palace|Jern vs 2: Enrai (18%,KB), Kimemrak (81%)
Jan 4, 2009 |Lv 44|The Redhorn Mountains|Jern vs 1: Enrai (100%,KB)
Jan 4, 2009 |Lv 44|The Imperial Palace|Jern vs 3: Quolencia (8%), Serth (57%), Enrai (34%, KB)
Jan 7, 2009 |Lv 51|The Dragon Sea|Grulgor vs 3: Enrai (17%), Gralbin (58%, KB), Larkvenn (24%)
Jan 13, 2009|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Jern vs 4: Enrai (21%), Illian (13%), Wuien (31%, KB), Velkoth (33%)
Jan 14, 2009|Lv 51|Galadon|Kuzrack vs 2: Enrai (39%,KB), Caerga (60%)
23338, Enrai's PK Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Deaths

Dec 13, 2008|Lv 13|East Sumner's Road|vs 1: Bokner (100%,KB)
Dec 31, 2008|Lv 44|The Grove|vs 1: Shalsad (100%,KB)
Jan 2, 2009 |Lv 44|Fortress of Light|vs 2: Gollywyn (34%,KB), Gryssil (65%)
Jan 4, 2009 |Lv 44|Balator|vs 2: Wiknam (44%), Noctrell (55%, KB)
Jan 4, 2009 |Lv 44|Fortress of Light|vs 2: Gollywyn (82%,KB), Jern (17%)
Jan 4, 2009 |Lv 44|The Imperial Lands|vs 2: Jern (94%,KB), Rikkiri (5%)
Jan 9, 2009 |Lv 51|The Inn of the Eternal Star|vs 2: Yashemaru (43%), Ikda (56%, KB)
Jan 9, 2009 |Lv 51|The Redhorn Mountains|vs 2: Yashemaru (42%), Satebos (57%, KB)
Jan 10, 2009|Lv 51|Domain of Eternal Night|vs 3: Ikda (33%,KB), Nererial (20%), Khratetch (46%)
Jan 12, 2009|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|vs 4: Jern (0%), Gryssil (59%), Zerrla (10%), Ahtieli (30%, KB)
Jan 14, 2009|Lv 51|Voralian City|vs 2: Iktul (24%,KB), Jern (75%)
Jan 14, 2009|Lv 51|The Aryth Ocean|vs 1: Satebos (100%,KB)
23337, Enrai's Leveling
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Leveling History

Dec 9, 2008 |Lv 2 |Hr 0 |
Dec 10, 2008|Lv 3 |Hr 1 |
Dec 10, 2008|Lv 4 |Hr 1 |
Dec 10, 2008|Lv 5 |Hr 1 |
Dec 10, 2008|Lv 6 |Hr 2 |
Dec 10, 2008|Lv 7 |Hr 2 |
Dec 10, 2008|Lv 8 |Hr 4 |
Dec 10, 2008|Lv 9 |Hr 4 |
Dec 11, 2008|Lv 10|Hr 5 |
Dec 12, 2008|Lv 11|Hr 7 |
Dec 12, 2008|Lv 12|Hr 7 |
Dec 13, 2008|Lv 13|Hr 11 |
Dec 13, 2008|Lv 14|Hr 12 |14 Veritoss, 11 Wuien,
Dec 13, 2008|Lv 15|Hr 12 |15 Veritoss, 12 Wuien,
Dec 13, 2008|Lv 16|Hr 12 |15 Veritoss, 13 Wuien,
Dec 13, 2008|Lv 17|Hr 13 |14 Wuien,
Dec 14, 2008|Lv 18|Hr 15 |20 Zhenavive, 22 Turhen,
Dec 14, 2008|Lv 19|Hr 15 |21 Zhenavive, 23 Turhen,
Dec 20, 2008|Lv 20|Hr 22 |
Dec 20, 2008|Lv 21|Hr 25 |
Dec 21, 2008|Lv 22|Hr 32 |23 Wellinar, 22 Caerga,
Dec 21, 2008|Lv 23|Hr 33 |
Dec 22, 2008|Lv 24|Hr 35 |25 Kavatar, 22 Larkvenn,
Dec 22, 2008|Lv 25|Hr 36 |26 Kavatar, 23 Larkvenn,
Dec 23, 2008|Lv 26|Hr 43 |22 Elloran, 23 Dundastun,
Dec 23, 2008|Lv 27|Hr 44 |23 Elloran, 24 Dundastun,
Dec 24, 2008|Lv 28|Hr 45 |
Dec 25, 2008|Lv 29|Hr 54 |30 Uirn,
Dec 25, 2008|Lv 30|Hr 55 |31 Uirn,
Dec 25, 2008|Lv 31|Hr 57 |25 Faic, 25 Teraxul,
Dec 26, 2008|Lv 32|Hr 60 |
Dec 26, 2008|Lv 33|Hr 64 |24 Riyan, 27 Caerga,
Dec 27, 2008|Lv 34|Hr 66 |41 Emyeudau, 35 Fidelpha,
Dec 27, 2008|Lv 35|Hr 66 |41 Emyeudau, 35 Fidelpha,
Dec 27, 2008|Lv 36|Hr 66 |42 Emyeudau, 36 Fidelpha,
Dec 27, 2008|Lv 37|Hr 67 |42 Emyeudau, 37 Fidelpha,
Dec 27, 2008|Lv 38|Hr 67 |43 Emyeudau, 37 Fidelpha,
Dec 27, 2008|Lv 39|Hr 67 |43 Emyeudau, 38 Fidelpha,
Dec 27, 2008|Lv 40|Hr 68 |
Dec 27, 2008|Lv 41|Hr 71 |50 Haidoril, 42 Fidelpha,
Dec 27, 2008|Lv 42|Hr 71 |43 Fidelpha, 50 Haidoril,
Dec 27, 2008|Lv 43|Hr 72 |43 Fidelpha, 51 Haidoril,
Dec 30, 2008|Lv 44|Hr 83 |48 Torlyndin, 40 Wellinar,
Jan 5, 2009 |Lv 45|Hr 115|40 Illian, 37 Larkvenn, 45 Quolencia,
Jan 5, 2009 |Lv 46|Hr 115|41 Illian, 37 Larkvenn, 46 Quolencia,
Jan 5, 2009 |Lv 47|Hr 115|42 Illian, 37 Larkvenn, 47 Quolencia,
Jan 5, 2009 |Lv 48|Hr 116|43 Illian, 37 Larkvenn, 47 Quolencia,
Jan 5, 2009 |Lv 49|Hr 117|44 Illian, 51 Unalethekai,
Jan 5, 2009 |Lv 50|Hr 117|45 Illian, 51 Unalethekai,
Jan 5, 2009 |Lv 51|Hr 118|51 Unalethekai, 46 Illian,
23336, Enrai's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Wed Dec 10 20:53:58 2008 at level 7 (0 hrs):
Empowered by Baerinika to level 25.

Sat Dec 20 10:43:47 2008 at level 20 (22 hrs):
Enrai advanced to level 20 <PK: 4-1>

Tue Dec 23 15:47:18 2008 at level 25 (41 hrs):
Empowerment changed by Baerinika to level 309.

Tue Dec 23 15:47:22 2008 at level 25 (41 hrs):
Empowerment changed by Baerinika to level 30.

Thu Dec 25 15:50:37 2008 at level 30 (54 hrs):
Enrai advanced to level 30 <PK: 12-1>

Thu Dec 25 22:07:25 2008 at level 31 (56 hrs):
Inducted into FORTRESS by Ilvakihj.

Fri Dec 26 16:34:44 2008 at level 32 (60 hrs):
Empowerment changed by Rayihn to level 51.

Sat Dec 27 14:41:30 2008 at level 40 (65 hrs):
Enrai advanced to level 40 <PK: 13-1>

Sat Jan 3 20:37:06 2009 at level 44 (101 hrs):
Baerinika made Enrai a Maran

Mon Jan 5 14:34:48 2009 at level 51 (116 hrs):
Enrai advanced to level 51 <PK: 20-6>

Mon Jan 12 18:23:25 2009 at level 51 (139 hrs):
Tattooed by Baerinika.

Wed Jan 14 20:34:43 2009 at level 51 (146 hrs):
Hero Delete

23335, Enrai's Mob Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Mob Deaths

Dec 10, 2008|Lv 7 |Ysigrath|a python by crush
Dec 21, 2008|Lv 21|Mausoleum|the Juju zombie by smash
Dec 22, 2008|Lv 25|Dra'Melkhur|a faithful defender by bite
Jan 1, 2009 |Lv 44|Organia, the Veil of Shadow|Urnthagral, Lord of the Hunt by beating
Jan 7, 2009 |Lv 51|Kuo-Toa Lair|a huge shambling mound by hit
23334, Enrai's Edges
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Divine Contagion
Exalted Contagion
Unyielding Adversary
Girded Shield
Remedy Toxins
Shining Soul
Apt Learner
Remain Conscious
23333, Enrai's Cabal Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Specifics

Cabal Statistics

# of logins with their cabal item  47
# of logins without their cabal item  8
# of logouts with their cabal item  47
# of logouts without their cabal item  1
# of times they lost their cabal item  7
# of times they retrieved their cabal item  5
# of times they took another cabal item  10

23332, Enrai's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding8200
Experience from Skill improvements9597
Experience from Exploration8425
Experience from Quests18725
Experience from Commerce2576

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Tue Dec 9 11:27:18 2008
Quests Completed  23
Exploration Points Found  37
Bonus Experience from Immortals  2700
(WANTED) Criminal  3 times
Hours spent at Hero  28 hours
% of lifetime in the wilderness  28 %
% of lifetime in the cities  18 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  3 %
% of lifetime caballed  59 %