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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subject[EMPIRE] Gryssil the Legend of the Battlefield, Elite Imperial Blade
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=23306
23306, [EMPIRE] Gryssil the Legend of the Battlefield, Elite Imperial Blade
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Gryssil the Legend of the Battlefield, Elite Imperial Blade


Standing five foot, ten inches tall this felar looks about with an air of
confidence and arrogance. His black eyes are narrowed as he looks about
himself and two fangs protrude over his sneering lips. His clothing is fine
and well taken care of. Not a hair on his head could said to be misplaced as
it is tied in the back. His arms are slightly bare and well toned muscles
can be seen beneath his armor. His legs are lean and strong. His hands grip
the hilt of a polearm and his claws have been sharpened to razor-like
precision. He is the model of a good citizen.

As you look closer you notice that...


Exp518154To Level19096SphereStrength
Age mature, 31 years old (111 hours)
Hit Points974Mana428Movement894
Carry #0/37Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
23329, Gryssil's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

The abduction of an Heir. (Part 1)
Added Sun Dec 14 16:13:16 2008 at level 18:

Lightning flashes across a dark sky and illuminates the night. Rain falls
hard on the encampment of felar in the cold reaches east of the frigid
wastes. Two figures move like ghosts between the buildings. They are
dressed all in black and their faces are covered to conceal their identity.
A baby can be heard crying in one of the low houses that are built into the
tundra. The dark figures stop and nod at one another. One of them produces
a small dagger and slits the side of the mammoth-hide wall. One of the
figures quickly disappears inside of the tent, and comes out with a bundle in
his arms. The two figures take great care with the bundle as they continue
to make their way from the encampment. A light goes on in the home that the
bundle came from and a scream goes up in anguish. Shouts of alarm cry out
around the encampment, but the two figures have already made their way to the
trails outside.

*A few hours later*

Lightning flashes across a dark sky and adds more illumination to the dark
streets. Rains fall hard on the Imperial Road as a dark figure makes its way
toward the Imperial Palace. The figure makes its way through the halls of
the palace and arrives at the throne room of the Empire. A skeletal figure
can be seen with a darkened crown resting upon its brow. It taps its fingers
on the arm of the massive throne it sits in while four figures mill around
the room. You can not tell the sex of the lich as all features that would
mark this creature have already fallen away. Two large ebony giants stand to
either side of the throne, as the lich appears to be waiting for something.
A dark-elf Shaman stands off to the corner away from the rest, uttering dark
prayers to her god. The fourth member of the council stands off in the other
corner, nearly unseen in the shadows. As the dark figure arrives in the
throne room it finds the Shadow Lord quickly and whispers something in his
ear. The Shadow Lord dismisses the figure with a gesture and silently makes
his way to the edge of the throne. He bends slightly and whispers into the
lichs ear cavity. What seems like an evil smile is formed as the lich parts
its teeth in pleasure.

23328, Gryssil's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

The abduction of an Heir. (Part 2)
Added Sun Dec 14 16:14:17 2008 at level 18:

Attend to me, my council, the Shadow Lord brings me good news says the lich
in its rasping voice. It would seem he was successful in retrieving for me
the heir of a long-time seed of great warriors. You would be wise to be
thankful to him, Graelok, as he has brought us the son of a Bloodclaw. Not
long ago it came to me that as my Empire is in need of good soldiers, who
else should I find but the kin of the hated Battleragers. Their foolish
ideals still stand to this day, but perhaps we can begin to turn their
legendary families one by one. We have abducted the great great grandson of
the sapper-trained General whose name I have read on their foolish pillar.
The fire giant War Master begins to grin from ear to ear. The lich nods at
him and rasps That is right, Graelok, you are right to be happy to have the
great great grandson of Guenrayn Bloodclaw as your newest pupil. Unlike me,
you will not live forever, and it will be your job to train him to perfection
and make him into the perfect citizen. In this, you will not fail me. The
ebony giant nods his head in agreement and asks if he might leave immediately
to begin preparation. The lich nods its acceptance. A rasping cackle can be
heard from the mouth of the lich as the ebony giant makes his way from the
throne room. The other figures around the throne frown and look at one
another with suspicion about what this means for their sects. The lich
dismisses the rest of the council with a wave of its bony hand and allows its
golem to attend to its desires.

23327, Gryssil's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

The training begins.
Added Sun Dec 14 16:16:30 2008 at level 18:

A few years have passed since baby Bloodclaw was stolen from his home in the
night. He is now only ten, but already he is being groomed into a fighting
machine. He has been fed only the finest of foods that can be made by the
cooks of the Blade Sect. He has taken to learning all of the weapons that he
may face as a citizen of the Empire. Above the rest he has come to prefer
the reach of a polearm for some combat, and the ferocity of his own claws for
other fights. He continues to train in such ways for the better part of his
formative years and is allowed to travel out on his own at the age of
sixteen. He is arrogant and smug, and totally believes in himself. He has
been brainwashed by the lich about the foul ways of the village. Instead of
their teachings he has been tutored in his time away from the warrior guild.
He has spent countless hours learning about the dark gods from the High
Priestess. He has learned lessons in the dark magics from the Imperial Dread
Lady. His teaching encompasses all of the Empire so that he might serve as
its model citizen even better. His tenacity is unrivaled by his peers in the
guild, and he is sure that his fame will rise quickly within the Empire.

As the young felar grows in power and strength he begins to find himself
agreeing with the teachings of the Divine Subjugator, Enlilth. He will take
what he wants and his strength will be the talk of the Empire. He will put
others under his feet and use them to climb his way to the pinnacle of
whatever he chooses. Time is on his side, as he is young and vibrant, and
the world is ripe for the taking!

23326, Gryssil's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Teaching The Young (part 1)
Added Thu Dec 25 09:59:17 2008 at level 31:

(A number of years into the future)

You find yourself standing in the Sparring Hall, within the guild of the
Imperial Warriors. The rooms is clean except for crimson stains that have
not been able to be removed. Even punishing the slaves who clean the room
has not been able to cleanse it, and instead sometimes has made it worse.
The hacked leather dummies are moved off to one side and a group of students
sit in the middle of the room. The oaths are fresh recruits and they are
taking lessons from the Empires greatest. In front of the recruits stand a
proud and arrogant felar, advanced in age. His body bears some of the scars
of battle that the Imperial healers could not remove, but all in all he is
dressed majestically. His teeth protrude from his lips in a grin as he
chuckles his deep base chuckle. You find yourself very interested in what
story he is going to tell these students.

"Im going to talk with you about my first glorious victory, in the name of
the Empire, when I was alone. In those days the Empire was not as it is now.
Citizens were cowering in the face of growing numbers of Fortress and
Outlander unbelievers. Lord Enlilth had been somewhat silent of late, and
the Empress had taken an extended leave to research more unholy maledictions.
The Imperial Dread Lady only remained around if others were present, and the
Imperial High Priest was nowhere to be seen. My War Master at the time did
his best to come about, but was often faced with enormous odds. I was still
young then, and trying to hone my skills while slowly advancing through the
guild. I did not want to rush my way into the upper ranks of my guild, as I
needed to be prepared. Take note students, this is the first rule of
warfare, be prepared.

23318, Gryssil's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1axe90%
Level 1dagger83%
Level 1flail90%
Level 1mace82%
Level 1polearm100%
Level 1spear80%
Level 1sword89%
Level 1staff79%
Level 1whip77%
Level 1enhanced damage100%
Level 1hand to hand100%
Level 1parry93%
Level 1rescue78%
Level 1recall100%
Level 1shield block81%
Level 2improved compare87%
Level 2improved consider80%
Level 2elbow84%
Level 2metal armor use91%
Level 2light armor use92%
Level 3dirt kicking100%
Level 4aim90%
Level 4knee79%
Level 5second attack100%
Level 6fast healing99%
Level 8kick81%
Level 10disarm89%
Level 10feint90%
Level 11inspect goods75%
Level 12third attack100%
Level 12dual wield100%
Level 13dodge97%
Level 14haggle95%
Level 14pierce1%
Level 15bash75%
Level 15trip88%
Level 15shield cleave1%
Level 15pugil1%
Level 15meditation90%
Level 16charge99%
Level 17thrust1%
Level 18berserk90%
Level 18lash1%
Level 19slice100%
Level 20warcry87%
Level 20distance100%
Level 20ironhands78%
Level 20pen77%
Level 21prosperous reputation75%
Level 21lore92%
Level 21retreat83%
Level 22evasion77%
Level 23offhand disarm81%
Level 23entrap95%
Level 23vital area98%
Level 24evade75%
Level 25chop100%
Level 25legsweep97%
Level 25drive75%
Level 26pummel82%
Level 27parting blow93%
23325, Gryssil's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Teaching The Young (part 2)
Added Thu Dec 25 10:01:07 2008 at level 31:

The Imperial Shadow Lord was like a ghost, although that is how they all are,
not truly knowing if they are here nor there. I had met a few citizens of
note whom I would later grow up with, but never truly trust. The Empire
comes first to us Blades, remember that. The Empire comes first. I spent
many hours gathering items for sale in order to help fill the coffers of the
Empire. It was on one of these journeys that I came across the dwarf,
Tarnag. He was advanced in years of age and more equipped than I was, but I
was prepared for him. I encountered him in the forests of Aratouldain
outside of Velkyn Oloth, far to the north of here. When I first saw him I
was not of good health, so I made like I had run away and rested not far from
where he was. He never came looking for me, his overconfidence making him
weak. That is lesson number two, do not be overconfident, for when you are,
you will surely fail.

Having rested to being fully prepared, I quaffed what potions I had on hand
and made my way to Velkyn Oloth. I saw that he was resting inside and so I
waited at the entrance for him. My pike readied before me, I was prepared to
charge when he arrived. As the dwarf stepped foot into the forest I drove my
pike into his side and maimed him badly to start the battle. He immediately
swung his hammer at me trying to break my bones. I knew that I could outdo
him for striking with force and so I swept his legs to keep him off balance.
He was able to get his mace around and did shatter some of my right forearm.
I had prepared ahead of time for the fight though, like I said, and had drawn
upon the power of our great Codex for strength. I was not even fazed
physically by the blow he had given, and so I continued to fight on. I
retreated to feign that I was hurt hoping he would impale himself in
attacking me. Instead, he ran for the healer in Eryn Galen and so I gave
chase. I allowed that foolish healer a chance to heal me quickly and the
dwarf then did impale himself upon my pike. He swept his legs and he was
quickly defeated in a bloody mess at the foot of the healer. That students,
is the third thing, know your terrain! Your terrain can get you killed if
you are unsure where your foe might go, or where you might step.

23324, Gryssil's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Teaching The Young (part 3)
Added Thu Dec 25 10:03:41 2008 at level 31:

The final lesson students, is offer the bloodoath to your defeated foe. Most
will scoff and turn away, or believe they have some chance against you in the
future, but if you do not offer, then you do not give them a chance to turn
to the true path. Having beaten the dwarf I made him know he was inferior to
me and that he should accept my rule and also the bloodoath. He refused and
cursed my name, and made foolish threats, but that is the way of the
defeated. So I will defeated him again, and put him under my feet again, and
give him the chance, again, to find the right path, until his life is gone
forever. I did not dishonor the fight by taking all of his things, though I
did take what I wanted, as is my right as the victor. Remember that
students, many will spoil their victory by completely stripping an opponent.
I do not believe this is the way, though you will choose for yourself. Take
what you want, and make no apologies for it. Lesson over!"

23323, Gryssil's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Thu Dec 25 19:27:54 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 31 (36 hrs):
An Immortal added 1500 exp for: Good start, abducted by Imperials from a long line of Ragers, plus a look into the future. Enlilth follower.

Fri Jan 9 20:19:03 2009 by 'Daevryn' at level 48 (92 hrs):
I'll give this guy some credit, he's trying to get the Codex back and it's UGLY out there.

Fri Jan 9 21:50:59 2009 by 'Daevryn' at level 48 (92 hrs):
We don't take deaths super well, though. Not ooc exactly, but he gets pretty huffy when people beat him in fights he considers unfair or loot him.

23322, Gryssil's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  23
Total PK Assists  19
Average Group Size Per Kill  2.09

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Hides Behind Allies

Average Group Size Per Death  1.65

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Unwitting Guest of Bad Parties

23321, Gryssil's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  23 (5 at level 51)
Total PK Losses  17
Total Mob Deaths  3

PK Wins by Class
VS. thief  1
VS. warrior  13
VS. paladin  3
VS. assassin  1
VS. ranger  2
VS. invoker  2
VS. shapeshifter  1

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  4

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  7
VS. Neutral  11
VS. Evil  5

PK Deaths by Class
VS. transmuter  2
VS. thief  1
VS. warrior  12
VS. assassin  1
VS. invoker  1

PK Deaths by Cabal
VS. None  2

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  6
VS. Neutral  7
VS. Evil  4
23320, Gryssil's Cabal Powers List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Powers List

Level 20blade of the codex90%
Level 25bloodoath70%
Level 35centurions70%
23319, Gryssil's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 30fourth attack94%
Level 30stun83%
Level 30charge set82%
Level 30dash77%
Level 30shove73%
Level 32cutoff100%
Level 32crushing blow94%
Level 35precise aim80%
Level 36bone armor use81%
Level 40imperial training100%
Level 46enhanced reactions87%
23317, Gryssil's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Jan 14, 2009|Lv 51|Balator|Grulgor vs 2: Gollywyn (11%), Gryssil (88%, KB)
Jan 15, 2009|Lv 51|Outside Hamsah Mu'tazz|Drinnin vs 1: Gryssil (100%,KB)
Jan 15, 2009|Lv 51|The Seaport of Hamsah Mu'tazz|Farkash vs 1: Gryssil (100%,KB)
Jan 15, 2009|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Unalethekai vs 1: Gryssil (100%,KB)
Jan 15, 2009|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Unalethekai vs 1: Gryssil (100%,KB)
Jan 15, 2009|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Unalethekai vs 2: Gryssil (32%), Zhurn (67%, KB)
Jan 15, 2009|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Padwei vs 2: Zhurn (66%,KB), Gryssil (33%)
Jan 15, 2009|Lv 51|The Fields of Balator|Jokaai vs 2: Ahtieli (68%,KB), Gryssil (31%)
23316, Gryssil's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Dec 22, 2008|Lv 26|The Nexus Island|Katakiri vs 3: Fidelpha (16%,KB), Grukk (43%), Gryssil (40%)
Dec 22, 2008|Lv 26|The Nexus Island|Heskie vs 2: Grukk (54%,KB), Gryssil (45%)
Dec 24, 2008|Lv 31|Evermoon Hollow|Tarnag vs 1: Gryssil (100%,KB)
Dec 25, 2008|Lv 31|The Imperial Lands|Grograra vs 2: Gryssil (50%,KB), Bleyetz (49%)
Dec 26, 2008|Lv 32|Balator|Teraxul vs 1: Gryssil (100%,KB)
Dec 28, 2008|Lv 34|The Grove|Qyniela vs 1: Gryssil (100%,KB)
Dec 28, 2008|Lv 34|Outside Hamsah Mu'tazz|Teraxul vs 2: Armallyn (55%,KB), Gryssil (44%)
Dec 30, 2008|Lv 37|The Past Grove|Farkash vs 3: Gryssil (46%), Jern (0%), Zerrla (53%, KB)
Dec 30, 2008|Lv 37|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Quixhint vs 1: Gryssil (100%,KB)
Dec 30, 2008|Lv 37|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Tokegine vs 2: Gryssil (83%), Booorstone (16%, KB)
Dec 30, 2008|Lv 37|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Anglarctana vs 1: Gryssil (100%,KB)
Dec 30, 2008|Lv 37|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Dundastun vs 1: Gryssil (100%,KB)
Jan 2, 2009 |Lv 40|Fortress of Light|Enrai vs 2: Gollywyn (34%,KB), Gryssil (65%)
Jan 2, 2009 |Lv 40|Fortress of Light|Dundastun vs 1: Gryssil (100%,KB)
Jan 2, 2009 |Lv 40|Darsylon|Hukariu vs 1: Gryssil (100%,KB)
Jan 3, 2009 |Lv 40|Mount Calandaryl|Armallyn vs 1: Gryssil (100%,KB)
Jan 4, 2009 |Lv 41|The Northern Mountains|Farkash vs 1: Gryssil (100%,KB)
Jan 4, 2009 |Lv 41|Balator|Limpletund vs 2: Zhurn (61%), Gryssil (38%, KB)
Jan 4, 2009 |Lv 42|Balator|Caerga vs 2: Gryssil (50%), Rikkiri (49%, KB)
Jan 4, 2009 |Lv 42|The Imperial Palace|Quolencia vs 3: Gryssil (28%), Rikkiri (0%), Ahtieli (71%, KB)
Jan 4, 2009 |Lv 42|Galadon|Quixhint vs 2: Iktul (33%), Gryssil (66%, KB)
Jan 5, 2009 |Lv 42|BattleRager Village|Quixhint vs 4: Emyeudau (19%), Zizzle (19%, KB), Gryssil (32%), Alzinghul (28%)
Jan 7, 2009 |Lv 45|Fortress of Light|Wuien vs 3: Zerrla (20%,KB), Gollywyn (11%), Gryssil (67%)
Jan 7, 2009 |Lv 45|The Eastern Road|Sebiana vs 2: Graelok (42%,KB), Gryssil (57%)
Jan 8, 2009 |Lv 46|The Ashes of NoWhere|Iegob vs 2: Zerrla (35%), Gryssil (64%, KB)
Jan 8, 2009 |Lv 48|BattleRager Village|Neztilin vs 3: Zerrla (18%), Gryssil (29%), Graelok (52%, KB)
Jan 8, 2009 |Lv 48|Balator|Unalethekai vs 3: Gryssil (37%,KB), Zerrla (25%), Graelok (37%)
Jan 9, 2009 |Lv 48|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Yrlym vs 5: Goporlug (16%), Pzuryxal (29%), Alzinghul (20%, KB), Gryssil (25%), Torlyndin (7%)
Jan 9, 2009 |Lv 48|The Outlander Refuge|Valdora vs 2: Shalsad (59%), Gryssil (40%, KB)
Jan 10, 2009|Lv 48|Ruins of the Deep|Farkash vs 3: Zhurn (44%), Gryssil (55%, KB), Zerrla (0%)
Jan 10, 2009|Lv 48|Ruins of the Deep|Borkahd vs 3: Zhurn (38%,KB), Zerrla (22%), Gryssil (39%)
Jan 10, 2009|Lv 48|Ruins of the Deep|Thomayen vs 3: Zhurn (25%), Gryssil (36%, KB), Zerrla (38%)
Jan 11, 2009|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Pzuryxal vs 2: Goporlug (14%,KB), Gryssil (85%)
Jan 12, 2009|Lv 51|Fortress of Light|Enrai vs 4: Jern (0%), Gryssil (59%), Zerrla (10%), Ahtieli (30%, KB)
Jan 12, 2009|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Jokaai vs 4: Zerrla (17%,KB), Zhurn (70%), Jern (0%), Gryssil (11%)
23315, Gryssil's PK Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Deaths

Dec 26, 2008|Lv 32|The Imperial Palace|vs 2: Pzuryxal (63%,KB), Ellywick (36%)
Dec 28, 2008|Lv 34|The Imperial Palace|vs 1: Dreep (100%,KB)
Dec 30, 2008|Lv 37|Village of Mal'trakis|vs 2: Wellinar (24%), Armallyn (75%, KB)
Dec 30, 2008|Lv 37|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|vs 1: Teraxul (100%,KB)
Dec 30, 2008|Lv 37|Voralian City|vs 2: Rynald (67%,KB), Teraxul (32%)
Dec 30, 2008|Lv 37|Outside Hamsah Mu'tazz|vs 2: Rynald (0%), Teraxul (100%, KB)
Jan 1, 2009 |Lv 40|BattleRager Village|vs 1: Quixhint (100%,KB)
Jan 1, 2009 |Lv 40|Galadon|vs 2: Dundastun (30%,KB), Enrai (69%)
Jan 5, 2009 |Lv 42|BattleRager Village|vs 2: Thomayen (40%), Firhindil (59%, KB)
Jan 7, 2009 |Lv 45|Hamsah Mu'tazz|vs 2: Jolindar (64%,KB), Padwei (35%)
Jan 9, 2009 |Lv 48|Hamsah Mu'tazz|vs 2: Pzuryxal (28%,KB), Selene (71%)
Jan 9, 2009 |Lv 48|The Eastern Road|vs 1: Iegob (100%,KB)
Jan 9, 2009 |Lv 48|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|vs 2: Selene (35%), Grunta (64%, KB)
Jan 9, 2009 |Lv 48|The Eastern Road|vs 2: Ralmer (57%,KB), Caerga (42%)
Jan 15, 2009|Lv 51|The Seaport of Hamsah Mu'tazz|vs 2: Ayrios (4%), Farkash (95%, KB)
Jan 15, 2009|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|vs 1: Humbert (100%,KB)
Jan 15, 2009|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|vs 1: Zhurn (100%,KB)
23314, Gryssil's Leveling
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Leveling History

Dec 8, 2008 |Lv 2 |Hr 0 |
Dec 8, 2008 |Lv 3 |Hr 0 |
Dec 8, 2008 |Lv 4 |Hr 0 |
Dec 8, 2008 |Lv 5 |Hr 0 |
Dec 8, 2008 |Lv 6 |Hr 1 |
Dec 8, 2008 |Lv 7 |Hr 1 |
Dec 8, 2008 |Lv 8 |Hr 2 |
Dec 8, 2008 |Lv 9 |Hr 2 |
Dec 8, 2008 |Lv 10|Hr 3 |
Dec 10, 2008|Lv 11|Hr 3 |
Dec 10, 2008|Lv 12|Hr 4 |
Dec 11, 2008|Lv 13|Hr 5 |
Dec 11, 2008|Lv 14|Hr 5 |
Dec 11, 2008|Lv 15|Hr 6 |22 Adbegh, 22 Heskie,
Dec 11, 2008|Lv 16|Hr 6 |23 Adbegh, 22 Heskie,
Dec 11, 2008|Lv 17|Hr 7 |
Dec 13, 2008|Lv 18|Hr 9 |
Dec 14, 2008|Lv 19|Hr 11 |
Dec 15, 2008|Lv 20|Hr 13 |
Dec 15, 2008|Lv 21|Hr 14 |
Dec 16, 2008|Lv 22|Hr 17 |
Dec 16, 2008|Lv 23|Hr 19 |
Dec 17, 2008|Lv 24|Hr 21 |
Dec 21, 2008|Lv 25|Hr 24 |
Dec 21, 2008|Lv 26|Hr 26 |24 Khor, 28 Gangrut,
Dec 22, 2008|Lv 27|Hr 27 |
Dec 23, 2008|Lv 28|Hr 29 |21 Gespar, 32 Pyritza,
Dec 23, 2008|Lv 29|Hr 29 |23 Gespar, 33 Pyritza,
Dec 23, 2008|Lv 30|Hr 30 |
Dec 24, 2008|Lv 31|Hr 34 |31 Gespar, 30 Cahlarada,
Dec 25, 2008|Lv 32|Hr 39 |35 Ceedizi, 33 Cahlarada,
Dec 26, 2008|Lv 33|Hr 45 |
Dec 27, 2008|Lv 34|Hr 47 |31 Grukk, 35 Gangrut,
Dec 28, 2008|Lv 35|Hr 51 |41 Jern, 41 Zerrla,
Dec 29, 2008|Lv 36|Hr 52 |41 Urgok, 36 Aboudangriem,
Dec 29, 2008|Lv 37|Hr 52 |42 Urgok, 37 Aboudangriem,
Dec 31, 2008|Lv 38|Hr 59 |30 Maol, 33 Achmos,
Jan 1, 2009 |Lv 39|Hr 62 |38 Zakinel, 42 Jern,
Jan 1, 2009 |Lv 40|Hr 62 |39 Zakinel, 43 Jern,
Jan 3, 2009 |Lv 41|Hr 72 |35 Jerjerbei, 38 Tenuc,
Jan 4, 2009 |Lv 42|Hr 76 |48 Zhurn, 51 Boldinrok,
Jan 6, 2009 |Lv 43|Hr 81 |37 Ellywick, 45 Zerrla,
Jan 6, 2009 |Lv 44|Hr 82 |41 Tenuc, 38 Ellywick,
Jan 7, 2009 |Lv 45|Hr 84 |41 Goporlug, 41 Osoah,
Jan 8, 2009 |Lv 46|Hr 89 |48 Zerrla,
Jan 8, 2009 |Lv 47|Hr 89 |42 Zurrek, 49 Zerrla,
Jan 8, 2009 |Lv 48|Hr 90 |50 Gollywyn, 44 Zurrek,
Jan 10, 2009|Lv 49|Hr 98 |51 Jern, 49 Zhurn,
Jan 10, 2009|Lv 50|Hr 98 |51 Jern, 50 Zhurn,
Jan 10, 2009|Lv 51|Hr 99 |51 Jern, 51 Zhurn,
23313, Gryssil's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Sun Dec 14 22:32:10 2008 at level 19 (11 hrs):
Took the bloodoath from Traphe.

Mon Dec 15 08:57:10 2008 at level 20 (12 hrs):
Gryssil advanced to level 20 <PK: 0-0>

Tue Dec 23 20:45:38 2008 at level 30 (28 hrs):
Gryssil advanced to level 30 <PK: 0-0>

Thu Jan 1 21:35:14 2009 at level 40 (60 hrs):
Gryssil advanced to level 40 <PK: 7-6>

Sat Jan 10 18:40:06 2009 at level 51 (95 hrs):
Gryssil advanced to level 51 <PK: 18-14>

Thu Jan 15 16:18:00 2009 at level 51 (109 hrs):
Rage Delete

23312, Gryssil's Mob Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Mob Deaths

Dec 21, 2008|Lv 25|The Village of Barovia|a ghoul by bite
Dec 25, 2008|Lv 31|Velkyn Oloth|the elite guard by slash
Dec 27, 2008|Lv 34|The Frigid Wasteland|a barbarian by beating
23311, Gryssil's Edges
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Growling Cry
Magic's Scars
Dove of Spring Dawn
Hawk of Summer Afternoon
Eagle of Autumn Evening
Owl of Winter Night
Pikeman's Valor
Focused Fury
23310, Gryssil's Cabal Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Specifics

Cabal Statistics

# of logins with their cabal item  52
# of logins without their cabal item  11
# of logouts with their cabal item  50
# of logouts without their cabal item  2
# of times they lost their cabal item  7
# of times they retrieved their cabal item  12
# of times they took another cabal item  13

Imperial Donations: 1001720

Gryssil's Imperial History

Sun Jan 4 22:03:42 2009 - Lvl:42 Promoted by Ahtieli to Echelon 4
Thu Dec 25 19:25:42 2008 - Lvl:31 Promoted by Ahtieli to Echelon 3
Mon Dec 15 14:38:17 2008 - Lvl:21 Promoted by the Imperial Blademaster to Echelon 2
Sun Dec 14 22:32:10 2008 - Lvl:19 Promoted by Traphe to Echelon 1

Gryssil's History of Promoting and Demoting Others

Total Promotions 1
Total Demotions 0
Total Anathema 0

Thu Jan 15 11:04:26 2009 - Lvl:51 Echelon:4 Promoted Firbuhr to Echelon 2
23309, Gryssil's Class Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Class Specifics

Weapon Specializations
Hand to Hand

Chilling Embrace
Incarnadine Wave
23308, Gryssil's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding14600
Experience from Skill improvements10387
Experience from Exploration6850
Experience from Quests34000
Experience from Commerce11695

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Mon Dec 8 06:55:10 2008
Quests Completed  27
Exploration Points Found  26
Bonus Experience from Immortals  1500
(WANTED) Criminal  0 times
Hours spent at Hero  12 hours
% of lifetime in the wilderness  23 %
% of lifetime in the cities  17 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  0 %
% of lifetime caballed  85 %
23307, Gryssil's Best Set of Equipment
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Best Set of Equipment

worn on fingera wooden ring with a black opal
worn on fingera pitch-black ring
worn around necka bandit's robe
worn around necka bandit's robe
worn on bodya white fur-lined robe draped with animal fangs
worn on taila wide ring rimmed with razor sharp spikes
worn on heada circlet of dark metal
worn on facehorned mask of silver
worn on legssome spider-skin leggings
worn on hindpawsrear-claw extensions
worn on forepawscrescent gauntlets
worn on armsa pair of armguards from the snow worm
worn about bodythe hide of a desert troll
worn around waistan elk-leather belt embedded with fangs
worn on wrista brass dragonscale bracer
worn on wrist(Glowing) a flawless bracelet of pure sapphire