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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subject[BATTLE] Iasolar StoneHeart the Hand of the Unseen, Drillmaster of Battle
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=11054
11054, [BATTLE] Iasolar StoneHeart the Hand of the Unseen, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Iasolar StoneHeart the Hand of the Unseen, Drillmaster of Battle


Iasolar stands a mere 3ft. 6 inches in height, complexion a pale gray with a
strapping and sinewy build. Wrinkles now line his forehead as age has come
upon him from the years of battle. His head is oddly shaped with many bumps
upon it. Head still kept well shaven, although mostly hidden from the hat
that sits atop. Two dark gray eyes sit sunken beneath his furred brow. Lines
follow around them both like a deep abyss formed in the seas. Eyebrows are
thick and extend around the sides of his face and curling up at the ends with
a bit of gray at their ends. A huge and protruding nose sticks out about the
face of this Svirfnebli. Large and haggard scratches line his right and left
cheeks obviously from numerous battles. Ears are outsized and point a bit at
the ends, with a chunk missing above the top of his right side from some
sharp object. Lips a bit pale and split broaden and show a very wide and wry
smile. His arms jut out from his body swollen as if from many hours of work
to make them so muscular and strong. His legs the same, stick out and about
from his waist as thin barrels of ale upon the ground. Armor seems to swallow
his small frame as dents are formed firmly within. In his hands he holds a
Drillmasters Stiletto with leather cloaking the hilt a mace of sorts in the
other. Tucked in his belt is a lead filled sack he calls, "Sleepy". Hands
almost look as if they envelope around his weapons unmoving. As you look at
this battle worn and proud thief you see that....


Exp512900To Level24350SphereConcealment
Age middle-aged, 421 years old (408 hours)
Hit Points710Mana568Movement755
Carry #0/32Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
11073, Iasolar's Role Chapter 10
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 10

A new Drillmaster and my thoughts.
Added Fri Sep 23 21:11:23 2005 at level 46:

I have seen many things in my time. War has been in eyes and heart and I use
the best of my ability in focusing on the battle at hand. With this in my
mind I have put my life on the line many times in order to hold the values of
the Village true. Times of late have not been easy as The Lord of Legends
has appointed me Drillmaster of the Village. I take this very serious and
encourage all that now come to our walls and join in the fray, to be great
warriors in mind and spirit. Only time will tell if our true glory will
reveal itself and the Village rise again. New blood has been taken amongst
our village and I will make sure that none fall below the standards of a new
time for us. I work with the Commander closely in all decisions and plan
precisely so that nothing slips our eyes or mind. First to bring the new
blood in, next to remove those who are not completely focused on our war and
then to bring us to power to crush and destroy all who oppose us and our
beliefs. A long journey this shall be, but in my heart I am prepared and
ready to do whatever it takes to bring the life back into our walls. And
with the Lord of Legends and the Great Bear watching, I will hold my head
high and fight on for those who have fallen before me. With a heart of stone
and the focus of a great warrior it shall be done.

11072, Iasolar's Role Chapter 9
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 9

War upon us.
Added Fri Sep 23 21:12:50 2005 at level 46:

War on the horizon makes my every waking moment a bloody experience. Before
now I spent much time hunting on my own, as many of the huts were empty and
burned.To see the new life about me brings a wry smile upon my face. Ale
soaked armor after a tough battle or a bloody weapon dripping upon the path
to the Destructor give me a new found rush of combat prowess. I prepare
myself for the battles ahead as soon enough our huts will be filled and
skulls will fill the Destructors throne. The battle with the Imperials is
not an easy one with in itself, though I know I must do what I can to hold my
head high and keep my men in line. Tough battles are brought in numbers to
our walls, leaving me many times overwhelmed by the whelps. The tide will
turn soon I feel and for now I will bide my time and strike the enemy as
needed.The Scions though seemingly enough not as large in numbers as the
Imperials are up to something I feel. A strange feeling overcomes me each
time I see one of those blasted trees and I am not yet sure their purpose. I
will inform the rest of the Village to keep their ears and eyes sharp and to
inform us all of any information to be known of them.

11071, Iasolar's Role Chapter 8
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 8

Lord Qaledus and my concealment.
Added Fri Sep 23 21:14:30 2005 at level 46:

With much time dedicated to fighting the war against the foul taint and
enemies of our Village.I have lost my focus to find the presence of my Lord
Qaledus. His guidance will be needed to ensure my true position in Thera. I
feel within his words he will help me to gather my thoughts and show me new
incite to my closed mind. Seeking him out is next on my agenda though I
shall not let it interfere with my true focus in the war. Now time to find
something worthy of bringing the Lord, I will give it some thought and begin
that journey. Perhaps he will show me a new way of thought as I know there
is more to myself then I have yet to even discover. Only time will tell, so
for now I will stay concealed and unseen from others and strap down for the

11070, Iasolar's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

The Lord of Legends and seeking to be a Legend.
Added Fri Sep 23 21:15:30 2005 at level 46:

The Lord of Legends is a true inspiration indeed. The talks I have had with
him have left me with much to learn and understand. It will not be long
before I seek his guidance on becoming a Legend of Thera and remembered
across the lands. I feel this will not be an easy task, but nothing in my
life has been thus far and I will not let anything hold me back. For now I
will continue as I have and do all needed to accomplish what was asked of me.
bring the Village back to power and to set a new standard amongst our
huts. Oh how I know this will be a great feeling when accomplished, but I
have many more things to do before then.

11069, Iasolar's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

The guidance of the Great Bear.
Added Wed Sep 28 22:51:28 2005 at level 51:

The talk with the Great Bear has given me new found influence over the
Village. I now know I must follow my own instincts and thoughts as for this
reason I am Drillmaster. His guidance though has concentrated my thoughts on
how to push forward the Village and keep the focus concentrated on our needs
and ideals. Seems some must not stray away and I must maintain their focus
as well, or lead them to the walls of the ruins never to return to our walls.
I must be strict on the men as without someone guiding them they lose
sight of our goals. I have insured the Great Bear that all will be taken
care of and that our true glory is not far away.

11068, Iasolar's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

A strange day of War!
Added Wed Sep 28 22:54:24 2005 at level 51:

This day of war was a strange on indeed. As each day is its own right this
day was a bit different from others. As myself and Aladar scoured the lands
for our enemies a Minotaur warrior from the Imperial lands struck at our
giant. A sign of aggression and foolishness I found it to be. Not only
struck at the giant once but twice. Racing back towards the Village hoping
to catch the whelp we found her to be gone. For such aggression is always a
repercussion, so we set out to Imperial lands. As Aladar struck the
Vanquisher I awaited the warrior to approach from her halls. She came out
and I struck at her as she struck Aladar. They fell back and hid within the
Throne room. Oddly enough the Vanquisher began to speak. A sign of the
Greatest Warriors in Thera., or some such it spoke. As I told the
Vanquisher, you strike at our giant and you face our wrath no question.And
I fought the whelp as Aladar fought the Vanquisher. Though the battle was
unfinished just yet as we marched through the halls to the Throne room
towards the warrior. Aladar struck at the Throne room first fighting all
that opposed him, I followed in behind.We fell back as it seems it was a
bit much just yet. Aladar fell back to rest, I sat quietly and patiently.
The warrior then came attacking Aladar, I let the two battle interested in
seeing who would come out the victor though it seems Aladar was not quite
prepared. The warrior fell back again once more to heal themselves as Aladar
did the same. As she approached again I struck digging my dagger in her gut
she ran quickly. I tired of the scene and left the battle to Aladar though I
think the warrior escaped with its life. Next I know Aladar said she had
been struck down by the Lord Khasotholas and plagued. I was unsure of such
but continued my journey back to the Village. It seemed Aladar had used the
Dark Lords place of gathering to rest while in battle which the Dark Lord was
not happy with.A voice from the Dark Lord seemed to stare upon me as the
words were spoken. It said to me for if any Villager comes again into its
shrine unwelcome as to use it as a haven of rest, they would no longer hold a
hut amongst us. Your kinsmen have been known to be wise in the past it
said and so I explained that I would make sure it never happened again on my
watch and apologized for the transgression. And that is the tale of this
days war.

11067, Iasolar's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Notes in a tightly folded journal.
Added Sat Dec 10 07:39:57 2005 at level 51:

My time as Drillmaster has been somewhat of an adventure. Oh the wars we
fought through the misty eyes of the Commander Dolza. Now looking back I
still wonder what their purpose. It is though good to reminisce on such, for
some things become more clear from the outside looking in then when in the
midst of the inside looking out. And at the time he so stubborn I pressed on
though it lost many their resolve for battle in those wars. Well that time
has passed. Never did I think I would be held as the Commander in the
Village. Though for the time I did spend I think I did a fairly good job.
Lots of expectations in both positions, and a tough light at the end of
either tunnel it is. Reminds me of home sometimes those dark tunnels buried
so far beneath the underside. Sometimes takes a lot of heart to track down
the tunnels in the dark for you find the light at the other side. (chuckle)
The Rites of War were indeed a good showing from the last. Many came to show
themselves worthy and prepared to gain the positions. And glad to find I
still hold Drillmaster in the Village, as I will continue to guide as I have
in the past. As time passes my resolve only grows stronger and my passion
for the Village grows even dearer to me indeed.Now be time to bring more
skulls to the throne.

11066, Iasolar's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

The Great Bear and my new outlook upon our Village.
Added Sat Dec 10 07:42:31 2005 at level 51:

A brief talk with the Lord of Legends has made me more thoughtful on what a
true legend is.Lord Kastellyns guidance is leading me to my true path in
combat and honor as I continue the fight in the war against the magi upon
the Theran lands. Each day bringing new light upon my path, I fight harder
and begin to spread word of my wrath upon the lands. Each victory bringing
me a step further to my true glory and honor among the Legends of the past
and striking more fear into those I oppose. Soon I hope to gain the Lords
favor and bear the mark of the Legend himself. My journey continues in this
light though I know now more than ever that I am known across the lands.
After the Rites it seemed quite the opposite of how I had envisioned. My
showing not the best upon the others I battled with. Though, By the Stones
I gave all I had in the battles. Called to the War Room, I was glad to be
given the opportunity to continue as the Drillmaster and the leadership that
ensues.The talk with the Bear of things and actions of the past gave me new
thoughts. And I will no longer hold my tongue upon issues within the
Village. A stiff lip I shall show and make all prove their worth as the war
upon us comes down. I shall seek his guidance upon a few things when I see
his presence among the lands and move from there. For now I will do as I
have, and continue to move us forward.

11065, Iasolar's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Fearless and Tactical
Added Sat Dec 10 07:44:07 2005 at level 51:

I now find that rushing into battle sometimes is not the best of ideas.As
after the Rites a poor showing indeed did we have on the raid against the
Chasm. Not quite what expected when in great numbers did we go. Though we
fell some, too many of us indeed fell as well. Tactics and planning I have
found go a long way in this war. As it is written in the War Room, sometimes
it is best to strike when the enemy is unprepared and not knowing of your
attack.Now I look to be more tactically sound and strike as a fierce beast
upon the enemy.As to teach the men in taking no chances of loss in the
fight, but purely with preparation and readiness in my mind for all things
that may come into action when in the midst of battle. Great focus is needed
to accomplish such and I will take it upon myself to bring this to fruition
among the others around me. I will take myself the scouts and show them this
light. And gather the other elders in each path to shine upon the others
their wisdom to become more tactically sound. And to be fearless as myself in
battle, but to be smart and witty in actions when striking against our foes
when seeking their skulls. I have learned that fearless is but a word if not
used properly in battle and more times than not can simply make you look more
as foolish. So in that I have shown many of the opposition that though small
in stature, I am much more something to be feared then most that walk the

11064, Iasolar's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Lord Qaledus and the guild.
Added Sat Dec 10 07:45:10 2005 at level 51:

Finally, I have gained the Elite in the guild of Dagdan guild of thieves.
Seems there is none to lead the younger of the guild in our art of combat,
but I shall leave that to anothers hands unless left upon my shoulders.
Though I do hope to gain his attention so that I may further my learning in
the guild. I know this shall indeed be some test of wit and bribery, but I
shall see if I can indeed pull it off. Also, I look to learn more of what
the path of concealment is envisioned by the Lord of thieves and his thoughts
upon such. Enlightenment is always good especially when coming from the
mouth of the Lords themselves. I am sure it indeed will be something to look
back on and I am more than ready to gain his presence.

11055, Iasolar's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Experience Breakdown

Experience from Cabal raiding6200
Experience from Skill improvements12156
Experience from Exploration3000
Experience from Quests12100
Experience from Commerce1078

Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Tue Aug 2 14:08:50 2005
Quests Completed  8
Exploration Points Found  15
Bonus Experience from Immortals  5000
(WANTED) Criminal  9 times
Hours spent at Hero  246 hours
% of lifetime in the wilderness  14 %
% of lifetime in the cities  20 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  1 %
% of lifetime caballed  88 %
11063, Iasolar's Immortal Comments
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Immortal Comments

Mon Aug 22 19:20:25 2005 by 'Kastellyn' at level 24 (39 hrs):
Wants to join the Village.

Thu Aug 25 23:21:56 2005 by 'Kastellyn' at level 29 (61 hrs):
Has the recommendation of Zehh.

Thu Aug 25 23:22:46 2005 by 'Kastellyn' at level 29 (61 hrs):
Has the recommendation of Koai.

Thu Sep 1 14:08:34 2005 by 'Drokalanatym' at level 42 (92 hrs):
Does a pretty good job of playing the role of a scout, e.g. scouting around for other Battle, announcing hidden enemies for those who don't have detect hidden.

Thu Sep 1 14:09:06 2005 by 'An Immortal' at level 42 (92 hrs):
An Immortal added 500 exp for: What the hell, take some xp for that.

Fri Sep 16 00:37:32 2005 by 'Kastellyn' at level 46 (128 hrs):
Will participate in the Rites.

Sat Sep 17 15:01:11 2005 by 'Kastellyn' at level 46 (128 hrs):
Selected as Drillmaster vice Commander because, while I felt that either he or Dolza would make a good Commander, I thought that Iasolar would be a better Drillmaster.

Wed Sep 21 12:21:35 2005 by 'Kastellyn' at level 46 (132 hrs):
Posted a note chastising Villagers for asking for help from other Cabals during raid situations.

Sat Sep 24 17:34:48 2005 by 'An Immortal' at level 47 (154 hrs):
An Immortal added 2000 exp for: hasrole and desc

Wed Oct 12 21:44:48 2005 by 'Kastellyn' at level 51 (194 hrs):
Wrote a War Chant...?!?! "Rise From Your Hut and Begin the Dance" was the title, and it was pretty good...for a thief...:P I give it a seven on the Kasty scale.

Mon Oct 31 10:21:28 2005 by 'Kastellyn' at level 51 (236 hrs):
Will research Zorszaul as his Theran Legend Project.

Mon Nov 7 14:06:27 2005 by 'Kastellyn' at level 51 (258 hrs):
Honorable Mention in the Village Know Your Enemy contest. Well done!

Fri Nov 11 18:52:13 2005 by 'Kastellyn' at level 51 (264 hrs):
Needs to be promoted to Commander, now that Dolza's deleted.

Mon Nov 14 08:39:05 2005 by 'Drokalanatym' at level 51 (264 hrs):
I like this guy, but I sort of see him as a failure of a Drillmaster because he didn't throw out Dolza.

Sun Dec 4 22:34:12 2005 by 'An Immortal' at level 51 (348 hrs):
An Immortal added 2500 exp for: For his participation in the rites

Sun Dec 4 22:38:08 2005 by 'Ordasen' at level 51 (348 hrs):
Didn't really do all that well fighting, but he's done ok in helping the Village get back on track. Not Great mind you..but he's a decent Drillmaster. Give that title again

11062, Iasolar's Gank-O-Meter
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Gank-O-Meter

PK Gank-O-Meter

Total PK Wins  48
Total PK Assists  16
Average Group Size Per Kill  1.50

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Somewhat Ganky

Average Group Size Per Death  1.63

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Unwitting Guest of Bad Parties

11061, Iasolar's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  48 (32 at level 51)
Total PK Losses  38
Total Mob Deaths  23

PK Wins by Class
VS. transmuter  1
VS. thief  3
VS. warrior  8
VS. anti-paladin  2
VS. invoker  6
VS. necromancer  2
VS. bard  1
VS. healer  1
VS. conjurer  8
VS. shapeshifter  16

PK Wins by Cabal
VS. None  28

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  11
VS. Neutral  16
VS. Evil  21

PK Deaths by Class
VS. transmuter  1
VS. thief  3
VS. warrior  11
VS. anti-paladin  1
VS. ranger  1
VS. invoker  4
VS. bard  1
VS. shaman  1
VS. conjurer  5
VS. shapeshifter  10

PK Deaths by Cabal
VS. None  11

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  0
VS. Neutral  7
VS. Evil  31
11060, Iasolar's Cabal Powers List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Powers List

Level 10spellbane100%
Level 12resistance100%
Level 25truesight100%
11059, Iasolar's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1dagger100%
Level 1mace100%
Level 1spear83%
Level 1sword99%
Level 1backstab99%
Level 1dodge100%
Level 1trip100%
Level 1haggle79%
Level 1hide100%
Level 1peek100%
Level 1scrolls1%
Level 1recall100%
Level 3dirt kicking99%
Level 4sneak100%
Level 5steal91%
Level 7pick lock92%
Level 8elbow1%
Level 10detect hidden92%
Level 10relock75%
Level 11knee1%
Level 12disarm100%
Level 12second attack100%
Level 12plant90%
Level 12push85%
Level 13parry100%
Level 14kick83%
Level 14knife100%
Level 15hand to hand94%
Level 15meditation100%
Level 15circle100%
Level 15discerning gaze100%
Level 16fast healing100%
Level 17blackjack93%
Level 17cheap shot82%
Level 17bribe mercenary75%
Level 18lore100%
Level 19eye of avarice100%
Level 19rogues awareness100%
Level 20pen1%
Level 20discern spell75%
Level 21weapon butt blackjack100%
Level 25enhanced damage100%
Level 25dual wield100%
Level 25spell evasion82%
Level 26parting block100%
Level 28payment of the coward96%
Level 29sucker hit100%
Level 30critical hit100%
Level 30gut shot100%
Level 31death strike82%
Level 33grapple83%
Level 34separate75%
Level 35third attack100%
11058, Iasolar's Title History
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Title History

Sat Sep 17 14:58:43 2005, level 46 (128 hrs):
Iasolar StoneHeart the Unseen

Sat Sep 17 14:59:56 2005, level 46 (128 hrs):
Iasolar StoneHeart the Unseen, Drillmaster of Battle

Mon Nov 14 09:22:24 2005, level 51 (264 hrs):
Iasolar StoneHeart the Hand of the Unseen, Commander of Battle

Sun Dec 4 22:22:07 2005, level 51 (348 hrs):
Iasolar StoneHeart the Hand of the Unseen, Drillmaster of Battle

11057, Iasolar's Timeline
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Sat Aug 13 17:03:39 2005 at level 12 (15 hrs):
Joined the Dagdan thief guild.

Sat Aug 20 20:08:57 2005 at level 20 (21 hrs):
Iasolar advanced to level 20

Wed Aug 24 01:18:07 2005 at level 25 (46 hrs):
Inducted into BATTLE by Gerylanst.

Fri Aug 26 20:21:54 2005 at level 30 (66 hrs):
Iasolar advanced to level 30

Wed Aug 31 10:17:06 2005 at level 40 (86 hrs):
Iasolar advanced to level 40

Mon Sep 26 23:15:19 2005 at level 51 (155 hrs):
Iasolar advanced to level 51

Sat Dec 17 10:19:42 2005 at level 51 (408 hrs):
Hero Delete

11056, Iasolar's Cabal Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Specifics

Cabal Statistics

# of logins with their cabal item  220
# of logins without their cabal item  24
# of logouts with their cabal item  213
# of logouts without their cabal item  17
# of times they lost their cabal item  6
# of times they retrieved their cabal item  9
# of times they took another cabal item  30