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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subject[BATTLE] Droghnund Nozhunellson the Dark Dancer, Drillmaster of Battle
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=20217
20217, [BATTLE] Droghnund Nozhunellson the Dark Dancer, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Droghnund Nozhunellson the Dark Dancer, Drillmaster of Battle


A splash of red here - is it blood? -, a dash of green there - grass stain?
or maybe just pus? -, and black, black, black all over. An interesting
collection of styles and cuts, fitted and loose, expensive and base cover
this being with coal black skin. But they seem to fit, the crazy mis-
matching outfit somehow seems to create one almost enticing appearance. There
is nothing pretty about it, nothing that anyone would call beautiful, but
rather a sense of style, almost a dischordant poetry of clothing. The
martial quality is highlighted by various implements of death noticeably and
obviously deliberately strapped to the body in various ways and places.
Above this sartorial fray lies a tonsorial maelstrom: black stringy hair
loosely pushed around and unkempt from years of living breathless under the
stifling confines of a helm or hat. Below though are the eyes. Fierce eyes,
which draw you in further, the blackness set off by very little white, but
rather deep rich clouds of milky red fluid. Those same eyes move quickly
with the sharp fast glances of a predator, while somehow never giving you the
feeling that you are being ignored. Your examination of this strange and
dark being make it entirely clear that


Exp512900To Level24350SpherePoetry
Age middle-aged, 208 years old (366 hours)
Hit Points949Mana425Movement1048
Carry #0/36Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
20248, Droghnund's Role Chapter 10
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 10

A mother's journal
Added Tue Feb 5 00:42:19 2008 at level 1:

33rd Day of Thunder, Month of the Frost Giant.

It's been four days since my last entry, this is the first I've had a chance to be
alone, let alone write, since I finally gave birth. It was a boy, and despite what
Nozhunell thought I named him Droghnund. Nozh's been a good enough husband, hasn't
really beaten me in almost a year now, but he's shite with names. He wanted to
name my son Zhuxhtix. Zhuxhtix! After some failed second son of a king when Palan
roamed Aran'gird challenging the king and winning, slicing him down like a stalk of
wheat! Can't have that. I'm sure he's whining about it as I write this, over a
mug of that filth ale he drinks, trying to plan some petty revenge. He'll get over
it. But enough of that, I have a son!! He's perfect. Already looks like he will
be chewing dwarf bones and sucking elf marrow before he can walk. Thankfully he
looks like me. Nothing and nobody is going to take my son away from me, and I
swear by Trel'aran the dragon he will NOT meet the same fate as his grandfather. I
swear! He will grow up strong and with a fire in his gut to do anything. Anything!

14th Day of the Bull, Month of the Old Forces.

Well, I told you yesterday, and I'm not the kind to say I told you so, but I told
you so! After Droghnund beat that horrible boy until he looked like a squashed
pixie, the boy's mother tried to scare me with threats of retribution both
magical and physical. But just like I predicted, she was all hot air and not an
ounce of real action. Even better, Drogh's showing real promise not just with his
fighting, but in his heart, in his eyes. He came over to me after the fight was
over, told me about it and then, in his little six year old words, described how
the blood that sprayed out of the other boy's nose made a pretty picture on Drogh's
shirt and pants. And more, the high pitched but simultaneously muffled sound of the
boy's voice after having his nose broken sounde like strange singing to him. His
grandfather's blood is beginning to show, and how I hoped it would. But I must
begin to think about how to make sure he does not end up the same way. He must not!

27th Day of the Great Gods, Month of the Dark Shades.

Everything is all set. The book with his ten best works is complete. Cost one of
my precious golds - a real gold coin! - but it was worth it. Putting in the last
one, his poem after his last victory where he broke the other young man's arms and
bent them back in almost exactly the same angle, made my heart sing. I only wish
we could afford a better feast for him, with some dwarf slave serving girls and
some of those storm giant steaks we had at the festival for the King's birthday. Now
those were tasty. But dryad steaks and cave fisher eggs will be good enough, and
only a tenth the price. Hopefully it will go without disruption. Which reminds me
I had a real scare today. Two of the enforcers came by today, for the first time
in almost fifteen years! I think I even recognized one of them, I think he was one
of the ones who came all those years ago and took father. Will they never leave us
alone??? I hate them. Hate them with all the hatred in all the world and I pray
to all the dark gods that they are sent to Anazu, the Minister of Pain, to spend
an eternity in horrible t

20247, Droghnund's Role Chapter 9
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 9

Letter home
Added Wed Feb 6 21:47:35 2008 at level 10:

Greetings, mother. The courier you bribed promises to deliver this to you. I promised
him that if he did not, he would find himself an interesting spectacle for children to stare
at and point, his limbs tied as a beer snack. I reached the overside without much difficulty.
The oversiders are an interesting lot. The lands crawl with mages, but there are so many others,
so many other kinds, even more than we've seen as slaves in the city. But I have also met
one who spoke of a village here, of those who seem to understand the need to do away with these
mages. He was an insulting cat, an obvious fool, but even as a broken timepiece may be right twice
a day, a fool can offer a speck of wisdom if only unintentionally. I will learn more of them.
I also am learning more of Iunna Goddess, who you spoke of before I left. I will seek her presence,
but as all the gods have their great wars to fight, I do not doubt it will be difficult.
Otherwise life is much simpler here. They do not seem to mind the killing, and indeed some ask me
to join with them. I scoff at their crude attempts. They may know a mace or blade, but they have
no fire within them, and no appreciation for the value of the violence beyond the mere killing.
Perhaps they will learn. Until then, I grow.
I enclosed my latest poem for you, mother. I warned the courier not to crease the parchment.
Keep it safe. And enjoy the upcoming feast of Jullias. They always serve the best ale that day.

Oversider Blood
Arm. Back it bends, forward it strikes. Blood. From inside to out. A travel.
Skin. Furry. Smooth. Pale. Black. Kissed by the sun. Kissed now by none.
Eyes. Seeing death come. Tears, unwept. Pain, unfelt. Death comes. But not quick.
Joy. It is an end.

20246, Droghnund's Role Chapter 8
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 8

Added Sat Feb 9 03:12:53 2008 at level 17:

1st Day of the Sun, Month of Long Shadows
My son has spoken to a GODDESS!!! MY son! As I write this I hold in my hand the letter
that I just received this day from that courier I paid. It has been months since last I
heard from Drogh but it was worth the wait. He was not only in the presence of a Goddess, but
they spoke! She read a poem of his he says! I could not be more proud of my son. Of course
the horrible part is I can't share it with anyone here, it is too dangerous. They might follow
the courier one day and find him. But he says he is growing strong, learning, and with the help
of this Iunna he now follows, he thinks he will grow not only in body and mind but in his
self, his core. I always knew he held such strong convictions but it is good to see him working
toward achieving more in life than simply being a slavemaster or thief or some such. Oh! I almost
forgot to mention, the letter arrived only moments after the most recent visit by the king's
mage's investigators. The swine. They beat Nozh but at least they left him here. Losing him
would mean bad days, and I don't want to give up this hovel we call a home. It's better than
living out in the caverns, with the drow and cavefishers and hook horrors wandering around.
But stil, a Goddess! I hope he lives up to her expectations. Almost as important as a mother's!

20245, Droghnund's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

A new piece
Added Mon Feb 11 18:29:06 2008 at level 21:

14th Day of the Sun, Month of the Dragon

Mother, the paper underneath this is a drawing I did yesterday, of a sculpture I made.
I am not sure it does it justice as I am not a particularly good drawer, but I hope you
get the sense of it. It was a beautiful moment, after an invigorating battle. I slew not one
but two of the mages here in the biggest city of the overside - they call it Galadon - and did so
even though one was one of their lawmen, in his own city. Afterward I collected the arms from the
first corpse, brought them over to the second corpse and using all four arms (I severed the two on
this corpse as well) and the two legs, which I also severed, I made a circle around the trunk, with
each finger (or big toe) pointing in the same direction. I then took the blood (there is a dab of it
in the drawing, to add some of the real color, I think it helps) and using a broken off finger drew
it around the body, creating a border of blood. The rest pooled at the middle, giving it almost a
floating sense. I think it made one coherent piece. I like that the fingers all point around
and demonstrate that death comes from all directions, and blood surrounds us all. They now know
fear, and they will be able to hide from me nowhere.
I hope this finds you well, and beat little Grozhy about the head for me.

20244, Droghnund's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

Added Thu Feb 14 23:07:55 2008 at level 24:

30th Day of Deception, Month of Nature

It occurs to me, mother, that I should tell you that you were right. Age brings some
measure of wisdom. My admitting your correctness is itself such an indication I believe,
but not the reason I write. No, I write because I have spent a great deal of time thinking
about the difference between magic and mages. For they are not the same. I detest every
mage with every fiber of my being, from my beard to my toenails. But I cannot muster the
same fire for magic itself. It is like water or air or fire, it is something that exists and
that may be used in infinite ways. Were there a way to have magic without mages, I would
consider such a world to be possibly worth living in. But despite this, the mages who practice
the use of the magic are, each and every one, less than the excrement from a roach at the
bottom of a pile of maggots in the slave pens in the city of our home. And if it is a choice
between a world with both magic and mages, or with neither, I will take neither. More, I will
fight with every fiber of my being to kill the mages. But, I admit to you, I will not walk
this overside - or when I return, the paths of aran'gird - and worry about a potion or wand
or some such. The thing is of no consequence. It is the being who uses it. None can use it
without corruption - of the unacceptable sort, not the usual perfectly acceptable type - and so they
all must die and none allowed to learn the ways of the mana flow. To this I have and will
continue to dedicate myself, Mother, and when one day I am old enough and strong enough I will
return and show the vile mages there what true power, true fire, can do. Live on, Mother. I hope
the courier finds you quickly, and finds you alive and strong. Do not allow father to beat you
too much.

20243, Droghnund's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

An Applicant's Victory
Added Sat Feb 16 01:01:03 2008 at level 25:

9th Day of Freedom, Month of Dark Shades

A new poem to put into my new book! It has been a while since I've heard from Drogh, but
it was worth the wait. This new work is delightful, short and strong, with wit but also
with purpose. He seems to be doing well and working with his new friends well. I like this one:
To arms, the call is sent.
The guardian's flesh must be rent.
A gnome and orc did they call.
A gnome and orc they saw fall.
Two elders do nothing but watch.

In time we have one rise.
The balancers add more to their lies.
The Head is what we need.
The Guardian is what we bleed.
And soon my belt has a new notch.

I have no idea who these balancers are, but they sound like dragon dung. Nozh may actually
like this one. He does so like things with blood. Sorry this is short, I want to write more but
the dark elf delegation is coming tonight and I must prepare our table for the market. They
always buy so many of my bracelets. The fools think it looks like the mithril they hate!

20242, Droghnund's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

A Great Moment
Added Sun Feb 17 16:57:15 2008 at level 26:

2nd Day of the Great Gods, Month of the Grand Struggle

I have news for you mother. Since last I wrote, that title has become much more prolific.
You see, you have many, many more sons, and perhaps a few more daughters now. For I have a new
family that likes to consider all brothers and sisters. I have been built a hut as they call it
in the village of the Battleragers. A most exciting and inspiring event. Let me tell you of it.
As you know from my last letters I had officially announced my desire to join. They called
me an applicant. Somewhat dismissive a title, I admit, but not one without some measure of pride.
I redoubled my efforts to bring the mages to death, which also had the equal benefit of inspiring
me to some of my better works, if I say so myself, some of which I have sent you. But still
I needed not only to show my skills in war, as in art, but also to convince at least two who
already live in this village to speak for me, to say they thought I was deserving a hut.
Some of them are simpletons. Some I would never call brother or sister - did you know they have
elves and dwarves here?? And not in slave pens, but as actual, fighting comrades. It is most strange -
but despite my dislike for them, I know that each and every one of them would stand behind me in a
march to your city, ready to fight and die to kill the mages that so oppress. I found three
who would take time to speak and who quickly showed great wisdom by declaring me fit for a hut.
Still, there is no commander now, and so only a God could let me build a hut. What to do?
Here now is the great news. The Sublime Song herself, the Goddess Yean, spoke with me, and
personally inducted me into the village. It was and remains a great honor. It inspires me
to great works. I have made several flesh and blood sculptures, and my work is evolving. I
have incorporated some dance into it, dancing in the blood of the fallen mages. Did you know that
despite being furry or smooth, black or pale, blue or gray, all these oversiders have the same
bright red shade of blood? It is fascinating, and each battle makes for more spectacle.

I will try to write again soon. It is a great war here and I am learning, and killing, well.
I am enclosing five gold pieces, the "gift" of an antipaladin of the empire who thought he was
strong. He learned that being born by fire does not make one OF fire. But I am. And he is dead.
Stay strong Mother. The day will come when the city will be freed from the mages.

20241, Droghnund's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

A Great Work
Added Wed Feb 20 21:43:05 2008 at level 30:

27th Day of the Sun, Month of the Spring

That Drogh, he may be so smart but he can be so dumb! What am I to do with this painting??
It is quite lovely though, I have to admit. Here, let me look at it one more time before
I hide it away!

A triptych rests before you, three panels joined with hinges, each
panel depicting a different scene, clearly a scene over a few moments.

Panel one shows a lone duergar, one sword in each hand, his body
adorned in spikes and armors, covered over with cloaks and the skin of
some animal. Under his feet is written "Droghnund". He is on a large
road, and there are several people around him. Just as he looks up,
four new beings arrive. The first, wearing mostly black and moving
quietly, has the name "Cru" written beneath his feet. He is human, with
few identifying marks. He holds a blade in one hand and a shield in the
other. His eyes seem to be checking to make sure he is not alone, and
fear is on his face. Next to him is another duergar, this one wielding
a silver flail in one hand and a black hammer in the other. Under him
is written the name "Huytra" and his mien shows obvious greed, leering at
Droghnund. Lastly is an even blacker being, a drow by the look of him,
under whose feet is the name "Tarantyr" and by whose side follows a being
made only of stone and earth, an elemental. The four of them try to
surround Droghnund, and the air is tense with expectation.

The second panel is a whir of motion and fury, action and combat of the most
serious kind. Droghnund's blades flash, one parrying the flaming bite of
Huytra's flail, and moving aside as Huytra tries to slam him to the ground
with his body. His other blade slips by Cru's shield, piercing him in the
shoulder, bringing blood in a small river. Steps away, Tarantyr's back is
already to the fight, blood streaming from many wounds as he runs from the
battle, nearly dead, his servant elemental trying desperately to keep up.
Droghnund bleeds from many wounds, but his face shows a glow, an inner
fire, that seems to almost leap out and consume his two remaining attackers.
Both Cru and Huytra show fatigue and look close to desperation, but their
greed holds them in place, and they continue the battle to the end.

The third and final panel shows Droghnund standing over two corpses. It
shows him in motion - a shadowed version of him here, a shadowed version
of him there, motion clearly showing his actions. First he cuts the finger
from Cru's corpse. Then he begins drawing some words with the blood, using
the finger as a brush. "War for a purpose will always defeat battle for
mere coin, and bringing friends shows only a lack of true art, for where
is the glorious spectacle of it?" He then walks around the scene,
pondering, looking at the corpses from different angles. First moving in
a bit closer, then moving back further, seeing them from all sides. Then
he moves first to one and then the other, cutting off the arms of each,
setting them down so they all are linked. Near the end he stands back and
watches as the blood pools on one end, and then channels it into a great
circle around both corpses, encircling the entire scene. Finally, the
picture shows a solid Droghnund standing back, nodding to himself and
smiling, pleased both with his War, and his

20240, Droghnund's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Added Sat Feb 23 15:10:42 2008 at level 31:

3rd Day of Thunder, Month of Winter

Many often say you will not believe this or that, but mother, I rest assured
knowing you will not believe what has transpired. It is even more bizarre than
the time the svirfs from lower Cragstone came and one actually bashed down the
airborn giant slave. Astonishing. As I wrote to you months ago, the Village
I have joined has been without leadership. Their method for choosing new leaders,
a Commander and a Drillmaster, is called the Rites. There, they test battle skills
and wits. I of course put my name in to join, as I can think of few greater
inspirations than such a spectacle, and if I managed to be victorious, all the
better. I am confident in my skills to lead, and maintain my focus. These Rites
were held today and I was not disappointed. Great battles, individual and groups,
were fought, won and lost. Unfortunately none of my guildrank had the heart to
leave the huts other than me, so I had none to fight in the combat portion. I do
not doubt they fear my blades, as well they should. My fire burns hot. But, I
was not merely a voyeur. The Goddess had a test for me as well. I was to predict
the victor in each contest, as a test of my judgment and combat knowledge. You will
be proud to know that I predicted ten for twelve, impressing even myself with my
ability. After this came the test of wits where words held sway, and of course
I excelled. Some of the others had interesting things to say, to be sure, but
I do not believe any spoke better than I. Which is as it should be, for speech is
simply another form of Art, and they cannot match my skills there. You will be
pleased to know I did not let the glory go to my head too far though, Mother. I
made it clear that while I would accept the position of Commander if necessary, I
would rather, and am for now more suited, to be Drillmaster. Commander takes much
time and would require a diminishment of my efforts in my Art. While in the prime
of my life now, I do not wish such a reduction. There were six others in the
test of Wits, winners of the test of combat, and all in the hero ranks. In the end,
Fjarn, an oversider of the airborn, was made Commander. He will be fine, I do not
doubt. But here is where you will need to be sitting, Mother. Moments later...
I was risen to Drillmaster. I am now the Drillmaster of Battle. A heady and
inspiring result.

What is even more surprising though is how I feel myself to be changed, and changing
still. One of the things I do so prize about seeing life not as some rigid set of
rules or strict order of behavior, is that nothing is permanent, least of all a
man. Shocking as this may sound, Mother, I have developed an attachment, almost
even an affection, for these others in the village. I know, it sounds disgusting
even to write it. It is worse feeling it. Even so, there it is. Where once, ten
or twenty years ago I would not have thought twice to lie or betray or watch
die one of them, brother or no, I cannot deny I now feel compelled to help them,
at least to become better fighters in the War. And to preserve their lives. Even
the pathetic elves and dwarves. If someone had told me I would say that one day,
I would have stuck a spoon in their eye and eaten it as they watched with the other.
But change happens

20239, Droghnund's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Interesting life
Added Sun Mar 9 00:37:19 2008 at level 35:

1st Day of the Great Gods, Month of Long Shadows

Finally! I have been so worried about Drogh, and as you know, when I heard they
found the body of the courier we had paid to deliver messages I thought I would
never hear from him again, and worse that he was dead! But today brought good news:
he is alive and well. His birthday comes soon, I cannot believe how old he is, 140
years already. But the wait was worthwhile, he seems to have found a reliable
courier who will take his gold and deliver these letters. One of the short ones,
I think he is from Upper Cragstone by his accent, but who can tell them apart, they
all look the same. His letter had many interesting descriptions of his growing
abilities as a fighter - I knew he was destined for greatness! - and his increased
skills in his Artistic work. He is working on a dance that he will perform at the
bar he calls an Inn of Heralds, whatever that is. Drogh, dancing! I am impressed
that my boy has grown strong enough not only on the outside, but the inside. But
I have to say the three most important things were not about his fighting or his
dancing, or at least not directly. No, he has spoken now with four Gods! Four!
My hand is shaking as I write this, to think of it. He spoke with the God Enlilth
who is of our kind. I worry even to write his name here, lest his attention be
lured to me. But Drogh says even worse he has questioned the God. Questioned a
God!! Sometimes he is as big a fool as he is a fighter. I am only glad Enlilth
God did not choose to pull him apart to make his own piece of sculpture. In my
letter back to him I will tell Drogh in no uncertain terms to stop instigating the
God. Though I have to admit a small part of me is pleased he had the stones for
it. My son is a man.

But that is not all. His letter describes how some local petty tyrant, something
called a Sultan, had his guards strip him to the bone and throw him in some cell.
My boy, in a prison, naked! If I'd known then I would have traveled up there
myself and given them what for, I tell you. But like the man that he is, his fire
would not allow him to simply dwindle to nothing from starvation. He sought a
more artistic, more martial ending, and prayed to the gods for a battle to the
death. And do you know who appeared? The Imp! The Imp God Lyristeon! I cannot
imagine what it must be like to speak to that ancient creature. Before the gods
were gods, the Imp was there. And if ever there were a creative trickster, it is
this Imp. Even here in aran'gird we know of him, though we do not tempt fate by
seeking his favor. Make a bargain with the Imp, end up with no bargain at all they
say. But Drogh said he had no choice and so after earning some food and drink they
set to dickering. In the end my boy did me proud again. Here, let me tell you
exactly what he wrote, it is perfect: "Sometimes taking a blow to one's pride
can strengthen the spirit that bears it." He has a way with words, that boy. Or
that man, I should say. Seems he was forced to embarrass himself and call himself
the Imp's monkey for the day, wearing some strange costume. He earned his freedom
and learned a lesson. A mother can only be happy when that happens. Perhaps he
will meet the Imp again and learn more. I hope he is careful

20238, Droghnund's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Wed Feb 27 23:26:48 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 32 (143 hrs):
An Immortal added 400 exp for: Role addition re: new Drillmaster position.

Sat Mar 1 11:55:14 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 32 (156 hrs):
An Immortal added 250 exp for: A cool little chat, about Village, religion, and other matters.

Sun Mar 2 00:30:58 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 32 (164 hrs):
An Immortal added 250 exp for: Fun little rp session with me (Yean) and the Drillmaster, about his history and induction.

Sun Mar 2 00:31:21 2008 by 'Yean' at level 32 (164 hrs):
Make that Dagar's history and induction.

Wed Mar 5 22:32:37 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 34 (178 hrs):
An Immortal added 1000 exp for: For some Imp fun in getting out of a bind.

Thu Mar 6 19:11:17 2008 by 'Kastellyn' at level 34 (183 hrs):
Posted a long-ass note about Villagers needing to improve communication within Battle by posting weekly scrolls detailing tactics used in mage kills. I like.

Sat Mar 8 14:01:50 2008 by 'Yean' at level 34 (194 hrs):
Although he's pretty diverse and strong in pk, writing, rp and stuff, he can get annoying at times with his 'let me tell you what to do' and attention seeking tendencies.

Sun Mar 9 01:56:05 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 35 (198 hrs):
An Immortal added 800 exp for: Role update from the perspective of his mother. On various imms he's interacted with.

Sun Mar 9 19:45:52 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 35 (202 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: random watchin' = RP

Thu Mar 13 23:05:07 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 40 (217 hrs):
An Immortal added 1000 exp for: Killed the Queen Harpy!

Sat Mar 15 12:10:00 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 40 (227 hrs):
An Immortal added 1000 exp for: For participation in the Council of War Fjarn called for.

Sun Mar 16 21:18:40 2008 by 'Kastellyn' at level 41 (239 hrs):
Wrote a poem about taking out four enemies. Nice bit of prose, very original.

Thu Mar 20 20:38:37 2008 by 'Iunna' at level 51 (260 hrs):
Titled for his little performance at the Inn, which managed to draw some 30-some people.

Sun Mar 23 21:30:32 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (280 hrs):
An Immortal added 1000 exp for: 2 eggs found.

Mon Mar 24 08:01:05 2008 by 'Kastellyn' at level 51 (285 hrs):
Calling for a Battle expedition to Aran'gird to slay the king and his foul mage minions.

Thu Apr 10 10:24:17 2008 by 'Yean' at level 51 (332 hrs):
Listening to some of his men's complaints on the scroll writing tasks, and modifying it accordingly. Props for that.

Tue Apr 22 18:44:17 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (355 hrs):
An Immortal added 2000 exp for: First place winner of the April RC.

20237, Droghnund's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Fri Feb 8 00:02:50 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 15 (8 hrs):
An Immortal added 1500 exp for: A well thought out background role defining his past and his goals to join the Village and follow Iunna. Just what the Village needs, another gullyshite!

Fri Feb 8 21:19:53 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 15 (12 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: Early religion/poetry RP in Kiadana.

Sat Feb 9 12:20:41 2008 by 'Daevryn' at level 18 (18 hrs):
Presumably, trading gear with Igbah (scion) isn't really on the list of things someone who wants to be Battle should be doing.

Sat Feb 9 12:27:16 2008 by 'Daevryn' at level 18 (18 hrs):
I mean, and Igbah's title is 'the Beast in the Night'. We're not exactly Joe Anonymous Fire War Hero.

Fri Feb 15 21:07:10 2008 by 'Kastellyn' at level 25 (56 hrs):
Wrote a flyer that Xarto published for him, about raiding Nexus and defeating the defenders they called to stop him.

Sat Feb 16 00:08:16 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 25 (56 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: For a very funny prayer to Iunna regarding the suitability of a victim's blood to be used as paint and his fingers for brushes.

Sat Feb 16 10:34:51 2008 by 'Kastellyn' at level 25 (61 hrs):
Has the recommendation of Xarto.

Sat Feb 16 11:52:29 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 25 (61 hrs):
An Immortal added 800 exp for: More role/poem entries, kill them mages.

Sun Feb 17 01:55:12 2008 by 'Yean' at level 26 (67 hrs):
He's a doer and has interesting roleplay, and that's always good. Inducted for all-round goodness.

Mon Feb 18 21:50:46 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 30 (81 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: Some nice chatting at the shrine about Battle aspirations, idiots, poetry and future religious stuff.

Tue Feb 19 09:02:29 2008 by 'Kastellyn' at level 30 (87 hrs):
Will participate in the Rites.

Tue Feb 19 22:56:27 2008 by 'Qaledus' at level 30 (89 hrs):
I like his attitude, his art and his role entries.

Thu Feb 21 19:28:12 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 31 (98 hrs):
An Immortal added 800 exp for: Letter home to mom and a nice 'piece' of art

Sat Feb 23 12:05:29 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 31 (116 hrs):
An Immortal added 1000 exp for: For participation in the Rites!

Sat Feb 23 12:46:02 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 31 (116 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: Great job in the Rites, selected as Drillmaster by Fjarn, a little more XP since I was premature in my previous adding.

Wed Feb 27 21:23:12 2008 by 'An Immortal' at level 32 (143 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: Some good religion chattering.

Wed Feb 27 23:21:27 2008 by 'Iunna' at level 32 (143 hrs):
I should add that he's been coming to me for advice on his art/poetry/etc. That's all well and good, except he makes me want to be Simon from AI.

20236, Droghnund's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  108
Total PK Assists  18
Average Group Size Per Kill  1.37

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Self-Reliant

Average Group Size Per Death  1.61

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Unwitting Guest of Bad Parties

20233, Droghnund's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 25drive92%
Level 25spell evasion79%
Level 26jab100%
Level 26pummel100%
Level 27parting blow100%
Level 29riposte99%
Level 30careful vision91%
Level 30fourth attack100%
Level 30stun90%
Level 30dash93%
Level 30critical hit100%
Level 31flurry100%
Level 32crushing blow98%
Level 35legendary awareness72%
Level 35precise aim98%
Level 36bone armor use1%
Level 46enhanced reactions100%
20235, Droghnund's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  108 (27 at level 51)
Total PK Losses  41
Total Mob Deaths  24

PK Wins by Class
VS. transmuter  3
VS. thief  5
VS. warrior  27
VS. anti-paladin  8
VS. assassin  12
VS. ranger  4
VS. invoker  7
VS. necromancer  3
VS. bard  6
VS. shaman  2
VS. druid  1
VS. conjurer  16
VS. berserker  1
VS. shapeshifter  13

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  59

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  20
VS. Neutral  27
VS. Evil  61

PK Deaths by Class
VS. thief  1
VS. warrior  14
VS. anti-paladin  2
VS. assassin  5
VS. ranger  1
VS. invoker  3
VS. necromancer  2
VS. bard  7
VS. druid  1
VS. shapeshifter  5

PK Deaths by Cabal
VS. None  3

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  7
VS. Neutral  6
VS. Evil  28
20234, Droghnund's Cabal Powers List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Powers List

Level 10spellbane100%
Level 12resistance100%
Level 25truesight100%
20232, Droghnund's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1axe100%
Level 1dagger100%
Level 1flail97%
Level 1mace100%
Level 1polearm100%
Level 1spear100%
Level 1sword100%
Level 1staff96%
Level 1whip97%
Level 1enhanced damage100%
Level 1hand to hand100%
Level 1parry100%
Level 1rescue74%
Level 1recall100%
Level 1shield block1%
Level 2improved compare100%
Level 2improved consider100%
Level 2elbow1%
Level 2metal armor use100%
Level 2light armor use94%
Level 3dirt kicking100%
Level 4aim100%
Level 4knee1%
Level 5second attack100%
Level 6fast healing100%
Level 8kick1%
Level 10disarm100%
Level 10feint1%
Level 11inspect goods1%
Level 12third attack100%
Level 12dual wield100%
Level 13dodge100%
Level 14haggle99%
Level 14pierce1%
Level 15bash100%
Level 15trip100%
Level 15shield cleave1%
Level 15pugil1%
Level 15meditation100%
Level 16charge1%
Level 17thrust1%
Level 18berserk100%
Level 18lash1%
Level 19slice1%
Level 20attune1%
Level 20warcry99%
Level 20set fracture70%
Level 20flourintine100%
Level 20ironhands100%
Level 20pen1%
Level 20discern spell78%
Level 21prosperous reputation71%
Level 21lore100%
Level 21retreat77%
Level 22cross100%
Level 22evasion1%
Level 23offhand disarm80%
Level 23trophy73%
Level 23vital area100%
Level 23poultice95%
Level 24evade83%
Level 24double thrust100%
20231, Droghnund's Title History
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Title History

Fri Feb 15 01:52:36 2008, level 25 (46 hrs):
Droghnund the Tactician, Village Applicant

Sat Feb 23 12:45:14 2008, level 31 (116 hrs):
Droghnund the Master of Offense, Drillmaster of Battle

Mon Mar 17 20:29:45 2008, level 41 (243 hrs):
Droghnund Nozhunellson the Vanquisher of Adversaries, Drillmaster of Battle

Thu Mar 20 20:38:11 2008, level 51 (260 hrs):
Droghnund Nozhunellson the Dark Dancer, Drillmaster of Battle

20230, Droghnund's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Apr 22, 2008|Lv 51|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Nusson vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Apr 22, 2008|Lv 51|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Nusson vs 2: Xubetok (0%), Droghnund (100%, KB)
Apr 23, 2008|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Aedyn vs 2: Droghnund (54%,KB), Venecfis (45%)
Apr 25, 2008|Lv 51|The Nexus Island|Jakziim vs 2: Droghnund (68%), Xubetok (31%, KB)
Apr 26, 2008|Lv 51|Galadon|Goarang vs 2: Rakhir (41%), Droghnund (58%, KB)
20229, Droghnund's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Mar 14, 2008|Lv 40|BattleRager Village|Horkampz vs 3: Xubetok (19%,KB), Dorfo (25%), Droghnund (54%)
Mar 14, 2008|Lv 40|Domain of Eternal Night|Griv vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 16, 2008|Lv 41|The Eastern Road|Joram vs 3: Xubetok (13%), Droghnund (50%, KB), Dagar (35%)
Mar 16, 2008|Lv 41|The Imperial Palace|Joram vs 4: Macha (10%), Careashiin (41%, KB), Angaarn (0%), Droghnund (47%)
Mar 17, 2008|Lv 41|Galadon|Ramora vs 2: Ishiamia (33%), Droghnund (66%, KB)
Mar 17, 2008|Lv 41|Galadon|Careashiin vs 2: Droghnund (53%,KB), Lurtik (46%)
Mar 17, 2008|Lv 41|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Idosuka vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 20, 2008|Lv 51|East Sumner's Road|Leclaire vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 20, 2008|Lv 51|Galadon|Zattanralk vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 21, 2008|Lv 51|The Nexus Island|Andaayhn vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 21, 2008|Lv 51|The Nexus Island|Praeto vs 2: Tuhdain (30%), Droghnund (69%, KB)
Mar 22, 2008|Lv 51|Aldevari|Andaayhn vs 3: Fatfrumos (0%), Droghnund (66%, KB), Dalisnik (33%)
Mar 22, 2008|Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Horkampz vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 23, 2008|Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Zhoraz vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 23, 2008|Lv 51|Galadon|Mahamoth vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 23, 2008|Lv 51|Galadon|Mahamoth vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 26, 2008|Lv 51|The Tower of Sorcery|Nyii vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 28, 2008|Lv 51|South Dairein Settlement|Angaarn vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Apr 2, 2008 |Lv 51|Domain of Eternal Night|Soha vs 3: Droghnund (22%), Inger (30%, KB), Xubetok (46%)
Apr 2, 2008 |Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Vehldriss vs 2: Droghnund (36%), Xubetok (63%, KB)
Apr 2, 2008 |Lv 51|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Vehldriss vs 3: Mizfara (25%), Droghnund (38%), Xubetok (36%, KB)
Apr 3, 2008 |Lv 51|Voralian City|Kryflenwit vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Apr 3, 2008 |Lv 51|Balator|Jaeras vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Apr 5, 2008 |Lv 51|The Inn of the Eternal Star|Hadashdakon vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Apr 5, 2008 |Lv 51|Waters of the Deep|Narclarn vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Apr 7, 2008 |Lv 51|The Nexus Island|Deigibe vs 2: Droghnund (60%), Xubetok (39%, KB)
Apr 8, 2008 |Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Perriol vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Apr 8, 2008 |Lv 51|BattleRager Village|Seyriannia vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Apr 9, 2008 |Lv 51|The Nexus Island|Deigibe vs 2: Droghnund (88%,KB), Xubetok (11%)
Apr 13, 2008|Lv 51|Ar'atouldain|Suldakur vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Apr 14, 2008|Lv 51|The Aryth Ocean|Horoyara vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Apr 15, 2008|Lv 51|Ysigrath|Jakziim vs 3: Droghnund (25%), Xubetok (23%), Inger (50%, KB)
Apr 18, 2008|Lv 51|Silverwood|Gujnuz vs 2: Droghnund (28%), Xubetok (71%, KB)
Apr 22, 2008|Lv 51|Galadon|Goarang vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Apr 22, 2008|Lv 51|The Nexus Island|Ramora vs 2: Cryptodiro (89%,KB), Droghnund (10%)
Apr 22, 2008|Lv 51|Domain of Eternal Night|Soha vs 2: Xubetok (21%), Droghnund (78%, KB)
Apr 22, 2008|Lv 51|Outskirts of Galadon|Zholgrom vs 2: Macha (20%,KB), Droghnund (79%)
Apr 22, 2008|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|Gujnuz vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
20228, Droghnund's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Feb 25, 2008|Lv 32|The Battlefield|Luvren vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 25, 2008|Lv 32|The Seaport of Hamsah Mu'tazz|Sasha vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 25, 2008|Lv 32|The Eastern Road|Sovusk vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 27, 2008|Lv 32|Aturi|Malkyriah vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 27, 2008|Lv 32|Khardrath's Planar Sanctum|Malkyriah vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 28, 2008|Lv 32|Mount Kiadana-Rah|Soha vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 28, 2008|Lv 32|Mount Kiadana-Rah|Sasha vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 28, 2008|Lv 32|The Battlefield|Baalocc vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 28, 2008|Lv 32|The Eastern Road|Ishiamia vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 28, 2008|Lv 32|The Eastern Road|Cometah vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 28, 2008|Lv 32|The Eastern Road|Drisdonn vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 28, 2008|Lv 32|Galadon|Strega vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 28, 2008|Lv 32|Voralian City|Jereimicia vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 28, 2008|Lv 32|The Galadon Sewers|Taliyah vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 28, 2008|Lv 32|The Eastern Road|Hadashdakon vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 28, 2008|Lv 32|The Eastern Road|Taliyah vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 28, 2008|Lv 32|The Eastern Road|Calprecia vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 1, 2008 |Lv 32|The Nexus Island|Kiobaje vs 3: Droghnund (36%,KB), Jalenkan (16%), Xiu (46%)
Mar 1, 2008 |Lv 32|Udgaard|Kiobaje vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 1, 2008 |Lv 32|The Battlefield|Ishiamia vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 2, 2008 |Lv 32|The Eastern Road|Cryptodiro vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 2, 2008 |Lv 33|Arkham|Jyandauch vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 2, 2008 |Lv 33|Forgotten Crypts|Krist vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 2, 2008 |Lv 33|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Tarantyr vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 2, 2008 |Lv 33|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Kiobaje vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 2, 2008 |Lv 33|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|Tarantyr vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 2, 2008 |Lv 34|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Zattanralk vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 2, 2008 |Lv 34|BattleRager Village|Tarantyr vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 2, 2008 |Lv 34|Galadon|Novotny vs 2: Careashiin (79%), Droghnund (20%, KB)
Mar 8, 2008 |Lv 34|Aturi|Groglop vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 9, 2008 |Lv 37|BattleRager Village|Kiobaje vs 3: Droghnund (43%), Dalisnik (34%, KB), Tuhdain (22%)
Mar 10, 2008|Lv 37|The Coastal Plains|Faros vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 11, 2008|Lv 39|The Grove|Ishiamia vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 12, 2008|Lv 40|The Shadow Grove|Joram vs 2: Soha (27%), Droghnund (72%, KB)
Mar 12, 2008|Lv 40|Domain of Eternal Night|Griv vs 2: Lurtik (0%), Droghnund (100%, KB)
Mar 13, 2008|Lv 40|Galadon|Sletren vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 13, 2008|Lv 40|Outskirts of Galadon|Firata vs 2: Droghnund (42%), Dizari (57%, KB)
Mar 13, 2008|Lv 40|BattleRager Village|Stauln vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Mar 14, 2008|Lv 40|Balator|Sasha vs 3: Droghnund (22%), Corsix (36%), Angaarn (40%, KB)
Mar 14, 2008|Lv 40|The Eastern Road|Mzzaral vs 3: Droghnund (12%), Tuhdain (58%), Taruk (29%, KB)
Mar 14, 2008|Lv 40|The Eastern Road|Horkampz vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
20227, Droghnund's PK Wins
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Wins

Feb 10, 2008|Lv 21|Galadon|Nazrael vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 10, 2008|Lv 21|Galadon|Tiera vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 11, 2008|Lv 21|Chessmaster Tower|Iridon vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 14, 2008|Lv 24|Bramblefield Road|Sovusk vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 14, 2008|Lv 24|Feanwyyn Weald|Ckrearkma vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 14, 2008|Lv 24|Forest of NoWhere|Typhgraag vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 15, 2008|Lv 25|South Dairein Settlement|Barukgrath vs 3: Droghnund (0%), Jukha (41%), Soraec (58%, KB)
Feb 15, 2008|Lv 25|The Ashes of NoWhere|Cordella vs 2: Droghnund (92%,KB), Kurlose (7%)
Feb 15, 2008|Lv 25|Akan|Joram vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 15, 2008|Lv 25|The Lumberyard|Frettabi vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 15, 2008|Lv 25|Eaststride Road|Tarantyr vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 16, 2008|Lv 25|The Outpost of Tir-Talath|Xzrugde vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 16, 2008|Lv 25|The Eastern Road|Faros vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 16, 2008|Lv 25|The Eastern Road|Faros vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 16, 2008|Lv 25|The Galadon Sewers|Huytra vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 16, 2008|Lv 26|The North Road|Frettabi vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 16, 2008|Lv 26|Strange Island|Tarantyr vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 17, 2008|Lv 26|The Eastern Road|Cru vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 17, 2008|Lv 26|The Eastern Road|Huytra vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 17, 2008|Lv 26|The Imperial Palace|Fualkentoth vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 17, 2008|Lv 26|North Sutherspring Road|Bailnaun vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 17, 2008|Lv 26|Outskirts of Galadon|Moroque vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 17, 2008|Lv 26|The Battlefield|Joram vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 17, 2008|Lv 26|Chessmaster Tower|Zoriah vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 18, 2008|Lv 30|BattleRager Village|Firata vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 18, 2008|Lv 30|The Eastern Road|Firata vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 18, 2008|Lv 30|The Eastern Road|Sylstri vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 19, 2008|Lv 30|The Shadow Grove|Dargekt vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 19, 2008|Lv 30|Arkham|Dargekt vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 20, 2008|Lv 30|The Eastern Road|Xprlet vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 20, 2008|Lv 30|Domain of Eternal Night|Barukgrath vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 21, 2008|Lv 30|Chessmaster Tower|Sovusk vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 22, 2008|Lv 31|Forgotten Crypts|Zeekah vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 22, 2008|Lv 31|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Chuhanrun vs 2: Krizshar (45%,KB), Droghnund (54%)
Feb 22, 2008|Lv 31|BattleRager Village|Chhali vs 2: Krizshar (90%,KB), Droghnund (10%)
Feb 22, 2008|Lv 31|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Vehldriss vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 23, 2008|Lv 31|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Samosette vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 24, 2008|Lv 31|Hamsah Mu'tazz|Faros vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 24, 2008|Lv 31|The Past Grove|Tapioco vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 24, 2008|Lv 31|Eaststride Road|Joram vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 25, 2008|Lv 31|Balator|Lukpleces vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
Feb 25, 2008|Lv 32|The Battlefield|Jyandauch vs 1: Droghnund (100%,KB)
20226, Droghnund's PK Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Deaths

Feb 14, 2008|Lv 24|Feanwyyn Weald|vs 0:
Feb 20, 2008|Lv 30|Strange Island|vs 2: Mizfara (75%,KB), Firata (24%)
Feb 22, 2008|Lv 31|The Nexus Island|vs 1: Chuhanrun (100%,KB)
Feb 23, 2008|Lv 31|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|vs 1: Vehldriss (100%,KB)
Feb 28, 2008|Lv 32|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|vs 4: Anhvevoiem (45%), Sasha (27%), Joram (0%), Calprecia (26%, KB)
Feb 28, 2008|Lv 32|BattleRager Village|vs 2: Havelan (93%), Kiobaje (6%, KB)
Mar 1, 2008 |Lv 32|The Ashes of NoWhere|vs 1: Balglaren (100%,KB)
Mar 5, 2008 |Lv 34|Mount Calandaryl|vs 1: Ahtieli (100%,KB)
Mar 14, 2008|Lv 40|BattleRager Village|vs 1: Sasha (100%,KB)
Mar 16, 2008|Lv 40|The Eastern Road|vs 2: Shenkov (50%), Waris (49%, KB)
Mar 18, 2008|Lv 46|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|vs 1: Kornuel (100%,KB)
Mar 18, 2008|Lv 48|BattleRager Village|vs 1: Igbah (100%,KB)
Mar 19, 2008|Lv 50|The Northern Mountains|vs 1: Kostyan (100%,KB)
Mar 21, 2008|Lv 51|The Spire of the Blood Tribunal|vs 2: Kornuel (81%,KB), Ophanelu (18%)
Mar 21, 2008|Lv 51|Aldevari|vs 1: Kornuel (100%,KB)
Mar 21, 2008|Lv 51|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|vs 1: Feilinal (100%,KB)
Mar 21, 2008|Lv 51|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|vs 1: Kostyan (100%,KB)
Mar 22, 2008|Lv 51|Hamsah Mu'tazz|vs 1: Vehldriss (100%,KB)
Mar 22, 2008|Lv 51|The Shadow Grove|vs 1: Feilinal (100%,KB)
Mar 22, 2008|Lv 51|Feanwyyn Weald|vs 2: Tapioco (93%,KB), Laernoch (6%)
Mar 23, 2008|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|vs 3: Kostyan (66%), Sasha (0%), Dashmiri (33%, KB)
Mar 24, 2008|Lv 51|Balator|vs 3: Dashmiri (64%,KB), Kornuel (35%), Khrathtyn (0%)
Mar 25, 2008|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|vs 5: Cryptodiro (2%), Angaarn (0%), Grecken (86%, KB), Andaayhn (11%), Igbah (0%)
Mar 26, 2008|Lv 51|Ysigrath|vs 2: Igbah (100%,KB), Grecken (0%)
Mar 26, 2008|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|vs 1: Kostyan (100%,KB)
Mar 26, 2008|Lv 51|Arboria|vs 1: Kostyan (100%,KB)
Mar 28, 2008|Lv 51|Whitecloak Encampment|Droghnund committed suicide
Mar 29, 2008|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|vs 2: Igbah (98%,KB), Sletren (1%)
Mar 30, 2008|Lv 51|The Tahril Mountains|vs 1: Fatfrumos (100%,KB)
Mar 30, 2008|Lv 51|Domain of Eternal Night|vs 2: Igbah (21%), Fatfrumos (78%, KB)
Mar 30, 2008|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|vs 1: Kostyan (100%,KB)
Apr 8, 2008 |Lv 51|Arboria|vs 1: Mizfara (100%,KB)
Apr 9, 2008 |Lv 51|BattleRager Village|vs 2: Igbah (98%,KB), Praeto (1%)
Apr 11, 2008|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|vs 3: Angaarn (29%), Rakhir (31%, KB), Narclarn (39%)
Apr 13, 2008|Lv 51|Ar'atouldain|vs 1: Olmuldorn (100%,KB)
Apr 17, 2008|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|vs 2: Fatfrumos (26%,KB), Seyriannia (73%)
Apr 17, 2008|Lv 51|The Ruins of Ostalagiah|vs 1: Kayella (100%,KB)
Apr 20, 2008|Lv 51|BattleRager Village|vs 4: Jerzickus (19%), Waris (31%, KB), Igbah (48%), Soha (0%)
Apr 21, 2008|Lv 51|The Eastern Road|vs 2: Soha (5%), Jennil (94%, KB)
Apr 22, 2008|Lv 51|The Kobold Warrens|vs 3: Aab (0%), Macha (25%), Seyriannia (74%, KB)
Apr 26, 2008|Lv 51|The Tahril Mountains|vs 2: Sletren (59%,KB), Fatfrumos (40%)
Apr 26, 2008|Lv 51|The Tahril Mountains|vs 2: Sletren (41%,KB), Fatfrumos (58%)
20218, Droghnund's Best Set of Equipment
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Best Set of Equipment

worn on fingera fire opal ring
worn on fingera fire opal ring
worn around neck(Humming) a fine stole of white ermine
worn around neck(Humming) a fine stole of white ermine
worn on body(Glowing) (Humming) a suit of darkened platemail
worn on headthe Seantryn Battle Helm
worn on legs(Glowing) (Humming) a pair of darkened leggings
worn on feeta pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
worn on handsa pair of eog-lined gauntlets
worn on arms(Glowing) (Humming) the sleeves of Harrapia
worn about bodythe Cloak of the Bear-kin
worn around waista studded belt with a sterling silver buckle
worn on wrist(Glowing) a flawless bracelet of pure sapphire
worn on wrist(Glowing) a flawless bracelet of pure sapphire
(Glowing) (Humming) a flawless saber of pulsing hematite
(Glowing) (Humming) a guardian sword
20225, Droghnund's Leveling
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Leveling History

Feb 5, 2008 |Lv 2 |Hr 0 |
Feb 6, 2008 |Lv 3 |Hr 0 |
Feb 6, 2008 |Lv 4 |Hr 1 |
Feb 6, 2008 |Lv 5 |Hr 1 |
Feb 6, 2008 |Lv 6 |Hr 2 |
Feb 6, 2008 |Lv 7 |Hr 2 |
Feb 6, 2008 |Lv 8 |Hr 2 |
Feb 6, 2008 |Lv 9 |Hr 3 |
Feb 6, 2008 |Lv 10|Hr 5 |
Feb 7, 2008 |Lv 11|Hr 7 |
Feb 7, 2008 |Lv 12|Hr 10 |
Feb 7, 2008 |Lv 13|Hr 11 |
Feb 7, 2008 |Lv 14|Hr 11 |
Feb 8, 2008 |Lv 15|Hr 12 |
Feb 8, 2008 |Lv 16|Hr 14 |
Feb 9, 2008 |Lv 17|Hr 16 |
Feb 9, 2008 |Lv 18|Hr 18 |
Feb 9, 2008 |Lv 19|Hr 20 |
Feb 10, 2008|Lv 20|Hr 22 |
Feb 10, 2008|Lv 21|Hr 28 |
Feb 11, 2008|Lv 22|Hr 36 |
Feb 12, 2008|Lv 23|Hr 38 |
Feb 12, 2008|Lv 24|Hr 40 |
Feb 15, 2008|Lv 25|Hr 53 |
Feb 16, 2008|Lv 26|Hr 65 |
Feb 17, 2008|Lv 27|Hr 73 |
Feb 18, 2008|Lv 28|Hr 75 |
Feb 18, 2008|Lv 29|Hr 77 |
Feb 18, 2008|Lv 30|Hr 78 |
Feb 21, 2008|Lv 31|Hr 97 |
Feb 25, 2008|Lv 32|Hr 133|
Mar 2, 2008 |Lv 33|Hr 166|
Mar 2, 2008 |Lv 34|Hr 175|
Mar 8, 2008 |Lv 35|Hr 195|
Mar 9, 2008 |Lv 36|Hr 204|37 Dalisnik, 34 Tuhdain,
Mar 9, 2008 |Lv 37|Hr 205|38 Dalisnik, 35 Tuhdain,
Mar 10, 2008|Lv 38|Hr 209|40 Oriarn, 38 Pargtorix,
Mar 11, 2008|Lv 39|Hr 210|41 Oriarn, 39 Pargtorix,
Mar 11, 2008|Lv 40|Hr 213|39 Dagar, 36 Xubetok,
Mar 16, 2008|Lv 41|Hr 234|
Mar 17, 2008|Lv 42|Hr 246|43 Dagar, 43 Xubetok,
Mar 17, 2008|Lv 43|Hr 247|44 Dagar, 44 Xubetok,
Mar 17, 2008|Lv 44|Hr 247|45 Xubetok, 45 Dagar,
Mar 17, 2008|Lv 45|Hr 248|46 Xubetok, 46 Dagar,
Mar 18, 2008|Lv 46|Hr 249|47 Xubetok, 47 Dagar,
Mar 18, 2008|Lv 47|Hr 251|51 Fjarn, 49 Taruk,
Mar 18, 2008|Lv 48|Hr 252|48 Xubetok, 50 Taruk,
Mar 18, 2008|Lv 49|Hr 255|45 Lurtik, 49 Xubetok,
Mar 19, 2008|Lv 50|Hr 256|47 Lurtik, 49 Xubetok,
Mar 19, 2008|Lv 51|Hr 257|48 Lurtik, 50 Xubetok,
20224, Droghnund's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Sun Feb 10 02:04:37 2008 at level 20 (21 hrs):
Droghnund advanced to level 20 <PK: 0-0>

Sun Feb 17 01:46:41 2008 at level 26 (67 hrs):
Inducted into BATTLE by Yean.

Mon Feb 18 14:45:47 2008 at level 30 (76 hrs):
Droghnund advanced to level 30 <PK: 23-1>

Tue Mar 11 21:48:30 2008 at level 40 (210 hrs):
Droghnund advanced to level 40 <PK: 71-8>

Wed Mar 19 22:22:12 2008 at level 51 (256 hrs):
Droghnund advanced to level 51 <PK: 81-13>

Sun Apr 27 12:14:43 2008 at level 51 (365 hrs):
Hero Delete

20223, Droghnund's Mob Deaths
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Mob Deaths

Feb 6, 2008 |Lv 10|The Vale of Arendyl|an elven elder by pierce
Feb 10, 2008|Lv 21|Galadon|the cityguard by slash
Feb 13, 2008|Lv 24|Mount Calandaryl|a skeletal warrior by stab
Feb 14, 2008|Lv 24|The Frigid Wasteland|the snow leopard by chomp
Feb 22, 2008|Lv 31|Kuo-Toa Lair|a kuo-toa warrior by pierce
Feb 23, 2008|Lv 31|Whistlewood Swamp|a veteran pureblood hunter by pierce
Feb 25, 2008|Lv 32|Dra'Melkhur|a fanged devout by bite
Feb 25, 2008|Lv 32|Dra'Melkhur|an eel by bite
Feb 28, 2008|Lv 32|Whitecloak Encampment|a burly Whitecloak soldier by chop
Feb 29, 2008|Lv 32|Hardan Wood|a deformed creature by claw
Mar 5, 2008 |Lv 34|Galadon|an elite battlement guard by hit
Mar 11, 2008|Lv 39|Underdark|the cavefisher by claw
Mar 18, 2008|Lv 46|Mount Calandaryl|a skeletal warrior by jab
Mar 19, 2008|Lv 51|Mount Calandaryl|a skeletal warrior by stab
Mar 26, 2008|Lv 51|Teth Azeleth|Dern the Mad by slash
Mar 26, 2008|Lv 51|Teth Azeleth|Dern the Mad by pummeling blow
Mar 30, 2008|Lv 51|High Lord's Keep|Molitakah, Emissary of the Undead by deathly touch
Apr 2, 2008 |Lv 51|The Fields of Balator|an albino ranger by slash
Apr 17, 2008|Lv 51|Feanwyyn Weald|the green dragon by poisonous bite
Apr 21, 2008|Lv 51|Whitecloak Encampment|a bearded Whitecloak by slash
Apr 21, 2008|Lv 51|Teth Azeleth|Dern the Mad by pummeling blow
20222, Droghnund's Edges
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Strong Back
Resist Arcane
Strong Wrists
Remain Conscious
Shield Eyes
Battle Tested
Quick Healer
Seasoned Traveller
Dove of Spring Dawn
Hawk of Summer Afternoon
Eagle of Autumn Evening
Owl of Winter Night
Stone Shoulders
Iron Shoulders
Commendable Cross
Commanding Cross
Brutal Stun
Swordsman's Recovery
Gift to the Departed
Seven Winds of Hamsah Mu'tazz
20221, Droghnund's Cabal Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Specifics

Cabal Statistics

# of logins with their cabal item  123
# of logins without their cabal item  19
# of logouts with their cabal item  97
# of logouts without their cabal item  12
# of times they lost their cabal item  31
# of times they retrieved their cabal item  25
# of times they took another cabal item  47

20220, Droghnund's Class Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Class Specifics

Weapon Specializations
Hand to Hand

Dance Upon the Southern Wind
Greeting the Avalanche
Incarnadine Wave
20219, Droghnund's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding43000
Experience from Skill improvements18515
Experience from Exploration15275
Experience from Quests14650
Experience from Commerce13128

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Tue Feb 5 00:37:13 2008
Quests Completed  16
Exploration Points Found  53
Bonus Experience from Immortals  14800
(WANTED) Criminal  11 times
Hours spent at Hero  109 hours
% of lifetime in the wilderness  17 %
% of lifetime in the cities  13 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  1 %
% of lifetime caballed  81 %